Rarity's first because Rarity is best pony.
These etched glasses come to us courtesy of SardonyxFox over at DeviantArt, and they're fabulous! If I had one of these, well, I wouldn't do nearly as much late-night post scheduling as I do now.
Three more after the break!

38 kommentaari:
I really want the dash one...also first?
VastaKustutaHaving Derpy on a shot glass would be...oddly appropriate.
VastaKustutaif i had one of those... ooh lawd.
VastaKustutaThose look awesome. The Derpy one looks... well... a bit derped up with some of the etching job. The other ones look fantastic.
VastaKustutaHaving one of these? Why not, it would be classy I guess.
VastaKustutaThose look great. I especially like the Dash one.
VastaKustutareally? firsting in ED? fine if you want to be a bitch.
rainbow dash makes drinking 20% more fun its been proven
VastaKustutaSilly Cereal, that's not how you spell Rari..oh wait...
VastaKustutaThese look great (except maybe Derpy needs a simpler and clearer picture as the basis of the etching).
The bottom Dash one...WANT! ...Rarity forgive me!
@Anonymous How long have you been here? every post seems to have someone who "first's"
VastaKustutaIf I had one of these, I would drink shots of chocolate milk from it.
VastaKustutareally? not ONE "confound these ponies..." joke?
VastaKustutaNice! where can I get those?
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash, makes you 20% drunker.
VastaKustutaRarity, makes drinking 20% more classy.
Fluttershy, makes everyone love you.
@Trap Cobalt
VastaKustutaAnd Derpy makes you 20%... Well... Derpier...
I feel like a Rarity wine glass would be more fitting.
VastaKustuta1+Bubbly alcoholic beverage+one silly filly=Derp eyes + bubbles cutie mark
VastaKustutaDerpy hooves = Explained
Alcohol+Mathmatics=All questions solved
*takes a shot of a Rarity glass*
VastaKustuta"I vant to be left alone!"
I could go with a derp or rainbow dash shot glass but...
VastaKustutaRarity needs a martini glass
Fluttershy highball glass
Twilight old fashoned glass
Pinky margarita goblet
Rainbow Dash ...shot
Apple Jack beer mug (Although I see her as more of a bottle gal...)
Dash - Vodka
VastaKustutaRarity - Gin
Fluttershy - Brandy
Derpy - Everclear
Pinkie - Tequila
Applejack - Whiskey (or, well... applejack.)
Twilight - Cognac
confound these ponies, they drive me to purchase merch with ponies on them to finish this meme.
VastaKustutaDerpy: Glass Boot
I think I will do just that, now to collect those particular glasses and re-etch. :D
VastaKustutaooh that would be so cool to have in Equestria. Then we could REALLY party with ponies. We already know Pinkie loves sarsparilla.
VastaKustuta@Adrian Brony
VastaKustutaThere is a cupcake vodka that is coming out soon. Pinkie Pie's drink for sure!
And I do hope she makes a Pinkie shot glass. She is the party pony after all.
I'll drink to that.
VastaKustutaneed twilight shot glass
VastaKustutathose look great my fav is the RD one. wish i could get one.
VastaKustutaGreat Shot Glasses. :p
VastaKustuta>Rarity's first because Rarity is best pony.
VastaKustutaUnderrated, but not best.
VastaKustuta>not best
Silly anon, that's not how you spell 'is best'.
I think 'Is best pony' is Seth-anesian for 'Pony I picked for blog post'
VastaKustuta@Delta Pangaea
But Cereal posted this
Oh God, I might have to buy a bunch of these. I collect shotglasses. (I had two custom ones made for me, but on of them broke in the trip back home from college).
VastaKustutaI will basically be needing an entire set of these for my basement Trixie bar. Ponies have eaten all of my monies.
VastaKustutaNo Luna?
VastaKustutaHrm, you would think the pony representing the night would be the first to get it...
Than again, she was on the moon fer 1000 years.
Okay, since I just saw this, and I don't get paid til the 17th, I'm donating blood to pay for a whole set damnit. Or at least the mane six.
VastaKustutaSo taking a whack and saying a whole set is $100+... That's 20..24-27Oz. of blood in eight or so days?
I won't be able to drink, BUT I WILL HAVE MIEN PONIES!