• Lets Play: Super Fluttershy Land 2

    A couple of Lets Play videos have popped up for Super Fluttershy Land 2 already! That was quick.  If I ever get a break, I am definitely picking this one up.

    You can find both embeds after the break!

    This game also has the best final boss of any game, you can find that spoileriffic youtube video buried under the other two.

    Spoilers zomg?

    17 kommentaari:

    1. Does Fluttershy look like Applejack without her hat or is that just me?


      I was not proud in the making of Trixie...Wario had so much girth to him that I had to compensate for it by making Trixie bigger. And his movement, OH his movement. I was so close to giving up and making Trixie someone else, but I had to pull through.

    3. Pinkie gets used in a few stages but her sprite confuzzles me to no end especially when you press down.

      Fluttershy and Luna are well done, as is the few bosses. I really should have suggested cutie mark crusaders as the boss of the 'giant and mechanical Trixie' world. Plus the octopus boss could have been a alligator that fires 'Gummy's'.

      Otherwise I enjoyed the ending and the explanation that went with it, the last level was always the hardest one that comes back to memory. (I spent at least twenty of my 99 Fluttershy's beating the last level, I did the 999 coin bonus game and got 99 lives first try.)

    4. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    5. Holy crap, I got featured on Equestria Daily?

      ...I wasn't at all expecting this! xD

    6. Waves of pony-tinted nostalgia, just crashing over me!

    7. When Pinkie has the fireflower, she throws pies like in over a barrel, i think

    8. "If I ever get a break, I am definitely picking this one up."

      >>If I ever get a break


      You're a funny guy, Seth. :D

      No, but seriously, you're greatly appreciated, sir.

    9. @Drakengarde You can thank me for that. And yeah, this is a good game.

    10. @B-Man

      I truly hope Seth -does- get a break, sooner or later. Maybe if he changed the title of the blog to Equestria Weekly, he could manage one. (Or maybe not.)

      Anyhow, Super Mario Land 2 is one of my all-time favorite Mario games. I'm quite certain, though, that by now, I *would* prefer Fluttershy in the lead role.

    11. @MichaelXX2

      Awesome, bro! Thanks! xD

      Just gives us both another reason to continue uploading these vids, eh?

    12. The final battle is so badass - go Fluttershy!

    13. Coolio. Thanks for uploading it, Seth.

      I tells ya, this hack inspired me to become good at platforming. Cause if I didn't, then I'd see filly Fluttershy/Pinkie/Luna with a ":c" face and fall off the screen to who knows where.

    14. This is much more entertaining than I thought it would be.


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