• Music: Nightmare Moon // Pinkie Pie's Exomix // Giggle At The Ghostly

    Music! Music! Octavia! It's like they belong together. Probably because she's a musician. But that's not interesting enough for our writers. Or me.

    Writers, listen up- I want a fic about Octavia where she was forced to learn to play an instrument when she was little and hated it. I want her to go through her childhood hating this instrument so much she wants to smash it, because she thinks she's terrible at it and it's clunky and it gets her beaten up at school because she's a nerd. Then, I want her to go to a classical concert that, of course, her parents drag her to. I want her to hear the most beautiful music she's ever heard in her life, and I want it to inspire her to keep playing that instrument of hers until she sounds as good as that orchestra. And then you can ship her with Scratch or something; I don't care, I just want that first part. Okay? Get on it! What am I paying you for?!

    1.) Escape from the Moon
    2.) Pinkie Pie's Exomix
    3.) Giggle At The Ghostly

    32 kommentaari:

    1. Cereal, that's the best idea I've ever heard, now...


      Oh and the music was awesome.

    2. You don't pay us...also, getting Child of Eden vibes from that second track.

    3. It's gotten to a point where I can tell which posts are Cereal's.

    4. Challenge Accepted.

      When Octavia was little she was forced to learn to play her guitar and she hated it. She went threw her whole childhood hating the guitar so much she wanted to smash it, because she thought she was terrible at it and it's clunky and it gets her beaten up at school because the other ponies she her as a nerd. Then, she went to a classical concert that, of course, her parents dragged her to. There, she heard the most beautiful music she ever heard in her life, and it inspired her to keep playing her guitar until she sounded as good as the orchestra. And then she got married with Scrath.

      The End.

    5. Oh damn, I misspelled Scratch.

    6. I think you just wrote it for yourself, Cereal.

    7. I didn't get it.. this music is about Pinky mostly.. Octavia? :D I think she wouldn't love this music much :D

      p.s.: giggle song is awesome!

    8. taco, you win

      the end

    9. @Tacoworld501Wow! It's Hemingway reborn as a pony. So beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so very much!

    10. If I were more in tune (heh, get it) with Octavia's character than I would totally get right on that.

    11. You're not paying us for anything.

      You're not paying us is the important bit, I think.

    12. ....Cereal has money? Which means he has a job? Which means he isn't (wor)shipping ponies all the time? Which means he has a life?

      I'm surprised

    13. You know, I keep meaning to write a fanfic with Lyra and Octavia (not shipping)...

      Wait a minute, since when was I paid for anything involving ponies??

    14. #3 Is Very Good.. I love my Hardcore!

    15. #1-Really cool. Nicely done.
      #2-Ok, couldn't really finish it :/
      #3- Really enjoyed this one! Good job.

    16. One thing of note to artists who draw Octavia- when you carry a string bass, you carry it so the strings are facing away from your body, so as to not damage them.

      And... I might just get on that story idea. We'll see! I imagine somepony else will beat me to finishing it.


      I expect full payment in candy by Monday. You know what I like.

    18. escape from the moon is amazing oh my DAMN

    19. You just joggled my memory of a time when I was a young 'un, and our headteacher would tell somewhat entertaining stories about her life as a child.

      I cannot remember the exact details, but she once wanted to play a particular instrument, but instead got a violin given to her. She hated it, she hated the sound, her lack of skill at playing it, and the fact it was 'made of horse hair and cat guts'. she hated it so much that she took a can of black paint to it and painted it completely black, much to the dismay of her parents.

    20. BUT YOU'RE NOT PAYING ME AT ALL said the man as he furiously scribbled on a page about Octavia the Great.

    21. Nightmare Moon is best pony.

    22. @Ivan2294
      Bronies having a life? BLASPHEMY! Did you not read the Wired article?

      I kid, of course.

    23. Silly commentators, you're all being paid in love. And pony content. It's a package deal. I knew I couldn't find 7% of his stuff on my lonesome if it weren't for this site.

    24. #1 This one is much to my liking *tanks vary mauch*

    25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWmE8T09-G4

    26. #3 Yay Wip3out music! Can I get that pinkie pie for Piranha? XD

    27. You are paying the fanfic writers? O.o

      *immediately cease all other projects in life and get into writing*

    28. All three songs were SOOO awesome!
