I am completely shameless and loving it edition. If tonight is any indication, I am among the most famous ponies in the universe, trumped only by Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman, and Albert Einstein. I... don't feel like I fit in with this group somehow. Science! Science!! SCIENCE! ...Blogpony. I've been demoted for a day in exchange for early release from the moon. Tomorrow if I'm good, Celestia says I can have my crown back. I'm so excited! And you know what else is exciting? Meeting celebrities! And we've got plenty here for you, 128 in all. For a given definition of celebrity. Firing up the counting machine, that brings us to 3,379 images in all. I know the meme stats show we bury the internet in pony art every day, but this is massively cooler than a bunch of screencaps and reaction shots. I think we're making a real impact over here!
Blah blah blah, submission guidelines, yadda yadda yadda, phoe@equestriadaily.com. That was the most condensed and also least helpful version of that recap to date. What else can I say? Send pictures of ponies, tell me if you have problems.
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony in space. I'm rather pleased with this one because it's returning to the roots of this event. Do you know how many ways there are to interpret this one? It's a lot. But I'm looking forward to seeing some pony astronauts, and expecting a ton of Portal 2 references. Come on, bronies. Get it out of your system while it's still the weekend. Also, Luna.
You know, it's kind of funny. Last weekend I had been braced for a massive upsurge in entries, figuring this would be the point at which everypony would be the least busy. Then I forgot you all had lives. Turns out this is the day you have the least time to devote to drawing! Well, that's ok. You guys deserve a break every once in a while. Your job's a lot more difficult than mine. I hope this isn't getting boring for you, though! I know the constant grind can wear you down, but keep at it, we're almost 2/3 of the way to the finish line. Just think about how good it'll feel to get there and know that we never gave up. I believe in you! And I'm back to sounding like a self help novel, which is as sure a sign as any that it's time to talk a stroll down the Equestria Walk of Fame:
1) By VeoBandit (Off to a fantastic start! Riding a musical unicorn is every girl's dream. True story.)
2) By Tabs (There is a joke here that I can't explain without six paragraphs. You'll have to trust me that it's funny.)
3) By DJ Rainbow Dash
4) By ChaosDrop (Wabbit Season is cancelled.)
5) By Jimbo1023
6) By FoxOfWar (Here's a challenge for you: try and keep up the wave of Disney references as long as you can. Love it.)
7) By rich-tea
8) By Sierus
9) By Kitty Tail (Important lesson - to a pony, the human world is black and white)
10) By Philith
11) By Mooke (If I did a webcomics theme, would this place be jumping the shark?)
12) By Captain Fizzgogg (Ride ride, pony tonight...)
13) By Thanqol
14) By PenguinPlayer
15) By Misharra
16) By DCPIP (He sells Apples and Apple accessories. And Celestia help you if you try to get them to work with anything but each other.)
17) By Alipes
18) By Skyline (You only have one colored pencil? I'm calling shenanigans.)
19) By Nero
20) By DJLavasurfer
21) By Aria
22) By Farvei (The British are coming! And they're wearing the adorable hats!)
23) By Goggle Sparks
24) By NikaScott
25) By Doombah (Apparently Godzilla is, and I quote, more famous than Snooki.)
26) By Invidlord
27) By Jdan-S (Did you know Rick Astley sung more than one song? I bet not!)
28) By Dangereaux
29) By Neoridgeback
30) By Lancer5317 (Jamie has the superior cutie mark)
31) By McGack
32) By Mr. Wonko
33) By Mere Jump (I don't think you could have picked a more appropriate pony to be Marilyn.)
34) By Blueberry Muffin
35) By Erthilo (Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars!)
36) By Ori
37) By TensaiOni (Princess Pinkamena)
38) By Dragon Rage
39) By Gear X. Machina
40) By DB
41) By Ambrose
42) By Chris (Houdini looks entirely too smug about this.)
43) By GonzaHerMeg (When I saw it, I got soda up my nose. It burned.)
44) By EssAeEm (We found it! The Rainbow Connection!)
45) By EssAeEm
46) By Nido Media (Celly is a famous pony!)
