• I, Brony

    Normally I lump these PMV's togeather just due to the huge load I get, but this one deserves it's own slot.  It does a good job of representing the steps most of us went through with this awesome cartoon, and uses that epic music score that ALWAYS works. 

    You can find it after the break! Hell yah Friendship is Magic!


    1. "uses that epic music score that ALWAYS works."

      Huh, I was expecting The Requiem for a Dream song. But yeah it's the much less clishae Sunshine theme. Yay Chris Murphy!

    2. I got into this show from a guy making Rainbow Dash on a minecraft server. I thought it was cool so I decided to watch the show. And here I am.

    3. That is rather cool, really well done.

    4. Don't deny it. You do watch it for the plot. Also, this seems like something you could show to a potential brony. ;3

    5. Whoa.

      That blew my mind.

    6. WAs honestly expecting Requiem for a Dream.

    7. Unashamed of the manly tears that have just been shed. Bravo sir, bravo.

    8. I wish it was that simple to convert my friend to bronydom... I actually ducktaped him t oa chair and made him watch all 26 episodes... all 9 hours and 30 minutes of it... well all I can say is that we just brohoofed

    9. that. was. *cringe* AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

    10. Yay! I knew it was a good idea to email this to Seth. :D

    11. That was... a teeny bit underwhelming. I was expecting super amazing things from Seth's reaction, it was still awesome but just not awesome enough to justify an hour post by itself.

    12. For me the process was more like:
      the forums I frequent has people saying this stuff is really good.
      tvtropes seem to agree.
      so do several of my webcomics.
      I'll try watching some of it.
      This is aweseome I'll watch all of it.
      and then I was a Brony.

    13. I watch it for the animation. It is SO AWESOME!

    14. The characters make this show. You could animate them singing the equestrian phonebook and it would be awesome.

    15. It's...Beautiful.
      This video pretty much sums up my own experience with becoming a fan of the show, except I became one long before the season finale.

    16. I, too, was expecting Requiem for a Dream. But this song works, too.

    17. The steps I went through:
      A friend said "Watch MLPFiM; it's awesome."
      I said "...um...okay, I'll give it a shot."

      and then it became a guilty pleasure all the way through episode 20, at which point it became flat-out awesome. :D

    18. @elements-5678
      That's scary. You're scary. However. I cannot contest the apparent effectiveness.

    19. I became a Brony mid-season. Saw the KYM article on it and thought to myself, "Heck. I've got nothing to do right now. Why not watch an episode?" Never turned back.

    20. I love that song so damned much
      it was awesome

    21. I'm posting this on FB to use it to come out of the stable

    22. This will be perfect for converting new people. It's just so beautiful...

    23. Awesome-cute.gif

      Seriously just that image and I was hooked.
      (I mean spiked)

    24. Cold shivers, I has em'.

    25. We are Bronies. Bronies are Legion. Friendship is Magic.

    26. As much as some ponies like to say they love it out of irony like other memes, true bronyism is not like that. It is a rare instance where ponies from all walks of life on the Internet get together, watch something with a beautiful message, and let benevolence and friendship flow in a world of cynicism and Internet hipsterdom. This is a rare thing we've got, indeed.

    27. I am truly moved...

      Not only liked, not only favorited, but posted to my Facebook page!

      What a fantastic video! It captures the journey perfectly...

    28. I love it!
      Worth sharing with everyone.

    29. And manly tears have been shed.

    30. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic...
      *weeps tears of heavenly joy*

    31. Wow, this video is amazing, very well done. I think I cried a bit just because it made me remember my road to becoming a brony and all the great times I have had with this show.

    32. The exact same thing happened to me. My friend told us, we didn't believe him, I watched "Sonic Rainboom", then the first to episodes, and now I am sitting here agreeing with everything he is saying. And the music was EPIC.

