Fluttershy looks cute in a space suit edition. Just look at those little pockets for her wings! Adorable. Anyway, Space. The final frontier. Some say it's a place of infinite beauty and wonder, waiting for ponykind to explore it. Others say it's the fridge Celestia uses to store her alcohol at night. A few others suggest that alternative theory has very unfortunate implications for the whole Nightmare Moon thing, but we laugh at those guys because we know deep down Luna is a party animal and this is clearly the reason why. Somepony write a fanfic about that. Anywhoof, pictures! Tonight we got another 175 of them! That brings our grand total to 3,554, which is absolutely amazing. The push to 4,000 is on! How long do you think before we get there? Onward, to adventure!
Time to do the "Phoe repeats herself ad nauseum" dance. Check here for your submission guidelines, and send all inquiries regarding whatever else to [email protected]. I get back to some ponies quicker than others, but I try to answer every question sent to me.
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony's evil twin. If a portal to an alternate version of Equestria opened up, what kind of ponies would step out? Is Evil!Twilight a book burning pyromaniac? Does Evil!Lyra only lie on benches on her stomach? Does everypony have a goatee (please no)? This one's as much an exercise in character interpretation as it is drawing. Come on, show me what you've got! And before we even start, yes mirror opposites instead of true evil clones are allowed, and yes you can still use OCs. Just make sure the drawing sufficiently explains what's going on.
So this turned out to be a great theme. Once again you've all proven your ability to take a simple one line command and stretch it to encompass almost everything under (and this time over!) the sun. And in between our little exchanges of wit you've managed to slip in some of the most beautiful works to date. If yesterday made me a giddy little fanfilly, today makes the artist in me sigh in ecstasy. You improve, you expand, and above all you create. And creation is what this is all about. It's not necessarily about getting better each and every day; it's about realizing that doesn't matter. You are all bright minded ponies who can absolutely put something together each and every day if you set your mind to it. Art is a never ending staircase toward perfection, and it's only by being willing to walk that we move forward at all. If you get through my training grounds, you can do anything. Now then: Earth below us, drifting, falling, floating weightless, calling, calling...
1) By Colin
2) By Several Alpacas (Well. That happened fast.)
3) By DJ Rainbow Dash
4) By Fairiedragon999
5) By Tabs (And again! Hurr hurr.)
6) By PandaRoux
7) By Quint-t-W
8) By FoxOfWar (Treasure Planet, huh?)
9) By TheBoyd (Pooonniiiiiieeeees iiiiiiinnn spaaaaaaaaace!)
10) By Furball981 (Yo ho ho!)
11) By Emerald Dust
12) By ChaosDrop (This is heartbreaking because I believe it's true.)
13) By Jimbo1023
14) By Mellowbloom (And here am I floating in this tin ca-- oh, wait. Shoot.)
15) By Mush (I have nothing clever to say about this.)
16) By Edzepp (I don't think jetpacks work that way.)
17) By Supersheep64 (Derpy, what have you done?)
18) By Stylus
19) By TensaiOni
20) By Skyline (I would eat at that restaurant. And wear that hat.)
21) By Prismatic Pretzel (The Astronaut Farmer?)
22) By Kjh242 (Well there's a movie I haven't seen in... a long time.)
23) By Brongaar
24) By Alipes (Pinkie, that's... I... how?)
25) By Tarynsgate
26) By Blueberry Muffin (She's going to be ok, right? Dashie?)
27) By NikaScott
28) By Apostle_of_Hatsune (And now a pony ON space.)
29) By Kitty Tail (Uh... hang in there?)
30) By EssAeEm (I already used that joke.)
31) By Ash Ketchup
32) By TwistedPony (Nyan nyan nyan)
33) By DB
34) By Flutt3r5hy
35) By nekoneko (Drawn on a laptop at Barnes and Noble. Trivia, whee!)
36) By Foxtrot
37) By Goggle Sparks (This is us in six months.)
38) By toonboy92484
39) By badzerg
40) By TopazPony
41) By Paintroller (Kirby had the right idea.)
42) By Atlur
43) By Eponymous
44) By loz (Forever Alone.)
45) By Rydel
46) By Vissia
47) By DCPIP (Also Sprach Celestia)
48) By Amehdaus (Kirk!)
