• Music: Luna's Fury (Dubstep) / WWU Rock Cover / This Is My Jam

    Music time!

    You guys will not convert me to dubstep! Stop trying! Not even Trixie dubstep will do it!

    Also trying out Soundcloud embeds. Lets see if this works.

    1.) Luna's Fury (Fan Music) MLP Dubstep
    2.) WWU Rock Cover
    3.) This is My Jam (Soundcloud Embed! Enable Script!)

    Terawatt - This is My Jam [CLIP] by Terawatt

    47 kommentaari:

    1. Ok what we need is a Great and Powerful Trixie vs. Rarity dubstep battle with Trixie winning. That will convert him for sure.

    2. Number 1 is very good. Luna is the best!

    3. #2 I squeeled like a 3rd grade girl

    4. At least Seth has the good sense to not like dubstep.

    5. Oh Celestia... That's not dubstep... Not even once.

    6. I'm guilty of liking dubstep myself. Sit in my car, the bass all the way up, I get lost easily in the beats. The one above is very well done I must say!

      The winter wrap-up cover is pretty darn epic :)

    7. ok heres what i think

      #1-sweet princess luna and dubstep.

      #2-wow love it i can sing to it now.

      #3-hmm wow AWESOME.

    8. I was expecting a terrific drop in #1...but I liked it all the same.
      #2 is just EPIC.
      #3 was...nice. Yes. Nice.

    9. That.

      I'm getting sick of all these Dubstep misconceptions.

      buck you, skrillex, it's all your fault, making a beautifully potential genre a mess resembling optimus prime passing a kidney stone.

    10. 1. Meh, I just don't hear the appeal of this...genre?
      2. Here's some music! Fuck yea!
      3. It's aight.

    11. What's with all the weirdness with dubstep? I can see why people may not enjoy it, but I don't get why people are acting like it's some weird stuff.

      To me, it's quite an interesting style. Since I appear to be going through a House/Dance/DnB sort of phase, I find dubstep to be a welcome change of tempo. The slower, more aggressive tones make for a track that I can focus to, rather than be distracted by.

    12. #2 is a great start.

      I recommend recording it with a metronome in your ears though-the tempo fluctuates a lot in that WIP.

      But man, that is one of if not the best realization of WWU I've heard.

    13. If number 3 finishes it up, I may just have to acquire me a copy

    14. bah, meant number 2 >.<" curse you lack of edit feature!

    15. When will people learn what dubstep is.

    16. #2 is brilliant. Needs a whole band to back it up complete with cover singers, then it'd be perfection.

    17. *Come on ED*

      *See pic*




    18. These were all good, but Luna's Fury was especially awesome. Not quite full-on dubstep, but still amazing.

    19. Woah, I went from 28 plays on my song (#3) to over 500. You guys rock. Also, I do plan on finishing it when I get more free time.

    20. @Rainbow Mous

      I guess I don't really like dubstep, then. Just Skrillex.


    21. It would be helpful to get an example (maybe a link?) of what dubstep "is" instead of all these condescending remarks. I think these are pretty great, even if they're not dubstep (allegedly).

    22. #2 need drums. still awesome either way though.

    23. @Anonymous

      I like to think dubstep is like all other types of music, in that people only try to define it so they can point at songs they don't like and say, "THAT'S NOT REALLY DUBSTEP/GRINDCORE/PUNK/GOTH/CLASSICAL BOHEMIAN DANCEPOP". Me, I just listen to whatever songs I think sound good and don't really give a fuck what genre they're supposed to be.

      ...and on a random note, I just realized that Skrillex is exactly like My Little Pop. Both took something that had a niche fanbase but was mostly just ridiculed by the majority of society and made it accessible to a wide audience by going down a completely different path than the source material, thereby drawing in a new audience that really only liked the new, "mainstream" stuff and royally pissing off the niche fanbase, who were annoyed that everyone was calling the new stuff by the same name as the old stuff that they liked. Wonder what else is like that...

    24. Skrillex really didn't do anything different than what other dubstep producers were doing at the time. He just got promoted by deadmau5, which pretty much made him instantly famous.

    25. #1 Hmmm... Nah. Better luck next time.

      #2 HELL YEAH!

      #3 Meh.

    26. God damnit will you genre snobs shut up and just enjoy the music already.

    27. #1 is cool even though its not dubstep

      #2 is cool but I feel like its not really a real guitar for some reason....seems too electronic... Ive heard computer produced guitar and drums before and this seems like it but I'm not sure. Maybe its just very well recorded and produced. I was doing this same thing except I have drums, bass, and vocals, just need guitar but I havent figured out the perfect notes....

      #3 was ehh

    28. #2- Awwwwwwww yeeah.

    29. #1 was very well done. A couple dead parts, but overall quite imaginative and catchy.

      #2 was badass :D I love what you did with the very first part. Hope to hear more of this WIP!

      #3 was... nice.

    30. I agree with Rainbow, 1is not dubstep, but its still awesome
      2 is better than agverage, the dual guitar is nice touch, but still, overdone
      3 aint bad, but could be alot better. Still better than 2/3 of what I hear out there

    31. @Rainbow Mous Lmao xD That Optimus Prime Comment had me rofling. I'm sorry it didn't meet up to your expectations though, I am still kind of a n00b at "dubstepping". And maybe you would be so kinda as to show me what you know is Dubstep?

    32. #2 Finally good rock cover. Luv it <3

    33. #2 is AWESOME!!! *dash squeal*
      I totally prefer it over mine ^^ (the first one)

    34. #1 Hmmm....Didn't really feel it, dubstep or no dubstep.
      #2 Has the potential for greatness!
      #3 It was alright.

    35. #1 could use this as background music for a boss fight or somethin
      #2 he's getting better but he's either skipping notes or having a hard time keeping up with the vocal rhythm plus could use a drum line or a base line
      #3 very different type of music not good or bad for me

    36. number 2 is the most amazing thing i have ever heard cant stop listening to it

    37. This is Bigponymac.

      Some of you are forgetting or aren't realizing that the WWU cover is still a WIP. I do plan on adding a bass and drum line. I also plan on re-recording when I get back from vacation.

      ALSO I didn't even plan on having this featured yet. This is a total surprise to me. lol

    38. I remember choosing A, or was it C, NO, wait, it was D, I'm sure it was D.

    39. Bigponymac, as soon as you're done with your WWU cover, I'm ready to make it my standard tune for any epic occasion. SO MUCH LOVE.
