That ONE line in the article sparked all of this I think.
Now before you all explode, please realize... Fox news has never been an actual news agency. They are self proclaimed (Literally) just there to entertain. Don't take it seriously. It's pretty much just a more serious version of the Colbert show. (see, I can do it too)
You can find it after the break!
311 kommentaari:
inb4 rage
VastaKustutaALL MY RAGE
VastaKustutathis is much better then the other for one slimple reason
VastaKustutaits actully entertaining
nuff said
in after rage
VastaKustutaBy Celestia's beard!!
VastaKustutaFAUX NEWS again? Seriously? ¬¬
This video seems a bit nicer than the other stuff we've been getting at least.
VastaKustutaWhy are you posting these twats? You think they merit ANY attention?
Fox will be faux. Nothing to see here.
VastaKustutaALL MY HATE.
VastaKustutaCan we all LOIC their website? Err, I mean LOFC?
VastaKustutaI lol'd :3
VastaKustutaMaybe they didn't.
VastaKustutaYou made a typo, you said that fox news is a more serious version of the Colbert Report. I believe that it is the other way around. (Also question the point of posting these, but it's your blog not mine)
VastaKustutaWell, aside from the last guy, that video wasn't really bad at all. They all pretty much expressed that they were weirded out, but most of them pretty much said "Odd, maybe, but overall harmless."
Fox News: Systematically pissing off every single sub-culture of the world one sub-culture at a time.
VastaKustutaI have to admit that this made me laugh a lot though.
I laughed.
I don't support buying shitty toys based on a great series...
Man, I feel sorry for Luke Allen. Dude's getting way too much crap because of the way the article presented him.
VastaKustutaAlso I would love to see Colbert report on Bronies. Something tells me he would have the best report out of any of these news channels.
Remember... Love and Tolerance...
VastaKustutaBro, your makin' it awfully hard to Love 'n Tolerate you
Colbert actually researches... <_<
VastaKustutaWhat are you talking about--it's MUCH better to be an intolerant bigot than to like shows made for little girls!
VastaKustutanow I'm pissed off.
VastaKustutaThis is the exact same show on fox news that is the source of the "Applejack: Always Related" meme.
VastaKustutaI'd also love to see Colbert do a thing on Bronies
VastaKustuta*Sigh* Yep well at least they didn't call us baby men. But they said we are almost as bad as terrorists so we go that going for us.
VastaKustutaYES. Colbert Report on bronies would be gold no matter what his take on the matter is. Somebody make this happen!
As I keep stating when it comes to Faux News:
VastaKustutaYou go to Fox News for comedy and Comedy Central for news.
At lest they don't compare us to a thickheaded fat guy that acts like a baby so I'm cool with this one
VastaKustutathat last guy is a fucking giant douchebag
>"maybe we didn't do the research on this one"
you don't say, McDoucheGuy. you don't say.
I found this entertaining. The only thing I'm worried about is if it will give the community a bad name to the people who actually take Fox news seriously.
VastaKustutaYou're... Going to LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaBtw, this doesn't really make me mad at all. The whole show getting male views was thanks to a review that attacked the show, so this might give us more control of the world. *Goes plotting for world domination*
The last guy to comment there:
VastaKustutaALL OF MY HATE! (and fuck that Wired article)
The rest of them were actually pretty good at accepting (or at least having some fun with) the premise of grown-men liking colorful cartoon characters (which, as much as we don't it to be, is still a strange concept in our gender-split world).
I applaud them for at least having an open mind about the whole thing and at least doing some research first.
I dont care wather this is positive or not.
VastaKustutaFUCK FOX!
*shrug* Nothing really that bad here, nothing good either.
VastaKustuta@Phoxxy Pwny™The terrorist thing was definitely a joke. I laughed.
VastaKustutaOverall, this wasn't bad. Seriously, that first guy they turned to was like "No shame at all." That's much better than I'd expect from any mainstream media show.
fox just tries to antagonize every sub culture they can dont they? anyone else want to see their reactions to an illustrated depiction of cupcakes? i think i would die of laughter
VastaKustutaGetting on a national channel? spreads...
VastaKustutaThis wasn't as bad as the first report by the affiliate, at least.
Well, this just goes for show how FOX is bored out of their stupid skulls. They need to find stories online to brag about. Nothing new to see here, move along.
VastaKustuta>implying we like the shitty ass ponies they showed
VastaKustutaWho let that nuthead at the end speak? He's clearly an idiot.
And then Faux news strikes a second time, like the other time, it does nothing. It only makes the community talk about it and give themselves bad publicity.
VastaKustutaAlso, I'm waiting for the first network that actually interviews Luke live. I think that would be interesting.
VastaKustuta*sigh* hater gonna hate
VastaKustutaAre you me?
