Distraction time! Have some submission guidelines. Send questions or alternative entries to [email protected] And that's all I have to say about that.
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony swimming. I thought we'd try another more action oriented theme and give you all a break from my recent obsession with depicting emotions. Since I'm feeling generous, I'll also explicitly state that other maritime activities are also acceptable fare. Being on a beach! Being on a boat! Waterskiing! Um... what the heck else do ponies do in the water? Swimsuit edition?
I feel like I should be telling a joke tonight. But isn't that always the case, with the spotlight shining on me I just can't remember any good ones. So... emergency joke! This one time, these two guys walked into a bar, and they completely redecorated the place! You should have seen it, it was brilliant. But the day after that there was a big scandal, because Princess Celestia got drunk and accidentally set a stool on fire. You guys really give her a bad rep, you know? All this Trollestia stuff. She's just a pony who likes to party. Maybe tomorrow will be Party With Celly Day. For now I'll just hope I got a chuckle out of at least one of you. Always leave 'em laughing...
1) By Vegetalss4 (Somehow I'm always surprised by how fast the bonus theme comes up.)
2) By Horizon Bound
3) By Giny The Whoof (This is not the sort of laughter I envisioned.)
4) By Emerald Dust
5) By ChaosDrop (I'm trying to decide if this is canon for me or not. TwixCelly is growing on me. I'm not sure that was the point.)
6) By ASGallardo (To die laughing is I think the most terrifying prospect imaginable.)
7) By Thanqol
8) By Colaz
9) By NikaScott
10) By Blueberry Muffin (What the internet has turned each of us into at some point.)
11) By Lucky Charm
12) By D4SHTH3R4INB0W (Personal note for the artist - don't forget to take care of your wrist, ok?)
13) By Amehdaus (That's terrifying. I am terrified.)
14) By Vanner
15) By Syggie (Octavia falls victim to The Giggle Loop.)
16) By Kitty Tail (This is the image that cemented the pink mane as official in my mind. Note it down, everypony!)
17) By Invidlord (Lyra does not have time for your nonsense, Derpy.)
18) By Sherlock Hooves (Potential Seth design number 2!)
19) By TensaiOni (HA HA HA HA HA HA HA)
20) By FoxOfWar
21) By Smock
22) By ASGallardo
23) By DB (It's tough being the entourage of a princess. Also, drunken Celly is adorable as all getout. I want to hang out with her.)
24) By engel-angelica
25) By Mr.Paulsen
26) By Partition (The artist swears she's just being tickled.)
27) By Gig
28) By Alipes
29) By EssAeEm
30) By Skyline (Yes it is.)
31) By sUiCiDaLn00b (Derpy is laughing because she made a friend.)
32) By MHPayne
33) By Mere Jump (Nitrous Oxide making its return. Remember to get some oxygen, Dashie.)
34) By Ori
35) By ORi (Trixie has made Scootaloo believe she is a chicken.)
36) By Ori (But the joke's on her, because she always was!)
37) By Doombah
38) By Daichi
39) By MHPayne
40) By Mattyhex
41) By Dangereaux (Fluttershy later apologized to the thunderstorm for being too loud.)
42) By Jdan-S (The artist mentioned that thinking about this in the context of Nightmare Moon made it incredibly sad. I'm inclined to agree. But love always wins in the end, you know?)
43) By Philith (I sometimes wonder if you guys really understand how to troll.)
44) By Argembarger
45) By PinkamenaPie
46) By TheLaughingMare
47) By ZenEffy (I wonder what's in the box.)
48) By rich-tea
49) By GonzaHerMeg (I too know the pain of having sensitive hooves.)
50) By Atlur (Holy crap, I'm adorable.)
51) By Chromadancer (Ghk.)
52) By Erthilo
53) By ecmc1093
54) By Milk
55) By Hindsight
56) By Tibberly
57) By Relias (Derpy makes bubbles until they're all over! Sometimes there's lots and sometimes there's only not lots. Sometimes Derpy just likes to watch the bubbles instead of making more.)
58) By Tarynsgate (Eeeheehee, a little pony! I want it!)
59) By Tenchi Outsuno
60) By Fisher
61) By Zach (Poor Spike.)
62) By Chris
63) By Chris (Trixie is the Laughing Mare. The mutation of the Sallinger quote is staggeringly brilliant.)
64) By purpletrauma
65) By badzerg
66) By Starlite
67) By Circuit Mane
68) By Afentis (Sleep's important, dude.)
69) By Vergioso
70) By DI-FL (I'm.... I'm not ok with this.)
Linked for Grimdark. Very very Grimdark.
71) By Lancer5317 (You are a vile fiend.)
72) By Kt Kat (Bondage Night returns!)
73) By A.Q. Nichols
74) By Passer Palmatum
75) By Ambrose (Scootaloo here is laughing at the artist's first entry. Look at the improvement!)
76) By kits
77) By Da Chi (This is maybe a bad time to mention I'm a Bruins fan, huh?)
78) By Brongaar
79) By Doctor Whoof Fanatic
80) By PinkieCake
81) By Andï (teehee!)
82) By Rydel (Higher, faster, wheee!)
83) By Saphin
84) By McGack (I technically shouldn't count this, but there really are 200 Pinkie Pies in there.)
86) By toonboy92484
87) By Haafiz (I am happy when Lyra is happy.)