47) By Saphin (That's totally not the artist on the right, he swears.)
48) By TwistedPony
49) By Lunar Apologist (Ohhh, ehehe, great. It's you again. <3)
50) By FIckle (Luna was around for all of the greatest moments in mankind's history.)
51) By Albert
52) By Urshilikai
53) By Brongaar (Honestly? Nuts to ponies not getting it. You should have run with Johnny Carson.)
54) By TopazPony
55) By unholyhen
56) By Starlight Bolt (It took sixteen days to get a mfw. Mission accomplished.)
57) By The Recliner
58) By fetchbeer (In fairness, Dashie, that's an awesome coat.)
59) By Frith (Twilight Darwin wins a gold star)
60) By al03480049
61) By DI-FL
62) By Doctor Whoof Fanatic (And every Saturday they would all hang out with the rabbits and make mochi.)
63) By Atlur (When I was little, LeVar Burton was my hero.)
64) By Chromadancer
65) By Ego (Tonight is the best night of my life.)
66) By Circuit Mane
67) By Nicolette (Hey look! Cereal Velocity!)
68) By Partition
69) By badzerg
70) By Buddy Vox (Ashleigh Bell is 20% cooler than all other celebrities)
71) By Fisher
72) By Fox E: (I'm so starstruck. Baby won't you blow my heart up?)
73) By kits (And you succeeded in making me giggle!)
74) By Fisher
75) By The Obsessor (Owls! *shakes a hoof*)
76) By Smock (Pony Rowan Atkinson, yessss.)
77) By toonboy92484
78) By Facelessguru
79) By Lee Readman
80) By Natry (I'd vote for him. Eeyup.)
81) By Da Chi (Santa always gives presents to ponies. Even Trixie.)
82) By Coquette
83) By Relias (Whatcha gonna do, brony?)
84) By Easteu (Based on a true story.)
85) By Infinity
86) By BronyQuest (The Great and Powerful Lincoln!)
87) By Starlite
88) By Erica C
89) By Immersa
90) By A Terrible Person (Just for you, I'll try an extra 16% harder to come up with interesting themes.)
91) By AlterForm (Luna Sinatra is popular tonight, as well.)
92) By Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
93) By Mr.Paulsen
94) By Amehdaus
95) By Periphery (Dash is doing her best Colbert impression, just so you know.)
96) By MHPayne
97) By Zach
98) By Kooldude
99) By TapeDiggity
100) By Aku (Ohmygosh is that how big they are? I want one!)
101) By Shockwave
102) By Scootaleo (The gang's all here. A round of applause for the very talented VAs of My Little Pony.)
103) By Kelz
104) By PVRyohei
105) By rabidcow147 (Confushy.)
106) By Thattagen
107) By MasterofRoku
108) By Leaf Growth
109) By Prismatic Pretzel (ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!)
110) By 8ftmetalhead
111) By Monochrome_Jaunt (Fillies and Gentlecolts! I give you... Cereal Velocity!)
112) By Uncle Leo (I love so many parts of this.)
113) By Kt Kat (What hath Celestia wrought?)
114) By Bohite
115) By Spurs
116) By ShoeboxWarrior (*snrk*)
117) By Drilltooth
118) By DJ RBDash

119) By Hawaiianshirtedpony

120) By Randomjack
121) By djTeka
122) By Virga Rainboom (Fruitstripe Gum!)
123) By Aeiou
124) By nuclearsuplexattack
125) By Jeff
126) By Eeful

127 By Nullh

128) By MHPayne
129) By Xiagu

First? lol.
ReplyDeleteI am not entirely sure how I feel about that picture of me. But I am never washing that cheek again.
ReplyDelete115 here. There's things I need to do better. The actual horse and my speech bubble need some work, but over all not to bad. I hope everyone here has seen Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog.
ReplyDeleteThere we go. Pony in space. This is exactly what I was talking about. Thank you, Phoe.
ReplyDelete(#90, by the way, and celebrating actually creating an account so I can comment and/or brag and/or be ridiculed)
#1 today!
