Everypony edition! Yay~
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Source 7 noel
Source 8
Source 9 Didjargo
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12-Megasweet
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16 niki
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25
Source 26
Source 27
Source 28 Moongaze
Source 29 don_ko
Source 30 Ego
Source 31 SpiritofthwWolf
Source 32 Sorekey
Source 33 Kitty Tail
Source 34
Source 35 Starlight Spark
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124 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaDammit forgot my name.
Closing in on a hundred of these...
#6 is mistaken.
VastaKustutaHe gave both pics the wrong name.
27: There are no words.
VastaKustutaI love all of these.
VastaKustutaBut 27 is particularly awesome.
Hmm, what's megasweet?
#06 i dunn get it
VastaKustuta#21 HYES
VastaKustuta#9 is the best My Little Mages pic yet!
#27 is really neat.
#29 made me D'aaaw so hard. Pinkie Pie used her reality warping powers for good!
VastaKustutaPretty Philomena. <3
VastaKustutaLots of really good ones in here!
VastaKustuta#12 - I was definitely not expecting that.
VastaKustutaAlso Pinkie Pantsu in #15
#27 is cool
VastaKustutanumber 12 just makes me laugh! its soooo wrong but i just cant help but bust a gut laughing. anyone else?
VastaKustuta#2,3,5,9,12,24,26,27 are epic :D
VastaKustuta2 A Yoma muffin?
VastaKustutaWanna know what we need?
VastaKustutaSuperjail ponies.
Make it happen.
No saucy images? Oh, come on...
VastaKustutathe best I can guess is that with #6 is if you strip Madmax she isn't safe for work of any sort anymore. Though it doesn't look like she's safe for anyone around her for anything, not just work
VastaKustutabest drawfiend ever! so many pics to save.
VastaKustutaOnly one Luna pic?
Oh wow #27 is really trippy. Reminds me of that one yugioh episode...
VastaKustuta#10 fits so well in a slightly twisted way.
VastaKustutaSo many dawws and bawws in these pics T.T
VastaKustutaAlso: Show me your hooves is now a meme
so many everyponys!!!
VastaKustutaAmazing stuff, i especially like the role reversal on 18
VastaKustutaand Twilight in 3 is going to murder me because of the whole Trixie is the best unicorn thing I got goin on
#18 Loved that fic :3
VastaKustuta#21 FINALLY! Falcon Hoof'd
#27 Splendid.
#6 would have been funnier if it were a normal pony wearing clothes for the NSFW instance. Since that is generally how it is with ponies
VastaKustuta3) Evil/bad looking Twilight is awesome.
VastaKustuta5) So cute!
11) Luna, always adorable.
12) Saucy indeed.
18) Took me a second, but then I remembered what this was from! Eos looks awesome, yes?
22) So saaaaaad...
27) That is one wicked piece of art.
33) Lyra <3
VastaKustutaIs a T-Rex gonna start chomping on the car?
Rainbow Dash with a boy? What?
That is a really cool idea.
I love it. It's so much like Pinkie Pie.
#12 - Whoah...
VastaKustuta#29 - Pinkception? I don't think Dash minds either way.
OH GOD #10!!! How obscure can we get? My opinion: NEVER QUITE ENOUGH!
VastaKustuta#6 hahaha nude pony... ive seen pics before but i always forget who its supposed to be... should probably just look for the restraining order...
VastaKustuta6: makes me lol out loud
VastaKustuta12: dat sauce is SPICY! and oh so delicious :D
I saw #12 was ponibooru and was just dying to see how everypony here would react to it. This should be fun. :3
I think this is my favorite art post so far :D
Okay, the "saucy" pictures are getting a little too... Graphic... That was just plain disturbing... O.O
VastaKustutaI don't mean to be ignorant, but is #9 supposed to be making reference to a game? or is it just what the author is calling that series of images?
VastaKustuta#10: AHHHH!!! Make it go away!
VastaKustuta#15: Much of the same reaction!
I saved nearly every pic from this collection. It was my favorite all around so far. I can wait till' I get time/motivation to start drawing my own!
VastaKustuta#1 - D'awww
VastaKustuta#3 - P-please don't kill me, Twilight~! ;_;
#5 - Big Mac and filly AJ = Aww.
#6 - More Madmax Pony is needed.
#9 - Love that series of drawings. Keep it up!
#14 - Interesting.
#15 - What is this? I don't even.
#18 - Yay, fanart! =D
#19 - The only thing worse for Equestria then Pinkie with wings is Pinkie with magic.
#23 - Can Applebloom EVER win? =p
#24 - What do you mean Dash isn't gay? o.o
#27 - Wow. Just. Wow.
#34 - That's new.
#1: Someone sent that to my tumblr just yesterday. O.o. But I like it.
