Derpy Hooves: Master Contractor. Um, Edition. Gosh, you wouldn't think it would be so hard to remember that part, how does Sethisto do it? Anyway, I think it's fair to say that this was a very productive day for pony drawings. As I'm hammering out this post, I feel overwhelmed by the dramatic buildup. So the construction of tonight's gallery is progressing slowly, and I just can't quite nail down the reason why. Today's workload produced 139 bricks, blocks, and the ponies who love them. That brings our grand total to 4,357 pieces in all! Yay!
Today I got my first ever thank you for constantly linking the submission guidelines! I feel so happy to be justified for constantly repeating myself in this space! This calls for an even bigger celebration, whee! And of course, the door at [email protected] is always open. Goodness that sounds cheesier and cheesier.
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony crying. It's a return to our Series of Emotions line of products! Now introducing the melancholy edition. Take the following words to heart and let them be your inspiration: “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love.” But if that doesn't do it for you, remember that crying can also include calling out. Ponies as Town Criers are also acceptable. There are other available puns, but you'll have to find those on your own.
So, last night my body decided it had enough of not sleeping. After posting I crashed and I crashed hard. Pretty much blew the whole day in bed. But I feel much better now! So I'm going to talk about something I wanted to do last night but didn't feel up for. It's not very relevant tonight, but with all the ponies in swimsuits around yesterday it was floating in my head: why is it that ponies in clothes just seem so... alluring and attractive, when as a matter of course they don't wear any clothing at all? And for us on this side of the computer, it's mostly an anthropomorphic effect - they feel more human, and we're suddenly made aware that there is something to remove, which makes the whole thing feel forbidden and attractive. But how does it work for ponies?
If you look at most designs for clothing, you'll notice they have a tendency to show off the flank, but hide the cutie mark. So if your cutie mark is a metaphysical representation of yourself bared for all the world to see, by covering it you suddenly become that much more alluring to the ponies around you. You're tantalizing. You're potential. You're teasing their imaginations. I mean, it's still context sensitive; it's not as though Rarity is just a big tramp or something, but I can imagine clubs dotting the red light districts of cities all across Equestria where attractive young fillies parade around on stage in... gasp! Clothes! Can we make this canon? Or am I just a pervert? Haha, and you thought I was going to be the sane and reasonable member of the site, didn't you? Anyway, ponies below. Be sure to wear your hard hat!
1) By Several Alpacas (I fear this will not end well.)
2) By Prismatic Pretzel
3) By Philith
4) By Gig
5) By ChaosDrop (At least up there the tide won't come in and wreck everything.)
6) By blindferret
7) By dinoburger
8) By RToasts (She's building her Assassin Rank. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)
9) By Thanqol (Fluttershy is building a relationship in the most healthy way possible:)
10) By Thanqol (With ropes! =D)
11) By DB (Without those labels I would have no idea what is going on with Rarity.)
12) By TensaiOni
13) By purpletrauma
14) By Daishizen
15) By LifeSequenceBreak
16) By Smock (Thanks for reminding me I still need to paint my Celestia white.)
17) By Invidlord
18) By MHPayne
19) By saragator97
20) By TheWispX
21) By HyperMark (janzybrony)
22) By Lunar Apologist (Best spice rack ever.)
23) By Goggle Sparks (Seth is going to be so angry when this gets built.)
24) By Emerald Dust
25) By Mockingbird
26) By Doctor Whoof Fanatic
27) By ZenEffy (But what would I do with a giant robot Lyra? Besides conquer Equestria.)
28) By Kitty Tail (The name makes me wonder what she's planning on doing with that ship.)
29) By Tanman
30) By Supersheep64
31) By Syggie (Building a pony tower!)
32) By Heireau/HarrowTPrower (She's building her level of irritation at water. Yes.)
33) By Blu3berry Muffin
34) By DJ Rainbow Dash (That is a very good reason. Good luck!)
35) By Mere Jump (I don't think Lyra knows how to play this game.)
36) By Nido Media
37) By rich-tea
38) By Skyline (The artist told me they have been needing an excuse to draw Derpy and a brick. Huwha?)
39) By Ori (So that's where she gets them.)
40) By A Terrible Person
41) By Blu (Why is she so many machines what is this!?)
42) By Farvei
43) By Sherlock Hooves (Reminds me of Pittsburgh, the city I cannot come up with a pony name for right now.)
44) By midnight shadow
45) By PonyWithPasta
46) By EssAeEm
47) By GonzaHerMeg (Apple'd!)
48) By Axwrend
49) By Nullh (Hey, did your friends watch you draw this? What did they say?)