ReplyDeletewow, I didn't think I got it done that fast I was sure someone would be ahead of me.
#65. The correct way to view this picture is to put on some heavy eurobeat, click, and headbang along with it.
ReplyDeleteAlso, props to #72 for also being animated. *high-five!*
25: Are you KIDDING ME? Godzilla is 5 shades of *SCREWED*. Hell, if Matthew F*cking Broderick can beat Godzilla, Fluttershy's gonna kick some ass.
I hereby decree that all future drawings of Cereal/Cereal's OC must involve him being punched in the face
ReplyDeleteI spit apple juice out my nose at #71.
ReplyDeleteSo much win spills out of 43!
ReplyDeleteAnd #98 gets my vote for the best one
ReplyDeleteHuh.. mine wasn't posted. Not sure why. Probably not my choice of Twilight dressed as the Nostalgia Critic as he's done by another user.
ReplyDeleteHuh... I have no clue why mine didn't make the cut.
Ah well. Some nice entries as usual.
#3 in.
ReplyDeleteCan I resubmit a previous one? My space pony was made for this topic. :X
#35 Funny I commissioned once a picture similar to that! :D
ReplyDelete#42 Trixie is once lucky mare, Houdini was my idol as a child.
#48 D'awwwww Who is that? She is so cute :3
#49 Your so Lucky Phoe I would love to meet any pony!
#106 I loved Who's Line is it Anyway! That show was the best.
#116 Quiet Foo! Quit yo Jibba Jabba and start acting like me sucka! Odd I was expecting at least one Chuck Norris Pony.
Big fan of 30, 43, and 108.
ReplyDeleteDr Whovians check out 114. That's mine.
Inb4 flood of Portal 2 entries
ReplyDelete#107 reporting in.
ReplyDeleteAs I soon as I scanned my pic, I realized Pinkie was missing her other leg. Curses! I'll fix that in the morning. That aside, I love these pics and I expected someone to do #40.
Now I have to come up with a good space theme. Good night, guys. ;D
#49 today! (Also, I am squeeing at seeing it as Phoe's post image! :D)
ReplyDeleteSo much good stuff in here! I loved the Mythbusters ones, and #111 cracked me right up :)
63 is awesome.
ReplyDeleteThe moon counts as space right?
Cause I've got plans for this one, it's not gonna be like today with a rough idea and just not feeling it, it will be glorious, and I got my drawpad pen to work, so it will look better too maybe =D.
Thanks for the last minute upload, Phoe!
ReplyDeleteI swear I submitted it :/ Ho well.
Sorry Alan turned out ropey, but I really wanted to bust out the dip pens today!
#71 Fisher. Yes.
Lunar Apologist: You're too good. I hate you (I don't hate you xD)
#47 here; I feel like mine didn't make sense! I know the floating box is subtle but I thought it at least deserves a bit of a chuckle!
ReplyDeleteA good batch.
ReplyDelete68 checking in, a ton of really cool references here! Stoked that I wasn't the only PBS-themed entry.
ReplyDeleteAwesome. This is why I love you guys - over a hundred unique pictures ranging from subtle, hilarious, clever...very nice
ReplyDelete120 here, by the way. Blasted Celestia and her always-flowing mane, that tripped me up.
Where's the Phoe pony design come from? I like it!!!
ReplyDelete#24 I really hate it.
ReplyDelete8 is awesome *-*. I wish I could color it! <3.
21 is wonderful *-*.
47 looks great
Awww... So many good works!
Hi, it's Dash with the RainWow. You're gonna be saying wow every time you use this thing. It's like a Rainboom, it's like a sponge. It's made in Germaney you know the Germanes make good stuff. The Wonderbolts, they use it as a towel.
ReplyDeleteCrap, ran out of references. Anyway, funny pic...
Wow, some real gems in here tonight! And I'm actually up late enough to see the post go up, yikes!!!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't stop laughing at 20. Totally was not expecting that. XD
27- Aww adorable fangirling Cheerilee <3
I love the mythbusters ponies too :D
I'm 113, almost didn't make it. But Pinkie Pie as Princess? Seems like just the heir that Celestia would pick, to annoy all those uptight ponies all around Equestria. :p
Off to bed with me! Ponies in space...gotta think on it!
