• German MLP Opening

    I heard you guys liked foreign openenings!

    So have one!

    This is the German version of FiM.  It's actually really well done.

    German MLP Opening

    Thanks to typjk for the tip.

    147 kommentaari:


    2. It sounds like they all have been voiced by the same actress O_o

      I suck at foreign accents though, so take my word very, very lightly.

    3. Better than I thought it would be, and the lyrics matched up pretty good.
      The worst intro I have seen so far is this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXbpVFTDXOI
      Being Dutch feels bad man.

    4. If they make a japanese one, Dash better have an Osakan accent.

      Fluttershy will be, of course, voiced by a moe seiyu.

    5. @James Corck
      I can hear the difference pretty good, but I am german, so I guess it is easier to hear the difference if you know the language?

      Also, this is so awesome.
      I can't wait :D

    6. I give them mad props for this opening.

      Having studied German for a bit, I know that the language can be hella hard to sing in, especially when the song is fast and was written in another language to begin with.

      Good job, Hasbro. Good job!

    7. It sounds like they just took the English opening and played it backwards...

    8. Currently: 35GB - 20GB 1080p marked, 15GB 720p Unmarked.

      I'm multilingual. Time to make more space for the other languages!

    9. I prefer this to the english version

    10. @Flatterscheu

      I am very sorry if I offended you ^^; But to be fair, I am sure it will be easier if you know the language. I bet You'll have the same problem as I do if you listen to the spanish opening (I am spanish).

      Also, I am very happy this is finally coming to Europe. You guys enjoy it :3

    11. RBD voice - nope.avi
      PP voice - NOPE NOPE NOPE
      Rarity - Meh
      Applejack - no...
      Fluttershy - Good good
      Twilight - Also good :D

    12. Please tell me there is a japanese one!

    13. I didn't even make it past the "My Little Pony, My Little Pony..." before I had to close it.

    14. Freundschaft ist Magie!

    15. This is terrible ... but I was expecting that.

    16. fluttershy sounded good

    17. everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg

      But Applejack's voice is a poor pick :/

      Still, it's done sufficiently well that it implies an actually decent effort at dubbing. It's a start.

    18. Wasn't bad. Although the first 'my little pony' lines made me laugh uncontrollably. That accent is so refined...

    19. german here - and i'm very disappointed after seeing/hearing this
      this could have had so much quality but it ended up extremly poor
      most voices sound way to average and do not fit to the original characters - especially pinkie pie and applejack
      but it's nothing new that german voice acting in films and games blows ass
      i'll stay with the original voices and english episodes

    20. As a half-Dutch half-German kid I have to say I cringed at both this video and the dutch one. But that was to be expected, as most shows that are translated into my languages are better in English.

      The fact that this will probably bring more merchandise with it is great though.

    21. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    22. From now on I think I'm referring to the show as Freundschaft ist Magie.

    23. Could somepony write out the lyrics for this?

    24. Oh man, this is so bad I have to comment on it two times.

      The Lyrics are off, the voices sound like they picked up some random girls from the streets, the very first line really hurt my ears and ... *sigh*
      It just doesn't feel right at all.

      I really hate to see this wonderful series turned into another cheap dub production on a really bad time slot.

      I can just feel how they will suck out every cute and funny thing and replace dialog to make it more aimed for small children ...

      And all the people I tried to convince this show was awesome will see the german version and think it's stupid. (happens a lot)

    25. @Marcoooootje1

      It wasn't as bad as i had expected it to be.. at least Twilight's voice isn't bad... how come none of the dubs have AJ's accent though? i can understand that for some languages it's hard but this is dutch we're talking about, there are lot's of accents to choose from @_@

    26. @ Anon
      Ich fragte wozu Freundschaft gut sein kann.
      Und dann botet ihr die Freundschaft mir an.
      Spaß und Spiel
      Und etwas fürs Herz
      Von allem ganz viel
      Lieb und freundlich
      Zu einander sein
      Und obendrein gibts Zauberei
      Meine herrlichen Ponys (insert puking noise here here)
      Meine aller besten Freunde seid Ihr.

    27. Maybe thats are only the singing voices and they will have other voices in the show, this could happen too


    28. @Anonymous

      I thought Twilight, Rarity & Fluttershy were decent picks. And compared to other dubs, it's really quite decent. Most importantly, I get the impression that the voice actors actually care - which again, is more than you get from most dubs.

      That it wont be as good as the original is obvious (Some of the humour is outright untranslatable, be it verbal or situational (Twilight's soapbox comes to mind). But it does rather sound like they're making an honest effort.

      And I can forgive them Applejack - a southern American accent DOESN'T EXIST in german (And picking a frisian or bavarian accent would be retarded), so it's ludicrously difficult to get it right.

    29. I wonder what kind of accent they'll give to Photo Finish...

    30. It had sound better when they said Freundschaft ist Magisch or something else

    31. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    32. @ Anon²
      Ich fragte wozu Freundschaft gut sein kann. (I asked was friendship was good for).
      Und dann botet ihr die Freundschaft mir an. (And then you offered your friendship to me)
      Abenteuer (adventure)
      Spaß und Spiel (games and fun)
      Und etwas fürs Herz (something for the heart)
      Von allem ganz viel (a lot of everything)
      Lieb und freundlich (beloved and kind)
      Zu einander sein (to each other)
      Und obendrein gibts Zauberei (and on top of that there's magic too)
      Meine herrlichen Ponys (my magnificent/wonderful/glorious ponies (that word just does not fit there))
      Meine aller besten Freunde seid Ihr. (you are all my very best friends).

