• Newbie Artist Training Grounds: Day 11

    I'm a puppeteer edition. I'm not going to be able to type much today, because I need to spend this time icing my poor little hoof, which I burned on the stove trying to cook a late night snack for myself. Words are agony. Efficiency of words, go go go! A veritable explosion of ponies! 275 cosplayers attended tonight's convention.

    Daily reminder of the submission guidelines. Send questions or entries in case of script failure to phoe@equestriadaily.com Don't stop being awesome, ever. Keep drawing, keep having fun. You're the best students a blogprincess could ask for.

    The Theme of the Day

    Draw a pony involved in a rope trick. Rodeos, magic shows, and... um... other things rule this day. You score bonus points if the pony of your choice botches the trick. You gain triple points if it's a pegasus, as figuring out the impact of rope caught on wing is the most complicated visual among those possible. At least, I think so. Secret quadruple bonus points if you figure out exactly what I'm hoping to see.
    A lot of points on the line tonight, and who knows what you might be able to redeem them for come the end of June?

    Some of you were very excited for today, and very very zelous: multiple artists submitted multiple entries. This is fine. In fact, it's awesome. If you can draw more than one pony in a day that fits the theme, then I'm happy to feature them. That said, I decided to limit the number I'll take from any one artist to three. If you send more than that, I'm just going to pick my favorites and axe the rest. This was a very fun day, and I had a lot of fun trying to figure out what all of you were referencing. I got a bunch of it, but a few of you were beyond my scope. Great stuff! Step through the door to another world..

    1) By DiZaster321

    2) By ProjectFreeism

    3) By alan moore pony (I think Alan Moore would kill me for posting this.)

    4) By Damian Foxx

    5) By Saphin (Game of Thronies)

    6) By Dr. Weird

    7) By Makkon (Disguising the box is really that extra touch you need to get through a base undetected)

    8) By Anakah

    9) By Ethrx

    10) By Inspiration

    11) By Thanqol

    12) By zomgitsalaura

    13) By DJ Rainbow Dash

    14) By Alasdair

    15) By PandaRoux (This makes terrifying amounts of sense.)

    16) By Lucky Charm

    17) By blindferret

    18) By Tarynsgate (My special talent is being cannon fodder, dood!)

    19) By Fallin' Winter

    20) By Gare

    21) By Silent Oink

    22) By Partition

    23) By unclesnail (Heero Yuy is not amused.)

    24) By LoomX

    25) By FrostV952

    26) By Emerald Dust

    27) By ChaosDrop

    28) By Gig

    29) By c0sm0

    30) By Mellowbloom

    31) By Kjh242

    32) By Jimbo1023

    33) By Kyouhen (Count this among the things I was honestly never expecting to see.)

    34) By DI-FL

    35) By James Lyons

    36) By Hamcha

    37) By A. Bernard

    38) By Zu Kraze

    39) By Apostle_of_Hatsune (Holding out for Black Rock Shooter pony.)

    40) By Mooke

    41) By Quint-t-W

    42) By FoxOfWar

    43) By Sharix (Fact: There are no good ways to make a Nausicaa joke that don't involve wind.)

    44) By Blu

    45) By Nullh

    46) By Sherlock Hooves

    47) By Spark

    48) By Kitsune

    49) By Lorina

    50) By m00finsan

    51) By Atlur

    52) By Supersheep64 (Rarity looks really freaked out by this.)

    53) By Tabs

    54) By Tabs

    55) By Supersheep64

    56) By nanapuff (I know that you're out there, and I'm waiting for you~!)

    57) By Triggy J

    58) By Knightly

    59) By MHPayne

    60) By Invidlord (Trixie paid for this. Revenge for the Ursa thing, or is she just bad at pickup lines?)

    61) By Rydel

    62) By Copper Chloride

    63) By PinkamenaPie (Potentially the greatest movie ever.)

    64) By Farvei (I know people who will be thrilled to see this.)

    65) By Cammy

    66) By Interrobang Pie

    67) By Fetchbeer (Swordfighting is a little like making love. It's not always what you do, but what you say.)

    68) By misnamed

    69) By Philith

    70) By Zumi10

    71) By Smock (Let the Okami barrage begin!)

    72) By Ori (Applebloom makes a terrible Necro. I'm just sayin'.)

    73) By Omega RKB

    74) By Ricky

    75) By RDash

    76) By Family Man

    77) By Mr.Paulsen (I dream of Derpy.)

    78) By Camouflage Gecko

    79) By Camouflage Gecko

    80) By Zee

    81) By Camouflage Gecko

    82) By Infinity (Weighted Companion Pony?)

    83) By kits

    84) By Mr. Wonko

    85) By Kitty Tail (This is the most best thing.)

    86) By asdfer

    87) By Lancer5317 (How come we never see pony mimigas?)

    88) By PenguinPlayer

    89) By Tabs

    90) By The Recliner

    91) By Nathan

    92) By Paintroller

    93) By DB

    94) By Mere Jump

    95) By T-Brony

    96) By unholyhen

    97) By Alasdair

    98) By NightGlow

    99) By Goggle Sparks

    100) By Kaiserin

    101) By Nido Media (EquestriaL: the final frontier.)

    102) By Quill

    103) By RaspleZS (Somehow it doesn't quite roll off the tongue in Japanese.)

    104) By Shiko

    105) By Circuit Mane

    106) By Chris (Looking mighty fine, Trix.)

    107) By Bravura (Cat punch!)

    108) By loz (Yay, Luna's coming back in three days!)

    109) By Jena-su (You're looking at this the wrong way, Cornet. Looking this cute, the prince will love you for sure! <3)

    110) By Dr. Trotson (Altogether unexpected.)