49) By Nullh (So beautiful... should have sent... a poet.)
50) By Chris
51) By Chris
52) By Saphin (You know I wrote what is essentially this story starring Rainbow Dash, and nopony read it.)
53) By Squidbombed
54) By rich-tea
55) By RedEnchilada (Now 35% more literal!)
56) By Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi (Wow, you guys are really on the ball tonight!)
57) By Scribbles
58) By Smock (Next time I get sent to the moon, I am hugging Luna.)
59) By Albert
60) By Invidlord
61) By Partition (As the artist explains, the visual represntations Fluttershy is comprised of in this image are called BSP trees. I'll be here all week. Try the veal!)
62) By Nido Media
63) By Mere Jump
64) By Easteu
65) By Flare The Wolf and P0k3rFace (Soccer doesn't work well in space. Well, Space.)
66) By Doctor Whoof Fanatic
67) By NotaBear
68) By Mr.Paulsen
69) By Flash Bolt (Finally, one IN the space.)
70) By Jaimers
71) By kits (Celestiaaaaaaa!)
72) By Natry
73) By GonzaHerMeg
74) By fetchbeer (How much longer can the Monkey Island theme go on?)
75) By Latverian_Ponyfan_2993 (Metal Gear Solid 3 ponies. Nice.)
76) By Rai-dash (Fact: Space bar, parking space, the space in between things, negative space... I'm pretty sure my bases are covered here. Your technicalities are nothing in the face of my puns. Hahaha!)
77) By Circuit Mane
78) By HeatWave (Oh dear.)
79) By Bananizen
80) By Hawkeye92 (Artist: wanted to let you know that the story you wrote in your comment really touched my heart.)
81) By Lancer5317
82) By purpletrauma
83) By PenguinPlayer
84) By Jdan-S (Nyan ponies are popular tonight.)
85) By Chriss
86) By The Recliner (I'd be pretty pissed, too.)
87) By DarkMemories (Hipster Lyra!)
88) By Aidan Clare
89) By Kyouhen (I want to watch Spaceballs for some strange reason.)
90) By DI-FL
91) By Gunny (You are doing it awesome.)
92) By Relias (Super Twilight has all the chaos emeralds.)
93) By Taco Bandit
94) By Rachel (This is beautiful. So beautiful.)
95) By Dangereaux
96) By Sapphire (You're in space.)
97) By Frith
98) By Periphery
99) By Kephra (This unfortunate pony is named Event Horizon.)
100) By Ori (Can you spot the Luna in this picture?)
101) By MHPayne
102) By T-Brony
103) By Leaf Growth
104) By Xiagu
105) By Ambrose
106) By LifeSequenceBreak (In answer to your question, it was Beowulf. On an unrelated topic, there's an easter egg in here I can't find.)
107) By The Flying Tomato
108) By The Lovely Penguin
109) By jejune
110) By FLASKGARG (I was not expecting space day to be so sad.)
111) By Zach
112) By Shiver
113) By Heretical Rants
114) By cartoonlion
115) By Immersa
116) By Passer Palmatum (Equestrian astronomy explained!)
117) By kibihascrashed
118) By Philith (Very lovely.)
119) By Condor
120) By Doombah
121) By Buddy Vox
122) By Infinity (When you see it....)
123) By Neoridgeback (I can't believe you're worried nopony will know who Space Ghost is. That's silly. You're silly.)
124) By Sherlock Hooves
125) By Kt Kat (Awesomely casted. So fitting!)
126) By Tenchi Outsuno
127) By Tanman
128) By Lunar Apologist (I love the look of sheer, unadulterated glee on Twilight's face.)
129) By RaspleZS (Trixie has the best dreams.)
130) By SiuiS (You can use the alone in negative space joke again if it makes you feel better, but the artist of this one wrote a beautiful description about the emotions of the piece being carried through a velvet red cosmos, dotted with stars. And that's too beautiful not to post.)
131) By MasterofRoku
132) By Krys
133) By McGack
134) By BronyQuest (We were a good 900 years too late.)
135) By Windfall (Carl Sagan makes Rainbow Dash 20% cooler. Shocking, I know.)
136) By Digitized Pony (She's an evil enchantress...)
137) By Kelz (Damn it, Space Core.)
