I know this is late. I know Seth usually does these. I know some of you guys have already made entries in anticipation of it. What can I say? Sometimes life gets in the way. It's easy to make a post with some rules in it and say, "go!" but it's a lot more difficult to make sure that the next week is going to be free enough for me to corral all the entries.
Read: Cereal's a lazy, lazy pony! The Friendoff starts now!
I had brandied about the idea of reversing the rules for this Friendoff- writers draw and artists write. But let's be honest; that would probably end in disaster. Plus, some ponies have the ability to do both. Also, it would require that I draw a pony, which I'm awful at. As a result, I've decided to keep this Friendoff pure, in the spirit of the originals. If you like a story, draw a picture for it! If you have a picture that you really like, write a story around it! Simple as that.
This is the kind of stuff I'll need from you guys in your email. If it doesn't follow this format, I'm tossing it. I'm expecting a lot of entries. Try to make this easier on me!
If You're Writing
1) The link to the picture you've based your story on. Include the artist's name. If you don't know it, find out. Ask around.
2) Your story. No attached Word documents, please. Include either a Google Docs, DeviantArt, or FF.net link.
2 ½) Include a story tag, like [Normal] or [Sad]. No descriptions or additional tags for these. The picture should be all the description your reader needs!
3) The name that you wish to be credited by.
4) Put the word STORY in the subject line.
If You're Drawing
1) The link to the story your drawing is based on. Include the author's name.
2) Your drawing. You can either attach it in the email or host it externally.
3) The name that you wish to be credited by.
4) Put the word ART in the subject line.
The Friendoff will run until Thursday night, June 9th, at 11:55PM CST. For reference, this is 9:55PM blog time.
Send your entries to [email protected]! If you've already sent one in previously, resend it!
Go go go!
If you're having trouble deciding, Nightmare could use a picture. Just saying. inb4 Seth deletes this.
You using my Lyra bro?
ReplyDelete@Sethisto goddammit seth, you ruined my first
>goddammit anon, you ruined my second
I want to try and keep track of this. Maybe I'll be adding more stories to my list of 'to-read' fics. (Which is almost in it's 40s...)
You're giving us four days?
ReplyDeleteDon't know if I can do it in four days due to my work. I'll try, but if not I'll go for next month.
ReplyDeleteChallenge accepted.
ReplyDeleteSorry, bronies, but The Melting Pot can wait.
No time for friend-offs, training grounds won't end soon,
ReplyDeleteI'm drawing,
I'm drawing,
I'm drawing!
Ooo, awesome. I've already been doing this.
ReplyDeleteGet a hold of yourself, brony!
Maybe I try to draw something but my drawings are poor in my opinion
ReplyDeleteI already had something drawn for Buttersc0tch in Equestria.
Can i submit two things?
ReplyDelete-whoosh- email sent.
ReplyDeletehmmm..... argles.... so busy...
ReplyDelete@Narwhals' Bend
ReplyDeleteThat is easily the greatest picture ever created.
Hmmm, sounds interesting. owo
ReplyDeleteWould a comic-esque page depicting a scene of a fic count as art, then?
Because then I have an idea.
It's a sound idea, but there is no way in hell I could ever drum up something decent in four days -- drawing or writing.
ReplyDeleteBut, truthfully, I think I'd rather work on my own fanfic for now.
Good luck to the rest of ya.
I'm getting in on this so hard. Last friendoff someone drew something for Hop, and this time I shall do something for some drawfriend!
ReplyDelete...I never did find that 'Ari' person. Le 'sigh.
Brb, flexing long-unused storymaking muscles.
ReplyDeleteSeth\Cereal\whoever out there who made the Friendoff rules, confound you! I totally adore Squeak's Traveller\Number 12 story and now I have to re-learn to draw because of your draw\write rule thing! Y u no accept alternate stuff like still-life-esque photographs of fanmade plushies made based on the stories we really liked? http://meliadhor.deviantart.com/art/Raggedy-Mare-210894618
ReplyDeleteIf I hurt myself with crayons and die I'll haunt you! FOREVEEEEEEEER!