    33. Swiss brony here. Well, it could be worse, that's for sure.
      But: "... lieb und freundlich zueinander sein!" seemed a bit too girly and was that supposed to be Applejack who said "von allem ganz viel"? The Applejack I mistook as male for 3 episodes? Well definitely won't happen to anyone with this voice ^^

    34. As a German myself, I have to say: Oh. My. God.

      That's...okay, it's not terrible. But somehow these voices...well maybe one could get used to it (still, I think I'll stick to the US-Version on my Hard Drive)

      But even though I'm not really pleased...I can't stop listening. It somehow has this "so bad it's good"-quality. And the translation isn't too bad (as someone who writes poetry (and yes, tht is poetry) himself in his free-time I appreciate this). Also, if they have a German intro (and also German "Meet The Ponies"-Videos for the mane cast+Trollestis) that means the series coming over here. And even if it is terrible (and/or aired on a Pay-TV-channel) that (hopefully) also means the TOYS are coming here as well!


    35. It seems that they've got the voice actresses mixed up...

    36. Oh yeah I can do Lyrics with back-translations
      here you go :
      (I hope I hear everything right)

      My Little Pony, My Little Pony
      My Little Pony~
      Ich fragte wozu Freundschaft gut sein kann (My little pony~)
      Doch dann botet ihr die Freundschaft mir an (My little pony~)
      Abenteuer !
      Spaß und Spiel !
      Und etwas fürs Herz !
      von allem ganz viel !
      Lieb und Freundlich zueinder sein !
      Und obendrein gibs Zauberei !
      Meine herrlichen Ponys~
      Meine allerbesten Freunde seid ihr.

      Back-translated into english :

      My little pony, my little pony
      my little pony~
      I asked what friendship was good for
      but then you offered your friendship to me
      Adventure !
      Games and Fun !
      And something for the Heart !
      Much of everything !
      Being nice and kind to each other !
      And on top of that there's magic too !
      My marvelous* ponys
      You are my very best friends.

      * = there is no real translation for "herrlich", but it means something very positive.

    37. Austrian Brony here. This was as worse as expected, but I don't like the english intro either, so I guess it's okay.

      >Entwickelt für das TV von Lauren Faust
      >für das TV
      >das TV
      >DAS TV


    38. Thanks everypony who wrote out the lyrics!

    39. Hoi austrian Brony brother :D

    40. i like the deutch ppl but the song sounds better in english ... wouldn't be nice if they let the whole thing in english and add subtitles? ;)

    41. Unfortuantely, many germans I've spoken to just watch dubs instead of the real deal. What the heck is up with that? This was awful, they sounded... Robotic, and nothing like they should sound.

    42. @Anonymous


      Didn't notice until you mentioned it. Talk about a fuckup. You'd think the people translating the opening would actually SPEAK GERMAN. But apparently it was outsourced to India...

    43. I was wondering, is Zauberei a different concept from Magie?

    44. the only concern I have is pinkie pie's voice but well have to see how that will turn out. but still way better that the dutch one *hates being dutch :"(*

    45. God the voices are awful… I’m glad I started watching Ponys in English, because I would have stopped watching the show in 10 seconds flat if I had seen it in the german sync!

      Also, there is more than just the intro – by following the link on the side you get to a “Meet the ponies” section that introduces the mane 6 and princess Celestia – unfortunately these videos are as bad as the into…


    46. I'm German.
      I want to kill me now.

    47. @Anonymous
      Jain. Zauberei is explicitly 'Screw with stuff in a wizardlike fashion', while Magie has a somewhat wider meaning and is in colloquial use for more generic things - I.e. Photo Finish's 'THE MAGICS!' works only with Magie - not with Zauberei.

      You can use Magie for everything that's called Zauberei, too. But you can't use Zauberei for everything that's called Magie.

    48. @Anonymous
      Not really, Zauberei and Magie are basically the same thing, while witchcraft would be Hexerei. However Zauberei is mostly used for spells (using magic / casting a spell = zaubern).

      There also seems to be introduction of the mane cast on the page under http://www.hasbro.com/de_DE/play/index/My-Little-Pony/_/N-1sZ6zZgv/Ne-2l but you don't hear the voice actress there :(

    49. @Anonymous Depends on who you ask, I think. Most people would associate "Zauberei" with trickery and delusions, I think, while "Magie" would be the "real" deal (meaning, if magic was really possible, card tricks would be Zauberei while, levitation or teleportation would be Magie). But they can also be used interchangeably.


      Just saw the Meet the Ponies section. Argh :(

      I just hope that lisping... THING doing them is, I don't know... Banished to the moon or something.

    51. Its a show for children and i think its ok, we will se how the show syncro will be :D

    52. Wait, wait, this can't be! Description of Princess Celestia on the page says (in German obviously): "She is the only pony that has the horn of a unicorn as well as the wings of a pegasus" with emphasis on only...
      Sad Luna is sad :(

      Also, why did they rename Equestria to Equestrien?

    53. Oh I just saw the other videos Acriaos linked ... that was terrible, just terrible ...
      This voice sounds so ... oh it hurts, it just hurts ...

