• Newbie Artist Training Grounds: Day 10

    Day 10, you guys, Day 10! We actually hit double digits! Today was a bit of a learning process for me. As somepony pointed out in their submission comment, he and I both fail at math. It turns out two times the pony is two times the work, and I really failed to consider the impact that would have on your time to draw. So I learned (dear Princess Celestia) that doubling the required number of ponies while simultaneously pushing the theme in as selfish a direction as I can possibly manage, I will get more or less exactly what I want, but at the cost of about half of the usual number of participants. Let's not mince words, 162 stellar entries is amazing and every last one of you should feel proud. But that is a bit of a smaller number, and I can't help but feel like I did push you a bit too hard. I'm learning. I think you'll find tonight's theme a lot of fun, though! edit: as the minutes ticked closer to the deadline, these words were made to seem dumber and dumber. Well done, everypony.

    You're probably getting bored of hearing this by now, but just in case we've picked up any stragglers, here are the submission guidelines. As always, if you have a problem with the submission program please just go ahead and send your submission to phoe@equestriadaily.com and leave the rest to me. Also feel free to shoot me an e-mail if there's a question you need answered, and I'll do my best to get back to you as quickly as I can.

    The Theme of the Day

    Draw a pony dressed as a character from another show, game, or story, or draw that character as a pony.
    Which sounds like a mouthful, but really it's just me trying to be unambiguous. This is a hugely open topic; I'm looking forward to seeing what your favorite non-pony media is! Mine's Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure. What? I'm learning stuff about you, it's only fair!

    Today's gallery can be summed up in a single word: Lyyyyyyyyyrrrrraaaaaa! I begged and begged and begged for it, and here she is! There's even one in there of me making an ass of myself in front of her. I am deliriously happy with this turn of events. You're all so nice and so brave and dedicated to have been doing this for so long that I wish there was something more I could do to say thanks than these paltry rambles. Keep at it, guys. You're all amazing. Just for you, let's kick things up an Octavia.

    1) By Anakah

    2) By Makkon (This one's a shoutout/commission/thingamajig for Notacleverpony. Swanky!)

    3) By Syggie (A, c-down, A, c-righ, c-down, A...)

    4) By Goldfish

    5) By PandaRoux (Teamwork!)

    6) By VeoBandit (Ponies making... music.)

    7) By VeoBandit (Ponies... making music.)

    8) By Thanqol (Somepony give this man a medal.)

    9) By ChaosDrop (Harps: now with 100% more cloud walking powers.)

    10) By Grue

    11) By Kjh242 (I'd be madder if you actually addressed this to me.)

    12) By rich-tea

    13) By Fallin' Winter (I can't imagine how difficult it is to pay while watching that. Octavia is a true professional.)

    14) By Xris777

    15) By DeadP0N-3

    16) By lead_hooves

    17) By Emerald Dust (The sad thing is I couldn't answer either one of them.)

    18) By FrostV952

    19) By Damian Foxx

    20) By Tarynsgate (Siiigh.)

    21) By blindferret

    22) By Mellowbloom

    23) By Gig

    24) By Ori (Glam rock Cheerilee.)

    25) By Partition (And we the blogponies thank you for the awesome shoutout. Peace.)

    26) By Doombah

    27) By Smock (Fluttershy, you're such stage hog.)

    28) By PenguinPlayer

    29) By Easteu (It may not be 100% true to the show, but I adore the heck out of this style. Beautiful.)

    30) By Spark (All lyres should come with miniature Pinkies.)

    31) By kits

    32) By Rutana

    33) By Sneo

    34) By Stabbercube

    35) By Mr.Paulsen ('Cause when the jazz mare's testifyin', she'll bring ya to your knees...)

    36) By SherlockHooves

    37) By Family Man

    38) By Circuit Mane

    39) By Da Chi

    40) By Blueberry Muffin (Derpy, give that back.)