88) By Colin
89) By Spiritofthwwolf
90) By Frith
91) By Prismatic Pretzel (Based on a true story. Which he's never stopped telling me since we met.)
92) By RaspleZS
93) By Easteu (Sneaky ninja edit - have a finished version!)

94) By Immersa (100% accurate. Some nights I still do this.)
95) By Randomjack
96) By Goggle Sparks
97) By Muffinsforver (Muffins!)
98) By The Recliner
99) By Buddy Vox
100) By Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
101) By Djrk16
102) By Natry (Thanks for helping out, Rarity!)
103) By Doc Steedly
104) By Ego (Fluttershy's laughter is as adorable as expected.)
105) By Shake
106) By The Recliner
107) By Neoridgeback
108) By nekoneko
109) By Kelz (And then we killed it with fire. Moving on, as per artist request.)
110) By Eliwood10 (This came with an adorable story. Your first? I approve!)
111) By Lunar Apologist (I would make a witty comment but I am too busy melting. <3)
112) By Taco Bandit
113) By redcladhero
114) By Starlight Bolt
115) By Eeful (This is all of us on the internet after ponies came into our lives.)
116) By Liska
117) By Albert (I think Pinkie would work better as an Eddie Izzard style comedian.)
118) By fairiedragon999 (Trolluna!)
119) By Tanman
120) By Infinity
121) By Kooldude
122) By A Terrible Person
123) By Shockwave
124) By Virga Rainboom (Well, that explains the cutie mark, I guess. But it just raises further questions.)
125) By Xiagu
126) By MasterofRoku
127) By Thattagen (The Count has never bothered vampire fans, but Edward Cullen drives them insane.)
128) By rabidcow147
129) By Periphery (Poison Joke claims another victim.)
130) By Display Name

131) By DJ RBDash

132) By Nido Media (you broke my submission screen, so now you're down here.)

133) By nuclearsuplexattack
134) By Uncle Leo (You can have a kiss too, silly.)
135) By Fox E:
136) By TapeDiggity
137) By djTeka
138) By Filly
139) By emeralddarkness
140) By ShoeboxWarrior
141) By Spurs
142) By Monochrome Jaunt

143) By Infernal_Dalek
yay 97 not dead last and first and a comment!
ReplyDeleteI here officially apologize for forgetting Dashie's wings D: By the time I realized what I'd done, the picture was submitted and I was already falling asleep . . .
#15 reporting. Ha, That's funny, Phoe! I didn't see it as a loop rather than three undivided frames. You made me chuckle at my own picture. XD
ReplyDelete#58 here! If I had a handheld sized pony like that, I'd be the happiest person in the world XD
ReplyDelete#110 checking in. I'm glad you liked the story, Phoe :3
ReplyDeletePersonal faves today: 42, 74 and 104
Great job as always everypony!
#125 here... One comment before bed!
ReplyDelete#140 - excelllent. Always have to practice that evil laugh, y'know. Gotta keep it fresh.
ReplyDeleteI know the guy
He worked hard on it
He DESERVES a comment
Make it so Phoe
10 17 30 36 41 63 74 79 94 and 114 are awesome in my book.
ReplyDeleteConstantly ruining everything forever with my colored pencils and complete lack of skill
Having fun, though! This event is great motivation to try to not suck :D
82 here
ReplyDelete66 - nice Pony Psychology series reference
Too tired to comment on others, maybe after some sleep... then poorly typed from my nook at work
#6 Not only thus this remind me of the Joker's perfered method of killing but also anypony notice the door says push but Celestia is Pulling xD!
ReplyDeleteWhat in blazes is going on in 85?
ReplyDelete104 just, wow
ReplyDelete-66 makes me happy because someone made fan-art for that fiction. :P I love the Psychology series.
ReplyDelete-105 is downright awesome. Joker-Pinkie FTW!
#37 tonight! That's funny to me, because I was watching Clerks while doing this one. :p
ReplyDelete#121 Here with my little blurbs.
ReplyDelete#22 Her face is just priceless!
#39 All right, that was a win Rainbow Dash.
#49 I really like this one too.
#58 I agree :D!
#61 Those rage eyes scare me a bit.
#71 How evil (lol)!
#104 Uhh, YES! Even her laughter is graceful!
#118 How fitting that it's Luna day with the eclipse! I hope this happens in the show :D!
#129 LOL ROFL!
#71 wins. Everypony else can go die now, you can't top that. -_-
ReplyDelete(I'm just kidding about the die part, of course)
Phoe I bet you're mad then that I made Lyra an official Canucks fan! Boom like that!
ReplyDelete89 is probably my favourite. Simple and sweet!
You're funny Phoe, even if we don't know it :-)
ReplyDelete26 making a quick stop to say I at least cracked a smile at every single entry today. This event is awesome.
ReplyDeleteAlso the references today rock! Special mention goes to 99 for the incredible Arrested Development crossover.
141. It was a rush job tonight.
ReplyDeleteI must say, number 41 was my favorite out of these.
ReplyDeleteAlso, please...no more grimdark...no more...
How can I even look Fluttershy in the eyes again after... THAT?
57 would be pretty cute if I hadn't read Bubbles. Now it's so sad...
ReplyDeleteAnd oh god was clicking through to 70 a bad mistake.
128 proves that nothing short of Critical Cutie Mark Failure will make Pinkie Pie stop being Pinkie Pie.
