As some of you may have already noticed, certain fics hosted on Google Docs have been banned for violating Google's Terms of Service. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the bannings. Perfectly safe fics have been banned alongside some of the more cloppy ones.
Case in point- In The Depths of Equestria, which from what I understood was completely safe for work, is gone, while Cupcakes is not.
The only caveat I could find in the Terms of Service that could possibly apply to ponies was the section on sexual content:
Writing about adult topics is permitted as long as they aren't accompanied by sexually explicit images or videos, or any material that promotes or depicts unlawful or inappropriate sexual acts with children or animals.Take that as you will, though.
We're not entirely sure what to do about this issue right now. If it persists, and is not merely an error on Google's part, we'll update you all accordingly. In the meantime, though, I would recommend submitting your work to FF.net or DeviantART instead for the time being.
Feel free to send me FF.net/DA versions of your stories, Alternatively I can just paste the entire story into the blogger window and add pages if you want -[email protected]
If your google doc got banned, you can also appeal it here!
Thankfully I save everything I'm reading so I can always reupload them if something I read goes down!
ReplyDeleteLike Forever is Forever!
except Fon took that down himself!
ReplyDeleteNah, I kinda hated Google docs anyway.
DeviantART ftw?
Well... that sucks.
ReplyDeleteTrollestia strikes again.
ReplyDeleteSo long as Progress remains in tact, I don't care. :P
ReplyDeleteCupcakes, though, Don't care where that goes.
preferably hell though!
well thats not good.... i really hope this was just a fumble on Googles part and not them being massive dicks =/
ReplyDeleteSome of this sounds like an error on their part. Hopefully that's the case.
ReplyDeleteGood riddance.
ReplyDeleteSeriously Google? SRSLY?
ReplyDeleteSilly Google, you sent the wrong fic to the Moon!
ReplyDeleteYou're meant to go for Cupcakes, not the other fics!
Shit, I better save a copy of Fallout: Equestria, I've been meaning to do that anyway - I want a copy on my HDD for quick reading
Hours of work possibly going down the drain? I don't like the sound of this.
ReplyDeleteThat's strange. At least I know I can back my work up.
ReplyDeleteReally? That's what they decide to attack? Pny fanfics? Haven't they got bigger stuff to care of?
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to fear for Fallout: Equestria.
Dangit, I work for Google, but the inner workings are so labyrinthine, that doesn't put me in a much better position to find out what's going on. But if you file inquiries, I'm sure this can be dealt with. If you have trouble finding the right person to contact, I can help with that.
ReplyDeleteThis could get very ugly
ReplyDeleteI *just* uploaded a thing and it was banned immediately. I wonder if it isn't a technical issue.
ReplyDelete>Children or animals
ReplyDeleteHa! I found a loophole! It doesn't count for clopfics, because ponies are children AND animals!
ReplyDeleteWhat was the story about? Honestly- did it contain anything questionable? What about the rest of your portfolio?
I thought google's motto was "don't be evil".
ReplyDeletefanfiction.net > googledocs
ReplyDeletein every way
@Cereal Velocity
ReplyDeleteIt was about Celestia's Royal Guard, with nothing questionable except perhaps my odd sense of humor.
Other than that, I've just got a story about the Pie family, and one about Rainbow Dash teaching Scootaloo to fly. They still seem to be up.
ReplyDeleteThat makes me feel better, honestly. If it was immediately banned this can't be more than a glitch.
I'm going to upload an un-edited version of a fic that has scenes that are only about 1/3 as saucy as BSS's.
ReplyDeleteI'll post if it gets taken down and how long it took to get taken down if it does.
@ a href #c8547183887460310792 >Anonymous /a>
ReplyDeleteHeey, you should get me a job there.
This does look like a bug though guys. I just had a story sent to me 2 seconds ago that was already banned. brand new story.
There's a pony hater in the Google staff, maybe? I think it's a glitch in the system.
ReplyDeletePersonally, things posted on either FF.net and DeviantArt are better, since you can leave comments on the story to the artist, and you're not distracted by the chat when you're reading.
A few weeks back a rather large collab I was wathcing closely got taken down. After requesting a review, it was immediately put back up.
ReplyDeleteAnd... it may have been a bit cloppy. But it still got restored.
Take that as you will.
Guys, there's a section on copyright infringement too. I dunno if that's the reason that things are getting pulled down.
ReplyDeleteHowever, it's all non-profit, so I'm not sure why they'd pull for that... :/
Well, hopefully it's just a glitch.
ReplyDeleteAlthough this reminds me of YouTube and false DMCA claims somewhat. :/
I pray it's just a temporary glitch.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise Google will discover how we gonna tolerate & love the SHIT outta them...