    41) By Nido Media

    42) By Erthilo (Well that's interesting but I don't see--)

    43) By unholyhen (... huh. Well then!)

    44) By Paintroller (They are so cute together.)

    45) By Zee

    46) By Dragon Rage

    47) By EssAeEm (Poor Twilight...)

    48) By Mere Jump

    49) By Fish0and0chips

    50) By Fickle (The artist requests a brony's aid in getting this colored. Any takers?)

    51) By Infinity

    52) By Pineapple Skitter

    53) By Saphin (This is so great. And terrifyingly accurate. Must stop laughing at sef...)

    54) By Mr. Wonko

    55) By Jdan-S (This is a match made in heaven.)

    56) By Nullh

    57) By DCPIP

    58) By Rydel

    59) By Atlur (She might get her cutie mark yet at this rate.)

    60) By 8ftmetalhead

    61) By toonboy92484

    62) By Lorina

    63) By Iron Pony

    64) By Kitty Tail (Rock my world, Lyra. <3)

    65) By Shiko

    66) By Moabite (...pfffthahahaha)

    67) By ThatOnePegasus (How about four ponies?)

    68) By Alleen

    69) By ecmc1093

    70) By Ash (The Xibit reference makes it musical, dawg.)

    71) By Roper (How did she wind up with a triangle?)

    72) By cartoonlion

    73) By purpletrauma

    74) By Invidlord (I would pay a lot to hear whatever conversation is taking place here.)

    75) By ProjectFreeism (Well, duh.)

    76) By Amehdaus (I think they're interpreting my theme in all the ways at once.)

    77) By Systemdertoten

    78) By DI-FL

    79) By Afentis (I hate the drums on Rock Band because my foot is retarded and can't keep a beat.)

    80) By Nicolette

    81) By Taco Bandit

    82) By Relias

    83) By Dangereaux (Some more jazz ponies. Sweet.)

    84) By Doctor Whoof Fanatic

    85) By Bravura (Has anypony else ever actually done this?)

    86) By Macon Mixx

    87) By Ambrose (That's a great title.)

    88) By Lancer5317

    89) By Leaf Growth

    90) By Bobby Bartram

    91) By Tanman (I looked it up, and harp guitars are actual things. Holy crap.)

    92) By Mockingbird

    93) By Avnas Ishtaroth

    94) By Crimson Risk (Doube trombone action.)

    95) By Kt Kat (With lines like that she could have anypony she wanted.)

    96) By Frith (I wish I had the space to share with you all the comment the artist left for me. It's an awesome story.)

    97) By Omega RKB

    98) By Djrk16 (The rest of the night was spent explaining the lyrics: I want to kill everypony in the world.)

    99) By The Flying Tomato

    100) By Dr. Trotson

    101) By Coquette (Musical shipping is a popular theme today.)

    102) By Konig

    103) By zorg (This must be incredibly somber music. Just look at their faces...)

    104) By Alipes (I think a triangle is about the only thing you can add to the One Pie Band.)

    105) By Zach (Taaaaake ooonnnn meeeee~)

    106) By Ego (This explains SO MUCH.)

    107) By Neoridgeback

    108) By Natry (*rimshot*)

    109) By MHPayne

    110) By redcladhero

    111) By Gear X. Machina

    112) By DJ Rainbow Dash (Eeyup.)

    113) By Luke Chermak

    114) By Filiecs

    115) By Starlite (This has me wondering if she brings that bench with her everywhere.)

    116) By Spiritofthwwolf

    117) By Frostclaw

    118) By BlackYousa (Pfft, who's arguing? That's totally what I meant.)

    119) By PinkamenaPie (Failing to figure out you don't have musical talent runs in the Apple Family.)

    120) By Buddy Vox (Octavia snuck a peak at today's submissions. She asks you: why!?!)

    121) By TapeDiggity

    122) By Immersa

    123) By Kooldude (How are the acoustics on the moon, anyway?)