138) By Da Chi
139) By Zephire (Ponies in cyberspace. We have now hit every interpretation of the theme that I can think of.)
140) By Panda_Instinct
141) By Starlight Bolt (PINK 9000.)
142) By A Terrible Person (Once in watercolor...)
143) By A Terrible Person (Once in digital!)
144) By Chromadancer (Ow ow ow ow ow OW.)
145) By Chromadancer (If you've never read The Party Hasn't Ended, go do it. I'll wait. No, there's no Space Core.)
146) By Spurs
147) By Ego (Everypony, Egophiliac has come again to steal our breath away. Capital W O W.)
148) By PinkiePied (Oh damn, I missed an interpretation! Thank goodness you caught it for me!)
149) By rabidcow147
150) By Aku
151) By Virga Rainboom (Science fact: wings require air to manipulate in order to function. I wrote about this once. I'm kind of sore about it.)
152) By PinkamenaPie (...Oops. Tangential note: I love the letters you write with every entry. I'm glad you're learning!)
153) By 8ftmetalhead
154) By Liska (And the Academy Award for most in-depth reference goes to...)
155) By Kooldude
156) By Shockwave
157) By Thattagen (*clopplause*)
158) By DJ RBDash

159) By Eeful (This is a brilliant title)

160) By Hawaiianshirtedpony

161) By Lykan

162) By rachel freedman

163) By Ryan Selking
164) Thanqol (It's an RPG sourcebook about space mages)

165) By Crimson Risk
166) By Uncle Leo (Phoekazoid. Ha!)
167) By Jena-su
168) By nuclearsuplexattack
169) By Magnet
170) By Muffinsforever
171) By Randomjack
172) By djTeka
173) By ShoeboxWarrior
174) By Drilltooth
175) By Proxy_Drone
First? Again? Two days in a row? HA, I have no life. :(
ReplyDelete170 here couldnt figure the eye color
ReplyDelete70 that is something I shoulda did, it is sooo me
136 I knew it
173 EPIC
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete#39 and/or badzerg: your pictures become inaccessible after a day or so. I fell behind a few days and had to track down your tumblr to fullview them. D:
ReplyDeleteon a related note, I love this "longshy" character you've been drawing. Is there any story behind her? :D
ReplyDelete#78 here.
ReplyDeleteYes! I finally got a comment out of Phoe! Even if it was only two words.
Also, Phoe, I thought I sent you a correction picture, did it not come through? I completely forgot about her cutie mark the first time around, but I put it in there and re-submitted it. Am I supposed to do corrections via an alternate means?
#169 today. ^w^
ReplyDeleteI really like #95
154: I don't wanna see Rain-Bowman as the creepy space filly.
ReplyDeleteNormally if you do a correction and send it to me through the same process, I'll catch it and do a quick replace with no problem. Sometimes I derp, sometimes the machine derps. Sorry that you got caught in one of those cases of derping. We really do have like a 96% success rate.
95 is incredible
ReplyDeleteMy continuing goal of getting a Phoe comment on each of my submissions has been a success thus far! Let's just hope I can come up with a good idea for today.
ReplyDeleteLike Phoe said in her post, a lot of today's pieces were absolutely beautiful. I'm proud of you guys!
#82 here. I think it turned out okay.. my drawings are getting more involved.
ReplyDeleteBased on some fanfic I read way back when of Rainbow Dash breaking the atmosphere with a rocket, before being sent safely back down by Celestia who noticed what happened. Don't remember the name, though.
As usual some nice ones today.. though the way I best pick them out is opening the images I like in tabs, so I really have no clue which goes to which number. I wont bother listing them. There are just a lot of good ones each day.
#129 here. I remembered to sign it this time!
ReplyDeleteCan I turn in my gamer card for not thinking of Kirby or Sonic? I did think of doing an Okami constellation picture, but that's only becuse I'm playing Okami Den at the moment.
Wow, I figured I was going to be a lot further down than 128 with how late I did this today!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, amazing work, as always! I really liked:
#32 - NyanDash is the best Dash
#84 - Because NyanDerpy is :3
#94 - AMAZING, in every way.
#95 - Simple, yet effective. I love it.
#123 - YES, Space Ghost!