      It will put off a lot of potential fans.
      It's true that most germans are lazy and prefer to watch a dub than subs or just english, and because the dubs are so horrible sometimes people get the wrong image about a show.

    54. @AcriaosSame reason we change Australia to Australien, I presume.

      I'd have kept Equestria (Sounds nicer), but it's forgivable, and probably makes sense for the ostensibly targeted audience.

    55. I'm expecting Nena (the person who sang "99 Luft Balloons") to have a voice in this show

    56. @Anonymous

      Oh well there's not much similar to AJ's accent, I think the "Friese" accent would be alright.
      I just hope they won't go with these voice actors, especially Rainbow Dash's voice doesn't fit at all.


      In Dutch there's the word heerlijk which means the same as herrlich in German I believe.
      Gets used for delicious most of the time, but also pretty much else.
      After all, Dutch is a copy-paste-edit language.

    57. >It's actually really well done.
      you have no idea how wrong you are
      imo, of course

    58. Um, I'm German and to me it sounded quite horribly.. The voice acting itself (apart from the voices, which obviously cannot be an "as good" fit as the original ones) sounded a bit like it was done by a random 14-year old picked from a school because no professionals were available x,x


      Maybe I'm being overly critical, but then again, I never expected the translation to be anything but butchering the original... sometimes I really hate being right.

    59. Transcripts:
      Meet Twilight Sparkle

      Das ist Twilight Sparkle.
      Sie liebt lesen und lernen.
      Die königliche Prinzessin Celestia von Equestrien hat Twilight Sparkle den Auftrag gegen etwas Neues zu lernen und zwar was Freundschaft bedeutet.
      Sie hat ein besonderes Talent für Zaubersprüche und benutzt es wenn sie mit ihren neuen Freunden Abenteuer in Ponyville erlebt.
      Es gibt kein Problem dass Twilight Sparkle nicht lösen kann, besonders wenn sie ein bisschen Magie anwendet und wenn sie Hilfe von ihren Pony Freundinnen und Unterstützung von Prinzessin Celestia bekommt

      This is Twilight Sparkle.
      She loves reading and learning.
      The regal princess Celestia of Equestria has ordered Twilight Sparkle to learn something new, namely the meaning of friendship.
      She has a special talent for magic spells and uses it when she experiences adventures with her new friends in Ponyville.
      There is no problem that Twilight Sparkle cannot solve, especially when she uses a little magic and received help from her pony friends and aid from princess Celestia.

      Notes: It actually says “regal princess”, (königliche Prinzessin), can somepony enlighten me what a non regal princess would be? The part about “experiencing adventures” is a literal translation that does not sound good in English, I’d probably use something like “goes on adventures”.

      Confound these ponies, the drive me to translate transcripts in the middle of the night. Well at least the word spell checker is now trained in words like Ponyville, Equestria and anypony. That’s something, right?

    60. It is almost as awful as I thought it would be. I don't think that I'll watch the german version when it is aired.

    61. I have lost my faith in Germany after i watched this. :(
      Everytime when a good show is going to start we just put some (in this case it seems like they only took ONE!) crappy voice actors and smash them together in hope they fulfill the shows standart...
      Well, at least they can't screw up the animation (...or can they?).

    62. @Anonymous
      While I maintain that it's BETTER than I expected... Yes, they can.

      You see how they mangled Dr. Who with ridiculously excessive cutting? Yeah.

      What interests me more is... When will it be shown and where? Hasbro doesn't have a channel in Germany, so... Who bought the rights?

    63. @Acriaos
      Thanks for the explanation!

    64. Rarity ist die schönste Pony!

    65. @Anonymous maybe I'm just a hopeless optimist, but I would wait until we see the final product. sure, these voices sound...yeah...

      but I think if we weren't so used to the original dub (which will ALWAYS be better), the german voices wouldn't even sound so strange to us. of course, if we weren't used to the english voices that would mean we wouldn't have seen the series until now and that would certainly mean that we were no Bronies and probably wouldn't become ones.

      and also: yeah, they'll air this and it will (surely, but not guaranteed) suck. but the kids this is intended for won't be bothered by this, the already existing Bronies can stick to the english dub and the ones who weren't already Bronies won't become ones, even if the german version would be 20% cooler than the english one. I mean: if you saw in the TV Guide that a show with the name "My Little Pony: Freundschaft ist Magie" started airing, would you watch it? Or would you stop if you happened to see it while zapping mindlessly? I surely wouldn't...

    66. I am german and i absolutely HATE this!
      All voices are wrong, the text sounds stupid, the voices sound like sum dumb models. This is horrible! hope they never translate the show this way.

    67. I'm also curious where it will air. implying it will be a non-payment channels, I'd say Super RTL would be most likely, what dou you guys think?

    68. @Anonymous
      Super RTL & Kinderkanal are probably the most likely, yeah. Pretty much the only (Free) channels that bother with this stuff. And since pretty much nobody shells out for PPV or even extra satellite (Barring Bundesliga access), if it isn't shown on one of those two, absolutely nobody will watch it, anyway.

