• July / June Brony Meetups!

    I know I used it already! But I love this Lyra!

    I'm going to turn these posts into a monthly occurrence, and update them as I get more emails. If you are at all interested in meeting other bronies, check back on this!  It will be in the event section of the sidebar.  I won't be bumping it, so its up to you to scan it every once in a while!

    There are two massive meet-ups planned (Listed first), both found at the top, one on each coast of the USA.  

    Do you want your event posted here?  Include the following:
    • Date
    • Contact Information/Website/Meetup.com
    • Location
    • Day
    • Information on it that I can copy paste in, make sure it looks professional! 
    • Use the ones below as templates/Examples.
    • MEETUP as the subject line of the email so I can put it in queue to update later. 
    All meetups after the break!

    Event #1: New York City, Business Conference Centre in Midtown: Saturday, June 25th.
     (Copypaste provided by Purple Tinker)

    Last month's Bronies-NYC meetup went EXTREMELY well, despite some problems with the originally planned venue. Over 30 bronies showed up, and those who were unable to make it deeply regretted it. All agreed it was the BEST NIGHT EVAR. (11 meetup reviews, 5-star average!)

    Well, ANOTHER Bronies-NYC meetup is coming up on Saturday, June 25, and if you miss THIS one, you will REALLY be kicking yourself.

    This meetup is slowly starting to morph into a mini-convention (BroNYCon?). Some facts:

    •  Over 30 ponies are ALREADY registered-- and the event is already three weeks away.
    •  A room has been reserved at a business conference centre in midtown for FIVE STRAIGHT HOURS; the room can hold up to 65! And some sneak previews of what is planned (though there will be lots of Tinker's patented SOOPAR SEEKRIT meeting surprises-- none of which you will want to miss):
    •  The room is equipped with an LCD projector and a screen, on which there will be PONIES shown and VIDEO GAMES played. (The infamous Rainbow Dash arcade stick will make another appearance.)
    •  There will be a computer corner with four workstations with Internet access.
    •  There will be merch: t-shirts for sale (multiple varieties, men's and women's styles) as well as some spare (and rare) ponies.
    •  There will be raffles, drawings, giveaway schwag, and games with fabulous prizes!
    •  There will be a pony modding/rehairing demo.

    Sounds like your cup of tea? Can you make it to NYC on June 25? Trust us... you won't want to miss this. Last month's meet was absolutely amazing. This one is going to blow it away.

    Event #2: Portland, Oregon: Saturday-Sunday, July 30-31st. 
    (Copypaste Provided by Bejoty)

    Northwest Bronyfest!!

    Announcing the first annual Northwest Bronyfest!! For all you who want to meet up with other fans of the show but just haven't found the time or place to do so, this is the event to hit! Over the weekend of July 30-31, bronies from around the northwest region and beyond will gather in Portland, Oregon to celebrate the show that has spawned such a spectacular following.

    This is merely a preliminary announcement to get the word spread, so don't expect too many specifics QUITE yet. Events are currently being coordinated internally, as well as SPECIAL GUESTS! So consider this your two month notice. Mark your calendars!!

    If you think you can bring something awesome to the table and help make this event an even bigger success, feel free to send an email to bejoty@derpymail.com with suggestions and requests! Just be sure to throw Northwest Bronyfest somewhere in the subject line~

    Current sponsoring meetup groups:
    Seattle-Tacoma Area MLP:FiM Fans
    Bronies- Portland
    NYC Area MLP:FiM Adult Fans

    Event #3:  Sheraton Hotel Convention Center Grand Hall (A-Kon convention) Dallas TX

    June 10th
    2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    June 11
    2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    7:00 pm - when ever we end it

    June 12
    11:00 am - 2:00 pm

    Follow me on twitter for updates @xellos61
    Also email me with any questions at bronyjthor@gmail.com

    Event #4 Location: Tampa Convention Center - Front Entrance, Front Entrance (Metrocon)

    Very casual meet-up, just get together and chat. Just a couple going so far, me and some Fallout-esque Apocolypse survivors. I'll be the green man in a suit.

    Date: June 17, 18

    Days: Friday, Saturday

    Time: ~1:00 PM

    Event #5 Monday, July 4th at 12pm outside the West Hall Lobby. The Anime Expo Brony Meet-Up!