    124) By Kooldude

    125) By StarStep

    126) By Farvei

    127) By SiuiS (Sweet chin music, hurr hurr.)

    128) By Prismatic Pretzel (She is a unicorn of many talents.)

    129) By Fetchbeer (This scene takes place shortly after Vinyl Scratch was frozen in carbonite.)

    130) By Kitsune

    131) By A Terrible Person

    132) By RaspleZS (You got Peanuts in my ponies...)

    133) By TopoCruz

    134) By Starlight bolt (Rock on, party ponies. Rock on.)

    135) By Thattagen (This is awesome because I've been listening to Deadmau5 all night.)

    136) By AlterForm

    137) By BronyQuest (Double your Lyra, double your fun.)

    138) By Shockwave

    139) By Chromadancer

    140) By PinkiePied (Your alternate submission made me giggle. I just wanted you to know that.)

    141) By Arion

    142) By Uncle Leo

    143) By Spurs (I don't think it's possible to draw a pony playing a violin and have it lok bad.)

    144) By Eidolon Proggy

    145) By Phantom G

    146) By Tenchi Outsuno

    147) By Kelz (I've a very Derpy showdown.)

    148) By Applefrittermlp

    149) By PVRyohei (I think this is as close to my third hopeful interpretation as we're going to get.)

    150) By Riokenn

    151) By nuclearsuplexattack

    152) By Fox E:

    153) By djTeka

    154) By DJ RBDash

    155) By Madtaz64

    156) By Sashley

    157) By StarSongPony

    158) By Periphery

    159) By calamari

    160) By Avohkah Tamer

    161) By Eeful (Daft. Ponies.)

    162) By Magnet


    1. nuclearsuplexattackJune 5, 2011 at 1:05 AM

      151 here... something important is missing from the submitted picture.



    2. omgomgomg I just finished my crossover character an hour ago! :D

    3. #137 represent! I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, considering I didn't spend as much time on it as I would have liked. Hope you enjoyed it, Phoe! That double-Lyra is for yoooouuuuu.

    4. 75 Here. Yay! Pretty good turnout here, I'm happy!

    5. Bleh. 2nd day in a row I've missed doing a drawing here.

      I feel guilty not seeing my entry in there. :\

    6. Starlight Bolt:
      RDnet is borking for me right now, so I just wanted to say: You're awesome. Keep being awesome, you awesome awesome pants.

      (Also, great works everypony!)

    7. 143 Here and a second comment Woo Hoo!!

      I was working on the vectors when my time ran out, so its just my unpolished sketch.

    8. #45 cheking in

      Well it turned out okay but that violin still bugs me a lot :/

    9. #112 in.

      8 and 105 are my clear favorites.

    10. @BronyQuest

      I definitely enjoyed it. It's a good thing I'm the only one awake in my house right now, or else I'd be annoying everypony with the constant high pitched squeals I can't stop making. <3

    11. @nuclearsuplexattack

      It took me a second but when I saw it I laughed my ass off.

      Great submissions everyone! Although it's kinda sad to see our numbers dwindling. If I ever get a scanner it'll at least go up by one.

    12. #140 reporting in
      heres the alternate submission if any1 is interested

    13. #6 and #7 I'm so glad there next to each other xD

      haha today Seems like a fun theme!

    14. Take on me Reference is Epic! That is all!

    15. also this is what I hear when I look at Twilight in 151


    16. # 162
      Rushed it and just made it in XD

    17. #132 here.

      It was this or 'Baked Bads' been fed to Pokémon #151 (or the band that did "Black Holes & Revelations").

    18. #133 here.

      Was was I thinking about? o.o

    19. @Phoe

      Hey, don't fret about submission numbers. I stopped drawing after day 1 but I still drop in to see the results.

      Besides, there's a total of close to 2k images so far, correct? That's nothing to sneeze at.

