Our day counter is getting terrifyingly high, isn't it? We're entering the final stretch! There are signs of the sheer hugeness of this event all over and it just makes me want to dance (don't worry, you'll see plenty of that after the break). Case in point: the sidebar has for some time been totally incapable of hosting all our awesomeness on the front page. If you're interested in digging through older galleries but can't seem to find them, just hop over to the Event Archive and it'll all be there clear as crystal. We've pretty much been dominating the Events section all month! As for tonight, we've racked up a total of 142 movers on the dance floor. That brings our grant total up to 4,660 ponies. Wow!
Gonna be a link heavy post today, I think. Here's tonight's reminder about the submission guidelines, as well as your daily reminder that you can contact me at [email protected] if there's anything you need from me. If it seems like I take a while to respond, sorry. I get swamped. Other times I fire off a response in seconds. It's like a lottery!
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony... drawing. Delightfully meta, no? Tonight's theme is actually a dedication to world famous pony comic artist Madmax, who I'm told is having a rough time of things right now. There's a thread asking ponies to try and draw something to help cheer her up, and I wanted to offer you all the chance to chip in if you're interested. She's done a whole heck of a lot for this community, and this is a great opportunity to say thank you. As always you are never obligated to interpret these themes in a single way, so make the picture you want to make, but there's definitely bonus points to be had for drawing Max's pigtailed OC. Sales pitch mode, deactivated.
![]() |
Madmax Pony! |
It seems I'm moving 60% slower than normal and haven't really given myself time to ramble entertainingly at you folks tonight. Sorry about that, I got a little caught up in information diving and the next thing I knew it there was the deadline. I'll be super funny tomorrow, I promise. For now, please enjoy So You Think You Can Dance, Pony Edition:
1) By Krekka01 (When I saw this, I squeed. Loudly.)
2) By Thanqol (Beware the dancing devil banana.)
3) By otherunicorn
4) By ChaosDrop (There will never be enough pictures of young Celestia and Luna. Ever.)
5) By dinoburger (Sillouhette with tears on the moon = lovely)
6) By Philith
7) By TheMediocreSock (It's funny because they are French.)
8) By Jimbo1023 (Pinkie don't hurt me. Don't hurt me no more.)
9) By Mellowbloom
10) By Conner Cogwork (Some rave/vocaloid ponies.)
11) By [LG]Gamer
12) By EssAeEm (How do you transliterate the Peanuts song?)
13) By Infinity
14) By ASGallardo
15) By badzerg (It's tempting beyond words to come up with themes just to make your story more difficult to tell. =P)
16) By Smock (You can so be a vengeful avatar of spite and still look cute dancing! See?)
17) By Alipes
18) By Invidlord
19) By DCPIP (I have often wondered how ballerinas work in a land of hooves.)
20) By Argembarger (I'm curious what sort of routine she's been trying.)
21) By Rydel (Look how soft and beautiful those colors are.)
22) By Doppelgänger (She escaped again.)
23) By Mere Jump
24) By DB (It is a legitimate form of exercise! Which just so happens to be a turn on for Dash, apparently.)
25) By Caron
26) By Emerald Dust
27) By ASGallardo
28) By rich-tea (We're talkin' thriller, thriller night. There ain't no second chance against the thing with fourty eyes, girl.)
29) By Dangereaux (We can dance, we can dance, we're doing it from wall to wall!)
30) By Brongaar
31) By Circuit Mane
32) By pageturner1988 (I'd sing more Jackson lyrics here, but I can't place that outfit and don't want to guess wrong and embarass myself.)
33) By Tibberly
34) By Saphin
35) By Partition (You're right, this should have happend in the episode.)
36) By Lucky Charm
37) By Nido Media
38) By Dr. Trotson (Ponies in the disco. Ponies at the Taco Bell.)
39) By Chromadancer (Ponies at the disco. Ponies at the gates of hell.)
40) By kits
41) By kits
42) By kits
43) By Jdan-S (It's a shame she had to work the Gala, huh?)
44) By GonzaHerMeg
45) By Amehdaus
46) By TensaiOni (Now here's a pair of references we can all enjoy!)