#130 - Wonderfully emotive :)
#147 - Oh, Ego. Why you so awesome?
I am a bit disappointed by the lack of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy references.
ReplyDeleteWait strike that! I may be confusing things but is #43 a reference.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete173 checking in. Phew I almost didn't make it ><
ReplyDeleteSuch a fun topic today. I LOVED 89. Spaceball 1 has gone to plaid! 94 and 147 made me cry. 114 made me happy-good to see her enjoying the moon and the stars (=
I have a fanfic in mind for the new theme, but I'm not sure...
ReplyDelete45 here
ReplyDelete43 - Space lab in space - Jonathan Coulton reference?
47 - just plain awesome
93 - I have draw Celestia and only missed 1 day (which I posted on DA but forgot to submit), so I'm safe
94 - The Horse Head nebula? Also, touching
113 - TheLittle Prince?
147 - ... What Phoe said.
160 - Washie Pie!
And I loved watching the stream for Egophiliac's submission today
ReplyDeleteDon't forget 104.
Dawww! Everything is so cute! I can't imagine how many Doctor Who references there are. I wish I drew something for this now but maybe another time ;) I love it everypony!
ReplyDeleteWait... wait... wait...
Maybe I didn't look closely enough. You've got the right picture there, unless you just made that correction. If not, then I made the mistake.
Also: I can't believe there's another Fluttershy/Alien pic. I thought I HAD it this time!
Man Ego... also Rachel, those are both truly masterpieces.
A LOT of good stuff this go round, Well done bronies!
Kooldude #155 here. All these ones were amazing! I'm going to love today's theme.
ReplyDelete#161 Here. Did you know rabbits come from the moon? It's totally the truth. *nodnod*
ReplyDeleteToday has shown me that I need to play Portal 2 before whatever jokes are associated with it are ruined for me forever. >.>
Neat stuff today. Was fun looking through everyone's submissions.
ReplyDeleteYup, The Little Prince or Le Petit Prince.
I love that book.
Well, I submitted quite a bit earlier than normal. I'm number 146 today. I really need to get used to drawing with a tablet. I see a couple things I wish I could fix.
ReplyDeleteImagine how I feel. Two references of one character from a show that was started, and canceled, in 2002.
ReplyDeleteTrue, but it's got a strong cult following. I should know, I'm one of 'em.
#11 this time.
ReplyDeleteA lot of these... well, pretty much all of these are really beautiful. I especially like all the vast, empty ones; such serenity.
At first I had the exact same idea as 141; I'm glad I didn't do it now, because it would have been pretty much exactly the same thing.
ReplyDeleteThis is true. So far my art is mostly references to that. (By most I mean 2 drawings.)
Bueno, mine got in afterall. 175 here, thanks phoe.
ReplyDelete#157 here. I kinda blanked today, so have a vector space! Not quite enough time to ink it, and I'm not sure if it would look better inked anyways. It almost feels like a quick sketch on Twilight's math or physics notes.
ReplyDeleteOh Twi, your magic is such a plot device!
Also today's entries were pretty awesome. Most of the most awesome ones were with Luna! Some of the constellations were cool, too.
So many media references! 2001, Spaceballs, Contact, Firefly, OFFICE SPACE?
ReplyDeleteWell I definitely feel better about not being able to draw my 'dash got carried away with the rainboom' idea, since a few of you picked up the slack :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to resort to a last minute joke one again, Phoe! I promise. Also, it is my goal to upload tonight's before 11:50pm...
Anyway, I'm running out of ways to restate "these are beautiful and funny and diverse and awesome"
I should really get to sleep, there were enough entries its 2 here.
ReplyDeleteThat one's pretty sweet.
#131 here.
ReplyDeleteThis is actually my first Luna drawing. I'm glad it turned out so well. There were alot of good drawings tonight. Right now, I'm so tired that I can't list all of my favorites. But here are some: #137, 123, 17, 154.
Well good night and good luck to everyone on tomorrow's theme.
Onoes Pinkie Pie. D;
ReplyDeleteI love how so many people take a theme and just run with it in unexpected ways.
ReplyDeleteAnd so much Luna o.o (not that that's a bad thing in any way)
It makes me warm inside knowing that at least two other bronies watched Treasure Planet :>
ReplyDeleteThese Training Grounds pictures are getting better with each day!
