Puns everywhere.
This post would have come to you guys sooner, but Megasweet was doing a drawing Livestream last night. I had to watch it in the interests of science. I'm sure you understand.
I'll be compiling these in a way similar to what Seth did for the previous event. Art entries will get a red tag, and story entries will get a blue tag, so you can scroll through quickly and find what you're looking for.
I received 60 entries, by the way! A better turnout than last Friendoff! I'm proud of you guys. We beat Seth! Well, technically, you all beat Seth. I didn't do anything.
SUPER FUN BONUS EVENT GAME: Take a shot every time a story was written about a Madmax image.
Alright, let's do this.
Someone forgot a page break-Seth
1) Art - Silent Nona Light
Story: Sunny Skies All Day Long

2) Art - Idess
Story: Fallout: Equestria

3) Story - Jake Heritagu
[Normal] Celestia the Maid

Artist credited: johnjoseco
4) Art - DJ Rainbow Dash
Story: Fallout: Equestria

5) Art - uSea
Story: The Catastrophic Case of the Cutie Mark Crusaders

6) Story - Narwhals' Bend
[Normal] Mare on the Moon

Artist credited: MikeTheUser
7) Art - Narwhals' Bend
Story: Butterscotch's Adventures in Equestria

7) Art - e2s4
Story: Growing Pains

8) Story - Typomouse
[Normal][Silly] Bath Day Bubbles

9) Art - Sparkler
Story: Dark Equestria

Story: Sunset - Epilogue

10) Story - Laurence Brown
[Comedy] The Cutie Mark Crusade

Artist credited: ponysponsz
11) Story - DelvisMarcus
[Normal] Fly

Artist credited: Starlight Spark
12) Art - Stabbercube
Story: Cupcakes

13) Story - TLI
[Normal] Ponyville Drift

Artist credited: br0ny
14) Story - Wax Tom Cruise
[Comedy] Trixies™

Artist credited: Resistance-Of-Faith
15) Story - KenjiBeast
[Shipping] Bon-Bon Surfs the Ponynet

Artist credited: Megasweet
16) Art - Omarian Volcae
Story: Bubbles

17) Art - Doc Steedly
Story: Party of None

Story: Fastest Thing Alive

18) Art - Madmax
Story: Luna vs. Baseball

19) Story - Feather
[Normal] The Edge of Tomorrow and Forever

Artist credited: Lenich
20) Art - LoCeri
Story: Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts

21) Art - Emerald Dust
Story: Tangled Up in Blues, Chapter 4: "The Moody Blues"

22) Story - WildWood Pony
[Normal] All My Life

Artist credited: Atlur
23) Story - Lurks-no-More
[Sad] End of Equestria

Artist credited: johnjoseco
24) Story - Kenai
[Grimdark] Obsidian Star

Artist credited: Scherzo
25) Story - N.K.
[Sad] Runaway Dreams

Artist credited: KzKsM
26) Art - N3uro
Story: Just Following Orders

27) Art - Sip
Story: Elements of Discord

28) Story - TalkAcanthi
[Normal] Luna's Nightmare

Artist credited: KillKatt
29) Story - HiddenBrony
[Normal] Friendship is Rubbish

Artist credited: jakumetsu
30) Story - Pony Express Hotel
[Grimdark] [Comedy] Apple Bloom and the Magical Rubious Crystal of Bellemare Sands

Artist credited: Madmax
31) Story - Ebon Mane
[Shipping] After Care

Artist credited: Adcoon
32) Story - achesst
[Shipping] The Night Falls Sweetly

Artist credited: Megasweet
33) Story - Stainless
[Normal] MLP - The Dream

Artist credited: Madmax
34) Art - Obsidian Solitaire
Story: Rose Tinted

35) Art - RedEnchilada
Story: Today, Tomorrow, and Forever

36) Story - Kjh242
[Grimdark] Lovely Lunaticsm

Artist credited: Fickle
37) Story - MoronSonOfBoron
[Shipping] The Loving Spoonful

