Exciting part over, boring part start. Have some submission guidelines. And go ahead and send questions or use [email protected] as an alternate submission source if things go haywire. I'm being really good about answering everything sent to me lately!
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony in love. As much as anything, I'm curious to see how you will choose to represent this idea. And before you get mad at me for springing Training Grounds: Shipping Edition on you, please keep in mind I didn't specify what they had to be in love with, or what type of love it had to be. Show me ponies reveling in their passions! Show me feeling! And then, yes, I also like kissing. I'm weird like that.
I can't really think of anything else to transition into tonight's gallery with, so let me tell you the story about a dream I had once in which I got to see another me. So here I was, driving a car down a back road near the house where I grew up. It's a beautiful day, I've got nice music on the radio, and I'm having fun visiting this place I haven't been to in years. I'm not driving especially fast, but I'm also not paying a great deal of attention. A turn catches me off guard, and I crash, flipping my car upside down. Suddenly I am standing on the side of the road. I've been walking down this road that leads to my old house, and I see there is a car that just got into an accident. I try calling 911, but my cell phone doesn't work. So I rush over to try and help. There's a person passed out face down just outside the wreckage. I reach out to touch her, and my hand gets all bloody. "Hey, wake up." She doesn't answer. Blood is pooling all over the road. I turn her over, and... it's me. "Hey! HEY! Wake up! Wake up, damn it!" And then I woke up. I hate that dream.
"You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop, the Twilight (Sparkle) Zone!"
1) By Fairiedragon999 (Noooo!)
2) By Sofii
3) By ChaosDrop (I like how Punk Octavia plays a lute. You're so edgy.)
4) By Makkon (Picture is unrelated.)
5) By Quint-t-W
6) By Thanqol
7) By Jackolako
8) By Lulubell
9) By Several Alpacas
10) By PandaRoux (Well that's just plain creepy.)
11) By Lucky Charm
12) By blindferret
13) By Vissia (I cannot guess whose evil twin this is.)
14) By Blueberry Muffin
15) By Periphery (Elegant.)
16) By Smock
17) By Kitty Tail (No... you're not me!)
18) By DiZaster321
19) By Argembarger
20) By NikaScott
21) By Emerald Dust
22) By nekoneko (There's a joke here, but I'm not seeing it.)
23) By Saphin
24) By Ambrose (Take that, you bunny jerk!)
25) By Vissia (This is an interesting design for an evil Celestia. Terrestria?)
26) By TensaiOni (What if Applejack slept through the Sonic Rainboom?)
27) By Invidlord (This is a lie and you know it.)
28) By T-Brony
29) By Skyline (Introducing Aquafresh.)
30) By Vissia
31) By Nero
32) By The Recliner
33) By Mockingbird (I approve of Pretty!Dashie)
34) By DB (I love it when you guys write stories to go with your picture.)
35) By Spiritofthwwolf (Now 20% more evil.)
36) By Nido Media
38) By FLASKGARG (I don't know what to say to this.)
39) By Amehdaus (Haunting, yet visually stunning.)
40) By Alipes (Applejill? Applejill.)
41) By Doombah
42) By toonboy92484
43) By Ori (I feel incredibly wrong and dirty for liking this as much as I do.)
44) By Mere Jump
45) By Pony Express Hotel
46) By DareDreamer (And the parade of not-rainbows continues.)
47) By Partition
48) By Sherlock Hooves (Now with beard!)
49) By niki
50) By Mr.Paulsen (I could see this.)
51) By Natry
52) By Anti-Natry (Evil!Me is very thorough in her hatred of Lyra.)
53) By Interrobang Pie (Them's some fancy mathematics. *nod*)
54) By Epona666
55) By PinkamenaPie
56) By Trot Pilgrim (Gaaaaaassp!)
57) By Facelessguru
58) By LifeSequenceBreak (I still don't get it, no sirree.)
59) By TheLaughingMare
60) By Foxtrot (Shootaloo is the best name for anything ever.)
61) By Chris
62) By Eponymous
63) By Zach (Not so subtly brilliant.)
64) By Chromadancer
65) By GonzaHerMeg
66) By Jdan-S (Oh, uh... H-Hello there. *blush*)
67) By Eidolon Proggy
68) By fetchbeer (In case you were confused, this is a giant Sweetie Belle with heat vision destroying Ponyville. Aren't you glad I cleared that up?)
69) By McGack
70) By rich-tea
71) By Scootaleo
72) By Coquette (Black Hole Sun, won't you come and wash away the rain...)
73) By Ironhoof
74) By ProjectFreeism
75) By Eliwood10 (You'd better, Doctor!)