     If need be we can move the meet-up to a different location in case non-ticket bronies wish to get in.

    You can reach me at : darth_pinkerton@hotmail.com

    The meet-up thread is here: http://www.cosplay.com/showthread.php?t=243167

    This isn’t exactly an official SoCal meet-up seeing as it’s a bit inconvenient for those who aren’t going to Anime Expo. It’s just a small gathering of sorts for those who plan to attend the convention.

    We already have 10+ folks who for sure are going to the meet-up

    Many of us are going to be in costume as some of the ponies and we’ll have a photoshoot with those folks and with the whole gathering.

    I will be going as Pinkie Pie and I’ll be bringing along a Rairty, Rainbow Dash, and a few others.

    You don’t need to dress up; it’s just a fun little extra for some of us and a great way to show how much we love the ponies.

    Aside from that, we’ll have pony tunes playing AND maybe a sing-a-long or two if we can get it going. We also plan on bringing cupcakes and other sweets.

    This will be just like your typical expo meet-up except 20% cooler and a way to test the water for a potential SoCal meet-up outside a convention.

    Event #6 Sioux Falls, SD at Dark Matter Anime at 2601 S. Minnesota Ave. Suite 103 

    July 3rd from 11am to 11pm cake, ice cream, raffle for prizes, live online chat and pony Jeopardy for some pony figs @ www.stickam.com/icarus2152 from the store! Watch PonyChat every Monday until then for your chance to be one of the qualifying contestants... Show discussion, popcorn, pinatas, we're aiming for a full blown Pinkie Pie Party over here! You gotta post us! Commercials following!


    We're also raffling off a one of a kind sculpted Rainbow Dash figure designed by La Muerte Jewelry out of Michigan!

    Please post about our party!

    Event #7 Anime Kaigi du Bois Center (NAU) - Flagstaff, AZ

    This is a meetup, kind of, but it's happening as a panel. Bronies are welcome to meet before and/or after the panel.

    Sunday, July 17, 12am-1am

    Contact Information/Website/Meetup.com:
    NinjaTalesBrony@gmail.com, http://animekaigi.com

    Anime Kaigi
    du Bois Center (NAU) - Flagstaff, AZ

    Hello bronies!
    There will be a panel at Anime Kaigi entitled 'Bronies After Dark'. This will be a panel/meet-up. We're going to have discussion, maybe some trivia, and probably watch Winter Wrap Up (on a projector screen). This panel will be open to children attending the convention as well, so it will be borderline PG/PG-13 (aka no discussion of clopfics during the panel). You WILL need to purchase a convention pass for at least Saturday in order to be able to attend this panel. (However, if you volunteer to work for 20 hours during the entire convention, you can get a free convention pass.) The panel is on the Saturday schedule, but actually occurs very early Sunday morning. Currently the panel is not on the site yet. So if there are any Arizona bronies, come on out to Anime Kaigi and the brony panel. You can find out more information about the convention at http://animekaigi.com, and more information about the panel by emailing NinjaTalesBrony@gmail.com.

    Event #8 The Prancing Skiltaire (our house) 13412 Gilbert St., Garden Grove, CA 92844-2346

    Time: Saturday, June 11 (and the Second Saturday of each month, unless otherwise
    noted) 4 PM to 10 PM

    What happens: Lots of artists, lots of geeky films and videos
    (including MLP FiM), costumers, food and drinks (no alcohol), a
    backyard DJ, and we take over the local In-N-Out Burger patio for a time...

    Bronies (and everyone else) Welcome!


    Event #9 Centennial, Colorado. Koelbel Public Library Meeting rooms A&B. (5955 South Holly Street, Centennial, CO 80121)

    What: A very casual Meet-Up combined with a marathon of all 26 Season 1 episodes.
    Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2011
    Time: 9:30AM - 9:00PM

           All 26 episodes combined is approximately 10 hours, so I have reserved both meeting rooms at Koelbel Library reserved for the whole library day. The projector in the front will be playing all 26 episodes of the 1st Season of FiM with sets of chairs. The back of the room will be open for snacks, drinks, meeting others, and chatting.
           I will do some announcements and the marathon will officially start at 10:00am. I will be needing to keep a headcount of everypony, as there is a Maximum Capacity, so please try to RSVP. I highly doubt we will reach over 180, but if we do, I will work something out. As for food, I will bring basic snacks and drinks, so I recommend eating a decent breakfast before this. Halfway through the episodes (or around lunchtime), we'll take a break for about 45 minutes and you can go and get some lunch. Across the street is Panera Bread, King Soopers, etc. Feel free to bring a lunch! As much as I'd love to provide lunch, funds provide insufficient.

