Pony bondage is more awesome than it has any right to be edition. If I could tell you exactly what the appeal of seeing these colorful equines tangled up in ropes is, I would. As it is I would really rather just move on before I blush so hard that my face catches on fire. Which feels like a real possibility right now. Ranging from the silly to the saucy, tonight's master plan to flood the internet with trussed up ponies netted 154 escape artists in training. I know this wasn't the easiest theme in the world, and probably not as imagination sparking as some others have been in the past, but we've managed a pretty impressive turnout nonetheless, I think. Very well done, everypony. I'm clopping... er... clapping with glee. What? What do you want? When you bring your hooves together it makes a 'clop' noise! Sheez.
Moving on. Here's the daily link to the submission guidelines, which you must be sick to death of seeing by this point. Still, better safe than sorry, right? As always, feel free to drop a line at [email protected] if you have any followup questions or concerns that I can handle for you. I read every comment you write for me on the submission gatherer (I love some of the stories you guys tell!), but unfortunately there's really not a whole lot I can do to respond to each of you in the way that I'd like to. If there is a point you need my direct feedback on, please do e-mail it to me even if your picture went up just fine. I'm not dead yet, which means I'm clearly not doing enough to help out!
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony armed with a bladed weapon. I've been informed by our gracious Overlord that lightsabers are also acceptable, and in a similar vein I'd be more than happy seeing any sort of crazy martial arts ponies you guys want to throw at me. I figure after tonight you'll be all shipped out, so have some soothing action (action, action...) to cleanse your palates. Rock on, everypony.
In a happy medical update to yesterday's whining about my owies, I managed to keep my hoof on ice long enough last night to avoid any major blistering from my adventures of late night cooking, and have since promised myself not to use anything more complicated than a toaster after 1 AM. Coincidentally, tonight's ramblings are brought to you by strawberry poptarts and sparkling lemonade. It's the two great tastes you're not experiencing! Go now! No, wait! Come back and see these ponies first, then go. Trust me, it's completely worth your while. Did you know Phoe Bondage is a meme?
1) By Roper (See, Seth? You need to word your wishes carefully.)
2) By Anakah (The artist claims she's tied to a two dollar banana)
3) By Heidds
4) By Thanqol (...Ahem.)
5) By Tanman
6) By ChaosDrop (The cupcake on top is a nice touch.)
7) By Kitty Tail (Wheeeeeeeeeee!)
8) By zomgitsalaura
9) By Konig (Aaaaand that's terrifying.)
10) By Damian Foxx (The crossover theme is bleeding into today.)
11) By Emerald Dust
12) By FoxOfWar (This has been a bad day for Trixie and ropes.)
13) By Inspiration
14) By Doc New!Filly (But what if I fall?)
15) By Lancer5317 (What about sextuple?)
16) By Omarian Volcae
17) By Cybie
18) By Zap
19) By Eva
20) By MHPayne
21) By PandaRoux
22) By Conner Cogwork
23) By Baalthazzar
24) By Mr. Wonko
25) By Tarynsgate (Brohoof, Celly. =D)
26) By ThatOnePegasus
27) By Mr.Paulsen (Trixie pressed the issue, but Twilight had not had near enough sarsaparilla that night.)
28) By DB (Skipping! It says skipping!)
29) By Invidlord
30) By Smock

31) By Spark (All of my dreams came true on this night. Even that one.)
32) By Easteu
33) By midnight shadow

34) By Shiko (It is so hard not to write shipfics for some of these right the hay now.)
35) By Firefrie
36) By Smock (Oh dear, I think we have two different Smocks.)
37) By Nullh (Bonus points!)
38) By Saphin
39) By Amehdaus (...oh my.)
Linked for very high levels of Fluttersauce.
40) By Spiritofthwwolf (She is entirely too happy about this.)
41) By Ambrose
42) By Dragon Rage
43) By Kitsune (I've always wanted to go to one of the shows where they use those ribbons...)
44) By Nido Media
45) By PastelPony (Grumpy Dash is cute. Especially when tied up.)
46) By Omega RKB (She is clearly building an obstacle course. MOVING ON.)
47) By PenguinPlayer (How did she end up there?)
48) By PonyWithPasta
49) By Philith
50) By Alipes (Cutie Mark Crusaders Cowpokes, yay!)
51) By T-Brony
52) By Sherlock Hooves (Heh... rope tricked.)
53) By Blueberry Muffin
54) By Mockingbird (Tantalizing.)
55) By Tabs (There is too much cute in this image. Too much.)
56) By Quantum
57) By Bananizen
58) By Arcani
59) By Chris
60) By Dangereaux
61) By Erthilo (Is she after the fridge again?)