47) By Kitsune
48) By Nero
49) By Gear X. Machina
50) By PinkamenaPie
51) By Chris
52) By Atlur (Believe it or not, I only just started reading Penny Arcade like a week ago.)
53) By Afentis (Kazatzka!)
54) By TheLaughingMare
55) By DI-FL (I would like to dedicate this picture to every parent who put their dreams on hold to raise their children. You'll never read this, mom and dad, but I love you.)
56) By Nullh (What's it like drawing ponies on a plane? Cramped, I bet. Way to be dedicated!)
57) By Axwrend
58) By cartoonlion (Derpy showing off her special talent.)
59) By Ambrose
60) By Kitty Tail (Bust a move!)
61) By Horizon Bound (Fan dancing Lyra? Yes please.)
62) By Ori
63) By zorg
64) By toonboy92484 (There's very little you can say to this.)
65) By DiZaster321
66) By PenguinPlayer
67) By Gunny (Everypony do the Gummy!)
68) By fetchbeer (Irish step pony. Lookin' kind of familiar.)
69) By Kephra
70) By harley (I cannot use a hula hoop to save my life. I hope that never comes up.)
71) By Ego (Well that certainly put an interesting spin on things.)
72) By Natry
73) By Moof (That kind of looks like it hurts.)
74) By Blightedangel (I'd sing *this* song, but quite frankly the lyrics suck. Oh well. Parachute pants!)
75) By Lunar Apologist (Teaching us two things - that I can dance, and that Lyra's posture is job related. I never knew!)
76) By Tenchi Outsuno (Lyra shares my enthusiasm for dance music.)
77) By Kloudmutt (That's definitely Kloudmutt. I can tell because of the... ahem.)
78) By Immersa (Flamenco is a wildly appropriate dance for her, I think you would agree.)
79) By Windfall
80) By Kyouhen
81) By Frith
82) By Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi (The thrilling conclusion! Dance Party in the other dimension!)
83) By Starlite (Note to the curious: it's not my birthday. Note to the artist: if Lyra ever told me You can be my bench, I would faint on the spot.)
84) By Uncle Leo (FYI, being friendly on the internet does not make you creepy.)
85) By Mr.Paulsen
86) By Buddy Vox (Brohoofs are being offered to ponies who get the reference here. I won't spoil the game.)
87) By Goggle Sparks (Go go, Derpy! Do it for Dinky!)
88) By Sherlock Hooves
89) By Foxtrot (Do what you love, and love what you do.)
90) By Neoridgeback (My sister and I burned through seven different dance mats playing this at home. It's a wonder we didn't go crashing through the floor.)
91) By Virga Rainboom (Your pony has a really neat tail.)
92) By Drilltooth
93) By Doombah (In another dimension, with voyeuristic intention, well secluded, I see all.)
94) By Djrk16 (I don't know Swedish. But have some Caramelldansen Twilight while I don't sing along.)
95) By Kooldude (I bet this game is so much easier with four legs.)
96) By Jeff (Happy Father's Day!)
97) By Relias (This is a really good style blend.)
98) By Kt Kat
99) By 20percentcooler
100) By Shockwave (I need to know for my own sanity - what are you doing that causes you to submit your image 9 times every night? o.o)
101) By Albert
102) By Prismatic Pretzel
103) By Da Chi
104) By PinkiePied
105) By Starlight Bolt (Gotta gotta be Crazy Looooop... ah, hell on toast.)
106) By McGack (Oh like you were going to do anything but horde that until the final boss anyway, Maxim.)
107) By MasterofRoku
108) By Kelz
109) By Aku
110) By Easteu
111) By Zach
112) By The Recliner (That's just fantastic. Phyra? Maybe?)
113) By Shake (Some Lonely Island ponies.)
114) By A Terrible Person
115) By MHPayne (Pinkie saves the day! Also the comic.)
116) By Periphery
117) By Spurs
118) By rabidcow147
119) By BronyQuest (Twilight, when will you learn?)
120) By Syggie
121) By RaspleZS (*rimshot*)
122) By 8ftmetalhead
123) By DJ RBDash

124) By Fallin' Winter (That's every theme in there. Really.)

125) By Leaf Growth

126) By Tenchi Outsuno (next time just upload them all and let me decide if they're good enough!)

