• Newbie Artist Training Grounds: Day 26

    It should go without saying that tonight's gallery is a special dedication to Madmax. She's been churning out amazing art and hilarious pony comics since this fandom was still finding its legs, and I'm happy to take this opportunity to give something back to her. If you're reading this, I hope the many, many ponies who drew tributes for you make you smile, and I hope those smiles help you through the rough patch in your life. Thank you for everything. But, we are whalers on the moon ponies on a mission, and that mission so happens to be the delivery of drawings of ponies drawing. An absolutely massive number of you took up the banner of the bonus challenge, so a huge percentage of tonight's 176 entries feature her glorious visage. Our grand total is now sitting pretty at 4,836 images. Woo! And just in case you missed it yesterday, here's the Event Archive link if you want to go diving through old galleries and can't find them. You can also click the Event button on the sidebar.

    Ever onwards and forward, friends. Here's your daily link to the submission guidelines so that you can continue to send me ponies, and yet another reminder that my e-mail is still phoe@equestriadaily.com. Apparently some of you are still entertained by this paragraph! I am both surprised and very very happy. I hate being boring.

    The Theme of the Day

    Draw a pony raising (or pretending to raise) the sun. In honor of June 21st, the Summer Sun Celebration, we're paying tribute tonight to our dearly beloved Princess Celestia. So give her your art, or draw a pony pretending to be her, or draw a pony partaking in this festive day's activities. Something to do with ponies and the sun. I'm not picky. I hope she isn't either. I'm so sick of the moon. Heck, you know what? Bonus theme! Draw me overthrowing her. That'll learn her. (bonus bonus theme: me failing and winding up on the moon).

    So once again I find myself with like fifteen minutes before this thing needs to go live, and a need to talk to you and be entertaining, and i have no idea what to say (I'm so sorry in advance to the last, like... 30 of you to submit so far. Commenting on all the pictures I want to is becoming impossible). I was all set to get this done early, probably toss another big thank you in Madmax's direction, because she's awesome and deserves all of my flank kissing and well wishes, but instead what I wound up doing is getting involved in a two hour argument with Cereal Velocity about whether or not it was imperative for us as a planet to develop warp drives. And ultimately what we decided is that we're both nerds. So instead of something thoughtful and awesome you get this. Oh dear.

    1) By Philith

    2) By Thanqol

    3) By Mellowbloom (That stool looks uncomfortable.)

    4) By Mandy Tise and Jebun Spahging

    5) By Philith (Turn round and round forever, no side complete without the other.)

    6) By T-Brony (Lauren Faust's special talent is making people fall in love with animation.)

    7) By ChaosDrop (It's difficult to work in the dark, but it makes for one heck of an image.)

    8) By Colt.45 (Puns cause a mental reaction called a Rebound. Derpy here is causing a Double Rebound.)

    9) By Lucky Charm

    10) By The MedocreSock (If it helps to know, a lot of the ponies here spend a long time on their submissions.)

    11) By Sneo (This next song goes out to a very special listener.)

    12) By Silent Oink (If you zoom out you'll see Madmax holding that pencil.)

    13) By Zork787 (A question for all of you: does it startle you when Pinkie does this?)

    14) By Edzepp (I bet that tickles.)

    15) By RoyKirbs

    16) By Gig

    17) By Tarynsgate

    18) By Goggle Sparks

    19) By Smock (Sweetie, one of these days you need to learn to count.)

    20) By [s]Mooke[/s] Sweetie Bell

    21) By Saphin (A bonus round of applause to Madmax for sitting so still while so many ponies draw her into existence.)

    22) By Invidlord (I think Chuck Jones would approve.)

    23) By Dangereaux (Put on your Serious Face, it's time to art.)

    24) By Relias (And all the little fillies say we luv u.)

    25) By Pony Stark

    26) By Tibberly

    27) By Amehdaus (Is there really a world without ponies? I say no.)

    28) By DB (Note the Equestrian Innovations brand self adhesive.)

    29) By Nero (What's all this about a goldfish sewing your chair back together?)

    30) By Alipes (Coloring is a fun activity we can all enjoy together.)

    31) By Natry

    32) By Emerald Dust (After the ceremony, there will be cupcakes and punch.)

    33) By Chocolate Splash

    34) By GonzaHerMeg (Oh come on, Dashie. Embrace your inner filly!)

    35) By Sherlock Hooves (I think the care taken to make her recognizabe somewhat blunts the Picasso stye, but it's still funny.)

    36) By Ori (Friendship is MC Escher.)

    37) By Kitsune (Just sit still, darn it!)

    38) By 041744

    39) By Partition (There's a ton of fantastic emotion pouring from this one. Can you feel the love?)

    40) By Interrobang Pie

    41) By Ambrose (Now that is talent!)

    42) By DashBoom

    43) By Farvei (+1)

    44) By TheLaughingMare (Just how deep does the rabbit hole go?)

    45) By Zarcophagus

    46) By Nido Media (We've seen a lot of variations on this idea, but this one is my favorite because of what it means to the artist.)

    47) By Dinoburger

    48) By Wing0002

    49) By Vergioso (Not an easy thing to get that sitting on a cloud.)

    50) By Mere Jump (Classically brilliant.)

    51) By rich-tea

    52) By Nullh (Madmax is a really cute pony. I'm just saying.)

    53) By Spiritofthwwolf

    54) By TensaiOni

    55) By Colaz

    56) By Miyajima (This is a callback to the Day 4's fruit eating theme. Revenge!)

    57) By SNF-Akatsuki (I hope so, too.)

    58) By A.Q. Nichols (Very tiny ponies make me so happy.)

    59) By The Obsessor

    60) By Fickle (Way to go the extra step and a half to make this pop.)

    61) By Colin

    62) By CogWeaver (I'm totally entranced by this idea.)

    63) By uSea (All you really need to do is look around you.)

    64) By loz (Being a unicorn must make this so much easier. Erasers taste funny.)

    65) By Squidbombed

    66) By PinkiePied (Not a drawing, but within the spirit of today.)