76) By A.Q. Nichols
77) By Kudalyn (I request... neigh, DEMAND somepony writes a story where these two swap personalities. Instant 6 stars.)
78) By ShoutingRyan
79) By Dangereaux (Celly's other sister Nova. She explodes the sun when she feels like it.)
80) By Lee Readman
81) By Syggie
82) By Taco Bandit
83) By Fisher (uuuuuuuuuuuuu)
84) By PenguinPlayer
85) By Dragon Rage
86) By Pacce (The joke is obvious considering who drew this.)
87) By EssAeEm
88) By Doctor Whoof Fanatic (In a bizarre way, this is comforting to see.)
89) By Philith (Nopony would cry if Obscurity here got murdered.)
90) By ShoeboxWarrior
91) By mmelvin420
92) By The Flying Tomato
93) By Afentis
94) By Kaiserin
95) By badzerg (I'd like to think you have been building up to this for 18 days. That's so fantastic.)
96) By PinkiePieFan
97) By Relias (Still no match for Tyson.)
98) By Lancer5317
99) By Lunar Apologist
100) By Sapphire
101) By kits
102) By Rachel
103) By Periphery (*dies laughing*)
104) By DI-FL
105) By Tanman (D'aww.)
106) By Rydel
107) By Zephire
108) By DJ Rainbow Dash and Infinity
109) By TheWizardOfWack
110) By Neoridgeback
111) By Shockwave (Twilight enjoys her muffins.)
112) By Pony Stark
113) By T-God
114) By redcladhero
115) By Xiagu (Wow, Evil Phoe is a terrible pony. And I guess she gets the magenta mane by canon.)
116) By Kyouhen (This explains a lot.)
117) By Atlur
118) By Sali
119) By Kt Kat
120) By Uncle Leo (The long awaited return of Sethisto-cube!)
121) By Sorekey (Pffffft... ahahaha!)
122) By Panda_Instinct (So many of these are so great. My sides hurt.)
123) By Buddy Vox (Special note for the artist: I know it's stressful and frustrating when disaster strikes, but don't give up. You'll get through this!)
124) By RaspleZS
125) By Goggle Sparks
126) By Rraden (Snipershy.)
127) By Immersa
128) By Milk (Welcome back, Milk! S'been a while!)
129) By Starlite
130) By MasterofRoku (Poor Lyra...)
131) By Fox E: (This is a scene from a fanfic. Do you know which one? I do.)
132) By TopoCruz
133) By Dreub
134) By Ego (I'm trying to come up with a name for this guy. Vincent Chrome?)
135) By Paintroller (I was terrified nopony would do this. Thank you.)
136) By TapeDiggity
137) By Prismatic Pretzel
138) By Erica C (I honestly wouldn't have thought of this.)
139) By Kelz
140) By Xenotet
141) By Thomas Cool (Evil!Derpy is the most dastardly pony ever.)
142) By Starlight Bolt
143) By MHPayne
144) By rabidcow147
145) By emeralddarkness (This is impressively terrifying. Please continue working on it, oh artist who claims it is unfinished.)
146) By Entropy
147) By Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
148) By Da Chi
149) By Mistal
150) By Nullh (Digging the cutie mark.)
151) By Spurs (Welp. Contest's over. Goodnight everypony!)
152) By Circuit Mane
153) By The Lovely Penguin
154) By Avnas Ishtaroth
155) By Virga Rainboom (I... well then. Ok!)
156) By Leaf Growth
157) By Kooldude
158) By Drilltooth
159) By 8ftmetalhead (Hey don't yell at me, it's Seth's stupid time zone!)
160) By A Terrible Person
161) By Periphery (Evil Roseluck is bored during armageddon. The horror!)
162) By nuclearsuplexattack
163) By Albert
164) By DJ RBDash

165) By Hawaiianshirtedpony (I love the hell out of this one.)

166) By monotreme

167) By Randomjack
168) By Phantom G
169) By djTeka
170) By Starbunch
171) By Eeful
172) By Heireau/HarrowTPrower
173) By Frith
174) By Thattagen
175) By Muffinsforever
#132 here.
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff!
#138 Dark Link / Pinkie Pie crossover!
Things I learned today:
ReplyDeleteI like drawing Fluttershy, it's easy and fun.
I do not like drawing Twilight, it's not easy or fun.
I'm praying to God someone will use Kismesis, Auspicticeship, and Moirallegiance.
ReplyDelete#168 reporting in and just in the nick of time.
wanted to add a bit more like a breast plate as well as fine out the fiery mane and tail, but I simply ran out of time. :(
Either way, as always good work everypony.