    69. Meet Rarity

      Es gibt wohl kaum ein anderes Einhorn Pony das so schön ist wie Rarity.
      Diese talentierte Modeschöpferin erregt überall aufsehen und geniesst das total.
      Sie träumt von dem Tag an dem Sie ein wunderschönes Kleid für Prinzessin Celestia entwerfen darf.
      Bis dahin aber flaniert sie in Ponyville herum wie die Schönste auf dem Ball.
      Dieses hübsche Pony hat aber auch innere Schönheit.
      Sie ist so großzügig und liebevoll wie sie talentiert ist.
      Sie liebt es ihren Freunden zu helfen und sich dabei immer wohl zu fühlen.

      There might be no other unicorn pony as beautiful as Rarity.
      This talented fashion designer causes a sensation everywhere she goes und totally enjoys it.
      She dreams of the day when she is allowed to design a beautiful dress for princess Celestia.
      Until then, she strolls (danders?) through Ponyville like the belle of the ball.
      But this lovely pony also has inner beauty.
      Shi is as generous and caring as she is talented.
      She loves helping her friends and feeling good while doing so.

      Notes: Hm this one was a bit more difficult to translate. Again, “she is allowed to design” is a literal translation of “entwerfen darf.” that carries a bit of a different meaning in English than it does in German.. A better translation would probably be simply “can design a dress…”, but I wanted to stay as close to the original text as possible. Now the word “flaniert” gave me some trouble, since I never use it in german texts, so I had no idea how to translate it :-) My dictionary gave me to words: to stroll and to dander, I hope one of them fits (“flanieren” basically means to walk around not with the intent to get from A to B but with the intent of being seen / showing off in front of others). Last but not least the german word “liebevoll” has many possible translations (affectionate / benign / caring / fond / loving), so I choose the one I think fits best for Rarity.

    70. I honestly didn't think it was too bad though I don't know any German so yeah. But I do have to say that Pinkie Pie and Applejack’s voices sound…uncharacteristic.

    71. @Anonymous I was always imagining Super RTL airing it. Maybe the Saturday Morning Cartoon Block on Kabel 1, but SRTL sounds more likely.

      Kinderkanal...I don't think so...I think because this is technically a commercial and the Kinderkanal is öffentlich-rechtlich, they aren't even allowed to air this...I dunno. I just can't see them airing this...

    72. I'm german and i must say, even if the show is going to air here i will most likely keep watching the english version. I don't think this is bad or something. I'm just used to the english voices right now.

    73. @Walter44
      Technically, it's an educational program, that COINCIDENTALLY (lol) also serves as a commercial.

      Seriously though, nah. There's no legal challenges involved - it'd be more of a question whether the folks running KiKa would be willign to give it a chance, and whether they've the funding to do it. Considering what they usually broadcast, their funding appears to be rather... Restricted.

    74. Meet Rainbow Dash

      Rainbow Dash liebt Abenteuer.
      Sie ist ein echter Held.
      Sie ist ein Pegasus Pony und leuchtet in den Farben des Regenbogens.
      Sie ist schnell wie der Wind und fliegt mit atemberaubendem Tempo durch die Luft.
      Sie ist sportlich, mutig und selbstbewusst, aber auch ein bisschen schelmisch und immer gleich da wenn es abenteuerlich wird.
      Ob sie nun in ein fernes Land reist oder einem Geheimnis auf der Spur ist, dieses niedliche Pony ist immer für ein neues Abenteuer in ihrem Leben bereit.

      Rainbow Dash loves adventures.
      She is a real hero.
      She is a pegagsus pony and shines in the colours of the rainbow.
      She is fast as the wind and flies through the air with breathtaking speed.
      She is athletic, brave and self confident, but also a bit mischievous und always there when things get adventurous.
      Whether she travels to a far away country or gets on the track of a mystery, this cute pony is always ready for a new adventure in her life.

    75. @Anonymous Yeah, and that's why I don't think they'll air this on KiKa. I can see this show on a channel that also airs Phineas & Ferb and SpongeBob and the likes (SRTL) or Cartoon Network stuff (Kabel 1), but not KiKa...

    76. @Hellfish

      If they made the show like this they will ruin it

    77. I'd say it will air on Super RTL, just like the last Transformers-Series.

      Don't really like the german intro. The mix of german and english sounds strange. Also some of the Voices don't really fit, but maybe this will be changed.

    78. I recall a time when I was in Wien with friends, we were walking down at the bank of the Danube just as we got out of the Hundertwasser street and we started a discussion that EVERYTHING sounds stark and commanding in German.
      We ended up shouting on the street like idiots, yelling words at each other like EISBLUMEN and WIENERSCHNITZEL and so on.

      Well. This intro reminded me of that moment. Can't help it.
      As far as I can translate it is well done, the voices are fine but feeling...
      Instead of "oh dude friendship is so wonderful" I feel like "GET SOME FRIENDS NOW YOU MAGGOT" xD

    79. @Anonymous
      SRTL is showing Transformers Prime?

      Well, that's settled, then. Can't imagine Hasbro switching broadcasters randomly unless SRTL is specifically telling them 'No, we don#t wanna'.

    80. I just read a comment on some Message Board where someone said that, after he inquired about it, SRTL told him they weren't planning on airing FiM.

      On the other hand, this request happened in March...

      I hope they air it in Free-TV or at least some uploads or streams the episodes in a decent (picture) quality. I just want to see HOW bad it really is. In fact, I think it would be funny to first watch the German and then the English version...