    111) By Cassy

    112) By Alipes (Flutterbrush Shywood, mighty pony.)

    113) By Doctor Whoof Fanatic

    114) By Fish0and0chips

    115) By Amehdaus

    116) By EssAeEm (This movie changes a lot if they're just confused about what line of toys they belong to.)

    117) By toonboy92484

    118) By Afentis

    119) By The Recliner

    120) By The Recliner

    121) By Lacrox

    122) By Jdan-S

    123) By ecmc1093

    124) By scio

    125) By [aero] (Time for a true display of skill!)

    126) By Ambrose (This reminds me, I need to watch Tangled again.)

    127) By Chriss

    128) By Moabite

    129) By Hawkeye92

    130) By Taco Bandit

    131) By al03480049

    132) By Jaimers

    133) By ClearSkies

    134) By Erthilo

    135) By Brongaar (Well gang, looks like we've got another party on our hands.)

    136) By Zork787 (Introducing the Lyra Buster.)

    137) By Miyajima (Woah, Asterix!)

    138) By rich-tea

    139) By Alleen

    140) By Latverian_Ponyfan_2993 (This terrifies me. And it should.)

    141) By Dragon Rage

    142) By MasterDufel

    143) By Ironhoof

    144) By VeoBandit

    145) By Roper

    146) By Rekkin

    147) By Pterosaur (O Celestia, O Mother To Us All...)

    148) By Zach (It took me 5 seconds to long to pick up on Fluttershy as Data.)

    149) By Foodles & haganbmj

    150) By Starlight Bolt

    151) By Facelessguru

    152) By purpletrauma (No. Freaking. Way. The Secret Island of Dr. Quandry? Somepony else *played* that!? o.o)

    153) By Tanman (Fight reaverbots, earn refractors.)

    154) By Trot Pilgrim

    155) By ToonNinja (That looks like it hurts. Zeeeeuuuuusss!)

    156) By Djrk16

    157) By Shockwave

    158) By Dangereaux

    159) By Nicolette

    160) By Coquette (The artist claims nopony will get this. Care to challenge?)

    161) By Relias

    162) By Eldictator

    163) By Hakys (This was inevitable.)

    164) By dhas (Haha, implied shipping.)

    165) By Luna (Bonus content!)

    166) By Frith

    167) By Spiritofthwwolf

    168) By MayJasmine (Add another to the list of unexpected references.)

    169) By The Obsessor (Wowzers!)

    170) By Schwa (Windfiiish!)

    171) By Tyler S.

    172) By McGack (I can't believe I didn't think of this.)

    173) By Tarragon

    174) By Landmine

    175) By Tenchi Outsuno (She's going to save Princess Bon Bon, and look adorable while she's at it.)

    176) By Eeful

    177) By Andï

    178) By Konig

    179) By Lunar Apologist

    180) By Philomena Lord

    181) By SiuiS (Darkstalkers, whee!)

    182) By Lolstaz

    183) By Kentora (This is a very nice blend of the visual styles of both shows. Great job!)

    184) By Illumina

    185) By SuperSachio

    186) By MasterofRoku (I have... no idea how that works with hooves.)

    187) By AlterForm

    188) By PinkiePied

    189) By Neoridgeback

    190) By Riokenn (Where's Derpy? D=)

    191) By Virga Rainboom

    192) By uno

    193) By rkr7 (Someday I will play The World Ends With You, and not just listen to the soundtrack.)

    194) By Mockingbird

    195) By Alexstrazsa (Pinkamune Date likes to par-tay.)

    196) By Ginzaa

    197) By Sapphire

    198) By Condor

    199) By Immersa (This pony dedicated to Mistal.)

    200) By Leaf Growth

    201) By 8ftmetalhead

    202) By Buddy Vox

    203) By Doombah

    204) By BronyQuest (Friendship never changes.)

    205) By Natry

    206) By StabiCon

    207) By Starlite

    208) By Filiecs

    209) By Chromadancer

    210) By Jadice

    211) By Shiver

    212) By Fox E: (That's just fantastic.)

    213) By badzerg

    214) By Lucky Sanity (Ooh, makeup art! I love makeup art!)

    215) By Cinnabun

    216) By Ego (Kamen Rider W ponies, plus one guest.)

    217) By Leafette

    218) By Windfall

    219) By Doc Steedly

    220) By cartoonlion

    221) By Eliwood10

    222) By Kt Kat (Hm. Does this mean he didn't have a cutie mark until after going to wizarding school?)

    223) By PVRyohei

    224) By Da Chi

    225) By Kooldude (186 entries later, still holding out for Black Rock Shooter.)

    226) By redcladhero

    227) By Kooldude

    228) By Kooldude

    229) By Uncle Leo

    230) By Thattagen (But you're a pony!)

    231) By Kelz

    232) By Yomandude

    233) By Drilltooth

    234) By Prismatic Pretzel

    235) By Foxdeimos (This game always reminds me of my best friend. It's been a long time since I've seen him...)

    236) By Arion

    237) By auiumn

    238) By Krys (That's a big freaking keyblade.)

    239) By K9saurus

    240) By Alleydodger

    241) By Muffinsforever

    242) By Liska

    243) By TapeDiggity (I can't come up with a good Alan Wake pun. Take this copout instead.)

    244) By StarStep

    245) By A Terrible Person (Who's a silly pony?)

    246) By TopoCruz

    247) By Falgaia (From Yari's Synch!)

    248) By nuclearsuplexattack

    249) By Volatile Shrapnel

    250) By MetalPandora (Wow, this is... beautiful. I don't even want to make a Bluecat joke.)

