• Friendoff Submissions Are In!

    Random image for random news.

    As of three hours ago, all the Friendoff submissions are in. I'll start compiling them when I get a chance, probably sometime this weekend.

    Cereal out.

    15 kommentaari:

    1. Dare you to reveal how many submissions did you get?

    2. yay! Unfortunately I didn't have the energy for a drawing nor the time for a (good) story. I hope I'll have something the next time in though. there's something that I've been planning to draw for a while

    3. @Monix

      Because the Ponies call to you!

    4. Can't wait to see them!
      Last friend off's stuff was bloody brilliant, I;m sure this one will be too!

    5. Whaaaat? Is it friendoff event now?

    6. I hope I didn't misunderstand anything when I sent my post.

      I've read those rather simple rules at least 5 times trough before I posted it but I'm still worried.

    7. As was I, Anon2. I was hoping Cereal wouldn't get inundated with so many posts he couldn't send a 'we received' email but I guess enough people sent stuff that it was not to be.

      Or he likes to make amateur artists suffer and sweat. Oh please oh please have received my contribution! Please please please. I worked hard on it ... :*( And I thought his DA page would give an obvious indication of his artist name, but I sent a correction just in case too! I'm going to go cry now.

    8. Oh god where is that picture from? It's adorable.

    9. How often is a Friendoff supposed to be anyway? I wanted to come in this one but never got around to it..

    10. @Anonymous

      They're supposed to be every month, but they're not as regular as that, once you factor in the variable: "Cereal Velocity"

    11. Hope mine's alright. I had to rush due to the three days thing and not find an editor. So I edited myself. I don't think I did a bad job, but I still worry. Good luck for everyone out there in both categories!

    12. Doing my part to raise page view counts by checking in every hour to see if things are posted yet, hehe.