    10-11 hours is a long time, so you are welcome to leave and come back at anytime! The casual come whenever, leave whenever rule.

    Anypony and anybody interested in the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is welcome; including those who want to know what all the fuss is about! So mark those calendars and come join us for a great time!

    Official Facebook Event Page (More details on page):
    Questions/RSVP: KeroChanRules@gmail.com or 303-990-1861

    Event #10 Hoosier Bronys Meet-up
    Saturday, August 27, 2011

    Brookside Park
    Shelter #3
    3500 Brookside Pkwy. S. Dr.
    Indianapolis, IN

    12 PM - 7:30 PM

    All (even out-of-state) Bronies and their families welcome!

    Food and drinks will be provided, but don't be afraid to bring your own!

    Facebook Group: Hoosier Bronys

    Event#11  Location: Lincoln Park area of Chicago, IL
    Date: 7/24/2011

    Day: Sunday

    Chicago has gone long enough without a meet-up to call its own! On Sunday, July 24th, bronies will descend upon Lincoln Park, hitting up the FREE Lincoln Park Zoo, the Nature Museum ($9.00 admission), and participating in the consumption of many many cupcakes!!

    The way these activities were decided upon was the current attendees voted on their favourite mane cast members, and we picked out things the 2 who got the most votes would enjoy. Our winners were Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy!

    It's going to be an absolutely fantastic experience, and relatively cheap too! (Assuming, you know, you don't eat too many cupcakes, :P). We can't wait to see you there!

    The facebook page is where we will be coordinating all of this, so you might want to RSVP there to get updates on the times, as they are sure to change as the date draws nearer. See you there!

    Event #12 Location: Vaughan NASCAR track,1 Bass Pro Mills Drive Vaughan, Ontario Canada L4K 5W4

    Date: August 20th (Subject to change)
    •  http://www.ponychan.net/chan/chat/res/276493.html or bacon.brony@gmail.com
    • Saturday
    • GTA/Toronto Brony and Collector meet up!

    MLP Arena is hosting a Toronto/GTA meet up at the Vaughan NASCAR Track and they want to have a chance to meet us; the Bronies!
    This would be a perfect chance for us to not only get to know others in our niche of the community, but to introduce ourselves to the collector end of the community as well! There is much fun to be had (Also any suggestions on activities or events from our end would be greatly appreciated!).
    Please visit the ponychan link for more details and for important updates on the event (Also feel free to leave any suggestions or email me personally at bacon.brony@gmail.com)

    Please note that dates are subject to change as is events being planned, but we will keep you up to date on any changes!

    Event #13 Chipotle Mexican Grill, 7600 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda MD

    Date/time: July 16th, 12pm-5pm
    Website: http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-DC

    Hey, DC metro area bronies! Come and hang out with other local bronies at a casual meetup. We'll talk about ponies, show off swag, and optionally sing pony songs.
    We're not going to stay inside the Chipotle the whole time; there's a nice grassy area nearby, and we might even walk a few blocks to an actual park.

    The most up-to-date information will always be at http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-DC . Please RSVP there, and don't forget to tell your friends!

    Event #14 Anime Kaigi du Bois Center (NAU) - Flagstaff, AZ

    Sunday, July 17, 12am-1am

    Contact Information/Website/Meetup.com:
    NinjaTalesBrony@gmail.com, http://animekaigi.com

    Hello bronies!
    There will be a panel at Anime Kaigi entitled 'Bronies After Dark'. This will be a panel/meet-up. We're going to have discussion, maybe some trivia, and probably watch Winter Wrap Up (on a projector screen). This panel will be open to children attending the convention as well, so it will be borderline PG/PG-13 (aka no discussion of clopfics during the panel). You WILL need to purchase a convention pass for at least Saturday in order to be able to attend this panel. (However, if you volunteer to work for 20 hours during the entire convention, you can get a free convention pass.) The panel is on the Saturday schedule, but actually occurs very early Sunday morning. The panel is listed here: http://animekaigi.com/convention-info/schedule under the Saturday schedule. So if there are any Arizona bronies, come on out to Anime Kaigi and the brony panel. You can find out more information about the convention at http://animekaigi.com, and more information about the panel by emailing NinjaTalesBrony@gmail.com.