Artist credited: johnjoseco
38) Story - minalkra
[Sad] [Shipping] [Grimdark] The Flight (Happy Ending) (Sad Ending)

Artist credited: BambooDog
39) Story - Northland Pony
[Shipping] Cinnamon and Sugar

Artist credited: Mn27
40) Art - Partying::Pink
Story: Hoennshy
41) Art - Eponymous
Story: Antipodes

42) Story - Velvet(Velcro)Heart
[Comedy] Nightmare Moon's New Image

Artist credited: Madmax
43) Art - RaspleZS
Story: My Little Western

44) Art - uSea
Story: A Nightmare to Remember (YESYESYESYESYES)

45) Story - Whackjood
[Crossover] Operation P.O.N.Y(Fixed)

Artist credited: RedEnchilada
46) Art - Supersheep64
Story: Labradorinth

47) Art - frostedWarlock
Story: What Do You Do With A Drunken Unicorn?

48) Story - Shiron
[Comedy] Pinkie and Twilight

Artist credited: BB-Kenobi
49) Art - Mestis
Story: Rocket To Insanity - Alternate Ending

50) Story - Rated-R PonyStar
[Grimdark] Assassinshy

Unknown artist
51) Story - Drewdle
[Normal] The Cake Pilot

Artist credited: xkappax
52) Story - StarmanTheta
[Normal] [Shipping] Diamonds Among Zirconium

Artist credited: Lupinrager
53) Art - Latverian_Ponyfan_2993
Story: Secret Tub Fun