50) By Chromadancer
51) By Dangereaux (Derpy spent today building my self esteem. Now she's building yours!)
52) By Alipes (I miss my Lego brand bricks.)
53) By Amehdaus (Now I have a sad.)
54) By Bananizen
55) By TheLaughingMare
56) By Chocolate Splash (But why is she pink?)
57) By Nimble Haste
58) By Vergioso
59) By Chocolate Splash (I'm thrilled, in fact.)
60) By Miyajima (She's building a new constallation for somepony. I can't tell who (yes I can))
61) By Rachel
62) By Partition (Evidently the pegasus wings got cut off by a rogue scanner. Or is Mayor Mare just racist?)
63) By Kelz
64) By DI-FL (I agree with this with every fiber of my being.)
65) By DCPIP
66) By Argembarger (I know your pain, Twi.)
67) By Atlur (All together now: d'awwwww)
68) By Gunny
69) By Argembarger's Sister (When #66 was drawing, his little sister got so excited she decided to try too. SO CUTE!)
70) By Starlight Bolt
71) By badzerg (The continuing adventures of Longshy.)
72) By Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi (So how much longer before Evil!Twilight is defeated?)
73) By Doc Steedly
74) By ASGallardo (This is canon.)
75) By Da Chi
76) By Chris
77) By Chris (Do you want to know why I don't take a break? It's because of things like this. All of my love.)
78) By Rydel (Note the classic Pelyponysian style. Yes I'm brining that back.)
79) By PenguinPlayer
80) By Saphin (Building confidence!)
81) By Buddy Vox (It always stinks when this sort of thing happens. Also, I don't believe you that you're not a pony.)
82) By RaspleZS
83) By Doppelgänger (I don't entirely know what's being sewn here.)
84) By Ego (Come to think of it, applying frosting with hooves is no easy task.)
85) By Relias (Don't worry too much about pushing boundaries every day, some nice cloud castle building is fine, too.)
86) By kits (I approve of... some of this. Can you guess which parts?)
87) By Passer Palmatum (Bodybuilders have always kind of grossed me out.)
88) By toonboy92484 (It's important to establish good credit.)
89) By Kephra
90) By Neoridgeback (Gasp!)
91) By Natry
92) By mr.Paulsen
93) By Starlite (Do you feel guilty yet? Huh? You should, you jerks!)
94) By Ambrose
95) By Kitsune (Canterlot wasn't built in a day.)
96) By Kt Kat
97) By Prismatic Pretzel
98) By Uncle Leo (I am the best Princess ever.)
99) By Spurs
100) By Tarynsgate (I like how the controller only has a kill button.)
101) By Shane Jasperse
102) By Horizon Bound
103) By Sapphire (I guess she would be the one to build it.)
104) By Easteu
105) By Immersa
106) By Zach
107) By Xiagu (Personally, I think Azami is a better general. I like Drana more, but that's probably not Twi's schtick.)
108) By Infinity
109) By rabidcow147
110) By deniper (Relationship building!)
111) By rabidcow147
112) By Kooldude
113) By Jeff
114) By Tenchi Outsuno
115) By otherunicorn
116) By AlterForm
117) By redcladhero (Wow, that's... that's going to take a while.)
118) By Albert
119) By DareDreamer
120) By Thattagen
121) By cartoonlion (I will never forgive or sympathize with Gilda. Ever.)
122) By Shockwave
123) By nuclearsuplexattack
124) By Circuit Mane
125) By Whyareall
126) By DJ RBDash

127) By Eeful

128) By monotreme
129) By Fox E:
130) By jberg18
131) By Leaf Growth
132) By Virga Rainboom
133) By Frith
134) By djTeka
135) By Randomjack
136) By ShoeboxWarrior
137) By Liska
138) By Periphery
139) By Heireau/HarrowTPrower
Oh dear. I've been meaning to say thank you for posting the link to the submissions guidline each day. I use it to go to the submission form each time I submit. It's convienient to have the link right there in each post. 8^)
ReplyDeleteSigh.. Pinkie Pie is missing a cutie mark in 123. Here's an updated version.
#106 here, and thanks again Phoe, for using the updated version WITH Dash's wings.
ReplyDeleteI is an idiot I can't art.
#98 here. another good day. Great job everypony. And yes Phoe we are all very happy you put the guidelines there everyday. It makes it easier. :-)
ReplyDelete136 checking in. I drew Rarity then almost died. I will have to draw her more to improve-she's a hard pony to draw! I kept trying to draw the background, gave up, logged in, screen shot my cave and used it. I'm sorry! OTL
ReplyDeleteI LOVED these! Favorites today ranged from awwws to laughs and included: 30, 41, 46, 47, 61, 67, 90, 106. I am now bracing myself for tomorrow-I foresee a lot of wonderful but sad pictures.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThere were some great ones this time around! I've never seen such good (and terrible) punny interpretations of a theme. Todays should be good, who wants to bet there's gonna be about 100+ Luna images.