    67) By EssAeEm

    68) By Silverfang

    69) By Afentis

    70) By badzerg (Recommended listening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKLpJtvzlEI)

    71) By Kaiserin

    72) By Chris (I'll be honest, I did worry a little that with all the Madmax tributes we might lose out on some puns. Thanks for picking up the slack!)

    73) By Rraden

    74) By Erthilo

    75) By Chromadancer (HUGS!)

    76) By Chris

    77) By DI-FL (Those wacky artists and their cartoony renditions of life.)

    78) By LifeSequenceBreak (Wait. Derpy, how did you...?)

    79) By Moogie

    80) By The Recliner

    81) By Tabs (I may need to hire you for a project.)

    82) By toonboy92484

    83) By Jdan-S (Knocked this one out of the park, I think.)

    84) By RaspleZS (My fears were unfounded!)

    85) By Crimson Risk (No reason to feel silly. Thanks for participating!)

    86) By Moongaze

    87) By Lunar Apologist (I don't see how this is in any way an unworthy tribute. You're crazy, Mr. Apologist.)

    88) By kits (It's meta enough, but only just barely.)

    89) By Mockingbird

    90) By Zach (Have you ever let time drift away just staring at the rain?)

    91) By Fisher (We will never run out of Derpy-vision related jokes.)

    92) By AlterForm

    93) By Argembarger

    94) By Captain Fabulous

    95) By Tenchi Outsuno

    96) By Ego (Why great artists should team up.)

    97) By Atlur (Can you name all the ponies Rarity is designing for?)

    98) By Tanman

    99) By Uncle Leo

    100) By el (Drawing blood counts too, I guess.)

    101) By pageturner1988 (Fun fact: I am terrible at poker. I have huge tells.)

    102) By Riokenn

    103) By [LG]Gamer (Lyra is the King of Games.)

    104) By Neoridgeback

    105) By Relias (What the-- oh gods. You didn't. Ow.)

    106) By Infinity

    107) By Chance Witte

    108) By Kt Kat

    109) By Ariel Lichaa

    110) By Muffinsforever (D'aww, filly.)

    111) By Leaf Growth (That's about as hardcore meta as it gets.)

    112) By Kyouhen

    113) By Gunny

    114) By Randomjack (Inspirational puns ahoy.)

    115) By Mr.Paulsen

    116) By Foxtrot (Well, I figured there was an outside chance.)

    117) By fetchbeer (Knew we'd get one of these eventually.)

    118) By GeeSee

    119) By Horizon Bound (You are slowly slaying me with saucy Lyra.)

    120) By Geradex

    121) By Djrk16

    122) By Panda_Instinct

    123) By Eeful

    124) By Bigponymac

    125) By Buddy Vox

    126) By MasterofRoku (Yay, compliments!)

    127) By Natry

    128) By otherunicorn

    129) By Circuit Mane

    130) By Sali (I wish you could see my face right now. It is so red. So red.)

    131) By Immersa

    132) By Spurs

    133) By Starlight Bolt

    134) By Da Chi

    135) By Prismatic Pretzel

    136) By A Terrible Person

    137) By Syggie

    138) By Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi

    139) By Krys

    140) By FoxOfWar

    141) By Horizon Bound

    142) By Erica C

    143) By Frith

    144) By Easteu

    145) By rabidcow147

    146) By Kelz

    147) By DareDreamer

    148) By ShoeboxWarrior

    149) By ASGallardo

    150) By Shockwave

    151) By Starlite

    152) By Chronicler

    153) By Thattagen

    154) By Periphery

    155) By Virga Rainboom

    156) By DJ RBDash

    157) By Hiro

    158) By Lurkingear

    159) By Sagebrush

    160) By Sarahmena Diane

    161) By TapeDiggity

    162) By Destroyerbaby

    163) By Kooldude

    164) By nuclearsuplexattack

    165) By Fox E:

    166) By BronyQuest

    167) By Jiyrath

    168) By Passer Palmatum

    169) By Eliwood10

    170) By Doombah

    171) By 8ftmetalhead

    172) By djTeka

    173) By Liska

    174) By comicaldayv

    175) By usernr333

    176) By Jeff

    177) By Jenna-su

    134 kommentaari:

    1. oh god i just submitted but ahhh it's 7:01 pm.

      Damnit dead camera batteries!

    2. Although my file (#154) is a gif, it isn't actually animated...yet. I'm annoyed that I couldn't finish it in time, but like yesterday, too much time was eaten up by little things all day. I still intend to complete the gif, and since I made this placeholder a gif too, I should be able to swap them out, I hope. It's boring right now as a single frame, but unless I give up for some reason, it should be much more interesting later.

      I also would have used Madmax instead of Pinkie, but since I was trying to hurry, I went with the quicker character, since Madmax has shoes, glasses, and a horn.

    3. 28!!

      Wo, Egophilliac!? wheres your post!?

    4. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    5. 132 here. I really wish I would have remembered to draw the cutie marks in.

    6. Double pun Derpy made my brain almost explode!

    7. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    8. Note to self: Get more sleep. Confound this event, it drives me to exhaustion.

    9. #166 reporting in
      BTW its a wallpaper I also made a more busy wallpaper here:

    10. *reads up to 22*

      Newbie drawfriend event over, this one wins forever

      (p.s.: we love you Madmax! Best wishes during these hard times)

    11. These are all awesome, but I really like 8 21 28 36 78 83 and 153

    12. And with that, the Madmax tribute has come to a close... for only a moment.

    13. > Draw a pony raising (or pretending to raise) the sun.
      > Draw me overthrowing her.

      You really retarded. You're not an artist even, what's up with all those dumb themes?

    14. Another night of me feeling horrible for submitting a piece that I feel is both worse than I know I can do, AND not at all what I had imagined it to be. I feel like I'm half-flanking it when I see all of these other amazing submissions! I hope I'll be able to make it up to everyone tomorrow.

      Though my own submission is meh, I know MadMax will appreciate everyone's love and support for her. Celestia knows she deserves it!

