Remember that masculinity thing we all threw out the window when we started watching this show? Well it survived the fall. You might want to drop a piano on it's head before it wakes up, because it sure as hell isn't going to like this one!
The My Little Pony main website has been updated with it's party planner section. This thing is pretty extensive! Not only does it coach you on proper balloon/streamer placement, but it also has a recipe for a Fluttershy Silly-Face pizza! That's like.. double her already Mary-Sue level heart attack Ninjutsu.
You can find the website for it below!
My Little Pony Party Planner
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Well, there goes my weekend plans...
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie approved.
VastaKustutaI have no idea what you're talking about, my masculinity gave this show the "manliest show ever" award.
VastaKustutaHow it beat Gurren Lagann, I don't know.
Did a see a recipe for Trixie star wand cookies?
VastaKustutaThis is pretty neat. Nice to see this coming from Hasbro.
I'm doing the dress up party tomorrow!
VastaKustutaIt will be so much fun! :D
You're kidding. You're kidding, right?
VastaKustuta...Sh*t, you're not kidding. I could use one of these.
I lol'd so very hard.
VastaKustutaAlso, free day Saturday.
>mfw recolor pony names are used for recipes
VastaKustuta>mfw i have no face
O man, I have all the ingredients for that pizza. I guess I know what I'm making!
VastaKustutaNo Rainbow Dash Cupcake Recipe?
VastaKustutaThis is pretty cool.
VastaKustutaHah, I remember reading (and making) English muffin pizzas from an old Ninja Turtles book I had. The nostalgia from Fluttershy's pizzas was hard hitting.
VastaKustutaThis reminds me that my friends and I need to make some baked bads the next time I'm in town.
VastaKustutaThat's...actually pretty informative.
VastaKustutaKids may not like the formality of the writing, though. Maybe a summary starring Pinkie Pie could help that out?
I Felt it...The Manly part left of me which simply COULDN'T TAKE IT...At this rate, i won't even be interested in seeing season 2 anymore ''DUM, DUM, DUUUM''
VastaKustutaSo wait, Applejack likes stars? Thought that was Twilights thing?
VastaKustutaAlso, party planners for certain episodes, with information for parents to tell their children... damn this is extensive
VastaKustutaOh and by the way...i just ''LOVE IT'' how there's only supposedly 5 episodes on Hasbro, when we're clearly waiting for season 2 now and they just got to the sneak peak for episode 5...
VastaKustutaIT'S Like Kick Buttowski!, it supposedly airs on that date but you actually have to wait 3 months till the Spanish get it then 6 more months till it airs in English...Thank god for fandoms...
>Gift ideas for the birthday girl
VastaKustuta>for the birthday girl
>birthday girl
Masculinity time of death 3:22
VastaKustutaWow, that is a lot of information. I would like some pictures with the recipes personally but that's just me being picky. The rest is really good 101 on kids party planning. Could certainly see it being good for a young parent still getting the hang of things.
VastaKustutaNow I have some adult work to do, I will probably modify a few things on the list for my own fun party. Now that reminds me I have to start getting my bake on. I will manage to make some good cutie mark cupcakes!
After this, I only have one man card left. And it's on its deathbed.
VastaKustutaAPPARENTLY i have to plan for 3 weeks!
VastaKustutai traded my mann cards in for hats a long time ago.
VastaKustutaoh you mean the masculinity measuring man cards? yeah i never had many of those.
"Shoot for the stars with this amazing treat. Applejack loves the stars and so will you."
VastaKustuta"The "Pink" flavours are a Pinkie Pie favourite"
"Cotton Candy Funfetti Unicorn Horns"
This is gold.
Well, I know what I'm doing for my son's first birthday! I am eager for his early bronification.
VastaKustutai didnt throw out my masculinity when i started watching the show, its right here beside my MLP figurines.
VastaKustutaCotton Candy
Tropical Delight
Triple Treat
New official pony names.