It's funny reading all these comments. Refresh, refresh...
VastaKustutaIt's almost like the Wired article is the only article about bronies that has existed ever. At least, to newscasters. Maybe Wired should do a followup, so the mass media has more to go on?
I don't hate this. But I don't like it.
VastaKustutaSame ol' fox. This is not surprising in the slightest.
VastaKustutaI'm okay with this actually. they didn't go hating, they acted a little confused and weirded out at worst, and generally didn't do the research because they didn't intend to make some big thing of this.
VastaKustutathey didn't go off calling us all manchildren or anything, just a little weird... which it is.
As long as Red Eye are friends of GWAR, I can't be mad at them.
VastaKustutaǝʇɐɥ ɐuunƃ sɹǝʇɐɥ
VastaKustutaAh yes. Good comedy right here :)
VastaKustutaDon´t hate em just because they are different *wink*
VastaKustuta^Suggestions for stories and such for the Colbert Report. Bronies go! Just be sure to present us favorably.
Aside from the last guy this really wasn't that bad, most of them were just weirded out by it, so were all of us who joined in seeing what all the fuss was about.
VastaKustutaAt least we're not terrorists!
VastaKustuta_ _
VastaKustutaYou do understand that anyone who takes FOX news seriously is a person who nobody takes seriously.
Well, I guess it was less obnoxious than the first video. But it feels like last time they took a dump on our face, and this time their just pissing.
VastaKustutaCurious. This isn't as bad as the last vid about people taking disabilities to watch ponies (I find this hard to believe btw), but that last guy was kind of a dick.
VastaKustutaStill. Interesting stuff here. But I have a dark feeling that people might end up viewing us the same way people view furries.
My dad takes Fox seriously...just saying
VastaKustutaOh, it's just Red Eye. Nothing to get worked up about. That show pretty much exists solely as entertainment/satire so they probably don't even mean half the stuff they're saying.
VastaKustutaNo hate. How 'bout that love and tolerance?
VastaKustutaIf they don't know and don't want to know, that's there loss. WWPPD?
VastaKustutaYeah, this clip was nowhere near as bad as the first one. They never really said anything bad about us except that crazy looking guy at the end.
It's kind of funny, an actual Fox News segment was more accepting than a local station's.
I normally dont react to this but: and . Please ask polite, not spamming walls. Also you can ask here [email protected] and here for author to remove her article from .
VastaKustutaThey need to do reseach for the good of mankind, you cannot just talk about soemthing you even dont know it exists. I agree they are not News Source, just Phonies.
Were is the dude that was doing public letters as apology for spamming walls on radio stations? This must be of his interest.
VastaKustutaJUST AN FYI:
Red Eye is actually a comedy show. It's not "basically Colbert for Fox because we don't have a high opinion of Fox," it is "basically Colbert for Fox because it IS Colbert for Fox"
It can be pretty funny, too. I have a friend in College Republicans who always makes me watch it when we drink :P
This isn't the first time RedEye's featured My Little Pony, they featured Applejack in a skit parodying Glenn Beck back in December, but is the first time they've taken the show into the limelight. Bad joking aside (is there any other kind of joking at 2:00 in the morning?) they actually put a fairly nonchalant and accepting tone into the segment, a rarity for RedEye. I seriously doubt more then a handful of the commentators here will return the courtesy in the slightest though.
VastaKustutaThe first line of that Wired article though . . . Yeah, that's just begging to be mocked. I'm sorry, but if that line was my introduction the bronidom I'd never take this fandom seriously, ever.
The last guy was annoying, but the others were actually reasonable about it. Not as bad as I expected, especially considering it was on Fox News.
VastaKustutaIt's mildly amusing, how they go out proud of not having done any research on the subject. They're only *pretending* to be news after all, no reason to actually investigate about anything they're talking about.
VastaKustutaWe knew it before, remember it during those times, haters gonna hate, and like always, it's best if we show our best face. They will learn eventually.
I'll never understand why the Bronies are getting the toys right now, I don't think hasbro's television and manufacturing teams are on the same wavelength.
VastaKustutaYou go to Fox News to watch it unintentionally satirize itself, you go to Comedy Central for intentional satire, and you go to Russia Today for news. Russia Today America is anti-American propaganda and goddammit truth is the best propaganda. I hope RT makes even the slightest reference to ponies
VastaKustutaFirst I screamed at the screen that they would all die in a good 2 years' time.
VastaKustutaSecond I crossed my arms, then proceeded to dig my nails into my skin.
Third I proceeded to put bandages on my arms.
Fourth I start taking pride in being a brony.
Fifth I start vowing to destroy FOX News and everything it's worth.
And last but not least, Sixth, I start looking for MLP FiM T-Shirts!
@Marrock: That was exactly what I was thinking.
