I am very, very pleased with how tonight came out. There's some good puns sprinkled throughout, but for the most part we have a very beautiful, peaceful collection of ponies that just makes me want to close my eyes, put on some orchestral music and take a deep breath. Actually, hold that thought for just one second... ok, back. Joining us tonight are 155 windswept equines. By special request, we're going to debut an extra feature here that's sure to amaze: a full tally of ALL of the pictures you guys have sent in so far! Are you ready for this? 3,253!! High hoof, everypony!
Ok, while the blood's still pumping, let's get the boring stuff out of the way. Submission guidelines are here, and you can send all questions, concerns, and failed attempts to phoe@equestriadaily.com. I do love hearing from you guys!
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony dressed as or hanging out with a famous person/pony. Today's theme was a suggestion by one Cereal Velocity. I asked him if he counted, and he got all quiet and embarrassed. He's so cute. But for the record, I say web personalities count. And not because I'm shamelessly hoping for a flood of Phoe/Lyra. Well... not just because. Don't look at me like that!
Lately, it's been really hot where I live and there hasn't been much in the way of breezes. Looking at some of these is making me insanely jealous. I'm melting. I tried eating an ice cream cone during this, but I wound up needing a bowl. Celestia, you and I aren't friends right now. No, go ahead. Send me to the moon. See if I care. You don't scare m--
1) By Damian Foxx
2) By Syggie
3) By ChaosDrop
4) By Thanqol (You're welcome, pony. I believe in all of the rest of you, too.)
5) By Silent Oink (Yarr I'm a mighty pirate.)
6) By SonicRainboom93 (I'm having Ninja Gaiden flashbacks.)
7) By Kitty Tail (Lyra's looking lovely.)
8) By Emerald Dust (Ok, for tomorrow I think we should get some happier Lyras.)
9) By Kyouhen
10) By FoxOfWar (You need to sing with all the voices of the mountain, you need to paint with all the colors of the wind)
11) By MrMichla
12) By Neoridgeback
13) By Gig
14) By PandaRoux
15) By Lucky Charm
16) By Edzepp
17) By Smock (Tee hee! Look at that pony tumble back there!)
18) By Tarynsgate
19) By Marik
20) By Erthilo (Dash is the Queen of Pride Rock.)
21) By NikaScott
22) By Skyline (The car is a Renault Wind. I... ugh.)
23) By Vanner
24) By toonboy92484
25) By EssAeEm (Valuable advice.)
26) By Goggle Sparks
27) By Philith
28) By blasthemis
29) By Facelessguru
30) By Invidlord (This is amazing.)
31) By Partition (I'm having difficulty picking my jaw off the floor.)
32) By Moabite
33) By A Terrible Person
34) By unholyhen
35) By Spiritofthwwolf (Hello, Princess Dashie. You're looking quite cute today.)
36) By karin (8 year olds have weird ideas. Why is Celly on a computer?)
37) By Scribbles
38) By Alipes
39) By Mere Jump
40) By Ambrose
41) By Amehdaus
42) By TensaiOni

43) By badzerg
44) By GonzaHerMeg
45) By DB
46) By Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
47) By Mockingbird (Colored pencils make everything beautiful.)
48) By Ori (Oh no, Fillyshy!)
49) By Lunar Apologist (Luna's the MVP tonight. Fitting, as we've been hanging out so much lately.)
50) By purpletrauma
51) By Sapphire
52) By The Great Saiyaman
53) By Gentlemane
54) By Zach (Luke Macintosh, I believe.)
55) By Lee Readman
56) By rich-tea (Near... faarr... whereeeeeveeer you aaaarrrre)
57) By Mr.Paulsen
58) By ecmc1093
59) By Rachel (I am once again struck by the colors on your art.)
60) By ajremix
61) By Gear X. Machina (Wheeeee~)
62) By Saphin
63) By Nimble Haste
64) By PinkamenaPie
65) By Chris (I feel sorry for all of these hats.)
66) By Doctor Whoof Fanatic (Requesting a color job on this one.)
67) By Jdan-S (Aw, it's ok Luna. We all love you.)
68) By Miyajima (Celestia auto-qualifies for all wind-based themes)
69) By Jiyrath
70) By PenguinPlayer
71) By al03480049
72) By Infinity
73) By Doc New!Filly
74) By Atlur (I admit, I am staring at her ass. I can't help it.)
