• Lauren Faust Responds to Pony Weight / Sea ponies

    I saw this one floating around yesterday, but wasn't too sure how interesting it would be to discuss, lets roll with it anyway!

    This kind of explains why Pinkie Pie can devour truckloads of cake and stay completely fine!

    Though I do think Twilight looks a bit stockier sometimes... not that this is a bad thing. 

    Also some sea ponies below, just in case you were curious about their return some time in the near future.

    Apparently none are planned for season 2 (considering Lauren had at least some say in the initial stages of development) but who knows what will happen in Season 3!

    69 kommentaari:

    1. I need a picture of Rarity sobbing from Suited for Success to adequately respond to the second post by her.

      Why did you leave Lauren! Such a short tenure on such an awesome show! /sob

    2. a song even more mind numbingly catchy will be made for them @-@
      my body won't be ready

    3. This makes sense. Great find!

    4. daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn that's old

    5. I seriously want the sea-ponies to end up being like they were depicted in My Little Parcel, the MLP equivalent within the FIM universe.

      (Plus that prevents the Princesses from having to develop gills or something as part of their representation of all ponykind.)

    6. Seth that's been around forever!

    7. Interesting, his full name is carrot cake.


    8. Ponies that can talk are a little weird conceptually. "ponies" that are fish/dolphins? I can live without that.

    9. Funny... she never answered any of my questions...

    10. Actually if you look the way Twi is standing, she is holding her head high, and her hind end is riased slightly due to the placement of her rear hooves. In equine anatomy, for a horse to raise their head past a certail hight they must arc their back lower . . . . hence the pudgy look to her belly, while she is cute like that. . thats what looks to be going on. I did notice those changes in stance and body curvature alot in the series when they would "stand tall", or do other posture related changes. These animators really put out a huge amount of effort to bring out a major sense of realism. You just have to look for it. My curse is an eye for detail, i catch alot of things other may not. So this runs down my alley of perception. I didnt worry about weight issues myself . . . most horses dont really get fat if they are as active as these ponies are. Tho i have seen overweight horses and ponies before. :'(

    11. i thought this was a repsonse to physics brony by fuast too late at night need sleep

    12. Did you have to share this?

      This is just begging for pig-ish comments =\

    13. i always figured that Pinkie could eat that much because she burned all that energy with her gerbil-like metabolism :P

    14. Disregard Sea Ponies.
      Aqcuire Hippocampi.

    15. Honestly weight never crossed my mind when watching this show. It's a cartoon so the logic is cartoon characters don't get fat unless the script calls for it. Plus I mean come on, Pinkie has a bottomless pit for a stomach.(or if you go by some fanfics bulimia)

      The only time I noticed a pony looked chubby was in the last episode when they showed Pony Joe and he looked slightly more round than the other stallions shown in the show. Contextually it made sense, I mean come on the guy runs a freaking doughnut shop; I expect him to be a pudgy.

    16. Sea... Ponies... do... NOT... want...

    17. ^
      Agreed. Definitely do NOT want.

      Let's just stick to land ponies, shall we?

    18. ^We already have Pegasus ponies, too last for that.

    19. Actually, some of the fan made concepts of G4 sea ponies don't look to bad.

      Also, has S3 been confirmed? Or was it just an optimistic guess?

    20. No sea ponies, please. I don't think lauren faust could salvage those.

    21. She used "they're" when she meant "there" ...MUST...RESIST...URGE...TO...KILL...!

    22. No sea-ponies, PLEASE. They're more worthless than Aquaman!

    23. Odd, the weight concept never crossed my mind. But I've never seen a fat horse before, so I wouldn't know what to look for anyway. Though I am curious if Twilight had to work off all that food she ate when she met the Apple family.

      I wouldn't mind seeing sea ponies. That'd be a whole 'nother civilization to delve into. I want to see the lands of gryphons and dragons as well.

    24. Wait, why all the sea pony hate? What'd I miss?

    25. No SEA-Ponies (No sea monkeys) as i already replied to her.

    26. Well, it's not like the Princesses would have to grow gills. Who says Seaponies use gills? maybe they have lungs, and use them the same way air-breathers do, but with water?

      I digress though. Sea-ponies.... meh.

      Pinkie Pie? Hyperactive. And really, how often do we actually SEE her consume vast amounts of cake? I mean yeah, she has a sweet tooth, but nothing we've seen her eating would be hard to write off as just burnt off via crazy-saddle shenanigans.

    27. I've never seen any of the previous sea ponies, but I'd be willing to bet G4 sea ponies would look like a mix of badass and cute.

    28. Sea... Ponies?
      Guacala... >_<

    29. I'm afraid of Sea ponies. They go against the laws of nature. 3:

    30. So, Mr. and Mrs. Cake are actually named Carrot Cake and Cup Cake (respectively). I did not know this. Consider my mind blown into new levels of D'aaaaawwww!!!

    31. Dang! I guess they could still do a beach episode, but I was hoping for at least a nod to the sea ponies/ heck they could reach half-way and just use Mermaid ponies/hippocampi.

      So the mystery of the Cakes full names is finally solved.

    32. I too have to say that I don't like the idea of sea ponies.

    33. I agree, no sea ponies. Unicorns, pegasi, griphons, dragons, hydras, etc, make sense because they are all established mythological creatures as they are. The show doesn't need to start pony-ifying other mythological creatures, be it mermaids or anything else. Keep the equines equine, the reptiles reptilian, and the hodgepodges hodgepodgy please.

