Tears Can Be Cute, Too Edition. Or "Phoe needs to learn that when an idea inspires her, she should run with it without fear". This is the 3rd or so topic that I was convinced beyond all reason would wind up being controversial and hated, but I ran with it anyway because I thought the potential imagery was so strong. And every time, instead of that controversy, I get a ton of amazing art. Tonight? Oh my goodness gracious me, tonight. Absolutely incredible, the things you have drawn. Prepare to be rocked from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other, and then back again by these 161 soulful and expressive ponies. Our grand total for the event is now 4,518, which easily puts us within striking range of 5,000 by the end of this event. It's officially our goal!
Now filled with renewed vigor, energy, and purpose I link you once again to the submission guidelines for the night. And don't forget you can drop me a line at [email protected] if there's anything I can help you with! And thank you all for confirming to me that it's worth constantly adding this boring little paragraph every single night.
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony dancing. After getting all of the negative feeling out of their system, the ponies are feeling great and want to express that boundless joy to the world. Also, Pinkie just bought the latest DDR game, and is throwing a party to celebrate. Everypony's invited. This doubles as your opportunity to dry drawing a pony in a Gala style dress if you're interested: I'm trying not to do any more "dress a pony in x" themes, but that one still interests me.
So... I had a story I had been planning to tell you in this space, but now that it's time, I can't for the life of me remember what it was supposed to be. Don't you hate it when that happens? It's like, all around me are familiar faces, worn out places. Worn out faces, bright and early for their daily races, going nowhere. And their tears are filling up their glasses, no expression. No expression. I hide my head. I want to drown my sorrow... no tomorrow, no tomorrow.
And I find it kind of funny. I find it kind of sad, that the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had. I find it hard to tell you, 'cause I find it hard to take. But when ponies run in circles it's a very very mad world. I'm... um... I'm sorry. On with the show? Yeah I think that might be best. *shuffles off lamely*
1) By Several Alpacas (Finally. War has made me a mare.)
2) By TheWispX
3) By Hops (Is there enough saucy Phoe being drawn in this event? This artist says no! I, meanwhile, am embarrassed by how happy I was to see this.)
4) By Gig (The colors on this are lovely.)
5) By ChaosDrop (This is pretty much why I'll never eat spicy food anymore.)
6) By Philith (Consider yourself caught up!)
7) By Emerald Dust
8) By rich-tea
9) By TheMediocreSock
10) By Nero (No references, huh? Nice!)
11) By Jimbo1023
12) By Thanqol (Inspired by the story Chasing Rainbows. Which you don't have to read, but maybe it would be nice?)
13) By ShoeboxWarrior (I really can't get enough of these two together.)
14) By PandaRoux
15) By Balloons
16) By Nullh (Wow, keep up that dedication! And good luck making bronies out of your friends!)
17) By Midnight Shadow
18) By TensaiOni (I know this feeling. I know it wel.)
19) By Smock
20) By Alipes (There will never be another quite like him.)
21) By Ori (Tears for Fears.)
22) By EssAeEm
23) By Nido Media (The artist told her he wouldn't draw her a cutie mark.)
24) By Rydel (Ever read Bittersweet?)
25) By Tenaris
26) By Saphin
27) By Colaz (Love is knowing that somepony will always be there for you.)
28) By Zach (I got pretty misty eyed when I saw this, I'm not going to lie.)
29) By Amehdaus
30) By Infinity
31) By Blueberry Muffin
32) By DB (From Celly's apparent age here, I think Luna shrank. Still cute. Actually, more cute.)
33) By Stabbercube
34) By DiZaster321
35) By Chromadancer (There can never be enough Buttersc0tch Sundae references.)
36) By Kitty Tail (Come on Lyra, that's no way to live.)
37) By Doombah
38) By DJ Rainbow Dash
39) By Invidlord (I smiled.)
40) By Foxtrot
41) By Mere Jump
42) By UnintentionalRyhme
43) By Zephrys
44) By Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi (Looks like the story's wrapping up. Good thing, too.)
45) By Vergioso
46) By kits (Wonderfully sweet.)
47) By GonzaHerMeg (My favorite part of this image is how her bag is clearly marked Lunch.)
48) By Eliwood10 (I have this reaction to music all the time. And movies. And books. And cartoons about ponies. I... I cry a lot, ok? They're mostly good tears.)
49) By Atlur
50) By Colin
51) By Albert (Sometimes you see something so beautiful and there are no words.)
52) By toonboy92484 (When you get knocked down, get back up.)
53) By Justanotherpony (The return of Poison Joke could lead to a lot o interesting stories. Just saying.)
54) By DI-FL (I noticed the title of this piece, then I read the comment left for me explaining it, and then I cried for 15 solid minutes. Lyra, I want to hug you so much.)
55) By Mat Shades
56) By DCPIP (Rarity's having a bad day.)
57) By A.Q. Nichols (The expression here is wonderfully show accurate.)
58) By Afentis
59) By Dangereaux (This is absolutely heart rending.)
60) By Frith
61) By RaspleZS
62) By Farvei (For the record, we do this at midnight because no other time works for the blog.)
63) By Gunny (Fluttercry?)
64) By Gunny (War cry!)
65) By badzerg (I feel I owe you an apology for the newest theme.)
66) By Muffinsforever
67) By Chris (You beat me; I can't place that quote.)
68) By Tanman
69) By Circuit Mane
70) By Axwrend
71) By purpletrauma
72) By Jdan-S (Lyra seems to have a real problem with food.)
73) By Partition (I'm extremely glad that this event helped you to express yourself.)
74) By Ambrose
75) By Doppelgänger (This is equal parts terrifying and awesome.)
76) By Dr. Trotson (I think I'd cry if I was Scratch here, too.)
77) By Relias (The number of comments I've gotten today telling me how deeply personal these drawings have been probably makes it my favorite day so far.)
78) By Uncle Leo (If you must know, I have a Wii, Xbox, and PS3. And a NES, SNES, Genesis, Master System, Dreamcast, 2 PS2s, an N64, an Atari 2600, and an Intellivision. Why do you ask?)
79) By ASGallardo
80) By Mattyhex
81) By CrayonPony
82) By Starlight Bolt (I'll take it!)
83) By Pony Stark
84) By cartoonlion
85) By Prismatic Pretzel (I feel sorry for Lyra...)
86) By Prismatic Pretzel (... because she doesn't yet understand how we're perfect for each other!)