    33. I was browsing /co/ after discovering that the Homestuck fandom was situated there and found a bunch of pony threads. After struggling to find the first episodes, I saw them and began converting all my friends on campus :3

    34. I watch it for
      1 the animation
      2 the incredible voice acting
      3 Rainbow Dash's totaly tomboyish actions
      4 Fluttershys cute squeek
      5 totaly catchy songs
      6 the totaly awesome fan base,
      i used to be a hardcore gamer, i would play games non stop. but ive changed now, i actually draw stuff that i like i ACTUALLY read! i havn't read out of enjoyment since i was in primary school in 2005. I read great lenths of text a day (Fallout Equestria. it made me download fallout NV again) I write my own stories i draw my own art from the stories i make.
      love you guys, i will keep being a fan of MLP FiM until it dies down (If it does) and when that happens. well... we all had a very good run. I've changed and i bet most of you have too. May you all get everylasting bro hoofs!
      Peace out!

    35. This man is a voice for us all. :)

    36. That was beautiful (I can't think of a better word right now). The music, the words, everything. This is why I love being a brony. We are all amazing people, no matter what others may say. I love this community and wish I could get to know every brony out there. So to Sethisto, Lauren Faust, and every brony out reading this, Thank you for everything. You have given me life. Reason to wake up in the morning and to fall asleep at night.

      I am Chris Lowrey, and I am a brony.

    37. After seeing the awesome animation images randomly pop up everywhere, I saw the video where Chad Rocco first mentioned the show. I found out the name of the show and watched it late at night.
      Sadly, my story isn't very original, but I am very glad I found the show.

    38. I was always skeptical about world peace... now I know... it can be achieved through MLP:FiM.

    39. The sonic rainboom part gave me chills.

    40. Plot, definitely plot

    41. It is refreshing to still see "plot" used without irony once in a while. This deserves a bravo for that alone.

    42. I saw the first episode and thought "im okay with this" and now here I am

    43. I'm so glad I have been a part of the MLP community. Everyone here is wonderful. I have never met such a great community for a great show, I hope that FiM will teach everyone one day, there is still love and friendship in the world.

    44. Oh my effing God. I just posted this as my Facebook status. I came out of the Brony closet with this video

    45. I first saw the show being mentioned on MSPA forums and then I watched it and slowly became a brony. :)

      This gave me goosebumps.

    46. My love for the ponies came from a boring Saturday at work. I was bored at work so i posted on Facebook i needed some entertainment, a friend of mine replied with a link with the simple message watch this and you wont be bored all day. I clicked the link and when i saw episode 10 of MLP pop up i was a bit surprised but being as bored as i was i watched it, although i didn't know the characters or anything i liked it so i decided to watch the first couple episodes so i would understand it better, fast forward a couple hours it was time to go home and i was hooked.

    47. I think I was hooked from Applebucking season and onward..........

      First got curious from seeing alot of pics flying around the web......

      By the 2nd episode someone told me Lauren F. had a hand in the show and I knew it was gonna be good....wasn't disappointed.

      And herrre I am ;p

    48. @Anonymous

      What I find hilarious though, is that it took me a while to finally ADMIT to just MYSELF...in my OWN FREAKIN' HEAD....that I am a 'Brony'

      Still haven't got up the balls to tell most friends LOL....then again most of my friends are way too immature to handle something so sophisticated anyhow XD


      Translation: This gave me chills.

    50. really amazing great work, couldnt express it better, kinda showed my becoming of a brony

    51. I was just searching through my favorite YouTube channels, like Mangaminx and CardgamesFTW, when I came across the first episode in Adamwestslapdog's favorites. I had NO idea what it was, so I clicked on it. I got all the way to the opening theme song before gaging and turning it off. About a month or two later I see he favorited a few clips from the episodes and the "Cutie Mark Chronicles" episode, so I watch the clips of Flutterguy and Pinkie singing about Twilight being her best friend and enjoyed it. So I sucked up my pride and watched the CMC episode, even forced my way through the opening song. By the end of the episode I was enamored. It was just so odd, and good, that I went back to the first episode. I made it through that and watched the second to finish it. I found myself about 8 episodes later at the Winter Wrap Up, and I knew I was hooked. It wasn't until much later that I found out about this site from a YouTube comment about the fan-fic Cupcakes... And that's my odd journey into bronydom.