VastaKustutaI'm the guy heading that operation, but I know there's also one or two bronies also working on it who have commented here.
Yeah, this is of interest to me, because while it's not explicitly good publicity, it's not very bad either - minus the douchebag at the end, of course, but whatever.
I'm not going to do anything involving FB and Twitter responses, since I'm already busy enough as is, but as long as anypony who posts their thoughts are calm, collected and tolerant, I really see no reason to condemn stuff like this which is a lack of research at worst. These guys may be assholes, but they're the kind that might could change with a bit of love and tolerance.
Holy crapt...
VastaKustutaThe show this clip comes from, "Red Eye", is /intended/ to be a comedy show. Very little of what's said on the show is intended to be serious.
Fox News the worst trolls on tv
VastaKustutaYohoo laurie! join the herd! we've got muffins!
VastaKustutaSadly. Not everybody knows that.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThis wasn't too bad. Yeah, they laughed, but at least not in a "Look at these pathetic losers who watch girly shows"-way and more in a "man, it sure is weird that thes twentysomethings like a cartoon based on MLP"-way. And it is. You have to admit, if someone would have told you just a little over a half year ago that you would one day frequently check a blog dedicated to My Little Pony, read fanfiction about it and maybe even buy the toys, you would at least have given him a funny look.
VastaKustutaAnd yeah, they didn't do much research on this, but as far as I understand this show (I don't get Fox where I live), it's a quick talking round about some more or less random topic, not a report about a subculture.
So, cool down, bronies...
We will love and tolerate the shit outta them. Even if they are be'n tards. ^.^
VastaKustutathe fuck is this!?
VastaKustutaoh the shame!
Everyone's hatin' on Fox but if CNN or ABC said the same or worse would they receive this vitriol.
VastaKustutaAlso, it's Red Eye. Red Eye is not a news program it's The Man Show with news commentary and 200% less homoeroticism.
It's Fox "News", does anyone take them seriously...
VastaKustutafox is just realizing that bronies will become more popular than them
VastaKustutaWow, they're really asking for us to rage on them so they get something to laugh at...
VastaKustutaHow about don't do anything? The more you rant to them about it, the more bad publicity it sends to the community. And that'll make the rest of us look bad who didn't even do anything.
VastaKustutaConsidering the last one, and considering this is Fox News, I can't imagine them being less biased against MLP. Were they biased? Well yes, but it wasn't bad and it was a relatively short, forgettable clip, so I can't imagine anything better coming from them.
VastaKustutaThey didn't do research, but it's nothing new for Fox, and, as well, I don't particularly enjoy Fox at all, nor do I watch it. One good thing though, the women didn't seem outwardly hateful of it.
VastaKustutaWell, at least this specific show is a parody.
VastaKustutaAlso, we'd be much better off if Seth was the lead on the article. His picture was completely badass, and he looks just like a young Tom Hanks! As well, we REALLY could have used better quotes. And the leading line doesn't help, either.
VastaKustutaOnly the last guy seemed outwardly hateful of it. The rest were about as accepting as most bronies I know now were when they first heard about the show. Perhaps even more so, since back then we didn't have nearly as large a following.
VastaKustutaSorry nick but i mean LETTERS to remove the Wired Article, wall responses are ignored always. Need to do something to remove wired article.
Since you are on this matters this might be of your domain, if not ill do something about it in short time.
Damn you fox don't judge us
VastaKustutaThat dude a real loser he wacths the snorks ha ha
Fortunately no one watches redeye.
VastaKustutaYou know, compared to the first report by fox, this was plain respectful. IMO of course
VastaKustutaThe fact that Fox News is making semi-playful jokes about us doesn't bother me too much. It's the fact that people will watch this and take it seriously. Because they do that.
VastaKustutaThat was a lot nicer and more open then what I expected. The last guy was a little rude though, but I understand its a comedy show.
VastaKustutaAlso, bronies on The Daily Show would be the greatest thing ever!
Well, at least they DID admit they didn't do research and didn't associate us with "baby men" and whatnot.
VastaKustutaI don't think we need to remove the Wired article, honestly. It has a bit of a rocky start, but it's clear that they've done some research and are presenting what really amounts to a pretty accurate picture of the fandom, not counting the misrepresentation of Luke. Given the quality of the rest of the article, I'm willing to have a little faith that the opening was just a bit of a careless mistake.
So I personally am not going to do anything about the Wired article. Don't let that stop you from telling them and making your opinion known, but I urge you to be classy while you do it. Tolerate their beliefs, and if they disagree with you, don't let it degenerate into pointless ranting and such. As has been said before, the only way we're going to change the public opinion is through love and tolerance, even if you're loving and tolerating that which disagrees with you.
VastaKustutaExcept they don't...