I think I have a good idea of who I want to do tomorrow's theme. I just hope my chops are up to it.
ReplyDeleteI will need to figure out what pony fingerless gloves would look like.
Good batch today. And looking forward to today's theme!
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, people appear to be improving a lot.
ReplyDeleteI drew one today but didn't submit it; It was pretty sadfacey though so I got about 75% of the way through before I got too bummed out to continue. <__< So I went and watched someone play Portal 2 instead of finishing.
ReplyDeleteIt was basically #58 except with a few more panels detailing why it's Luna after the banishment instead of Nightmare Moon, and also some text to make it a bit more movie-like. Smock did far better than my little pencil ponies anyway, so it all works out. =D
#14, #41, #51, #58 (ofc), #89, #92, #94, #123, #147, #154 were some of my favs today.
#154 is great, I was really hoping for that. I'm still laughing at #173 though!
ReplyDelete16 (again) reporting to say that it's more of a magic-powered rocket pack. Yeah, I've got nothing.
ReplyDeleteMine was #43 (woo first time entering), just to say, it was a Jonathan Coulton reference (well done Rydel) and not a Hitchhiker's
ReplyDelete34 here
ReplyDeleteI don't like my pic (#34). It would have turned out alot clearer if 1) i didn't leave it 'til last minute and 2) if i stuck with coloured pencils instead of trying to use chalk as a medium. Sorry about that guys. It was my first pic submitted to EQD.
Apart from that, i love all the other pics posted here, well done everypony ^_^
Aw man, I missed it.
ReplyDelete#8 here, while #10 was the joint pic drawn by my sister. Too bad someone managed to get in between that ~10 second window I had between submitting the two, kinda messes the effect we tried to go for. Oh well ;P
ReplyDeleteTreasure Planet is a very good movie, savvy?
Originally I wanted to draw a mix between Pinkie Pie and Morph, but that train of thought crashed when I put my pen onto paper and realized it would have been a "nondescript, pink amorphous mass."(I mean, even more so than they already are.) So I just drew them separately. I kind of like the irony of the two animations' most "loopy" characters watching the more sane ones go nuts as a hybrid.
Pinkie Pie's eyes are huuuge. I'm not sure if I should be scared or proud that I actually managed to draw those.
Anywhoo, space references are good all around. Aside from the near-obligatory Ego-praising(see what I did thar?), I really like 17, 18, 47, 86, 94, 111, 114, 154 and 162.
#10 is awesome. That had to be one of my favorite movies of all time.
ReplyDelete#51 someone make this game now!
154 wins all for its Space Odyssey 2001 reference.
ReplyDeleteI may be number 13, but 70 is boss.
ReplyDeleteYou want ponies in space?
ReplyDelete-Resubmits day two's Cutie Mark Crusader Space Cadets-
XD, #12, I've never seen a flag flown like that before...
ReplyDelete@Rydel I actually missed several(which I made up for) that is why I'm banished to the moon :C
ReplyDeleteGreat job everypony! Sorry I missed two days, but I had a lot going on. Going to miss a week too(starting Friday) Never expect it but its out of my hooves.
Love the theme. Many twists I would have never thought about. Great job and good luck on today's theme. I'll give it my best. Stay strong bronies! :3
i'm so happy there was an event horizon pony :) if i had time i was gonna make luna being sucked into a "season 2" black hole or something with twilight talking about what a parsec is and is not, sucks i had to study :(
ReplyDelete#70 made the nostalgic gamer in me squee. <3
ReplyDeleteIs #126 a reference to "Nightfall: The Last Sonic Rainboom"?
ReplyDeleteBecause it sure seems that way and I really like it.
#66 here! Very beautiful works submitted today! Great job as usual, everypony.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for this next topic...
ReplyDeleteI loved Sunset.
#104 here. ``I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.''
ReplyDelete160 Someone else drew Wash too! :D
#30 checking in. I even finished and submitted my picture earlier than I normally would and still wasn't even the first "Pigs in Space" reference. On the other hand, the you can never have too manny Muppets and I really like how #9 turned out, so well done!
ReplyDeleteOther favorites this time around were 17, 33, 40, 84, 114, and 125. Keep up the good work, everypony!