87) By Mockingbird
88) By McGack (In Memoriam)
89) By Kyouhen (If you remember the earlier submissions in this series, you'll realize why Celly is a GIANT JERK.)
90) By Djrk16 (Very well done! It gets pretty hard playing catch up with these themes.)
91) By Da Chi
92) By Fisher
93) By MHPayne
94) By The Flying Tomato
95) By Da Chi (Oh man. I don't think I was ready for something this violent tonight.)
96) By deniper
97) By Neoridgeback (Just hold on a few months more!)
98) By PenguinPlayer
99) By Lunar Apologist (Finally!)
100) By Horizon Bound (As I seem to be saying a lot today, I'm glad I was able to play a part in inspiring you! Glad you're home safe.)
101) By blasthemis
102) By Hakys
103) By The Recliner (Thank you for accepting the Phoe Pun-a-Day Challenge!)
104) By Kooldude
105) By Kephra (Congratulations to your cousin!)
106) By Tarynsgate
107) By Kt Kat
108) By Natry
109) By fetchbeer (Just to make this clear, those are trinkets from Scoot's collection, not the remains of Dashie.)
110) By Rekiara (Livin' the dream.)
111) By Erica C
112) By fairiedragon999
113) By Windfall
114) By Kitsune (Why I can never stay mad at Celly.)
115) By Goggle Sparks
116) By Doc Steedly (Don't you love it when inspiration strikes like lightning?)
117) By Sherlock Hooves (This would definitely happen. Dashie is a total softy under all that bravado.)
118) By Ego (I think my heart just exploded. Again.)
119) By PinkiePied (Octavia, this is not how you settle these things. Put the knife down and come here. We can talk this out.)
120) By Starlite
121) By Phantom G (I'm taking my pink Celestia to GenCon this year to paint it properly.)
122) By Pcjoyce (Next week, on As Equestria Turns...)
123) By A Terrible Person
124) By Buddy Vox (Just in case this isn't abundantly clear, her library is burning down.)
125) By Kloudmutt (Is there anything else for me to say other than holy crap? I think not!)
126) By Spurs (I am a terrible pony. A terrible, terrible pony.)
127) By Immersa (Hearkening back to Day 15. Very beautiful.)
128) By Spiritofthwwolf
129) By JJ
130) By Tenchi Outsuno (I'm pretty sure this is the saddest thing in canon.)
131) By MasterofRoku
132) By Panda_Instinct (Took me a second to notice where the tears were welling. Now I feel bad for laughing.)
133) By Kelz
134) By Leaf Growth
135) By 8ftmetalhead
136) By Easteu (My but there are a lot of tearful Fluttershys tonight.)
137) By AlterForm
138) By Silent Oink
139) By PVRyohei
140) By Moogie
141) By Shockwave
142) By Uncle Leo
143) By nuclearsuplexattack
144) By BronyQuest
145) By Sapphire
146) By Virga Rainboom (Actually, I do find myself curious to hear the long version. Send it along, please?)
147) By Aku
148) By DJ RBDash

149) By StarSongPony

150) By Hiro

151) By Twilightlover21

152) By Periphery
153) By Fox E:
154) By rabidcow147
155) By HyperMark (janzybrony)
156) By djTeka
157) By Liska
158) By randomjack
159) By otherunicorn
160) By Thattagen
161) By Eeful

woah 66 and FIRST!
ReplyDeleteGah! I missed it by that much! ;_; So close!
ReplyDeleteBarely Made it on Time! Look for that to end up in one of the Draw Friends with full BG!
ReplyDeleteIf you miss the deadline by a few minutes, submit anyway. You'll probably still make it in.
ReplyDelete#144 signing in. I'm slightly disappointed that this is the first of my pictures in a while to not get a Phoe comment, but I can live with that. A lot of beautiful pictures tonight, and more than a few gave me misty eyes. And for that, I bid everypony a good job.
ReplyDelete36 and 47 are good.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, how can all of you live with yourselves; making all these cute little ponies cry . *Sniff*
And I have a vague idea for the dance theme, but I know I am not good enough in photoshop for it.
Jeez, what was the title/backstory for 54, then?
ReplyDeleteYou can't say it affected you like that and then not tell us what it was. That's simply not fair! =P
I just knew there'd be a lot of Fluttercry tonight. I also love when I get almost instant inspiration for the next picture
ReplyDelete24 here
ReplyDeleteBittersweet had me crying the entire time.
It probably didn't help that I'd also justed finied reading Bubbles, Dinky doesn't go to School, and Today, Tomorrow, Forever.
47 - I laughed. Then I felt bad for laughing at Lyra's misfortune
72 - Derpy can alway find food (In other pony's fridges). Lyra should ask her for tips
WOO! 140 and so many awesome pictures!
ReplyDelete(Darn you Ego and you're awesome pictures!)
#155 :D It's here anyways XD Thank you Phoe!
ReplyDeleteThere were some pretty heartwarming ones in here.
118... its so sad...
ReplyDelete#157 here. The title for that one is, "Here's to Broken Dreams and Lonely Nights".
ReplyDelete143: Damn that's cold uncut tragedy.
ReplyDelete124: I wasn't expecting them to have any affect but I've worked in libraries. The actual thought of everything even the crappy ones I've worked in is triggering a hell of a lot of depression and empathy.
ReplyDeleteYou can find the title by clicking on it. The story was about Lyra trying to cope with life during those days when Bon Bon wasn't around, and her failure to cope with her mother's rejection of her lifestyle and fear that she would wind up doing the same thing to her own child. To say that it touched a very soft spot in my heart is something of an understatement.
#159 here. I was late, but the picture made it! Thank you thank you thank you.
ReplyDelete#118 - wonderful.
Just submitted mine. If you're listening, Phoe, use your Princess powers to save me once more!
ReplyDeletefor such a sad subject, theres a lot of brilliant drawings.
ReplyDelete#17 here - I got told my yesterday's sketch was better. I think my colouring ruined today's ;..;
#48 checking in.
ReplyDelete59 - Oh, God. My heart.
117 - That's me watching Toy Story 3, Tangled, How to Train Your Dragon...
118 - EGO WHY U SO AWESOME. The many tears will not stop.
147 - I think I'm going to be a massive Trixie fan by the time S2 rolls around because of stuff like this.