Who's that guy with Twilight in #100?
ReplyDelete@AnonymousShe described herself several days ago as a plain white Pegasus.
ReplyDeleteLittle known fact: "I hate you" is the highest compliment you can pay to another artist!
Seriously, though, thank you :)
#106 here! I had a lot of fun with today's theme. Originally, I wanted to draw Rainbow Dash as Charlie Sheen or something, but that's been done before. So I went with this! Oh, and here's the rest of the cast:
ReplyDeleteRyan Stiles - Rainbow Dash
Colin Mochrie - Pinkie Pie
Greg Proops - Rarity
Wayne Brady - Applejack (or Zecora)
Music - Lyra, Octavia, and sometimes Blues
Unfortunate volunteer - Fluttershy
Lovin' today's entries. Too bad I couldn't quite identify all the celebs, but quite a few made me laugh out loud! ShamWOW, Coltbert, Elmer Fudd, Cereal, and all the ones with Phoe (especially the animated one). Great job, everyone!
Wow, I'm actually below 100 today. How did that happen? I think I've been the very last entry about 5 times.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, mine (#95) wasn't what I was going for originally. I found a picture of Stephen Colbert in that exact same saluting pose, so I tried to draw both of them next to each other. real people are so much harder to draw than ponies though, so it came out looking like Generic Human #83656233. So I just stuck his suit on Dash instead and figured nobody would know who she was supposed to be.
FlutterT (#116) seems like something I wish I'd thought of. She even has a ring on her wing.
#6 here. My Little Meat Eating Mongol Pony.(Shan Yu's "little" mount in Disney's Mulan if anyone missed.)
ReplyDeleteLoved #4, 21, 27, 49(if only because of Phoe's reaction), 97(yes) and 106(got me laughing quite bad).
@Phoe: So, on the same day you make me continue Disney references, and then limit the possible movies to maybe three. (Treasure Planet, Lilo & Stitch, The Lion King are the ones that come to mind with much any reference to SPAAAACE.)
You really are putting the challenge into this, aren't you? I approve! :D
Keep on rockin' the ponies, peeps.
Oohh, these are very impressive. I especially like the Celestia dressups. And all the pictures with Phoe; if anypony truly deserves more time in the spotlight, it's her. Well, alright, I like pretty much all of these pictures, too bad I couldn't send one in myself this time. But I should be able to get things to work today, so I really hope I'll be able to come up with something good.
ReplyDelete#129, thanks Phoe!
ReplyDeleteSo much awesome in this post!
Jamie wouldn't let me draw him in an umbrella hat (I got revenge by drawing a terrible beret).
His cutie mark is something exploding... then exploding AGAIN. (you can do that!)
97, 106, you are both awesome ponies.
Props to 30 and 34 for also drawing the MythBusters :D
100 - I WANT ONE. D'aaawwwwwwwwwwwww~
57...you made my night. I can finally go to bed happy! ^^
ReplyDelete>Disney reference
Ummm Wall-E?
Space... Now I've got an image of a vacuum-exploded pony in my head. Or I would if I had better imagination - as it is I'm just thinking about it, but without an image in my head I won't be able to actually draw it. Looks like it's your lucky day. :D
ReplyDeleteSo I'll probably draw something less gory today, if anything.
ReplyDeletePinkie with speed!
@Egophiliac *High five!*
ReplyDelete#72 today. I had so much fun making this, despite how long it took for such a simple thing. Phoe and Lyra were traced off the show since I wanted to spend more time playing with animation than actually drawing, which is why they don't look weird like in my previous art. Well, Phoe is a bit hard to figure out at first glance, but I can blame that on the original animators now can't I? =P
Was getting flashbacks to geocities when making it though.
The tracing did help improve my understanding of overall pony design too, which was nice. Still need to work on pegasi though, cause I do love me up some pegasi.
Enjoyed #35, #43, #63, #68, #86, #97, #111, and #122, amongst others.