127) By Tenchi Outsuno

128) By ShoeboxWarrior
129) By Thattagen
130) By Muffinsforever
131) By Virga Rainboom
132) By Passer Palmatum
133) By nuclearsuplexattack
134) By TapeDiggity
135) By Pcjoyce
136) By Fox E:
137) By Eeful
138) By djTeka
139) By HyperMark (janzybrony)
140) By Moogie
141) By Jena-su
142) By Randomjack
ReplyDelete130 and second woo
ReplyDeleteCan you find the muffin? O.o
#6 reporting. It's animated but you have to click on it
ReplyDeleteAh, damn it. In all the scrambling and editing in tonight's post I managed to accidentally delete five images toward the bottom. If you were right on the line and don't see yours there, please resubmit! I'm so sorry!
ReplyDelete117 here. i had a fun time doing all the different poses in this one.
ReplyDelete24 and 34 are silly, 44 49 71 and 112 are crazy. And the last one, with the hopping rarity cake is awesome.
ReplyDeleteI'm quite ashamed of how my submission for today turned out, so I'll let you find it yourself if you really want to see what I drew! I'm so heartless.
ReplyDeleteA hayload of pictures tonight gave me a big, stupid grin. Confound these ponies, they drive me to emotions.
99 here, funny thing about mine is that its kind of based on something that actually happened to me, XD, aint fun. : \
ReplyDeleteAwesome pictures everypony!
ReplyDelete#99 makes me sad :(
113 here. I'm please with how the picture turned out. Though I had to rush some things because of a late start, it all came together in the end.
ReplyDeleteThe new theme sounds exciting, can't wait.
Dont look at mine if you haven't read Rose Tinted!, though you will before you look at this...
ReplyDelete21 here, and I do need to point out that Abacus in a suit is only slightly less cute and funny than Gummy in a suit
ReplyDelete#1 is pure awesome
#74 - Everytime they see me, the Rainbow's just so hype...
... Now I'm going to have to come up to pony lyrics for that whole song D:
#94 Dansen mit oss, clappen ein hooven (Don't know if hooven is real Swedish, and I probably misspelled everything there)
Lufia II today, Dwarf Fortress 2 days ago. Someone is hunting down all my favorite obscure games.
I spy legless itunes Twilight! :o
ReplyDelete39 here! Wanted to do a DDR/ITG reference, but I used that up on "make music" day, plus I wasn't really up to hand-drawing anything. Plenty of dance-game references today anyway!
ReplyDelete(Pinkie Pie would somehow manage to break the game and score higher than technically possible.)
number 73 made my night
ReplyDeleteI hope you guys aren't forgetting about the next training ground pic.
ReplyDeleteAnd do include Madmax: she's going through a tough time.
Just resubmitted, Phoe. I think mine was one of those, I kind of literally submitted at the last possible second tonight. XD;; Sorry about that.
ReplyDelete86) Is... is that... Flash Beagle? O_O *mind blown*
93: Lol Rocky Horror Ponies.
ReplyDeleteI'm #84 today, I had almost not creative process today so I could't think of anything clever. But everyone elses are look really good.
ReplyDeleteNumber 113?
@20percentcooler Sorry for that. Some ponies can be very cruel, but there are a lot more that can be nice! Dump the cruel and find nice ones then learn to dance with friends! FiM!
ReplyDelete#46 Do the monkey with me!
ReplyDelete128 here. I had an interesting time drawing in two different styles today. I started out drawing the hula part and when I finally got to the Twilight part it was hard not to shade it >_< Sadly I ran out of time to draw Trixie.
ReplyDeleteThere were....a lot of favorites today but pretty much all of them were awesome.
19 I love the way you draw; and also, it is Rarity (=
27 omg I laughed
29 YES I was hoping someone would do this
34 This is beautiful-I never know these two could be made into ponies. I will never doubt again
46 Woooo Johnny Bravo!
56 Just made me smile
58 Aw, yay for Derpy. I am also loving the storyline between your pictures
69 lol
71 BWAhahahaha this is awesome
74 pants lol
97 Pinkie makes a perfect Snoopy
103 LOL oh man-such a dad thing
116 this creeped me out in a good way-I laughed for like five minutes.
#112 was maybe my favourite.