ReplyDeleteI am serving in Afghanistan right now and this hits home.
#78 and #140 here I did another one because I didn't like how the first one turned out. anyway another great day. By the way @Phoe, I just wanted to know because I thought it would be awesome to meet up on xbox live or on a game on the wii.
ReplyDelete#34 Here.
ReplyDelete#118 broke my heart to pieces.
Some of these were absoulutely amazing. And for #153, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and I recognize that RBD model from anywhere. Kits would be happy to see that! :D
Woops I mean 142 not 140.
ReplyDeleteContact Ponyfied. Now I've seen everything.
Manly Tears were shed.
I'm already technically depressed, so I'm not looking at these.
ReplyDeleteThat's not to say they aren't good, however.
Wrong theme, wrong time I suppose.
#71 here.
ReplyDeleteI thought last week with the artist self insert was my worst entry, but whew. This weeks was horrible.
I was first uninterested. Then I got drunk. Then I thought: Celestia, with her slender proportions and doe-like face would look adorable crying. Then I drunkenly made a face only, and made a face too big for the sketchbook, then uploaded it anyway because in the end: it's just practice. Doesn't matter if it's crap. And crap it is.
#81 here.
ReplyDeleteI really like #60 and #118.
#104 here. I think Twilight looks weird, how did I mess this on up? Anyway, on to my comments
ReplyDelete#5 Lol
#11 Awww...
#13 I'm really impressed with the reflexions in their eyes.
#16 I really like this one.
#18 Azumanga Daioh anyone? No?
#20 I slightly feel bad that I want to laugh at this one.
#26 I had to laugh at this.
#32 Dawww....
#39 Like
#40 Seriously like.
#59 Powerful!
#75 Woah.
#84 Aww...I need to see more. POOR FLUTTERSHY!
#99 YAAAYYY!!!
#112 Oh yes!
#118 How sweet...
120-That's the second piece of Fan Art for the Psychology Series I've seen. Is there a set of them out there? If so, link?
ReplyDelete73 dropping in to say that I broke down giggling at 107. That picture gets you free hugs for life.
ReplyDelete13 Checking in....
ReplyDeleteWow I was for sure expecting some onion cutting....huh.
There were so many good ones and a lot of Derpy ones (which is awesome by my count).
Favorites! 11, 19, 39(this one gave me the happy goosebumps), 47, 48, 56 (I love Rarity and this pose is perfect), 82, 107(haha clever use of the word 'cry' it took me a second), 118, 125, 128, 129 (I love the safety pin cutie mark), 152 (very clever).
Whew there were a lot of favorites today; now how many square dancing Applejacks will we see tomorrow?
#54 hit very close to home. That's all I think I can say...
ReplyDeletehaha way to go ego 118 and virga rainboom 146 these have me rolling on the floor with laughter (and tears????)
ReplyDelete#44 reporting in. It's been brought to my attention that my paneling order in this one can potentially be confusing, so I'm really sorry about that for anyone whom ended up feeling confused. I think I was on the verge of overextending again, as I ended up running short on time for the day and having to rush toward the end. I'm also a bit less than satisfied with my 20% cooler statement. Someone pointed out to me that this was a little weird and looking back on it, I have to agree. I was aiming for bravado and I think I missed the mark a bit.
ReplyDelete@Phoe's comment: I'm not entirely sure how to interpret this. Is my stuff getting overbearing or something?
My god. I don't know if it's just how i was feeling today (probably not)...but there are tears on my keyboard right now. The nonstop array of miserable ponies broke me down. By the time I got to 118 I started weeping. Barely got calmed down before 146 had me in tears again.
ReplyDeleteBeautifully poignant gallery, guys.
Oh and, 158 here. Kinda ran out of time so it was rough around the edges, but hey - Spike didn't turn out all that bad for a first try.
75 is interesting to me.
ReplyDeleteThe visual metaphor of Luna's soul being literally haltered to Nightmare's twisted shell is very compelling.
I just want to say that I LOVE 84's art style.
ReplyDelete#96 here
ReplyDeleteloved a lot of these tonight hope ya'll like my luna free in her beautiful night watercolor.
peace and love
ReplyDeleteAnother great haul, everyone did awesomeness!
ReplyDeleteI fell asleep in the process of uploading my entry.
Aw, screw it. I guess it'll just be a bonus image for anyone who reads the comments. Here it is:
And my little sister, as yesterday, drew her own as well which is here
Damn. I can appreciate what kind of fine line Phoe treads while handling this stuff every night.
#121 here.
ReplyDeleteActually had the time to draw up a pic for once. Sorry Phoe for missing so many of these training grounds days. ;_;
Also Fluttershy just seemed to fit so well in my drawing.
#46 here. I hope this makes up for yesterday's. I almost did a continuation of it, but that was breaking my will to live, so I did happy instead.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I accidentally my verb.
#153 HOLY SHIT! I am flattered. And disturbed.
So many awesome drawings.
So jelly of y'alls coloring abilities
@Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
ReplyDeleteI just figured it'd be difficult to work a danceoff into your epic battle, is all.
#160 today, the very last one (for now). Thanks again, Phoe! I didn't have as much time to finish this one because I went to a banquet at church tonight.
ReplyDeleteYou might recognize this pony from filly day. Basically, she's an angel with inverted wings who was shunned from heaven and cannot fly. I'm actually starting to lean towards the idea that she's a defective seraphim, and only got the "cover-up" wings, and not the "flying" ones. But that's a story I'll write another time...
I'm too tired to try to remember which drawings I loved today, but I can surely say that I loved the Homestuck reference early on, and all the sad Derpys. I was surprised how many ponies "died" today, though. Totally caught me off guard.
@ArgembargerScrying AND crying! Nice combo!
ReplyDeleteOh. I forgot. On the dance theme: I like it. I've done it to death already for Friendship Day Pinkie Party. But Maybe I can come up with ideas for other ponies to dance to.
ReplyDeleteThe one which Rainbow Dash at Applejack's grave really got me. And the one from the ending to the Sparks side story. :(
ReplyDeleteI have been loving this event massively. Whilst Ive only submitted one drawing, I have done loads on each topic in my sketchbook and found the themes really inspiring. Thanks allot Phoe. I wish this event didn't have an end almost.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping for more Derpy. There was nothing especially emotional featuring her.
ReplyDelete#7 here. I don't really know what to say today... looking at all those sad ponies is kind of unsettling. They were made to be happy, weren't they?