... Triple Treat is Trixie's real name, isn't it? No wonder she's constantly trying to prove herself.
Birthday Cake Hunt. Hide the cake from a bunch of hyperactive hungry kiddos and/or teenagers and/or adults... Yeah, something tells me that unless you hid it really really well, the guests are going to hunt for the cake first and ignore the clues.
VastaKustutaI'm glad I have a 6 year old niece that I can throw this party "for." Yes, it's "for" her.
VastaKustutathe website is not loading for me ='(
VastaKustutai keep recieving an error message...
Hasbro is seriously becoming one of my favorite companies ever with all of what they're doing for their fans like this. This is awesome!
VastaKustuta>Mary Sue
Zebra, you just went full oatmeal.
VastaKustutaCan't blame her for sticking with her stage name if that's the case though... "THE GREAT AND POWERFUL Triple Treat" doesn't really have that awe-inspiring ring to it.
Uh oh. I think we borked the Website. :P
VastaKustutaI am dissapont applejack recipe does not contain apples
VastaKustutashould of been applejacks apple fritters
I wish I had birthday parties half as well thought out as this.
VastaKustutaAh well, my friend's birthday is coming up. Oh boy.
I gotta send them my recipe for Bleeding Rainbow Dash Cupcakes!
Kids love em!
>go to "Party Shopper" section
VastaKustuta>see "Gift Ideas for the Birthday Girl"
Oh Hasbro, you so crazy.
Wait, WHAT?
VastaKustutaShop My Little Pony Products:
Dammit WORK YOU STUPID LINK! WOOOORK! *clicks futilely*
Nooo!! why must you taunt us like this!
I never tossed out my masculinity. I held onto it like a madman.
VastaKustutaAlso, I demand fanart of a "Fluttershy Silly Face Pizza"
And Tropical Delight and Triple Treat will be new characters in Season 2, calling it.
VastaKustutaOkay, time to start setting up Soni -- wait that's today. Oh it's my birthday too. It'll be a quick fix.
VastaKustutaWhy does it say "Gift Ideas for the Birthday Girl", When it's clearly meant to read "Gift Ideas for the 20-30's Birthday Guy"
VastaKustutaSilly typo's..
VastaKustutaActually Cotton Candy, Tropical Delight and Triple Treat are names of G3 ponies (and G1 as well, in CC's case). I have a feeling that Hasbro just recycled the party planner ideas from some older version of it on the website and simply switched around a few names to FiM characters. However, given that several G4 figures are rehashed G3s (either in name, design, or both), maybe Hsabro does have plans for these three down the line. *shrug*
Also, links to the G3 namesakes -
Tropical Delight
Cotton Candy
Triple Treat
*Hasbro, I meant. :p
VastaKustutaAlthough that typo shouldn't matter according to this link. ;)
>implying My Little Pony isn't the manliest thing on Earth
VastaKustuta"To make these treats even more fun to eat, use cookie cutters to create fun shapes"
VastaKustutaAnyone else thinking what I am thinking? MLP shaped cutters/molds:
Twilight's Star/Sparkle
Rarity's Diamond
Pinkie's Balloon
Applejack's Apple
Fluttershy's Butterfly
Rainbow Dash's Cloud and Lightning-bolt
Celestia's Sun
Luna's Moon
Full Pony/Unicorn/Pegasus Shape
Spike Shape
Derp Eyes
So many possibilities - and the ones listed above Dash's are likely already out there.
If anyone makes these - I will buy them. (ALL MY MONEY - TAKE IT). Bonus points for including dividers to make multi-colored jello pieces for Dash and the others
Wow that is extensive. Well time to start planning my own Pinkie Pie perties.
VastaKustutaNo baked apple fries with caramel dipping sauce? Hasbro, I am dissapoint.
It's still totally staying that way in my personal canon.
Given the number of times it was shown in the show, I'm surprised that they don't have Pin the Tail on the Pony under activities.
VastaKustutaThey do have Pin the Tiara on the Pony, though...