75) By Panda_Instinct
76) By Fallin' Winter
77) By DCPIP (So much Dashie today.)
78) By Misharra
79) By Tarragon
80) By Rraden
81) By Ego (Wooooow. Ego, you rock my socks off.)
82) By Why485 (Youmu pony!)
83) By Relias
84) By Doc Steedly
85) By Colin
86) By Starlite
87) By Kits
88) By Eliwood10 (Gorgeous.)
89) By Circuit Mane
90) By Tabs (A brasswind is close enough. Also, argh.)
91) By Fisher
92) By Starlight Bolt
93) By Kitsune (I really really like this art style.)
94) By zorg
95) By Rydel (<3)
96) By The Recliner (Totally counts. But you used your get out of jail free card.)
97) By T-God (Pony GLaDOS, I am told.)
98) By Windfall
99) By Marelin
100) By Pony Stark (This is among the most clever thing in several nights.)
101) By Coquette (Make up submission, woo! Go, Blueblood go!)
102) By Misterwit
103) By Kt Kat
104) By Scootaleo
105) By Squidbombed
106) By Condor
107) By Kooldude
108) By The Recliner (Dinky!)
109) By Buddy Vox (Without going into detail, don't be embarrassed. This was made with love.)
110) By DJLavasurfer (I guess Fluttershy is seeing so much action tonight because her mane is so pretty. Also, wow.)
111) By Sherlock Hooves
112) By Thattagen (Bonus lineart because it's awesome.)
113) By Thattagen (And now with colors. Pretty!)
114) By Chromadancer (Well, that takes me back.)
115) By PinkiePied (Unfinished, but the effort is what counts.)
116) By Erica C
117) By VeoBandit (I think a lot of people were influenced by the resurfacing of a particular fanfic. More Princess Dashie!)
118) By VeoBandit (Well, now I'm crying. Like, really, REALLY crying.)
119) By Eeful
120) By AlterForm
121) By Natry
122) By Periphery
123) By Paintroller (I want to brush that mane. I would give anything.)
124) By Tenchi Outsuno
125) By TopoCruz
126) By ShoeboxWarrior (I've always been curious, myself.)
127) By Immersa (If my story from yesterday inspired this, it was well worth writing.)
128) By mmelvin420
129) By RaspleZS
130) By Uncle Leo
131) By Virga Rainboom (Are they battling? Why?)
132) By Da Chi
133) By Fox E: (Holy crap, an Illusion of Gaia reference. Somepony, do Teranigma!)
134) By 8ftmetalhead
135) By 8ftmetalhead
136) By Shockwave
137) By Bohi
138) By Spurs
139) By Easteu
140) By Virga Rainboom
141) By Frith (This artist gave away a Rainbow Dash pin as a gift today. He deserves praise.)
142) By Prismatic Pretzel
143) By djTeka
143) By Dj RBDash

144) By Hawaiianshirtedpony

145) By Sashley

146) By Muffinsforever
147) By Randomjack
148) By nuclearsuplexattack
149) By Kelz
150) By Drilltooth
151) By Ergnon
152) By TapeDiggity
153) By Jeff
154) By Heireau
155) By Liska
Princess Celestia is the new Candleja
ReplyDelete49 makes me d'awwww!!!!
ReplyDelete54 is epic
60 is amazing
LOL at #100
ReplyDeleteinb4 wave of Gaga ponies
ReplyDelete#117 and #118 today!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I made you cry Phoe : <
138 here. It was quite fun working in pastels today. There are so many good drawing here today. Good job everyone.
ReplyDeleteThe Awesomeness is strong in this one...
95 here.
ReplyDeleteFor the curious, the song she's playing is Smiles and Tears from Earthbound
Also, when's the next news update?
ReplyDelete@DJ Kat I think it last to the end of the most, but maybe if we give Phoe lots of awesome Lyra pics, it will keep going.
ReplyDeleteOr I could be blatantly trying to get people to draw Lyra more.
omg #100 HAHAHAHA
ReplyDeletePhoe totally has a crush on Cereal...
Don't look at me like that Phoe! You know it's true!
146 ftw
ReplyDelete9 and 131 are awesome
I was going to add trees and leaves and grass and well, my hardware decided to say no to that.