    251) By JAPB

    252) By djTeka

    253) By Periphery

    254) By Croop

    255) By DJ RBDash

    256) By Doc New!Filly

    257) By HTML_Earth

    258) By Krister

    259) By monotreme

    260) By Opalwhisker

    261) By Ossala

    262) By Sashley

    263) By Sashley

    264) By StarSongPony

    265) By Velosareon

    266) By Why485

    267) By Aeiou

    268) By Madtaz64

    269) By Avohkah Tamer

    270) By Magnet

    271) By Spurs

    272) By Xiagu

    273) By Lykan

    274) By Wisdom Thumbs

    275) By Mistal


    1. 30 Reporting in :3 Might be doing more I think

    2. #246. - Grunty from Banjo and Kazooie

      Making a drawing 30-45 minutes before a deadline is NOT okay...

    3. I'm the sick person who draw #231


    4. Me Gusta. Crossover season is gonna be fun this year~

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. #144 here

      ahh theres a lot of good ones today : D

    7. 188 reporting in
      this need to be a race in skyrim

    8. Hah, these are pretty cool, although I think I've been out-mega'd by Zork. Welp.

    9. #27

      I'd be Interested to know just how many ponies got my reference.

    10. Friendship... Friendship never changes. Just the little comment I was hoping for! And... was I REALLY the only one with a Fallout crossover picture? Colour me surprised.

      And there was a LOT of great submissions today. Keep it up, guys! I love seeing what the community can take from their mind and put on paper.

    11. # 97 artist here
      meant to caption

      Friendship is Chakra


    12. Phoe, I was running a little late tonight. I just submitted it. I hope you will still accept it.

    13. Yay I got in =P really close at 241.

      Actually thats around the time I turned it in too XD (EST) Now to study and figure out how to turn a pegasus into a ball of rope.

    14. #249. - I forgot the cape! How could I forget the cape?!?

    15. Now the true long-term challenge,.. creating these cosplays for actual con attendance.

    16. Brilliant stuff today (although I only get about 50% of them :/)
      Although they're all great, I these ones were my favourites:
      128 <- The chin!

    17. #269 here. Y'know, it's funny: up until today, I don't think I've seen a single Ponified Captain Jack Sparrow. Tons of Pony pirates, but nothing from Pirates of the Caribbean specifically. Kudos to #94 for coming up with the same idea I did, looks great!

      Mine (#269) looks terrible because I didn't have time to actually finish it. I gave up on drawing any more and scanned it literally at 11:58pm Pacific. Way too close for comfort. If I could have revised this before adding it, I would have cleaned it up quite a bit; perhaps changed the face angle, added his tricorn hat, a sword, etc.

    18. #160: Challenge accepted and it's Wicked ( I don't even need to see it to get it)

    19. #160 - I answer the challange for I know what the reference is and love it.

      Spoiler - It's an Awesome Broadway Show I've gotten to see on Broadway.

      MEGA Spoiler - It's Wicked, and I love it.

    20. #1 here! I'm dissapointed that there are only 2 Gurren Lagann references, and mine is definitely the lesser of the two. All in all, some AMAZING ones this time around, but an astounding lack of Luna is enough to make me despair.

    21. #268 here, I love a lot of these (especially 40, 52 and 250!), and I'm surprised at the variety too! Good work guys!

    22. This one is insane.

      Best topic evar!

      Also bonus points for trixie rope, do eet.

    23. Great work as always, everypony! There's a lot of really good stuff - too much for me to pick favorites, I think.

      I just wish I got more of the references...

    24. #243 here. I'm perfectly okay with not receiving a pun; the only thing to poke fun at is the game's emphasis on THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS LIGHTING THE DARK LIKE THE LIGHT'S DARK IN THE DARKNESS OF THE LIGHT.

      So yeah, don't worry, Phoe; the cop-out's appreciated.

    25. #99 Reporting in

      Wish I can make it a little better myself and everypony's drawings is awesome XD

    26. #186 here. I'm glad I got a Phoe comment on this one.
      For those who don't get it, the bandaged pony is Shishio Makoto from Rurouni Kenshin. Applejack is dressed up as Sanosuke, and she tries to nail with him a (powerful) hoof punch to the face. Unfortunately, Shishio will take the hit(smile it off) and strike back with a vengeance.

      #142-Beatrice as a unicorn pony.Cool
      #226-Did not expect the Mighty Boosh to be slipped in there.
      #228-So, I'm not the only person who likes Rurouni Kenshin.

    27. 84 here. Lots of nice pictures today.

      I see I'm not the only one who used Garrus, kudos 179! (Yours looks better.)

      But did anypony else draw Geralt, Sam or Dante? I didn't see any. I'm unique, yay!

    28. #126 checking in. Lots of nice work! I'm so out of touch a lot of them are over my head though.

      226 wins. Hands down. Thanks for playing everypony

    30. @Mr. Wonko
      I was tempted to do a Geralt pony, as well as an Assassin pony, but... didn't get around to it. :(

    31. Number 247 here, and gotta say, I enjoyed this greatly. Gives me a great excuse to use my tablet. Thanks again Phoe for setting this up!

      Megadash Zero: Took 2 hours. Really wish I had had more time to give it more of a highlight in some areas, but ah well.

      Good job to all the other great artists who submitted as well. +)

    32. # 274.....

      I love you.
      And you're my favorite.

      I'm also the one who drew Twilight Sparkle as a Gear on the second day!

    33. #13 here.

      My favs this time are 179, 212, and 226.

      also, did anyone else think "Cupcakes" when viewing 239?

    34. #192 here. i will now expect every episode to end with Twilight saying "Push the button, Spike."