    52. A bit off topic but I don't remember that part at 1:40

    53. *sheds single, manly tear*

    54. I saw a link in a friends journal post about it, said it was some kind of "phenomena" I scoffed at it, watched the first 30 seconds of it and just dismissed it. About 2 months later a friend of mine begged me to give it a second chance.

      As I rested my hands on my holstered firearm and magazine, leaning against my big red pick up truck in my dirty weekend work jeans and a old torn to hell hoodie. Just having gotten back from working in the woods with friends. I asked him "Do I look like I'd enjoy My Little Ponies? Really? Honestly?"

      He assured me that I would...Fast forward to today. I'm so hooked its not even funny. I'm a Brony for life now!

    55. I am a brony as well. Tho I can't pinpoint why I watch the show. It's the whole package, I guess.

    56. I can't believe I shed a tear for this.

      Bronies forever, man. FOREVER.

    57. No Brony ever won a flame war by raging for his ponies. He won it by loving the poor ignorant troll into tolerance. George Patton (If he were a Brony).

    58. Funny story, for the longest time I didn't know Sunshine was a real movie because I thought it was an even more absurd parody of The Core.

    59. I'm sorry, but i watch this show for EVERYTHING. :D I'm pretty sure some of you agree.

    60. I saw "Guile's theme goes with everything: Sonic Rainboom" on Halolz, and I knew that I would end up knowing I loved this show. I now know I am a Brony, and always will be.

    61. Addendum: this didn't help.

    62. This is a show in which a Dad can enjoy with his daughter and son.

    63. This video made the tiny embers in my chest grow and dance to the tempo of this music. That was epic. Thank you, sir.

    64. I love this, its sooo true to many brony reactions. Those that I have converted still ask themselves why they keep watching it. My friends mom noticed a change in him since the show O.O I asked how soo . . . . she told me he started to hang with his little sister much more often now, which even i know is something he didn't do at all. She asked if I knew what was going on . . . I just said Friendship is Magic, Look it up on google. The next day she had told me what she saw. She said at first, it kinda weirded her out. But she found an ep on youtube, and herself loved it. I basically Bronied a WHOLE FAMILY. How many can say they have done that. Even my friends dad enjoyed the show with my friend and his sister. And yes, I have gone over and watched a few eps with them myself. In fact its my copies we watched too.

      I was hooked thru clips on youtube. FLutterguy being my first encounter with the show, then the whole of Bridle Gossip. Really that was it took for me to go down the Girls ilse at walmart and target looking for the toys. Many many, remixes of Winter Wrap Up later, and I blast this musics out of my car all the time I drive. I have no problem playing the eps on my phone in public, nor talking about it with peeps. Hay, sometimes i even have little kids comment on my luna signet shirt, which is hilarious considering the parents expect me to not know what their kids are talking about. And boy do I KNOW.

      MLP:FIM is the best thing to happen to me in a long time, got me reading, writing, got me out of my drawing slump. Generally im happier throught the day. I only wish it came out sooner . . . really. Plus the over 150 background images i have between my pc, laptop, tv, ps3, phone all show the love.

    65. Well my journey to bronydom started when I saw that 3 of the 10 comics featured ponies in some way. Its when Broken Plot Device had two strips on the subject. Went from there to youtube, watched almost all episodes up to Party of One. Found this place from The Furry Forum MLP thread. Then started art followed by a FanFic, and PMV. Thinking about posting this on my facebook and a gigantic RD on the hull surface of my laser sailboat.

    66. Wow this made me shead a tear. Wow

    67. >October
      >Browsing /co/
      >MLP thread
      >"Are you fucking kidding me?"
      >Read through thread "Huh...Lauren Faust eh?"
      >Scroll further
      >Link to first episode is posted
      >"...well...what the hell?"
      >Watch up to episode three
      >"...well shit"
      >MFW I joined the herd after a single thread
      >MFW I can't greentext on EQD
      >MFW I have no face

    68. So we're clear, you couldn't have a better community than the herd. I watch it for the plot. I stay for the bronies.

    69. I became brony way back during the great bans. I remember being on 4chan and wondering where the hell these weird (and admittedly pretty cool) pony themed macros were coming from. It took a while to become open about it, but I think since then I have sent two more on the path to Friendship.