#75 checking in. Great stuff! I particularly enjoyed:
#13, holy cow!
#41, just awesome
#42, dawww
#89, wish I could use a pencil like that
#104, love Ego's drawings
@#43 "Pegicorn"? You mean "alicorn".
ReplyDelete#127 here! The Count is such a classic, I was surprised no one else drew him! AH AH AH.
ReplyDeleteSo many amazing entries today, but Poison Joke Celestia made me laugh the hardest. She looks like a wiener dog!
#2 here - the creativity in this community is amazing, from the stories to the artwork, bronies are just great.
ReplyDeleteAnd 104 made me d'aww!
Oh. My. Dear LUNA 97 left me gasping for air.
ReplyDeleteI LITERALLY fell unconscious.
oh, that's Muffinsforever bytheway... stupid proxy
ReplyDeleteLol, thanks. I just knew I had to have a muffinocalypse theme at least once.
Oh and 141 is just plain creepy
Well it's good to see the art thing is still going strong.
ReplyDeleteI like the two hundred pinkie ones, also anything with a muffin or Derpy in it and a few of the Luna ones are choice.
I feel like an idiot for finally recognizing where I've seen MHPayne's work before, if anyone else doesn't know by this point then I'd be surprised.
Also in case of laughing gas, drink water. It'll save your life, unfortunately it won't stop the heroes from using tear gas on me. Darn the heroes, darn them and their tear gas bombs.
Good batch. Everybody's improving a lot.
ReplyDelete#9 Master after regeneration. And Whooves ofc.
ReplyDeleteNice ponies :3.
If you get the chance,
ReplyDeletedon't look at #70
No matter what.
haha I like see Phoe as a pony. Great job bronies, a lot of creativity. I didn't look at the grim dark one in fear of not sleeping tonight, I'm sorry.
ReplyDeleteAlso if anypony wondering about my submission #112 if you remember Episode 3 "The ticket master" where Applejack made a bet with Big Mac if she brought all the apples in the farm by lunch time, Big Mac has to walk down Stirrup Street wearing Granny's girdle.
Drawing a pony swimming eh? hmm hope I can think of something creative since 2mmrrow going to be my last art till the 27 :c
Well good luck bronies! Stay strong!
#19 Oh man. The infamous awkward Tidus/Yuna laugh. Could not stop lol'ing.
ReplyDelete#127 GENIUUUUS.
I really want to keep doing this, but I ran out of supplies on the 19th. The good news is I might be able to get a tablet thing by the end of week. Then I'll just have to figure out how to get it to work. (Wish me luck.)
ReplyDeleteWhat's everyone griping about? #70 can't be that badOH GODS NO
ReplyDeleteDamn...there were a lot of creepy ones in this O.o
ReplyDelete@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteJust don't let it phase you. (It could have been a much worse.)
*(strike the a. I need more sleep.)
ReplyDeleteI just can't...
How could they even do that to her?
Fluttershy's so innocent, and they do THAT to her?
I-I just lost faith in the good of humanity...
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteDon't lose faith. Just look at every other submission. And for what it's worth, the artist of Number 70 left an apology in the comment box when he submitted it. This wasn't something done out of malice or spite, it's just... unsettling.
Hmmm, kinda glad I didn't click on #70...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, coming back to say I also dug #59, 60; just realized #60 is G3 vs G4, which is hilarious! You could almost count that for Evil Twin day too!
ReplyDeleteWell they never said it in the show to my knowledge and I don't read too much of the fanfiction. I had already uploaded when I saw that word used.
Furthermore it is just knitpicking like people that argue whether a name is Alucard or Arucard because Japanese lacks an L sound.
Oh I love #54 and # 157!
ReplyDelete@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteSee it from the other perceptive. They see her as innocent and pure. They want to be close to her, problem is they don't feel that they can reach up to that level. The only alternative is to bring her down to their level. Or, to put it bluntly, the more innocent it is, the better it feels to corrupt it.
P.S. Don't loose hope in humanity. Humanity has had a hard time from the start, it did what it had to do to survive.
ReplyDeleteI-I just can't look at her the same way again...
I can't forgive the person who made this, it's just wrong to do that to her...
*(lose. Really need sleep.)
ReplyDeleteMission accomplished.
Although, the final version looks quite a bit creepier with the white makeup. Too bad the thumbnails don't update, but at least the link does.
ReplyDeletehuh? what makeup?
#93 here. Phoe, I promise I'll do my best to finish it properly. I'm so very happy you liked it.
ReplyDeleteNow to list some favourites for today: 17, 41, 89, 140... but really I could easily put at least half of submissions into this category.
As always, great job bronies.
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteThis too shall pass. Get some rest, and when you wake up prepare yourself a warm drink of your choosing (I like cocoa, personally), and sit down to watch Dragonshy or Green Isn't Your Color. You'll feel better, I promise.
I thought mine was probably going to be the worst of the bunch.
ReplyDelete...after looking at some of these, though, I suddenly don't feel so self-conscious. Still, I have no qualms with deliberate self-depreciation.
*(I was #38, BTW. :D)*
Can the cocoa have little marshmallows floating in it?
#108 here
ReplyDeleteI stayed up just to see if my drawing made it in.