#151 here. First vector in a while. I just had to make the chicken a cockatrice. xP
ReplyDeleteIs staring at a color wheel really more entertaining than kicking apple trees?
ReplyDelete#172 Heyar. I don't think the speech bubble did Orangejack's Rarity-esque personality much justice. :B
ReplyDelete#157- I would've loved to see Applejack Corleone by herself. XD
ReplyDelete"I know it was you, Big Mac. You broke my heart, you broke my heart."
Man PS crashed on me and I had to rush it in just now...
ReplyDeletehope it gets in, I cut some corners but it looks pretty cool I think,
7 is amazing
160 is awesome
108! Collabs are fun!
ReplyDeleteThe dark link pinkie was brilliant. and so much colorless dash.
I'm suprised no one just inverted a picture and submitted it, to be honest.
Fluttershy's evil twin is Doctor Insano.
ReplyDeleteDerpy's evil twin is Professor Membrane.
Celestia's evil twin is Celestia.
175 Yay I got in, hopefully it's not tooo horrible for everyone. I need to figure out how to work faster, and not go overboard (I decided how to make grassines and moons while doing this..., that took a while)
ReplyDeleteI love you Phoe, but Its quite obvious that I am going to draw something else [cough **muffins** cough cough], but that will be later, cause I got an exam to study for now.
63 was my favorite of this batch. That's one of my favorite episodes of South park.
ReplyDeleteLots of good ones today - and several outright hilarious. Still kinda miffed I couldn't find anything to draw. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteNow, "in love", you say? This, on the other hand, is downright BEGGING to be Disney-fied to the extreme. Now just to pick a movie to be ponified... oh my. That just might be hard part xD
#4 Present.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, the image at the top was my first attempt at an evil twin. Mostly because of the mention of 'another dimension' that's just what I was thinking. :P
But it turned out so cool that I wanted to keep it there.
Goth Pinkie FTW
Phoe, I can't tell you how much it made me giggle to see EYEBROWS as your post image - I'm glad it got some use!
ReplyDeleteThere's some really creative inversions and opposites of characters here! It makes me wish I'd had the time and inspiration to do more than throw a goatee (and EYEBROWS) on Angel. Great work, everypony!
I really liked the Vinyl Scratch and Octavia flips, and #103 is hilarious!
#134 here. I think of him as Stefano Fernico (complete with an affected Latino accent), but I'm all ears if someone has a better name. :]
ReplyDeleteI'm a particular fan of #50, #77, #87 (can't beat that logic, Applejack), #94, #97, and #103 (I shouldn't have laughed so hard, but I did).
#118 here! This was a lot of fun to do! Too bad my idea wasn't unique! Oh well. *snickers*
ReplyDeleteShadowbolt Dash is SO AWESOME!
ReplyDeletealso, Scootatrice made me LOL
Also, I drew Sethisto cube for Day 17 but no one mentioned it then!
#124, standing by. (Why has no-pony else paraphrased Red Squadron [Star Wars] with their number check in yet?)
ReplyDeleteI should of probably looked up what a clay pigeon flinging device looks like, and is called for that matter.
I love all of these, especially #119 and #145.
ReplyDelete#90 here. Was kind of bummed I couldn't think of anything funny.
ReplyDeleteI love what everypony came up with! Favorite today was 103. I laughed soooo hard.
№103 - Bwahahaha! ;A;
ReplyDelete№135 - We need more evil Celestia, I guess. I wonder - what was made Celestia jealous in that alternate universe?
№155 - SCIENCE, SON!
I really like 119. Really fits the opposites of both characters.
ReplyDeleteThis was a great haul!
ReplyDeleteGood job everybody. XD :)
ReplyDelete#1 here. That's what I get for being a total insomniac. Anyway, a good number of these made me giggle.
ReplyDelete#170 here. "i'm just relieved to finally be done." Yes, Rarity, so am I.....
ReplyDelete#94 and #119 are my favorites from this batch, Shadowbolt Rainbow Dash is wicked!
I'm №49 yet again xD Must be my lucky number or something.Was really fun drawing Applejack as part of the Orange family.
ReplyDelete#135 here
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised not many did the inverted colors thing. I thought it was gonna be everywhere so I wasn't very motivated to draw that.
Also I like #174
I don't think I'll have anything for this next one. I'm not getting a muse off today's theme, and I've used almost all the scrap paper in the house.
ReplyDeleteI really love the things the community comes up with for this event... I need to stop making excuses for myself to avoid it and make the time to just jump right in.