54) Art - Pinkie Pie with Aviators
Story: Pinkieshy

55) Story - BlameYourFate
[Comedy] My Little Bronies

Artist credited: Furboz
56) Art - The Recliner
Story: Life With Derpy Episode 1

57) Art - Macon Mixx
Story: The Night That Never Ended

58) Story - Adrian Brony
[Comedy] [Shipping?] The Assignment

59) Art - Aku
Story: My Little Western
Story: Friendship is Key
#7 - Damn that is sweet!
ReplyDelete#41 - That. Is. Amazing. (I'm still waiting on the next chapter of Antipodes!)
Whew, my submission made it.
ReplyDeleteCan't read all of these right now but I can't wait to get back to them later.
these are so
Aww, looks like my story didn't make the cut...
ReplyDeleteOh well, time to start reading!
#2: Do like!
ReplyDelete#2 & #4 - Oh wow! OhMyGosh! OhMyGosh! OhMyGosh! OhMyGosh! OhMyGosh! OhMyGosh! OhMyGosh! OhMyGosh!
ReplyDeleteI am honored! Thank you!
Psst, the link for entry 45 is broken and taking us to the wrong fanfiction. Here is a link to the correct entry 45.
Psst, 45 is linking to the wrong fic.
ReplyDelete#12 = :|
ReplyDelete#2 is awesome!!! Yay fallout equestria!
ReplyDeleteRaspleZS: Thank you very much, that is sooo very awesome!
ReplyDeleteMakes up for the fact that I managed to submit my own name incorrectly for my story entry in #10... How do you get your own freaking name wrong??
Anyways, wow, thanks again RaspleZS!
Yay I got in! 36 is mine.
ReplyDeleteOne of the like 5 grimdarks.
that Fallout one is pretty awesome.
#52- http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5808456/ Art link, artist no longer unknown :P
ReplyDeleteBy the way, the artist for #52 is Lupinrager on FA.
ReplyDeleteI'm number 50! Glad I made it in time. Please comment so I can know how I did, both good and bad. I'm going to read the rest right now!
ReplyDeleteThat's one shippy pic #58.
ReplyDeletei am 12 and wat is this
58- that guard on the right (her left) doesn't seem to be enjoying his job too much.
ReplyDeleteAlso it says 60 entries but it only goes up to 58. What gives.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, someone did something for Hoennshy. That's awesome.
ReplyDeleteHave to start reading some of these.
ReplyDelete#s 9 and 17 have two entries in each number.
Okay... Now that I've read the story with 58...
ReplyDeletethey done got those two good!
I opened "Celestia the Maid" but I haven't started reading it because I can't get past d'awwwing over Luna.
ReplyDelete18 looks absolutely amazing.
ReplyDeleteI cant wait to read all of these
Darn, I was hoping for some SGE art. XD Good stuff here though.
ReplyDeletetell me about it, lol. Every friendoff I get my hopes up even when I know I probably won't get anything, lol.
I'm surprised my story got art for it. Made my day.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thank you to Seth for fixing the page break and the broken link. I was out at dinner!
25 is very touching
ReplyDelete44 creeps me out, but in a good way!
@Cereal Velocity
ReplyDeleteHe still needs to update #52's info with the artist's name while he's at it.
@Cereal Velocity
ReplyDeleteGreat. I'm already three drinks to the wind when I read this post and your "SUPER FUN BONUS EVENT" challenge.
Just so you know, If your ears are burning tomorrow morning, it's because I'm cursing your internet handle name in between hangover dry-heaves.
In regards to Assassinshy, I did not draw that. I don't know who did.
ReplyDeleteBunch of links are busted. Including Nightmare Moon's New Image.
ReplyDeleteReally? Well...that's awkward.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the compliments on my art guys :o I have now uploaded the piece to DeviantArt and such for those who like that sort of thing!
ReplyDelete@Cereal Velocity
ReplyDeleteThe link to number 42 is wrong. It links to 39's story. Just a heads up.
ReplyDeleteWorks fine for me.
I'll fix it.
A story for one of my drawings? That's exciting! :D I am flattered, and will now go read it. Next time one of these rolls around, I'll have to draw art for a story (which means I'll have to read some stories)
ReplyDeleteThere's only three shots to the drinking game. I was expecting more.
ReplyDelete@ a href #c2434320935069059333 >Cereal Velocity /a>
ReplyDeleteFix Assassinshy artist credit as well please.
Top Gear and Ponies. That combination is completely ridiculous and yet it works. I kind of want to see how the episode played out. Also: 42 links to the wrong story.
ReplyDeleteWhat scene is 57 from, I don't recognize it at all except for spitfire...
ReplyDelete42 is fixed now!
ReplyDeleteEdef, who drew it?
ReplyDeleteRight. I'm a total idiot. Please ignore the last part of my previous comment