    35. #147 here.

      A lot of really good ones this round and I love whoever did the ninetails pony. I'm surprised how many I got...still pry more then half stump me.

      I almost went super obscure, not sure if anypony would have gotten it if I did though XD

    36. 209 reporting in. Almost did a Star Trek drawing, glad I didn't since there were quite a few of those.

      No Ponypuff Girls? :(

    37. #103 reporting in.
      I had to go with Usagi Yojimbo just for the minimal chance of repeat. *shrug*

      40) I so want play as Pinkie Game & Watch in Smash Bros.!
      42) Wow, haven't thought of Animorphs in looong time.
      161) Glad to see Regular Show represented. Sugar?
      191) damn you Sally, why must you be cute even as a "Un-Acorn"!

    38. #141 here. I will never attempt shading again, at least until I attempt shading again. And that tube on the helmet turned out much flatter than I thought it would. Ah well. I felt good drawing it, at least. And now I sleep and dream of Samus Sparkle, delving deeper and deeper into the thorn jungles of Brinstar on Planet Zebes.

    39. @Phoe: As a matter of fact I played The Secret Island of Dr. Quandry too. :3

      Soooooo many entries and they all look good too.

      If I was a part of this one I was gonna go with a Yami pony from Yu-Gi-Oh, which surprisingly I didn't see a single one.

    40. oh man
      octavia prismriver

    41. #235 Here. When I saw that the topic was crossover, I couldn't pass the oportunity to make a homage to one of my favorite games, ICO. (Yeah, the background is a little bit misleading, since it comes from Shadow of the Colossus. I just wouldn't have time to draw a background since I was already running out of time when I finished the drawing proper, so I had to cheat on the background. Sadly, couldn't find an appropriate screenshot of ICO)

      Anyhow, I'm pretty pleased with the result on this one. Again, thank you ever so much, Phoe, for organizing this wonderful event. Actually, I want to take the chance and extend my thank you wishes to everypony participating in this. You all rock, each and every one of you, and today's submissions are there to prove it. Keep it up, everypony!

    42. #18 here. No Weird Al pony? I am disappoint.

      But all in all, this was a mighty impressive post! So many awesome ponies and references XD

      Great job everyone!

    43. @Anonymous

      Heh, thanks.

      So, uh... 273 here. I wanted to add Vinyl Scratch with winged turntables as Lyrica and Pinkie Pie on Trombone as Merlin, but I am really slow at art. <.<;

      Also, wow. Lotsa neat stuffs today. =D

    44. @ 272: Is that... is that a Digger reference!?

    45. #230 reporting in! Despair Pony!

      No time for fancy commentary, I gotta get to my math studies (which I keep accidentally falling asleep...during)! But! The pattern on his robe is credited to Torley Wong. Click that for tons of free textures.

    46. I sadly DO remember the Island of Dr. Quandary... so many nightmares :<

      Lots of excellent work this time!

    47. DrOrbitalDeathRayJune 6, 2011 at 2:02 AM

      @uno It took me a second to get #192, but then I was delighted.

      Probably 2/3 of the others I didn't get the references. I think I am old.

    48. @Sethisto
      I thought of exploiting that little Trixy boardwalk. But then I decided against it thinking you don't want to be reminded. But now...
      I'd be hard to make it a one picture clean shot though

    49. 40. and 156
      Mr game and watch and a Waddle doo awesome you don't see those everyday XD

    50. @MasterofRoku
      I thought so. Only I couldn't place applejack, and now it hit me.

      I only hope she didn't meed Bloomberg on the way there.

    51. 26 here. These are all really great, even though I have to say that I get only about 20% of those references. Those that I did get, however, really made me smile.

      We're on a bridge, Charlie... classic stuff.

    52. 202 is awesome, I need to meet whoever did that

    53. Kooldude here, sorry you didn't get a black rock shooter Phoe.
      #7 LOL, Pinkie Snake
      #39 Yay! Another Vocaloid Pony!
      #40 I like the crossover :)
      #49 Well done , good madam!!!
      #52 0.o That is awesome!
      #103 Woah...havn't read that in a while. You even got the art style right :D
      #19 and #106 I'm diggin' these Apollo Justice Crossovers!
      #116 I love it! Especially your character choices.
      #143 Awww....I love the pose!
      #144 YESYESYES! Do want.
      #148 LOL, spike.
      #162 Yay!
      #163 Yes! They need to make this Rainbow Dash's dad.
      # Great Scott it's Conan Edogawa!
      #177...oh no...
      #180 Yay Shanks!
      #183 What Phoe said.
      #186 Another Kenshin fan :D
      #190 D'aaaawwwwww
      #220 Dawww Fluttershy lion :)
      #245 You're a silly pony :D
      #260 Another Detective Conan Referance :D!

    54. #272 here, and...
      @Anonymous YES. YES IT IS. Brohoof, my good sir, for having excellent taste in webcomics.

      @Avohkah Tamer Pssh it looks fine anyway! Several steps above terrible. IMHO.