ReplyDeleteNow, what would result from a Cereal/Rarity fusion? Rareal?
Also, no dancing Doctor Whooves? Come on people, the world doesn't end just because the Doctor dances....
Numbers 1, 16, 29, 52 and 127 made me squee and/or giggle :)
ReplyDeleteSo many talented artists!
Horse-drawn horse-drawn carriages.
ReplyDeleteOh and Phoe thanks for the comment, that did chear me up, I do quite enjoy leaving little comments for you and what not, even if they aren't really clever.
ReplyDeleteNumber 32 and 114 are Michael Jackson Moonwalker outfit.
ReplyDelete#95 here with my blurb. I really like all the Peanuts ones. That suprised me.
ReplyDelete#4 I agree Phoe.
#7 *le win*
#12 I love this. Espcialy since I've love Peanuts almost forever.
#14 I like the style alot.
#22 LOVE IT!
#32 OWW!
#35 We all wish that this happened.
#40 I love the dupstep song too.
#58 DAAAAWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!
#71 She actually said this...
#94 Yay Caramelldansen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lbqWUW1k1I Oh Celestia it moves!!!!
#95 A comment *joy!* I Bet it would too.
#97 OH YES!!!
#136 I love it!
*just noticed the "draw Madmax" directive*
ReplyDeleteSomehow I don't think anything I could draw would even come close to acceptable for Madmax... But I'll give it a shot anyway!
#129 today. I kinda found a picture from America's Best Dance Crew and started out by tracing it. That's not cheating, is it? Also, I wish I knew how to draw colts!
ReplyDeleteSeems like a lot of people did a front-hoof freeze pose today. very nice!
Lessee...Snoopy, Father's Day, Hammertime, ballroom dancing, dancing on the moon, Michael Jackson, daaaaaw Fluttershy comic, FUSION, Johnny Bravo, and more! Awesome awesome awesome...
Wait, we're almost done?! I don't want this event to end!!!
#3 here.
ReplyDelete#19 - awesome
#24 - Way to go!
#141 - Yum
#121 here.
ReplyDeleteYes! Second time in 25 days I've made Phoe groan! (Not that I trying to!)
#7 signing in. I really need to edit my pics, unedited looks TERRIBLE. Great entries tonight. Loved all the Michael Jackson references, but there wasn't a single one of Pinkie Pie doing the Lean from Smooth Criminal. Fandom I am disappoint.
ReplyDelete#136 today. Having way too much fun making stupid little animations.
ReplyDeleteOriginally I wanted to do manually draw out each frame, but I started this at like ten at night (a theme in itself), so that didn't happen. There're only ten or fifteen frames to the jig in the actual show (Cutie Mark Chronicles, 10:06), so it wouldn't be hard, just time consuming.
Also wanted to do the Cakes dancing in a malt shop like how you'd see in Scooby Doo, but neh. Deadlines!
With each passing day, higher and higher quantities of these submissions are great in one way or another. Some of those include #1, #12, #13, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #22, #24, #27, #35, #46, #47, #49, #56, #61, #64, #67, #71, #74, #75, #76, #80, #94, #96, #97, #103, #112, #116, #121, #124, #131, and #132.
#6: Highfive!
#14: Huge fan of this style, I have some shot glasses like it
#51: This is just excellent.
#55 + #58: The daww is strong with these.
#73: I don't know why but this had me cracking up.
#77: |¦D
#111: That 70's Show scene transition!
Seriously regretting not doing one for this Training Grounds. I love ska, so I could've drawn my OC skanking.
ReplyDelete@Chromadancer hehe im sure its no tthe quality that would matter, but the effort :3 i mean shes going through crap right now and anything would be nice :3 lol im gonna draw something too! :O lol
ReplyDelete142 here. Glad that mine still went up, was worried Phoe just snapped at my trollface 1:02am submissions lately.
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff guys.
Love the raver scootaloo and everypony do the creep!
ReplyDelete130 <3
ReplyDeletethat fanfic makes me sad :')
You might want to double check that link to the Madmax thread, it ain't doin' it for me.
ReplyDelete#38 Electric Six! Woo!
ReplyDelete#111 was me, and... I dunno, part of me hates it, part of me likes it. Hmmm.