    147 kommentaari:

    1. This is so cool. Officially bookmarked.

    2. I would really love to go to NYC's brony meetup since it'll be like a birthday present (My 16th birthday is the day after the meetup), but I'm too shy IRL to actually go through with it. Even though I'm 20 minutes away from NYC (In North NJ), I could probably get there by Port Authority.

    3. Will definitley keep an eye for that!
      My scheduele at the moment won't let me organize one, but if anybody's willing to do something in the San Francisco Bay Area it would be amazing!

    4. i cant wait to meet up so we can all discuss our OCs

    5. Kjh sad there's no austin meetup b/c he's 16 and can't drive.

    6. Nothing in my area either, and no way I could go that far for either one...

    7. Aww. Why can't there be an event in Minnesota?


    8. May hit up the Portland Oregon one if I can, but i'm in Spokane Washington so...yeah, probably not.

    9. Now there needs to be one in the middle

    10. No Dreamhack brony meetup?

    11. Thinking about organizing a meetup in Madison, Wisconsin. Any Midwest bronies up for it? It wouldn't be anything huge.

    12. nothing this fun ever happens in georgia :(

    13. Will there be one at San Diego Comc-Con?

    14. @Haileo
      You should go, I was very nervous at first and I ended up being the youngest there (15) but it was a great amount of fun and I am going to the next one :)

    15. Is there any photos from the NYC meetup from last month? I'd love to see them and it an idea of what its like.

    16. @Pinkie_Pie_fan471

      c'mon, thats practically right next door! We're having somepony from CANADA show up, apparently.

      And I will be there as well. In my giant hat. You wont want to miss it ;D

      Northwest Bronies represent!

    17. I want something in the LA SD area.

    18. Argh! Living in North Carolina sucks! I'm on the coast with NYC, but I'm on the opposite side of it! X(

    19. Somepony make a northern florida meetup!

    20. @HaileoI'm from north jersey too, and since i missed the first meet up, i'm going to this one for sure. it would be a damn shame if you couldn't make it

    21. @Pinkie_Pie_fan471
      If you can manage to get west as far as North Bend, we're driving down caravan-style and you could hop along! B)

    22. @Andrew
      Northern Ohioan here. I'd love it.

      We could probably even coerce the Columbus-area folks to travel a bit north if we held something around Akron.

    23. Hmm...I'm almost willing to try to set up a meetup in Phoenix, Arizona, but I has little money...idk, maybe even just a meet up like anywhere would be awesome.

    24. Are there any North Carolina Bronies out there?

    25. @VFX Kid

      Sweet! which part?

    26. I'll see you bronies at Portland!

    27. there's rumor of a iron on shirt design raffle and pin the tail on the pony at the portland meetup.

    28. No Alabama bronies? I am dissapoint.

    29. @Haileo

      You should TOTALLY come! Go register, it's going to be AMAZING. I even have a video Q&A session with Eurobeat Brony planned.

    30. We will be having pin the tail on the pony, and plenty of raffles (much like the raffles last time, only twice as AWESOME) :)

    31. A Minnesota meetup would be fantastic!

    32. We need a midwest meetup! With... apples and stuff.

    33. I'm one of the co-organizers for Northwest Bronyfest, and let me tell you, it will be /worth it/

    34. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    35. Here is a group shot of some (not all!) of the 30+ attendees who were present at our May meetup. The June one's gonna be even bigger, and we have a better venue! It's gonna be SHO AWESHUM!

    36. Guys, c'mon! Southern California, I beg you! I'd set it up myself if I could, but I can't.

    37. Well, AX (Anime Expo, Los Angeles) is coming up on July 1-4, which would be a logical location for a Brony Meetup. I would orchestrate/organize such a thing, but I still don't know if I can make it to AX or not (and much less for the whole time; I've only ever gone for one full day the past three years...).