62) By Puffy
63) By Ego (So, two drums and a cymbal fell off a cliff...)
64) By Fickle (Poor Derpy...)
65) By Shockwave
66) By kits (Seriously, there are like 30 fanfics in my head at this point.)
67) By Facelessguru (And so much of it is AppleDash! You guys!)
68) By ParallaxMLP (Thanks for the assist, Celly.)
69) By Partition
70) By Rachel
71) By Tenchi Outsuno (This is like what happens to every slinky ever, except with ponies and it's adorable instead of frustrating.)
72) By Infinity
73) By DI-FL (That's... amazing.)
74) By EssAeEm
75) By Relias
76) By Ctrl-Z
77) By Velosareon
78) By Doctor Whoof Fanatic
79) By Scootaleo
80) By Moabite (Looks like somepony lost a fight.)
81) By Paintroller
82) By CrazyGamer6
83) By Ori
84) By Syggie
85) By badzerg
86) By Misharra
87) By Sapphire (A reversal of fortune!)
88) By devilTV100
89) By Chromadancer
90) By Afentis
91) By Luna (There's a lot going on here. All of it is great.)
92) By Fetchbeer (Her chicken got stuck!)
93) By redcladhero (...Kitty!)
94) By Atlur
95) By rich-tea
96) By Brongaar
97) By Zach (That face! Which one? I don't know!)
98) By Shake (Oh gosh, poor Derpy... that looks painful.)
99) By toonboy92484
100) By Coquette (Second reminder in two days to rewatch Tangled. I guess I don't really need that sleep...)
101) By TapeDiggity
102) By Immersa
103) By Rydel
104) By Doombah
105) By purpletrauma
106) By Neoridgeback
107) By Drilltooth
108) By TopoCruz
109) By Buddy Vox
110) By Taco Bandit
111) By Lolstaz
112) By Goggle Sparks
113) By Condor (Your daily dose of pun.)
114) By Kt Kat (Catastrophic levels of blushing achieved.)
115) By Circuit Mane
116) By Panda_Instinct (I'm going to pretend this is a followup to number 27, several drinks later.)
117) By Virga Rainboom
118) By Macon Mixx (But hooves make that neato clippity clop sound when you walk.)
119) By Squidbombed
120) By The Obsessor
121) By Kelz
122) By MasterofRoku (Wow, a nerds rope and a hidden Lyra. Two of my favorite things!)
123) By HeatWave
124) By Starlight Bolt (Applejack's face tells a story that 5,000 words could not hope to match.)
125) By Natry
126) By Starlite
127) By RaspleZS
128) By Uncle Leo
129) By A Terrible Person (Sage advice.)
130) By Tarragon
131) By Leaf Growth
132) By Filiecs (This is a VERY popular story tonight.)
133) By Prismatic Pretzel (Wow, meta.)
134) By TheShagged
135) By Liska
136) By StarStep (Sorry, Dashie. I really didn't think you'd be such a big target tonight.)
137) By Kooldude
138) By Da Chi
139) By Thattagen (You've got to whip it! Whip it good!)
140) By Muffinsforever
141) By nuclearsuplexattack
142) By Fox E:
143) By DJ RBDash

144) By Opalwhisker

145) By Sashley

146) By StarSongPony

147) By Spurs
148) By djTeka
149) By Eeful
150) By SonicRainboom93
151) By Arion
152) By Frith
153) By Magnet
154) By Periphery
#108 - Me
ReplyDelete#135 - Pretty
147 here. I'm very unhappy with this one. I didn't have time to vector it and my lineart wasn't all that clean so I figured I do something quick in photoshop. However, I can't draw a strait line to save my life even with a tablet and so it came out quite bad.
ReplyDeleteI need to give myself enough time to vector this next one.
140 At least I got in... My computer went derp at 1 and I got into my cheap photoshop elements and slapped the back in in like 15 minutes with alot of fiddling. But I made it so small >.<
ReplyDeleteAs for the blades I had a plan for that one already, don't know how ill do it, but ill do it.
#70 is definitely my favorite!
ReplyDeleteGreat job once again, everypony!
Never change, Egophiliac. Never change.
ReplyDeleteWell, no entry for me today, I guess. I made a bunch of sketches, then spent an hour arranging them into a small comic in Gimp. Then just as I was trying to save and submit it, Gimp decided to freeze and wipe all my work. So it'll be way too late to submit it once I remake it, unfortunately.
ReplyDelete#127 reporting.
ReplyDeleteI'm really surprised there's no "Pinkie's Epic Yarn"
Okay, someone had better write a fic based on #60, or I might have to.