ReplyDeleteAll of me wishes it animated in the preview here, but at least clicking works.
And wow, what's up with Max? I love her stuff, I hope everything's ok...
...So I play along with I hear that favorite song
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna be the one who gets it right
You better know when you're swingin' 'round the room
Look like magic's solely yours tonight
But I don't feel like dancin' when the old Joanna plays
My heart could take a change but my hooves can't find a way
You think I could muster up a little soft shoe gentle sway
But I don't feel like dancin', no sir, no dancin' today.
(On an alternate note, I DID want to participate, but I really couldn't think of much of anything...only NOW, when its far too late, do I think of this.)
#28, 29, 69, 71, 74, 83, 89, 103, 121, 127, 128, and 136
ReplyDeleteI lol'd
If it weren't so late in the game, I'd start drawing these, too
Must...resist...urge to...sing...the caramelldansen...Oh what the hay.
ReplyDeleteSÃ¥ kom och
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu är vi har med
#116 today, with the other reason she's called "Twiworm". I wanted to make an attempt at animating this after vectorizing it, but only had time to sketch it. Too bad, I think the joke would have worked much better as a gif.
ReplyDeleteI really like #98, by the way, and #24 is cute. And Octavia's gala dress concept looks promising in #43.
you may or may not be responsible for having bombed FiMchan's server(s)
ReplyDeletejust a heads up
#87 here
ReplyDeleteIt's a pain drawing Raindrops on that pose after several failed attempt to get it right. It turned out better than I expected,though.
Everypony's work is awesome as always :D
#34: Is that... Wall-E and Eve ponies? o_o
ReplyDelete#12 checking in. I'm not that great at dancing, but nobody can dance like Snoopy so once I hit on that idea I knew I had to do it. Looks like I'm not the only one who had that thought, and I love the way #97 turned out. It's kinda funny that we both had Pinkie doing Snoopy's Dance, but I guess it just fits her.
ReplyDeleteOther favorites this time around were #19, 44, 69, 74, and 116.
#46 So much win.
ReplyDelete#55 Oh God, the cute :DDD
Everypony is drawing so brilliant art. So many *squee*-worthy pictures. Now if I actually had some voice left in me to squee(note to self: System of a Down live causes you to lose your ability to speak for two days).
ReplyDeleteAnd now, off to wonder how to draw a crying pony dancing, building AND drawing. Mm. More Rarity fanart? I think yes.
Oh man, Dangereaux #29 you made my day!
ReplyDelete#136 I laughed like a loon xD
#103 Dad Can Dance
Also, it IS hard to draw on a plane. Thankfully my short pal was sat next to me. Elbow room!
ReplyDeletethere used to be a bug in ITG2. One Wing Angel you could be +100% on (well I couldn't but Dulamok and those buys could)
@Phoe, if you still play DDR/ITG, I suggest finding the OpenITG website and a cobalt flux pad
OpenITG >> Stepmania and ddr.
I'm number 8 today, and yes to my first comment from Phoe ("fee"? "foh"? "foh-ee"?)
ReplyDelete#83: Granted, if a pony said anything at all to me I'd probably faint on the spot.
ReplyDeleteUm Phoe, I think the image upload failed, unless blogger can't handle gifs either.
#46: That's it. Johnny Bravo pony is canon now. Or, uh, at least 'til I can think of a good pony name for him (Though 'Bravo' would work quite well).
ReplyDeleteWhen this is finished, can we have compilations of all the entries that are parts of series drawn by a single person?
ReplyDeleteie. long-legs fluttershy etc.
ReplyDelete"Dansa med oss, klappa era hovar" is probably what you'd like to say. What you wrote sounds more like German ;-)
A lot of excellent submissions today everyone! I particularly enjoyed 1, 12, 52, 61, 55, 119, and 131. Keep up the great work!
ReplyDelete#59 here. I had so many ideas yesterday and I was pretty confident someone else would pick them up, and you didn't let me down! Father's Day (96, 103, 135, 140, did I miss any?), Animation (6, 111, 136), Breakdancing (119, maybe others). I was really tempted to try to animate the goofy dance from "Where The Hell is Matt?"
ReplyDeleteHigh five to the other Rose flamenco dancer (78), I think this should be canon. And the other hula dancer, 128.
