• My Little Pony Convention Information

    About a week ago, I created a post about an official my little pony convention on Rhode Island. 

    Someone who has been on the pony scene for years has created what is essentially a guide for bronies who wish to attend.  It explains various events that take place, and essentially prepares you for what to expect.  If you do plan on checking the convention out, I'd suggest reading through the article.  You can find it below!

    MLP Convention Guide for Bronies

    29 kommentaari:

    1. Nate here. We're not an island D:

      Though we like to think we are XD

    2. Out of curiosity... Any word for this years Otakon 2011 over here in Baltimore on the last Friday, Saturday and Sunday of July?

    3. Wait... Possible clips of season 2?

      I WANT TO GO.

    4. If only RI wasn't so far away, or I wasn't so broke. Ah well, c'est la vie.

    5. Nate here (again). Oh yeah, I'm going. I am sooo going. Already requested the time out of work and gathered a group of friends to go with. It's gonna be great. We hope to see some of you there!

    6. Why doesn't anything cool happen in Canada?

    7. Im on the other side of the country, so i don't believe i will be attending, however it would be cool if someone did a write up on this convention if somepony does go.

    8. I noticed a few more news articles about us on their site. And they were positive articles too. Win.

    9. I'd love to go to that, shame I live in the UK

    10. So I'm in MA, so there's a very real chance I could go to this. I was getting a little excited about the Hasbro Tour thing, but apparently you have to buy tickets for that before June 14th :(

      I'm not really sure if it would otherwise really be something for me, considering that I don't even have any McDonald's ponies. Mostly I would just want to hang out with bronies, but that's something I could do for free... if I knew where to find them.

      So... I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

    11. "We’re grown people who love magic ponies. We’re not exactly violent."
      That's possibly the best line I've read today.

    12. oh cool that was nice of her to post for us!

    13. I'd really love to go to this but it's pretty much a physical impossibility :(

    14. Gah, being a eurobrony is hoof shakingly frustrating sometimes >:(

      Ah well, given time I'm sure the rest of the UK will eventually turn pony and we'll all have our own awesome conventions...

      That or I'm going to the US for ponies baby yeah!

    15. @alasdair

      We already do: http://astoundance.com/ponycon/

    16. DO WANT.

      But can't has.

    17. I like like a half hour away from there, but I'm busy that weekend. ._.

    18. I would go to this, but there are two problems relating to me-
      1. I'm a Europony, naturally.
      2. I'm under eighteen.
      Ah, well. Perhaps in four years time. Although FiM might have been replaced by some other rubbish animation by then.

    19. Awesome write up! It was super thoughtful for her to post it. Thank you <3

    20. Me and my sister are going to san diego comic con. Will any other bronies be attending?
      -Uncle Leo

    21. Seems like everything I enjoy gets itself a convention eventually. This time it had one before I got into it. Bronies in places other than Rhode Island, fear not. Many of the more productive artists contributing to Bronydom seem to come from another fandom that is quite skilled at throwing conventions. It is only a matter of time before somepony in Germany or Pittsburg gets their paws... I mean whooves on a hotel space or an expo center to throw a Grand Galloping Gala or something. It would be nice of em' to take a break from making the internets go just for us. Who ever wrote that article was very helpful. I'm not going to the Hasbro thing, but I liked hearing about it. I'm sure it will be very useful to bronies who were considering it.

    22. I wish I could go. Seeing the toy manufacturing process would be really cool.

    23. I would totally go, but I'm in Illinois so it would be quite the drive D: (I know most rich folk take planes for long distances but...like...we're barely keepin' our heads above water as is;;; )

      Plus my parents would be the ones driving, and while I didn't mind going across many states for a particular anime convention a few years back, I have a feeling that they'd be even MORE annoyed at me if I dragged them to this sort of thing;;;

    24. As someone who's also been part of the MLP scene for years, I can say that guide is completely accurate. Come to the fair and have fun! :)

      (The only thing I disagree with is MLP FIM being considered part of G3. Before the show came out there was debate over this. Since it was still set in Ponyville and had some G3 characters (like Pinkie) in it, should it still be considered part of G3? But most collectors started calling it G4 or FIM after the show came out.)

    25. Huh, I never thought that living in RI would benefit me.

    26. Summer Hayes (the fair organizer's name) sounds like a pony name. :)

    27. Just FYI, Hi, I'm Hillary who wrote that post. :-) Thanks for the link and glad you found the post helpful.

      I just wanted to add that I think the Hasbro tour has since sold out so if you are planning on going just double check if you can get tickets before making travel plans.

      Hopefully see some of you there! :-)

    28. @Kirkwall

      I dunno. I would LOVE to go to a pony convention, but since I am only 13 and don't have a drivers license, or the money to fly over to where the convention is, I am pretty much screwed.

      Now, if the convention was, say, 4 or so hours away from where I lived, then I'd most likely be able to give if I begged the living hell out of my parents, and it's the summer.