#4 today. I don't think I've ever been this high up on the list before, but I did kind of rush this one, so I suppose it makes sense. Oh, by the way; if anyone gets the incredibly obscure reference I made, please let me know.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, great pictures again, as always. I've come to really enjoy the recurring themes, like badzerg's Longshy and MHPayne's comic strips. Making a continuous comic with all these themse going on that still at least kind of makes sense must be really difficult. And I love the line "I don't think we ever HAD Pinkie." That pretty much nails it.
Aside from those, I've really enjoyed #28 today, because a pie in the face, or on the head, has always been instant comedy. Can't beat the classics. #52 is great, too; seems almost like a necessary continuation from Show Stoppers. Big Mac's reaction is priceless.
Oh, and #125: A Tommy Wiseau Pony would be the most awkward and hilarious thing ever. We NEED that.
I just hope I'll be able to come up with something halfway decent for today. So far I haven't been able to think of anything intelligent, but you know how it is, good ideas usually come to you when you least expect them.
ReplyDeleteBefore I forget, totality diggin' the look.
Is it wrong I laughed at 70?
ReplyDeletei don't know why but I find grimdark stuff to be hilarious.
I need help...
@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteYes, you need help...
Also, Y U NO ON DOC?
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteHelping family move.
It's an all day thing.
Accept my friend request over xbox!
#11 here
ReplyDeleteAll the pictures are great! My personal favorite is #73. It's so cute. ^^
@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteHaven't checked my messages recently...
Damn your timezone, it drives me to insomnia!
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteI sent you another one reminding early this morning(for me.[I gotta stop playing BBCS until 4am])
It's 7 in the evening for me right now.
My friends in the end we must all remember that 70 is just a picture. Just keep thinking in your head that it's not canon and would never happen. And remember, friendship is magic.
ReplyDelete-Uncle Leo
Oh by the way. Don't go crazy on us yet Phoe, your doing a great job and your work is appreciated.
ReplyDelete-Uncle Leo
Okay, #70 surprised me. As in seriously surprised me XP. I jumped.
ReplyDeleteIt's a little out there, but its still just a picture. I think you guys needta relax a little?
Just take your mind off it, everything will be fine.
#140 here....Not able to finish it today sadly.
ReplyDeleteFavorites today! 63 was my most favorite and I pretty much just gasped and stared at it with a =D face, 17, 74, 79, 89, 98, 105, 128, 133...wow there are so many good ones today!!
#29 checking in. I tried to keep things simple and sweet today, and I think I succeeded in that regard. I also this one to play around more with composition than I normally do.
ReplyDeleteI noticed my number seems pretty high up on the list considering I submitted it pretty much when I always do. Looks like a lot of midnight oil was burned last night, but it looks like it was all worth it. Some of my favorites this time around were #2, 10, 61, 73, 104, 125, and 127. Keep up the good work everypony!
#53 here. Fun fact: I did it on MS Paint, with a mouse.
ReplyDelete#70 Wh-Why? Why would you do that? You know what, stuff like this needs it's own category, something along the lines of "Not safe for Bronies" X(
*Sigh* That next theme has me wishing I could draw much better than I currently can, because I had a pretty funny/odd idea for it.
ReplyDeleteThe idea I had in mind contained a reference to the show "King of the Hill", which happened to be how I found my way into bronyhood, oddly enough.
Something made me want to save #70....
ReplyDelete...the picture is now known as my wallpaper
#96 reporting in
ReplyDeleteAbout the next theme, will diving count as swimming?
Eeyup, no 87 this time :)
ReplyDeleteNo 17, 41 and 42 were my favourites here!
#20 here. Guess I couldn't resist another Magic the Gathering joke. I kind of like the idea of Twilight Sparkle and Zecora having at it every now and then. With Zecora being far more experienced. Which comes round to today's pic.
ReplyDeleteNot going to look at #70, certain pics already haunt my head and I'm all out of brain bleach(it's pretty hard to find these days...). Photo memory is BAD when you also have as vivid imagination as I do.
Really liked 50, 59, 61 and 111 :)
Man, what a GREAT night. I was very satisfied with my piece; it was simple enough, but effective (and yes, it's based on the fanfic Bubbles, which is one of my very favorites ;_;). But really, seriously, as for the rest of you, I'd be here all day if I wanted to name all my favorites from this theme and explain why. The Boo, the Laughing Mare, so many great out-of-the-box (literally in Sethisto's case~) ideas... Aw, heck, I'll at least say #19 CRACKED ME UP and #70 made me feel very bad :< it was the whole gamut run tonight.
ReplyDeletealso, #84 was my initial idea, though I was gonna do little doodles, and quickly realized I wouldn't be able to do that and make them look even recognizable in such a small timeframe, haha. And Phoe's apparent official coloring looks fantastic. Maybe I'll try to draw her when I'm... a little bit better. (Oh, and squee @ getting comments so many days in a row, I must have some kinda neat ideas or something :3c )
#66 - OMC...fanart of my fanfic!
ReplyDelete*prances around in a circle* yesyesyesyesyesyesyes!
*ahem*...I mean, I am flattered and pleased.
#71 here, just wanted to say everybody seems to be improving greatly, except the godly artists up in here who could not possibly get better. Just kidding, there's always room for improvement.
ReplyDelete#13- ...
#41- I want this to happen.
#52- I bet this was a planned episode for season 2. The sketchy style looks really nice on this one.
#61- LOL! The look on Twi's face is so adorable, too.
#74- Now this one looks nice. Like, REALLY nice. Great job! That's a bit mean though, seriously Pinkie.