ReplyDeleteBut I say that to myself every night... *sigh*
#53 here. I enjoyed doing this one, even if it meant I stayed up till almost midnight on this one, and then didn't get any sleep this morning. Woo.
ReplyDeleteI probably won't be joining in with today's. I just don't like the theme, personally.
@Phoe Consarn it! You drive me to ship for today's theme XD
ReplyDeleteI will give it my best. Don't know what I'm going to do yet.
Great job everypony! A lot dark ones out there I see. Love the NegaDash! Best luck with today theme! Stay strong Bronies!
I promise I'll stop drawing my OC now.
ReplyDeleteI was just doing it until I felt comfortable enough to not mutilate anyone you guys know or care about.
@Crimson Valor
ReplyDeleteJust go for it. I did, and I'm a business student using leftover accounting supplies.
@Crimson Valor
ReplyDeleteYou should!
Even if it's just a half-hour to sketch something out on scrap paper, that's at least participating - and once you've got your hooves wet, it gets easier from there :)
167, reporting in.
ReplyDeleteWas gonna get to bed early tonight because I stayed up till 2am doing artist training last night....
Did not factor in that it happens every night :P so here i am again.
Can't believe I actually got that colourized in time (I was done like 2 hours early so i went for it - couldn't have me submitting before 11:58, right?)
I'm definitely glad that I'm still participating in this, regardless of the black hole effect it has on my exam studying/machinima making time! I'm finally getting into legitimate drawing.
Anyway, great batch of entries as usual, guys!
Hmm...pony in love....
I'm #133, my first time drawing for the training ground and i hope to continue doing it.
ReplyDeleteNeat works but i'm too lazy too re-spot them all Anyway, i lol'd with #56 #65 #89 #141 and liked a lot the Rarity of #119
@Lunar Apologist CURSE YOU! From hell's heart, I stab at thee! (Those eyebrows are something to behold though!)
ReplyDeleteSome brilliant stuff here, wich I could have come up with a better idea! There's always tomorrow. Or today. Time zones!
Loved the Shadowbolt Dash.
ReplyDelete@HawaiianShirtedPony#174 here! I was so inspired that I sketched it out last night right after seeing the theme. But then I got lazy today and didn't start working on it til late. I really meant to add more details and maybe a little blood splatter...
ReplyDeletePinkie and Flandre are total opposites, if you think about it.
Pinkie parties nonstop and is sometimes psychotic.
Flandre is usually psychotic and stays away from parties.
Also, I'm the guy who did that "Giggle at the U.N. Owen" piano thing a few days ago. I'm secretly hoping that all this inspires a flood of Pinkie + Flandre images.
Lovin' today's entries. From Murderous Fluttershy to nnnnope to anti-Phoe to Derpy minus muffins to goatees to badass evil Celestia. So AWESOME!
Concerning 174:
ReplyDeleteOne little Pony girl left all alone;
She she laughed when she should have run and then there were none.
Indecisiveness be damned, I hate myself now for trying to come up with something original (and ending up with nothing) instead of going with idea of rythm-hating evil Zecora.
ReplyDeleteLots of clever ones today, good (but a bit bloody) day overall.
I think badzerg's style is starting to grow on me :)
@Lunar Apologist
Thanks for the support, guys. :)
Happily I get all of this Tuesday off work and school. No excuses this time.
Even if I don't draw anything, I do always make the creative effort in at least coming up with an idea to draw. I had an Evil Crimson Valor all planned out for #18... Even if I never put a pencil to paper, the idea is there, waiting for the right moment...
#34 "JUDAS!" "I don't believe you"
ReplyDeleteThis is a really good batch, but #175 stood out because it took me a minute to notice a certain difference in the reflection. Freaked me right out. I'd love to see a continuation of #145.
ReplyDelete173 and in by the skin of my teeth. Mine is a weevil laugh! Thanks Phoe!
ReplyDeleteThis is making me sad, I don't see my submission on here! I even posted it in the time range! I'm sure of it!
ReplyDeletePhoe, you continue to surprise me with your knowledge of references. Do you, reader, recognize the scene? If not, begin here! And sorry for spoilers and all that.
ReplyDelete#131 tonight. This looked a lot better in my head, I swear. It's interesting because I've actually been wanting to draw out this scene for a while now, so of course the day the theme practically hands me the opportunity on a silver platter is the day I have a bunch of nonsense to do. Typical.
If there's one takeaway from this however, it's this: anatomy studies are your friend!
+favs include!: #10, #43, #56, #58, #60, #73, #106, and #160.
#32: I don't know why, but every time I see this, I crack up laughing.
#129: You, sir / ma'am, are most excellent.