ReplyDeleteStill, I have quite a few favorites today. First of all, anything with Celestia and Luna is still genius.
#4: I really like that one because of how simple it is. That just makes it all the more effective.
#11: That's both cute and sad. I like how Applejack looks a bit younger in this one; that way, it really does make sense that this is something for her to cry about.
#20: I suppose that's what will happen eventually. The future is digital, after all.
#26: That one cracked me up, actually; not because of Apple Bloom's distress, but because it reminds me so very much of the "Peanuts" comics. That's pretty much exactly what they looked like when they'd cry.
#28: Phoe deserves all the praise and happiness in the world.
#41: Mein Freund, der Baum, ist tot... and so on. I just hope that's not Bloomberg. That'd be even sadder.
#59: Oh Celestia, no. That's a great picture, but... you need to be careful with that. Those things can ruin people.
#65: I believe in you, Longshy. You'll make it home someday.
#68: That's a great reference; funny thing, since I didn't like that game at all. It's a very nice picture, though.
#79: Yes. It's like that book was WRITTEN for Luna.
#93: I'm starting to wonder if Rarity will ever make it down from that tree. She'll probably be stuck in there until the event is over... poor thing.
#107: A nice change from all that sad imagery. Pinkie should dress up more often. She'll look adorably silly in anything!
#118: That's so cute and sad and beautiful that I have no idea how to feel about it. That's... a good thing, I hope?
#159: Well, yesterday has made it clear that Pinkie is a robot, so I suppose it only makes sense that she needs to get her tear water from somewhere.
Now, on to dancing ponies. That's going to be a change of pace... Especially for me, since I have no idea how to draw something like that. It's probably going to come out looking really weird; I suppose what counts is to do your best.
#18 here...
That's exactly where I got inspiration from, didn't expect anyone to figure this out.
And now I feel bad for using Kimura-sensei as an inspiration for pony art.
#9 here. Wow mine was terrible in comparison to you guys XD
ReplyDeleteStill gonna keep doing this though. There were some great entries tonight.
@Thattagen, thanks for noticing that so quickly :)
ReplyDeleteMissed this competition due to me going down to london D: by the way, manly tears were shed at some of these pictures. This is what art's truely about, making you feel emotion. Now to draw a pony dancing...
ReplyDeleteThat's a lot of art. I think I need to go back and look at these training ground posts, and maybe participate in a few.
ReplyDeleteConfound those ponies. They make me have manly tears ; n ;
ReplyDeleteGreat job, everypony!
#118 is just so heartwarming, and at the same time heartwrentching. Tears and sadness/joy at the same time?? Definitely some good art!
ReplyDeleteEgo's one proves once and for all that Derpy and Dinky have the best relationship.
ReplyDeleteAnd #9, Homestuck references always make me happy.
I think the drawing for this entry is my best yet (I'm number 11). Each day shows a little more improvement!
ReplyDelete#118. Consider my heart broken.
ReplyDelete@82: Great... Now you made me cry. :(
ReplyDelete[tldr alert — I've been staring at this character in my mind all day so I'm going to ramble to help get it out of my head.]
ReplyDelete@DiZaster321 It's true, inspired by Kits [Cupcakes warning] a second time. =P Pony a Day submissions in general are a wonderful resource for inspiration; it's easy to get a dozen ideas for followup or related pics to the previous day's list of submissions. All of you are amazing and should feel amazing.
@Kits Thanks! I think Cupcakes is some kind of experimental mind virus, it left your head and went into mine. =X
On to #153, this is actually just a character study and pose test I sketched on lined paper, but massive art block said NO U to a completed pic, so this is all I had available for submission. Also the scanner utterly mutilated it.
This was supposed to be a full comic. The original idea was that, at the end of Cupcakes, Twilight receives a letter, signed by "Dr. Pinkamena Lugae Pie," summoning her and her friends to Sugarcube Corner to try out some new cupcakes. They go, and once they make it into the unlit special basement, Twilight turns on her horn flashlight, and they encounter Dash here. Naturally, a few recoil in disgust, while others simply go into shock (crying theme!), but when one of the ponies finally asks what's going on, Dash stands up on her hind legs, points at the group, and laughs at them.
So they find themselves in the unenviable position of facing down their former loyal friend, Rainbow Dash, now twisted into a mockery of her former self: the evil hell doll, Calbrena Dash.
Then there was gonna be an RPG combat screen or something I guess. I dunno, didn't get any farther story-wise. A second submission would have Dash crying her eyes out after such a disturbing nightmare, a la Rocket to Insanity, maybe alone up on a cloud, or in Pinkie's room looking for consolation.
The character itself was mostly taken straight from the afforementioned reference, plus a few things: the post-mortem bruises around her ankles from being shackled, a tattoo of a black teardrop (Dash will always need a shoulder to cry on, or be crying tears of joy at something wonderful Pinkie has done), the otherwise slack lips drawn and stitched into an obviously fake grin, forever happy and eager for a sweet treat, and...metal poles in her forelegs with wires between them. I'm not sure what those are, but they were there when I was imagining the character design, so there you go.
As for how Dash is up and about, who knows. Maybe she's been roboticized or enchanted or acme'd. It's Pinkie Pie, I ain't gotta explain shit.
This is all very grimdark and whatnot, so let's move on to favourites lists! Only thing is I loved pretty much all of these today. Some outstanding ones were #3, #5, #6, #7, #11, #12, #18, #20, #24, #40, #42, #43, #47, #49, #51, #59, #74, #82, #84, #88, #90, #93, #99, #108, #109, #116, #117, #121, #124, #127, #130, #132, #147, #157, and #159.
#28: "Phoe pony is best pony" ftw.
#75: good lord D=
#79: Good pic to go with a good story.
#118: Words, they fail to describe this piece.
Saphin here
ReplyDeleteI kinda wish I went with my original idea (which i actually forgot when I drew this submission) of a pony crying cause the Artist Training Grounds is almost over!
#22 checking in. I like to think that Pinkie Pie will sometimes just randomly pop in on ponies and sing them helpful songs when they need it. It's something I can see her doing. Alsp the crying pony is named Milky Quartz and she's a dairy farmer from just outside of Ponyville who is very passionate about her work... not that I've given it much thought or anything.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, some of my favorites this time around were 5, 20, 28, 56, 117, 124, and 129. Keep up the good work, everypony!