    15. Phoe, what do you look like in pony-form? I like bonus points.

    16. Yay I'm number 1 and 5 today.

      #51 So, Im not the only pony that thought of D***B***. Brohoof!

      #129 Also a comrade with two ponies drawing each other.

    17. #169 Whew, I got it in. So tired... need sleep...

    18. 148 reporting in. Oop, looks like I picked a fairly popular theme this time.

      I love the way a lot of people drew ponies with their drawing impliments taped to their hooves.
      Favorites today: 14, 19, 21, 36(haha better job than mine I like this), 37, 60, 67, 78, 81, 105, 144, 145. Haha a lot today. Great work!

    19. 100 here (I made a big typo in my name and I guess Phoe missed my email)

      In retrospec, I should have had Mad Max as the patient, but I didn't think of that until after the drawing was colored

      I'm loving all the Escher references

      141 - Nice Firefly reference

    20. @Anonymous
      Ahehm! Calling someone such a thing is absolutely unacceptable here, especially not someone who works as hard as Phoe.
      I think Phoe's themes are great, they really encourage the artists to think outside the box and do something they haven't done before. That's the point of this entire event.

      Also, please watch your grammar.

    21. Someone needs to link this to Madmax.

    22. #99 today my friends, Madmax is a inspiration to me, i hope i'm as good as she is one day :-)

    23. These are all really good, but none of them had an impact on me so much as 96, for some reason that just really gets to me. I really like them all, but 96 is my favorite.

    24. Speaking of the Summer Sun Celebration, who's staying up to celebrate?

    25. But Phoe, I don't think I can *draw* you crashing the CMC's interpretive dance of the raising of the sun! My poor little fingers can't art that well ;)

    26. @Rydel I actually had drawn out the Serenity crew helping instead of Big Mac, but didn't like how it looked. I'm pleased enough with it.
      #119/141 I personally have enjoyed the themes and particularly trying to come up with unique ideas for them. Drawing a bath for a win!

    27. #163 here. Yo dawg, I heard you like drawing ponies, so here's a pony drawing on a pony in a drawing of a pony so you can see a drawing of a pony of a pony drawing! ( I think this sums up a lot of the pics here.)
      #10 Don't feel bad.
      #13 Depends on the context. If I know she's there, no; if she suddenly appears, I think I would be a little freaked.
      #28 Lawl!
      #34 It's a show for Stallions Rainbow! Everypony should watch it.
      #60 WOW....
      #91 Poor Derpy...

    28. #130 here. :3

      Not what I had originally intended, but I didn't have enough time and I was all arted out.

      Besides, I needed to find SOME excuse for this. ;3

      Also, a big hug to MadMax, who I am not personally familiar with, but she seems to have a herd of dedicated drawfriends here. I hope everything works out fine for her...

    29. @Phoe - Aw, shucks. Thank you. :)

      Number 87 reporting in for the night. So many good entries, everypony - TOO many for me to break down favorites right now. Everyone did a great job!

      It's also really nice to see the love and support all the artists here have for Madmax - it makes me proud to be a (small) part of such an awesome community. :)

      Looking forward to tomorrow, too - it should be epic.

    30. @Robin

      That's why it's a bonus/joke theme! =D

    31. #96 today! Now everyone gets to see how stupid my sketches are.

      #1 - I shouldn't have laughed, but I did anyway...

      #10 - If it makes you feel better, I regularly spend about 3-6 hours on my submissions (some of the longer ones can go up to about 8-10 hours). It REALLY helps to do it in short bursts; I usually do it inbetween all my other stuff (like work! I'm a bad worker). Taking breaks keeps you fresh, motivated, and helps you notice mistakes more easily. :]

      #22 - You win forever. FOREVER.

      #32 - And lo, it is canon.

      #60 - That is amazing.

      #80 - I...I can't stop laughing...

      #97 - Love this. Love all the designs. Stop making me want to draw Gala ponies. D:

      #117 - This is how I feel pretty much every day. :[

      #137 - So precious! (Scootaloo, how are you...that pencil...I...no, never mind.)

      #169 - ...This is also how I feel pretty much every day.

      #173 - I love this so much.

    32. #138 today. My muse is a bit of a bitch. Aside from the drawing blood pun being a little dark, what I drew was stuck in my head and wouldn't leave until I drew it. I'm kind of glad my skills weren't up for the imagery, because it looked grosser in my mind. Note to self: when you add arbitrary scars to a character, don't think of where they came from.

    33. There were a lot of good ones here but 105 and 108 were my favorites just because of the references.

      Loved all these so much.

    34. Jenbun: We're number four, it's a respectable number. unfortuantely our art is slightly flawed by the fact that I forgot to put the word "THE" inbetweenst 'through' and 'pencil'.

      Mandy: Stop being a stick in the mud Jenbun and enjoy the art! I mean look at all the ponies here, also I'm hungry and I want a cheeseburger so can I has one?

      Jenbun: Fine, but don't eat it in front of me, I dislike watching you wallow in your dead meat.

      Mandy: YAY I LOVE YOU TOO JENBUN! This has been the two of us hope you enjoy my arts.

      Jenbun:(sighs) No matter how juvenile it is.

    35. @Kentora

      Ohh snap, double burn! :D

    36. Some really excellent pictures here, I love #96 a really cool idea.
      If only I was quicker at drawing, I would love to do something for MadMax!

    37. #156

      That one is mine, but now, eye kinda regret not making a tribute to Madmax, but eye know she all loves us and we all love her back~

      Soryy Madmax~

      -DJ RBDash

    38. #128 here
      There were certainly a few interesting interpretations this time.
      It amused me how often there was the same interpretation though: Yin Yang/A drawing B drawing A, and recursive art both pop up often.

      #19 - I did that once - and I was a lot older than that!
      #60 - best idea!
      #96 - too cool.