Cereal, thank you not only for fixing my name, but also for all the time this must have taken. Please know that the hard work you (and everyone else at this blog!) puts in for the rest of us in the fandom is greatly appreciated!
ReplyDelete@Cereal Velocity
ReplyDeleteI don't know, but crediting no one is better than crediting me for the time being.
@Laurence Brown
ReplyDeleteNo problem, bro. I do it out of love! Cause I love you guys. And ponies. Mostly ponies. But also you guys. <3
Right, time to begin my quixotic quest to comment on every single story. Mini-reviews, ho!
ReplyDelete3) Celestia the Maid: That was a sweet idea. I can see Celestia having a good time pretending to be a commoner for a day (though I hope she had words with Luna's guards afterwards).
6) Mare on the Moon: I'd be pretty pissed off if I was Luna, too. I mean, you knew she was there. Would it have killed you to put in an extra seat?
8) Bath Day Bubbles: I hope Derpy used the 'no tears' bubble bath formula, or things could take an unpleasant turn very soon...
10) The Cutie Mark Crusade: I was half-expecting this story to end with the CMC being sold into slavery in Tunisia (Trotnisia? Hoofnisia?). I thought it was a surprisingly in-character take on the picture it's based on.
11) Fly: Interesting concept, but it suffers from lack of editing. I found the combination of style distracted me too much for me to really enjoy the story.
13) Ponyville Drift: Good thing all Suponus come equipped with 4-wheel drive... I really hope Derpy made Dinky wear her seatbelt, the way she drives.
More as I continue reading...
How the hell did 28 get in? Things terrible
ReplyDeleteSorry Edef, I thought you were the one who drew it.
ReplyDeleteStabbercube! Wai cupcakes!
ReplyDelete@ Rated-R PonyStar
ReplyDeleteHeh, I wish.
#12 - Whoah, there's actually an official Google Docs link for Cupcakes???
ReplyDelete*scans to the end*
Wait, what? SILVER SPOON??? She wasn't in the original... *reads in detail* ....OOOOOHHH.
Well played, internet. Well played.
6. Manly, manly tears. Luna finally gets a hug, finally gets to see other people, and then...?
ReplyDelete15. Hilarious.
55. A rather realistic reaction for the mane cast when they figure out that they're being... watched. It'd probably be really, really weird to be shipped in real life.
41- ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!
ReplyDeleteThis is SO AWESOME I HAD NO IDEA ANYONE WAS DRAWING THIS I LOVE YOU FOREVER. Next chapter is tonight or tomorrow by the way :o
WOW! A pic for my story, #56!
Wait why are there 2 #7s?
ReplyDeleteMore mini-reviews, for your mini-reviewing pleasure...
ReplyDelete14) Trixies: If someone actually made this commercial, I would buy 500 cases of the cereal. Hasbro/cereal companies, are you listening?
15) Bon-Bon Surfs the Ponynet: SO. MANY. PUNS. I really enjoyed this one, the humor was constant!
19) The Edge of Tomorrow and Forever: I really appreciate the mythological feel of the story. The ending does seem a little abrupt, however. I'd have liked to see this expanded a bit, maybe sow the seeds of NMM or show Celestia and Luna greeting the earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns.
22) All My Life: An interesting story. As you noted yourself, it could use another round of editing, but the story makes the reader think, and I appreciate that.
23) End of Equestria: Certainly the saddest story I can ever remember reading. The shout-out to a certain hippy carpenter at the end gave me one heck of a case of mood-whiplash, but it felt strangely appropriate.
24) Obsidian Star: This certainly wasn't a bad story, but Twilight's conversion at the hands of the elements was awfully quick. Wouldn't she at least put up some token resistance to to becoming Obsidian? Still, I enjoyed it well enough.
I'm going to take a break now (a dozen stories seems like a good beginning), but I'll be back later tonight and do the rest. Or at least, some more. We'll see if I make it though every story tonight, or if this is going to be a two-day project.
I thought this was pretty good. I will admit that I was kind of hoping for artwork of my story. Better luck next time I suppose.
In other words, I am excited.
Nopony? No pony remembers which scene pic 57 is from?
ReplyDeleteUh... Number 42 is linking to number 39's story.
ReplyDeleteWait, I think I get it now. Hurr.
ReplyDeleteThese are great! I haven't read a collection of stories this good in a long time. Number 28 stands out as bad compared to the rest.
Honored that somepony (#54) made arts based on my story! *squee!* Also, glad I made it in time (#51).
ReplyDelete#27 is going to keep me up nights. So creepy and sad.
There is nothing I don't like in this entire batch of pony awesomeness.
#42. OK, someone has GOT to make a video of that epic rap battle.