ReplyDeleteI drew a complete blank on this theme... literally. Anyway, some awesome entries tonight!
ReplyDelete#22, today. Amazing job, everypony! Every day I'm more and more impressed with the work that's being submitted, and it makes me want to try harder to improve myself. :)
ReplyDeleteFavorites today:
#31 - So many ponies in that tower! :D
#51 - Aww, thanks, Derpy!
#96 - Love your art style!
#106 - Dashie, hard at work :)
#114 - That's an impressive sand sculpture!
Looking forward to what everypony does tomorrow! :)
Awwwww next is sad pony drawings i swear ima cry if i see ditzy doo or twilight crying ah' heck if i see any pony sad
ReplyDelete#32 heers. Lolawesomes. Originally for the previous one, but that workeths toos. :L
ReplyDeletelols at 138. Silly Lyra, what about other ponies?
#86 here.
"But she's putting her back together! It's sweet--in a completely insane, creepy way."
This image popped into my head and refused to go away. So I decided to share my nightmare fuel with everypony. It's a coping mechanism.
You took it better than the guy who runs #RainbowPie on DA.
115 here. 123, you made me have to wipe down my monitor!
ReplyDelete40 is me. This experience has taught me that I need to work on backgrounds more. They are hard.
ReplyDelete78 here
ReplyDelete125 - Dwarf Fortress! Yay! With the My Little Pony Mod! By Celestia's Beard!
62 coming along to say that 94 is all too true of scientific research, and 11 gave me a headache just thinking about it. Keep being awesome, fellow event participants!
ReplyDeleteI like the one with Mr. Nail.
120 here. Just a spontaneous OC who loves wrenches. And a quicktime event because the whole "turning a nut for no reason" reminds me of Warioware.
ReplyDeleteReally loved today's entries. The one with the thought process pretty much illustrates what went through my head when I was brainstorming today. But no one actually drew a "pony building." I was almost about to.
Also I love Fox E's animation and the Derpy ones and the Homestuck reference!
#60: OMG I read that story if that's from the one I'm thinking of! Yessssssss.
ReplyDelete#93: =..( I'm never complaining about Hasbro's toys ever. I'm going to go buy every single one to support Dinky now.
#121: Oh Gilda. And here I was SO close to forgiving you...well who has four hooves and isn't forgiving you now? This pony!
Another great batch of art.
ReplyDeleteAbout #56, Dear god... Pinky Pie has infected Celestia!!! O.O The Virus is spreading!
#94 checking in... I couldn't draw Twilight in profile worth a darn today, but I learned how to draw Celestia a bit.
ReplyDeleteLong list of those that grabbed me today: 8,12,16,22,30(reflections are a nice touch),31(that's a lot of pony!),51,55,61,65,74,83,89,96,106,113,114,129,130,136,137. Phew!
ReplyDeletePinkie built the Internet? It makes so much sense now!
#47 and 108 - The second I saw the topic, this is the exact idea that popped into my head. Then I remembered that I can't ponies for crap, so I hoped somepony who could, did. Lukcy me, two someponies thought the same thing as me
ReplyDeletehaha, so many of these were awesome, dawww, AAIEEEE and win!
ReplyDelete#44 reporting in - for some reason Phoe *never* posts my comments that go with it, but the explanation is that BigMac's building a house of cards, and Caramel is *so* not allowed to help...
#113 here. Sorry about me absent through out the week. I was unable to make good ideas in time, probably because I didn't get enough sleep until today.
ReplyDeleteFavorites? Well I chuckled hard at 99 the first time I saw it. And it's not too often you see animation in these events, 129 is a good achievement.
#129 today. Thanks @Thattagen. =D
ReplyDeleteDecided to go with a simple animation instead of a normal pic. I wanted that hand-drawn cartoon sketch look (think Rejected Cartoons), so I drew out each frame then stitched them together on the computer.
Used printer paper instead of a legal pad this time, which interestingly made the images come out worse when scanned — the whole thing looks washed out, and all the light gray shading is invisible, or very nearly so. Looks much better in real life, but oh well. Xiagu was right, need to pencil harder.
Glaring error: No magical auras. WHOOPS. Didn't notice I forgot them until I was almost ready to submit, so fixing that didn't happen. Wouldn't have mattered anyway since you can't see the light gray shading I'd use for them.