Well looks like I'll be setting up an FF.net account, I'd use my DA account but I'd like to keep that purely for comics.
ReplyDeleteNone of mine have been affected as they're under normal but can't be too careful.
Oh yes, its a bug. If this was serious, they would ban Cupcakes.
ReplyDeleteIts what decent human beings would do.
ReplyDeleteFanfiction.net doesn't allow explicit porn stories.
ReplyDeleteGoogle definitely needs more bronies! I'm only aware of one other brony Googler (found her by digging through internal mailing lists), and I don't really feel comfortable contacting her out of the blue. We're all so nerdy here, though, that MLP would spread like wildfire given the right catalyst.
BTW, if anyone did get a copyright infringement notice, you can appeal it here: http://www.google.com/support/bin/request.py?contact_type=lr_counternotice&product=docs
Why Don't They Host It Here? It Shouldn't Take Too Much Bandwidth To Host Just A Bunch Of Text..
ReplyDeleteHosting fics on DA is far better anyway, you can see how many people have read the story, and give feedback to the writer, and find similar stories more easily.
ReplyDeleteI believe some more research is definitely needed in this. Right now we're in the dark of whether or not this is a glitch or something more serious, and we need to know before proper action can be taken.
ReplyDeleteStill, god I hope its a glitch.
I like docs because I can format exactly the way I want and include pictures. What was that? You can't do that on FF.net or dA? That's too bad.
ReplyDelete:( <- you
could this possibly also be a trolling? I mean, how would they know unless it was reported? could it be possible there a troll reporting random fics?
ReplyDeleteI'm almost certain it's a glitch, and what better evidence could one present than some random thread on the subject: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Google%20Docs/thread?tid=4c585cd0d651db86&hl=en
ReplyDeleteOne noteworthy line: "Aaand now it's just doing it to every doc I share or publish, period, regardless of content. I even tried a BLANK document and got the same result"
I do hope the issue is settled soon, one of the biggest draws to gdocs for me is the chat function, as distracting as it may be.
@ a href #c9047829830200405459 >Anonymous /a>
ReplyDeleteI can copy paste them into posts, but people like to have their chat rooms/stats/ect from external sites.
It kind of kills it when its just pasted.
ReplyDeleteThat thread was made last year, though. A new one might be in order.
@Narwhals' Bend
ReplyDeleteNot to mention the chatroom and such. FF.net is actually REALLY restrictive in it's formatting, especially compared to dA. At least it was when I was last posting there, which was 2-3 years ago.
I would miss the chats.
Probably just some anti-pony douche.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it'll stop soon.
@Cereal Velocity
ReplyDeleteThat's true.
I imagine much has been improved, but there might still be a few remaining hiccups. I noticed after submitting my story and having it immediately flagged, I had to verify my account on gmail due to 'suspicious activity,' which was a problem that was identified in that thread. The more things change, they more they stay the same and all.
ReplyDeleteThey were stupid anyway.
Get your sexual desiers fulfilled elsewhere.
Call Lauren Faust, she'll straighten this out for us.
ReplyDeleteDeviantart is better anyways
ReplyDeleteI've been pissed at google since they took over youtube and filled it with adds >_>
Really Google? You'll allow porn and murders on your sites, but you get prissy about some fanfics?
ReplyDelete... Typical. At least all my stories are saved on my computer.
That's not fair! They're just stories, they're completely harmless! ...for the most part.
ReplyDeleteI hope this is a glitch. I really, really hope Cupcakes doesn't disappear D=
Maybe I should start copypasting my favorite ones. And FanFiction.net doesn't allow clopfics? ...but where does? =[
What all got removed? Anyone have a full list?
ReplyDeleteTwilight Sky Over Canterlot is still up. Wild Blue Yonder is not ;_; . ... yeah, that one. Actually, out of a small sample, there's a large percentage on the ClopsSort page affected. Kinda seems targeted, though that's still circumstantial evidence. "Fluffershy", for example, is still accessible.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it is as innocuous as one slice of Google's cloud being hit by this. Here's hoping.
But that's really dickish if the author completely loses access to the work. And now *everyone*'s going to have to appeal *every single* lock regardless? wtf.
StreakTheFox, don't get me started on youtube ads... too late. Why the fuck would I want to see an ad for eyeliner when I'm trying to watch a trailer for MW3? What the fuck is with that?
ReplyDeleteJudgin by the few obvious parasprite comments in this blog post, I'm thinking that the bannings are the work of trolls. Just appeal the bannings and it'll be brought back.
dA/FA work fine for the usual fics, but I don't think that's going to help out the situation with EqAD. I think somepony had set up a site for authors to submit pony fanfics at some point, but I can't remember the site anymore.