#118 just...
ReplyDeleteit just got me...
confound these ponies they drive me to my tissue box
Phoe I keep reading the artists are sending you little stories to go with their pictures. Can we see those somewhere, did I miss something?
ReplyDeleteOh and also, Phoe. You are scaring me :(
ReplyDeleteI missed it by three hours. XD
ReplyDelete#118 # 59 #28
ReplyDeletemade me cry manly tears. I love you guys.
Woah shit, #59. :(
ReplyDeleteNever mind since #68 made me laugh.
#118 takes the cake. Or muffin. Whatever.
I think #59 almost made me cry
ReplyDelete#4 here. Hu, I'm surprise people liked it, since I seriously screwed up the moon :/.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, a lot of awesome pics today. I won't list them, but well played guys.
@Phoe #67 here, sorry for giving you a practically impossible challenge I just wanted to test you. It was quite unfair though I didn't even give you a hint... sorry.
ReplyDeleteAs for everypony else some fantastic work today I would scroll back up the page and get some specfic numbers but I'm using a rubbish little netbook to post this and it seems to be struggling just to post this.
#9 here. Wow mine sucked compared to everybody else's AWESOME art XD
ReplyDeleteBut I am glad a few of you got the reference.
#120 - Woo-hooooo!
ReplyDeleteI cannot express how cool it is to see these.
Oh, #3. Weirdest boner.
ReplyDeleteRe: #60. Glad you liked it. ^_^ I did 5 colour versions, the fifth version being the charm. First coat in blue because Pinkie is feeling blue, overlayed with hot colours for the outpouring of emotion. Then I "inked" in a few small details that would have been obliterated in the colouring process (colouring tool: ZeFrank's Scribbler).
#63 and #64 today (and, hey, commented by Phoe! Even if it was just a bit)!
ReplyDeleteI still feel bad for making Fluttershy cry, though...
#59 (...that was seriously heartrending...)
#66 (a sketched Twilight I aspire to be able to do!)
#100 (I wish I had the pencils, or the markers to color my pictures... that, or good image-editing skills)
#107 (just for fun!)
#118 (I ain't crying, dammit! It's just... sand in my eyes...)
#127 (simple, and lovely)
#74 here. For once I didn't stay up for the post. These are getting so good, everyone!
ReplyDeleteParticularly liked #3(superbly done), 5, 11, 13, 14, 18, 22(cutie mark cracks me up), 28, 32, 39, 41(the color tone works so well), 47, 51, 56(really like this style), 59(love the lighting), 68, 79, 96, 102, 107, 112, 118(wow), 124, 130(wow), 144, 147, 152.
124 today. I'm still not sure if I succeeded with this one. It was rather ambitious and I don't know if it's clear enough what's happening.
ReplyDeleteSome very good ones today, again, I can't pick a favorite.
That makes me feel a bit better about the drawing itself. I was also trying to empathize with Twilight while I was finishing up the art.
~Buddy Vox
So many great images today!
ReplyDeletePicking my top favorites:
#4 by Gig (Luna is going translucent in the moonlight!)
28 by Zach (Princess Phoe gets a thankyou card from everypony, and Derpy is in character with her YAY! card upside down. Yes, Phoe does Rock. ^_^)
32 by DB (Luna gets a bandage for a scraped knee. I have an inkling that the apparent age and size of the Princess ponies is a function of their magical powers. I also think that the apparent age of the normal ponies is a manifestation of their special ability and not a function of their actual age. Thus Granny Smith is old because that is her special talent, not because she is any older than, say, Cheerilee.)
59 By Dangereaux (Rainbow Dash at Applejack's grave -- dramatic lighting)
82 By Starlight Bolt (Filly 4 Free... drat! Phoe got her first. Maybe I can babysit sometime.)
96 By deniper (Princess Luna and the sky. I might be the colours and the angle, but I see Chagall in this)
118 by Ego (First person naration by Dinky Hooves, her mommy has a hard life but she is the best mommy. Beautiful soft sketchy style with a "lined paper" backdrop as part of the visual narative. Excellent)
124 by Buddy Vox (Twilight's Library home is burning down. Her eyes! You need to enlarge the image to full size to appreciate her eyes. Now my vision has gone all blurry... must be something in my eye)
125 By Kloudmutt (Holy crap is right! Soft image of Princesses Luna and Celestia in each other's arms, nearly nose to nose. At full size, cropped to place the heads as a diagonal across the screen, and you have a Celestia tier wall paper.)
Holy F*@# 118 I need to go cry in my room now...
ReplyDeleteSo adorable.... *sniffle*
#40 today! I wanted to do some of the non mane/CMC characters for a change today, but I'm horrible at sad stuff.
ReplyDeleteSo you get comic relief instead, partially inspired by how many SoarinXPie pictures the 'love' theme got. XD With an Octavia cameo.
I'm not gonna pick favorites. There's too much awesome to pick favorites.
@9 I also love the Homestuck reference, but I also love the pony you chose to represent Jade. X3 I would LOVE to see an episode of Fluttershy getting irritated with an (even more) miserably pathetic image of herself.
ReplyDelete117 made me D'aww. That's how I feel at every sappy movie ;_; But my boyfriend gets leaky-eyed too so I don't have to hide my shame anymore X3
I'm 107 today... I'm thinking Pinkie probably just takes naps whenever, she doesn't really sleep. I just couldn't think of anything sad! I'm thinking now I could have done a Crying Indian theme or something. Oh the missed possibility!
#88 Here
ReplyDeleteSo much sadness and yet so much win, so hard to have a favourite or even a group of 20 or so
@Anonymous Stay safe over there. I got back from the there in March to complete my third year in those places.
ReplyDelete#100 Here. My picture is making me misty again. Somethings aren't meant to stop hurting.
So many pictures today that hurt the heart, so many talented bronies.
ReplyDeleteReread my comment and I think i sound more riled than I was. Don't want anyone to get that impression. If I perceive that there is an unknown problem, my Twilight-like paranoia kicks in and I tend to get more direct about figuring out said unknown. >.>
And in regards to your comment, anything can happen with Pinkie in the mix!