I made numerous other mistakes during the drawing process, and correcting them afterward gave me a newfound appreciation for people whose job it is to do 22 minutes of this animationy stuff. I had a hard enough time with half a second! To all those professional / amateur animators out there: RESPECT.
Also, Longshy! Hehehe! I love badzerg's style, and now I have a name for it.
+favs include #5, #17, #30, #46, #47, #59, #60, #61, #65, #74, #75, #78, #82, #84, #85, #108, #117, #119, #121, and #123.
#35 I did this several times in tetris before I figured it out. Course, that was back when I was a dumb kid with a gray brick Game Boy, so...
#34 + #45: This is my life. :[
#77: Truth. <3 -> Phoe
#86: I like the reconstructed wings and the general patched-up look.
#89: I extra love this, sidewalk chalk is awesome.
#93: D=
#94: Loving Celestia's face in the last panel. ◕ ‿ ◕
#125: +1 for the MLP mod!
Just like yesterday, I'm #24.
ReplyDeleteI love all the references today. Minecraft, SimCity, Dwarf Fortress; that's all great stuff, even though I never managed to make Dwarf Fortress work for me... somehow, I still like it.
Aside from that, there are a lot of others I like a lot.
#5: Everything with Luna and Celestia is genius.
#29: That's just too cute. Also, it makes me worry that Fluttershy might be slightly delusional. Still cute, though.
#55: That expression is priceless.
#58: Yes! I can totally see that she could pull that off. Fixing an entire barn in a single night definitely deserves a cutie mark.
#71: Longshy is best shy. Well, aside from the Flutter variety. Also, that picture seems very steampunk-ish to me, but I think that fits perfectly well.
#76 and 77: Very... insightful. Certainly one of the best concepts I've seen on here.
#94: That's very cute. And I love the title. "Twilight Sparkle buils a Particle Accelerator". It sounds like it really should be its own spinoff show, focused on Twlight and Celestia teaching children how to build and operate extremely complicated machinery. "Hey there, colts and fillies! Today we're going to build a Large Hadron Collider. Careful, though, there's a slight chance that it might destroy the entire universe, so be sure to ask your parents to help you!" Best spinoff ever?
#97: Well, now it's official, Pinkie Pie is a robot. It's a good thing that division didn't make her head explode.
#115: Using a screwdriver with your mouth sounds like a terrible idea. Twilight had better take care, or else she's going to dislocate her jaw.
#130: Ditzy has become the very symbol of carefreeness with this picture. That's why I love her.
#133: More Luna and Celestia. Still genius.
Also, you can never have enough Lyra.
Now, I don't have all that much time today, so I'm going to have to rush my entry... too bad. Still, I think that'll be better than doing nothing at all. I just hope I'll manage to get it done in time.
135, reporting for duty!
ReplyDeleteThis one's back up to pretty solid, since it's Friday and i actually had alot of time for it (managed to colour).
As usual, great submissions.
#4 here.
ReplyDelete#45: C#? Yeay!
#74: Prepare for unforeseen consequences!
And, hum, thanks for reposting the link.
#113, UHF reference for the win!
ReplyDeleteAlso, we need more Homestuck x Ponies in general.
#53 here,
ReplyDeleteDang it, I jumped the gun on tomorrow's theme and will have to return to drawing board! Is this a sign that I'm channeling and that my brain is pre-empting Phoe?
51's self esteem take on building was my best laugh of the day
I'm amazed at how many puns came out of building -- I couldn't find any!
Today, I'm #38, and it's only now that I realise that I have forgotten Derpy's wing. Oops. That's why you don't draw ponies whilst watching CSI.
ReplyDeleteWell done everypony else though, some nice art in here today, as usual.
ReplyDeleteIsn't #113 a reference to Close Encounters of the Third Kind? I thought it was the mashed potato sculpture of the mountain.
#46 checking in. Wow! Thanks, Phoe, for using my picture as the top image today! I felt a little bad making a joke about Derpy's vision, but I don't exactly have 20/20 vision either and the idea just seemed too cute to pass up. I'm glad you liked it, too.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, there were a lot of great drawings posted today (as always). Some of my favorites with time around were #30, 41, 51, 65, 67, 132, and 137. Keep up the good work, everypony!
Hah. I briefly considered doing the same as #125 myself. Glad to see I'm not the only one who plays the Pony mod for Dwarf Fortress. =D
ReplyDeleteMine today was #60.
#61 Hah, vegan glue cause glue is made from horses. Love it.
ReplyDelete86 screams Cupcakes to me. D:
ReplyDeleteThey don't use vegan glue, what do you think they keep the pigs for?
Glue and insulin(all of which is for pinkie)
45) Signing in.