    81. @Walter44

      Yeah, saw that, too. Figured it wasn't worth mentioning since, as you say... March.

    82. Why does Applejack sound like that? Or Pinkie Pie, for that matter? These voices are pretty off, even the ones that sort of match their characters.

    83. Judging on the recruited VAs, they would be better off switching some off the roles; in my opinion PP´s currently one would better suit Rarity, Rarity´s would be better for AJ and so on...
      But hey, this dub does at least one thing right and doesn´t try to 'translate' the names of the characters or places (apart from Equestria -> Equestrien, but this is only a question of style)

      And yes, I also think that it will most likely air on SuperRTL. But seeing VIVA airing shows like Naruto (with even worse dubbing) and Spongebob maybe they´ll air this show to be 'unusual' on purpose ;D

    84. @Anonymous
      VIVA airing MLP... Actually, scratch that. VIVA airing ANYTHING basically amounts to an automatic jumping the shark moment.

      Please don't make it happen :(

    85. Meet princess Celestia

      Das ist Prinzessin Celestia von Equestrien.
      Prinzessin Celestia ist die Herrscherin über alle Ponys im Ponyland Equestrien.
      Sie hat die größte Zauberkraft von allen Ponys.
      Sie ist dafür verantwortlich dass die Sonne und der Mond auf und unter gehen so dass es in Equestrien hell und dunkel wird.
      Sie ist das einzige Pony dass das Horn eines Einhorns und Pegasusflügel hat.
      Sie ist weise und freundlich und kümmert sich ganz besonders um ihre Schülerin Twilight Sparkle.
      Alle Ponys bewundern Prinzessin Celestia und vertrauen auf sie.
      Einige sagen, dass sie so weise ist weil sie über 1000 Jahre alt ist.

      This is princess Celestia of Equestria.
      Princess Celestia is the ruler over all ponies in the pony land of Equestria
      She has the greatest magical ability of all ponies.
      She is responsible for raising the sun and the moon so that it gets bright and dark in Euestria.
      She is the only pony that has the horn of a unicorn and pegasus wings.
      She is wise and kind and specially cares for her student Twilight Sparkle.
      All ponies admire princess Celestia and rely on her.
      Some say that she is so wise because she is more than 1000 years old.

      Notes: Again, “freundlich“ can be translated in many ways (amiable / benign / considerate / gracious / kind and a dozen other words, I chose kind because I think it fits Celestia best. “vertrauen” can be translated with “rely on” or “trust somepony” (if translated literally) or with “putting faith into somepony” (if we want to emphasize princess Celestia almost being a godlike entity), I’m not entirely sure which one fits better…

    86. @Anonymous
      yeah I know that they absolutely won´t do this (or at least I hope this) but one should always anticipate the worst

    87. Als ich das gehört habe bin ich innerlich ewtas gestorben. ICh bleibe beim Englischen, das war mir schon vorher klar. Aber nach diesem Intro, Celestia NEEEIIINN!!!
      Sofern die Introstimmen die gleichen sind wie die die sie in der Serie verwenden werden, nein danke. Aber wnigstens kommt dann auch Merchandise zu uns. YAY! DVD's werden importiert und der Rest hier gekauft, passt scho.

      Unter aller gröbsten Umständen war das hier aber keine fertige Version (glaub selbst nich dran) und alles wird gut.

      Warum findet man hier so schlecht gute Synchros? Mit Twilight und evtl. Fluttersy (man hat ja leider zu wenig gehört) könnte ich mich noch anfreunden, aber WTF RD??? Wie soll diese Stimme bitte die pue Awesomeness hinkriegen? Verrat mir das mal einer?

    88. Awww... no techno remix like they did for Sailor Moon back in the day?

    89. Meet Fluttershy

      Fluttershy liebt den Wald.
      Sie ist die sanfteste und leiseste in ihrer Gruppe.
      Diese Pony ist freundlich und liebevoll und hat immer Platz in ihrer abseits gelegenen Hütte für alle die ein wenig Liebe oder Fürsorge brauchen und insbesondere natürlich für ihre kleinen Tierfreunde.
      Man sollte sich aber nicht täuschen, auch wenn sie ein wenig ängstlich erscheint kann sie sehr bestimmt und bewundernswert stark sein.
      Sie setzt sich für alle ein, die unfair behandelt werden.
      Sie ist unwahrscheinlich großzügig und kann fliegen.
      Dieses Pegasus Pony ist eine liebe Seele die allen Umständen gewachsen ist und stets für ihre Freunde da ist.

      Fluttershy loves the forest.
      She is the kindest and gentlest in her group.
      This pony is good natured and caring and always has a place in her remote cottage for everyone in need of a little love or care, especially of course for her little animal friends.
      Don’t be misled, though she may seem somewhat anxious, she can be very determined and admirably strong.
      She stands up for everyone who has been treated unfairly.
      She is extremely generous and can fly.
      This pegasus pony has a gentle soul which can cope with anything and is always there for her friends.

      Notes: OK it’s getting a bit late :-) Translating “allen Umständen gewachsen” gave me a bit of a challange, since it cannot be translated literally. It basically means being able to handle every possible situation that might occur. There might be an English proverb that could be used, anypony any ideas?

    90. Confound these voice actors. They drive us German Bronies to get upset about something that is actually kind of pointless.