    39. Sweet, made it in as #13 Hell to the Yeah!

    40. #153 here! At first I was gonna do the copy-paste drawingception thing a lot of other people did, but then I was hit with a big dose of inspiration around the point I drew the hooves and paper. "What if I mirrored the artist in the drawing?" So I did. It's still an infinite loop of pony drawing pony, though. I still had a bit of time left, so I un-lamed it by adding patterns and textures under my colors. Again, the pattern of the paper is credit to Torley Wong.

      Today's set is even more amazing than usual, and that's saying something! I especially liked the Escher ponies, being drawn into existence, drawings drawing drawings, Ego's comic (I wish my drawings helped me draw), ALL of the Madmax tributes, and pop-up Pinkie.

      Oh, and to #10, my drawings usually take 3-6 hours. 6 if I want it to turn out really nice.

    41. Madmax in sight.
      Firing Friendship.

    42. @Phoe
      I think you look like a muffin!
      Yay! Muffins!
      *Noms on some muffins*
      Okay, serious business time
      *Pulls sniper rifle out of holster and takes aim...*

    43. #162 here. Glad to see my drawing isn't the only somewhat melancholy one, but I'm even more glad to see lots of cheerful Madmax tributes!

      My favourites today are pretty much all the Madmax stuff. It's heartfelt, and I just can't rank heartfelt stuff at four in the morning.

    44. GAH! #8 here and I feel like an ass! The other day when I read the theme of the day I didn't read further about this being for Madmax. IF ONLY I HADN'T BEEN SO LAZY! I might have made something actually worthwhile for this incredible artist! Madmax, YOU RULE. Period.

    45. @Periphery Do mention if / when you complete the animation, looking foreward to it!

      #165 tonight. The low quality on this is due to it actually being the test run, not an actual completed work. I usually doodle out a drawing first to see if I like it, and also to cement the idea on paper, lest I change my mind halfway through the drawing process.

      Started work on this with four and a half hours to go before the deadline, so I didn't get a chance to do the normal redrawing / tracing / photoshopping I'd normally do.

      I originally had madmax below the final panel, standing on a grassy field and looking away from the camera up at the moon, but it was 2:45 A.M., and she just turned out so...eugh. So I cut her out. =| Sorry madmax!

      hueglist is hueg: #5, #6, #8, #11, #14, #18, #22, #25, #27, #29, #36, #39, #41, #62, #67, #71, #75, #77, #78, #80, #81, #83, #84, #87, #90, #91, #94, #97, #100, #103, #112, #117, #119, #128, #141, #147, #164, and #166 all made me grin today.

      #10: This is me except I take like twelve hours. =X
      #19: I burst out laughing at this.
      #26: ah god thats cute
      #34: Dash's face is great. "I...didn't know you were into that. <=I"
      #35: Derpicasso?
      #40: Really loving this, looks like some kind of brass plaque or tile inlay you'd find in some artisty type place.
      #60: Hardcore awesome. +10 points!
      #105: hahahahaha yes
      #108: yes pt.2!
      #130: yes!!

    46. #140 signing in. Had to do a quickie at work, I couldn't well have a four-day hole between my pony arts, rock festival on the weekend or not!

      Loving all the Madmax tributes, and as is becoming rather usual, Ego(#96) floored us again. (Note to self: need a wacom tablet ASAP so I can try such things.)

      Sun, eh? Hmm. Is this the part where I act stubborn and draw Luna raising the moon anyway? Nah, that'd be too easy. I'll cook something up though. Maybe this time even in color, about time I had more practice with that.

    47. My favorite is number 34, personally.

      But they were all good. I just liked 34 the most because d'aaawwww Twilight's face.

    48. @Kentora

      I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I think you just fed the parasprites.

      I'm not that Anon, btw. I just post Anonymously because I'm too lazy.

    49. #10 here. WEEW I GOT RECOGNISED 8D


      I also plan on spending some more time on these things; Gonna add some detail and colour this time. YAY

    50. @Phoe

      I drew something and sent it to you in email, and you didn't reply or put the drawing out. Now I'm sad. You made one of your fanboys very very sad. I'm not dissapointed Phoe, just sad...

    51. 108) More Homestuck references? I like this trend. Hang on, was that Appleshy AND Appledash? Surely we can't have two matesprits...

    52. Nido at #46 deserves applause because BY CELESTIAS BEARD HOW FAR HAS HE COME

    53. #49 reporting in

      Sooo many amazing pictures this time around, like EVERY time around.
      I'm sure Madmax will feel extremely loved after artists of all levels of talent have dedicated a lot of their time to her.

      #35 I see we had the same idea. Touche sir.


    54. #60 Oh god... Pinkie broke the 4th wall....

    55. #32 today.

      I'm happy to see all the great Madmax tributes; now, all that's left to do is hope that they'll help her in some way or another.

      I just looked through all of these once more, and counted 87 pictures with Madmax or Madmax references in them; out of 177 entries, that's 49.15%. Way to go, everyone! This is probably the most successful bonus theme yet.

      Aside from all of these, I'd like to point out a few more that I find to be especially noteworthy...
      #16: That's a pretty clever idea. I also like the expression a lot.
      #31: I love this one. It's very sweet, and the list of calls for Big Mac is a really nice touch.
      #40: This should be the official crest of the Equestrian Artist Society (EAS). It looks very classy.
      #86: It must be pretty difficult to use a computer mouse with a hoof; but I suppose using your mouth for that would be even worse.
      #97: I'll try! Let's see... First row (the uppermost one), I'd say: Phoe, Madmax, Trixie (Great & Powerful), Carrot Top; Second row: Bon-Bon , Lyra, Octavia, Spitfire; Third row: Vinyl Scratch, Colgate, Daisy, Ditzy Doo (Derpy Hooves). Some of these are pretty obvious, but others are really difficult to figure out; Phoe, Daisy and Colgate were just wild guesses. Well, I hope I got at least some of them right.
      #108: That's totally how I should decorate my own walls. Then again... ponies in love, staring at me from all sides... that would be kind of creepy.
      #140: Rarity looks really cute in this one. But I suppose she's going to need to ger her tail brushed soon.
      #148: Another good crest for the EAS. If I were them, I wouldn't know which one to choose.
      #157: That's probably not how the show is being made... but it should be.
      #168: It looks like Equestria has its own spirit of nature. Keep painting those plants - gray mountains everywhere are boring.
      #173: That's a neat idea! Way to color your life, Fluttershy.