#35 here:)
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of great Rainbow/Applejack lasso jokes in here, but #35 is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI have such interesting authors here.
ReplyDelete68 is by far the best.
ReplyDeleteI'm 138 and I submitted less than 15 minutes before the deadline. Someponies really do take their time!
#123 here! Man... I can never get my lineart to scan cleanly, and I don't have a tablet. Gotta do things the old fashioned way.
ReplyDeleteI need to learn this vector thingie... apparently it'll help me clean up my lineart after the fact.
We love you too, Seth.
ReplyDeletemy stupid last post didnt go through i think lol ANYWAYS... number 150 here! :D lol uh.. i submitted it with about 3-4 minutes left to spare i think... idk but yeah i drew my pic in about 4 hours lol so uh.. yeah :D I LOVE ALL OF YOU
ReplyDeleteGreat job, everypony!
ReplyDeleteIt seems I'll have to go back to my old days of drawing weapons!
Thank you Phoe! Late but not left behind! ^_^ (# 152) At ten pm local time I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I took a nap. Day after day of the challenge my bodies were getting longer so today it was hard to get it back on model. Those heads are HUGE!
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone had a lovely Laughter Day. At morning break I unveiled the MLP:FIM cake I'd bought at Loblaws and much cake was consumed. A mini Pinkie Pie I bought for the occasion (Laughter is her Element, or is it the other way around) I gave to our dept. secretary. She has a Pinky Pie personality and just doesn't know it. It took her over two hours to discover Pinky Pie on her desk right under her nose. X^D
#139 here!
ReplyDeleteI'm really bad at drawing ropes (I think). So I drew a whip instead!
And I only had a couple hours, so I tried to stylize with as little work as possible. I think my effort paid off!
All the things I brainstormed earlier today are here! Castlevania, jumprope, tightrope, even a yoyo! I'm the only one who did a whip, though!
#137 (Kooldude) here with my thoughts on the pics.
ReplyDelete#9 Woah, pretty cool
#12 Oh no (lol)!
#35 I love their expressions.
#41 I really the style.
#58 Applejack FOREVER! Somepony needs to make this a gif!
#63 *Dons Sunglasses* YEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!
#63 I loved this!
#68 Awww...sad (although I don't think it would ever happen.)
#70 Ooooohh, another Rarity, yay!
#093 Aww kitty kitty! I like your character choice.
#118 I agree Phoe I love the clop sound :D
#129 Eeyep.
#144 Win.
:( I wasn't able to get one done in time. Tried twice, but too TIRED and thought I was cocking it up when apparently I was doing alright but still just didn't finish.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to do double tonight/tomorrow evening after my exam.
ReplyDeleteThat's awful when that happens, Periphery. 8^(
I'm still laughing at some of these, hilarious!
ReplyDeletefavorites in particular:
48 - Morbid, but so funny
68 - Shoulda have known better, AJ.
133 - Bonus points for the DnD crossover...reference...thing.
I sat out yesterday, but maybe I'll think of something for this one.
#12 here. I guess it's really not Dash's or Trixie's day today, is it?
ReplyDelete...now I see an unlikely alliance. Curse these pics, they drive me to more fanfic!
Bladed weapon? This is not gonna be pretty, is it? Nevertheless, has to be done. ;)
#86 here, mane/tail would be better if CS5 hadn't crashed 30 minutes before work ;_;
ReplyDelete#91's Trixie must be a DBZ Abridged fan...
#142 this time, wasn't sure I'd make it in time. =X Took all day again, drew it up in pencil, scanned, then decided to play around with inking and colouring in Paint.NET.
ReplyDeleteDoing that one image was involved enough, it gives you new-found respect for those who do it on a regular basis, tell you what.
Also must thank Phoe for switching out my original typo'd submission with the fixed one at the last second, so thanks! =D
Incidentally, how would one go about drawing Phoe? I think I saw a quick description somewhere once but forget where.
Extra liking #41, #60, #67, #68, #73 and #139 today. #81 is so adorable it hurts, and #135 needs to be a fridge magnet or something.
#102 - Secret Butt Fun?!
ReplyDelete#11 here. There are way more suggestive pictures here than I thought there would be... well, but it's impossible not to like those.
ReplyDeleteNow... Ponies with weapons? But... what about the innocence?
XD Last again at no. 153!
ReplyDeleteI love #58. That needs to be a gif.
ReplyDeleteHey there. Sorry to hear you were given such problems with your piece. I got your late entry, and given the extenuating circumstances decided to toss it up for you. Hope everypony see it - it's very funny!