The show airs at 3 A.M. EST. Nobody who's that stupid is awake that late.
That was amusing and unobjectionable. Not news, not meant to be.
VastaKustutaWhat puzzles me, though, is that people writing news articles or making radio/tv broadcasts about bronies don't bother watching a few episodes first. It just seems like common sense.
VastaKustuta"Now before you all explode, please realize... Fox news has never been an actual news agency. They are self proclaimed (Literally) just there to entertain. Don't take it seriously. It's pretty much just a more serious version of the Colbert show."
VastaKustutawait that would mean....OMG fox is the king of all trolls.
Well this is...better at least
VastaKustuta"I dunno what else he medicates with, maybe they didn't do the research"
Lol speaking of not doing research...
so why is a satirical show being posted here?
VastaKustutaOh guys, come on. I know I am adding to the comment count, but this ain't worth it. It's the most harmless video I've seen these people doing.
VastaKustutaRemember the Mass Effect controversy? This is a soft blow of air compared to that. Take it for what it is and move on ;3 It's best. Now let's go watch a movie.
god damn do they ever do research!? lol they post old generation ponies instead of 4th gen >:{ they can say whatever they want, but dammit post the right ponies if youre gonna do something like this! >:0 (more specifically post a nice crazy pinkie pie up on Fox news or SOMETHING!)
VastaKustutaI'm still wondering how his first sentence had anything to do with the article... Where's the connection?
VastaKustutaIt's official: terrorism is worse than bronyism. Everyone breathe a sigh of relief.
VastaKustutaNot too terrible, and certainly not as bad as the KTVI one. Agreed, they could do a bit more research, but c'mon. It's Fox News; "research" isn't in their (or most mainstream news outlets') vocabulary.
Fox News is Rarity's favorite news channel and anyone who disagrees is an old ugly MSNBC mule. lulz.
VastaKustutaRed Eye is parody. Amazing amazing parody. They spawned the Applejack: always related.
VastaKustutaMeh, That isn't so bad, They at least arn't bashing us. except that last guy.
VastaKustutaRemember everypony don't feed the parasprites
VastaKustutaIf I could take Fox seriously I -might- be offended, but I can't so I won't be by any stretch of the imagination. I always get a laugh at how completely off Fox's "reports" are.
VastaKustutaThey were joking. We're college to middle aged men watching a show designed for 10 year old girls. It's amazing how the fandom is proving itself incapable of taking legitimate criticism.
VastaKustutaIf you actually got mad from this report, you should be ashamed
Flag as inappropriate>violent or repulsive content>promotes terrorism
VastaKustutaBecause they compared the two (suggesting notable similarity as a bad habit), they're suggesting terrorism is epic and manly. This is a valid way to flag the video! :D
I don't get what exactly is wrong with this.
VastaKustutaIt slays me that people are screaming about being lumped into a group of the worst of humanity, yet are doing the exact same thing to Fox viewers. No, I don't watch it, yes there are some dumb people who consider everything on that network word of God, but the vast majority of viewers aren't really going to care one way or another. Even if they outright slandered us, it wouldn't spark anything as dramatic as lynchings, public beatings, or even any true discrimination. All it'll do is make people look at you a bit funny if you go around parading Bronydom, and that's the same thing for ANY kind of subculture. That's what being a subculture is all about, frankly. Chillax people, this isn't that bad at all. A single dick in a room full of otherwise okay people isn't nearly enough to spark this kind of... weird rage.
VastaKustutaDear foxnews:
VastaKustutaI aint even mad.
Making fun of something they obviously know nothing about... poor guys.
VastaKustutaThese guys are probably the MOST valid people I've seen on Fox. They didn't do a lot of research, but it's still Fox. They basically said weird, but okay.
I don't think that this requires any rebuttals.
Waaaaay too many people take Fox News seriously, which is why this report is so damaging. You won't believe how many Americans I have spoken to trust Fox over every other news network as "the most fair and balanced and factual."
VastaKustuta*rolls eyes* I would get angry but we all know fox news's idea of "research" is how to cram as much fear mongering as possible into the topic
VastaKustutaLets see whats going on here.
VastaKustutaA satirical show where the people say theyre wierded out by a bunch of older men that are watching a show whos target demograph are little girls, but are ok with them watching it. (Which im sure we were all the same way before becoming bronies).
likewise the only thing that could be perceived as bad is a guy whos LITERALLY A JOKE on the show joke around about how the guy from wired does drugs.
really if you get butt hurt from this its just sad. the other thing deserved its hate as it was completly...not sure how to put it. but to get butt hurt over something thats not even negative?
well it wasn't as bad as the first one at the most I would say it alerted more people to our existence then anything. Yeah we still are not painted in the best picture and I don't think that's going to change just because of how the masses see my little pony as a whole, best we can do is try not to be over bearing with it and do not backlash at anypony, we must remember our love and tolerate policy. If we just stay calm then they will move on quickly since they wont have any on dirt on us.