ReplyDelete# 17 here,
ReplyDeleteFINALLY maybe ill stop getting wierd comments about dashies looks there . . . .
# 3 I always wondered what was with Celly in the maids outfit . . . i guess i find out now! DUN WUNA WOOK SOOOW HAPPIE!! ( i know i would in her situations *snickers* Cewwy is sooow keeute!!
# 41 For antipodes . . . wow such an epic pic for such an awesome story. I really hope this story continues, its really got me hooked and im dying to know whats going to happen next.
# 39 Oh all the male+female pics i have seen they are my fav two LOL
# 44 Creeped me the hay out . . . . o.o ugh *shudder*
# 47 AHAHAHA pic goes great with that story. AHAAHA
# 49 Ok i didnt make it thru cupcakes . . . . but i did read this all the way thru, both endings, obviously i liked the alternative better. Despite what may happed, Friendship should always be UNCONDITIONAL!!
# 50 Sweet pic, gonna read later, definately
# 58 O.O ohkay i GOT TO KNOW WHAT THIS IS ABOUT. They dont look to happy to be doing what they are doing . . . . But i dont know . . . Would you be excited to lick somepony like that if they told/commanded you too . . . . Id be on the fence of the corral about that one myself . . .
I loved alot of the pics i have seen so far . . . and found a few new stories while i was perusing too that i cant wait to read.
I actually had four or five i wanted to submit . . True story! i dont know if all submissions that were emailed were posted . . . but im glad mine were shown.
haw yeah :3
@Laurence Brown
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome again. (And again, link it to your story if you want.)
When I drew the original for the Art Training Grounds #13 (entry #112) I thought "This so looks like a picture on a wanted poster." So I did just that (and had actual fun faking the textures & tears!)
Dear Madmax,
ReplyDeleteI LOVE YOU! Your submission is so perfect for my favorite story!
I'm honored that the artist chose my story to draw and I thank him/her, but I just wish it was a happier scene. But hey, if the little grim part inspired them, I have no problem.
ReplyDeleteOh no! My submissions aren't here! What did I do wrong?
ReplyDeleteGreat bunch in this friend-off
ReplyDeleteLoved the art in #1, #18 and #44. Perfect depictions of the stories.
I'd love to how the rest of #29 goes.
Surprised I like #52 as much as I did. The characterization seemed spot on and I thought it was a sweet little story.
ReplyDeleteAll of them?
Well then, I can't wait to hear your mini-review of my fanfic. Might want to save it for last though. It's... a little longer than most of the others.
39 could easily end up canon. In fact, I'd love to see it be canon.
ReplyDeleteOh my lordy loo this is the greatest collection of fics in any one place. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm taking it that people want a part 2, then... I was afeared of that.
We're going BACK...to the MINI-REVIEWS!
ReplyDelete25) Runaway Dreams: I really liked this picture when I first saw it, and this story is a perfect fit for it. Imaginative and thought-provoking. I approve.
28) Luna's Nightmare: Some of the descriptions were a little confusing, and the period missing from the last sentence bothered me more than most grammar errors (all authors, take note: if you can't fix every error in your document, AT LEAST make sure the first and last paragraphs are perfect. Please!). The idea was solid.
29) Friendship is Rubbish: I've never even seen an episode of Top Gear, but this was still amusing. Just one question: exactly what kind of 'parties' are you suggesting Pinkie's been throwing?
30) Apple Bloom and the Magical Rubious Crystal of Bellemare Sands: A long one, eh? Let's go! ...The illusions drag on a bit. After the first two pages or so, it stopped being suspenseful and became a little monotonous. Still, an overall good job (and Pinkie's line near the end gave me shivers, too).
31) After Care: *sees 'shipping' tag, looks at picture* Frankly, I'm kind of relieved that the mature content filter is preventing me from reading this...
32) Night Falls Sweetly: The Big Mac-Luna dynamic was pretty well done, all in all. Applejack seemed a bit spotty, though. She goes straight from chewing out Mac for not being suitably respectful of royalty to attacking him for assosiating with a pony who tried to kill her? Still, not bad.
Back to the grind...
ReplyDeleteOh wow, I'm sorry about that last period. I even had people proof-read it for me and they didn't even catch it. Anyway, fixed now. Thanks!
29 made my day, I only wish that the author had actually written the SHOW instead of the set up before the show... If it had both, he/she would have won a tasty metaphorical cake.