Also a shout out to BronyCray because I love that story.
#119 is just fantastic. Just absolutely perfect in every way.
ReplyDeleteThe Cutie Mark Delinquents are also pretty amazing.
ReplyDeleteYay(?), but...#63 scares the stuffing out of me...~
Wow, I WAS the only pony who thought of Fluttershy and the Woodland Critturs. Fancy that.
ReplyDeleteAlso 103 and 151 are just... sugar.
@Moogie Brony
ReplyDeleteThere was something wrong with your submission. The tumbnail produced just fine but whenever I clicked on it I got a link to photobucket telling me there was no image at that url. So I had to cut it. My deepest apologies.
@Fox E:
ReplyDeleteOooh, I recognized it all right.
I'm kinda wishing I'd never read that story, though, now. Good as it is, fanart for it is popping up all over the place, and every time I see that stuff my mind instantly drops back to chapter 8, the most shockingly heart-wrenching thing Id' ever read.
But I become a follower at chapter 1, and I shall remain so until the end, come hell or high water.
Awesome entries, everypony!
ReplyDeleteI definitely love the Pinkie and Pony!Flandre there
Also Classic-Lady-Like Vinyl!
ReplyDeleteIt was fun to play around with my "what if RD hadn't helped Fluttershy during summer flight camp" idea. That was stuck in my head from that episode on, and I think badflank Fluttershy turned out well. I really underestimated how much of a pain Twilight is to draw. As for the "hoofless gloves" I can't tell if they worked or not.
@ #40: Is that...is that CHEST HAIR ON HER FUR?
ReplyDelete^Artist says it's supposed to be lace.
ReplyDelete@Old Kentucky Shark
ReplyDeleteLol thanks, I wanted to mess around a bit more, but a little sublty is fine too.
#157 here with my comments.
ReplyDelete#1 LOL I love it.
#4 the anatomy impresses me.
#8 We're all gonna die.
#24 LOL Angel finally got his.
#48 Manly beard.
#56 The Horror! The Horror!
#63 Revenge of the Christmas Specials!
#65 I love the butterfly knifes as a cutie mark :).
#83 Lawl.
#89 Seconded.
#107 NOOOOO!!!!
#114 I like.
#119 Amazing!
#145 I can't wait to see it finished!
#174 Did you see "Giggle at the U.N. Owen?" I still like this one.
ReplyDelete#174 here. I was the one who MADE "Giggle at the U.N. Owen?!", and that's what inspired this pic!
By the way, since you guys liked it so much, I stayed up another two hours to finish it (by adding blood, shading, glow, and more). LAUGH HARDER, PINKIE!!!
My god #160 gives me chills... that is the scariest thing I've seen all day.
ReplyDelete#87 checking in. I'm a little surprised that (unless I missed one) I seem to be the only one to use the old trope of the bad guy in the black cowboy hat to signify AJ's evil twin. I had trouble coming up with an idea for this one for some reason so I'm glad it seemed to work out in the end.
ReplyDeleteYou guys obviously didn't have as much trouble with ideas as I did because there are a lot of great ones on display here. A few of my favorites include 5, 15, 49, 56, 65, 99 (and its alternate), and 121. Keep up the good work, everypony!
If you're out there Phoe....
ReplyDeletehave you considered giving everyone a week or something to do the final assignment? That way everyone can both participate and put a lot of work into their final submission.
So, is Rainbow Dash's evil twin helpful, intelligent, and a good friend?
ReplyDelete#66 awww Pretty
#103 ....... huh? *snickers* what am i looking at.
#73 reporting for reporting. Just two other Shadowbolt Dashes? Was expecting way more :/. Some pretty damn creative ideas here again! #60 is awesome (teehee, Shootaloo...), and #103 made me laugh out loud...
ReplyDeleteHow about Ferrous Tyler?
If I don't see a single filly Applejack with Bloomberg I shall be very saddy waddy.
ReplyDeleteHah! I love Southern Belle Applejack and Shadowbolt Dash.
ReplyDeleteGlad to know I don't completley suck.
ReplyDelete#77 here! Glad people like my work! Had fun designing them!
ReplyDelete#40 here. Flutterpunk and Applejill were tons of fun to draw! And a couple of people have mentioned this now... but yes, Applejill is supposed to have a lacy top! I did lazily-drawn lace that apparently looked too much like chest hair, and now I know better, whoops!
ReplyDelete#126: y halo thar, Photo Shoot.
ReplyDeleteBut I have no fucking idea what's going on with #95(I think I missed an earlier badzerg thing...) or #102(but it looks like it's genderflipped Rainbow Dash, Big Macintosh, and... no idea about the other two).