    70. I think we were still on episode 12 when I joined

    71. @Anonymous
      I love the fact that you are calling a little girls show sophisticated...

      ...I think I love that it is true even more...

    72. I bet a lot of people that make fun of liking the show would have already been watching it if it didn't share the name of the sickening G3.5

    73. I was in the depth of depression when I first heard of the show. I saw it mentioned on a porn site of all places. I don't know why I started watching it; but I'm glad I did. Somehow, It made me feel strong. Like I could overcome anything. I probably became a brony after watching Party of One; after that I stopped asking myself why I was watching it. I was watching it because it gave me something to be happy about during a time I thought I could never be happy.

    74. I was browsing 4chan at the height of all the pony threads. I ignored them at first, but there was something about the art style (and all the Rainbod Dash memes) that made me crack open a thread. I saw all the animated discussion and all the positivity in a place that is usually cynical and disgusting, and I figured it had to be something genuinely good.

      I watched the first four episodes in one sitting and was hooked big time. Been a brony ever since, and have since gotten several of my friends interested too. MLP:FiM really is one of the best cartoons I've ever watched, and this community surrounding it is the best in the world.

    75. I actually started watching MLP after watching the "Ponycraft 2" Youtube video about midway through the season.

      I couldn't help but wonder how a "little girls' show" had so much footage that meshed so seamlessly with sci-fi action.

      Turns out it was 'cause the show is SO-AWESOME!

      And the rest is history.

    76. Just to say since it hasn't popped up on the regular board or the side board, there is a new pinkie pie video featuring lil jon (inspired from "cooking by the book")
      and, just to say, I discovered this show during winter break last year and never thought something would come of it, I was wrong.
      And I just figured out why MASTERLINX calls himself that, I broke the chain on my bike yesterday and my dad said the masterlink was missing, I only realized today and started crying tears of joy as I crossed the street.

    77. In my case, I wasn't so shocked that I liked FIM. I was shocked that there was MLP that was actually good, but not startled that I liked it. I've been watching anime since I was in college (a depressingly large number of years ago now...) so it's been a long time since I got comfortable with watching shows that were "meant for little girls" (just about every magical girl series ever, to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the fanservice quotient). And recently I've been enjoying a lot of the stuff that comes out of the "new school" animation studios, like the Clone Wars cartoons, everything Genndy Tartakovsky worked on, everything Craig McCracken worked on... (but not Spongebob, curiously enough; I hate that thing)

      So I did have that sense of "Wow, what? This is good?" back in episode 1. Actually, I got that during the storybook opening -- while I generally loathe that particular trope, I said aloud to an empty room, "Twisted by jealousy is kinda dark for a kids' show, that's interesting... Oooh, Night Eternal is good..."

      And I did have that moment about halfway through the season when I suddenly said, "I'm watching an episode about dressmaking and it's AWESOME. What happened?!"

    78. Been a brony for maybe three months now. My introduction came from seeing one too many pony references around deviantArt (dealbreaker being this pic by IsisMasshiro: http://isismasshiro.deviantart.com/art/My-Little-Addict-201683850), and then became curious enough to search it out.

      Rest, as they say, is hysterical bursts of laughter with ponies.

      Three months later I am well out of any drawing funk I was in(thanks in big part to the ATG), have even gotten a bit of creative writing out of me for the longest time, and just in general have found a bit more positive outlook in life. I love this community.

    79. Ignorance was probably the wrong word to have used. It's more like cultural stigma and gender roll/image. Personally I wasn't taken back at all when I knew that I loved the show from the first episode I watched. All people have both masculine and feminine qualities regardless of gender. The great secret of men, is that we don't want women to know just how obsessed we are by the feminine.

    80. @Escher
      Total ditto here, friend.
      I had recently come back from a deluding "Foster's home for Imaginary friends" experience (it had a childish pace, that is, few things happening in an episode, plus not enough jokes being cracked), but at one point I read of this 4chan trend of MLP, and seeing as Lauren Faust was still a good point in my book, I gave it a try. And by Celestia, it was SO MUCH BETTER. Still good animation, but faster pace, relateable characters, interesting plot, and jokes being cracked all around, even ones for adults. I thought to myself "Yeah, this one is totally done right."