    34. >December 29th

      Why is this news now?

      Also fuck all you bitches I want seaponies
      I want twilight to make a underwater spell for them to visit the ocean floor. Where they meet them and I want pinkie to sing with them once they meet!

      also for the guys that haven't seen seaponies


    35. @WTBrony

      if normal horses/ponies are the way they are wouldn't seaponies make sense?

    36. For fuck's sake, if they make fat/skinny ponies just for the sake to make people feel better about their body weight issues, I'mma stop watchin' the show.

      Take care of your body and you won't have to feel bad about being fat/skinny/etc... If you take care of yourself, however you end up will probably be within a reasonable BMI.

    37. I actually think sea-ponies are too weird looking in the cartoon and downright horrifying as toys. They look like ponies who've been through some sort of bloody accident. If FiM does this I hope they'll do them more like mermaids with the front hooves and a tail, that might look less horrifying (though still creepy I suppose). Maybe it's best they left that idea out.

    38. I shall await for the shoo be doos to come.

      There IS a mythological water dwelling horse.
      It's called a Hippocamp and it is as well established as a unicorn and a pegasus.

      The G1 sea ponies are one big pun for a seahorse.

    39. Nononononononononononononononononononono !!!

      No seaponies, mer-ponies or any kind of aquatic equines, please !!!

      Don't do eeett !!! :(((

    40. More pony types would just water down the series.

    41. @Anonymous I see what you did there.

    42. I don't like sea ponies.

    43. The problem is that, why did he ask for "Sea-Ponies" in the next season? And he should have added or said "Please, do not add Sea-Ponies" or something like that?

    44. I've had a seapony story idea I've never had the time to write up that's a riff off Shadows over Insmouth...but teaches the girls a valuable lesson about Religious tolerance.

    45. I don't see why seaponies are a problem.

    46. Sea ponies are kinda freaky.

    47. After checking up Hippocamps on google...

      Sea ponies - Do NOT want
      Hippocampus-spell by Twilight, or that Hippocamps exists in a Kingdom not considered being withing Equestria (Is Equestria the whole planet or just one kingdom?) - DO WANT! DO WANT SO BAD! hopehopehopehopehopehopehopehopehopehopehopehope

    48. Am I the only one here who dislikes the idea of mer-ponies?

    49. I don't like the idea of seaponies.

      There's still the possibility of body-image problems for healthy variations from the norm. For humans, there's a variety of bone structures and natural body compositions that are perfectly healthy, and there IS a range of healthy fat/muscle compositions.

    50. I do understand the whole body build thing as it does make things easier.

      I do hope that they do make a Sea Pony episode for season 3. Not add a new pony race but do something like what was done in "Sonic Rainboom" for the Flutter Ponies. The gang goes to the beach for a vacation, Twilight bust out a new spell she'd been working on and BAM the main cast are Sea Ponies (temporarily) and they go on an undersea adventure.

    51. Season three what madness 0-o

    52. The G4 art people have done of seaponies where they look more like mermaids seem fine. If they did seaponies like that I would like it. It's just...mer-ponies sounds...off.

    53. Mrs. Cake's name is Cup Cake, and Mr. Cake's name is Carrot Cake? MIND BLOWN
      Also he looks way younger than her.

    54. There must be Sea Ponies. Everything from G1 must be revisited so that Studio B can redeem it for everything its worth. well, except the characters, but that's a copyright issue. And we've got Applejack and Spike, so who cares.

    55. "Also fuck all you bitches I want seaponies"

      I'm going to second that. Sea Ponies are pretty baller, and really know how to carry a tune.

    56. Regardless of how old this is, these posts are interesting and useful to those of us who follow FiM more casually.

      I hope that whoever fills Lauren's shoes will be as open to the fan base as she is/was.

    57. I don't think sea ponies are a bad idea, as long as they don't end up adding humans.
      That would ruin it...

    58. SHOO BEE DOO
      Sea ponies ftw.

    59. G1 was WAY darker than G4, not that they realized no little girls are actually watching it they're gonna be bringing G1 style villains back. and G1 villains like Tirac were a few skull codpieces short of a Warhammer special character.

      conversely, seaponies WIll come back, as a sort of "deep ones" cult of eldritch abominations

    60. Sea ponies are a 'maybe' for me. If done well, it would be neat. As long as they didn't shove them into every episode or something, just having them show up for a beach episode or the like, maybe an underwater adventure later after they are established. I mean, we already have zebras with Zecora, so it's not that big a stretch.

      @SomeGuy: The Twilight spell would work too...Flutter Ponies? *looks it up* ...OK yeah we don't need those we have pegasi for the whole 'flying pony' bit, but it was a nice callback in that sense. I'd be happy if it was a race or a spell, but I would prefer it as a race.

    61. Did she just imply she's never returning to her old role?

    62. Hippocamp spell , But rarity gets nervous about her ego taking over, and rents scuba gear instead.

    63. Candy2021 is a real piece of work. I wonder if she gets so up in arms about weight issues in real women, or if it's just cartoon ponies she's obsessed with.

    64. man, you people treat Sea-ponies worse than Ponyville treats Zecora

    65. As long as the Sea Ponies don't sing whenever they appear, I can live with it.

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    67. Awwwww yeeeah! and, one year later, season 3 is coming!