ReplyDelete...Aaaaaaaand it's just my luck to be placed riiiiiiiight next to the page-topper. If you look closely, you'll notice that my picture has absolutely nothing to do with pokemon.
I also agree with Anon of #113
87 here. There's a huge variety of interpretations of the theme today. Too many for me to comment on all the good concepts people came up with.
ReplyDeleteFor catchy drawing style, my favorites of this bunch are 1, 26, 61, 65, 71.
4. Dear Twilight, How do you type with hooves?
18. I just noticed, MHPayne's DTG submissions are also a daily webcomic.
24. Even if she is a tyrant, she's lovable.
77 is heartwarming.
86. I didn't think a non-parody cupcakes picture could make me smile, but this did. Also OMG HAVE TO FINISH RECORDING WWU
97. Is this how you detect androids?
115. Screwdrivers must be really hard for ponies.
123. Gj Pinkie Pie, it looks just like the blueprint!
Um... I was #68 today...
#11 (along with #123, just for fun)
#26 (Layton ponies!)
#41 (Oh, the crossovers...)
#67 (A hit to my self-esteem, after finding that my picture was after this one)
#81 (Just because I relate to him)
#84 (Simple, and great!)
#137 (I tried to do something like this, but in the end, I wasn't able to pull it off...)
#41 here c: (yes I go by different names) - 67, 30, 115 and 129 are my favourites :3
ReplyDeleteDarn it 47 & 108, I so want a full fledged TF2 pony mod, work like yours isn't helping!
ReplyDeletePhoe, y-you actually read those dumb things I type every day? :CC thank you, it means a lot! And I do think I've improved so much that I should worry less about pushing it even further and more about just getting something done every day so I can feel good that I completely finished the whole event.
ReplyDeleteI love all the out-of-the-box thinking with this one. Confidence-building! Motivation-building! Wordplay! Cooking! All kinds of awesome ways of interpreting the theme. You guys rock!
#93 made me actually feel kinda bad, too, y'know. If only that were really true, we'd ALL buy ALL the toys.
ReplyDeleteActually, it IS meant to reference UHF, but I knew it was parodying SOMETHING but have forgotten. Maybe I should have mention this in my earlier comment. <_<
81 today.
ReplyDeleteMy Wacom pen broke, so I sketched out the exact scene when it happened (except that I'm not really a pony).
Or am I?
~Buddy Vox
68 sorry for hurting your self-esteem :( You shouldn't be upset though, your picture is cute. I really enjoy Celestia-fangirl Twilight.
ReplyDeleteYay for all the LEGO and Minecraft pictures!
61 and 114 made me very happy.
And I especially like 127. Great choice of crossover :D
#66 here. I'm starting to get faster at this drawing thing! I think my first couple of submissions took me like 3 hours of drawing and coloring alone, or something crazy like that. I got this one totally done and scanned and cropped and resaturated and uploaded in a little over two hours.
ReplyDeleteMost of that time is spent trying to work around the fact that I'm bad at art.
I can't get over how damn good everypony else is at this stuff.
11: Rarity loses 1/1d6 SAN :D
17: MSPA ftw
26: Great Professor Layton style!
30: I really like the brush effects here
31: This is freakin' awesome! It must have taken a really long time! If this was a poster I would buy it.
35: I'm glad I'm not the only pony who thought of Tetris after reading the theme.
40: I like how Luna is utterly stoic in the face of Trollestia's trollin'.
41: oh_you.jpg
46: I am somewhat taken aback by Derpy's strength at this point.
47: This is both whimsical and delightful
49: I would be pretty OK with a shelter like that.
51: no u
52-55: d'awww
56: I hope Luna's on Easy Modo
60: Ooh, a constellation for a mystery pony eh? I bet it's for Snails. That pony really deserves it.
64: We should make pony READ posters and distribute them to libraries.
67: d'awwwww indeed
75: oh snap Terraria w/ Pony sprite mod. I approve wholeheartedly.
90: I knew it.
93: hahahaha buuuurn
108: This is both delightful and whimsical
121: Gilda ruins Fluttershy's day
122: Fluttershy finds a hammer
125: Always nice to see a fellow Dwarf Fortress player
129: This is awesome!
139: OK I guess Fluttershy isn't a revenge-driven maniac after all. That's fine too.
Everypony's picture was great!
I am kind of dreading tomorrow though. You guys really know how to tug on the heartstrings.
#116 is amazing
ReplyDelete#17 this time! A lot of really good ones today, just let me put my favorites right down here...
ReplyDelete#1 - I'm a sucker for a jetpack.
#11 - Hee! Non-euclidean!
#22 - As always, clueless Twilight is amazingly funny to me.