      That, and I currently don't have the networking resources for it. Now, obviously that could be fixed by an influx of emails and negotiations from other SoCal Bronies... but I'm just not sure. I'm in a holding pattern for a yes/no hiring decision right now, and if I get hired I may not be there at all... which would be a bummer.

    38. It's too bad I don't have the means to go, otherwise I'd be at the Texas meetup.

    39. I want to be there but I live in Poland : ( So I can only join to brony movie night : ( It's sad because in Poland we don't have any meetings like that. But I think when the MLP will be more popular in Poland and then some people maybe will organise brony meeting.

    40. I would love to go to the meet up in NYC, but i'm stuck here in the UK. :( Fingers crossed someone might organise a UK meet up sometime.

    41. Dammit. I can't be to the Dallas one one such short notice. Oh well. Maybe another one.

    42. @Anonymous
      Sorry for the late reply, but I live in Apex.

    43. Needs more New England. Unless I'm the only brony in CT ;_;

    44. @Mysterymeato

      I am planning on going to metrocon in tampa. The meetup thread on ponychan is here, http://www.ponychan.net/chan/chat/res/220037.html .


      I might be able to go to the Portland one!

    46. Anonypony in CT: Take Metro North, Amtrak or Greyhound and attend our NYC meet! I'm providing accommodations at my place for out-of-towners. Last time I had 4-5 sleepovers.

    47. Pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse someone needs to organize a DC one. I would but I am lazy so SOMEONE ELSE DO MY BIDDING!

    48. You're in DC? Last time, we had an attendee coming up from Mareyland! You could come up with him!

    49. That's cool. If there's ever going to be an event in central Alabama, maybe the Jasper area, I'll be there.

    50. Any chance of one in the San Antonio, TX area? I'm a little too landlocked to make it to dallas this month.

    51. @Anonymous

      Or we could just hang out at your place. Make some rainbow juice. :)

    52. I could organize one in Maneysota, if there's enough interest?

    53. Are there any Colorado bronies? I've seen one so far, not including myself.

      It's kinda lonely over here in... Coltorado? Not sure if there's a decided pony state name for it.

    54. @Lazarus
      I BETTER see you there! xD
      It's going to be a rockin' party!

    55. *looks in mirror* Stop being British this instant.

    56. Man, it sounds so cool, to bad I am a Nova Scotian

    57. Im going to ask my friend about heading up to the New York Brony meet up!

    58. It's gonna be amazing. And I will have overnight accommodations for a limited number of out-of-towners. Last time I had 4-5 sleepovers (plus a number of ponies who came for the afterparty/gathering at my place, then left).

    59. I know there are furry bronies out there. Any of you guys going to Anthrocon?

    60. We need a DC one. I'd be there in a hoofbeat.

    61. There was one today at What The Fur in Montreal. It was a "panel" about MLP:FIM. About ten people in the room were bronies, and five or ten more people showed up out of curiosity. No one cosplayed or was wearing a cast member color scheme, so nothing worth taking pictures of.

    62. All you DC bronies should carpool up to NYC! It's not much of a drive, and you can totally stay over.

    63. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    64. I would drive to NYC, but I'm staring down a 5 hour drive under peak conditions. It's possible, but boy will that be a long drive.

    65. Well, you'd have a berth here, and a place to park. Just let me know. This is going to be one for the brony history books. The awesome will be so thick on the ground, you'll have to wear galoshes on all four hooves.

    66. Now that I think about it some more, I think I'll try to make it to the NYC one. Just gotta request off from work, sign me up.

    67. Awesomesauce, Storm Feather! Go to http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-NYC/ and RSVP.

    68. This post needs more FL meetups. Just saying...

    69. For those unaware, Metrocon is at the Tampa Convention Center.

    70. Each post like this makes my heart cries in bloody tears.

    71. I was part of the original group of ponies who formed the first triumvirate of bronies meetup groups (NYC, SeaTac, Portland). Sounds like there is interest in forming additional groups in Chicago, California, Florida and Texas.

      If you wish to begin the process of creating such groups, email me-- prpltnkr@gmail.com. Be aware that it does cost money, and more importantly it does cost TIME, but I can provide tips to save you a little money on meetup fees, at least. :)


    72. Aww, Dallas? Why not Houston?

    73. $460 round trip to NYC.