Hopefully doing this will get rid of the writer's block I'm currently staring down. Now to scan those Drawfriend compilations and find one that really strikes my fancy.
ReplyDeleteMmmmmm.... I could see a good story based off that Lyra drawing. Anypony know the artist?
ReplyDeleteFour days. Why must the time limits for these always be so short? And when I still have school? >.<
ReplyDeleteQuick question: is it okay if I base mine off of a PMV? Specifically, that "Fly Away From Here" PMV you posted here a while back? I have a backup idea if that's not kosher, but I'd really love to go with the grainy Flutterdash shipping idea I have for that if I can. And it'll serve the dual purpose of making up to Phoe for that one time I ruined her life by saying I only like Appledash and Twidash.
HAH i have two LOL . . . . last night i didnt get to the pony excercise because of the second one . . . imma post them both. for this . . . I hope i have time to clean them up . . . the first one is not that good looking with it colored . . . I didnt get a good reaction on ponychan . . . it was cause peeps there DID NOT read the description. . . YES RAINBOW LOOKS A LITTLE WEIRD . . .i kept saying why and peeps were just trolling so i stopped posting. its really sad. the only pics i seen getting attention were stuff that looked EXACTLY like the show did or were soo well dont it would have outdone the shows drawings . . . . nothing lower or inbetween sufficed for them . . . oh well. BUT i got a heck'ofa lotta help pertinant to the story i wrote . . . . so im still happy with ponychan. Does it matter if the pic isnt finished yet, i can submit the lineart sketches?
ReplyDeleteI... I may not be able to make it to this one. I'm just too swamped with other things this week. ;_; But I'll try!
ReplyDeleteYour Lyra!? Hmph.
Oh god, I have to do this now.
ReplyDeleteI swear, if there is not beautiful art of Gildedale and all of the wonderful ponies within, HEADS WILL ROLL.
ReplyDeleteWhat a time to be switching over to FF.net!
Mmh... I wonder if someone or somepony will choose to draw a picture of one of my stories ?
I'm especially interested to see, if someone could come up with something good for the Ditzy-Dinky's one.
Wishful thinking, probably. Who knows ?
Must...draw...Wind Racer!
ReplyDeleteHow many entries per person are allowed? I've got one entry I'm working on, but I just found this amazingly weird fanfic I also want to draw something for, if I have the time. Would I have to choose between the two?
ReplyDeleteJust don't send me a dozen. Two is fine.
ReplyDeleteYeah, to be honest, as it stands, Lyra does seem to be Phoe's.
Just saying...
Can't we just have a teeeeny bit more time? A lot of people have final exams this week! :(
ReplyDeleteOh, this should be interesting. I might take a break from "The Sun is Tired" to participate in this.
ReplyDelete(Also, anypony to draw something from that fic gets added to my list of pre-readers. Just sayin')
ReplyDeleteIt's wishful thinking I share, brony.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think i may have a go at a drawing for my favourate shipping, "With a heavy Heart", try and help Chapter 6 along. =)
ReplyDeleteSo long as krypqe doesn't kill me when he sees how crap it is.
Quick question: If I have a story that uses four pictures from different authors, can I be all of their friends or would that be too much friendship?
ReplyDeleteUgh, I have a story for this but I don't think I'll have it done by Thursday...better bust my ass, then.
ReplyDeleteEvening of the First Day
ReplyDeleteThree Days Remain
And I haven't even started yet :D
ReplyDeleteCan you draw a picture and then write about it?
ReplyDeleteIt's on very short notice, you should expand the time a little bit.
ReplyDeleteCan't believe I actually finished something on time. can't wait to see all the other entries...
ReplyDeleteOne-hour story on the eve of the eighth. Sent in. Awwwww yeeeaaaaahhhhhh.
ReplyDeleteI started working with too short notice!!!
It's going to take a while to fix some inking errors with MS paint + adding colour and BG so my entry might be few minutes late, and even that I have another deadline for midnighr.
Yay, I guess the deadline ended and I hope my post will be in there.