Also loving 12 (I had the Happiness Is... book growing up), 34 (brilliantly realized Wall-E crossover), 71 (Ego just started another branch of pony fancrafts), 74 (wonderful colors!), 110 (lovely style), 116 (I laughed), and 132 (excellent poses!)
Great work, everyone! We should try to make tonight's the biggest yet for Madmax!
That reminds me...you think we'll ever see MoonDancer in the show on screen?
ReplyDelete45- looks like Applejack is enjoying a carefree private moment- love it!
ReplyDelete46- Squee, Johnny bravo pony! was totally going to draw him for the Pony In Love theme(persuing Rarity, of course) but didn't know if anypony would get it :x
67- Awww, Gummy <3
73- That's how I felt when I started this thing. Totally cannot even dance IRL. Love Rainbow Dash's expression ^^
141- So flowy!
As 98, What was I thinking, drawing a raver Scootaloo an hour and a half before bedtime? Realized halfway through that I couldn't NOT color her in. x_X Confound you ponies, for sucking away my sleepytime!
27 was hilarious! I see no one told Derpy that "playing at buffaloes" is considered a bit speciest these days... XD
ReplyDelete#26 today.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of references here that I don't get, which is most likely because I'm not very interested in music/dancing/dance movies. Still, I enjoyed all of these pictures a lot, mostly for their lightheartedness.
#9: That's a very nice idea. Ponies on ice - I'd certainly go see that.
#17: I really like Luna's dress in this one. I also like how happy she is... and that Pinkie organized a gala just for her. I suppose that's the best possible way to celebrate being back from the moon.
#27: There's something very jiggly about this, which goes very well with Derpy's character. I do wonder what the muffin is doing in the fireplace, though.
#132: Those are a lot of very impressive poses. Very energetic.
#136: This has got to be my favorite picture for today. Mostly because I've always been very intrigued by Rarity's cutie mark story. It seems to me like that must have been the strangest show in the history of strange shows; either that, or Rarity just went really overboard on the costumes.
I'd certainly love to draw something nice for Madmax today, but so far, I haven't been able to come up with anything. Well, there's still time; I hope I'll be able to think of something good.
94 here.
ReplyDeleteMy image is animated, but you need to click on it to see the animation.
How many animated images are there now?
#58 Almost made me shed a tear of d'awwwww :)
ReplyDelete132 with some breakdancing Scootaloo in da house.
ReplyDelete14. I love this style
34. Another Pon-E picture!
43 is elegant
45 looks quite country.
76. Super energetic!
103 made me laugh.
116. Poor armless Twlight has to dance everywhere she goes.
ReplyDeleteJump on in and draw ponies! You are allowed to join in at any time! It even says so over here: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/05/newbie-artist-training-ground-event.html
Has Madmax said what's going on? I don't feel like it's my place to try to cheer her up when I'm someone who she doesn't know and who has absolutely no idea what's wrong.
ReplyDeleteHer name is "Sprinkle"~
I wish we had more information to go on about what is up with Madmax, so that we didn't accidentally blunder into whatever it is that caused this in the first place and make it worse.
ReplyDeleteWhich is why I'm not going to draw three ponies with drawn swords behind her saying "We're from Equestria, we're here to help." So I'll go off and give this a bit more thought before I start drawing.
But I'm sure we've all been inspired by her at least in part, and that's why we're here. We've seen tons of amazing pony art and we wanted to join in. So it's the least that we can do to draw her a picture to show our thanks for the contribution she's made to the community, and show her that we are all here for her, whether she actually knows us or not.
#61 Here, only fan dancing submission, whoot! #29, 43, 46 are just win. The peanuts refrences surprised me, great job everypony.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous It might not be our place to know what's going on in Madmax's life, it's enough to know there's something wrong. We just need to be there to offer support, an accepting ear and friendly words (or art). We lift our fallen and carry them until they can stand on their own again.
Leave no pony behind.
In all the delightful father's day drama yesterday I missed uploading my picture. Here is some Derpy and Luna if anyone is interested: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v42/FoxArrow/IMG-20110619-00094.jpg
ReplyDelete86 today. Are you old/classy/crazy enough to get the reference?