#48 - I absolutely cry at all those types of media, too, and the fact that I can is honestly one of my favorite things about myself. Today was amazing, very possibly my favorite overall day yet -- every one of these is so good, every one of them tells a story, and a lot of them seemed to have gotten us to think more "deeply" than we do most days, and even send Phoe comments about that. I really don't intend to make such long things for you to have to read on top of everything else you're doing, but at the same time I like it because I know you read them and you always have such nice things to say back. And getting comments directly from the event runner during the event on my pictures lots of days makes me feel like I'm "winning", even if I'm still nowhere near as good as a lot of these guys.
ReplyDeleteOverall, I just love this event, and I love everyone taking place in it. Have I said that enough lately?
118. This is the first time I've actually felt a lump in my throat from ponies. It's extremely well put-together in terms of the style and words suiting each other perfectly, and it's so heart-wrenching. I love Derpy and Dinky so much, and they try so hard.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ego.
@#70: Wow, two days in a row with Gurren Lagann ponies
ReplyDelete#118: I'm gonna be honest...I've never really been much of a derpy fan, But ego really hit a soft spot. Manly tears won't stop gushing out.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay, Phoe. The Derpy one made me LOL too.
ReplyDeleteGonna work hard on this theme today!~
126 Here. Sorry about that Phoe. I was just having a little bit of fun. You really are a great pony though. I appreciate all you do.
ReplyDelete@frith thanks that is quite a compliment :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sure its the watercolor and low contrast choices I made doing this one,
one thing drawing ponys, is teaching me is when you draw/paint ponys in a public place nobody thinks you are weird. *sorta supervised by that one.*
I think #75 is my favorite one. Or maybe #109.
ReplyDelete#143 Ah, there we go. I was waiting for one of these =D
#146 This one is good too.
Too bad my entry is incomplete.
ReplyDelete#59 here.
ReplyDelete#118 got to me. Masculine pride prevents me from going into detail, but there were tears.
118: Screw it, Derpy is no longer mother of the year. She blew way past that into mother of the millenium. Very touching.
ReplyDelete28: I can definitely appreciate this sentiment. Phoe, you truly are an awesome person for taking the time to organize this thing every night. Without a doubt, this is one of the greatest communities on the internet, and you help to make it all the better.
@ 89 by Kyouhen
ReplyDelete.... oh dear god, why did you have to use THAT CARD!
For those of you not familiar with Magic the Gathering - Nevineryl's Disk (sp?) is a card that wipes out ALL Creatures, Artifacts (equipment) on BOTH sides of the battlefield.
Friend and I played in a quirky rules game once, army-building, large deck allowed, no attacks against each other for the first ~50+ turns. We filled up a table with a massive army, ready to unleash utter chaos.
Then he played his new Nivery's Disk card. We spent the next 15 minutes clearing everything from the table.
.... Why Kyouhen...... just... why ; ;
Why don't you do a hyperbole event. That would be THE BEST EVENT EVER!
ReplyDelete>that was a pun, but also a serious suggestion.
#54 this time... Darnit, why must I evoke that much emotion!?
ReplyDeleteAnd to Ego: you blow everypony else away every time... Every time.
ReplyDeleteFirst you quote "Major Tom (Coming Home)", and now "Mad World"?
...Phoe, are you trying to make me declare you as my new favorite pony?
#152 on this one. It ended up being kind of a simplified version of what I was trying to do, because of way too much time wasted on computer problems yesterday. Ended up with only a little over an hour to work on it, so I didn't have time to figure out how to make it look more detailed.
ReplyDeleteIm sorry I cant comment today, not enough time, I will tomorrow. I wont be able to draw one either. I have alot to do tomorrow here . . .
ReplyDeleteJust... 70.
You made me go put on this and then it was awesome.
Kamina!Dashie and Simon!Scootaloo is the logical choice given canon relationships, but Simon!Luna makes a lot more sense personality-wise.
Epic brohoof.
(also, I skipped drawing yesterday's to sleep instead >__> )
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment.
116 CHECKING IN LATE .... I know, im soo happy that i decided to draw that pic, despite how it happened. I absolutely love how it came out. LOL. Long story short, i was getting ready for bed, had to work the next day ( up by 7 am ) It was 130am , normal bed time for me, as i lay looking into the back of my eyelids, boom TRXIE. She popped into my head, but Trixie wasnt the boastrous, self absorbed Trixie we know and loved, she was sorrowful, longing, alone. Thats when i decided, what if Trixie came back . . . When i got done the pic ( was just Trix and the library, 1h45m work ) I figured it would be more emotional to have Twilight in the pic too, another 30 min to sketch her and piece the two pictures together. The story behind the pic,
ReplyDeleteTwilight is out, enjoying a fall celebration in ponyville. The party runs late into the morning. Twilight decides to leave earlier than anypony else. Slowly, she stumbles up to her loaner home, surprised at the ruckus growing louder upon ever step she takes. Upon making her way to her homes entrance she finds Trixie, frantically sobbing, pounding on the library door, calling Twilights name unwaveringly loud between sobs. Inconsiderate to anypony she may be disturbing. Twilight, overcome with a sarrowed joy, cannot help but admire the the resolve of one who would set her whole sense of self pride aside... To try and make amends.
1 Even tho dashie is cool . . . forever cool, the gun doesnt help. THo i would love to know why she is upset, and upset dashie=crying Doc
ReplyDelete2 I think i see something about Pie . . . *learns to cook pie for unhappy Lyra
3 I would be happy to see that too. Content is irrelavent, when it comes to thought. Beautiful linework Hops
4 Yeah, the subtlety is well expressed. A Feeling of very cold, when looking at this.
5 My tummy no likey spicey. O.O its hard to look at a teary Pinke Eye.
6 LOL well played, well ... played LOL.
7 Oh by celestia, i love how this pic could definately lead to the events of mine . . . . Thats actually quite amazing if you think about it. Thats actually kinda a neato idea . . . having multiple artists draw a frame each for a larger comic O.O
8 OH NOOOOO! THE MUHFINS!! Learns to kook muhfins for Bright eyes.
9 This is quite funny lol
10 That is the best way to develope a lines personality.
11 Aww how did she loose it? If someone took it from her. . . You never, EVER touch a Cowpokes/Cowgirls hat!
12 I read that story, i hope its get some more work done to it. I really love the work put into these stories, even if i dont certainly agree with the content. But this pic struck a soft spot with me cause of the story. I actually think this compliments that emotional story superbly.
13 I agree, those two, happy or sad brings a smile to my face . . .
14 Its sad, but i cant beleive how awesome the linework is, the sketchyness, it adds a greater effect of how rough that pony is emotionally. To me anyway . . . I love linework like this.