    20. 3 here. As soon as I read the comment, I instantly heard the Requiem of Spirit in my head. :D

    21. ohh, 31... Kits, you're gonna get it!

    22. #53 (Saphin) here! So happy you enjoyed the picture Phoe!

      Got a side comment AND a mention in the briefing text! Best day EVER!

    23. This is #25, coming along to say that I completely lost it at #58! Thanks for the laugh, mate.

    24. Hey, I'm #155! Yeah... sorry I sent it to the email, I completely forgot about the new submission guidelines lol, I'll remember next time.

    25. Cosplaying ponies?

    26. @fickle
      ill color it for you but im not guaranteeing anything i might get it done or not since im really busy this 1 week because of finals and stuff

    27. @DJ Rainbow Dash

      OMG someone finally got the reference! Yusss.

      (105, I mean. Mine.)

    28. nuclearsuplexattackJune 5, 2011 at 1:32 AM

      @DJ Rainbow Dash

      Haha, that video is hilarious!

      They're supposed to be the Blues Brothers, even though they don't actually play any instruments in the movie.

    29. @nuclearsuplexattack
      The Blues Bronies.
      They're on a mission from Celestia.

    30. #81 here

      Great job! I'm really diggin these themes. Though it is true about it being more work from yesterday theme. I spent most of my day working on it, but that was my fault for making a comic -_-

      Regardless Great job Everypony! I would pick favorites but there all really good. Good to see a lot of you having giving up! Keep up the great work.

      I'm going to have to think really hard what I'm going to do with today theme. Oh well Nite Bronies ^-^

    31. @Taco Bandit

      Haven't Giving up*

      *facehoof* I make myself sound more like a idiot, I did re-read my post 3 times.

    32. #15 here.
      135 makes me so happy.

    33. @hawkysu lol thx! I had to rush at the end there, so there are a lot of proportional errors that I need to fix when I color it XD

      My favorites are...
      #2 #29 #62 #105 #116
      Amazing work! :D

    34. Woo, lead pic! Thanks Phoe xD
      #105? *Brohhoof*
      #89 You got your Scott Pilgrim in my Ponies ;)
      #87 Diddle dun dun dun dun dun dun dun...

    35. #37 here, tried something with shadows this time and it turned out okay, I think. Also, I forgot Dashie's wings (it will not happen again, I promise, Dash!)

    36. #2 here. Am I just finishing really fast?

      #3 is my fav. <3

    37. Artists, I am proud.


    38. Number 145 reporting in. Was glad that there wasn't 3 of the exact submissions by me. :p

      I was having soooo much difficulty with getting my drawing uploaded on my online pic storage.

    39. Woot! I'm #10. I guess I was pretty original because I don't see anyone else draw Twilight on drums or AJ on guitar (though that pic where AJ is dueling banjos with Derpy was pretty awesome).

    40. #149 here!
      At first my plan was to dress Lyra as Sheik, but i gave up in the end. Turns out that i wasn't the only one with this idea, lol!

    41. Just wanted to say I know a few of you struggled to get the thumbnail to work (apparently sadpanda.us intermittently has connection issues), and I've implemented a solution: The server will now try uploading the thumbnail image to sadpanda up to 3 times and if it still fails at that point it'll just use the large image as the thumbnail (scaled of course). I do not like having valid submissions fail!

    42. Drawing multiple ponies while meeting a theme is hard? Since when?

      And I knew a cross-over theme was coming soon, I was just hoping it'd be closer to the end or middle of June.

    43. @PinkiePied

      #50 here

      Glad mine's up! But PinkiePie, please please PLEASE don't trouble yourself... It was just a passing request. Geez now I feel kinda guilty for asking...

    44. #73 here.