ReplyDelete"…which means, of course, handing it over to our tame racing pony. Some say that he lives on a diet consisting entirely of Poison Joke…and that he is the only Earthpony ever to perform a Sonic Rainboom because he does not believe in the concept of gravity. All we know is, he's not The Stig, but he is The Stig's Equestrian Cousin!
ReplyDeleteStill going strong! Sleep is for the weak!
ReplyDelete33) MLP-The Dream: I'm sorry, but the lack of editing on this story, made it almost unreadable, also, learn how to use, commas.
36) Lovely Lunaticsm: Trolluna...I think I like the word, but this goes WAY beyond trolling. I dig the story--there's not enough evil Luna in the fandom!
37) The Loving Spoonful: I can't say I find ponies particularly arousing, let alone pony children. As such, my general reaction to the story was one of mild disgust. Based on the latest poll, though (34%--*clop clop clop*) I'm sure there are plenty of others who enjoy this kind of work.
38) The Flight: I thought the story started out with a lot of promise, but the reveal right before you get to chose your ending (both were equally well-written, btw) was just too much. I can't imagine Twilight snapping like that just because Spike stormed out one night, unless there's a LOT of unalluded-to tension between the two of them.
39) Cinnamon and Sugar: Well, that was adorable. Hopefully the Wonderbolts don't have a policy against team members being in relationships though, or the sequel to this is gonna be really depressing...
42) Nightmare Moon's New Image: Pony rap battle, huzzah! I wasn't expecting the bit of seriousness at the end, but I thought it was a nice touch.
And now we return to our regularly scheduled fic reading...
Wow! I got fanarted! Thanks FrostedWarlock!
ReplyDeleteHeartily laughed out loud at #29's pic :D, Reading in progress!
ReplyDeleteWelp, I've read Cupcakes now... Eyup. (That is, if that's the real Cupcakes up there. On that note, ED kinda already did a feature on it, so that page exists.)
ReplyDeleteThanks for making an awesome fic for me to draw a pic! That barely rhymed!
Alright, let's do this thing!
ReplyDelete45) Operation P.O.N.Y.: Hmm, I've never seen this Kids Next Door cartoon, which I think would have made the story a lot funnier. As the author acknowledges that this story is a WIP (albiet one that may not be returned to), I'm not going to harp on the problems I encountered.
48) Pinkie and Twilight: Editors, people! Find one and use them! There's whole threads on Ponychan's /fic/ section where you can go to have your story edited! As for the story itself, I think it could have used a little less P&tB and a little more MLP. Other than the names of the characters, there was nothing particularly pony-y about this story.
50) Assassinshy: Another long one? Ah, it isn't like I need to get up early tomorrow...oh wait, I do. Well, better hurry up and read this, then! ...Wow, that was really engrossing. I'm not sure if I liked it or not, but I couldn't stop reading.
51) The Cake Pilot: Cake magic, eh? I suppose Equestria's just the sort of place where cake magic is its own field...
52) Diamonds among Zirconium: And then Spike was gay. I thought his confusion was well done and very funny, in a sweet way.
55) My Little Bronies: Hmm... given my current task, I can relate to Twilight deluged by stories. This was way too funny, I love it!
58) The Assignment: Trollestia strikes again! Although some of the subject matter is a little more 'mature' than the shows, the tone is clearly the same. I liked it a lot.
...Aaand we're done! Once more, thanks to all of you who wrote something. I hate for someone to get 0 feedback, so if your story got skipped over by the other commenters, hopefully my sentence or two is better than nothing.
Also, good work to all the artists! I'd say something more specific, but my knowledge of art is to small for me to make any comment more useful than, "I like that." Good job, all!
Top Gear + Ponies... life is complete lol
Who... Who drew the rocket to insanity alternative ending picture?
ReplyDeleteHehe... I'm glad a new chapter is coming out. Thanks to you for such an epic fanfic =)
ReplyDeleteSorry, my first real attempt at anything like this, plus kinda ran of time :(
elbow grease time, and try and put the forgotton ideas in,
Author of Number 33 opps
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading it all. I haven't been able to see if people have liked it or not, but I'm glad you found in engrossing.
Cereal, Seth, you both are now on the top of my list of "who will be banned on the moon next".