15 Im soo happy to see alot of pencilled linework tonight. n.n
16 Oh my, its really hard to not smile at a teary eyes fluttershy, is this wrong?
17 she eat'd muffin? Id be sad too O.O
18 Oh Rarity, it always works out in the end. Have you failed yet? *hugs*
I like this style alot . . .
19 Simply Effective!
20 Ahh i get the joke . . . but i cant really laugh when that teary eyed mare is there. She really could use a nice cup of tea, and a gentle hug.
21 This scares the hay outta me. Despite her cuteness, fluttershy has always bothered me for some reason. This cements it. For Rainbow, i would try to restrain FS . . . . If it was Twilight, i swear, i wouldnt be held accountable for my actions. Her ... wings ... what have you DONE?!?
22 I seen these coming a mile away. And yes, its funny. thank you n.n
23 Applecry, thats doesnt roll of the tongue too well.
24 No i didnt read it, but now i think i want to. I really like the subtle highlights in this pic. THey actually stand out very boldly. Aswell as the blankets texturing.
25 TOPHATS, they looked good on worgens . . . and definately on ponies aswell.
26 Ok now im depressed, two applecry pics >.>
27 Here here!
28 Im the other voice mixed into that crowd, my sentiments are exactly why i keep taking hours out of my day to comment on all of these pics, sometimes gratttude CAN BE summed up in just one word. One post at a time, keeping it all together!
29 Twi, and Celly . . . i neednt say anymore. The refraction going on in her eyes is rather well done
30 Rartiy, trust me, im a guy and that is a low rung on the ladder. Trxie will right her mind and see it for herself too. I actually dig the background coloring going on here. It shows the intensity of the scene going on before her, as tho all around is just being burred and blocked out.
31 Fluttershy would be an absolute wreck, I doubt her own friends would be enough at first. I got misty with this pic, easily.
32 Adorable, i cant say much else without ruining this for me.
ReplyDelete33 Try drawing at a larger scale, i found it much easier to mate lines for conformity if they are bigger than when the lines are smaller. SIde note, you got the face down pretty good, prolly didnt take you 40 minutes like it does me LMAO
34 OH HAY NO, RAINBOW CRY? Are you crazy?
35 Is this to a fanfic, ima going to look for it now O.O
36 OH LYRA!!! Kinda cool in glasses.
37 This is a mixed BAG of emotions . . . get it BAG . . . Trxies . .BAG . . . ahahaha anywho.
38 Pls tell me im not the only one who is being hit hard by these tearful Trixies ...
39 THis picture has restore my composure. Happy Luna is a gift i enjoy.
40 Whoe else but Saorin ( gosh i hope thats spelled right )
41 Please tell me that isnt bloomberg?
42 Now this is one of those surprises, there normally are a few every day, this pic is surely awesome.
43 owhuh . . . Soo much unhappieness
44 After going back and reading these, there kinda cool n.n Specially how in one way or another they end up fitting in daily :D
45 WHAO. THats one tough pic. Very effective.
46 AWWW, yes it is. . .
47 I agree, Lyra seems to be a hoot to hang with, tho we'd be having parasprite bbq after that.
48 I m exactly the same way, i always choke up at Twilights speech when she learns of the spark, or when Rainbow rainbooms, or i listen to the fun music, or Brony instrumentals ( Rainbow Rahpsody ) DOnt get me started on fanfics ( nightfall series )
49 I like the portrayal in her eyes. Tho whats going on?
50 Someone is looking to loose some teeth. OR develope a taste for hoof in mouth
51 I have been there n.n
52 Dashie *hugs* This is a good thing, training harder, become more confident, and when you get accepted. THe victory will be all the more sweeter.
53 HAAHAHAAH I love this pic, Hey . . hey . . . Applejack, RUN, Ill dristract her.
54 I love the detailed lineworks here. Such a nice job.
55 Sometimes icant really come up with words for each pic, but this made me smile.
56 Oh no, i may have to stop commenting on these. :'( too much sad pony is making me sad. Rarity's beautiful eyes are not helping make this easier. I absolutely love the detail here, it would be a beautiful background if it were not for her teary eyes.
57 I absolutely agree, the linework is pretty spot on.
58 Its hard to look at the Big Ponies sad . . . the little ones . . . its much worse
59 You know . . . when i first seen this the other day ( when it was posted here, i glanced but didnt have time to comment ) I was taken aback by the sight of Rainbow crying as such. BUT when i seen the apple . . . I absolutely lost it. I still cant really look at the picture long enough to appreciate the beautfully well done linework. One day ill be able to appreciate this for what it is fully, but for now, the sentiment alone the picture emotes is more than enough for me to say TopicTopper. This is my absolute fav of today, despite the pictures story.
ReplyDelete60 WHAO!! THats trippy, awesome, and kinda really techinal looking all at the same time.
61 LOL Really unique design going on, she has quite the personality.
62 HERE HER! i agree. never too much pony
63 WHAO THERE, this illicates an instahug from me.
64 WOW good job, she wearin sneakers?
65 Cries IRL, this picture doesnt work for me. Opera wont load the page. These are turning out REALLY COOL. More of the expressive pencilwork i love soo much.
66 I hate onions too Twi.
67 WOW, this actually brought a smile to my face. I hope i wasnt wrong for smiling. Its so touching!
68 Sacpony needs a new outfit or costume. Luckily there Sweetie Belle, you being the creator, you can change the way your sacpony looks and feels. Experiment, have fun, and always be stylish!
69 See I told you walking into the wall would mess yer muzzle up. See now you can pass yerself off as a Male pony. ( im sorry its 4am and im not thinking right, please dont be offended ) IF you are ill retrack the comment. Keep up the good work, develope the lines and style, its hard to say in words, but try to not used angles on bodyshapes. IF you look at the males, or even celly and her sister. The angles used on their muzzles actually are quite soft. You have the conformity down tho. Good job n.n
70 YES a Gurren Lagann Reference, WELL PLAYED. BRAVO!
Its after 4 in the morning, i started this at 1am ill finish commenting tomrrow, gnight all
71 Yer already off on a better start than me. LOL i dont use guidlines to my work . . .its all eye ny eye. Keeps up the good work, you be getting better in no time.
ReplyDelete72 Looks like this problem need a solution and fast . . . Lyra, how much more can you take dear?
