Gasp and a half! Are you, like me, somepony who foolishly squandered their chance at snatching up the McDonald's pony toys when they had the chance? Have you dismayed lo these many months about the crazy, crazy prices these things sell for on eBay? Every night I think about how I can't brush a pony's tail is soul crushing torture. If you know my pain, then I have good news for you: they're back! In Hong Kong!
You may be saying to your computer screen, "Phoe, I know you can't hear me, but are you crazy? Those ponies are all the way over there! How am I supposed to get them?" Well, mysterious figure from across the internet, unlike me I assume you are a resourceful pony. These things are going to be making their way back over here, and when they do it should be significantly cheaper to pick them up. Perhaps soon I will get to lull myself to sleep every night with a Rainbow Dash to call my very own.
45 kommentaari:
I joined the Brony society after McDonald's had stopped putting them in the happy meals, I very much hope that I can get my hands on one
VastaKustuta1.) Get a private jet
VastaKustuta2.) Fly to Hong Kong
3.) ???
4.) PONIES!!!
VastaKustutaI hope the mcdonalds see the poularity and bring them back in america for a bit. Thanks for the info Phoe it's much appreciated.
VastaKustutaUncle Leo
VastaKustutaHmm have they appeared in the UK yet? Because the other toys haven't been released yet (first set on play is released next week) I would assume not.
VastaKustutaBring $8 for one pony with your meal, or $12 for additional ponies! One question, tho: do they come with free melamine? :)
VastaKustuta+1 to what Bongo said
VastaKustutaI must get fluttershy.
VastaKustutaAll of them.
Mcdonalds should just keep other toys in the Girl's happy meal, and just make The Pony Meal, with MANLY proportions.
VastaKustutaI may be able to convince a colleague to obtain some for me, if the show up in Worst Korea.
VastaKustutaThis may take some careful negotiation.
YES!!!! and I'm heading to Hong Kong in a week. It is a sign of the Great Brony!!!
VastaKustutaAnypony else find it odd that McDonalds has more accurate ponies than official Hasbro ones in stores?
I got them off ebay for 12 bucks hehehe
VastaKustuta> Phoe wanting Rainbow Dash
VastaKustuta> in her bed to lull to sleep with
> every night
Sorry Phoe can't wait for ponies in the US. I'm going to have to buy a plane ticket to Hong Kong.
VastaKustutaI´ll leave a note on the fridge: Brb, to Hong Kong.
VastaKustutaWhen I read this, I checked how much a plane ticket to hong kong would be ... I'll just buy them from e-bay.
VastaKustutaI detect panda
VastaKustutaYou mean South Korea? Cuz, cuz, North Korea is Best Korea.
Ugh, stereotype. Wasn't the news making fun of us with this?
VastaKustuta"And then we can't believe we're getting a plane ticket to Hong Kong because we missed a chance to get a McDonald's Happy Meal toy in America."
lol j/k this is awesome omg!
Honestly though, they look kinda ugly. If I had to buy something, I'd prefer one of those plushies I saw somewhere on this website XD
VastaKustutaI guess I'll hold off on paying $15 for a Mickey D's Fluttershy.
For a little while, anyways. See if somepony decides to offer them cheap or something...
Logo says: My little Pony, chinese is cryptic ...
VastaKustuta@Bongo Actually it's even simplier than that: just go south of the border, and get into any decent-sized "tianguis" or flea market. Then you can find tons of McD's ponies at very cheap prices =)
VastaKustutaThat way I'm making my own pony collection (unfortunately, that elusive Rainbow Dash is getting quite hard to get >=/ ).
>hongkong site
VastaKustuta>people think the prices are in USD
i seriously hope you guys dont do this
what's the big deal? the toys are terribly cheap and badly designed.
VastaKustutaThese ponies don't look technically accurate. I wish they were 20% cooler.
VastaKustutaI have an extra G4 Rainbow Dash McDonald's toy still in it's original unopened packaging. I also have Twilight Sparkle, AppleJack, Princess Celestia and Cheerilee.
VastaKustutaI have the entire set, these are extras that are just sitting around collecting dust in my house.
If someone is interested, I would be willing to part with them.
I can actually find the ponies pretty cheap at my local fleamarket got Celestia for $1 and Rarity for fee with purchase of Lion King for Game Gear
VastaKustutaYou mean here in Mexico? The show hasn't even aired here yet...
Bought the entire set when they had just come out for like 17 bucks on ebay, and a later second set for customs for around 23 bucks, so it's just a matter of looking around and snagging the right deal.. but people are not missing allot by not owning these figures.
VastaKustutaApplejack and Twilight are the only two 'really' decent looking figures of the bunch. The rest aren't bad persay they just show their flaws more openly.
Quick! To the Batmobile!
VastaKustutaHm, I really want those figurines, but I boycott McDonald's. No way in hell will I give up my morals for a few plastic figurines; Applejack wouldn't approve. (And neither would the others.)
VastaKustutaGoing back to Hong Kong next week
VastaKustutaAcquire Pony
@Anonymous Yes, here in Mexico fellow cabrony! Know the show hasn't aired yet on mexican television, but anyway you can find Mc D's ponies on several "tianguis" and flea markets.
VastaKustutaI'm living in Guadalahoofra and I've managed to get 6 of the ponies: only need Rainbow Dash and Cherilee for getting my little collection complete =D
NZ is yet to even get the show. and well probly be the last to get it as well -.-
VastaKustutaI find the Mc Donald's toys to be decent. They combine molded hair with a brushable tail. Works well for me... Still no Luna though.
VastaKustutaThe biggest flaw with the McD toys is they really fail at the cutie marks. All the ponies that have triple marks only have a single mark (Fluttershy has one butterfly, Applejack has only one apple, Pinkie Pie has only one balloon, etc). Rainbow Dash's cutie mark is downright wrong. It's a magenta outline of a lightning bolt, no curvature, no rainbow colors, no cloud. Still, Dashie's hair is very nice, compared to the retail toy. Fluttershy's hair properly covers half her face on one side, and is NOT a recolored Dash, like she is is in the blind bags. Fact is, Mc Donalds Ponies are epic win for NOT being a bunch of recolors. Each of the 8 ponies are uniquely molded.
I'd like to buy some decal paper to use with my color laser printer. Since peopel have made graphics of the cutie marks, it'd be cool to print out a whole sheet of them. Sheets of cutie mark decals could be used to fix the incorrect McD cutie marks, and also make them appropriately double sided. That really annoys me, that they are too cheap to put the cutie mark on both sides.
Anyway, I love my McDash, and my 4 pack Dashie... even though my 4 pack Dashie is DERP EYED, to the MAX!!!
Having a Chinese roommate may be a substantial boon for me here. :D
VastaKustutaAll I would really like is a Rainbow Dash figurine to put in my office. It would go together with what I do (weather research).
VastaKustutawilliamcll here:
i forgot to mention that https://twitter.com/#!/Isoraqathedh knew about this first then he told me, so you guys should be giving him the apples
I've just been to Hong Kong... Too bad I came to McD in the morning.. They didn't sell it in the morning...
VastaKustutawhoa whoa whoa my brother is going to Korea man! yeah! but wait, he doesn't know about this ponies...
VastaKustutaDamn... I live in Hong Kong, and I wasn't a brony back then...