ReplyDeleteIf a new mlp fanfiction site were to be created, what would bronies want for features? I'm assuming comments, chat and embeded images are a given. Anything else?
ReplyDeleteFallout Equestria is a great piece of fanfic.
ReplyDeleteChatting with Kkat while you read it gives you a whole different experience.
Brave New World and Secrets of Harmony's latest chapter is still up, so who knows what's the reason behind this is.
ReplyDeleteBasically everything Google Docs has, without the Google part in it.
There was an identical problem on the doc log for all the rp from the day Celestia banished everypony to the moon. It was broken into three docs for it's size, and the second one was flagged. And inquiry was filed and it got fixed.
ReplyDeleteSimilarly, my google accs were both flagged, despite not having made nor edited anything in docs for weeks.
ReplyDeleteAdblock Plus is your friend.
As for whatever the hell is happening now with google docs... Dammnit, this is stupid. I mean, I've been burned by GDocs before (not updating an uploaded document with spelling and grammar fixes for bloody HOURS) but I've never heard of something like this before.
Google, I am disappoint.
Guys, don't you see? Google Docs has become sentient and has a hunger for ponies
ReplyDeleteSeth, if our stories get banned from Google Docs we can still link them to you through other websites like DeviantArt and FurAffinity, right?
ReplyDelete@James Corck
ReplyDeleteYes. We'll take pretty much anything but attached .docx files.
Reviews comes up in mind, which could be kinda useless with both ratings and comments.
ReplyDeletehttp://www.ponyfictionarchive.net/index.php is one of them.
@Cereal Velocity
ReplyDeleteOh good to know! I hate .docx format anyways, so good to know you guys are okay with us linking to other websites that are more tolerant than Google Docs seem to be.
@Retl You are probably thinking of fimfiction.com.
ReplyDeleteJudging from various comments on the google help forum, it might be a bug.
ReplyDeleteBut honestly DA and FF.net are fine too.
Google themselves don't bother with this. All "ToS violation" is a product of someone reporting one among millions of documents. This same false-flagging has plagued YouTube for ages.
ReplyDeleteAppealing is worthless, don't bother. Just re-submit.
Luckily Seth, it only blocks the document from the view of everypony else, it doesn't delete it. Part two of my fic was marked as inappropriate despite it completely lacking such content. I appealed the ban, and within about two days it was back up. For the time being, it might be best to limit the exposure your document gets publicly, and have a copy of it stored on your computer in case the ban isn't revoked.
ReplyDeleteI also love how Cereal posted this, but linked everypony to Seth's email...
ReplyDelete@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteSeth added that part. You can tell because he misses commas and stuff.
Oh FFS. Another reason for me to hate this "cloud computing" crap with a passion. Ironically, I also work for Google. :P
ReplyDeleteAnyone have a list on what stories were banned?
ReplyDeleteTwo important rules you MUST follow when dealing with cloud services like Google:
ReplyDelete1) Always develop/write/create your artwork/story locally on your computer, and keep your own copy. Make sure that copy is backed up, by YOU.
2) If you read/see something you like, and expect to read/see it again in the future, save a local copy. Always.
The "cloud" is never, EVER to be trusted. I've numerous YouTube videos saved which were subsequently removed from YouTube. If you like it, save it. If you create it, save a local copy, or you will eventually be screwed.
I'm hoping this is just a glitch with Google. When did they ever get into the censorship business anyway?
ReplyDeleteWhen <viscom started to sue them for copyrighted Youtube videos.
@KujiiroYou would have no problem posting them over on FA.
ReplyDeleteBetween the Sony hacking and now this.. I always thought the "cloud" thing was a bad idea, and this just reinforces it. Trusting your data to someone else? No thanks..
ReplyDeletedamn it why plp must keep torturing us F U google docs leaves our writers alone!
ReplyDeleteGreat job google. I can't stand all those furries runing a children cartoon show with their sick fantasies.
ReplyDeletePS.I enjoy NORMAL fanfiction, sexualizing is bad.
make your own
ReplyDelete...google will soon control our fantasies...
Well shoot, now where can I get my summer Poni?
ReplyDeleteWell I better save a copy of my story just in case...
ReplyDeleteSee why we like DeviantART better?
ReplyDelete@ StarShine
ReplyDeleteGoogle docs was only part of it, We still have deviant art and FF.net
Plus not every doc is being targeted.
Google Docs is currently experiencing an issue which is randomly (and incorrectly) flagging docs en masse. It's not just ponies.
ReplyDeleteAnd this, right here, is why I never trust "cloud storage". You're putting your data in somepony else's hooves.
ReplyDelete1.7 Stars? Bad news doesn't mean it's badly written.