#89 - OMG. I love Obscurity. (Yeah, I said it.)
ReplyDelete#71 here, I got 3 more ideas after submitting mine just from watching Pony Polka 2 again...
ReplyDeleteI already know what I'm doing for today's theme.
#78 here
ReplyDeleteI love how everyone managed to design the same evil derpy.
#119 Today! Can't believe that I was able to draw, ink and color this in such a short time. I'm really loving this event, it really is helping me get better and faster :) Helps that I loooove this theme :D
ReplyDeleteAlso, many amusing submissions today!
8- this was one of my first ideas and I'm glad somebody drew her this way, looks awesome!
26- I love Applejack's outfit here. It works so well!
44- Heh, strung out Pinkie! Surprised we didn't see more mellow, pothead Pinkies o.o
Also greatly enjoyed the Cutie Mark Delinquents and the Fluttershy with the woodlands creatures from Southpark. o.O
The Butterfly Knives of #65 were a great touch :D
ReplyDelete#173 - i don't get it, could somepony explain it?
ReplyDelete#22 here
ReplyDeleteActually, my original note was that Celestia and her evil twin aren't all that different.
...Not sure where my mind was yesterday.
#21 today.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of really creative stuff here. I love all the different interpretations of characters, twins, alter egos etc.
I have to say, though, that evil Fluttershy is a horrible idea. Not that the pictures were bad, or anything like that, it's just... a horrible thought. I did, however, really enjoy #95. I've always wondered what was up with that Longshy series. Or was it Flutterlong? I don't know...
#103 made me laugh too hard to go any further
ReplyDelete#112 here.
ReplyDeleteSO many Evil-Celestias. Should have seen it coming.
83: I just couldn't stop laughing. I dunno why I found it so funny, probably the face.
63: DEAR GOD NO! NOT THEM! *cowers in corner*
and 105 is just too precious. Little grey dashie can't be evil with all that shyness.
Okay I promise this is my last shameless self insert
ReplyDeleteill try to think up something good next time
Phoe, that is a strange dream. ...maybe your hair is magenta because of the _blood._ (inb4 blood does not work that way)
ReplyDelete#115 here (I like being early! maybe I'll eventually get sub-100 :D )
Evil!Phoe is writing a Cupcakes knockoff starring Lyra and Bonbon, if it wasn't clear.
Props to 52 for having basically the same idea as me. *high-hoof*
60 - what Phoe said. Shootaloo is an excellent name.
99 - dat goatee
129 - I approve. This is awesome. ( >>11545 )
138 - nice! only... this means that Pinkie is the Hero of Time. FFFFFFUUUUU-
#11 here
ReplyDeleteall the pictures are great! my thoughts on some of them:
#2 very funny!
#4 my favorite picture today
#5 also a very funny picture
#26 beautiful
#45 simple but funny
#77 so full of energy! nice picture!
#79 it seems that my idea isn't as original as i thought ^^
#90 lol
#94 cool picture!
123 today.
ReplyDeleteA little backstory: I had a nice big, funny Trixie picture planned, but then my entire day fell apart. So when the cascade of negativity and crap finally ceased and I sat down to draw, all that I could think of was a very tired and depressed Pinkamina.
Feeling better today though; giggle at the ghosties and all that.
~Buddy Vox
Okay, sorry for the late entry: http://lonewolf23k.deviantart.com/art/Evil-Pony-Rainbow-Doom-213116952
ReplyDeleteBasically, this is what Rainbow Dash would've been like if she stayed under Gilda's influence. Still hyper-competitive and free-spirited, but mean and selfish as well.
#68 here.
#147 here. I was basically going for a evil villainess version of Twilight by asking myself what might have become of her if she never learned the power of friendship. And what if being one of the most powerful unicorns went to her head and she became a power hungry battle mage? And then of course, I couldn't resist having her somehow being thrown into canon Equestria (it's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit! :P) and facing off against her canon counterpart. It was a little bit rushed, but I'm quite happy with how it turned out.
ReplyDeleteI love them all! Damn it, why did I have to get distracted and not finish my design =_= oh well.
ReplyDelete74 here. Definitely my best-looking art so far, but I was a little short on the creativity.
ReplyDeleteGot an idea for tonight's.
Also, 175 gave me shivers. Just the small details.
#88 here. Aaaah, I'm glad Phoe likes mine, that really made my morning!! Great job everypony! This was great to see on my first day of summer vacation.
ReplyDelete103 - the frarf?