I will get that damn drawpad to work, even if I have to stab myself with the pen and use it as a stylus to summon a maintenance demon or something.
Anyways... So does this mean, I can draw the famous person in an acting role and interacting with characters? I was thinking of movies or something. Otherweise, I'm doomed
I honestly think it would be nice that after this month we should have the newbie art training grounds once a week or maybe once every 2 weeks, I think if this didnt exist I wouldnt be inspired to draw anything... Not only that it gives us moer time to finish our submissions.
ReplyDelete72 103 and 123 blew me away.
ReplyDeleteThat is a totally acceptable interpretation of the theme.
Avoiding the pressing issue much Phoe?
This (and that crazy thing that happened when the Rarity vs. Trixy powder keg got lit) got me to not only draw some ponies, but also to attempt to put them on the internet. Both of which are a big deal, for me.
ReplyDeleteWe seem to have two 143's. I like the second one (mainly because of MEGA MAN 2)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I didn't do any yesterday because I was TOO LAZY. I will try today though.
#139 here. Atleast better than nothing, I guess. But I'm not going to rush another picture like that, ever, I promise (although it was good speed practice).
ReplyDelete#66 - Beautiful
Great work everypony!
#10 here. I was surprised I did the only "Colors of the Wind" reference. Aren't we all animation fan(atic)s here? ;)
ReplyDeleteKudos to everyone who took the time to use colored pencils. Because they do make things awesome. And are so utterly fun to work with.
129 here.
ReplyDeleteShould I be happy I'm the only one who did a Hair-ity joke?
*ps im 115
ReplyDeleteHey Phoe, we'll need a description of you, cereal, and seth's Ponysona or actual persons. Though, Seth's we know from that article. Ya know, to draw ya'll with lyra.
ReplyDeleteI'm Number 16. Yay!
ReplyDelete21# here with Dr. Whooves <3! http://tsume-pazur.deviantart.com/art/Feel-the-wind-212558387 Here is my art on DA ^^.
ReplyDelete9 is epic. I loved it XD. Really XD. Made me laught so much XD.
54 was so pretty! I loed the colors! <3. Awesome!
60 was really cool <3. I love those colors
82 made me *-* Woooo~w. Really like that style!
131 This lineart is awesome <3. Love it with all my heart. I wish I could color it D:
Now when you say, "hanging out with a famous person/pony..."
ReplyDeleteI'm suprised, I think I'm the only one with a windwaker reference.
There you go. That's me. Cereal y'all are going to have to make something up for. Y'know, imagine a pony based on his personality and all that jazz. Have fun!
#112/113 here! I loved the lineart so much, I thought adding color would ruin it! So, I saved it halfway through, and submitted both versions! Fluttershy's mane is so pretty in the wind, and I see several of you had the same idea. She is the best pony.
ReplyDeleteBackground credit to Torley Wong again. He is so awesome. I hope I'm not cheating by copy-pasting textures instead drawing backgrounds myself...
So what do we have here...?
Star wars reference!
Twilight Sporkle! (this one made me chuckle)
And some epic battles!
Today's theme was awesome...
Maybe I could draw a pony on a talk show?
Oh holy mother of pie. Now I am listening to the Circle of Life. You know the one. Getting nostalgic shivers all over the shop. How can I NOW avoid more Disney references?!
ReplyDeleteCurse all this excellent animation with music. They have ruined my life... with awesomeness(and ponies).
I thought about one pony holding an... ugh... How do you call this thing from #100? Ok, nevermind. And Dr. Whooves trying to get through. But I like it the way i made it (#21) - after all nn.
ReplyDelete#40 dropping in. These are so fun, but I should stop staying up for them...
ReplyDeleteHistoric figure, eh? I remember seeing an Emperor Norton pony around here this week, so that's out...
ReplyDeleteGO AIRMAN!~
#8 today.
ReplyDeleteWow, #133 brings me back... Illusion of Gaia was a really, really strange game. I remember angels living in a cave under the sea, a ghost ship that sailed through time and your friend turning into a giant sea beast - offscreen, and you never get to see it. Nevertheless, or maybe because of all this, a great game. And yes, I am also in favor of a Terranigma reference sometime soon.
Too bad I won't be able to participate today, since I most probably won't have enough time to come up with something halfway decent... Well, I hope I'll be able to make up for that on Sunday, I'll certainly try my best.