Evil twins... this ought to be interesting, doubly so if I actually manage to keep the sub-theme I unintentionally set for myself, that is to keep referencing the Disney Ponified Canon. Have to admit though, it's so very much fun it's probably illegal in a number of countries.
ReplyDeleteThat, and I always end up doing things in different styles and trying different things on a daily basis. I get the feeling I'm not the only one growing as an artist either :D
/respect to everyone who's still kept at this at least nearly every day :)
Damnit, and just this morning I came up with an Equestrian starfighter. >:
ReplyDeleteOh man...#175. I would like to request a follow-up with Queen of Blades Fluttershy. <3
ReplyDeleteMissed the last 2 drawfriends. (damn you 9-hour shifts!) Will attempt to make the next one tomorrow. Day off ~yay!
ReplyDeleteI'm still laughing at myself!
Hmmm. Evil twins? This ought to be fun.
JUST noticed the Major Tom reference there in the paragraph at the top. Shucks, now I wish I had drawn something with THAT reference. How could I have not even thought of that?? /Goes to listen to the song. (=
ReplyDelete#21... Such a sad sad story. It's The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin (http://www.spacewesterns.com/articles/105/). One of the saddest stories in all of science fiction. Poor Applebloom, being ejected into space.
ReplyDeleteI do hereby award an internet to #70.
ReplyDeleteIt seems in #152 Derpy tries to be Goku there.
ReplyDelete... Muffin Button.
97 here. Several Starwars references (LOL) but mine was the only pony-as-space-slug one. 8^B After a thousand years with only moon dust to eat, that Millenium Falcon sure looks tasty. A friend suggested I draw a pony reinacting the swelling/boiling head scene from Total Recall. Too difficult!
ReplyDeleteYeah @ 21... impressive reference, but how could you do that to ponies? ;_;
ReplyDeleteKudos to everyone who drew ponies in space suits, its adorable! Also diggin' the Space Ghost pony!
I'm 125 today, I liked it, wish I could have devoted a little more time to it, came out awful sloppy! I'm having lots of great ideas for today though and will hopefully have time to make it to inking! :D
Oh, I knew I would regret sending this... why did I send it? Oh, now it won't get published, and I won't be able to ever show m- wait, what's that? 91... is it... my drawing? 91? Oh... I... I...
...Thank you, Phoe...
Um... so, I guess this is my first comment around here... though I think I've been around since... what, the 6 million mark? So, um... I guess it's... nice to meet you all?
(how can I get so awkward like that? I'm only posting a comment! I need to learn to stop this...)
A lot less Portal 2 references than I expected. I'm guessing Phoe collected enough other gems to filter out the inevitable flood of those entries. Also Phoe is best pony
ReplyDelete124. I think this was the most creative when it came to the interpretation. Also yeah, I used to wear a snorkel when I 'went into space' too.
ReplyDeleteEverything here is awesome x3 Great job, everypony! <3
ReplyDelete76 reporting in! gah, you win this round phoe! Anyway, I've got a bit of 90s nostalgia planned for the next competition :D I knew that I drew would come in handy.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, favourites are 17, 18, 47, 86, 94, 111, 114, 154 and 162. keep up the good work phoe! I'll get revenge on you one day >:)
Oh, 94 is such a wonderful idea. Very good use of of a naturally occurring nebula. Very inspired.
ReplyDelete121 today.
... Or something. I dunno.
I can't decide if the outline only looks better on the ponies or if I should've finished coloring them.
Ego, as far as I'm concerned, your comics are my canon. :B
~Buddy Vox
#133 here, I forgot my freaking glasses >.<
ReplyDelete#126 is one of my new favorites and, as always, Ego manages to draw tears from my eyes.
ReplyDelete#101 here. Two and a half weeks ago I started this experiment to see if I could figure out how to introduce color into either of the two webcomics that I do. I've pretty much now decided that I can't, but I'll try to keep up the comic I've been doing with my entries here for the rest of the event. 'Cause I'm having too much fun doing it!
ReplyDelete#64 here.
ReplyDeleteEverypony is doing great. Some works are just amazing, truly something to aspire to (94,95,114,128,147 for example).
And to Gunny (seems like we had exactly the same thought process for first submission) and all other new participants - welcome, I'm happy you are here. This event is amazing and I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as we all do.
