• Luna

    Luna time!  It is once again amazing!

    But that grass.. it's so dirty!

    My OCD is killing me.


    26 kommentaari:

    1. Who needs a hug? Who needs a hug?? Luna does, that's who! Come here, Luna, I'll hug you!

      (Yup, the cuteness has apparently shut down my (rumored) higher brain functions.)

    2. I'd attempt to express myself with verbal speech to my friends, but my vocal functions have been reduced to only making mindless squee noises.

    3. The main thing which buzzs me is hair color, it's suppose to be light blue not white

    4. But it is Too freaking cute to resist the hug
      Confound these ponies, they drive me to watch them 24/7 and hug plushies of them

    5. Ponies eat grass...she will be fine, plus I bet it beats moon dust! (Also after 1000 years I bet she really needed a shower)

    6. @The Critic
      The hair looks light blue to me? The only part of it that looks white is where the light is shining directly on it. (Celestia! Stop messing with Luna, dang it!)

    7. Don't worry Luna! I love you!

    8. Okay that's it. I want a pony plushie. Now.

    9. Holy hell whaaaaaaat?

      I literally JUST got to the part in the newst update of "Calling The Shots" where Celestia pulls out a Luna doll when I saw this.

      It is my destiny to own this doll!

    10. But does it come with a plushy abacus?

    11. How big is this? Is this just macro photo, or actually life sized?

      Because it looks like it really is. o_O

    12. *High pitched squeal!*

    13. @Pegasi

      The DA page says that its 14" tall and 11" long.

      I WANT IT

    14. I will pay good money for one of these!! My dream hugging Luna is so close! I need this plushy!!!!!!

    15. LUNA!!!

      Urge to hug and cuddle rising!

    16. I may be putting up an auction for the Luna I am currently working on (that one was a commission) to Ebay, so there is hope yet of getting your own.

      Or you'll find the thread on PonyChan and I'll lose all of my life to commissions.

    17. ahhh, it's so AWESOME!

    18. I'm trowing all my money to the screen but nothing happens!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!