ReplyDeleteWhy the hell you did not write about the friendoff under the freaking banner? I visited ED every day and for all that time I had no freaking idea about friendoff was coming! And Now I have missed it!
I am very disappointed.
Equestria Daily is now 20% less cooler for me -_-
Some one did art for Today, Tomorrow, and Forever...
ReplyDeleteHold back manly tears...
I only counted 3 Madmax images up there. Thats not much of a drinking game. Though, If there was more, I'd probably end up spilling my drink on my keyboard like when I did the Stephan King drinking game.
ReplyDeleteDarn it! Only three shots! This is nowhere near as fun as the Stephan King drinking game! Wait, Madmax made an image for a story....I'll count that! Shot four!
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading and reviewing, Chris, and glad you liked it. I was kinda afraid I'd not get a lot of readers due to the, er, subject matter.
ReplyDeleteThanks (36). I thought all of the "I hate myself I'm not evil im saaad" stories were a bit excessive, so I saw that picture and thought "we need evil Luna. A century of isolation cannot be good for one's psyche."
Oh my one of my works actualy ispired a fiction and a really good one too.
ReplyDeleteI feel so honored.
15- every time I see that pic I bust out laughing. EVERY. GODDAMN. TIME.
ReplyDeleteOooh, someponies read my story! (42)
TalkAcanthi, I don't know you, but please keep writing. That was amazing and it got so exciting in the middle.
the rest of them were nice too but 28 is obviously the best here.
ReplyDeleteActually, it WAS underneath the banner. I double checked by using Google to look up a cached view of the site, and sure enough, it said:
'The June Friend Off deadline is Thursday, June 9th! Click here for information on it!'
So, I guess you need to look a bit closer? (shrug) But don't blame Seth or Cereal, it was up there.
Glad to hear all the positive comments/reviews about Celestia the Maid. It was ridiculously fun to write. I wouldn't mind making more in a series of it honestly. I just hope its enjoyed by even more people ^^
ReplyDeleteas I said, some of that slack was intentional, not trying to stretch the boundaries of Scootaloo's character more than I already had.
but glad people liked it. :D
Regarding #39, Cinnamon and Sugar.
ReplyDeleteYour buildup to the moment when they began practicing didn't feel...natural. One of the biggest problems I see in fanfics is the forcing of plotlines, and this one felt forced.
The problem is you have a member of one of the best flying teams in the land, not simply going out to practice, but going out of his way to teach Dash the ropes. It's not like it couldn't happen, but the build to the moment is the problem.
Something along these lines would have been better: He comes to Cloudsdale to visit his parents, blah blah blah, all that's fine, but goes to Ponyville because he needs to practice, and needs someone to practice with, and Ponyville is so close. But he's surprised to find out she's never practised with someone else before. Then get's an epiphany. He can teach her group flying, in one quick and easy session. Badda bing, badda boom.
Anyway, that's just me.
@Laurence Brown
ReplyDeleteBut I never saw that. I could see daily training line, I saw it changes, but there were no other news for me.
Blogger glitch? Maybe. But this or not, I'm still very mad and unhappy.
Thanks for the various reviews. :) Always glad for input. Love everyone else's submissions, too!
ReplyDelete@BlackWidower ... maybe you have a point! I'll keep such things in mind as I continue to write fic-ly stuffs, though I'm more in the mode of learning and moving forward right now. In the meantime, it sounds like you have your own ideas for a story! I'd love to read it if you ever do write it. :)
@Chris (55) Thanks for the quick review, glad you enjoyed it! And thanks to everyone else who read it! Bronies Unite!
ReplyDeleteHey Luna fans you should check Celestia The Maid is such a lovely story it will put a wide smile in your face while reading it but if you do read Mare on the moon you will turn all blues and sad
ReplyDeleteBoth stories are really good, well written and expand Luna as a chacarter with a lot of pottencial for Fan Ficts
of course if you don´t mind
<3 #58.
ReplyDeleteWe need more Royal Guard shipping.
And Soarin'. Everypony loves Soarin'.
ReplyDelete#17, Fastest thing alive. Here I was under the impressions that the Friend-Off's were pretty much dead, friend links me to this, see my fic has fan-art. This made a day that went from mediocre, to decent enough, to terrible, back up to decent enough.
ReplyDeleteIf it had been a better day for me then I would have declared this to be the best day ever. Shame that this slipped me by, and that I have to post this comment so late =/