      And now, as this is for my fellow German Bronies:

      Was soll das? Klar, als ich das Intro gesehen habe dachte ich auch erstmal "Oh Gott, warum tut ma sowas?" Aber je mehr ich drüber nachdenke...
      Ich meine: Was ist denn für uns, die wir schon seit Monaten der Magie der Freundschaft fröhnen, großartig schlimm daran? Wir haben die englischen Episoden auf Youtube und auf unseren Festplatten. Wir sind nicht auf die deutsche Synchro angewiesen. Was passiert denn schlimmes, wenn die Serie mit ner schlechten Synchro hier ausgestrahlt wird? Gut, ja, man könnte jetzt sagen, dass man von anderen ausgelacht o.ä. wird, weil man sich so eine schlecht synchronisierte Serie ansieht, aber die Leute, die das tun, fangen damit schon an, wenn man nur sagt, dass man MLP mag. Wer sich mehr Zeit nimmt, was darüber zu lernen, der wird auch bereit sein, sich die englische Synchro anzuhören.

      Die deutsche Version wird schlecht. Na und? Ich gucke eh kaum Fernsehen und ahbe die Episoden auf meiner Platte...

    91. @Walter44
      es war meine letzte hoffnung alle nicht-sehr-englisch-begabten zur herde hinzuzufügen, deswegen. wär nicht das erste mal dass leute sich etwas nicht anschauen weils auf englisch is.
      ich guggs mir eh aus jux und tollerei nochmal komplett auf deutsch an~

    92. Yikes! It sounds like they were playing the audio backwards.

    93. @Walter44
      Im Endeffekt ist das schon richtig, nur ist es eben etwas demotivierend zu bemerken, dass fast alles, was nicht aus Hollywood kommt und dicke Gewinne verspricht, von den verantwortlichen Studios bloß halbherzig bearbeitet wird.
      Und das äußert sich dann eben in nicht unbedingt unglaublich schlechter, aber häufig unmotivierter, Synchronisation.

      Aber hey, immerhin kann man in D noch ins Internet und sich somit über diesen Missstand hinweghelfen.

      und @ Eisteetrinker
      Ich schaue mir die Folgen, sofern ich den Kanal auf dem sie ausgestrahlt werden empfangen kann, auch zumindest teilweise an. Wer weiß, vll. waren das ja auch nur Gesangsstimmen und vll. werden die anderen Charaktere ja sogar gut vertont. Denn der letzte Fall kommt auch manchmal vor.

    94. Meet Pinkie Pie

      Pinkie Pie bringt ihre Pony Freundinnen den ganzen Tag zum lachen.
      Für sie ist jeder Tag ein Anlass zu Feiern und sie organisiert unheimlich gerne Parties für die Ponys.
      Zusätzlich zu ihren Freunden und Parties liebt Pinkie Pie Süßigkeiten.
      Deshalb ist einer ihrer Lieblingsorte auch das Süßwarengeschäft.
      Sie ist stets optimistisch und hilft den anderen Ponys in allem das Positive zu sehen.
      Wenn Pinkie Pie dabei ist, ist immer für Spaß gesorgt.

      Pinkie Pie makes her pony friends laugh the whole day.
      For her, every day is an occasion to celebrate and she enjoys organizing parties for the ponies.
      In addition to her friends and parties, Pinkie Pie also loves sweets.
      That’s why one of her favourite places is the sweets store.
      She is always optimistic and helps the other ponies to spot the positive in everything.
      When Pinkie Pie is around, fun will always be provided!

    95. As a German I can say: I expected it to be at least 10 times worse. I hate both versions of the theme, though.

      Also this propbaly means an offical German dub soon, which would be on top of my "Kill it with fire" list. Germandubs of cartoons and/or Animes just ruin everything.

      The original voices are just perfect. No german voice actor could life up to the awesomenes of the original voices.

      Mein kleines Pony

    96. Meet the Ponies - Applejack

      Applejack ist das Lieblings Pony eines jeden Bauern, denn sie ist sehr fleißig.
      Sie ist zuverlässig und unkompliziert.
      Sie hat keine Angst sich mit allen Hufen zu engagieren und die Arbeit zu erledigen.
      Sie packt immer mit an, ist unglaublich ehrlich und steht anderen stets mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.
      Sie ist super charmant, eben ein Pony vom Land, das weiß was wahre Freundschaft bedeutet.

      Applejack is every farmer’s favourite pony, because she is very hard-working.
      She is reliable and uncomplicated.
      She’s not afraid to get involved with all hooves and get the work done.
      She always sorts things out, is incredibly honest and always helps others with words and deeds.
      She is super charming, just as a pony from the countryside, who knows the meaning of true friendship.

    97. Voice acting (or at least the singing voice actors) aren't nearly as good as the American ones. Also, every time I hear the German language, I think of The Medic.

    98. everythingwentexactlyasexpected.jpg

      Applejack's, Pinkie Pie's and Rainbow Dash's voices seem just wrong, but I think I'm not going to rage about it before I've seen an actual episode.

    99. Sethisto said: I heard you guys liked foreign openenings!

      Also Mudkips.

    100. as a german i can say i expected worse even though i liked the atempt of crimson better.

      I think its kinda interesting how germans tend to hate their own language and subs... The dutch one is hilarious and if the german one is going to be just 80% as cool as the dutch one im perfectly fine with it.