VastaKustutaLol, Fox "News". I remember when I used to not know any better about them.
VastaKustutaReally. Stop getting angry over this video, it was a neutral occurrence at worst. This was not someone ripping on us.
VastaKustutaNo disrespect to furries, but we're becoming entirely too much like the furry community in how we handle anything that can't be expressly considered praise. Not everypony is going to agree with your opinions; that much has been clear since day one. The idea of ~love~ and ~tolerance~ is that we accept this and respect the rights of others to submit their own opinions without getting pissed about it.
sorry to burst the rage bubble here but the video is not a bad one. its funny, actually gives some decent opinions from both sides and best of all... doesn't compare Bronies to BabyMen.
VastaKustutajust because its Fox doesn't automatically mean its bad (just that it has a very high chance of being bad)
Are you all trying to sound like fur-suiters yelling at the media for considering their porn unusual? 'Cause you're making fur suiters look good compared to you all.
VastaKustutaAt least we still seem to have a better public image than furries. At least for now. But yeah, I think the appropriate response is either ignore, or just smile and carry on as if it didn't happen. Or both in reverse order.
VastaKustutaAlso yeah, Colbert.
HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. I just realized this was a blog... I thought it was like... a pony news site. Like ... official news site in a way.
VastaKustutaYou sure this is a blogging site? I swear...
Actually, let me rephrase that... You're mostly all now a bunch if whiny shut-ins that make militant furries look normal. I'm just glad the fan-fiction and art is still outputtinf quality. Props to the authors and artists! Without you, we're just greasy losers.
VastaKustutahey at least a few of us are trying to talk some sense into the rest of the idiots!
VastaKustutaThat sort of attitude isn't going to help improve the problems we may have, you know. Trust me, I've had about seven years of experience trying to make points to people like you are now. It just pisses them off and makes them want to ignore whatever you say.
This community is all about love and tolerance, yeah? That means towards bronies as well as non-bronies, and that means towards people you disagree with or feel are acting foolish. Please try to remember this, and stop being so abrasive. It won't accomplish anything positive.
I don't think we should be focused on how they see the show (I mean, come on, you felt the same way before you watched it), but more on the fact that we are becoming so huge that we're actually getting on news channels, even if it is a comedy show. I mean, have you ever seen the fanbase of a show talked about this much ever before? I think it's pretty great.
VastaKustutaChances are, somebody watching that report will know that so many people wouldn't like the show if it wasn't actually GOOD, and proceed to watch a couple episodes to see what it's about.
I think this should be our general course of action:
1. Get on news channels/other popular media
2. Get people to watch the show
3. ????
I say we tip something over! lawl Spongebob reference... :D
VastaKustutaEhh... I used to lead a few online game guilds with large memberships, so I know how getting pissy doesn't work. It's just how dumb most the commenters have been. I mean, RedEye is a 3a.m. comedy show hosted by an ex porno mag CEO or somesuch. All this thread ended up being was a "Bash Somebody I don't agree with without looking into it just because they make me angry."
"Shrug" Hell, as long as this blog doesn't make a habit of sharing political opinions I'll be content.
This really wasn't that bad. The guy from the other FOX news thing saying Bronies are trying to claim liking MLP as a disability riled me up more than this.
VastaKustutaIn fact, this actually made me chuckle a little.
Fox News, lol
VastaKustutaAs a furry, this is not good exposure for our fandom.
VastaKustutaNot going to watch it anyway >.<
VastaKustutaCelestia watches Fox News
VastaKustutaMy relationship with my estranged father was JUST starting to improve for the first time in years.
VastaKustutaHe also watches Fox News seriously.
Thanks Fox, thanks for ruining the weak bond I have with my biological father.
@Crimson Valor
VastaKustutaThey have regular show, which almost no one watches. The guy with the long hair is and always has been an ass. Which incidentally is the body part he usually talks out of.
Why the hell do they show ponies from the wrong generation? Talk about not doing your research LOL.
VastaKustutaAm I the only one who thinks this was actually a pretty good reaction?
VastaKustutaI mean, they joked around about us, but how many of us aren't expecting that to begin with? How many of us are self-conscious enough not to joke around about it ourselves? In the end, the general consensus seemed to be, "I don't understand it, but if it makes them happy, more power to them." Considering some of the things I've seen said about us, that's about as good a response as I can ask for.
Lighten up, y'all.
Something I think it's always important to bear in mind with mocking/sceptical coverage is that it's totally understandable.