VastaKustutaThat last pic reminds me of a flashback in [i]Digimon Adventure[/i], the one where Tai screws up babysitting his little sister and his parents scream at him for almost killing her. Don't know why.
VastaKustutaI have no idea what's happening in #27, but I love it.
VastaKustutaWell this is a success.
VastaKustutaBest DF Stuff I've seen. And Captain Falcon. HYES!
Also: Megasweet continues to amuse me while making me question myself.
Good show.
i think 6 is backwards
VastaKustuta24 is adorable.
VastaKustutaDash does not have to be gay just because she's a tomboy, jeez. :(
#19! Heeey, I know that artist very well. =3
VastaKustutaCongratulations yet again, bestest friend of mine! ^_^ May you find wealth beyond your wildest dreams from your sure-to-be-glorious artistic career.
...hey, Tek said it, so it's gonna happen. Yep!
VastaKustutaIs #18 based on something? If so, could someone post a link to the fic or let us know the name?
VastaKustutaI'm pretty sure it's just what the artist is calling that series. Hopefully somepony runs with the idea and we get a fanfic out of it . . . I may end up doing that myself if it doesn't happen before too much longer.
VastaKustuta...wow. Really...?
5 - That filly on the left, with the glasses, kinda looks like an equine Penny Sanchez, from Nickelodeon's cartoon Chalk Zone. I'd sure like to see some crossover fanarts or fanfics with Chalk Zone!
VastaKustuta22 - Aaaaawwwwwwww...poor CMC! They feel just like that poor horse, I bet, from Bernice Myers's story "A Lost Horse".
24 - At last! Proof Rainbow Dash is no fillyfooler! Hope to see maybe a wedding fanart of Soarin' and Rainbow Dash getting married...it would be so tear-provokingly beautiful!
26 - Oh. And proof Rainbow Dash IS a fillyfooler once again.
27 - Twilight Sparkle's dust goes through the hourglass while she herself cries sadly. Please, can't anyone draw Twilight Sparkle happily crying tears of joy for once?
29 - Pinkie Pie invades other ponies' dreams, like Spongebob Squarepants did in one episode of his show!
#1 I fell in love with the second I saw it on IMDB, though it is nice to see where it came from.
VastaKustuta#5 is adorable, though depressingly easy to take out of context, I've found.
#14 I love nearly as much as #1.
#18 really captures the scene in basically the same way I imagined it when I was reading it.
#34 is hilarious.
VastaKustutaEasily made into a fic of sweet-and-epic proportions.
When the Cutie Mark Crusaders trifle with ancient forces beyond their understanding, they find themselves transported outside of Ponyville, outside of Equestria, indeed, outside of their own dimension. Taking shelter in a strange wreck of a vehicle in this frightening land, the three fillies wonder if they'll ever see their loved ones again... or if they are now, forever Lost.
1) Dash really needs a cannon pet, i vote for the turtle that I've seen in a some drawfriend pics.
VastaKustuta#12: If you're going to post saucy stuff at least post the one that looks better:
I support 24. Also lovely art, but never thought to pair them up unti now! Very cute couple!
VastaKustutaSunset. Look under my name in the author tag thing, or Celestia in the archives.
12: Hmm... I wonder what kind of touching will be going on thi- WHOA JEEZ.
VastaKustuta21: FALCON BU- Oh wait... Someone beat me to it.
22: Emotional whiplash.
25: wierdestboner.jpg
29: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww...
Oh my Gosh! Oh my gosh!!
VastaKustutaI did it #27! e3e
I just... I have no words... T^T
12: O.o
VastaKustuta21: YES!
Why does NSFW look mad?
VastaKustutaThere needs to be more love for #4. I main Viper in both MvC3 and SFIV. And that pony is awesome. D:
VastaKustutaLove Apple Bloom in #9, and #21 made me lol.
VastaKustuta#9 is my new desktop wallpaper.
1. That one is really awesome and so cute. Its my new background.
VastaKustuta12. O_o Oh lawd. I hope this doesn't turn unicorn horns into head-dicks like wing boners.
14. Those outfits are so awesome!
23. Applebloom's face at the end makes me sad. :^(
24. I like Soarin' and all, but even straight shippers for Dash gotta admit Spitfire's 20% cooler for Dashie.
27. That's gorgeous!
Seeing #18 convinced me to go read the fic.
VastaKustutaExcuse me, could you please stand up? I think you're sitting on a piece of my shattered mind...
All the Pinkie Dash in this edition brought a big goofy grin to my face. :)
VastaKustuta22 - No matter what, I see Jurassic Cutie Mark where the kids are hiding in the overturned jeep from the Celestasaurus Rex.
VastaKustuta18 - Looks similar to a plot I saw unfinished.
It is not possible to describe my levels of jealous.
VastaKustutaAll I can do is vector. WHY CAN I NOT LEARN TO DRAW!?