      And then I was enjoying slumber parties and dressmaking, thinking "Those parts should normally be the lows of a series... then why do I still like all of it? Lauren, you're too good."

      Next step was, noticing how the show had apparently created the best community ever around it, and proudly joining it. The rest is history.

    81. I remember seeing the first episode on a whim when I read that famous article decrying the current state of animation. I have never been a /b/tard or user of 4chan, cant even remember how I found the article!

      About 5 minutes into the first episode (yeah seriously, I make my mind up quick) I was hooked. About 6 episodes into the season I randomly googled FIM, and holy shit, when I found this massive awesome community my mind exploded, then exploded again! The community is the best thing next to the show, equal in fact in my opinion!

      I wish I had the guts to be more open about being a Brony, but I haven't got the guts. Being 26 I can hardly write it off to 'teenage silliness' if I say something and get it thrown in my face, so guess I'm gonna lay low and look for hints and one day I guess I'll meet a fellow kiwi Brony.

      These ponies are truly everything good to anyone who needs a bit of a light in a dark world, no doubt about it - just gotta put down your prejudice at the door and feel the love.

    82. The Animation? The Voice Acting? The Plot? My awnser: All of the above. Plus other reasons such as the unique characters and the great humor. Also the great fandom and knowing I'm not alone with being a fan of this series.

      After converting a couple of my friends into watching the show, one's a brony the other just started watching, I can say this video is just awesome and probably similar to how they react. I think by the end of episode 15 I became a brony if not before. And yes, I was confused about liking it at first but now I know why I like it and I'm proud of it, no matter what ignorant things some of my friends say. I don't think I experienced a show like this in years and I don't think my friends have either. Friendship is Magic!

    83. That nearly made me cry. Such great music and the clips work well with the song.

    84. I almost cried watching this...

    85. The History of how i became a brony

      I First found out about FIM from a PMV
      PonyCraft 2 (The Starcraft 2 Parody) to be more precise i couldn't believe how freaking amazingly well done it was, i enjoyed how first it looked like Rainbow Dash was kerrigan due to the goggles, also enjoyed the black pony clash with twilight towards the ending

      2. Went to Master Toons and saw FIM as the new addition, it had 7 episodes available I Watched Dragonshy firstly due to i usually i know the Pilot is nothing like the next episodes, and the squeek from Fluttershy was indeed cute as hell, i especially enjoyed the Gear-Up Montage. I Usually ask myself who's the main char(leader) and i saw the purple one Twilight, k i established that... Then when they got to the mountain i was like, why don't they just fly up there? and i loved how the Rainbow one went with my suggestion but then AJ came with her ''stick together numbers=power'' crap and was like...seriously? that's soo girly, then after that i realised not all of them can fly, and that AJ is the one with the morals which kinda makes sense due to she's from generation 1...the last part with Fluttershy was kinda cheesy too =/ i was expecting the dragon to say something like ''Who the hell do you think you are? my mother?''

      3. Watched some Guile's theme goes with everything Ponified and i enjoyed it tremendously, but it nearly got me into watching the cartoons with Street Fighter and the animes, watched like 1 episode then went back to ponies

      4. Finally after 2 days i watch the pilot episode
      K nice exposition for the plot for this pilot. Alright typical My little pony intro...hey lookie guitar and drums not bad. Twilight gets intercepted by ponies, she runs...and the pink-white one goes with the friends thing again right cause the show is called friendship is ma...nvm Then after that i heard the good visible background guitar music aaand it transitions to something bigger when climbing the tower, and...it stopped...awwz i was getting into it, overall i knew this was going to be the boring filler part just like the Harry Potter movie part 1 and was thinking that i'll skip to part 2. Unbelievably i stood with it all 22 minutes...wow... But it was getting late and thus i skipped to the ending of part 2, just to see more of NMM.
      The next day got to watch it fully...Applejack: Let go. Ok...that was unexpected...where have i seen this scene again?...''Cuts all the way to the last part'' Alright...ponies going in the air, getting each an element...starting to look like Sailor Moon and the Power Rangers...and the antagonist gets pwnt by a giant rainbow, sweet...Then finally i get to see celestia. While the others bow, and Twilight goes snuggling with the princess i could only think this in my mind(yeah screw you noobs, i've got relations with the ruler of Equestria xD)''moments later'' hah...so she has a boyish voice... then they're all like SISTER?! when Luna is seen, k even Twilight responded like that? i suppose it wasn't written in the book...And then after that when i was looking forward to seeing Luna again with that boyish voice of hers, hey lookie no more Luna untill season 2...