@Phoe, is Celestia like the new Candlejack? Once you mention their name you di
ReplyDelete#133 today, and wow, genuinely surprised anyone got the reference. D= Emerald + Phoe, you are both superior!
ReplyDeleteThis was another attempt at a speed–draw, which for me means about three or four hours as opposed to the entire day. The statue isn't nearly as good as I wanted it to be, but I couldn't think of a good way to represent the muzzle or eyes, so I went with the simplified version you see there.
Loving #3, #27, #41, #47, #59, #61, #74 (¦F dat flank), #93 (<3 style, must learn), and #100. Seriously that's brilliant.
ReplyDelete:D (Glad you liked it!)
As always, excellent work, everypony. I especially liked:
#54 (loving Big Mac as Luke)
#60 (great use of form and color) #67 (for doing crying Luna WAY better than I did) and
#91 (Because hell YES, Cerberus and Pinkie).
Looking forward to tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteThank you again for adding my late entry, I'm bad with deadlines. QQ
#60 here
ReplyDeleteI really love these daily prompts- I'm getting an awful lot of inspiration out of them (though i haven't submitted them here mainly for time-related reasons) and, as I'm currently between semesters, it's keeping me drawing which is a huge plus. So thank you very much for starting this!
#25 checking in. In retrospective, I think I made Twilights legs a little too skinny, but I've now fixed that on for my deviantart. Thanks for the comment, Phoe!
ReplyDeleteThumbs up to everypony who drew Fluttershy for this topic! They all came out great! Also, #9, 17, and 38 made me laugh. Keep up the good work!
@ Phoe
Quick question about today's topic: does "famous people" include famous (and potentially fictional) non-humans like cartoons/animals/robots/ect or does it have to be an actual person?
147 here.
ReplyDeleteI'm really enjoying this training grounds concept so far, even if I finished 10 minutes before deadline again.
And I ended up colouring mine in, but it took about 3 hours (my first time doing it) so it wasn't ready for submission.
Great job guys, this collection was as amazing as ever.
#107 Kooldude Here with my thoughts today.
ReplyDelete#32 I like all the individual hairs.
#59 Awww...how cute!
#81 Wow...I love they way you did her hair.
#93 I agree Phoe
#100 WIN!
# 110 The highlights!!!
#146 I like the confused look on RD's face.
#148 :O!
#109 today.
ReplyDeleteWithout going into detail, thank you, Phoe. It has been an interesting few days.
31 coming along to high-five everyone! Today is definitely my favorite set of submissions.
ReplyDeleteI'm so disappointed with myself. This was the first time I didn't submit a picture and all because I passed out before finishing one. I was going for a participation ribbon for doing a picture for every theme. :(
ReplyDeleteGood job to the ponies that did these. Some fabulous work here.
Imma #58 (I think I really need to start adding colour to these!)
ReplyDelete#100 is amazing.
#66 here~! Sorry I didn't have any time to color mine. Though I'd love to see what some of you other bronies can do with my simple lineart!
ReplyDeleteAmazing work everypony! I love waking up and seeing these every day. It really inspires me to keep drawing!
@90- Saxophones are woodwinds, not brass... They use reeds, not brass mouthpieces.
ReplyDelete98 here, lots of good art today, good job erryone.
ReplyDeleteWhoo! #100 here. Glad everyone is enjoying it so much. <3
ReplyDelete#10, 91, 109, 67 and 63 are definitely my favorites from this batch, but of course, they're all good Bronies. :) Crying Luna is Best Luna.
Some day I'll get off my lazy rump and learn Tablet-Drawing I swear...
#88 here, glad you liked it, Phoe!
ReplyDeleteMy favorites: 54, 59, 66, 91, 110. Great job everypony :)
Someone requested a color?
I think I figured a good way to color inside the lines as well, so if it pans out expect to see that soon, too.
#46 here. One of my faster drawings, although partly because I ran out of time before I had to step out for the rest of the day. I ended up having to 'settle' on Rarity's hair and looking at it again, I'm disappointed I couldn't get it up to the same quality as the rest of the drawing.
ReplyDeleteI think that sort of thing is within the reasonable boundaries of famous people, yes.
#50 here.