      I did better than I expected. Though I really need to stop drawing all my images 2" large. I probably could've done better if I hadn't made them so small that every detail had to be tiny precise marks. Old habit I'm not broken of yet. I'll do better next time.. also, since it's kinda hard to tell: Derpy on a xylophone, and a disgruntled Roseluck with just a measly beat machine. Only one who did Roseluck, though I guess toy-only ponies would be less common.. in that I didn't see another one. Not sure why I even did her, actually. One of the few aesthetically pleasing schemes from those, I guess.

      That aside; I chose quite a day to jump in, with the most technical theme yet.

      Kinda hard to pick favorites since I'm somewhat bleary eyed, but I did like 137, 40, 64, and 59, oh yes, #59.. to name a few.

      Wellp. Good work, all. I'm excited to be jumping in on this. I'm at a point artistically where I really need to expand my process and break bad habits the most, so getting in on this could do me wonders.

    45. Ugh.
      I woke up WAY too late to finish my entry.
      Blah, I hate being sick.
      I'll just post it on dA once I finish it.
      Who knew Phoe was a Nippon Ichi fan?
      You just got at least 20% cooler in my book, Phoe.
      Rhapsody was amazing.
      And you just gave me an amazing idea for this theme!

    46. Loving today's theme! But there is so much you could do with it... well, we're not restricted to one pony per image, right? Let's do this!

    47. Whee! I got a comment! Thanks for posting beyond the technical last minute, Phoe. You rock!

      #161 here. I decided to throw in a background/foreground after submitting. So even though it doesn't appear in the thumbnail you can see if you click. Gives it a more "completed" feel despite my rush, lol.

      Love this event! My pony-drawing skills get better with each challenge! And I love seeing everyone's interpretations. Keep it up, everypony!


      If you want reliable image/file hosting, get a dropbox account:


      You can use a link from the 'public' folder after you've uploaded it. It never runs out of bandwidth, and is always up.

      Oh, and it's free.

    49. *reads the Theme Of The Day*

      Now I'm half-tempted to draw a naked Raven complaining, 'They said draw us AS a pony, not DRESSED like a pony!'

    50. #154

      Did nice today, but what got me flipping out was #150~ Eye love Rhythm Heaven~

    51. #17 here. I never would have thought that drawing these pictures could make me so happy, so thanks once again for hosting this wonderful event.

      I especially like #106 today. Pinkie must be loaded to be able to afford a backup band to follow her wherever she goes.

    52. #135 here!
      I'm truly surprised that no one else drew a pony-Deadmau5. I wouldn't call him Deadhor5, cause that name's kinda controversial, seeing as he is a pony.

      So yeah. Deadmau5 vs. DJ PON-3 tonight at Club Eclipse! This is my best entry to date! So coooool...

    53. Kooldude (#123 [lawl win] and #124 here Acoustics on the moon? Hmmm...not alot, unless you play in a crater. For # 124, here is the song Derpy's singing (along with a PMV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84PZbL_-jjU )
      BTW: I goign to love the cosplaying ponys!
      #136: Ahhh Windwaker, I love the crossover
      #161 Those lovely Daft Ponys :D

    54. Since my mind works like that, it seems I now need to draw two crossover ponies doing music. Hmm. Much fun probably can(and will) be had.

      Eh, might as well. Not like I can get "Sun Goes Down" out of my head anytime this week... now just to figure something fun to mesh the crossover part with. (No need to mention that I don't "need" to - I know I don't, I will do it anyway.)

    55. Hey, I'm really getting into this whole drawing ponies thing and would really like to do on the computer with them.

      I'm thinking about getting a tablet but I'm trying to find some good software as well (at the moment all I have is fireworks) so I was wondering if anyone could make any recommendations or link me any videos of people using the software (or anything helpful at all ^^)

      Thnx Everypony

      P.S. is photoshop anygood?

    56. @alasdair

      I use Paint Tool SAI with a Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet. You can see how that's working out for me above.

      Hope that helps.

    57. #69 here (oh how i despise that number).
      I will definitely have fun with today's one!

