• Music: Giggle at the U.N. Owen / Hush Now Quiet Now (Guitar Version) / KK Slider WWU

    Something completely ridiculous, and 2 covers this time around!

    1.) KK-Slider Winter Wrap Up
    2.) Friendship is Metal - Hush Now Quite Now (Guitar Version)
    3.) [MLP: FiM x Touhou] "Giggle at the U.N. Owen

    30 kommentaari:

    1. One of the first times where I can say that enjoyed all three of the videos.

    2. Guitar covers make everything better.

    3. #3 gave me shivers. I could not stop thinking of Crazy!Pinkie as Flandre...

    4. The KK Slider one was great, brought back memories of obsessing over that game.

    5. Whoa, #3... It was only a matter of time before the two were mixed.
      (Though admittedly I was somehow half-expecting that somepony finally made a PMV of this...
      Oh Celestia, I wonder how many ears would bleed the day that gets released.)

      The K.K. Slider one was pretty neat though.

    6. 1. Olol Animal Crossing. I can't even count many times I requested "Free Bird" to him
      2. Normally I enjoy heavier covers, this one felt unfinished
      3. I'm not sure what that was. Maybe I missed something...

    7. Somewhere in gensokyo is a shrine bordering their world to Equestria guarded by a powerful Shrine mare.

    8. I liked number three's arrangement, but placing a mic on your piano doesn't create a very high quality recording.

      Two was pretty rad, save for the voice-bites beyond the intro/outro. Why do people keep throwing stuff like that in there?

    9. KK Slider is classic, and the rock cover was outstanding!

    10. Animal Crossing needs to be hacked to get K.K. slider to play this song.

      All Animal Crossings. Those existing and that which is to come.

    11. Number 3 :o
      sound is a little funny but still, very nice!

    12. I loved the KK Slider one. To bad K.K. Winter Wrap Up won't fit in AC

    13. Maker of #3 here! Glad everyone likes the arrangement! That makes me happy~

      In the Youtube description, I wrote up a short narrative that follows the mood of the song.

      This was my first time recording something, so all I had was a little Nikon Coolpix camera to record with. Perhaps I could put the camera on one of the TV trays and maybe re-record?

      Anyways, I'm hoping season 2 has more songs that might mesh with Touhou music. It would be fun to come up with another one of these!

    14. I liked number 3. It was only a matter of time until someone crossed the two and made an arrangement.

    15. The composition in #3 was superb. I only made out a few measures of what I could discern to be a majorly key-shifted phrase from Giggle At The Ghosties, but beyond that and the obvious bit at the beginning, it seems like a very inspired original composition that would not sound out of place in the soundtrack for some sort of action-drama anime. It reminded me of some of the piano pieces scattered throughout the various properties of the .hack// franchise (which is known for having terrific music).

    16. Hush now guitar was pretty neat.

      Three...I dont cwhatudidthar

    17. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    18. #1 here. Great to see you guys liked my um...arrange,i was thinking of doing Art of the Dress if this turned out well <3

    19. I knew I'd like #3 before it even played.

    20. I was so excited for #2.


    21. Once again, Dethonator proves himself to be pretty much my favorite person ever.

    22. winter wrap up, winter wrap up ... Me Gusta

    23. the lullaby cover was excellent.

    24. #2, the guitar is really well done. The best part though is how it speaks to Fluttershy.It really sounds like there's a dialogue between them at the beginning and it's beyond cute.

    25. That piano cover was pretty amazing. I don't know the other song it was mixed with, but it sounded great regardless. This guy's got skills.

    26. Love all the three~

      And the 3rd one... Someone go make a danmaku shooting game with ponies!

    27. We need more Touhou/MLP mashups.

    28. What song does the third one have at 2:50? I AM IN LOVE WITH THAT TINY SNIPPET!!!