#30 - I have to go find my Lego's now!!!
#46 - Um, Derpy... there might be another problem here...
#64 - READ A BOOK!
#65 - Acme continues its fine tradition of questionably designed products, for you.
#67 - Joining in... D'awwwwwwwww!
#108 - Why is this so awesome?! Love the glasses.
#129 - Twilight's expression is perfect, this is great!
Now, on to crying... but... I don't want to make a pony cry!
#72 checking in. I definitely getting better and faster. I can do a lot of stock pony poses without needing as many guidelines, which makes me happy. One thing that annoys me about how I did this is I don't think I quite got down Twilight's 'fallen to her knees' pose in the 4th panel to look quite right. Add to the fact that I forgot to add some lines to indicate where the ground is and I'm sure a few people must have gotten some weird impressions.
ReplyDelete@Phoe's comment: That does depend a bit, since I am still winging it in relation to the theme. We'll just have to see what crying ponies inspires in me.
@ #17: I have no idea what app that is, but I still laughed.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone wants to catch up on the comic I've been doing with each day's entries, it's here. Coming here every morning now and checking out all the great art folks are sending into the world has become the Best Ritual Ever!
Derpy with a hammer gives new meaning to DIY, derpit your self
ReplyDelete#61 here--I found myself suddenly feeling horrible about my picture as I was writing the word GLUE on the bottle. I couldn't really finish the drawing without the glue, and yet glue + ponies is terribly sad and inappropriate, so let's all just accept that it MUST be magic pony vegan glue, ok?
ReplyDeleteLots of really great entries today. What a fun theme it was! I had a lot of favorites, but the ones that I can remember from the list are 96, 102, 106, 121, 130. Good job, everypony!
Doesn't look like mine'll make it up there today, either.
ReplyDeleteWow the Derpy ones were ESPECIALLY cute this time around.
ReplyDelete@Phoe: Not only is our Princess a firm, but compassionate despot, she is very clever with deep insights! I love her analysis of pony clothing. Apparently she has thought long and hard on this subject. She has inspired me to look into this course of study as well. At first I didn't find it particularly attractive in a pony, I detest most of the dresses in which our heroes are saddled in FiM, of course Fluttershy looked damn fetching in her gown, okay, I lied. I do find some clothed ponies attractive! Anyway, *cough* until I drew Seafoam in a wetsuit, I did not really pay much attention, but now with the addition of Phoe's observations I really have urges to draw more un-nude ponies. Phoe's concept of the "Cutiemark Coverup Syndrome" is compelling. Kind of like the Victorian mask thing at formal balls and such. Phoe is not a pervert! She has swayed me with her logic. :)
ReplyDelete2nd subject: "Rarity is just a big tramp" It is interesting how the Mane Crews' personalities can only be summed up after watching all the episodes. Anyway, I have been rather slowly going through them all,(I still have 4 that I have not seen, and kinda don't want to 'cause that means I get no new pony until Ver2) not in order which I think is a mistake, and for most of them thought that Rarity was just a whiny tramp. After seeing her working in her shop and making dresses for her friends, I have a much better opinion of her. Besides, she puts ponies in clothes which Phoe directs is a good thing. So there. Clothed fillies, yumm.....
I love 71. Fluttershy secretly building an Imperial cruiser- no one suspects a thing!
ReplyDeleteAfter looking up UHF...somehow I was unaware that Weird Al made a movie. So it's a reference to a movie that was itself parodying a different movie. I guess in a way that sort of makes it a reference to both of them. Still funny either way.
Number 130 here. (The fan blades should have had speed lines when the machine activated. Always next time.)
ReplyDeleteSo many great pictures.
I love 114 and 121.
40 made me lol
ReplyDelete# 73 here, i cant wait to see whats gonna pop up today, I dont want to draw a pony crying today . . . ill catch the next one, my hand is hurting from drawing alot so suddenly, it needs a rest too.
ReplyDelete1 GASP! Earth Ponies can now take to the air!!
2 Hmmmm what to do . . . what to do...
5 will these ponies dexterity ever cease to amaze me?
9 OH boy, i swear. Yer never gonna get her to fall for that without some bait, i told you that before.
10 Oh my . . . dashie, *snrrks* looks like you *snickers* got a, a, *laughs* A FLUTTERING problem!
11 Twilight is awesome *straightface*
12 D'awww someponies aspiring BIG!
13 Scary Cutimark O.O
15 SHsss, She needs to concentrate. WHEE CUTE!!
22 Spice rack, its supposed to be a chair for spike ...
On second thought Twi, i dont need a chair.
LOL I really like this!