#104- Even her laughs are graceful.
#125- Points for Tommy Wiseau pony. (Spoiler: He's actually an alien sent to earth to collect spoons to power a cannon that turns planets into the shape of spoons.)
@Crimson Valor Hey. Psst. Did you see the cutie mark on #71?
ReplyDelete95 here. I'm so happy i actually finished early for once :)
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff as usual guys. I'm still not going to pick favorites because these are all really nice.
@torrential/phoe: You guys are really making it seem like not clicking 70 was a good choice on my part...
127- Love the Count pony, brilliant idea XD
ReplyDelete23-Poor road cone Luna! (lmao) but it looks like she gets Celestia back in 129, which is awesomely hilarious too!
I should have drawn a prank but I couldn't think of anything good ^_^; *is 72* I'm not all THAT into bondage really... ;3 Just wanted to draw the aftermath of the rope theme. And a pony laughing so hard they were crying! That and I love the idea that Applejack can bring Rainbow down a notch(sometimes, she really needs it!)
Im waiting until it finally just becomes "Draw Lyra Day". I can totally see it happening...
ReplyDeleteThe filename for #116 is aCUNT.jpg
@HawaiianShirtedPony Yeah Phoe, your OC that we've made for you looks pretty awesome :D
ReplyDeleteShe is adorable. #50 is adorable. :D so much adorable
@ShoeboxWarrior Wait, what's not finished about yours? It's even colored and stuff...
Thankssss :D
Also @the first Anonymous, yeah I submitted mine at about 11:30 PST, so there were 15 other submissions in the last 30 minutes. ^^
#4 - if this was a reference, I didn't get it. :c But if that's Pinkie's sister, how can their lives be miserable if they live with post-rainboom Pinkie? :o
#29 - d'aww. It's Fluttershy and she's adorable, nothing else needs to be said. woohoo~
#71 - ...I lost. >_< Nice evil hat/monocle/mustache/goatee you have there. Now, a question: When you sit in your mandatory evil armchair, do you stroke a cat or do you prefer something more like a turtle?
#28 because it was next to #29 - Big Mac accidentally the whole pie! :D Don't be sad, Apple Bloom, pies on heads are hilarious! Laughter incarnate. Classic. (Which one of them pied him?)
ReplyDeleteIt's hosted on Imgur. That's whatever happened to be generated at the time. Perhaps it's trying to say something about Twilight?
#78, Kent is gonna be off the hook later, when he goes in for his nightly Oat Salad and Apple Cider.
ReplyDeleteThe joke is very open to interpritation
#64 here.
ReplyDeleteHaving trouble coming up with something, I couldn't decide between Fluttershy or Manehattan Applejack. So I did them both.
I'm not gonna bother thinking up what is going on in that situation: you come up with your own story.
#103 here
ReplyDeleteUGh wth is wrong with me, I dont know what i was thinking when i left a comment on my pic like that. Anywho, i beleive today is going to be used for fixing Fluttershy and cleaning up the ruby pic. IT was late as frig i was going on two hours sleep the previous night . . . . maybe my brain had just quit working right. anywho. im definitely going to clean that pic up.
i swear . . . some of these really kinda creeped me out . . . despite the theme. Other than those creepy pics, i really loved this theme.
Now if i could find out why imageshack isnt allowing me to bring up the pic i uploaded last night i would change it to one without the comment. But it wont let me.
Lik to pic without comment, ( not cleaned up yet )
Ok im off to the zoo with some friends or id comment on alot more pics like i normally do . . . bye all
Phoe must surely be the coolest pagasi,
ReplyDeleteThat she knows every reference nopony can deny.
From games made twenty years ago,
That many thought no one would know,
To crazy British television,
That defy most for recognition.
For so long, of Coupling* I had not thought,
But that one line made me laugh, a lot.
Oh Phoe, I love you more each day,
Every joke that you white does slay!
If this makes me sound a stalker, I am sorry,
But Princess Phoe, would you marry me?
*The giggle loop from Coupling - Series 1 - Episode 3
99 today!
ReplyDeleteThis was going to be my entry for "Evil Twin" day (although Gob is basically Trixie in human form), but it didn't work out until now.
I have combined "Arrested Development" with ponies. God help us all.
I'm really liking the styles in 61 and 74. I love the unique style in 72 as well, Kt Kat.
~Buddy Vox
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm kind ok with grindark. Nothing seem to bother me... *open in a new tab* ... I even look at human gore without a problem, so it can't really be any...HOLY FUCK!! *close*
#70 here.
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry for causing upset amongst others.
If it makes you feel better, I'll try my absolute hardest to flood the remaining days with Lyra and Bonbon parenting fiascos.
ReplyDeleteDon't take it too seriously, #70-brony. People love to be frightened and disgusted. That's why they watch horror movies. Or read cupcakes.
The very reason MLP FiM is different from older generations is because it has dark side in it. Without it - cuteness will get boring.
I hope we'll see more twisted fucked up imagery from you, because you really made it great.
#100 here. I had this idea in my head all day and not only was it fun to put to paper, I got it almost exactly like I envisioned, which made my day. The only thing that gave me a lot of trouble was Twilight's elements crown in the 3rd panel.
ReplyDelete70 - I've seen worse... but this was definitely unexpected of a pony drawing.