Figuring out how to remain cutesy and innocent while holding a weapon is just one of the many challenges I'm putting you guys through. I really want to see Lyra and Octavia in a Samurai Champloo style duel using their instruments as weapons, for instance. Would be cool, wouldn't it?
Oh good, thank you for adding mine in there even though I was so late with it.
ReplyDeleteNow I just hope my little mini comic makes sense. I maybe should have included one more panel, but even 3 panels took pretty much all evening.
#13 here. Made it very quickly (only used about 5-10 minutes, sorry) and it ended up as a bit confusing one. Pinkie was going to try bungee jumping, but instead she made it a freefall. But she's Pinkie. She will survive! ;)
ReplyDeleteLots of great ones, I simply love the way #119 is drawn!
#112 reporting in.
ReplyDeleteWhoever draw #64, you have made my day for today :3
My favourite would be the Bloodninja reference.
ReplyDelete24 here - next time I'll try not to forget Scootaloo's wings. (As my brother pointed out. Whoops.)
ReplyDeleteBladed weapon? But I already drew one yesterday...
#30 and #36 are both me, I just had a little fun in paint with the second one, is all. And, it WAS a pony with a rope, so why not submit it? :p
ReplyDeleteI see #81 had the same idea, that one is awesomely drawn though!
@Fox E:
ReplyDeletePhoes description was "White Pegasus" as far as I know. The left one in pic 31 is supposed to be her
No time to draw yesterday sadly :(
ReplyDeleteOn a totally different note, are the thumbnails not loading for anypony else? For me, the pictures load fine, just most of the thumbnails dont.
Oh god. The idea just struck me. HARD. I mean, I'm frikken *shivering all over* just thinking about it, and my hands are getting sweaty before I even start drawing.
You didn't see anything. (Yet.)
ReplyDeleteI didn't find any time yesterday.
ReplyDeleteAlso, blades? Hmmmm... HMMMMMM...
#74 checking in.
ReplyDeleteDidn't have much time to do this one yesterday, but I still think it came out pretty cute given the rush. I really need to figure out how AJ's hat works in perspective, though.
Hmm, it's tough to think of another blade-related one, since I already did the sword-horn joke last time. Now I kinda wish I'd done something else for the crossover theme.
ReplyDelete#78 checking in. A bit of a shoutout to the Brony that did the Wakfu crossover yesterday. They really inspired me!
ReplyDeleteGreat job everypony!
I'm surprised by the lack of Trixie compared to Applejack. Nothing wrong with that of course. #70 is still my fav, but these are all pretty good.
ReplyDeletenumber 8, checking in with pinkie pie caught i ribbon xD
ReplyDeletelol, 97 xD
Trust me guys: this is funny for a day, but when it gets to the point where you try to get your pony fix and you end up being flooded with tiresomely repetitive bondage jokes day in and day out, you'll grow to hate it too.
ReplyDelete*member of the forum where Phoe and bondage got tied together*
Number 79 could just resubmit his for today's theme.
ReplyDeleteThe Fluttersauce was so saucy that I question my sexuality
ReplyDeleteOh, man. There are so many fantastic pictures today. This is probably the best Training Grounds so far. I made a list of my favourites, but it included more pictures than it left out. Great job, everypony.
ReplyDelete#79 here.
ReplyDeleteThis is really turning into Gokaiger week for me. I think I'll draw Joe today.
#129 - awesome idea. :D
ReplyDelete#48 here. Thanks DJ Rainbow Dash, it was my first time drawing ponies, so I'm just glad I was able to make at least one person smile.
ReplyDeleteNext step: Turn Dave Strider into a pony...
#67 reporting in
ReplyDeletesome good stuff today loving all the appledash today though i do agree with ya'll wasn't nearly enough trixie up today. A good day for bronies if a bit short in participants :D
35 wins the cute award today! <3 squee!
ReplyDelete49 oh, Quagpony. *facepalms, but is laughing too*
62 I'm very happy to see Twist! I think she's an awesome little back-burner pony and you never see her in fan stuff :3
I'm 114 today! Almost didn't make it last night, splitting headache so I didn't even have the patience to even clean up the linework. I tried to make it more playful than naughty but one can infer anything they like ;) Its hard to resist the idea of taming the Dash, and Applejack is probably the only one who could come lose to doing it, heehee!
#66 here.
ReplyDelete#67 wow. Nopony's going to even see mine next to that.
/in other, horrid news, my laptop is dead. I have no idea how I'll manage to scan/submit my later entries...
Stupid deadlines! They made me miss day 11 and now they may make me miss day 12 as well!
ReplyDeleteAt least I can drown my frustration in everyone else's submission because most of them are just too good to stay in a bad mood when you look at them.