#94 is now head canon for me.
ReplyDeleteoh man . . . #21. THE COLD EQUATIONS. I'll just be over here crying :(
ReplyDeleteI feel great about what I came up with today, but it looks like Shiver had the same idea with #112! High-hoof!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, another mind-blowing day. Great ideas, fantastic artwork, everyone's just getting better and better and offering prettier and prettier pictures to look at. I'm especially impressed by the full comics and gorgeous fully colored/shaded/refined pictures I'm seeing, not all of which are by the incredible artists we saw at the beginning of the competition, either. And the Marvin the Martian and Space Ghost references had me rolling. Also, #130 seems very "special" to me, as if I'm reading a very well-written sappy fanfiction (my favorite kind). Very awesome job, everypony.
Now, today's theme is very, VERY cool. I love these that require less immense drawing ability and are more based on the ideas you come up with, 'cause I think I'm at least good at that! I really can't wait to see what everyone comes up with, now to think of something interesting myself...
126! 126! I READ THAT FAN FIC!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis post, that is.
Loving the Doctor Whooves references! Great job everyone
ReplyDelete... No Moonbase Alpha? 999 999 999 here comes another Chinese earthquake. Ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr aeiou
ReplyDeleteOn #94 by Rachel, I agree completely, Thorn! I'm glad you commented on it as when I skimmed the thumbnails I thought it was a comic with a picture of somepony's Celestia bubble packaged toy in the lower right corner. I kind of thought, "oh, cute." and then did not go back to read it! Oh foolish pony I was! Very well done, Rachel.
ReplyDeleteHi PT - that's my fic, The Summer Lands - thank you for drawing that :)
ReplyDeleteI'd certainly like to believe so!
#151 today trotting in!
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff, Ponies! I wish I had more time to comment, but I at least wanted to point out some of my favorites today.
11, 12, 14, 17, 33-You give that nasty face-huger a double stare for me, Fluttershy!, 42, 43, 47-So peaceful. Watch out!, 70-Myst! How could I have forgotten Myst! Your image sure caught my attention.
94! , 126-just mark a "good stuff" next to any of Egophiliac's art!, 154 Very cool!, and others!
I can't think of anything to draw when we first get our assignments from the Great and Powerful Princess Phoe, but I sure can think of stuff after you ponies flood my brain! Thanks all.
@Phoe: Regarding #52) By Saphin
ReplyDelete(You know I wrote what is essentially this story starring Rainbow Dash, and nopony read it.)
Where might this story be hiding?
And Saphin, nice work. I can't believe I didn't even think about Major Tom when this assignment was given.
ReplyDelete144/145 here. I couldn't decide which one I wanted to do, so I did both! I put a lot of effort into 145 and for the first time this month I'm actually pleased with the result. Ignore the Space Core, it's just a distraction.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to seeing these every day, there's always awesome stuff. Way too many for me to list, they're all just so good! Sonic references, 2001, the Fact Core, but I think 51 has to be my favorite today.
ReplyDeleteNot much Star Wars in here... And only two of Dr. Whooves... Sad D;.
You guys are all awesome, the standard of art is amazing. And fluttershy making friends with the Alien because OF COURSE SHE WOULD!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to quote something that was commented under my art for 'evil twin' topic.
"Thank Goodness, I thought you were going to say he was your evil twin or something" - Martha
"You watch too much telly" - The Doctor.
One of the reasons why it looks like this.
Thank You to the one who posted that on my DA <3.
ReplyDeleteJaimers, you OFFICIALLY ROCK for the MYST reference! Brohoof!
ReplyDelete@Kt Kat
It is quite the sad story.
If you were wondering what the reference is as those guys said it is the The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin.
And I thought the Laika reference would have Benn caught by more people... hmmm... (110)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to have made you sad Phoe.
Atleast some of the other ones were happy.
Flaskgarg, I didn't get the Laika reference at first glance, that's really good. I've always been a bit obsessed with that dog. Also, you just reminded me of the existence of that Laika graphic novel, which is now what my friend will be getting from me for her birthday, so that's pretty much a total win on your part.