ReplyDeleteI think it's.. eh. Okay. Drawing ponies off a model or copying a frame reference is too easy, so I'm endearing to do them from angles for each drawing I make. The head and billowing hair seems a bit off to me, but all in all I think it's okay... and for some reason drawing Fluttershy being cute was a compulsion I had for my second drawing in a row. It was just too tempting.
That bit aside: lots of great ones yet again. And apparently I'm far from the only one who felt like just drawing Fluttershy for this one.
Layer modes are fun!
Hopefully DWF checks the comments here often enough to see these. Or else perhaps someone here knows a better way to get them to him?
#74 here. Far as I can tell there is no good way to draw a pony from behind with her tail billowing in the wind without it showing off her butt x.x Such is life.
ReplyDeleteI felt like this was one of my better pictures so far, but then I saw the rest of the entries for today, and some people did some really amazing stuff. I also find it neat that #69 and I both came up with about the same pose. Rainbow Dash is cool and exciting like that.
Hooray for all the Fluttershys! :D I would've drawn her but I wanted something more colorful for this one.
126 here. I had an idea I really wanted to draw for this one but it was a long work day and I didn't have time to finish it ;_;
ReplyDeleteI LOVE all the ponies today; and all the references! I think 41 with Captain Planet topped it for me. 90 also combined three of my favorite things (Pinkie Pie, Derpy, and musical instruments), and 54, 91, and 100 had me smiling and or giggling. So many good drawings today!
@Atlur And in what ponyverse is this a bad thing?! ;)
ReplyDeleteI really like your drawing today (#74)! It is very ethereal, but boldly colored. It gives me a feeling of a new day in the clouds for Dashie with the prospect of so much pony fun later on. I think the only thing that could make this better is if you were to shade it. The sun highlighting Dashie's happy muzzle and glistening off silvery-blue wings while shimmering down her *happy shudder* flanks would make it, dare I say, at the very least 20% more awesome! Thanks for posting her.
ReplyDeleteHi! (#131 & 140 today) In response to Phoe's question on #131, well, it's a funny thing... This started out being a kind of happily annoyed Twilight levitating an umbrella in front of her to ward off flying leaves. While drawing it, the umbrella morphed into a more massive magical discharge because my fingers were happier drawing it that way. I was running out of time and it was far more dramatic than I originally intended, so I thought I would make it her warding off the shock-wave of a Dashie sonic rainboom. I didn't have time or room at the adge of the paper to throw in something that looked like a rainboom, so I tossed in Dashie sweeping by. She was going to be happily or teasingly smiling at Twilight, but again I didn't have time to draw her face so I just left it the way it is now. When I scanned it and saw how violent it had become I almost erased Dashie off the page, but then decided I sort of liked it that way. I'm glad I did otherwise I don't think anypony would have found it as interesting. I guess now I need to come up with a fanfic to justify the drawing of the epic battle between the two fillies, eh? :)
@Virga Rainboom Why thank you! I did consider shading it, but shading is definitely one of my weaker areas, and I really liked this picture, so I didn't want to screw it up. (I know, I know, this whole event is for getting better. I'll work on shading on some other ones, promise). Plus, I had already spent 3 hours on it, and didn't really have the time to invest to do the shading. I might go back and give it a shot at some point, we'll see. This event has already produced several pictures that I want to go back and improve upon.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna laugh when you get a shit-ton of PortAL Entries
ReplyDeleteAw, I MIDI'd it and it sounded really good. You could've taken credit for that, you know.
#91 here. I have to say, spork Twilight (#122) had me laughing out loud!
ReplyDeleteShe might've meant the instrument is made of brass.
ReplyDeleteD'aw, thanks for liking mine.
~Buddy Vox
ReplyDeleteThanks for you comment on my #131. I like your drawing of Dashie #146 even though I still don't get what windwaker is all about even after I looked it up. Oh, well, my loss I am sure. Keep up the fun artwork! Ponies!
@Biały Kruk Hi, in regards to your kind comment of my submission today:
ReplyDelete#131 This lineart is awesome <3. Love it with all my heart. I wish I could color it D:
Thank you so very much! You may certainly color it! I would be honored. If you want I can send you a larger scan of the lineart, but I don't have any vector capability at this time.
You work with another pony on your art? How does that work out? I do like #21, but I don't know which part you worked on. :(
Thanks, and happy ponies to you!