A bro-hoof for you! :D
~Buddy Vox
24 made me chuckle, and I like that she's wearing workout clothes.
ReplyDelete74 has parachute pants! Yes!
132 has amazing poses.
Well done everyone!
I'd love to see a pony crossover pic to Space Channel 5 here.
ReplyDeletepostin' from work
ReplyDeleteI'm #20 this time. Bon-Bon cannot out-worm Steven Magnet. He is simply the best there is.
Gonna be hella pressed for time the next few days so nothing but quick B&W sketches from me maybe probably. If my internet works.
At least I didn't fall asleep lol
Good sketches from everyone; if I wasn't at work I'd dissect a few favorites :)
Hehehe, Everypony NEEDS to play
ReplyDelete"Canned Heat - Jamiroquai"
while they go through these. IT. WILL. BLOW. YOUR. MIND.
#107 Here.
ReplyDeleteI've never drawn anyone dancing, so I went for Phoe and Rainbow Dash doing a flying kick in mid-air.I kind of hoped Phoe would say something about it.
I see alot of good pictures today such as #12, #24, #18, #71, #89, and #97.
I'll see what I can do for today's theme.
@MasterofRoku #91 & 131 Today. Hi! Yeah, I think Phoe was a stressed out, busy little pony last night. I had hoped for a coveted "Phoe comment" on my Phoe & Lyra sketch, but I was so late I am just happy that it was posted. Not to mention she commented positively on my OC pony's tail. I can't be greedy. Your drawing is fun, don't get discouraged about a lack of feedback. This is not really a good forum for it. I had to tell myself that every day I have been contributing to this event. Just keep trotting along. It is fun and very worth it!
ReplyDeleteSo much win oozes out of 113!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about that. I actually did mean to comment on your picture (I think the joke I had lined up was "QCF K, D-F-DF K, QCB K. Do I win?"), because I really enjoyed the silliness of the picture and the outfit designs.
But last night was absolutely insane. The submissions just exploded in the last 20 minutes and staying on top of it while trying to write the post worked out disastrously (I usually have that more or less finished an hour early. Not today!), and with the added burden of needing to scramble for information and make up a totally new theme on the fly... I fell behind. Comments I meant to make just didn't happen.
I feel really guilty. Sorry...
#14 and #27 here.
ReplyDeleteI am really enjoying doing these activities with all of you guys and I'll be sure to do my best with each passing day.
I always keep checking all of your drawings every now and then to cheer me up!(looking at those ponies dance makes me sweat, lol)
keep up the good work(or should i say best). We are only 400 ponies short to reach 5000!
oh and thank you alot Phoe for all the hardwork you have done for all of us. Hehe and also thanks for featuring my pic at the top page.
Okay ponies. Good stuff here. Said stuff that caught my fancy:
ReplyDelete10 Good effort. Like Lyra & Dashie best.
12 Snoopy & Pinkie=classic
13 Nice, classic lines to your pony. I like the see-thru dress. I was going to try to draw something along those lines, but ran out of time.
16 Dancing Nightmare Moon! This one would look nice animated like that other cute one floating around.
19 nice. a lot of work. Hooves should work just fine, Phoe.
24! I agree with Dash. A lot.
27 NA Derpy dancing around a muffin. For some reason this makes sense to me. I don't know how, exactly, but I like it. Instead of flame, perhaps it is the muffin that is the giver of light and hope in the middle of the darkest, most desperate night, or something.
30 Square dance fun concept!
35 Just stomp a little harder, luv.
39 Happy Disco Pony, yay.
43 nice lines on Octavia and interesting gown and garters!
44 and all the dancing Derpies! How can you not love a Dancing Derpy?
45 AJ dancing. Nicely, uhm, sweetly. Uhmmm...May I dance with you? Is there a larger res version of this? Please?
--out of time for comments--
47, 55, 56, 57, 61, 64 Pinkie takes one for peace! 68, 71 kind of creeps me out.
Really out of time. I'm going to have to work out a system to choose my top 25% or something for these as I can see the good work involved in all of them and it is kind of useless to just list everything! Thanks, Ponies for participating!
ReplyDeleteDon't feel guilty! It reminds me of Applejack in Episode 4.