      5. Listened to the remixes of the songs, Found the DJ-P0N3 Videos, and i was like...this...this is Giggle at the Ghostie?! ''plays it like 3-5 times and starts hearing Pinkie Pie'' Holy shit it is based on Giggle at the Ghosties, damn this fandom is made of professionals

    86. 6. Stumbles across the FlutterGuy video...K Fluttershy seems to be k rite?...Jazzy Black Man: I Don't wanna talk about it... WHAT THE FUUU O_O that's actually officially in the show?! no way xD...''Watches Bridle Gossip'' So they're staying in the same place for 10 freaking minutes? Oh hey look Twilight actually has knowledge unlike the shows where the main character also judges dumbly too, ''Pinkie Pie pops out'' HaH! Haven't seen such a visible innuendo since animaniacs, rofl Dash close your mouth...''the next day'' Hah cool 80s Hair, too bad Twilight didn't keep it for a bit longer...
      ''Finally Reaches the Flutterguy moment'' HOLY SHIT It is in the show! Awesome xD ''goes to the FlutterGuy singing part'' Now that's Fan-Service right there!

      7. Then i seen Hitler's rants WITH PONIES, clicked on episode 3...hah they actually put one of the songs in it...hitler rages as always =)))Hitler asks where the crap does he get the info... ''Hitler's Informant: Equestria Daily'' Rofl...but i wonder if it's an actual site...hmm...then i paused and searched for it, first thing i saw was the FallOut equestria image

      8. hello...''The return of Derpy Hooves''...is ''Derpy'' Pinkie's second name by the fans? ''goes to the Gray-Blonde mane 6.9 pony'' ooh...that's Derpy... well time to visit KnowYourMeme for more info...then at this part i saw a bunch of pictures and started clicking them after i read most of the way down, soon i realise i spent 2 hours straight just watching images of ponies...my thoughts: heh...k...this is getting a bit too addictive...

      9. Then i searched for Equestria Gaming for the pony games, sadly there barely where any...but once i found the platformer unfinished ones i played like a crap load of time with the Sonic one, and another shit load of time with Urimas's one on Newgrounds, enjoyed the songs a load

      10. Watched all the episodes of Friendship Is Magic available without even realising, then i couldn't wait more for the Cutie Mark Chronicles one, actual episodes which i couldn't wait for due to the description on the wiki

      There where also a bunch of other good shows i was planning on watching or was already watching through ponies such as
      The Looney Tunes Show
      Scooby doo Mistery Inc.
      With the CMC the flashback episode for the mane six is when i knew i was a brony xD

      Enjoy the wall of text xD

    87. I am a Brony! And proud of it!

      That sir, was Amazing!


    88. @Anonymous

      Are you me?

      Also, I laughed so hard when the PLOT came up.

    89. I usually watch things like breaking bad, play games like Call of Duty. I hike, I bike, I ski and I party with my friends. I like to consider myself a reasonably masculine guy. And every single day, I unwind by watching My Little Pony. Because its nice to watch a genuinely, unabashedly cute and wonderful program. I let myself escape, if only for a moment, and the feeling is incredible. I still have not come out of the stable with this yet to my friends, but I'm working up the courage. My little brother already knows and is being converted bit by bit. I look forward to coming out and sharing this magnificent piece of television with my new friends when I go to College in few weeks. Thanks to everyone here and on the chans for being the best damn people out there in this ocean we call the internet.
      Brony for Life.

    90. My reasons for joining The Herd?

      1. The Writing. PURE. GOLD. This is one of the best-written animated TV series I've ever seen! (And I've been watching them for almost 50 years!) Lauren Faust knew what she was doing when she picked her writers. Let's hope that quality carries over into Season 2.