      18 - Prinny, dood! Nopony throw her anywhere... >_>
      10 - does this make it okay to ship LinkXEpona now o__O
      13 - *inhales* spaaaaaace~ [/fluttershy]
      15 - This is perfect, Rarity loves gems! *makes drone noises*
      40 - Game and Watch pony ftw. You can't tell, but she actually just pulled a 9 hammer on some hapless pony. *OBNOXIOUS RING SOUND*
      43 - Nausicaa is awesome. This drawing is awesome. ...now how about ponified ohmu... O_O
      46 - What about... Horrible Sparkle? Yeah I got nuthin'.
      60 - The only question I have is when Twilight said "I know..." who was she talking to? (secretly shipping Twilight/Luna :3 but that would make Luke Celestia >.< darn...)
      61 - They have brown fur. Brown coats. Browncoats. I see what you did there.
      71 - Okami is awesome! woooo
      82 - Cubey! Cutie Cube! So many names, not enough time to cuddle her... >>9464
      85 - Lyra within Lyra? LYRACEPTION
      87 - QUOTE! <3 Also, good point Phoe. ...awww, Toroko... [/nostalgia]
      98 - *hums Kefka's theme* One of my favorite villains ever. Great music too.
      100 - the important question is, is he faster than Rainbow Dash?
      105 - I RECOGNIZE YOU! Careful around that attractive mare, Laharl!
      143 - HEY! LISTEN! WATCH OUT! HEY! HELLO! aghrhghaghg
      156 - I think that Pony!Kirby would look creepy eating things... >.<
      158 - YUSSS Ninetails is like my favorite boss EVAR. She's so great. Such a great atmosphere for a boss fight...
      159 - more okami! DO WANT
      173 - quick! Run her over with a parade float and send her back the the depths of Pr'teh!
      211 - Ness? Rinku? ...yo-yo Kirby? :3
      220 - I feel like having Twilight as the good witch would add more contrast between Trixie's lack of skill as the Wizard of Oz and Twilight's own bosstastic powers. But then again Rarity would make a terrible -wicket- -wicker- wicked witch...
      Also yes Fluttershy lion is best lion. <3
      228 - it's Kenshin!
      236 - My Little Zuko~ aka ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST
      238 - There you go! It's a pony with a keyblade. Our fandom isn't a failure anymore!
      239 - And here's another one! I swear these submissions come in patches o_o
      244 - That's a nice hat. You know a filly isn't afraid of anything when you see them wearing a hat like that...
      253 - That can't be good for his neck D:
      254 - ...for some reason I feel like shipping is imminent.
      269 - again, it looks pro anyway!

    55. Oh god... Cornet pony... I was ready to commission for some but then not one but three of them pop up? AND have one as the featured image? I am a lost of words. <3 Cornet so much.

    56. #42 reporting in. What do you know, I'm again at the best possible number.

      Not really surprised I was the only one to come up with an Animorphs reference, since it is a bit obscure (but awesome) book series. But once the idea hit me, I just HAD to do it. Rachel doesn't seem to happy about though... and Octavia's not either, it seems.

      Reference-flippin'-overdozed page. Props if you can indeed catch every single reference here because at least I couldn't.

      Hmm. Rope tricks. Trix? To do what Seth wants or not? For that is the question...

    57. To the guy who drew the Raincoat Killer Pony(#132)...I love you.

    58. @who

      You have no idea how happy I was to see three different artists tackle the Cornet pony issue. Today was a day of high pitched squealing and giddy clapping.

    59. 22 checking in to say I just got bombarded with awesome. ALSO brohoof to number 83 for another Dresdenpony!

    60. wooot rocking out 125 =P

    61. Day 12 theme sounds like it's for Applejack. And seriously I think we need more Gundam Ponies.

    62. Shake wins. So much win. So does Game & Watch Pinkie XD. Hell, every one of these wins! Love them all!

      #61 Is that... "Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue"? I'm probably wrong and it's something else.

    63. # 270 is me,

      I must try harder! >XI

    64. #29 is mine Blog Pony. And it was a weird idea also.

    65. Need more Blazblue ponies.
      Noel would look adorable as a pony.

    66. That fluttershy Ace ventura one is gold :D

    67. Oh yea: utterly loved the LoL(Ezreal), Plants vs. Zombies and Asterix references. Kudos to you guys - and really, kudos to everyone who participated. That is one silly amount of crossovers.

    68. @Phoe

      I can imagine. I was all ready to go to sleep but now I'm too damn giddy to go to sleep. Right now, the only way this could be better is if MetalPandora could pump that picture up to a full 1920 x 1080 wallpaper size. Would have also liked to see Etoile ponified but I already got a lot more than I thought I was ever gonna get.

    69. I was holding our for a Black Rock Shooter pony as well. Sadly I've only ever seen two such pictures.

      I must say though, THREE cornet ponies. I nearly woke the neighborhood seeing the initial one but three made me nearly...gods among me those artists must be.

      Never stop the art all of you. You never know which ones of you will become the next famous animator or something.

    70. #56 here! Couldn't really decide what series to go with for this theme, so I ended up sketching Cornet and Kururu pony.

      I was surprised and humbled to see my sketch was featured. ^^'

      On an different note, #53 makes me very, very happy.

    71. I totally get 234. Good job.

    72. 116 checking in. I changed it a little from the movie because I figured Dash would probably be sharp enough to realize she's a toy, but would be completely diluted about the fact that she was such a seemingly girly toy. Maybe I'm over-thinking it, but it was a lot of fun to do.

      I'm a little surprised how many of today's crossovers I didn't get. I guess I'm a bit out of the loop, especially when it anime and video games. Still, the art itself is as great as ever. Keep up the good work, everypony!

    73. #197 here, I liked the drawings that were made today. Why it is somewhat difficult to draw clothing on a pony?

      Also were close to 10,000,000 views.

    74. #123 here. Well, I was NEARLY the only one to do Dexter.

      #40 is genius

    75. #10 pony!LinkxEpona? Suprised I didn't see it coming.

      #42 oh wow... I haven't thought about Animorphs for ages!

      #58 all hail the Dark Lady!
      Now i'm trying to imagine a ponified Abomination...I'm going to go think about something else for a few hours.