You do way too much hard work already, more than most mortal ponies, I'd say - for over three weeks straight now! - and for it you are highly appreciated. In fact I would claim that you have all of the appreciation at this point. All of it.
Chin up!
@Argembarger*waves little hooves in the air then stomps a few times* I agree completely! Thanks, Phoe! It's too bad that we really can't help (*Mumbles under breath, "Well if ponies like me might manage to get their drawings done a little earlier... that might help") like the Mane Cast wanted to do for AJ. Well said, Argembarger.
ReplyDeleteThankyou Madmax for making this community much more enjoyable with your beautiful comics!
ReplyDeleteWelp, since Phoe is too busy to fix the embed, here's a working link to 125:
73, 90 I loled! xDDD
ReplyDeleteI couldn't enter this time, maybe in the next I'll have something to submit.
@Djrk16 Seven, I think. Three of mine, and four more from today:
ReplyDelete#6 by @Philith
#94 by @Djrk16
#111 by @ZMorris
#125 by @Leaf Growth (assuming anon is Leaf Growth anyway)
@Periphery's #116, while it didn't end up as an animation, would be the most hilarious thing ever if it was. (Not that it isn't funny as a still!)
If I missed any, especially from previous days, it's cause I don't usually fullview an image unless I can't make out some details, so if an animation gets automatically thumbnailed, I'll probably never know it was animated.
Additionally, I can't express how absolutely fantastic it is seeing more and more animations, even simple ones. <3 Magnificent work, all of you.
@Emerald Dust Thanks. =3 Rarity's story is one of my favourites, and I've been waiting for an excuse to draw that for ages.
@Phoe No need to feel guilty — you're like a hero to myself and probably half the other artists in this event for inspiring so much. If anything, you deserve all the leniency you can get. =P
ReplyDeleteIt's allright. I understand how stressful this event has been on you and you can't give feedback to everyone. I really appreciate this training grounds event since it gives me something to do art-wise and I can do something for the Brony community. Thanks.
# 44 here, and now I just realized I forgot tho draw Derpy's wings, yaaargh!
ReplyDeleteDragon Rage here. Lots of great submissions today, shame I couldn't be a part of it. What I'd drawn the day before ended up so far into the uncanny valley that I scrapped it and gave up.
ReplyDeleteHaving similar problems today—as much as I want to draw something, I can't do it. It's just not working out. More to the point, it's stressing me out. So I'm gonna have to abstain for now, hopefully I'll get past this soon and be back to drawing.
Anyhow, good luck everyone else. Y'all have fun and show your support for Madmax.
#114, and was I really the only one who made the obvious connection between Luna and the Moonwalk? Possible exception for #16: If that was your intention, I salute you.
ReplyDelete#67 today, huh... oh, great, a comment from Phoe! =D
ReplyDelete*reads comments*
@Fox E:
@Kt Kat
I... I had two people explicity citing my pictures as a part of a list of awesome pictures? That... that...
...though now I feel bad because I felt I was being lazy (or not skilled enough) to do any better... er... some lyrics!
"Swing your tail from side to side
come on, it's time to go, do the Gummy!"
(totally NOT to be sung like "Do the Mario"!)
Unfortunately, I'm running out of time here (if I want to send a picture), so I can't list my favourites today...
@Gunny That's actually the reason I liked it, it reminded me of that song. =P Said song is awesome, and you are awesome for referencing it.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't worry about the lazy / unskilled thing. I'm just now starting on today's theme approximately eight and a half hours after waking up, and my straightest lines look like the coastline of Japan as seen from 20,000 feet up in the air.
ReplyDeleteFirst thought was: "The cake is a lie"
WOW, all the awesome pics ihave seen. I cant comment on them all, i do have favs tho. I just dont have time today. I still have the TD26 too look thru yet. I didnt draw one for these. Or for 26 . . . oh well. maybe ill play catchup later. but for now NEXT DAY.
ReplyDeleteWOnderfully done everypony n.n
Has there ever been a scene on the show, where two ponies slow danced? I'm just wondering, because it always looks wrong whenever I see pony fanart with slowdancing?
ReplyDeleteNeeds more David Bowie and Cha-Cha Slide. And a LOT more Van Morrison. Other than that, I liked it.