      Now, on to the next picture. I have an idea for today, but it might actually end up taking me more time than I can afford to spare... Maybe I'll just have to rush it, then. That'd be a shame, though...
      Oh, and thank you very much for the comment, Phoe! From now on, cupcakes and punch shall be known as the Equestrian equivalent of nectar and ambrosia.

    56. #105

      Laughing aside, I love these posts so much, I enjoy them more than the regualr drawfriend posts!

      Keep up the awesomeness, everypony!

    57. @Horizon Bound(the artist of #141)
      When you can't do that, you find somepony to carry you.

    58. We have no need to invent warp drives because they already have been invented. Eve is REAL. IM NOT LISTENING LALALALA INTERNET SPACESHIPS!!!! LALALALA. (Ponies with Internet Spaceships...or Ponies doing dirty deeds for Ponies with Internet Spaceships)

      I suppose Madmax will have something for the 1000000th picture or realistically,the 6001th one

    59. 20)

      Did I really upload that? Just how drunk was I last night?

      If memory serves me correctly It was going to be a drawing of a pony's drawing, but I never finished it....

    60. #67 checking in. I had a busy day yesterday, so I'm shocked that I managed to find the time to draw this. For the record, I don't like people looking over my shoulder at unfinished work either.

      Anyway, a lot of really great (and a good amount of very meta) artwork today. Some of my favorites are 8, 19, 34, 42, 52, 64, 78, 81, 153, and 164. Keep up the good work everypony!

    61. #176 and, ugh, what a rushjob.

      Like 22, my idea was to spoof the end to Duck Amuck, but with Derpy revealed as the artist behind the german comics and/or other bad official art. However I couldn't get motivated in time. I first tried to work it in just Photoshop, but it went real slow and came out awful. I almost dropped her line because I wasn't sure if that's really her grammar but changed my mind and had to draw it in the bottom, looking real awkward.

      Anyway, I had to admit that I wasn't familiar with Madmax at the time of this event, but scanning her artwork made me know how big a deal she was. I do wish her luck and health at the moment.

    62. 116 this time.

      22 wins, hooves down. I was hoping someone would think of that old cartoon(s)! XD

      More importantly, we love you MadMax! Your stuff is awesome.

    63. Woo, i got a Phoe comment (#6)! My life is complete. Ah, actually, i think i got one before - i don't remember.
      I don't submit much art (and comment here even less), but i just wanted to say, great work, everypony! Best. Fandom. EVER!

    64. #88 checking in

      It has completely driven anything else out of my head.


    65. @Sali

      Who is the pony that got surprise kissed? Is that Phoe as a pony?

      .... clop ... clop ... clop

      Wait. That was rude of me. If it IS Phoe, then that sort of thing would just make her uncomfortable. So it's best to get this over with as quickly as possible. CLOP-CLOP-CLOP-CLOP-slip-CRUNCH OUCH! ... ouch ...

    66. James Lyons/ blingingjak21. juuni 2011, kell 05:50

      Wow this is incredible, I mean what does this say about our community? One artist in our community that everypony loves is going through a rough patch in life and we all pulled together and showed the appreciation we have for her. I don't know if that can be said about any other community out there, this is by far the best community I have ever been a part of.

      PS: MadMax we all love you!

    67. #173 Here. Thanks for the compliOHMYGODIFORGOTHERWINGS.

    68. Bleh, trying to animate mine (154) is taking so much longer than I expected. At this rate, if I try to finish it today I'm not going to have any time to draw the new theme. I guess it'll just have to be one of the pictures I'll go back and finish after training grounds is over.

    69. @10 I totally feel like this too sometimes! But I have to remember everyone has their own pace. I have been drawing for a very long time and I'm still not very fast, I burn through a lot of erasers getting everything just right! My submissions take me about an average of two hours. That's a lot of pony drawing time since I started! o.o

      @67 I feel like this too sometimes, especially if I'm coming up with some bizarre whimsical thing. I love it!

      @143 Really love the style here!! Great job.

      I'm 108 this time, glad to see a few caught my Homestuck reference <3 SIaanme- I can't decide who is awesomer so I put both ships up! RD and AJ flipflop back and forth between the quadrants so much it seems, only time will tell who Aj really belongs to~ ;3

    70. Loving all the Madmax love and Escher references. This community is best community.

    71. 169 I really liked this one, especially the mini ponies, they looked so cute.

    72. #141 wins automatically due to Firefly reference

    73. #93 today.

      Sincerest apologies for my apparent lack of Madmax love. I just had a Marble Hornets crossover idea rattling around in my head all yesterday, and it seemed like a really terrible idea to throw Madmax Pony in the middle of that.

    74. James Lyons/ blingingjak21. juuni 2011, kell 08:33

      @MadMax If you read this I want you to know I have a great deal of admiration for you, you have done great things for this community and your work always impresses me. I want you to know that all of the artwork I have right now and any I make in the future will be available to you. Basically if you see anything that I have made that you like/ want I will give it to you, this is my small way of thanking you for everything you have given to this community. You have given us more then artwork, you have given us tones of time from your life, amazing artwork, and tones of love. You may also request me to make you anything and I will get to work on it right away, as appreciation for all that you have done for us.

      Here is my DA account:http://blingingjak.deviantart.com/
      and you may email me here : blingingjak@hotmai.com

      MadMax we all love you.

    75. James Lyons/ blingingjak21. juuni 2011, kell 08:34

      blingingjak@hotmail.com * ( forgot the L)

    76. #117 here,
      How in the hay was I the only one to draw a standee Madmax? I figured with how we all look up to her like Scootaloo looks up to Rainbow Dash that there would have been a few more parodies of her comic. Oh well, I guess I'm more insane than I thought(and 3 ponies is to many for me to draw on a week night, ended up taking 6 hours cause I'm slow, phew).

      Great job everypony!