#25: GODZILLAAAAAAAAAAAA and Flutterzoookiiieee!
Fake edit: I have such a fun idea for today's theme that it has me too excited to sleep at 4:45 A.M. Fsk.
#125. Meant to say this around Wednesday but I'm a late newcomer, I hope y'all don't mind me bandwagoning at this time.
ReplyDeleteInitially I was gonna put a shocked/heart-broken Spike in the background, but I fear it might cause some outcry. Maybe in the future...
Alot of neat ideas here, but I think 100 is my favorite because it's Lewis Black...at least I hope that's him.
I really forgot, didn't I? Oh well, WALL-E is already way too adorable even without ponies. It would a sugar overexplosion anyway.
#116 here-the entire time I was drawing this I could hear her low black-manly voice =p
ReplyDeleteOMGOSH I laughed so hard when I saw 43!! Other favorites today were 37(my favorite Celestia dress up of the day, but there were a ton of good ones), 57, 63, 97, and 106. I too was really expecting a Chuck Norris pony. Off to space!
#43 is awesome!
ReplyDeleteEdit: (sorry double post because I cannot actually edit-or if I can I am too blind to find it)
ReplyDelete105-Love the quote you chose
59-I give you hugs for drawing the my-little-pony I grew up loving
Only made it up to number 5. I guess I gotta submit even earlier, now.
ReplyDeleteHi-Ho, #44/ 45 here! I am a huge Muppet fan, so once the idea hit to use them the ideas just kept coming so that I couldn't pick juse one. I actually had more crossover ideas, but just didn't have the time to do more than two. Maybe some other time. I actually don't have that much experience drawing the Muppets, but I had fun trying nonetheless. Ponies and Muppets together: who could ask for anything more?
ReplyDeleteMy favorites this time were 4, 16, 43, 63, 70. Keep up the good work, everypony!
I laughed aloud when I saw 87), it seems someone had the same idea as me! (just slightly better executed)
ReplyDeleteMine was 11), Oh, why, oh, why did I not check my grammar... I know I was rushed, but I'm still feeling awful for it..
117) Tell me, was that also a (I still feel like that should be an "an" even though I know is isn't) XKCD meeting?
If you did a web comic theme I would give you a full XKCD comic pony style!
#62 here! Wish I had the energy to make mine look better...
ReplyDeleteI have to say, all the Colbert ponies made me giggle. Great job artists!
#73 here. I'm glad I made you goggle! Some dy I will learn to draw the back of a ponies hed and then you'll actually be able to look at Lyra instead of at whatever it is that is so engrossing 'stage' right.
ReplyDelete#11 OMG! =D
#16 As a Mac user, I approve
#43 This is absolutely amazing
#45 How does that fit so well?
#50 Dawwwww
#63 I just saw the Reading Rainbow Dash video yesterday. That and this bring back memories.
#116 0_0 XD
oh, I need to get this out of my system now: spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccee
#16: Noo Applejack! You run using flash- he's going to kill you!
ReplyDeleteA Pinkie Pie and Alan Moore collaboration would be the best thing.
ReplyDeleteLove number 85 too, I'd totally forgotten about that picture:
The pony isn't Cereal's OC. She was just a random pony I created to carry the pun. Besides, I don't think that's very kind.
ReplyDeleteActually, Null, what's Pinkie saying to Alan Moore there? Did he just tell her what Lost Girls is about?
Gummy looks pretty psyched about the whole thing though.
ReplyDeleteI think he's talking about the second pic, where he turns into a pony then gets punched out by Rarity
Hey all! #25 today. Fluttershy is my favorite of the mane six, and Godzilla's been my hero for the past like, 25 years or so. He's the King of the Monsters, not some chump dragon or cockatrice. I'll go on record saying that it wasn't the real Fluttershy seeing as all her proportions are all off. It was a nice thought experiment. :)
ReplyDelete@La Barata
That was NOT Godzilla. That was a ridiculous lizard who silly Americans tried to pawn off as Godzilla.