VastaKustutaThink about how you got into this in the first place - personally, I've never been on 4chan, I just saw some of the characters and thought the design was pretty good, so checked an episode on youtube. I only expected to watch a couple of minutes, out of morbid curiosity mostly, but it turned out to be awesome.
But when people think of grown-ups watching My Little Pony, they're obviously thinking about earlier versions of it, and it does sound weird.
For the same reasons, I don't think anyone should feel victimised or persecuted by any negative coverage, because it is a genuinely good show. There's no shame in liking Pixar movies, and no shame in watching more girly movies like Tangled or How to Train Your Dragon, because it's accepted that they're of a good enough quality that it's totally understandable that adults would like them.
But there is a disconnect between what the show is and what people imagine it is when they're talking about adults liking it. I'm 28, I have a career, but I'm not ashamed of liking My Little Pony because I think it's a really decent show, it's not some weird aberration where dudes are watching a kid's show for no good reason.
But I think any attempts to convert people or to discuss it with haters should be from the standpoint of, having not seen the new version, it sounds like a pretty weird thing for anyone over 7 years old to be watching.
I'm honestly more pissed about that guy who said "Japanimation".
VastaKustutaMeh i bought a toy to get the achievement and to rep Twilight
VastaKustutaDudes, it's RedEye, that's there comedy segment it's not meant to be serious
By the by, the reason the bronyfolk are so jumpy about Fox News (other than Fox's history of confused fearmongering - exploding vans + pedophiles on Pictochat, lolwut) is because of that 'babymen on disability' thing that one of the Fox affiliates claimed.
VastaKustutaThis Red Eye piece was pretty harmless. Yes, they're bemused and clueless, just like everyone else you mention My Little Pony to. Yes, they probably should've done more than a minute and a half of research before putting a story on the airwaves. Whatever. Bronies were incensed by the babyman thing, so they weren't as open to the Red Eye piece.
Now, let's love and tolerate, and keep things in perspective.
Hmm... One guy for it, one girl ok with it, the rest WTF... Pretty good show. I'm gonna have to watch it sometime.
VastaKustutaHaters need to stop hating the haters. we need to embrace this pheomenon that is the bronies and stop raging over dumb crap.
VastaKustutaRemember the code of love and tolerance, for without it your just a viewer and a hater
Wait, people are offended by this? Seriously?
VastaKustutaI mean, first it's Red Eye, which isn't supposed to be serious, and secondly no one said anything bad about us.
As long as they don't tell all their loyal [brainwashed] watchers that we're climbin in yo stables...
VastaKustutaWatch the damn video, they're all okay with this!
VastaKustutaColbert better start workin' on the report. It'd be so bloody awesome.
VastaKustutaThey're basically trolls with authority and influence. Is there anything more dangerous?
VastaKustutaI really wish we could get back at them some how. I really wish anonymous was composed of bronies, they could bring the fox news site down, at least
VastaKustutaI, didn't see anything really wrong with this. Why's everyone all up in a bunch about this? First off, it's red eye, this was on at like, what 2 in the morning? It's not like that's prime time or something. When I heard we made the news I thought we like, busted up a presidential speech or something with the amount of people crying over this.
VastaKustutaLOL @ bromide being compared with terrorists
VastaKustutaI lol'd.
VastaKustutaJust watched the clip, that was actually pretty funny. I don't get Fox news where I am, but the leftwing press in the UK covers Fox news stuff with the same kind of loving/horrified fascination the US liberal press seems to give Sarah Palin, and that was by far the least mental Fox News video clip I have ever seen.
VastaKustutalol watched it and its really isnt insulting. (if i heard everyhting correctly) much better than the one from earlier. We definitely would have looked stupid if we complained since now they have aired this.
VastaKustutaFOX News is asleep
VastaKustutaPost ponies
First off, I don't know why they decided to associate the recent fandom with old generations of pony figurines. I bet if they actually showed clips from the show itself, their impending ire and prejudice against the shows fandom would be immediately trumped by the show's solid character design, charming voice acting, and gorgeous animation style. But no, let's show silly old toy ponies from years ago, ponies that attracted zero male audience, but use that as our launch pad for saying 'men like this stuff.' Sure, we'll roll with that.
VastaKustutaI'm particularly thankful that the first person they interview, Jim, put it in very good perspective. 'Probably as much (shame) as when I do poppers and Japanimation videos. Zero. Exactly. Proud of it. Open the window, take a look.'
However, I'm quite appalled that the second, with the wide smirky grin, said our appreciation of a legitimately excellent animation that trumps the status quo of no-effort generic cartoons on toy franchises is 'Grown men (doing) stupid and unbelievably ridiculous things.' Studio B, Lauren Faust, Daniel Ingram, and all the other contributing staff put their hearts and souls into this, actually injected a degree of passion into 'Friendship is Magic' that is in the stars above and beyond expectations. You can plainly see, both in the show and their constant interaction with the fan communities, they have confidence and pride in their work, and will continue instilling such pride onward through season 2.