    77. 118, 155, 162 and 159 are my favourites. :D

    78. #40 here.

      Looks like I picked the same theme as #148... we must secretly be brothers!

    79. 152: Yes, the set of all sets contains itself. You may have meant the set of all sets that don't contain themselves.

    80. #22 Here. Why bother inventing warpdrive, we need to work on Hyperspace technology, that's where the real progress lies!

      I love so many of these! My favorites for today:
      #3 - That pose is so great.
      #28 - Infinite Pinkie, it could fold in on itself and cause a tear in reality! (I'm okay with this)
      #30 - Makes me want to go out and buy one of those MLP coloring activity books...
      #49 - I love that beret on Derpy!
      #60 - I had to do a double take, that one's clever!
      #81 - Poor Fluttershy, someday she'll get good at art.
      #92 - There is never an excuse for there not to be a reason to Party!
      #95 - The tongue sticking out while she works makes this perfect for me.
      #96 - And again, breathless at your work.
      #106 - Oh no, flashbacks, Trixie I hope you've junctioned Shiva as your GF.
      #117 - And now there's another life-size pony cutout I want to put up in my room...
      #159 - Epic Pose!
      #164 - This wins. She just looks so intent upon her art.
      #169 - I laughed pretty hard at this, captures the ponies personalities very well.
      #176 - It does explain why those german comics were so bizarre (special magic sugar?)

    81. #33 here :D

      Wow, all these drawings are so cool! Loved every one with Madmax in it, haha.

      I'm not quite sure what to do for today's theme... Hmm, I'll have to think about it...

    82. She better be dying or something... No pony likes an attention horse.

    83. @Anonymous Admit it, you're jealous.

    84. 85 here, I just wanted to mention that all I felt silly about was putting a canon character in a pic with 3 OCs.

    85. #105 - YES! That game needs more love; it's rather unfairly criticized in the west because it was such a huge departure mechanicly from FF7, which was most peoples first exposure to the Final Fantasy series, and as such it floored people with how different it was, resulting in a lot of unfair judgment.

    86. Yeah, I think I wrote #106 and I meant #105, the FF8 reference. I still think FF6 (3 in America) was best, but 8 was a lot of fun.

    87. Also, being only a brony for a couple of weeks, I have never heard of Madmax or seen any of her work, but based on today's submissions, there's quite a lot of love and support being shown here.

      I don't know who she is or what is going on, but I wish Madmax the best anyhow, for what it's worth :)

    88. #97 today. So much pony... I spent about 2 hours just designing all the outfits on paper before I even sat down at my computer to start working on this picture. Rushed at the end drawing Rarity and putting it together as one picture, but I'm glad people still seem to like it.

      @Emerald Dust: You got all of them except for Cheerilee (second to last one). Good job! Admittedly, yes, some of them aren't as obvious, especially ones where I significantly changed their hairstyles. Colgate's is one I had drawn before, and makes much more sense when it's in color, whereas the rest were designed specifically to be lineart. I may end up using these designs in future pictures, if the opportunity presents itself.

      Before I hit on the idea of designing way more pony dresses than I ever should have, I was considering doing something similiar to the pony drawing a pony drawing a pony pictures, though my take on it was going to be a unicorn drawing a pegasus drawing an earth pony.

      So many great pictures, and lots of inventive interpretations. I never would've thought of drawing from FFVIII, mad props to #105 for that.

      While not the same subject matter at all, it was interesting to see how similar #108 was to mine from a compositional standpoint.

      #169 was very funny, and very relatable for me.

    89. @Invidlord My personal favorite is FF Tactics, especially the War of the Lions remake. But for the main line, my favorite is a toss up between 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for various reasons. Oh, and 12 and 13 can go crawl into a hole and die.

    90. Oh, and #96 is simply incredible. I have no words.

    91. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown21. juuni 2011, kell 10:10

      please don't say it's too late
      i don't want to be an asshole and not have something

    92. I'm really glad so many of you liked my silly FF8 thing. It was one of those days where I got a really great, really dumb but really great idea. Yeah, that makes sense. It came out very well, obviously the HUD doesn't look exactly like it does in-game but close enough. It's pretty cool that I was the only one to get the idea, too :3c

      So much good stuff that gets better every day, there are less and less people who you can tell aren't already at least decent artists by now. And so much Madmax. Madmax's pony form is really very pretty, you know? Like, every image of hers is great to just look at. Kinda makes me wish I spent time drawing a real quality image of her instead of the crayon thing but i still like that idea. I'll draw her nice 'n sexy once I'm a better artist and have more fundamentals down in a couple months.

      Now, today's theme actually seems EXCITING for once -- I mean, I usually like the themes but my stomach usually drops when I think about either "how hard my idea's gonna be to draw" or "how I'm even gonna think up a good clever idea for such a broad theme", but today I already have it and it's gonna be a snap. Oh, and happy Summer Sun Celebration Day, everypony!

    93. 141 is my favorite out of all of these, for the Firefly reference.

      If you didn't know what it is you should look it up :)

    94. #147- reporting in late, I know X( I pretty much just woke up...

      Man, I CANNOT draw Rarity for some reason. I also need a little more practice with the pen tool and coloring in Sai, kept making hiccups up and down. I also realize I signed "Maxmax" instead of "Madmax" >.<; I tend to make mistakes like that when my wrist starts going numb and my eyes go derp!

      Joking aside, I know I've only been in this fandom for a short time, but when I saw one of Madmax's comics, it brought a smile to my face. It's so sad how someone who brings us so many laughs can be having a rough time IRL :( My best wishes to Madmax, I hope you feel better soon
      ~D. Dreamer <3

    95. Wow. So much amazing stuff! Its like, crazy!

      Man, this has everything! Amazing art, comics, puns everywhere, so much stuff!

      And all for dear ole madmax =D

    96. When I saw #106, I immediately thought of "BAD WOLF" from Doctor Who. Is that a reference?

    97. This is a good Training Grounds but do we really need to see OC shipped with mane cast in some of these pictures? I don't have a problem with OCs so long as they're not shipped with anyone.

