Now Twilight Sparkle here.. I wouldn't mind having 3 of these in my deck. That's almost Pokemon Card game level searching right there. It might even make wurms/dragons viable. Or hydras! That mana cost is pretty nuts!
Suddenly I want to get back into MTG. Sorry guys, this site is toast. Maybe I'll run out of money by season two trying to build new decks every other week.
You can find them here!
It was inevitable.
ReplyDeleteI like toast =3
ReplyDeleteI went through a Yugioh phase myself, so I know just how much time and money can get sucked up into cards..
ReplyDeletePretty cool. The hydra shouldn't be more than Common though. It's a kind of crumby card.
ReplyDeleteOnly three?
ReplyDeleteAs a massive Magic design snob, I could really pick these apart. But I'm just gonna sit back and let people enjoy it instead.
ReplyDeleteI've never been interested in a blue deck more than I have at this very moment.
ReplyDelete...you're making me want to play MtG as well, now.
ReplyDeleteI so would build a monoblue around Twixie.
COnfound these ponies, they reignite my old addictions!
Tried reading those cards when I've never played before....Ow. That hurts my brain.
ReplyDeleteSilly Seth, you forgot the link to the other 62.
Twilight seems like an incredibly frustrating card to play with any effect, but in a blue/black EDH deck, could prove very interesting getting a Time Stretch and some other goodies with the fetch.
ReplyDeleteThe Hydra is very underwhelming for a rare. Maybe uncommon. Oh well. Wizard's always has to print dollar rares. I also would probably put some green in the mana cost for it considering the +1/+1 counters.
ReplyDeleteHe just didn't want us to see this: http://kitonin.deviantart.com/art/Trixie-the-Deserter-FiMtG-212982961
That's right, Seth, Trixie's true colours revealed in card form!
oh lord. that Twilight Card....
ReplyDeleteIt would make me win.
Solution to all these cards = Doom Blade
ReplyDeleteSeth, check your email. :(
ReplyDeleteOh my god.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me there are more than this. Rules be dammed, I'm turning these into actual cards and sticking them straight into my decks.
Ah yes, I would definitely get back into the game for some Friendship is Magic the Gathering.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I buy this cards?
ReplyDeleteWe need more. I can't enphasize this enough.
ReplyDeleteThe text needs lots of work. It doesn't match the Wizards formatting at all. Also, the power level of some cards need major fixing.
ReplyDeleteSo much flavour! Perusing the rest of the set the power/rarity levels are all over the place and a lot of the cards are off colour-pie, but I'm really impressed by the effort here. I may just just go through and comment on every one!
ReplyDeleteSeth, if you lost the site, I'd buy it from you.
ReplyDeleteScrew the rules, I have money!
I'd play Magic with these, should they be fixed and translated into spanish. Feck, I learned it that way, and some terms do feel weird. O.o
ReplyDeleteI know right, so much makes me wanna scream hrngh, people should really learn what evergreen mechanics go in what colours, its not that hard.
All this MtG jargin makes me understand Derpy more than ever
ReplyDelete1. Play heavy draw/control deck with 4 Twilight
ReplyDelete2. Wait until you have 2
3. Use ability targeting 1 Emerakul, 1 Ulamog, and 1 Kozilek
4. Cast second Twilight
5. ???
6. Profit!
@Sethisto if you have a Magic Deck, Come at me Bro, at Gamers Inn thats where ill be. Nissa will Dominate the field with elves! Muhahahahah!
ReplyDeleteThat Twilight card is absolutely broken. Being able to pic any 3 cards from your deck AND play them for free? Insane. As an addded bonus, if your opponent is running them as well, her effect triggers on their Twilight entering play as well. Without that, it is still a tutor for 3 cards that you can just put straight into your hand even without another Twilight.
ReplyDelete@Crazy Brony Do you run EDH Nissa or Standard Nissa? If EDH I don't really have much to counter that (no pun intended), but if you play standard I'd love the opportunity to beat you down with 200,000,000,000,000,000,000 Deceiver Exarchs.
ReplyDeleteBut the Hydras name is 'Alan Greenspan'!!
ReplyDeleteShould have called it friendship is Magic the gathering :P
ReplyDeleteOh wait you did... my bad XD
ReplyDeleteScrew it, I went on DeviantArt and judged the hell out of them.
ReplyDeleteStill waiting for the Duel Masters MLP set.
ReplyDeleteI'm a Finn who was born in '95 so I never played Magic the Gathering. Now I REALLY want to try it out... Can anyone tell me if it's too difficult to start playing it or something? And how costly is it to buy cards?
ReplyDeleteIt's really not a hard game to learn at all. You can learn the basics all pretty easily, it'll just take a while to get to grips with the subtleties of the strategy. You can pick up an intro pack for pretty cheap, which contains a ready-to-play 60 card deck, plus a 15-card booster pack. You can also get a deckbuilder's toolkit, which is a good starting point for deckbuilding, for not too much. Fat packs are also a good place to start a collection.
The biggest problem is finding someone to actually help teach you the game. If there are any game shops in your area, I recommend checking them out and seeing if there's anyone there willing to help out.
@Amos If there's a hobby store near you that hosts FNM or the like, you might want to go down there, have a look, and ask a few people. It's not at all difficult to start playing. As for the cost, it varies a lot depending on the decks and formats you're going to play, but if you want to play seriously it will be quite an investment.
ReplyDelete@post: Balance issues. Review costs and combo potential.
I stopped playing MTG just before Weatherlite came out, so I'm not sure about the newer cards.....but some of these pony cards seem pretty overpowered.
ReplyDeleteAhaha, I can't wait for college to start up again in the fall.
ReplyDeleteI have a group of friends who all play MTG between classes. I am totally slipping printed-proxys of these cards into some of my decks for the lulz!
"I summon The Great and Powerful Trixie!"
"WAT?! That's not a real card!"
*U mad? <3*
Gonna be great.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@ a href #c1854161653522529906 >Max /a>
ReplyDeleteRarity is not and *should not* be decided based on power.
Since I don't have a DA account, I'll just drop my comment here:
ReplyDeleteYou have several cards with the word "reagent" in them. A reagent is something you add to a chemical mixture or a potion, to help reconstitute the precipitate. A "regent" is an appointed ruler.
I don't want to dissolve Celestia into a potion to make the Sun, do I?
There is no "A" in regent.
The wording on the cards makes it sound like someone who hasn't played the game very long. Zecora should exile enchantments to play them, Vocal Complaint should say "if the kicker cost was paid" rather than "kicked", things like that.
ReplyDelete@CaliBrony i run a Standard Deck, its not too bad, but it doesn't have the stuff to be the best
ReplyDeleteActually no, the "if ~ was kicked" wording is correct. Look at any card with kicker from the recent Zendikar block for examples. That said though, yes, there are a lot of wording problems.
I made some of my own, most are a little overpower. If you want to compare them you can see them here. http://alternatepony.deviantart.com/gallery/
ReplyDeleteThoughts would be appreciated.