      Dammit. I want to meet y'all. Cupcakes told me how awesome the last one was.

      Stupid South.

    74. Worth every penny, Kits. Tho maybe I can help you find a better fare! I'm great at working travel sites. Where ya located?

    75. I'm on Long Island so I'll almost definitely be there. It's gonna be the best night ever.
      -Johnny Trotter

    76. Sweet, Johnny! Go sign up for the group and RSVP! :)

    77. @Anonymous

      Milwaukee brony here! I know there's a couple in Madison, too. :)

    78. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    79. Hmmm... nothing in the bay area...

    80. Only in the US ;_;

      It sucks to live on the other side of the world.
      Suomibroneja täälläpäin?

    81. No other English bronies. Feels bad, man...

    82. Needs more AZ stuff... couldn't go to comicon.

    83. I wouldn't mind a brony meetup around the DC Metro area. easy access for the DC bronies and the bronies around DC.

    84. We actually have at least one DC-area brony coming to our NYC meetup! :)

    85. @Anonymous

      english brony here, i know the feel

    86. Agh, there's a meetup in Dallas? That's an hour away from me! But I'm already working all day...damn it!

    87. NY brony here: just wondering if there will be a meetup next month (July or August) around NYC. I will be at Anthrocon during the June 25th meetup.

    88. @Cyl

      Hey Cyl,

      I'm a brony, and I'm going to AC 2011.

      Y'all can find me on FA as Aldebaron, but my fursona is Artifice the coyote.

      Reply back and we can meet up at the con, I was hoping to meet some bronies out there!

      *So Awesome*

    89. There's a NY meet on the International Day of Friendship, July 30 :)


      There is a Tampa meet up and I will not be around!

    91. So what time does the June meetup actually begin? And how do I register?

    92. The June BroNYCon (which has 62 RSVPs already and room for more!!!) begins at noon on Saturday, June 25. You can register at www.meetup.com/Bronies-NYC

    93. Will I still be able to come a little bit later? I have something until 3:30 that day.

    94. The grand finale in the convention centre begins at 3:30. If you can cut out of your earlier appointment a little earlier so that you can ARRIVE by 3:30, you'll manage to make most of the fun. :)

      After the time in the convention centre, there will be three hours in Madison Square Park on the lawn, followed by a smaller afterparty (18+ only) at my place.


    96. I never thought I would see something for South Dakota! Unbelievable! Not only am I just an hour away, I enjoy going to Dark Matter Anime! So going to be there!

    97. @Anonymous

      You can count me to make that 3 of us so far. Yeah Front Range Bronies! I'm hoping to find more so my meet-up can be a success.

    98. Am totally looking forward to the Portland, OR meetup. Anypony in the Bakersfield, CA area wanting to carpool should hit me up at hamsterdoom360@gmail.com.

    99. Assuming I don't have anything else going on that day, I'll most likely go to the Denver area meetup, at least for a little bit (probably not the entire 10-11 hours). Perhaps I will bring drawing supplies, since people tend to like my ponies.

    100. Hah, so I just checked where the Denver area meetup actually is, and it's only 16 minutes from where I live. I'll definitely stop by at some point.

    101. Hopefully I'll uncover some more local bronies to invite in. Coltorado bronies sure are hard to find!

      Great! I'll see you there!

    102. @Anonymous
      @Storm Feather
      *cough* With me that makes 4 DC metro area bronies interested in a DC meetup. We can totally drag some more out of the woodwork and start having meetups.

      For example, I know like 4 more bronies near me who could probably be convinced to come...

      No idea how to arrange to host one, though. :c

    103. DC bronies can ride the train to our NYC meetup on the 25th :D

    104. I forgot to include some contact information in my Hoosier Bronys Meet-up notice:

      Facebook Group: Hoosier Bronys
      e-mail: hoosierbronys@gmail.com

      Let me know if you're coming!

    105. @Anonymous
      @Storm Feather
      And @ all those other ones I saw on other meetup posts...

      Your requests have been heard and acknowledged! Now c'mon and let's start scheming to take over --- I mean, let's start planning awesome meetups.

    106. Since everyone is doing it, are there any New Orleans bronies.

    107. Dammit. I would totally go to Centennial, but I work that day, so I probably won't show.

    108. If June 12 hadn't already happened, I probably could have gone to the one in Dallas.


    109. Come on Minnesotan bronies, we need a meet up. The River Centre, the Target Center, the Xcel Energy Center. The Twin Cities are LOADED with meeting spots.