But let's remember not to hate them for it, and to stash that rage away. There's still a chance they'll get curious, or they'll be babysitting their niece, and get a glimpse of Friendship is Magic. The chance is still there. And they, as purveyors of conservative morals and family values, will very likely enjoy the positive messages interspersed throughout. Then if they want to do a follow-up, we should be ready for them to give it a fair shot, possibly make amends for past prejudices, and it will be up to us to accept and cherish them as we would any other brony.
Besides, show of hands people. How many of us here were similarly biased against the show when they first heard about it? Be honest here, my hand's up in the air. I thought it was just some silly thing for little girls that grown men weren't supposed to enjoy, I didn't know the creators put so much energy and life into it, I didn't know how radically different Faust directed the franchise away from the existing My Little Pony legacy. How many of us here thought it was just a bunch of dress-ups and tea parties? I did. I avoided the show for three months vehemently because of my own prejudices. But I eventually came to give it a fair chance, see what all the hubbub was about, to satisfy my dormant curiosities...and was absolutely embarrassed at how much I loved it.
Yet the Brony community, well established and fast growing at that time, helped usher me in, let me know that I wasn't alone in those prejudices, and that many others were like me. Metalheads, artists, and successful contributors to society. Normal people.
So when these guys get off their high horse and give Faust's interpretation of MLP its fair chance, and see that it is a sincerely well-executed television series, let's be ready to welcome them in. Like Pinkie Pie. Throw a good party to help them turn that frown upside down.
Okay, that was pretty decent. I think people are just a little jumpy because of the last one, which was blatant nonsense, but this one just seemed like a bit of harmless joking.
VastaKustutaAnd they didn't hold us up as a reason for China or Canada to take over the U.S. like the last two did. So, yay on that.
I ain't even mad.
VastaKustuta...No, seriously, that wasn't even bad at all.
Lest anyone forget how different the show used to be:
Rainbowdash has come a long way.
VastaKustutaI wasn't biased against people watching it before I watched it and I'm a 20 year old male. Although I do watch penguins of madagascar so maybe I wasn't one to judge :p
Seth, if you keep posting these, my hand will be forced to retaliate...
VastaKustuta~Former Troll
Seriously, my fellow Bronies, THICKEN YOUR SKINS. This one wasn't bad at all.
VastaKustutaKnowing the demographics of the internet in general, completely unsurprised by all the Fox-raging. That said, as one who's got Red Eye AND Friendship is Magic set up for DVR series recording, a few notes:
VastaKustuta* This is their Lightning Round, a segment previously known as "Stories We Sort of Liked But Not Enough to Include Earlier in the Show But Still Wanted to Talk About So Let's Really Quickly Do Them Now." And yes, that was the full title. First half of the show is major news items of the day, but this part is just whatever. Pony fandom was only one of 3-4 things discussed in the space of several minutes. This is a 3 AM show whose budget doesn't allow for independent researchers or journalists; it's basically three guys in a room looking up stuff and saying, "That looks cool/weird/interesting. Let's talk about that."
* Greg (the usual host) was out that night. If he were there, he'd be totally into it, with his unicorn fandom. He supports unicorns in a feud against gryphons, though, so it's probably good Gilda wasn't mentioned in the story. And his former job was an editor at Men's Health Magazine, which probably isn't technically a porno mag.
* Mike Baker, the guy who posted the picture of Applejack on the board in the previous video, also wasn't there. He's not on staff, just a recurring guest, but his ability to recognize Applejack as Applejack indicates either familiarity, or some level of research.
* Try not to anything Bill says too seriously. He skips breakfast and has dinner for lunch.
Not sure if anyone's gonna read this, but...
VastaKustutaAm I the only one thinking that instead of making Bronies, they're more-so making fun of the show?
I mean, they're acting as if the new MLP is a complete and total piece of crap, hence why they're "shocked" that guys actually like it.
Some of their tone kind of bothers me because they're acting as though men have to be under an influence in order to appreciate its all-around quality.
t'aint fair! :<
People taking this joke of a news channel seriously is more surprising then MLP having as many fans as it does, TBH.
VastaKustutaThat fox thing made me chuckle.
VastaKustutaBecause _clearly_ bronies = terrorists. rofl.
Why would that be surprising? FNC gets higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC combined, and that's been more or less consistent for quite a while.
VastaKustutaMore skewed at 3:00 in the morning, since they're the only ones not playing reruns at that hour.
im gonna tolerate the SHIT outta them
VastaKustuta"How much shame should these guys feel?"
VastaKustutaAll my Majora.