ReplyDeleteOMC #126
ReplyDeleteI almost lost my composure BIG TIME when i seen the pic, Its absolutely beautiful, just like the Nightfall fanfic its based on. Rainbows and Twilights are the only ones i CANNOT re-read. The one for Fluttershy is the only one i can re-read. I was soo confused on wether to be happy or sad for her, im misty now thinking about them. . . . Hers was soo bittersweet...
#147 I lost my composure again when i seen Celestia in that last panel. Im glad we didnt get to see here like that in motion video . . . I dont know if i could stand watching that myself...
WOW everypony, what awesome jobs. I have been working on a side project the last two days . . . i have gone and redrawn the pic twice . . . i finally have the first half how i want it if interested the sketchwork im happy with is located here ( still WIP )
Its a pic inspired by a fanfic again. IM hoping to getting the second part finished today.
#80 here. Glad you liked the fic- I really hope the paragraphing worked when it got to you (the text wall in the preview was almost unreadable).
ReplyDeletePretty much all of these are amazing, keep it up everyone!
Tried to do today's one but had a busy day and all the propertions keep getting screwed up- I'm sure there will be some good evil Twilight stuff outt here anyway :-)
>No EVE-O crossovers or historical references
ReplyDeleteI am highly dissapoint. I would pay good money to see GoonFleet ponies knocking the tar our of a pony-BoB warship.
(later that day, after Xiagu read all the comments...)
I was noticed! :'D
Yours is pretty snazzy too. In retrospect I should have put some toy dinosaurs (toy Ursa Majors?) by Wash's hooves to make him more recognizable, but I was too lazy >__>
Also can't believe I didn't recognize 159 the first time. I see what you did there Eeful!
errr also, I really like #92 and #112, the Sonic crossovers. Yay Doomsday Zone!
ReplyDeleteIf anyone would be so kind as to offer advice (sorta wish we had a forum on Equestria Daily) I'd appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteMany of you submit in colour. I've colourized one of my pencil sketches but it took about 3 hours of finicky paint.net brush tool work and, though it looks really nice, is impractical to do on a daily basis. Is there any method that helps you guys to finish full colour drawings so quickly?
ReplyDeleteI knew it! Thanks you, I knew I recognized that story, but could not come up with the name for the life of me.
#56 today. Woo, got a comment. Glad to see I wasn't the only one with a terrible smartass pun for a concept. :P
And... in #125... is that Twilight SPOCKLE I see?! >.> *ducks tomatoes*
#21: MFW "The Cold Equations" reference!
ReplyDeleteAww, so no one made a 'Lonely Astronaut' referance D: ?
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, great job, everypony ^^~
So, I tried to draw evil twins. Only to be distracted by the story "Spark", and ending up being 1.) too tired to draw 2.)head full of too much sappy rainbow stuff anyway to draw a cynical/humorous "Ebil Twin"-thingy xD
ReplyDeleteIf I wasn't at work right now(8AM here), I'd still get it done. But no scanner & no time to draw in the detail I want to.
ReplyDeleteNot really. Three hours really isn't that long to spend coloring a picture. Mine took about five hours (complete with background) and I didn't even do any real shading.
My advice is to learn the shortcuts of whatever program you're using (like the magic wand tool, keyboard shortcuts for free transform and fill, that kind of thing). Plan out your drawing beforehand so you don't spend a lot of time deciding on the right colors. If you know you won't have a lot of time to finish it, try to stay away from more complex subjects or things that might be difficult to color simply.
Also, practice a LOT. It won't speed you up too much, but the more used to coloring you get, the more streamlined your process will become.
Good art takes a LOT of time. Sorry, but there just isn't any way around that.
#116 I KNEW IT! Their world HAS to be flat! Otherwise, neither sister could rest.
ReplyDelete#126 ...Is this what I think it's from? Even if it's not, it makes me sad... in a good way though.
#147 Dammit Ego, I love you.
#173 This made me laugh XD
ReplyDeletemaybe the only real work is in rotating their world once a day?
@Viagra Rainboom
ReplyDeleteThanks! I don't know why, but it was the first thing that came to mind when I found out the theme. I just wasn't sure how to make it work.
So I drew a comic!
#4 popping in. Great work everyone!
I wanted to do the whole crew but ran out of time.
I loved seeing the work of fellow Browncoats within this challenge. :) Shiny fanart!