      #82 Da'aawwww. I imagine I would have had a lot more trouble euthanizing this companion...

      #108 PANIC!
      -checks filename-
      Oh, good. Skull Colt... not pony!Majora's Wrath...

      #144 fanfic senses... TINGLING!

      #160 I'll challenge! It's Glinda!Celestia and Elphaba!Luna !

      #189 Big Bang theory Ponies! yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!

      #207 I'm willing to be Miss Sparkle'd be glad to help you find the flaw in your argument, Sheldon...
      (We're MAGIC, Your argument is invalid!)

      #262 I think you may need to repeat the question, Rory!

      #272 Shadowchild! Very cute!

    76. 113 reporting in! Lynne and Sissel from Ghost Trick. Thinking of doing a whole set of these.
      Also, I'm in LOVE with the Yugo!Pony! I'm glad another Brony likes Wakfu!!

    77. #129 here. Only Battlestar Galactica reference, woo!
      I hate my scanner though. kills all of my drawings.

    78. #70 here! I finally managed to draw something that resembles a pony! Yay!

      There are some really awesome artists in this thing.

    79. #214 here!
      Most of the other days, I only could finish the sketch, so stayed up long enough to finish the first 3 pictures OTL

      Awww, no Durarara!! characters D: ?
      Oh well, at least there are some Touhou referance~

    80. #83 here.

      Just checking in. I'll have to check the pics after work, stupid web filter...

      A rope trick?
      I need to 'draw' something other than Trixie or Applejack for this...

    81. Love the Ace Ventura one.

    82. 31. I'd say yayayayay except I COMPLETELY RUINED IT.
      Also, yes, we needs moat BlazBlue.
      Do one with Makoto and Tager, my two mains!

    83. #174 here
      Lets find out mow many bronies watch the RA3 Paradox mod.

    84. #10 here! :D

      Woah wait what? Was I only one to make a LinkxEpona one?! o_o *looks list through again*........ WHAAAAAAT?

      Oh well, maby I'm just too big LoZ fan. :D There was a lot of good ones. Loved Dr. Whoofs and Okamis, also the other pony Link. :D

      Great work everypony!

    85. (Inspiration runs back to computer)
      Oh yeah, and the Plants vs. Zombies (#178) one too: LOVED IT! :D

    86. #49 here :D

      #272 SHADOWCHILD PONY. DIGGER. MY DAY IS MADE. Whoever drew it, keep being awesome!

    87. Latverian_Ponyfan_2993June 6, 2011 at 6:34 AM

      (#140)If you're scared by seeing the Lady of Pain, realize that drawing her as a pony counts as both mockery and worship. I'm punching a dabus away from having her shadow fall on me.

    88. #139 today.

      "Tirion Gelding" :D

      Not many Warcraft ponies, I was expecting more. Oh well. :P

    89. #109 here. Ah haha, an excellent point, Phoe. How could Ferdinand ever resist an adorable filly?

      I am so disappoint in the lack of Yu-Gi-Oh ponies, and only ONE One Piece pony (bonus points to Shanks pony~).
      Guess I have something else to doodle later. XD

      Tons of fantastic entries though. :3 Some of my favourites:

      52) Totally awesome. I'd play Super Mario Bronies in a heartbeat.
      113) Eeee, Ghost Trick~ The game's and FIM's styles overlap almost surprisingly well.
      147) Oh man. Ridiculously gorgeous~~
      152) O-ow, god, that punched me RIGHT in the nostalgia. D: I can't believe someone else knows that game. (Incidentally, if the doll bodies really WERE ponies, I think this game would have been far more popular.)
      160) CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. (Maybe it's about time for you to defy some gravity, El-- I mean Luna. ♥)
      178) If we could plant a Fluttershy on our lawns, we'd never have to worry about zombies again.
      250) Do not have words for how much I love this. ;-; ♥

      Great job, everypony. :D

      @who Ah haha, you know, I was so tempted to draw Etoile pony. Possibly asking Rarity to make 1 million bit dresses. But alas, I was lazy. (Still might happen eventually though, because this was much too fun.)

    90. #33 here.

      A lot more Game of Thrones references than I was expecting. Love all of them!

      Love Big Macintosh as Banjo too. Both of those were great.

    91. #39 here! Thanks to those ponies who gave my drawing special mention and Phoe for the side comment! Really, it makes drawing all the sweeter!

    92. That 224 as a Harold Chrict reference, hilarious.

    93. @Apostle of HatsuneAlso #20 ZOMG! Zerg Pony! And a lack of Black Rock Shooter, sorry Phoe...xP

    94. @ Chaos Drop
      It took me a moment, but 27 is from Onegai(Please) Teacher!(Is a nerd and owns the fanbook) Awesomely obscure X3

      This was actually a cool topic because everyone came up with some surprising things! I thought I'd see tons of Harry Potter but I think I was one of the only ones. (222) I was going to do Celestia as Dumbledore but I got lazy ;_; I totally think Harry would have gotten his Cutie mark after arriving at Hogwarts, because I think its finally then that he doesn't have to resign to being the good-for-nothing his surrogate family always presented him as.

      42-Wow, I'm super happy someone did Animorphs. I was thinking then that maybe I should have done an Andalite pony, but lo and behold, 232 did one!!
      52- glad to see some Super Mario up in here!
      58- Sylvannas Pony!
      100- I had been thinking about a STH pony the other day, would he put Rainbow Dash in her place? dun Dun DUN! o.o
      191- Princess Sally, squeeee!

    95. 61) OMGOSHOMGOSHOMGOSH, its a firefly reference!

      I'm sorry, when I saw that I completely forgot what all the other pictures were.