    58. @alasdair

      yeah its pretty awesome. I just bought myself a cheap graphics tablet and downloaded photoshop (what are you talking about of course i paid for it.... ahem...) and its a really great program. I hardly use 1% of the functions, but just being able to create layers and use them is *so* useful.
      also, ctrl+z ftw.

      my favs!
      59- was so awesome!!!
      89- scott pilgrim pony = ossum
      106- genius
      119 :3
      152- wish this was coloured
      161... and more. they all rock guys.

    59. Tears of a valedictorianJune 5, 2011 at 5:32 AM

      Love all the Lyra & Octavia pictures. 81 is awesome too.

      I have no artistic talent so no picture, but today's theme now has me trying to re-staff the office of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce in Mad Men with poni.

    60. # . . .
      Oh yeah i didnt get to doing one last night. I had otherponies on the brains . . . . or pony i should say . . . Rarity to be exact.

      Hurhur . . . . if anypony is interested . . .

      ANYWHO. Looking at these gave me a bunch of ideas i coulda zipped down on paper. Alot of the time when i think about these TG daily themes, i think BIG, or atleast what ends up being somewhat complicated. I try not to re-use something that i did ( pose, specific style of detail ) I try to do something different each time. I really need to work on my continuity. Even tho they all have similar ( or mostly exactly the same body structure ) i always seem to have trouble with posing and or anatomy. Despite trying to not look exactly like the original animation style. This pic of Rarity i did tho, i had sketched out a simple body outline like 10 times before i figued out exactly what pose i wanted. i didnt get her mane and tail right tho, it was sad cause the whole time i was sketching her . . . . her face kept reminding me of trixie. It took me 40 minutes to get her mouth right too, and im still not happy with it. As for the addeds i sorta got lazy, took me close to two hours to getting the pic down, and another half for just thinking a way for her "accessories" . . . . . it show too . . . *sigh* i should not have waited till 9pm to start drawing this.
      SO while it doesnt fit with the theme, i did draw pony last night. And thats what really matters :3

    61. #79 here, ran out of time cause I started playing with different settings instead of drawing.

      @Phoe: Keep at it, you'll get it. I couldn't keep the beat at first either. You may also want to try changing your hoofing. That helped me a bunch.

      #43 Simpsons reference. Love it.

    62. Till when I can upload my art? nn'.

    63. @Anonymous

      Artists have 24 hours between submission posts. Deadline is midnight PST (8:00AM UTC).

    64. @ Till when I can upload my art? nn'.

      Each day cuts off at the start of the next, or at least that seems to be the grind of things.

      So you have till Midnight PDT time tomorrow, for the current Day 10.

    65. #47 checking in.

      Poor Twilight indeed. I had a lot of fun with this one. When I saw the topic, I knew I had to include a trumpet since that's the instrument I played back in high school marching band, and who better than Derpy to play it? I'm really looking forward to today's topic, too. I think I have a pretty good idea already.

    66. @alasdair

      Depends on your art style.

      Photoshop can be really good or really irritating.

      There are free trials for all of the major stuff and I recomend drawing 3~10 things in each before making your mind.

      For tablet use I recommend:

      Autodesk Sketch book pro - It's really starting to come into it's own, as a low impact but highly useful program.

      Photoshop - It's Photoshop It has its uses. I'd never use it as my priamry drawing software. Wonderful for editing though.

      Illustrator / Inkscape - If you want the super clean smooth line work you see around here best get learning vectors.

      Paint.Net (PaintDotNet) - Is free but most people that never bother to learn the advanced side of Photoshop would be better off just using Paint.net

      SAI - SAI is mainly for painting, and has very few tools out side of basic painting tools.

      Manga Studio - If you are doing Line art is awsome, and has many useful tools that you simply can't get else were even photoshop. But be warned the interface dose look dated.

      Painter XI - More brush options then you can shack a stick at. the Classic SAI Vs Painter comes down to SAI is smooth and easy, Painter has a learning curve that can drive you insane.

