If I can be honest with you guys for a second, I'm really not all that into Luna. Blasphemy, I know. She's certainly very cute and I wish her all the best returning to her life in Canterlot. I hope she brings the house down in Season 2. But darn it, I just can't help but prefer Nightmare Moon. She had that whole "Queen of the Eternal Night" thing going on, plus a hammy 80's supervillain laugh. What does Luna have?
This plushie. Oh my gosh, just look at it. If you can stare in those eyes and not want to hug her senseless, your heart is made of stone. No. Not even stone. It's some pit, some shapeless void, some gateway into the terrifying maw of the realms beyond the cosmos. To put it bluntly, you have no soul. My gosh she is pretty. And when you're breaking out the italicized goshes, you know it's gotten serious. So love this. Be jealous of the pony who commissioned it and gets to snuggle into bed with it every night. And head on over to the creator's DeviantART page and maybe see if you too have what it takes to bring a cuddly little pony into your home (from the look of things, it's a little bit of a touch and go process. Don't swamp the poor girl).
49 kommentaari:
still nope
VastaKustutaOnly a Fluttershy plushie can be cuter.
VastaKustutaI like it!
VastaKustutao my gawd...
VastaKustutai want one ;____;
This must be the first plushie I see that is also unbelievably cute from the front.
My heart is filled with joy just seeing the pictures.
Mimi and her abilities will never cease to amaze me. Her plushies are simply gorgeous.
VastaKustutaI am a bottle preserves.
VastaKustutaDat smirk in the top left pic gets to me.
....and a Rainbow Dash one too thats equally cute would be amazing.
@Narwhals' Bend
DO WANT!!! Now all I need is a Fluttershy plushy and then my life will be complete!
VastaKustutaI just saw this on DA! THE cutest plushier ever made!
VastaKustutaI jelly.
This must be the best one so far o.o
VastaKustutaAaahh my heart... It hurts HHHNNNGGGG SSSOOOO AWESOME o3o
VastaKustutaWhy cant hasbro make a plushie this good?
VastaKustutaThat face is so cuuuuute.
VastaKustutaI wish I could get one of these. Even though I've had no interest in plushies before FiM, this is just too cute. Heck, I'd have to buy a little abacus to go with it.
I wish Hasbro realized the demand for well-made pony plushies.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutayou know what sucks? I already talked to her over at dA. I REALLY want[s]ed[/s] one, but 60$ + 40$ for germany-shipping is just something I'm not going to pay. I just know I couldn't forgive myself if I did, but damn...
VastaKustutaThe only thing missing is a little abacus.
VastaKustutaEr, it was actually Phoe that posted the news this time. Still, all the editors for this blog prefer the unicorns.
VastaKustutaOh, doy.. I'm an idiot. I really need to pay attention to these things more.
That's simply beautiful.
VastaKustutai don't know, is cute but mmm... i have a doubt if i want it
VastaKustutaYou know I didn't think many other people enjoyed Nightmare Moon. When the first episode premiered she was my favorite character in the series followed by Twilight. I still prefer her to Luna, though that may be because of Luna's lack of screen time.
VastaKustutaIt's a good plush toy I have to say.
@Narwhals' Bend
VastaKustutaYou win.
GAAAAAHHHHH my heart...... Why do i want to hug it so much
VastaKustutaLuna is the most adorible thing period.
VastaKustutaIf I could get a Fluttershy like that, my life would be complete.
VastaKustutaAnd I want that Luna, too.
Amazing, but... the wings look like tumors o_O
VastaKustutaWhy is it so hard to make realistic looking layered wings? They don't need to be stuffed like the rest of the plushie...
I'd happily pay $60 for one of these, but the $40 shipping takes it too far out of my comfort zone :-(
VastaKustutaI'd buy this. I'll admit I've not bought any of the Habro toys even after season one. But that's because I think the current toys Hasbro has out now are rather ugly and something I just don't want to have as decoration and as a result, I will not pay for a product I don't want. I love the show, but I will not support a company by buying a product I don't want or like. But I would buy this if it were an official product.
VastaKustutaLuna...you keep finding ways to make me just want to hug you ForEVER!
VastaKustutaSO...MUCH...WANT! :D
*SQUEEEEEEE* It's so cute! Fantastic job!
VastaKustutaAs much as I like Luna, I've decided to wait until her return in Season 2 before I start getting anything of her.
VastaKustutaThis, makes that really, really hard, does appear the maker is full on commissions though.
Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh!
VastaKustutaso cute, so adorable, I neeeeeeeeeeed one NOW!
VastaKustutaOMG that is the CUTEST thing EVER! I love the little topstich details on the wings! and the little smile! omg! I just want to give it a hug!
VastaKustuta@Anonymous"Why cant hasbro make a plushie this good?" I KNOW RIGHT lawls XD
VastaKustutaYES !!!
*Cackles maniacally*
And im gonna wub her and snug her and call her george.
(A Cookie to whoever knew it would be me.)
You sure do like to call on Science and make completely invalid--
VastaKustutaOh god she's so cute! <3
Must... resist...
... why the hay am I resisting? WANT.
Hah, and you guys have already filled up all her commission slots. Good job. :D
VastaKustutaI kinda want a Luna too. Especially if she gives it realistic wings like Anon said up there.
Best plushie ever award.
VastaKustutaRight here.
My vocabulary has been reduced to a series or giggles and squeals.
VastaKustutamy heart just stopped