24 Those two will achieve great things.
25 Oh and what a dream!
27 WAIT WAIT, first you need a giant bench so giant robot lyra could sit on it . . . . . Then after everyponies initial shock . . . or D'awww, it will be easy as pie to conquer Equestria.
30 LEGOS . . . and DEXTERITY!!
39 Pinkie . . . . WHOA! Nice conformity too, very well layed out.
40 Trollestia Strikes again
47 HAH, now we see where Applbloom gets her crafting skills!
49 You gotta think about it, they have GOT to have some of the strongest jaws of anything O.O
52 I should dig up my legos . . . i have over 75 pounds of them x.x somewhere in storage.
55 WHOA scoots .... Thats kinda . . . uhh, WOW its really good. Filly face is hard to not smile at!
56 Wait . . . is that Trollestia?
58 I was going to do this exact same thing, but i decided to go somewhere else with my drawing. WOnderfully touching n.n
60 OH by the heavens, yer one luck mare Twi.
61 Derpy's Bird house is winrar!
64 Bravo!!
65 Id say pinkie is quite the inventor
66 LOL i hate tetris
67 Oh now . . . cutesplosion again!
68 And the world may never know
69 YEs yes yes, it is cute.
71 Oh, wow. THis is really interesting, WHOA, somepony is handy with tools O.O
75 UHHHH wow
76 i went thru the similar . . . but for some reason, i kept leaning towards comics, but it takes me a long time to draw anything, id never get it done in one day. SO i settled on my fav fallback, relevance to fanfics n.n
77 Thats epic there. *thoughtfully nods*
ReplyDelete78 Rainbow dash . . .you never cease to amaze me O.O
83 "Rarity, ever working on her beautiful fashions. Care to give a glimps of your latest creation?" "Dahrling, if i miss a stitch . . . You will not be able to taste anything other than that camera!"
84 His name is Carrot cake ... But we never ever seen him doing anything with CARROTS.
86 I think i need to comish pinkie for some life-like replicas there . . ..
90 Dern it pinkie!! *headsplode*
93 OMC i wanna cry o.o
94 LOL yeah . . . i like sparklon better *raspberries*
97 Why do i love jokes like that. LMAO
99 Applebloom need to get a job with contracting and blueprinting.
100 AHAHAH hmmmm id be a little leary myself . . . but its Applebloom, what could go wrong?
104 I would love to see something like this animated O.O
105 Luna you truely are the Universes GREATEST Architect. *Humble bow*
106 I like the look in her eye, >:)
110 Interesting combination ...
111 Great, first i seen pinkie . . . then pony butt . . . ugh thats going to haunt me for a while. LMAO ANYWHO, I guess unicorns would make pyramid building SOOOOO MUCH EASIER!!
113 OH PINKIE, you are most definately RANDOM!!
114 The CMC, anything with the CMC is WIN!!
115 OH BY CELESTIA, thats gotta be annoying . . . or painful to do constantly. I would never blame Twi for using magic there.
116 Please dont build any more nightmares for me >.<
117 Wow Twi, it will take a long time, but with you as the caretaker, it would be worth it.
118 How can Pinkie always talk them into stuff like that.
119 WOW, just wow, nice!
121 PLS oh PLS Will some Rogue weather pony stike her down. I mean really! She needs a good pummeling . . . *grumbles* gilda . . . *grumbles* rip that be. . . . smirking . . . . YOULL LAUGH THEN!
126, im sorry everypony . . . but filly Twi has just stolen the show! WHo's a squeezable unicorn? Wait? no! YEAOCH . . . . sorry Twi.
127 Marvelous!
129 First off, ANIMATION, SWEEEEEEEET! second off, Twi a with a little more oumph. ( i used to be like that with hammers LOL )
131 THats exactly how that would play out. LOL
132 There a many reasons this pic is soooo awesome right now.
133 I swear if season two doesnt have a sister episode with Celly and Luna . . im going to exploded into confetti or something.
137 WHAT, i dont . . .how. . . PINKIE?! .... guf . . . RARITY PRANKING? My MLP brain just cupcaked.
138 Comfy Benches make Happy Ponies . . . err uh Pony . . . uhh Happy Lyra!
139 Hopefully Flutterhandyman doesnt decide to make what she build "BETTER" than they need to be. ( Poor TIm "the toolman" Tailor reference . . sorry, i ran out of comment times . . gotta go )
56/59 is present and reporting for duty! I actually made Trollestia (yes, Trollestia) pink because her figurine is pink. Idunnowhy I just felt like it.
ReplyDeleteAs for todays theme, probs cant do it as its getting late :C Buuut I'll try for tomorrow! <3
Great job, everypony, lovely arts! :D
The expression on #86 is gonna haunt my nightmares.
