I'll probably do another compilation for conventions/cosplays soon. And as always, be sure to check out the Meetup post if you are interested in joining up with your fellow bronies for anything! I update it as I get stuff, so It's definitely a post to follow/bookmark.

Also some names!: Rarity was M. Alice, Celestia was Windaria, Fluttershy was Cepia and Pinkie Pie was Morgan.
Okay, now you're just trolling us about your favorite pony Seth.
ReplyDeleteTrixie is not amused.
Pretty sharp. Pinkie Pie seems kind of crazy in the first pic, which seems all too fitting somehow.
ReplyDeleteooouu.. What have we here? I love this Applejacks:)
ReplyDeleteThey all look beautiful! :)
ReplyDeleteOh the Horror...
ReplyDeletePretty Epic cosplay. Also cool to see girls also like FIM.
ReplyDeleteoh my!
ReplyDelete@Anonymous yeah, chicks like Rainbow Dash, so they like MLP:FiM:)
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one that finds this really creepy?
ReplyDeleteWait, girls like MLP:FiM? This is news... mind blowing news...
ReplyDelete@Anonymous I don't like any cosplay thing too, but.. c'mon! This is My Little Pony cosplay!:D
ReplyDeleteI don't see anything creepy about it. It's cosplaying and thats some damn good work on those customs.
ReplyDeleteGirls liking My Little Pony?! Next you'll be telling us that it's a show for 7 year old girls.
ReplyDeleteFluttershy is.. nice.. And Pinkie Pie needs more STREAMERS!
ReplyDeleteMost disturbing thing I've seen all week.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous Well Danny Ingram actually said on his last interview, that they're making FiM show for girls from 6 to 9 years old:D
ReplyDeleteI really wish I hadn't seen that...
ReplyDeleteSee, these, I like, a LOT. (Very!) Well done cosplays, done by attractive people. What I can't handle are badly done cosplays done by ugly/fat people (i'm not talking borderline/average, I mean people who clearly don't take care of themselves, except for helping themselves to another serving, or sitting on their ass all day), which turn the whole "cosplay" ideal into a negatively viewed staple of cons.
ReplyDelete+100 intermuffins to all of you. Damn fine work. Hopefully this will encourage more! :-)
These are pretty good, I like how outside of the outfits and what not they kept it relatively simple. They also probably had to put a heck of a lot of time into those outfits since they came out really well made.
ReplyDeleteI went bananas looking for the Gala girls on Sunday. They saw us on Saturday (I was with the Applejacks with the others) while in Cinderella costumes and told us about the Gala outfits.
ReplyDeleteGah. Lovely work. Wish I had caught them.
Am i the only one who thinks this is creepy...
ReplyDeleteWow, those Gala girls are amazing. It would be cool if they got Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack too.
ReplyDeleteNo, you aren't.
This is probably the only cosplay I can view and not have my skin crawl. Nary a pair of fuzzy ears or stupid wings in sight, and the people are the same gender as the characters they represent.
ReplyDeleteNo sir you are not. Blech
MLP cosplay is a little creepy, but Geijinka are just fine. Very well done. Celestia especially looks good.
ReplyDeleteOk, yes, this is kinda weird. But if you can't appreciate it aesthetically, then at least appreciate the effort they put into it.
ReplyDeleteSaw these on deviantART - The one dressed as Rarity is the author of a pretty popular manga by the name of Bizenghast, FYI.
ReplyDeletelol the applejacks are eating applejacks XD
ReplyDeletelove the celestia costume
The cutie mark on that dress needs to be technically accurate; Celestia has eight flares on her cutie mark, not six.
ReplyDeleteI was at AnimeNext, and I saw these girls in action. They should be praised for their hard work and dedication. TRUST ME, people can produce horrible MLP cosplays, and these girls did exactly the opposite.
ReplyDeleteVery nice costumes. -DDS.
ReplyDeleteVery nice job! The people saying these creep them out haven't seen truly bad MLP cosplay.
ReplyDeletePinkie is best pony always, and damn her outfit's well done in this. They all are.
Not only are the costumes great, the cosplayers are in character.
ReplyDeleteHumanized ponies/humans dressing up like ponies ... scare me. I don't know why - they just do.
ReplyDeleteThese are great outfits. I fail to see what is so off-putting about any of this. Much ado about nothing, what?
ReplyDeleteThese gals look great. Very, very well done, imo. :D
ReplyDeleteI also fail to see what is so creepy about these outfits. The Gala dresses translate perfectly into human dresses, as proven here. Nothing creepy at all. If you didn't know about FiM, you would never know they were cosplaying My Little Ponies.
Thank you so much for posting this! I'm the Celestia in these photos. Making these dresses was a fun project for us, and it was wonderful meeting other fans of the show! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm the Rarity in these pics and I'd like to thank everyone for their kind words. We all worked so very hard on these costumes to make them something that everyone would like, so it's nice to see fellow bronies approve! :3
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie, reporting in! Thanks for liking these, People Who Liked Our GGG Costumes! We had tons of fun wearing these~ So sad I forgot my confetti poppers, tho!