    101. this is the one by the crimson studios btw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUHOaMOHi8E

    102. While I'm mostly annoyed at how the intro sonds, I'll wait for the first episode to give my final verdict.
      I sure hope Applejack gets an over the top fake American accent. I just can't think of any German accent that would atually be fitting here. And dropping the whole accent would definately be a no go as well.

    103. I'm so sorry. I can;t help but hear HItler EVERY time I hear German.

      Jesus that fucker really did a number on the German reputation.

    104. @hamster_doom
      probably swiss or austrian just like Uther in the German Simpsons dub...

    105. It suck dicks
      I'm from germany and it suuuuuck
      the speak Calestia: Zelestia
      I'm sry but this suck really hard

      and if anypony this this shit is good
      think again

    106. why is the voicework so choppy?
      is that just how they talk? i'm not german so i wouldn't know.

    107. @Anonymous

      If you're talking of the Meet the Ponies videos, no, I'm German, and this is definitely choppier and faster than usual German talk.
      It's annoying as shit.

    108. @Marcoooootje1

      I just watched http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqbYiHydKck&NR=1

      and could not stop laughing. I'm sorry.

    109. It was alright. The my little pony sounded rather strange with the accent.

    110. @WheeljackThat may be an idea, actually... Although it could easily go wrong, IMHO.

    111. I can't say I like it. As if sounding choppy and butchering "My Little Pony" weren't bad enough (it shouldn't be hard to say at all, even auf Deutsch), the singing voice sounds nasaly and untrained. >.>

    112. This was very strange to listen to.

    113. @ hamster_doom oh god, i'm tempted to say american.>_<. But i shouldnt.

    114. Wonoz, I wouldn't say that - I'm German and I LOVE my language, I think it's one of the most poetic, beautiful and versatile languages in the world. I know a lot of other people who think the same.

      That said, this wasn't bad. I've seen worse cartoon dubs and I'm sticking with the English version anyway, so who cares?

      All of you who are descending into madness and desperation here, get a life.

    115. Lol, Pinkie's voice sounds like it would better suit Rarity in that. It took a few re-watches, but I'm used to it now. Its not bad, but the voices don't quite match the characters as we know them. Lol would have also been better to hear the title of the show not using english words but fully German: "Mein Kleines Pony "Mein Kleines Pony" :)

    116. It`s actually pretty good. Germans always do an amazing job with this kind of stuff... Could have been better though...

    117. not as bad as i expected it
      but it isn't good either :-/
      will still watch it on tv if i can... at least the first 1-2 episodes

    118. I don't like the intro one bit. It just sounds...off. :-/

      Not sure if this is any interesting information, but the only episode validated by the FSK so far is Ticketmaster, or "Eine Freundin hat's nicht leicht".
      Maybe they're going to hand out DVDs with this episode again at local toystores?

      Source: http://www.spio.de/fskonline/VVKarte_2007_01_01.asp?VVID=106714&pnum=35773%28VV%29

    119. @GrapePie

      We will have to wait till the first episode airs. Exspecially with cartoons there is often a problem with the translation because they tend to translate everything word by word, which often doesnt work very well. Those of you who may have watched the german translation of Futurama know what I am talking about.

    120. @Anonymous

      "Eine Freundin hat's nicht leicht"?
      Oh Gott das klingt so nach G3...
      Oh God that sounds so much like G3...

    121. @Shiko Es ist immer noch die selbe Folge und beschreibt den Inhalt perfekt. Man kann's mit Pessimismus auch übertreiben...

      It's still the same episode and the title (which roughly translates "It's not easy being a friend") sums up the content perfectly. You can always be TOO pessimistic about something...

    122. @Walter44

      Ich sehe ja nur wie deutsche Synchros immer wieder alles kaputt machen. Man sehe sich mal die Synchronisation von Team Fortress 2 an, es ist zum kotzen.

      Nur weil kein großer Erfolg erwartet wird, wird gespart wo es nur geht. Ich bleib bei der englischen Synchro – ich werde mir zwar 1-2 episoden der Deutschen Fassung ansehen, aber ich erwarte nichts. Die hätten sich mal eine Schiebe bei der Niederländischen Synchro abschneiden sollen, die machen alles richtig.

      Enlish TL;DR: I don't expect the German dub to be good, I think it should be more like the dutch version, they're doing it right – or at least better.

    123. @Shiko Ich erwarte von der Synchro auch nicht allzu viel, ich hatte nur ein kleines Problem mit deiner Aussage bezüglich des Titels der Folge. Das klang wirklich ein bisschen danach, als würdest du aktiv nach negativen Sachen in der dt. Version suchen und sie sogar da sehen, wo sie nicht sind. Aber nichts für ungut. *brohoof*

    124. My favorite is the Greek opening because they all sound sexy >.>

    125. @Walter44

      Nein, aber es "fühlte" sich recht G3-esk an, aber ich warte mit einem Urteil bis die erste Episode da ist. :P

    126. The guy who made the Brony Hitler videos should've put this in!

    127. I'm going to be honest with you, I can't tell the difference in the english intro either. In the show the diff is obvious, obviously, but they all sound so samey in the intro.

    128. I know you're excited about german MLP, but why do germans always jump on the slightest chance to go full deutsch everywhere on the internet? It's quite annoying and I don't know any other nationality so happy to rub their language in others faces on very clearly monolinguistic english sites.