103 - Don't get discouraged, a pose doesn't have to be totally unique. There's always room for more cute drawings, IMO.
129 - Careful there, Luna, you're a pretty close to the joke too and somepony else might just get the last laugh. :P
#12 FTW
ReplyDeletewell .... i kinda drew it so .... yeah.
ReplyDeleteI didn't think my mouth could open that wide. o_o
...and I hope it never does again.
ReplyDeleteThough I do not know you personally knowing my bronies I am 100% sure you didn't do this with malice and to upset people, so it's fine.
But I understand people got shocked. I'm the more sensitive type aswell, after reading Cupcakes it took me like 3 weeks to look at the Pinkie the same way again.
So yeah. Maybe "shocking" is not the best word, more like...unexpected. No worries, we will get over it.
Also I want to make it clear that despite all the commotion, I don't want this to discourage you. Draw what makes you feel happy. :)
Maybe you were just experimenting, that's also part of learning and exploring yourself.
If it's grimdark that you find joy in, well, do it. Not my cup of tea, but I totally don't want you to stop drawing stuff you like just because it's not as widely accepted and appreciated as, for example, Lyra&Bonbon shipping.
So don't let it get to you. It was labelled as grimdark, it was hidden, so it's our own curiosity to blame.
Keep drawing brony ^-^
And tbh, #13 is actually more terrifying :P
ReplyDeleteAnyways my two cents.
#76 here. I will probably try to color this and ditch the joke, since nopony I showed it to got it.
ReplyDelete>i am the only one who remembers anti-pony spiders?
So many N02 jokes
#3) I am in awe of your subject choice
#10) I lol'd
#13) :whathasbeenseemcantbeunseen:
#23) I always knew Celly would be fun at parties
#41) Amazing
#60) Rainbow Dash always dresses in style
/r/ Scootaloo will show us games to play
#87) Simple awesome
ReplyDeleteI hope that my commentary didn't come across as implying I was upset at you for producing the piece. I'm not a very big fan of especially dark imagery as applied to My Little Pony, but I absolutely acknowledge any artist's right to bring to life the image or story that's in their heart. It's very clear you didn't draw that with malicious intent, because I can detect genuine emotion in your effort and your execution (is that a poor choice of word?).
I had a lesson retaught to me back on "Pony with wings" night when a certain Scootaloo image set off a torrent of complaints from bronies who were disturbed and distraught - I was reminded that night of my duty as a publisher (and that is essentially what Seth, Cereal, and I am) to balance artistic freedom against the desires of the consumptive public. There are a lot of surprisingly sensitive souls perusing Equestria Daily, and with the vivid nature of your submission I felt a strong need to put up warning signs and preemptively cut off any major backlash.
This left me to do a weird dance where I had to admit that the submission was not to my tastes and of a disturbing nature while also being careful not to call it bad. Because it very much is a well put together picture. I reworded myself maybe six different times and I still don't feel I did a very good job, and for that I apologize.
Please continue to produce the art that you are interested in drawing. If you legitimately want to send a bunch of Lyra and Bon Bon's Adventures in Parenting, I will happily put them up, but I don't want you to feel you must make this compromise, because that is not your responsibility as an artist.
#70 That's silly.
ReplyDeleteBut now that I think about it, reading the file name "Ponies can't die, silly" suggests to me that they are capable of experiencing endless pain. Hmmm...
I just wanted to know if I could have marshmallows...
I'm not exactly a sensitive soul, I just can't believe someone would do that to Fluttershy.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you are basicly saying the same thing as I did above. Actually I'm more than happy, since you are the organizer of this event and thus your opinion will matter more in this.
As of a sidenote:
"I can detect genuine emotion in your effort and your EXECUTION"
Sorry Phoe, despite all the seriousness of what you were trying to say I just LOL'd so hard xD
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteOf course you can have marshmallows. What kind of cruel despot would I have to be to make you drink hot cocoa without marshmallows? I mean, seriously.
Yeah, I... yeah. There's a right time to pun and a wrong time to pun, and Celestia help me I just can't tell the two apart.
Maybe now I can forget all about the hundreds of ponies I've killed for Celestia!
ReplyDeleteOh, I see what you did there.
#70 /)°3°(\
ReplyDelete#5 Shouldn't you have made your move during the ~20 years you were with her in Canterlot, Twilight? Also, >implying CelestiaxLuna is already happening
#6 Silly Celestia! l2read and/or break glass in case of emergency
#10 Dat cutie mark :D
#11 Luna has excellent taste in entertainment. Good thing he hasn't done MLP:FIM yet...
#13 what Phoe said. You know, if you squint really hard, it looks like a yellow road with a giant evil Fluttershy head at the end of it. Legit anatomy is creepy.
#14 *titters politely*
#17 Lyra was very busy watching TV in the comfort of her own home, thank you very much. Her nonsense is very important.
#20 Twilight gives off Johnny vibes to me -- she would totally go for complicated combos. Although I am a Johnny myself, so maybe I'm just projecting my values onto her...
And I hope that was a sexy foil Time Stop, because "End the turn." as the entire card is awesome.
#21 Imidazole as a cutie mark? Why? (Also do I get a cookie for figuring out what it was? :3 )
#23 This can't end well. She'll sleep through when she's supposed to raise the sun!
#24 Appledash! :D
#26 That's pretty cute. Gilda has discovered Rainbow Dash's one weakness!