      Artweaver / ArtRage / RealDRAW / TwistedBrush / OpenCanvas

      All have there Pro's and Con's, all fit different drawing/painting styles and are all way cheaper then photoshop.

      In truth I see a lot of people who use photoshop... who really should not be using photoshop.

    67. #84 Reporting in! Kept it simple yesterday, still was slightly tired from tests and such. Great work, everypony!

      ....ooooh boy, I've been waiting for this crossover day. Already got a sketch, time to get to work!

    68. Also, Look around DA for art you like than check peoples profiles you and see what they list under:
      "Tools of the Trade"

    69. #31 here. What's my drawing doing so close to the top?

      105) Perfect!
      59) MY GOD! How long did that take?
      I-I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
      66) hehehehe
      137) It turned out great BronyQuest

      On Today's theme:
      My favorite non-pony show is Dr. Who. -.-
      I'm not taking THAT cop out, I just wanted you to know.

    70. It's usually rather easy for me to find my submission in the lot because of the low amount of Lyra fanarts, but today is a whole different thing! Lyra and Octavia are everywhere and I like it.

      With today's theme, it might be the second day ever since the beginning that I draw a picture without any Lyra in it!

    71. CURSE YOU, GMT +1!!!!! I can't do anything on this site all day! This is first thing in the morning for me, and everything else doesn't pick back up until like 6PM. 9hours ahead of site admins makes me sad.

    72. #87, checking in. #106 is awesome.

    73. #152. I can't even say how much fun I had drawing this. Originally I was just gonna do Octavia & Co. up on the Gala stage with ponies below all being snootypants to work on perspective, but then I wanted Scratch, and then I wanted Applejack, and then I wanted the CMC, and it kind of snowballed from there.

      Originally I was gonna color it, but the whole thing took thirteen hours, and with four minutes before the deadline [at 3 A.M. auugh], that didn't happen. You can see where I was getting a little <.<;; about the time in the last panel — I really wanted to have more idlers standing around, including Lyra doing her bench thing with her hooves in her ears, but oh well. Lyra shall be in the next image! Twice.

      Kinda sad it's hard to make out the little jokes on Celestia's keyboard, and the CMC's lyrics are a little wonky, but that's gif for you.

    74. I am kind of sad I am 10 days late to this party. Such a fun idea. :'D

      ...Also, I kind of had to post to say how ridiculously pleased I am to see someone else that loves Rhapsody. Such an underrated game. :c

    75. #95 here- wonder how many folks will know what the lyrics are from. Naughty ponies! X3

      106 is awesome and damn now that song is stuck in my head.. again!! Confound you, Pinkie Pie!!!
      Also, its awesome how many people took the plunge and drew guitars, they are difficult!

    76. ps. in which episode does Lyra actually do her bench–sitting thing?

    77. #59 here. I'm glad people like my picture :D I think it turned out pretty well. Had a couple other ideas I considered, but decided this one would be simple and eyecatching.

      @Kits Hah, thanks. It actually only took a little under 2 hours, since the style didn't call for much precision.

      @alasdair I use Photoshop myself, but that's just because it's what I know (using it for years, and I took some classes on it back in high school). I've been looking at trying out some different programs myself. With pictures that I plan on putting some time into (like this submission, or the one I'm working on today) I will usually sketch out poses and rough outlines on paper first because I can never get sketches to turn out well in Photoshop. Then I scan it and go from there. So I'd say Photoshop is good for finishing a piece, but not as much for starting it. Just my experience.

      Some of my favorites today:
      3: Cute, and funnily it works for the theme today, too
      19: The Pinkie Pie fairy is a nice touch!
      27: Made me laugh
      29: Very stylish, I love it
      44: Another neat style, I am jealous
      47: Phoe summed this up well, poor Twilight
      57: The expressions here are great
      116: Loving that pose, very cool

      And many more that deserve comment. Great job everypony! We are all rocking this whole drawing thing :D

    78. @Fox E.:Lyra sitting on the bench is in the beginning of Dragonshy, while Pinkie is counting how many balloons she needs.