      Now, just to see the whole firefly crew ponified and I'll be happy.

    96. #255

      Eye wanted to work on it more, but damn Eden Eternal got me~

    97. @Mooke

      Actually, I'll rephrase that, I'll explode from overdosing on happiness.

      Also, 241) Double Reference! The orange box and MGS! I love it.

    98. @Kjh242 and Twilight Sparkle
      I can only agree with you. It needs more BlazBlue ponies.

      Good job to everyone, today is amazing!

      +1 good job to Phoe for the comment. I read it in Taokaka's voice and laughed quite hard.

      +1 good job for the 3 (?) Touhou references. I was planning to send a Remilia at first but didn't like my sketch.

    99. #160 Reporting In


    100. @RaspleZS

      hm! hm hm! hm!

      I was gonna do mordecai at first but then I got this idea and it was gold. Glad you like.

      Also, this was an amazing, amazing day to just look at all the entries. You guys are all awesome. We're awesome. This event is awesome.

    101. #158 here, quite happy to say i THINK im the only one who did an Alice cross :D

      i loved #148 although i personaly think it would fit slightly better with twilight at jordy and AJ as the captain (who tends to lead with a principle>rules style) although i don't think AJ would look nearly as good bald xD

    102. Hey 162 here. I thought there would be more Doctor Whoofs around but I guess not. Allons-y!!

      First time drawing ponies btw

    103. #155 here. I have an older sketch of Fluttershy using the Stare on Kratos, but I apparently have trouble drawing hovering pegasi. Go figure.

    104. 202 today!

      I think I went a little obscure today. If you don't get it, it's Five Iron Frenzy's last album cover, The End Is Near.

      I wasn't going to pick a favorite, then I realized what 32 was supposed to be. :)

      ~Buddy Vox

    105. 16: Indeed
      51: Row Row, Fight da Powah!
      128: You betwayed duh lahw!
      144: What've ya got, Abbs?
      147: How strangely appropriate to cosplay the Sun Goddess as the Sun Goddess
      160: Would've been a bit more difficult without the lyrics. (Wicked)
      195: Put ya guns on!
      253: I'm sorry, I LOL'd so hard at this. Busterhorn and dem poofy pants. :D

      Glad to see the downward trend of submission counts reversed (hard), as well.

    106. Old Gregg pony = my life is complete

    107. @Kujiro - No, it's Two by Two from Firefly. "Two by Two. Hands of Blue"

    108. Vox, you made my day. Here I am browsing through 200+ crossover pics, expecting to find a lot of anime and tv show stuff, and you go and do that. I love you.
      Five Iron Frenzy <3

    109. #2 here! I enjoyed doing the coloring on this one.

      15 - Zergity is a hard worker.
      52 - And immediately after, Twist, with her annoying voice, says your Rarity is in another castle.
      85 - Lyreception!

    110. #250!
      Totally underestimated how much time I needed to complete this. I don't know why I thought adding a bunch of ponies was a good idea with less than 3 hours to finish lol

      Man, I love looking through these everyday, so inspiring! You guys are so creative!

    111. #260 reporting in! <3 me some conan pony!

      @kooldude, YES! someone who knows that it's conan pony! ;v;

      #165 Brohoof for conan pony XD

    112. Cornet!! I LOVE IT!!

    113. For there being no other SMT ponies, #75 is my new favorite.

    114. #212. I was gonna do the story of how Derpy became derpy, involving bench–sitting Lyra and Luna firing her lazer as the moonstone cannon, but Lyra / Harpoon Cannon just made me giggle too much so I went with that instead.

      This pic contains two more subtle references, aside from the obvious one. Can you spot them?

      #42, #77, #85, #123, #172, #178, #194, #199, #203, #206, #213: <3

    115. I must say I am very please to see #84. I wonder how Max feels.

    116. #152 here.

      Hahah. Looks like I got a couple of comments. That game is cool: and abandonware now, so it's free to download and play on DOSBox. I've gotten it, but haven't gotten around to playing it in the first time for a long time. All in all, happy with how this came out. I was only drawing still lifes or objects made up of geometric shapes before the training grounds, so these drawings I've been making for it are really a step up; I'm shocked they're coming out as well as they are.

      Loved 6, 7, 10.. and it is at this point that I realised the scope of glancing through all 274 other images, and decided to just say: this is awesome.

    117. @Aeiou

      Thanks. I liked that Twilight Sparkle you made.

      I just wish my image would load... it cuts off for me right below the first Pony's neck.

    118. 53 61 239 222 all got saved to my computer. All of them today were SO awesome.

      I'm surprised I was the only one to do Sailor Moon! I wanted to draw all of them as ponies but I ran out of time and pleated skirts have to be the hardest/dumbest thing to draw on a pony.

    119. I see I was not the only one,
      Who at Guybrush Threepwood did poke fun.
      If but more time I had,
      A pirate cow I was going to add.
      I'm glad that Phoe does know the game,
      So my joke I did not have to explain.
      And as for 112 by Alipes,
      Celestia with her mane flowing in the breeze.
      Does indeed LeChuck's beard resemble,
      Of it's creepy memory I still tremble.

    120. Salutations from #143, good stuff here peeps! Nice to see mine wasn't the only Link =D.

    121. #172 here, Gotta say I might not understand all of these references but they are all really awesome Im glad I decided to participate

    122. @Fox E:
      That Spoony Bard is a reference to one of my favourite FF4 characters Edward, and uhh I dunno Outrageous is a level in Super mario world (i doubt thats it though)
      Glad to see you liked mine =D

    123. Hey, BlazBlue bronies- I drew a Ponified Haku-Men, so if you want that leave some sign on my completely empty dA (can't upload from an iPad.) and I'll see if I can't get it to you. It's not all that great though. I think the two I mentioned and arakune are next up.