ReplyDeleteRope TRICKED!~
#42 here. I ended up going back and doing a bit more work on it. Nothing much, just fixing Dash's neck and trying to improve her eyes.
ReplyDelete109 today.
ReplyDelete92 is my favorite today, but I absolutely love the style of 63. I jelly.
Also, ya'll silly.
~Buddy Vox
# 144 here C: i actually like this picture XD;
ReplyDelete@Fox E:
ReplyDeleteI don't remember which day I described myself either, but in today's gallery numbers 4 and 31 went the 'draw Phoe' route. You can find a few more reference pictures sprinkled throughout the past couple of days. Have fun!
Awww 35 was just SO cute!
ReplyDeleteSo yes. Bladed weapon happened. Started by an idle, innocent train of thought permanently derailed by remembering a console game I hadn't played in a while - certain game also has a lot of bladed weapons.
ReplyDeletePonies ...and Soul Calibur. This cannot be good, can it?
ReplyDeleteThank you for the compliment,
With that background I did myself torment.
I thought a little land and a few trees,
Would be easy as a breeze.
But then hours later I did discover,
That I was still drawing just ground cover.
So of backgrounds I will not partake,
Until again I can spend the time they take.
#46 Oh....
ReplyDeleteBladed weapons? Ponies?
ReplyDeleteA crossover between MLP and Happy Tree Friends it shall be, then!
#119 My Little Hippo?
ReplyDeleteBonus points! Totally worth it xD
ReplyDeleteThanks Phoe.
Good job everypony! I'm getting over my sick so maybe I'll do even better with today's theme. Well good luck on today theme everypony! Stay strong! :3
ReplyDelete#62 here,
ReplyDeleteI figured we needed more Twist, plus she's a nerd like me so there you go
I would like to draw something but my scanner didn't work : /
ReplyDelete#122 here. I'm really proud of this one.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first colored picture I've done in a while. I usually start drawing in the night, and sometimes I don't have time to color. That and I rather use colored Sharpies (which I don't have D:) instead of colored pencils.
You know I was hoping to see someone draw Paulie from One Piece as a pony. Oh well.
So much Appledash...it makes me happy...
ReplyDeleteNumber 63 is amaaaazing
ReplyDeleteJesus phoe too now? are all the blog owners perverts? This fandom is doomed.
ReplyDelete#64 here. All of these look great!
Glad I could brighten up your day!
#150 by SonicRainboom93 is fantastic. Looks like that took some time.
ReplyDeleteI am #96... I tried to put a Granny Knot ref there.. The knot AJ has is clearly a Bowline... one of the easier and useful knots.
ReplyDelete111 here
ReplyDeleteyou know
as soon as i clicked submit i noticed how badly drawn and stupid my entery was
i hope theres a lot of foo fighters fans here
ReplyDeleteWell, mine was SUPPOSED to be a whip.. a rope whip! I know it's far from perfect, but it's my first time drawing anything like that. I'm still proud of the piece!
Now, today's is funky--I've been thinking of a good idea all day but I've finally settled on it. Hopefully I can still make something of a quality at least nearly as good as my recent work even though I had to start late.
Oh, and again, you guys are all amazing.
6) Best in show! High quality and highly amusing.
ReplyDelete8) Reality gets Pinkie Pie back for all the times she's broken it. -.^
19) Dawwww!
23) I could so see Pinkie Pie doing that!
28) LOL! Nice work. Very cute.
29) Is it cheating to use your wings when skipping rope?
35) My personal favorite. By Celestia, I would love to see this inked and colored! Gorgeous.
37) Awesome. Can I keep her?
55) Love this. Totally shipping Appledash now. Cutest part is Apple Bloom.
70) I adore this idea.
106) ROTFL
114) I want to watch!
124) I sooooooo want to watch!
129) Artist has a good point.
135) Very nicely done. Love the inkwork. Putting Applejack inside the lasso like that is a great design.
154 entries on that prompt and only one sauce tag. I am flabbergasted.
ReplyDeleteI have to give #54 a shout-out for thinking along the same lines.
#37: My favorite on aesthetic
#49: This one made me stop and laugh the hardest, joke out of nowhere
#63: My favorite on punnery
#133: Immediately spread to all friends that have ever played D&D
ReplyDeleteYeah... I don't think very many people knows who Dave Grohl is. I only know who he is because he's one of my top favourite drummers. =D
#54 Ha, her name is Rope Trick. That's so wrong XD
ReplyDeleteA Phoe comment, bonus points from DJ Rainbow Dash, and Amehdaus liked my entry, well thanks to all of you.