      I'm sorry but it's really disrespectful IMHO.

    129. @Anonymous

      Samefriend here, I'm Danish and somehow I manage not to feel the overpowering urge tp speak danish everywhere on the internet, even when accompanied by my fellow countrymen.

    130. Ich habe von anfang an nichts erwartet oder mehr ich habe müll erwartet wie üblich in deutschland
      aber es ist noch schlimmer
      die stimmen hören sich an als hätte man 1nen penner in berlin gefunden und ihn ne flasche bier gegeben damit er die main 6 synchronisiert
      man hat noch nicht mal den titel richtig übersetzt
      was macht freundschaft ist magie bitte für einen sinn
      siet sonnatg ancht habe ich mich betrunken und mehre gegenstände in meine haushalt zerstört vor wut

    131. @Anonymous

      Wow, you're right. Rarity sounds especially delicious in the Greek intro.

    132. @Anonymous

      I don't get it too, but maybe it's because some of them don't speak or write English very good and can only express themselves in German. I never start to write German comments, but sometimes, if I read something interesting, I answer in German, or write in German and add an English translation.


      I don't like Rarity's greek voice. She's overly trying to sound sexy, it doesn't fit at all.

    133. this is the worst i ever heard HASBRO BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF me as a german feel like eh about this. and i really hoped for a german release of the show that the hype around it also starts here but screw you hasbro you ruined it!

    134. btw i know the voice of the voice actor and its the same person who did bunny tsukino/sailor moon in well sailor moon and she is one of the worst voice actors of all times http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSwhqdkxgYY

    135. @Anonymous

      Danish here too.
      Actually I feel an overpowered urge to speak english everywhere I go on the internet >.<
      I even speak english when chatting with an IRL friend over skype. Very rarely do we type anything in danish.
      I even have to force myself to type in danish when I'm writing in my diary.

      Really, Danish is just an awful language :x
      (and so is german imho)

    136. That is not to say that I think people should stop doing it.
      I just realized how incredibly entertaining it is to read all the german out loud.


    137. @Anonymous

      I know what you mean. I'm german and even I hate it when my fellow countrymen go "full deutsch". :-/

    138. ughn... okay its not "that bad" but i have to say for me being a native german, the voices are put on the wrong characters.. pinkie has the deep soft voice that rarity should have and vice versa.. i hope this was only a quick "fix" they did.. and the actual Episodes will be done by a real Dub Team.. anyways i think i will stay with the original US version. ^^

    139. Damn, saw this news to late.

      An meine deutschen Bronies. Ich denke wir sollten mal abwarten, das Endprodukt aussehen - oder besser- wie es sich anhören wird. Das da oben muss nicht zwangsläufig final sein. Aber es hört sich definitiv absolut grottig. Der Gesang auf jeden Fall. Textlich kommt es dem Original zumindest sinnbildlich nahe. Was einen Sendeplatz auf Super RTL anbelangt. Ich habe vor etwa 2 Monaten genau deswegen eine Mail an die Zuschauerredaktion geschrieben. FiM haben die bislang nicht auf ihrer Liste. Vom KiKa gehe ich jetzt auch mal nicht aus. Dann bleibt unter Umständen nur noch Pay-TV übrig. :/

      to the englisch bronies: if you would translate the englisch text of the opening verbatim, it would read like this:

      Mein kleines Pony,
      Mein kleines Pony....

      Ich fragte mich, was Freunschaft sein könnte,
      bis ihr alle deren Magie mit mir geteilt habt.
      Große Abenteuer!
      Jede Menge Spaß!
      Eine bewunderswerte Art (this line is rather logical than literal)
      Treu und stark.
      Gegenseitige Freundlichkeit.
      Ein Kinderspiel.
      Und Magie vollendet das alles.
      Du/ihr habt mein kleines Pony
      Wusstet ihr, dass ihr meine besten Freunde seid?

    140. Zum Sender: Ich hörte mal Nick. Halte ich auch nicht für unrealistisch, allerdings kenne ich nicht deren Lizenzen.

      (Engl version in a nutshell: Discussion about the TV station MLP will probably run on.)

    141. I fear the italian version.REALLY.

    142. @Anonymous

      Errm, actually, a southern American who speaks german would have a southern American accent. Now I'm not sure whether there's a noticeable difference between a SOUTHERN American accent and just regular American accent, but they could just use an American accent and it would be fine.

    143. @Anonymous

      So schlimmer wie du erwartet hast? Was jetzt, so schlimm wie erwartet oder schlimmer als erwartet, beides geht ja wohl schlecht.

    144. @Anonymous

      Errm, no, not really.
      Zauberei just kinda sounds a little stupid, and I THINK it's kinda an old-fashioned word.
      Why do you ask?

    145. @Anonymous

      Are you trying to tell me that VIVA still exists?!

    146. Im Gegensatz zu der Englischen Version klingen die Stimmen ja wirklich gleich x.x

      the voice in the german version in contrast in the english version sounds same x.x

    147. @Anonymous
      They're pretty much the same. If you want to get picky, "Zauberei" is more directly translated as "wizardry" or "sorcery" because it's a sort of parallel structure?
      Wizard = wizardry
      Sorcerer = sorcery
      Zauberer = Zauberei
      But I guess
      Magician = magic
      so . . . they're pretty much the same.