    124. 10 : Who says you can't ship Link with every female character in series? Yep, even Epona. Requesting Humanized Epona now.

      160 : Lyra!
      She come to town,
      Come to save the Princess Bon Bon,
      Nightmare took her away,Now the ponies don't play,
      But they will when Lyra saves the day,

      Now Lyra,
      Fill up your hearts,
      So you can play your harp with power!
      And when your're feeling all down,
      The fairy will come around,
      So you'll be brave,
      And not a lazy coward!

      Now Lyra, has saved the day!
      Put Nightmare in her grave!
      So now Bon Bon is free,
      And now a hero shall be,
      Lyra, I think your name
      shall go down into history!

      175 : Its from Wicked. And I didn't have to look at the other comments either! *flex*

    125. I'm wondering if Phoe or somepony is going to take all the images submitted to this activity and make a video of them, much like Parry Gripp:
      (just an example)

    126. #51 here. Gurren Lagann! Glad I wasn't the only one. It was nice seeing entry #1 as the same theme I chose. Rainbow Dash would totally fit into that group. She likes to kick reason to the curb and go beyond the impossible :D

      Lots of great entries! Big props to the Rurouni Kenshin, Dr. Horrible, One Piece (Shanks! :D), and Borderlands ponies. Oh, and the weighted companion pony was very cute and clever.

    127. @McGack That's actually right on both accounts. =P Very nice, wasn't sure anyone would get it!

      And who doesn't love rabites? They're adorable like parasprites, except they don't swarm as hard.

      @Anonymous I love you.

    128. 210 here. I couldn't find the time to color it, but it's Coraline as a pony. Maybe coloring it would have gotten it more recognition :/

    129. This blog got so much cooler (200%, in fact) since not 1, but THREE Rhapsody Pony Pics popped up on here (don't you love alliteration? :D)

    130. Preview is fucked up :( I can't see most of the pictures.

    131. Unfortunately, I didn't get most references.. though the homestar runner one was funny. "Wowzers!"

      -The Obsessor

    132. @Opal Whisker

      Glad I'm still original on four pony cosplayers.
      I tried to pick the most obscure but distinguishable characters.
      I was going to dress Luna up as Kamina, but that'd be too easy and Gurren Lagann's been done a lot.

    133. #220 is my fave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    134. 274 is very awesome. Gears Ponies FTW! I love how Dom's Cutie Mark is his tattoo of his wife.

    135. #219 here
      WOW alot of these are awesome. GURREN LAGEN #51 AWESOME WORK!!! #67, that a monkey island reference? BRavo! LOL oh wow, #78, 79, 81, wonderfully done, epic detail. 88 LOL interesting, sorta cool too. 112 YAY another Mi reference. WOOYAH!! # 122 and 123 and 183, YES YES YES YES Yesyesyesyesyesyes! The dexters lab ponies suprised me . . . LOL love it!
      151 American McGees Alice, that knocked me back. Well played!! 160 is that a daria reference? I looks like it to me . . . . .168 AAHHAHAAHAHHAHAHA LOVE IT!! 179 . . . . no idea but they looks wicked!! I really love Rarity's expression there. Yay 191 another Satam reference! ANy pic with twilight 211 is my fav. She is my FAV! This pic looks familiar but i cant put my hoove on it . . . . 216, i dont get it . . but Luna is there so YAY!! Nice designs on that one! 235 WOW ICO, bravo there. beautifully done. 250 io agress very impressive. 251 NICE love the CMC!! 253 WOW i bet he has alot of headache . . . neckaches . . . uhm poor guy o.o 271 I like the style being presented here! Im going to have to bum out this days assignment . . . i want to work on my neglected story . . . i have to re-write the first part and fix it. its atrocious after getting a few tings pointed out to me . . . i found the rest . . what was i thinming. Im almost thought i was the only Satam reference in the lot . . . . LOL but its a double edge sword there . . i was able to pop that up last night for this and use it for the Friendoff. YES YES YES! SO i have like three or four diff pics for the friendoff i submitted n.n Dr. Pinkamena Diane Pie, scientist, robotic and biological engineer, partypony. All crazy . . . THATS THE BEST PART!!! I still favor Twilight tho :P

      GREAT JOB EVERYPONY!!!! im glad to see submissions way up this time. Tho im going to be one less for todays . . . ill be sure to pic up the next days. Keep those minds racing, Ponies alive, and content fun!!

    136. #238 here. I actually was planning on drawing the trio of Sora, Donald, and Goofy, but ran out of time. However, I did finish it last night but couldn't scan it until now.


    137. #160 is from Wicked. Ha! ^_^

    138. 171 here. Now after looking at it, it looks like crap. I MUST KEEP PRACTICING *rides off into sunset*

    139. Yes I got #135, but I wasnt the only one to think Scooby Doo.. Was going for CSI but was too tired to figure who was who.

    140. 254 here. Looking at it now, Sephiroth could've done with looking a bit more evil.

    141. Awesome, some of mine got cut off (127)
      Oh well.

    142. Confound these ponies! They drive me to think. Think that they are almost impossible to draw cute and simple!

    143. @Kt Kat
      Yay~ somepony got it!

      Awesome score on the Artbook, I used #4 from the book as a general reference.

    144. Glad to join the learning group.

    145. I think I've seen #48 on ponibooru before, I don't know if that's against the rules

    146. 160 is absolutely WICKED. In both senses. PERFECT Reference.

      Also love the regular show one. that cracked me up.