#27 Nightmare Moon practiced that line for years, getting the delivery just right. It's a shame she only got to use it twice in the pilot.
#30 No, no, paper bags are all the rage in, uh, Hoofsville! Yeah!
#31 Friend Get! *do do do doooo*
#33 Where are the ponies getting that stuff?
#36 hers is an evil laugh!
#38 self-deprecating humor is a staple of artists everywhere.
#39 Rainbow Dash's line is so great here. :D
#40 Oh man this reminds me of when I sketch ponies and have to add eyes. The first empty eye oval is soo creepy >__<
#41 This is amazing. I love this. I can totally imagine her evil laugh being just like her cheers. Even her laughs are graceful!
#42 Don't let sadness and plot get in the way of d'aaawing at adorable fillies, Phoe! Lookit her! So adorable! eeee~
#44 Good fabric!
#46 Hehe, but that's totally Applejack's fault for not making sure Apple Bloom was paying attention. So inconsiderate, AJ.
#47 What do you expect? A muffin, of course.
#49 And then Twilight failed grad school. Owlowlousicious (yeah I hate that name too now) doesn't look too happy about the... borrowing of his feather either. :D
#51 Pinkies, you'll have so many Pinkies! 200 PINKIES
#54 That's pretty cool too.
#57 Aww. Remind me to read Bubbles so I can go cry later...
#58 teehee! That is a little pony! :D
#60 Rainbow Dash is not amused. The other one.
#61 Twilight, stop being such a meaniepants :c
#63 That is pretty pro. I approve of this reference (because, lacking Phoe's ridiculous omnireference-getting skills, I only get some of them...)
#64 Manehattanite AJ's laugh would be really funny to hear
#65 Rocky should be a comedian! He's very good at it.
#69 teehee~ That little blush is really cute.
#72 That's just mean. Tickling her while she can't escape? Truly evil.
#73 Fluttershy has all the best laughs.
#74 Wait, if she teaches the Boo to giggle at the ghostly, will it make itself disappear? D:
#75 :D Impressive!
#76 I guess you did! I have no idea what you're talking about
#79 Derpy, you look drunk. Don't drink and fly!.
#81 teehee :3 Dashie looks kinda guilty here. What did you do this time...
#82 Aaww! :D
ReplyDelete#83 Nightmare Moon showing off her well-practiced evil laugh again
#87 oo, tears of joy! Must have been a good joke.
#89 That hair is pretty cool.
#90 Hey it's Frith again! Did I mention that I approve of that username? Anyway it's great to see the princesses having fun like that :D
#91 Oh that Seth. smhhhh
#92 "...I'm totally in love with Rainbow Dash?" "...I accidentally Ponyville" shrug. I dunno.
#94 Do you make the drawings talk to you too?
#95 What about a poncho over the dress? That'll keep the whole thing dry! It's genius!
#96 IT. IS. ON.
#97 I for one welcome our new floury overlords
#98 Twilight is the best here. :D Purple pony is best pony
#99 Over my head, sorry. :C
#101 Fun fact time! This was my original idea for today! Draw itty bitty twinkie Pinkie learning how to respond to fears. But then... I was searching Ponibooru for refs of pillows on heads (specifically this, which isn't even on there) and found >>21459 and then I was all FFFFUUUUUU- and now you have Tommy Wiseau.
#102 I mean really, if you must be a box you simply have to be fabulous!
#104 Flutterlaugh is, again, one of the cutest things ever.
#107 Bwah ha ha ha *falls over*
#110 Why do we never get to read any of these adorable stories? :c I want to read it now...
#111 So... u jelly, Phoe? (also: d'aaw)
#112 Continuity? In MY little pony show?
#115 So true. OMG PONIES! :D
#116 Sparkly-eyed Twilight is still adorable though. I don't care what you say.
#118 Makes me wonder, though. Do eclipses ever happen in Equestria? (For that matter, moon phases?)
#119 She's protecting her exposed underbelly from more tickling
#122 GLaDOS-y, almost...
#123 "Actually Rarity, that's whining, not laughing..."
#124 Missed opportunity for cutiemarkception here. Just sayin'. Nice water though, I'm totally going to fail at drawing it tonight >__<
#125 Hey, another reference to The Room! Oh wait this is mine. I drew this.
#126 nope over my head :c
#127 aka "SO MUCH PONY"
#129 This is so great. Shortlestia is hilarious xDDDDD. Also I love her expression! LURRVE IT
#130 DAT CUTIE M- oh, fine. I approve of the exploding lemon cutie mark.
#133 So that's how she does it...
#134 A "Place lips here: Brokiss" style one? Because that would be really creepy actually. o_o
#136 it's srs bsnss fluttershy. gosh.
#139 THE NIGHT. WILL LAST. *interrupted by Pinkie*
#141 WHY SO PARTYING or something. I already used all my witty comments today :c
#142 I blame Gilda. It's definitely Gilda's fault here. I don't know what she did but it was her.
#143 Laughing Luna is best Luna! ^^
...and if I missed you, then here: you get a hug. *INTERNET HUG*
LyraxPhoe images
#16 They're so kyoot together :3
#50 Yes. Yes you are Phoe. Actually I said this already but I'm saying it again because it's SO ADORABLE.
#135 Hey Fox E! You said you were cleaning up all the scanner artifacts from this? What kind of stuff did you clean up? Also, you're converting me to PhoexLyraxBonbon...