    79. @Altur
      2 hours!? O_O
      >mfw my last pencil sketch took two hours

      I wish I could draw smooth lines line that in PS. Mine are always shaky as hell. Even with a tablet.

    80. 136 here. Looks like I'm not the only one to take the Zelda route ... but I am the only one to do Wind Waker! Woo, Special Snowflake!

      I didn't have to finish my entry, so sometime in the next couple of days a finished version will appear on my DA.

      On a different note, since no one else seems to have mentioned it, I'll be colorizing #50. Easy job, shouldn't take longer than 10-30 minutes.

      On an even different note, I can't wait until humanified pony day. There are some pony artists here with really awesome skills and style, and I'd love to see what they do with a more "traditional" subject.

    81. @Ambrose Excellent, thank you.

    82. Tada! Is finished.


      I dunno how else to contact Fickle, so hopefully s/he watches the comments here.

    83. ummm, can we enter drawings we did before today? I already have a good LA Noire one c:

    84. I finally a Phoe comment received,
      How happy I am wouldn't be believed.
      My silly little pic did take too long,
      But it was noticed amongst the throng.
      And now I must rush off to draw,
      Hopefully it will make someone awww.

    85. #29 here. It's very heartwarming to know that somepony likes your work, thank you all.

      So many amazing entries! I can't even list all the ones I loved, but to name a few: #106 (now that's good planning Pinkie), #32(so sweet), #85(great catch up), #116 (cool stance).

      I might not be able to do Day 10 in time (a shame really, it's such an interesting theme), but even in that case in spirit I'm with you.

    86. Crossover ponies! I can finally get rid of that idea I stickied to my desktop.

    87. @ 42 & 43 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcMKQc7PtlU

    88. 120 today.

      I promise I'll finish this someday soon, I think it's my first dynamic entry (haha).

      ~Buddy Vox

    89. I wish I could have added my stuff to this, I might squeeze something in today if I find that studying isn't as needed as I think it is...

    90. #109 here. If anyone wants to assault their eyes with the comic I'm making from all my entries, you can read it here.


    91. Oh yes I am definitely joining in with this one.

    92. Only one Trixie pic? *has a sad*

    93. @MHPayne That's actually really awesome.

    94. There's more than one with Trixie.
      But after staying up as late as Phoe to finish it, she's probably distracted by Twilight jumping over a pile of apples going 'Yay. Yay. Yay.'

    95. I was gone camping the last three days but now I am back!

      And I have a splendiferous idea. We'll see how it goes.

    96. Silly Phoe. the lyrics are "When the Jazzmare's tesstifyin', a faithless mare believes, she can sing you into paradise or bring you to your knees." Really, I expected better. ;)

    97. aaaaaaaaawww
      I missed this one D:
      I really wanted to draw Kurt Comane

    98. @alasdair

      Photoshop is fantastic! Don't let anyone else tell you. It's industry standard, and it's the best. A;; the professionals use it for digital painting.

    99. @AlterForm

      AH~! I love it! Thanks a ton! Wow, really, thanks.

      (I just want to make sure this is known. I am MALE.)

    100. @Makkon

      I find Illustrator to be easier to draw show-like ponies... What with that smooth tool

      /Cheats on vectors

    101. #135 completely made my life, thank you Thattagen!

    102. A small part of me is sad I didn't go with an image of two ponies farting, as no one else went the route that I can see. But I stand by the classier image.

    103. Oh look I got a comment. Well I would have to agree. I mean holding that microphone in a hoof like that is quite the feat.

      And the singing is not bad either.

    104. Latverian_Ponyfan_2993June 6, 2011 at 8:10 PM

      Blast, I recolored Fickle's piece as well, and didn't check here first. Don't want to step on anybody's toes.