    110. :O omigoshomigoshomigosh

      I didn't know about BroNYCon until today! Is it too late to register? Where would I do that? I reaaallly want to know ;~;

    111. Hii! It isn't too late to register for BroNYCon! Just go to www.meetup.com/Bronies-NYC :) You can even pay at the door, it's just that if you do, food is not guaranteed. (The catering order goes in Wed) --PT

    112. at the Q&A, someone ask about Applejack's parents!

    113. Arriving in New York on Sunday for a camp at Stony Brook. Could possibly make the July one though.

    114. So what time is the BroNYCon, and how much does it cost to get in? Is there even space left?

    115. BroNYCon starts at noon and goes on 'til 5 PM in the conference centre, then probably another few hours hanging out in a public space (either a park or an indoor public space in event of rain). It's $15 with no meal and no raffle tickets, or $25 with a meal and raffle tickets. There is space left, but if you register after tonight, meal tickets aren't guaranteed. If you are interested, go to http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-NYC and sign up.

    116. And is there an age limit? Because I'm 16 and would rather not get kicked out after paying for being under age.

    117. There is no age limit for the con, just for the afterparty.

    118. YES!
      i'm totally going to Vaughn!

    119. Ah, so jealous, why aren't there any organized events in the uk. I'm in bloody brighton and there's not a single brony for miles as far as I know :( *sigh* one day, one day... :3

    120. @event #11

      I might, if I can convince my parents to let me. Any other Chicago bronies/fillies?

    121. @Chocolate Splash YEP! Chi-Town Brony right heeeere!

      You should cooooome! We have almost 20 people confirmed as attending on the FB page!

    122. why doesn't enything ever happen in canada.

    123. @Anonymous

      I would absolutely travel to Akron. Or further.

    124. blah. everythings to far from where i live to get to. if anyone wanted to set up a four-corners area meet up though, thats close enough.

    125. A big post is coming soon, but if you can attend one con this year, make it BroNYCon September, or possibly BroNYCon December! Both are located in beautiful Manehattan. See/join http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-NYC for more info!

    126. if this stuff is still big in 2 and a half years when im 18 im all in. until then...

    127. If someone sets up a get-together in the Seattle area, I am TOTALLY there. Come on guys, make it happen. :P

    128. There IS a bronies meetup group in Seattle-Tacoma! http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-SeaTac

    129. Um... If any Swedish people here reads this (In the Örebro area) Please email me at: filleg9001@hotmail.com if you'd like a get together. If anything goes down, we can do it on the next friday. (8th of July.) It'll be episode watching and snack eating/pizza eating whatnot. Now, I think that the possibility of this happening is like, 20 % lower then anything, but I might as well give it a chance. No need for me to post this as an official meetup though. Välkommen! :3

    130. cool, I'm locally from LA; looking forward to seeing all you SoCal bronies at Anime Expo =)

    131. Major cities still needing brony meetup groups include LA and Chicago... I've heard from ponies in both of these places, but there is no meetup group in either. Perhaps somepony in each city will step up to the plate and start the process of creating a Bronies meetup?

      If you think you may be that pony, email me-- prpltnkr@gmail.com. I've been there and done that (as I run the NYC meetups group), and I'd love to give you some tips.


    132. I'm thinking of going to the Chicago one but I just don't know...I'm a 13 year old female and I don't know how well the brony community would accept me. :S

    133. In my experience, the brony community is quite accepting indeed.

    134. @Purple Tinker
      Yes, but I don't think they are that many young teenage females into MLP, so I wouldn't know how people would react. :S

    135. I'm a 15-year-old female, and I might go to the Chicago one too. Don't worry, you won't be alone! C:

      Also, I'm in Wooster right now for the next couple of days, if there are any other bronies in the area. At the Rodeway Inn by Kmart. :D

    136. Asheville, NC brony here! Anypony know of any meet-up in the area?

    137. @FollowThePath, have you checked http://bronies.com/ ?
      It looks like there's a group in Raleigh!

    138. @Anonymous i'm chillin here in the big A#1 sauce. want to organize a meet up?