@Fox E:
I lol'd hard. :D That show was so terrible, but the theme song was indeed catchy, even the Godzuki part. :p
I'm looking forward to today's theme. Not entirely sure what i'm going to do for it, but i'm going to start now!
Good stuff, good stuff.
ReplyDeleteLast night I didn't had it in me to even think up of some personality. I am disappoint.
#16 - Mac user here. /agreed
#27 fills me with so much D'awww. X3
ReplyDeleteAnd the Applejack in the black dress is stunning. Bravo!
Finally, agreeing with Phoe. Lyra is best pony ever.
once again pony poster decides that i am unworthy :( oh well yesterdays was half flanked and unimaginitive... on a side note Phoe is a lot dirtier then i had previously imagined... geez phoe
ReplyDeleteIdea. Listening to the theme for it now.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the space jam...
I have to agree that Saturday can be the hardest day to draw... I had waves of company all day and wasn't even able to START 'till 9 PM. But, I had my idea exactly and just went to it, and managed to pull it off. I actually was gonna add mustaches as well but completely forgot, hahaha...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, these are all blowing my mind. There's so many *really* well-drawn pieces and ideas that're just incredibly wonderful, I just... couldn't possibly point out all the good ones, I'd point them ALL out! I will say, at least, that #71 made me FALL OUT OF MY CHAIR.
I apologize for my degrading quality of my last pics. I'll make it up on this one.
ReplyDeleteyeahhhh my pony's faces need to be rounderer
ReplyDeleteNumber 97 and 106 are my favorites. Nostalgia Sparkle and Twilight Carey FTW.
ReplyDeleteAh I am glad you liked it Phoe, and thanks.
ReplyDelete#102 here, I finished the color version 2 hours later... maybe a little too ambitious for my experience.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's why the toys are pink.
#92 here. Definitely getting faster and I'm really happy to not have butchered Rarity's mane this time.
ReplyDeleteAlso: Yeaaaa, wavelength! *high fives Scootaleo and artist of #70*
ReplyDeleteI haven't rejected a submission for content purposes since day 4. If you sent one in but don't see it, it means there was some sort of technical glitch. If it's been happening to you consistently via the submission script, please e-mail me your images instead. Sorry you've been having so much trouble!
Also... what? What did I do? I'm not dirty, I'm innocent! Innocent, I tells ya! D=
Arg! I drew a piece and put it on DA but forgot to submit it!
ReplyDelete#71 and 74 here. There were some hilarious ones here, my favorites probably 16, 20, 37, 43, 94, 97, 99, 100, 116. That list is so long because I'm very indecisive!
ReplyDeleteAnd 115, is that a Dr Horrible reference I see there? :D
Space? Space? Spaaaaace! Prepare for lots of Luna and portal. Though I was surprised that no one did a GLaDOS pony today.
Whoa. I totally was thinking "I wonder when there'll be a ponies in space theme" before I clicked the link to see what it was. Dare I say we're entering the Twilight Zone?
ReplyDeleteAnyways, loving all the Mythbusters references, and 116 made me laugh.
Forgot to say that 114 is awesome <3. Like it so~ much.
ReplyDelete#30, 34, and 129 make me really proud to be part of this fandom. ^_^ My only question is why no love for Kari, Grant, & Tory? Hmm? Somepony please, share the love!
ReplyDeleteThese are all awesome! #18 Its time to hand it over to our tame racing driver: Some say he has the key to the portal to equestria! and that he has actually met Rainbow Dash! All we know is; He's called The Stig
ReplyDelete#109 is broken.
ReplyDelete#63 Good LaVar Burton charactature, as a Trek Fan it rocks. As for mine #53, I thought Johnny Carson would be too far back in TV History, so Letterman was appropriate...
ReplyDelete@Kapten-N Hmmm that is strange it still works fine for me but here is the link again http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/1904/imgday16.jpg
ReplyDelete#29 checking in
ReplyDeleteugh drawing while being at a con is a little hard when you only have about 10-15 min before the next panel you want to go to and the friends you want to hang with
#18 props on the STIG!
If ponies really were the size they are in #100 I WOULD BUY ONE!!! That just makes them even more cute and adorable!