ReplyDeleteCry Pony submitted! It's not in the wee hours of the morning! I'm still awake! Eq D view counter rolled over 12345678! *yay*
#16 by Smock (Young Twilight working on her custom-mod pony)
30 by Supersheep64 (Long-tongue Pinkie building another pinkie out of Lego)
51 by Dangereaux (Derpy wants YOU to feel awesome)
73 by Doc Steedly (Fluttershy has been starving for much too long. Poor horse!)
82 by RaspleZS (Good use of pun, Twilight is building suspence... out of alphabet blocks)
113 By Jeff (Pinkie is off to Encounter aliens on some mountain top)
137 By Liska (Pinkie and Rarity better get set to run! A co-worker suggested at first I draw a pony building a house of cards. I suspected somepony else would do just that and do it better. ^_^)
@Phoe: Dear Great and Powerful Princess Phoe, Okay, what parts of #86 please you? Other then that it is a good attempt by one of your minions to draw something according to the theme and the almost "Edwards Scissorhands" look of the wings?
ReplyDelete@Emerald Dust Simcity woooo! And now I am thinking of Pinky as Bender forced to party or else explode.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous Derpy has many safeguards in place to protect her baked goods for androids, zombies, and the like.
@Doc Steedly That disasters menu is looking rather tempting.
@Doc Steedly Probably because you read the eggheads guide to humor.
@Doc Steedly I was like that with hammers too initially. Then I tried hitting harder, and ended up like Derpy in #46 up there. =D No one was particularly happy with the busted up wood, can tell you that much.
ReplyDelete@Virga Rainboom Certainly nothing to do with the chains!
I think I finally hit my first art block. =X I've been trying for ages to get this pic to look right and I just cannot do it, everything I put on paper looks absolutely absurd no matter what I try.
It's not even the whole newbie artist factor, I just can't get it to work, and I really don't want to submit this when I know I can do better.
It's kind of enraging, really.
@Fox E:*smiles* Well, the chains are about the only weak link in the drawing, eh? Just go with what you have. Art block sucks, but we are here to meet the deadline, not make it perfect, at least that is what I keep telling myself. In fact, I am going to stop trying to color and produce a more polished result in one eve and focus on the drawing itself. I keep thinking the colors will make it look better. It doesn't. At least in my work.
ReplyDelete@Doc Steedly >132 There a many reasons this pic is soooo awesome right now.
ReplyDeleteReally? Thanks. You couldn't let me know a couple of those reasons? Awesome? My art has had the same adjective that usually precedes Rainbow Dash's name! *Squee!*laughs*
@Virga Rainboom Yar, that's the idea. The deadline helps with the whole "to hell with this, I give up!" thing. Honestly were it not for that, I wouldn't have done but a few Pony a Day pics.
ReplyDeleteNewbie Artist Training Grounds is SERIOUS BUSINESS >:C!!! *GRATING PENCIL SCRIBBLES*
@Virga Rainboom
ReplyDeleteMy guess is Phoe liked the shippy PinkieDash aspect and didn't like the rest. Plus chains = bondage amirite?
First off, im excited people really like to read my comments. its soo much fun doing this, even if it takes me a few hours a day to comment on the pics. I love it, soo enjoyable
AHAHAAH that is hilarious, i didnt get some of the stuff at first. but i lost it at the voodoo dashie!!
Yeah, from what i surmise from the story, she is more worried about her animal friends than herself. But Trying to live as an earth pony . . . i guess its taking a huge toll on her body, well . . . since her wings are now longer . . . I would love it if the story went more into what happened to her. ( a world without rainbows )
@Prismatic Pretzel
HAH those disaster . . only fun when its not irl or in Equestria. I wasnt sure what the second comment was getting at
@Fox E:
AHHH hammers . . .a many a FUN time with sore thumbs for all n.n
Tho i normally ended up with bent nails, busted wood . . . and normally a messed up hammer >.> heh
@Virga Rainboom
Cmon, lookey here, its the wonderful tom-pony AJ, awesome number 1. The pose, awesome number 2, its very well done, im not thinking pervertedly either. I have more respect for the mane cast than that. I really love how you did her eyes, thats is my favorite thing bout them. awesome number 3. And to not draw this on too long, the lines are rather expressive. Its something i really look forward to seeing. THe unique and varied line styiling. That is what gives a picture its personality. THats why i add some equine realism to my pics, i dont want the shows uniformity, it seems more personal if you add yer own flair. I LOVE FANPICS FOR THAT! awesome number 4.
OH CLESESTIA THOSE EYES *shudders* The blow face she is making is lol worthy, in a good way.