73 Indeed uts always bettter when pic can express an
74 THere there FLuttershy, accidents happen, its the way the world works. . . This is why its always important to be by yer friends side, now matter who said friend is. *smiles*
75 OH MY! WOW, i saw this pic back when it was little more than sketchy shape lines on Ponychan. I absolutly loved the creepyness, It ever so more terrifing now. I love it, this pic beautifully depicts just how Nmoons embrace can still be felt by Luna. Wether or not Nmoon is Truely gone, thats how Luna may always feel. Im really ecstatic how this turned out. Eagerly, i awaited to see what the final would look like. I really cannot describe the awesomeness im feasting on...
76 Yeah, that kind of image CANNOT be marred by a taped bridge.
77 Wow first fanart i have seen of her, literally. Despite the image depicted, i was actually glad to see her. I realy like the color works done.
78 Alright, everypony, we need to find this shrine O.O I want to see it.
79 Now that i can be content with, she is crying, but still happy. I love me some happy LUna.
80 Yeah ... the first frame of this pic was alittle hard to digest untill i seen the second part . . . then i sighed with an LOL
81 Im sorry, but i smiled when i seen her balling face just now. I think it was remiscent of how cute the scene was from the show, i couldnt help but smile then because of her issues with the CMC
82 Yer going to have to fight me for her. HEY LOOK OVER THERE. *yoinks little filly and bolts into the sky* NYAAAAAAAA!
83 Oh now, not dashie O.O If i ever got to not liking ponies, this would fix it right away.
84 You know dashie, if we werent all friends here, i think id boot ra in the rump fer that *scowls* I really like the linework and coloring here, the coloring is very good representation wise. THe lines a personal, my fav way to see them.
86 Lustful much? LOL not that its a bad thing in that case? ( im not being serious with that comment, just lol'ing, im sorry. Personally id stand by her side yes, but only for moral support. but thats just me :P )
87 Ok what ponies want to help me fix this problem rainbow now has? Nice linework, really like how her mane and tail turned out. Beautiful work on her eye there too.
88 WHAT! i cant comment on this. Its funny in a morbid sorta of way. Varying degrees of emotional confusion @.@
89 OH TROLLESTIA, if you were soo awesome . . . . DAT FACE! LOL
90 Multi-theme-splosion. Well played lol
91 I really like the progression with pinkie there.
92 I would probably have my cutiemark surgically removed if that were mine I.I i hate onions raw, cooked their delicious
93 Yeah . .. what pinkie said LOL? how does Rarity keep ending up in the tree.
94 I was kinda weirded out when i seen that in the show too, why did they portray a droopy ear?
95 ALRIGHT Pinkie, yer looking fer a right smartin there. Nice job, its not often to see sompony use crossthatching for shadow and shading.
96 YAY more happy luna, is that water color and color pencil blending i see there?
97 THat is proving to be VERY VERY hard, if it twerent fer this site. id been crazy by now.
98 WHAO! a teardrop cutie mark. That could be represented in a few ways, i guess this stands as one of them.
99 *joyfully squeezes dash soo hard, not realising she is having trouble breathing* Nice background work, i like the little design touches.
100 I actually had to think about this one, be it cause i just woke up, i dont know. THis pic brought a tear to eye, i lost a cousin in this latest war. ( RIP, Dear Brian Kubik *Salutes* )
101 I hope this never comes to be for poor Lyra
102 Its really hard to look at a sad Applebloom, her eyes scream joy . . . making this much harder.
103 OH TWI, thats why yer awesome.
103 OH TWI, thats why yer awesome.
ReplyDelete104 Nice colorwork, it great to a color pencil used to accentuate instead of solidify.
105 WOW really, if this is for i think, THATS AWESOME!!!
106 OH NO!! SAVE THEM, DO IT!! I never played the game, but im told its fun lol
107 Pinkie is allowed to break the 4th wall . . i guess she is allowed to break day by day themes too.
108 AHAAHHA nice one.
109 WHAT! scoot, stand up to them. Think WWRDD. AND DO IT! I thought those blendtechs were funny back then, specially when they started to blend electronics into DUST . . . .
110 Dashie looks spectacular in that uniform. *eyes of admiration*
111 & 113 THis is still no easier to comment on than before . . . i started this at quarter to 11 and im still no wheres near thru and its now 1pm. Her face is adorable tho n.n 113 Nice eye on her facial perspective.
112 I completely agree scoots.
113 I know right, celly is like that little girl with the blond curly hair, no matter what she did, you cant be mad for long >.<
115 THis is deep ....
116 even looking back at this, from after a few days, i cant nitpick it like i could any of my own pics from before. I just love this pic way too much.
117 Its COOL to be emotional too, Dashie . . .
118 Why, why cannot i not stop re-reading this one . . .
119 WHOA, never expected this, im thouroughly creeped out now.
120 WOnderfully depicted.
121 I love the linework here. I want a non-pink Celly O.O
122 Does Bonbon throw her in the garbage? WTF DId she even ask what was going on?
123 SUnsets can do that O.O
124 OH NO! This pic is beautifully done, the colors, lines detail. everything is awesome, except the pics theme and happenings. My heart cries out for poor Twi here.
125 I love the colorwork going on here.
126 Im sorry i cannot comment on this >.>
127 WOW, i think this turned out very well. THe lines, form, figure. I hate seeing ponies all teary eyes >.< io may have to stop soon. My compsure is wavering . . .again ( dernit )
128 I love the busts like this, the detail, so easy to digest all the complexity we dont ever get to see eitherwise. I would to see some high resolution, high detailed pics from the shows artists.
129 Hey buddy . . . i think its time we meet Mr File... He loves to play games . . . . too . . . *wraps arm around his neck* Yes yes . . he loves to play ...
130 Oh no sad sisters O.O eye damns broke for the third time today.
131 If this dont make AJ crazy/snap, im afraid to see what will.
132, im really mad at myself for laughing at this . . .
Seeing as how long the comments are tking me, and time constraints i have today i have to stop here, plus peeps prolly get mad about the huge posts *shrugs* i dont know . . . .
@Fox E:
ReplyDeleteWow, thank you for thinking my pic 116 was in the outstanding n.n that mean lot for me.
This is making just so sad. Confound these ponies, they drive me to sadness and Gary Jules.
ReplyDelete#100, #59,. I am just so sad right now. Words can not describe it.