VastaKustutaLOVE and tolerate* the shit outta them
I only see Colbert report and John Stewart daily edition for "Real" news
VastaKustutaIm ok with odd but harmless.
VastaKustutaFox news;
VastaKustutaEquates My Little Pony too terrorism....
I dislike Fox News for their propaganda but those who are saying that they're equating Bronies to terrorists need to listen more closely. It was more along the lines of, "they could be doing worse things like taking crystal meth, blowing up buildings, or taking candy from babies".
VastaKustuta2:41 "Maybe he didn't do the research on this one.", that's ironic. Faux News is the most unreliable new channel, by far.
the problem with fox is that even if they gave a glowing and approving review of FIM, it'd still be terrible, because it's fox.
VastaKustutaactually if fox liked fim that'd probably be good reason to never watch it again. i mean could you actually like the show anymore if you knew that glenn beck was into it?
what sort of emotions do you feel when you imagine his greasy fingers delicately caressing rainbow dash's hair???
A couple other people have already said this but I'll say it too. RedEye is not a /real/ news show. It's a parody news show. The make fun of the news just as Colbert does so don't take it too seriously.
VastaKustutaI thought it was ok it was better then some other statements and posts from other news sites and definitely better then the blurb from a local Fox station posted earlier. What I don't get is why this gives people a right to bash Fox News like it was the ONLY news outlet to bash bronies or anything else for that matter. Other major news sites have done angry stuff like this bring down other things especially video games. I guess it is mainly because more out spoken people, news outlets, and parents tell their kids "well if it comes from the right or Fox it has to be wrong." That is not true at all and maybe even the exact opposite, even though Fox is probably not one of the best representations of the right. And on the whole idea of people on the right being brainwashed, wouldn't it be Democrats who are brainwashed since more major news outlets agree with them and glorify them sweeping big stories under the rug or not making a big deal about them. Personally I think this story has NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS and yet people drag it in to relevant conversations like this one like politics and someones opinion on bronies have some correlation between each other, whoopdie freakin doo Republicans own one news station. Come on ponies have some class and grade it on the report and not news media biases.
VastaKustutaI wonder if any of them watched the show before saying those things... Anyway, as it's been said by another anon - haters gonna hate.
imokaywiththis.jpg they were pretty cool about it actually, the chick even said that she was semi-interested, also they were all joking around, no one was actually calling us out as retarded man babies or anything. So i think this was ok. they were a little weirded out but its too be expected, i mean when i first heard of it on 4chan that was my same reaction
@Comrade Azza
VastaKustutaA guy who works for a station who's propaganda has managed to make 'Anime'synonymous with 'pedophilia'.
I was annoyed by it too.
VastaKustutaHe doesn't "work for the station". Saying Jim Norton works for Fox is like saying Oderus Urungus works for Fox, because he appears on the show and comments on stories too. They're invited guests, not employees.
Fox News? No. Fucks News.
VastaKustutaMan...I have to watch the entire first season over again just to make up for having watched that...
VastaKustutaAs far as Love and Tolerance goes...
VastaKustutasome things just deserve the Hate
And then He made his research and then he became a brony too!
VastaKustutaI regularly watch Fox News for actual news, and I shall continue to watch it. Everyone has a right to there own opinion, whether you like it or not. Besides are we going to say CNN isn't an actual news station if they disagre with our opinions. This is an all time low in the community.
VastaKustutaI thought RedEye was a parody show.
VastaKustutaAnd this isn't the first time they've talked about FiM. (I think Applejack was mentioned as part of an elaborate scheme involving a scandal with some mayor)
lol "never been an actual news agency". With dominating ratings/viewings like theirs I can understand the buthurt, just not the denial lol. Fox isn't the first to do something like this, and they aren't the last. It just surprises me why you guys are jumping on them as if this is the first time any news network has done this. I'm gonna go off on a limb and say the majority of American Bronies, are liberals lol. If Fox were to praise the show and give really get on top of the show, you guys still wouldn't like it, because it's Fox, America's most trusted network (as shown by the PPP) and most viewed cable network lol.
VastaKustutaWhat you see: A few people saying "It's odd, but I can tolerate it"
VastaKustutaWhat's really happening: Potential bronies.
It's beyond any good brony to say a hateful thing like "let's blow up FOX News' studios". So here's my evil, but very reasonable, twin saying it for me:
VastaKustutaLet's blow up FOX News' studios!
VastaKustutaThat's one of he things that makes America so stupid. FOX News is full of lies and there's so many examples of it. If you trust FOX News then you're mindless and don't have a clue of what is actually going on in the world.
VastaKustutaWhy are you people raging at this?
VastaKustutaIt's not even all that negative. It's actually kind of funny, unlike the last one.
They're not taking themselves seriously here, thank God. You guys shouldn't be taking them seriously either. Chill out, bronies.