    98. @relias FFVIII is one of my favourites, but that theme interpretation didn't even occur to me. Seeing #105 gave me a good lasting grin for the rest of the day, so thanks for that. =3

    99. Her pony is just the cutest thing.

    100. 1 WHOA thats just wrong celly O.O shame shame LMAO
      3 Trust me, when yer artin and artin hard, compfy postitions are the last thing on yer mind. I sit on the floor leaing agaisnt my bed for hours while drawing, numb bum and all.
      6 WHoleheartledly agree over 9000 percent!
      8 BRAVO, after looking at ponies cry the past two days, this fixed me right up
      10 1 hour, jeebus, sometimes my sketches take ALL DAY, the one i submitted for pony crying took a very short amount of time for me because LINE for LINE i seen the pic on how it should look exactly. Normally i can take just an hour thinking up a design or just a pose.
      18 The little poem on this pic was wonderful! Epic!
      19 I was crying from laughing soooo hard.
      24 Soo adorable
      32 AWESOME!!
      39 Indeed... *smiles*
      51 Really another one . . . I guess the teacher rubs off on the student . . . *sigh*
      70 YAY i can finally view these again, i kept getting errors from the last few pics.
      78 LOL
      81 Amazing fluttershy
      90 I have, many many times. THe rain is soo calming for me.
      97 Rarity will always be the pony i look up to for work ethics, she handles everything with grace, even if she does get way in over her head.
      105 I love FF, and i love the pic . . . but i did not like FFVIII . . . FF history, that game was only orignally made to test the graphics engine, but due to deadlines and other variables set by the producers and other money paying peeeps and companies. Square decided to polish the game and release it. Its a turd to me, and the only FF i have refused to play or even acknowledge.

    101. I feel terrible not paying any kind of tribute to you Madmax. Mostly i was unable to even think of anything worthy of such a contributer. ( take that as you will ) I just know, that whatever the situation may be, things do happen. We all can bounce back. Time truely does help, but its what you do, as yerself, that can make things go much easier. Its very hard, but keep yer chin up, a smile of yer face. Something good in memory, and always keep in mind there are others there to help. All of us, and those close to you. Im not going to pretend i know whats going on, I just hope something i said may have helped you, even if it was already said before by someopony else. I for one, am glad you joined the herd. There is alot of epic stuff you have contributed, alot i enjoyed too. Please take care of yourself and be well. It is not fun to know one of our heards brightest is not in good spirits. I didnt make many comments on pics beacuase im late for a personal appointment, but i felt this was more than worth being late to get out of my head and into the open. So im not worried about my timeframe at the moment. I was just hoping to see more typed out posts wishing well. The pics are a wonderful sentiment, but words of enouragement would be all be just as helpful, if not more. Who know, maybe one of us could just say the right thing to help Madmax spirits. Lets see some expressed thoughts too everypony. Madmax deserves it.

    102. Are the following SUPPOSED to be horrible, or are they just failures?



      Those ones were really disappointing, but most of the rest were great.

    103. Oh I hope Madmax sees how much we care for her...

    104. I'm no artist, I'm a writer, but I'd also just like to say thanks to Madmax for all she does :3

    105. Wow, really surprised my horrid little drawing at 141 is getting the love because of the firefly reference.

    106. I'm a friend of #29 - just wanted to give my buddy Nero his props! :D

    107. @Anonymous Mine (#165) is horrible for three reasons!

      A) It's the test doodle instead of a proper, care-taken-with-the-quality final work. Usually I draw out a test run of a comic first, then trace / redraw / refine on different paper, but I had like four and a half hours to do it and I'm not exactly fast at this sort of thing.

      B) I've only been doing this for about three weeks now, and thus have the artistic skill of a wet sponge.

      C) I ran out of the good paper I use for test doodles, and had to use this old legal pad instead, which not only looks awful in real life, but looks even worse when scanned with my years-old cheap scanner.

      So yes, you pretty much have a trifecta of fail there. =P

    108. Me=41 (Thanks so much for the comment Phoe, even if I can't agree)
      Especially liked: 23 (fantastic lighting), 42 (adorable), 60 (great execution), 62, 81, 90 (again with the lighting!), 91 (very cute), 97 (Can't get enought Rarity dresses), 117 (didn't see it was a standee until fullsized), 137 (The CMC have never looked cuter!), 159 (especially great hair), 173 (striking)

    109. @Anonymous

      This is the TRAINING ground, not the drawfriend.

      This is for people who aren't that good at drawing to, you know, practise drawing.

      In other words, I think you are being unfair on these poor artists.

      Please, stick to the draw friends or don't try and put down those who aren't as confident at this.

      That is all.

    110. #143 has the oldest reference ever made on this site, believe it or not.

    111. Man, what is up with all the trolls in this post? All the other posts have gone off without a hitch, and suddenly we're getting "NO THIS SUCKS" and "IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE TERRIBLE OR IS IT JUST ME" all over the place?

      Apparently some people missed the memo that friendship is magic.

    112. @Anonymous

      I don't understand the point of this kind of comment; it offers nothing constructive. This is an event where new artists are aiming to improve their skills, and by simply insulting them you'll only discourage them.

      Very few artists are going to be masters of the craft upon first picking up the pencil, yet art is one of those skills where people often attack its newer practitioners for not having an innate proficiency.

      I encourage every artist here to keep picking up the pen, pencil, or other medium of choice, since practice makes perfect after all.

    113. *Sniff* And after I spent these past weeks setting up a perfect night for Lyra to serenade you, Phoe.

    114. @Anonymous
      You realize not everypony can get as good as Madmax in only 26 days of drawing, right?

      Speaking of Madmax, some of those artists you just ripped on devoted their best efforts (even if said efforts aren't anywhere near what you might consider "great") in tribute to a great brony artist going through troubled times IRL. You might as well have just punched Madmax herself in the face with your hurtful comments.

      If all you care about is "great" art then stay the hell out of the newbie artist training ground posts. You won't be missed.