ReplyDeleteI dont know why . . . but every time i read #1 I can only do it imagining the voice of Wandisimo from the fairly oddparents. facehoof.jpg
ReplyDelete#2 EmoPie . . . doesnt suprise me . . . I really love the look here >:)
#14 OMC . . I was going to do that EXACT SAME PICTURE! o.o im glad i didnt tho, Woulda kinda been wierd to have two pics just about exactly the same . . .
#16 D'aww isnt Trixie's evil twin soo adorable !!
#21 LOL ...Interesting indeed.
#22 Celly is so epic, she doesnt NEED an evil twin!
#27 HAH, whats so uncanny about this pic, is i have both of them standing next to each other on my pc-cofee-table-thingy. I always took dewdrop to have an evil hidden side, something about her colorings screams sinister to me. Picture it, her in fluttershy's evil laugh frame from "the best night ever," or her in place of twitchy eyed fluttershy. It just works! I may have to draw that twitchy eye frame with her in place O.o
#33 I second the approval of pretty dashie . . . or just maybe have regular dashie with a small ribbon in her tail. It would fit dashie too, the ribbon in the tail for horse riders mean "watch out, i will buck." As we all know Dashie is one to loose her cool. SO it would look great on her and serve as a warning to others >:)
#39 CREEPY >.<
#40 I could definately get used to that. *nods head*
#43 Again i feel the same sentiments here, Why do i feel soo bad fro liking this pic . . . maybes its an inherent yern to see more of Flutterrage . . . O.o i dont know ... ANY WHAT THE HAY!! why is everyone picking on Dashie O\./0
#45 OMC . . . this is wrong . . . Twilight could do that . . . LMAO
#47 I-is... that. Fluttergrime?
#58 AWW C'MON Celly Dont need no stinkin evil side. She lovingly and carefully takes care of that on her own. To truely rule peacfully . . . sometimes a few "rules" may and must be broken. We all know she does that on her own.
#60 GENUINE!! This made me laugh pretty hard. good show!
#63 exscuse me . . . i need to get a new pair of britches . . .brb
#65 We need more situations where Twilight tries to help . . . This is well done :3
#73 WONDERFUL!!! Truely wonderful!
#79 Beautiful job on the mane and tail there!
#83 YEAH "uuuuuuuuuuu" is right O.O I feel bad for laughing at this ( it made me laugh, i couldnt help it )
#89 Why are evil prospects of the mane cast soo appealing O.o
#94 oh dashie . . . thats so . . . AWESOME looking!
#103 Well . . . uhm . .I-WTF I DONT EVEN... ( i did lol tho )
#105 Wow i ... D'aww
#116 Y'know... This would explain alot in a more lamens term. Really it would be an awesome FanFIC ( hint hint writers that write better than me LOL ) ANypony agree?
#121 Ugh Gen 4 should never be subjected to any orignal counterpart they may of had. The gen 4's would prolly go on a Cupcake spree!
#134 We need to see more of the Spa Mares . . .
#145 Im excited this exists!!
#150 I absolutely love pics like this of Twilight. "Broken horn? PFAH! I dont need majicks to kick yer sorry hide!!"
#161 LMAO!!
#175, How cool is THAT!!
ReplyDeletea , r*a , (r^2)*a , (r^3)*a , ...
a , r*a , (r^3)*a , ...
(1st, 2nd, 4th elements form arithmetic seq.)
(r^3) - r = r - 1
(arithmetic steps must be equal)
r^3 - 2r + 1 = 0
(that was fun, btw)
#46- *squee* Thank you guys!
ReplyDeleteI had a lot of fun drawing this and learned a lot more about PaintTool SAI while doing so. I spent a good chuck of my day working on this(I've would've been done with it faster, but my problem is I like taking my time. If I'm gonna work in the art field, I seriously need to work on this). I know the pose is off, her cutie mark shouldn't have an outline on the bolt, also I apologize for the last minute name plop(my wrist was getting tired at this point).
Anyway, thanks so much for featuring my piece. P.S. I'm loving all the evil Mackintoshes :P
curse you 170! no hooves on the chalkboard, you gave me shivers irl!
ReplyDeleteI was scanning through enjoy them one by one and got to 103. Instant spit take and a minute lost laughing. That one came out of nowhere and will have me laughing the rest of the day. It wins for my favorite Rarity.
Twilight #27
Rarity #103
Applejack #83
Non-mane: #134
just finished my entry for the next one (ouchie)with a bad wrist >.<
#103, also died laughing.
ReplyDelete#155 I detect and Invader Zim reference.
All of these were great guys! Can't wait to see tomorrow's. :)
#64 made me lol...
ReplyDelete>Twi Montag
...but shouldn't she be someone else since Guy saves the books and feels bad for burning them?