#33: Nitrous Oxide is denser in Oxygen than air. That's why it adds horsepower in cars.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous Don't feel bad for 70. I actually found it quite funny and got a good laugh out of it. Of course my tolerance levels are generally off the charts but still stifling creativity that does not endanger others is generally a bad thing.
ReplyDelete@Xiagu Thanks.
31 reporting in, and I hate my scanner.
ReplyDelete70 not cool dude not cool at all.
ReplyDelete@Xiagu Somepony give this brony a prize! For commenting on each art( I think)
ReplyDeleteDon't know what you meant on my piece though (112) but thanks for the comment. Keep being awesome :3
ReplyDelete#90: I figured the Princesses could do with a good laugh. Being an über powerful princess pony is serious business... Until you become the Alfalfa Monster! Blergh!
Number 92 is the most epic of epic wins evar :D
ReplyDelete@Fox E: Oh. I see. Yeah, switching to unlined paper is a good idea :D
ReplyDeleteI don't really see the crinkly paper effect that you're talking about. Oh well. If you made your lines darker, the scanner might not pick up the light smudges that bother you so much. Give it a try :D If it saves you even one hour out of three it was totally worth it, right?
I like making vector art, but it also takes way longer than sketching something on paper. ...that's why when I'm lazy I revert to pencil instead of Inkscaping something.
And blogpony can never have enough fanart. We all love you, Phoe! :D
@Prismatic Pretzel No problem! I love getting comments, so I decided to give everypony else some love too. ^^
@sUiCiDaLn00b You'll bend it to your will eventually, just keep messing with line darkness and scanner settings.
@Taco Bandit Thanks! But I didn't comment on every submission. I skipped quite a few. :(
Some of them I just couldn't think of anything to comment on. And I'm not the biggest fan of Rarity or Applejack, so comments on those entries are probably lamer.
If I skipped you (not you, Taco, them) I'm sorry! I figure that possibly worse than not getting any comments at all is seeing everypony else get one except for you. So... you guys that I skipped all get another hug. *hug*
As for what my comment meant, it's just that in the show, continuity is mildly unexpected. The Gala arc is basically the only example of plot spanning multiple episodes (not counting the pilot). So when something Applejack mentions offhand in episode 3 actually happens, it's like continuity... eh? ..eh? Yeah it was kinda lame. :S
I dunno if I can do that again! That took quite a long time. Maybe if everypony just picked 5 entries that hadn't been commented on yet and commented on them, the work would get split up way more and everpony would get a comment! ^^
@frith Oh no, I hope that Phoe's pretty pony princess powers don't turn her into an alfafa monster! D:
That was also a cute comic. ^^
HEY SMOCK! #21! I still want that cookie for finding what compound her cutie mark is! (C3N2H4 and WolframAlpha says that particular one is imidazole) I am way too proud of this actually. ...carry on. nothing to see here.
ReplyDelete> #44 Good fabric!
This comment confuses me. But thanks!
@Argembarger Well... well... Sweetie Belle says "dumb fabric". It's also a reference to the YTP Friendship is Gic, specifically this part.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome for the comment though! :D
Spread the love and comment on some stuff tomorrow! Not a whole bunch, just maybe 5 things. People will appreciate youuuu.
Derp. This part. 6m02s.
ReplyDeleteTotally failed at youtube linking there. >.<
ReplyDeleteAh, I see. Thanks for the explanation, haha.
As for commenting tomorrow, perhaps I shall. ;)
@Argembarger Okay so, funny story! I was refreshing this page because I am terrible and am procrastinating on tonight's drawing, right?
ReplyDelete*Refresh* Nothing new.
A second later an email comes in saying new post and I refresh again and wham! You just posted!
...I think I'm not getting enough sleep. CONFOUND THESE PONIES, THEY DRIVE ME TO INSOMNIA and to draw them. >_>
I hope you do comment tommorrow. You'll make somepony's day!
@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteI hafta say I'm surprised anyone does recognize my stuff!
@Xiagu That was very nice of you to make all those comments.
ReplyDelete16) Cupcake? Considered official? Oh the hilarity.
ReplyDeleteHi, Xiagu, I've thought about your comment overnight and I still can't figure out exactly what you are saying. Thanks for saying anything, but could you please explain:
"#124 Missed opportunity for cutiemarkception here. Just sayin'. Nice water though, I'm totally going to fail at drawing it tonight >__<"
I'm going to go look at your water for tomorrow! Ponies!
@Virga Rainboom
ReplyDeleteWell, the unicorn's cutie mark is of two dolphins, right? And the dolphin looks like one of the ones from her cutie mark. If the dolphin's cutie mark were the entire body of the unicorn instead of just her head, it would have her cutie mark on it. Which would have that dolphin's cutie mark which would have the unicorn's cutie mark which would...
A cutie mark within a cutie mark WITHIN A CUTIE MARK!
@Xiagu Ah, that "Inception"! I thought it was a pony reference to when a foal gets their cutie mark, like "inception". (I'm not as swift as the All-Powerful Phoe, sorry.) I was going to draw a full body Ying/Yang unicorn to counter Seafoam's, but ran out of time and space. (How Eisenstein-ian!) I really want to do more art of here with dolphins and will probably come up with a better CM. Thanks for the comment and reply. I will keep an eye on your work to see if I have anything useful to say.
ReplyDeleteGrrr..."here" = "her"