    115. @Anonymous

      136. And yes, it WAS supposed to be horrible. I very intentionally drew it with a 20-minute time limit with no reference pictures.

      Also, way to be a complete a-hole.

    116. #113... oh, I feel bad... not only my picture was rushed, and thus, I couldn't pull off the idea I had initially (and so ended looking pretty... bland), but I also feel tired... I don't think I'll be able to submit a picture for today's theme...

      Just for the record, though, I had planned that I would draw a pony drawing a carriage that had a pony inside drawing a picture of the pony drawing the Madmax card (which you can see in my picture), and in the end, I'd have drawn the "up to three ponies" besides Madmax, as her card instructed "me" to. But, since I was running out of time (and getting tired), I had to stop after the "draw card" step... and thus, that's why it's like that...

      Well, I'll admit that I don't know much about Madmax, I simply like her comics; that said, I still wish for the best for her life, and whatever is going on there. Hope she gets better soon!

      (also, no favorites list today, again... though Ego's is, once again, worth mentioning - if this wasn't the Training Grounds, I'd certainly not be able to show my face - or my pictures - around here with so many awesome pictures appearing...)

    117. @Gunny I've taken two naps today I'm so tired; trying to balance staying up late enough to do the best I can on each piece with waking up early enough to give myself enough time to actually do something doesn't leave a whole lot of time for healthy quantities of sleep.

      But! Phoe is fighting her way through the exhaustion right along with us, and if she can do it, then by Celestia we can too!

      </corny but true dialogue>

      As mentioned this is the Newbie Artist Training Grounds — it's not actually a requirement to submit the most amazing thing everyone's ever seen.

      The point is to worry less about what to draw, and more about focusing on developing the actual skill instead, using the deadline as extra motivation not to get hung up on how one pony just doesn't look right and then giving up entirely.

      If all you do is spend ten minutes scribbling out a standing pony with the loosest interpretation of the theme as basic anatomy practice, that's perfectly acceptable.

      In fact, that's exactly why I ran out of good paper in the first place. =D I kept doing anatomy and hand–eye coordination practice (straight lines are hard) on my good paper, and then I ran out and discovered that my backup paper is kind of horrible. Whoops.

    118. @Anonymous (who posted "list of failures")

      You have no idea how crestfallen I was to finally get a comment, only to scroll up and see the word horrible.

      Yeah, mine today was basic because I was really busy with exams and didn't have time to embellish it...but i could have sworn this was artist 'training' and it wasn't about being perfect.

      Anywho, 114 reporting in. Had to rush this one as i said, but school just got out (barring tests) so I'm absolutely going to do a more elaborate one tonight.

      So, has max actually seen these? I don't know where she'd be reached.

      Also, can somebody point me in the direction of her work? Mine was largely made out of blind sympathy, i cant say I've seen much of her stuff.

    119. @Fox E:
      Well, thanks for the encouraging words! (what I'm doing still awake? Finishing some things...)

      But... it's REALLY kinda hard to do anything now, as, um... how do I put it? The time shown in my comment is actually 4 hours late... for me. It means I only had a chance to comment here around 9 PM (local time), and I am replying at 10 PM. Considering I was out since 8 AM and only got back home (where I can safely draw) around 8 PM... aaand I was still awake at 1 AM to submit my picture for this day... yes, I'm kinda tired today.

      And while what you said is true (and that's why I kept trying to submit anything, and stopped using my notebook to draw these), I think that, at the very least, I should be satisfied with my picture; if I submitted a picture I drew hastily, in a drowsy state, I don't think I would be satisfied with it... so, yeah... I hope you understand. =)

      As I said before, thanks for your words!

    120. @Randomjack

      Before I leave... I guess THIS is what you're looking for?

    121. @Kt Kat

      Thanks Kt Kat for liking #143. It took many hours to do and I finally gave up trying to clean out all the grey in the wee hours (local). I think I go sleep now.

    122. @Doc Steedly

      thanks for the comment, if you missed any you can view them on my tumblr, just click my name here ^^

    123. @Gunny I'm used to going to bed at 9 P.M. GMT-5 myself. =X Decided I could spend a month staying up painfully late for this since it's definitely worth it, but I also don't have any obligations at the moment, so it all works out for me.

      Didn't occur to me that it might not be the case for you. My mistake.

      I agree actually that you should be happy with what you produce. Otherwise, what's the point, right? =P That trumps everything, and is why I'm okay with submitting the admittedly low–quality stuff I send in; I have fun drawing it, and I'm happy with how it comes out.

    124. @Adrian Brony

      Hi, my mind is mush from lack of sleep... what do you mean? MM drawing MM drawing MM is the oldest reference? What source material are you thinking of?

    125. @Randomjack Hi, Randomjack. I have carefully inspected your drawing #114 and hereby proclaim it...NOT horrible! :) It is a legitimate attempt at portraying ponies, it tells me what you intended to portray in hoping that Madmax steps back and puts this episode right now into the perspective of the rest of her life, is a clever concept, and is actually better drawn than a lot of storyboard sketches I have seen.

      I was not going to comment on the obvious troll messages, but since others have I might as well toss in mine. This is a Training Ground. We are here to practice with the Gracious Thematic Guidance of your Equestria Daily's Great and Powerful Princess Phoe!, and get inspiration from our fellow pony artists.

      An important thing to remember is to read any comment someone has made on your art and ask yourself this; has the commenter given you specific information about what they find disagreeable with your art, or have they just used "trigger" words? Comments such as: "I believe you could have used heavier lines on your drawing." = Constructive. "Your drawing is crap" = an attempt by someone (You will note that I did not use "somepony" here) to belittle your efforts. Keep up the practice and you can only improve. Ponies!

    126. @Virga Rainboom

      Thanks for the reply. I like critical feedback as long as its specific enough to be learned from.

      Anyway, today's theme is really specific and im having trouble coming up with it.

    127. @badzerg
      AWESOME thank you n.n Now i can get the rest :3
      And yer quite welcome. I love pictures like yers. Feelings most expressed by the pencil :D