Saphin here, finished today's entry in 10 seconds flat!
ReplyDelete#155 today. Thanks for the kind comments about my entry. Inspiration appears to tangle my hooves every once in a while. :) I wish I had thought of "Invader Zim" for the "Space Ponies" theme. Here is the clip of Professor Membrane giving this famous line: "Not now, son... I'm making TOAST! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNBxZpxlyKA&NR=1
ReplyDeleteI was hoping to see something like #121.
ReplyDelete#130 reporting in...
ReplyDeleteI wanted to color this piece, but I fell ill last night and I was getting the shakes. I'm feeling better but still...
When I was working on this idea, I thought about doing EvilDerpy giving the CMC exploding muffins or have Good Derpy in Lyra's situation.
There were some pretty awesome ones like Fluttershy and the Christmas Critters and Evil Applejack.
#63 This is batshit insane. Well done.
ReplyDelete#129 My lungs just exploded.
@Doc Steedly
ReplyDelete#33 here. I did not know about the ribbon in the tail! That is a cool fact. ^.^
@Doc Steedly
ReplyDelete"Why are evil prospects of the mane cast soo appealing O.o"
Because Doc, deep down we all idolize "bag girls" even if we know better. They break the norm and we love them for it.
#138 here. Glad some people got the reference. Thanks for liking it :D
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the pose in #150, but everypony did amazing work today!
#106 - Fluttershy as Thomas Dolby! "She Blinded Me With Science!!"
ReplyDelete#39 totally needs to be a fic, if there isn't one out there already.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get #135 until I inverted the colors.
ReplyDeleteMIND = BLOWN.
96 here!
ReplyDeleteit says:
She's so evil I even wrote a song about her
shes an evil enchantress who does nasty cupcakes
and if you look deep in her eye you'll turn into cupcakes, what will she do? she'll set up an evil room and gobble you up in a big cu-upcake
Guess I went a little crazy with this theme and ended up doing three separate pictures. #15, 103, and 161 today. 15 was so simple, and I knew it wouldn't be the only Eeeenope joke, so I couldn't let that be my only entry. 161 is rough and awkwardly posed, so I'm not thrilled with how it turned out.
ReplyDelete103 was fun, but I can't decide if the text adds anything to the joke or not. Maybe I should change it to "Rarity's evil twin never had quite the same flare for fabulosity." A little less clunky.
#60 today. Glad it amused as many people as it did! Took forever to think of something for Sweetie.
ReplyDeleteAnother batch of sheer awesome. Good work everypony.
@RommyWolf Can't edit posts, so I'll note here that a fic on Gilda and Dash's earlier lives together gave me an appreciation for your pic, so it gets a +fav from me for today.
ReplyDelete@Crimson Valor I know what you mean, that went from normal D= mode to full–on @Д@ mode real quick–like (and I'm loving every second of it).
@Foxtrot Love the idea, but Rarity would probably question why you only drew the normal CMC. =P
Also I'm just now starting on today's theme and here I am yammering on EqD, I'll never get done in time. DISTRACTIONS AHOY
If what I've drawn for tomorrow is anything like what other people have, then tomorrow scares me.
ReplyDelete173: the prompt was 'draw an evil twin (pony)' so I drew a pony watching a weevil spin, and the prompt became: "Did I saw a weevil spin?". I wasn't in the mood for an evil pony, but I had to draw _something_ ponyish.
95 is about fluttershy being banished to the moon after stealing the royal pet. day 1 picture explained this somewhat, but it was among those 4 or 5 submissions that didn't work.
ReplyDeletethese are stories about how she is coping with separation from her friends. she is optimistically insane at this point. you can see the images on my tumblr if you'd like.
77 sounds really fun to write. I am off!
ReplyDeleteThis thing needs an 'edit' button. Anyway, I meant writing as a pony, as ANOTHER pony, in the style of The Time Machine will be fun.
http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/5497/minegv.jpg This is a slightly modified update of my image, if the url for the pic can be updated cool, im going to update the image everywhere else
WOW someponies read my ramblings . . . cool n.n Im glad that was useful to you. I guess its a good thing to remember wierd stuffs like that n.n
Soo true. LOL I guess i just never pinned it for our fav mares and fillies here. I wonder if it could be part of the what if's we think of constantly too.
Well blah I managed to accidentally delete this drawing while cleaning some stuff. It is not all bad as the old image was not actually the version just before the final version. So any way here is a new link that should work.
@Doctor Whoof Fanatic
ReplyDeleteUmm. Link seems to be broken to image 88
Also image 95 link is broken