ReplyDeleteI'm actually going to a Convention in July... Maybe I'll find some cosplayers there!
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome! They all did a great job! :D
ReplyDeleteI have been waiting since art of the dress for this because if I was a girl I would do this.
ReplyDeleteThis is just so good.
I'm the Fluttershy, and I'd also like to thank all of you for the kind comments! We all love MLP and had a lot of fun dressing up as our favorite characters, so I'm really happy you like them too! Hopefully someday we'll have a full gala group with everypony!
ReplyDeleteOh you guys are only getting creeped out because deep down inside you know...you can never dress as pony.
ReplyDeleteThese are such lovely costumes, well translated.
I'd love to cosplay as a pony, but I pry never will. It seems whenever a larger girl tries it all there tends to be is negativity. :c
The facial expressions move it from pretty good to awesome.
ReplyDeleteIMO the real appeal of these is that they are very classy in comparison to the more 'furry'-like outfits. Very well executed.
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with all the meanness in these comments? They look great and their costumes are well-constructed. This is a huge improvement in costume quality from the pony cosplay we've seen in previous posts. I've been wanting to cosplay as Pinkie Pie but I don't think I'll ever be able to top these guys in terms of costume quality.
ReplyDeleteAlso, to the person who's upset that Celestia's cutie mark has six sun flares instead of eight, that was a ridiculously nitpicky and anally retentive remark to make.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that person was being nitpicky about the cutie mark, I think they were quoting Twilight Sparkle when she says in Art of the Dress, "Orion should have three stars in his belt, not four." She was just changing the quote to apply it here as a joke :3
Oh, the cutie mark! I realize now that I was accidentally using a fan-made vector of Celestia as a reference, and now I can clearly see that the official mark has eight flares instead of six. I guess we both made the same mistake!
ReplyDeleteI will be wearing Celestia again in July, and the mark will most certainly be changed by then to reflect the proper number of flares. My apologies! Thank you all for your help! :3
Cosplayers? Really? How far this site has sunk.
ReplyDeleteGood cosplayers dressing up for a themed party/celebration?
Haha so cute :P
ReplyDeleteI wish I could marry that Pinkie Pie girl...
ReplyDeleteWe could be happy... FOREVER... *cry*
Rarity's cosplay is just mindblowing. They are all realy good, but Rarity's is above all of them.
ReplyDeletewhat a perfect casting! they really played their parts :D
ReplyDeleteCome on guys, no need to burn out fellow bronies by bein' uberly judgmental. Some of us might not like cosplaying and that's okay, but it won't kill us to just close the window before we say something we'll regret.
ReplyDeleteBesides, what's the difference between wearing appropriate character costumes to devoting weeks to making a pony flash game? Or sewing a pony doll for nine hours? Or baking baked bads cupcakes straight from a cartoon show? We all just end up using our own -inherent- talents to express our appreciation for the show, and that's equal to just being ourselves, right?
I might not be into cosplaying in general, but great job girls! You done Rarity proud~ ;)
Two Applejacks eating Applejacks... and the world is still intact. I am amazed.
ReplyDeleteI love the Princess Celestia costume! Now you just need a Princess Luna costume to go with it.
ReplyDeleteGreat cosplay! I'm positively surprised how well Pinkie Pie's outfit translates to something human-wearable. :)
ReplyDeleteI know the Princess Celestia. She worked really hard on her costume. I think they're all gorgeous! I don't understand why people are saying it's creepy or that cosplay making ED sink low, but no one objects when people draw the ponies in human form. And what about fanfiction? Some of the MLP fanfiction I've seen out there is WAY creepier than any cosplay I've ever seen.
ReplyDeleteThey all look great!
ReplyDeleteVery nice cosplays ... :D...well done :D
ReplyDeleteCool! The Applejack on the right was at Anime North.
ReplyDeleteI like how the box of Applejacks says "The Ultimate Rivalry Has Begun."
I cannot believe that I missed this. I was pre-registered, pre-paid, and ready to go to AnimeNEXT. At the last moment I got sick. I was disappointed then, and I'm REALLY disappointed now. Anyway, I'm happy to know that there are some New Jersey bronies out there besides myself.
ReplyDeleteNot featured in the post, a pic of Flutterage :P
ReplyDeleteJust kidding, you look great!
I'm actually surprised seeing some comments. Despite of how we are brandishing our flags of tolerance, I find it sad how they get thrown to the sidelines when some of you see cosplayers, 'weabos', furries, etc in "your fandom". But I guess you have some rep to keep, being that you are the new kids on the block.
Final image, AJ to the right was at anime north! such a great cosplayer and great all-round gal!
ReplyDeleteCheck out her tumblr at http://christinapantimiku.tumblr.com/
what a beautiful job on the costumes! i was thinking of designing costumes from the grand galloping gala, but i really don't think i can beat these. great job!