      2. The Music. Pure, Freakin' *AWESOME!!!* I'm a Classical Music buff and I've got to say that Danny Ingram and William Kevin Anderson have written some of the best and most-listenable-to music for TV animation I've ever heard! This isn't mere background noise. Williams takes Classical, Jazz and other styles and motifs and seamlessly weaves them into a rich, organic tapestry of sound that actually can set the mood for a scene. And Ingram's songs are humorously intelligent and actually relevant to keeping the stories moving forward instead of being tacked on in the hopes that it'll get kids to buy the CD..

      3. The Characterizations. This goes hoof-in-hoof with the writing, but is important in it's own right. All of the characters are *DIFFERENT!* They aren't just cookie-cutter clones of each other. They have distinct personalities (yes, even Princess Luna; who barely got any screen time) and quirks and flaws in addition to their mane attributes. (i.e. Kindness, Honesty, Generosity, etc.)

      4. The Animation. Admittedly, this is the weakest part of the show for me. The quality of the animation is pretty high for television (I was actually quite surprised when I found out that it's done in Adobe Flash), but it's not very consistent. (I noticed quite a few missing wings and cutie marks and other animation errors. Hopefully these will be addressed in the upcoming season.) That said, the color palette is rich (though it mostly sticks to the primary colors) and the animation is dynamic without straining the eyes.

      Overall, I love MLP:FiM and am quite happy to be a Brony.

    91. I got into this show because of Kotaku.

    92. Eh... Video was alright.

      After the "I accepted what I became" it was just a clipshow.

    93. Hey @Roman500, was that server by any chance the NeonShift survival build server? If so, I'm Chekkaa, and I built the giant Rainbow Dash to the right of the spawn building. :D

    94. I think everypony can empaphise with this. I watched this show out of irony, to laugh at bronies for loving such crap. To troll, effectively. Then...I just...kept watching, pulled in. This show was awesome.

      Now I write fanfics for it. I've never done that for any other canon before, yet...writing for FiM feels so...fun. To add to already well-rounded and fleshed out characters, that can be used for all manner of scenarios.

      Being a brony is a whole new mindset on life - a better, positive one.

    95. I found out about FIM from 4chan. The threads were full of cute ponies. I fell in love immediately and watched the first episode without any assumption.

      That was like two months ago. I couldn't believe it could become so important for me!

      I began believing in peace, friendship and love again. I had just ended hard times in school. I had nothing but vengeance and bitterness in my mind of how people had treated me. I have began to forgive and forget the past. New peoples and places await!

      Then I found out that there are lots of fans already. I wish I could be more than just a faceless nickname for everypony. I wish I could meet you all in real life.

      Since I love the visual style of the ponies, I have begun to make some visual art of them. I also consider making some fan fiction and music about ponies as well.

    96. Ok, how did it happen that I find myself totally admitting to being a Bronie, AA style on the internet? Which yes, I am a Bronie, and proud of it.

      This one I can blame my wife on, who had actually re-gotten into her old MLP collecting after a trip to the storage area. After several treasure hunting trips out and even starting her own blog of our version of the pony world, she actually had me anticipating the pilot episode.

      Still I just figured it was your standard kids show. But the I started watching it with my side of the convo through the show going like this. "Hey this isn't bad...hmmm, this is actually pretty good...wow, this is really good...OMG this is totally the s**t!!!" Not wanting to judge off of just one episode, a week later we were watching the next episode..."oh man, this is still the s**t!!!" And that's when I realized I was hooked. So excuse me while I go catch up on a few of the episodes I missed due to travel.

    97. Oh, don't ask why I typed Bronie instead of Brony...brain fart after fighting with a laptop just begging to be thrown out of a very high window.

    98. I watch it because I'm a man. Damn straight.

    99. This is so epic that I can't even finish my

    100. Honestly, I fell in love with the show immediately... In fact, I saw the first commercials for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic a couple months before the Discovery Kids channel became The Hub channel. Even then, I made a mental note to watch a couple episodes when the show aired, just to see what it was about... Needless to say, the pilot episodes were very entertaining. Also, I think my love of cartoons played a role in my fascination with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic...