Lots of great art as usual, but this one has quite a few rather "unique" pieces! The Twilight-Hourglass one is really creative!
VastaKustutaAs for Fluttershy x Rarity one.. that's just.. stunning, really. And I mean that in a GOOD way. But since that's stronger then most, maybe put a 'very saucy' label next to it, to indicate it's a bit closer to the borderline, but still not quite over it? I wouldn't remove it, as it isn't, pun not quite intended, tasteless.. heh..
Ridiculously great haul this time!
VastaKustutaThere are just too many pieces here that strike me. The variety this time around is very nice!
Great work, everypony!
@ Luna
VastaKustutaThere is actually a version of that pic on Know Your Meme that already turned it into a Jurassic Park scene.
Wingboners sighted in 29. I'm surprised that there weren't any comments about that.
VastaKustutadA links for #4 and #5:
VastaKustuta4 - http://ss2sonic.deviantart.com/art/Crimson-Viper-MLP-Style-211192422
5 - http://mirelmture.deviantart.com/art/Big-Brother-Macintosh-211479801
LOL I always look forward to these . . . oh man i hope to one day see pics of mine get posted . . . but im a faol at coloring digitally . . . when i drew in the past i NEVER colored anything . . . i always shaded. Shade the lines . . . smudge it with a finger to smooth things out . . . and BOOYAH. epic shading done easy . . . . Im rediculously glad the fanfics keep rolling in . . . i keep getting alot of inspiration from them.
VastaKustutaLove it as always.
VastaKustuta#6: Pahaha! That's hilarious!
#8: Philomena vaguely reminds me of Kazooie here.
#15: I can see this one coming to use if there's ever a CCS/MLP crossover (which I'm kinda considering making, maybe)
#21: Rofl!
#22 and #23: Dawww. Sadness. D:
these draw friends just keep getting better and better. i love them best part about this site.
VastaKustutaDidn't the fanbase agree that Rainbow Dash is bisexual?
VastaKustutaThe artists of "My little Mages" here. Yeah, the title isn't a reference to anything besides My Little Pony itself. The whole mage thing is entirely a play on "Friendship is Magic". Also, if anyone were to write a fanfic about it, I would totally be flattered and would love to read it.
Number 24 is so sweet <3
VastaKustutaThese are all just amazing. I mean that. Every single one.
VastaKustutaI seriously love this fandom. There is so much creativity! I love how even with the lull between seasons, the artwork and stories continue to make me smile non-stop! :D
Thank you, my fellow bronies. You all make this my absolute favorite fandom. :D
VastaKustutaI'm not sure why people are bitching in regards to the linked images. I mean, he's stated before he'll won't put actual porn in these things, and more to the point, you effectively forfeit all rights to be offended by clicking the link. It's kind of like those people that try to take down websites for their content when they have 'warning, potentially offensive' on their front page. You should know the potential of what you're getting your self in for. Really now.
VastaKustutaYou mean I posted this a day too late on deviantart?
Baaw :p
Nice drawings ^^
One of the best drawfriends in recent memory.
VastaKustuta#3 I always imagine Twilight Sparkle is gonna become a Gothic pricess, but never really visualized how awesome she'd look: thanks!!!
#5 - pure adorableness.
VastaKustutahere's a source link for #7 http://fav.me/d3i2g4e
VastaKustutait's not solely by noel
VastaKustutaDash x Wonderbolt is always a winning combination.
Lyra x lyre is super cute, even when Lyra is blue.
#12 - I thought she was gonna lick her horn....
VastaKustutaIs unicorn horn that sensitive? LOL
Rest of the art stuffs are cool!
#12 - DAYUM!!
VastaKustutaSource 21 is "http://anjilyoshi.deviantart.com/#/d3hwt42".
VastaKustutaDrawfriend Stuff #97 already?
VastaKustutaSo we'll soon reach #100. Amazing.
That's like a million pony images drawn by fans, dudes.
9: I absolutely love it! Brilliant! I love humanized ponies.
VastaKustuta23: Tee hee!
26: Pinkie Pie's facial expression is epic :P
#22 What are you doing, CMC? You can't drive a car, you're the CMC. You're not old enough to have drivers' licenses. You don't even have opposable thumbs.
VastaKustutaSilly CMC.
#'s 5 and 17 are just too cute for me to handle
VastaKustuta#21 is the answer to the age old question "What happens when two Falcon Punches connect with each other?" The result: Everyone is turned into a pony. There is a similar result when two Sonic Rainbooms are connected: The earth was created.
VastaKustuta#1 #15 #25
VastaKustutaSeth, are you reading my mind or something? All three of theses are win made of win themes that I think win applies to ponies that also win.
12 is the most fucked up thing I seen in terms of ponies... personally I think it goes to far
VastaKustutaAgnitio was correct, bitches.
VastaKustutaCan anyone one of you great artists draw the rest of the wonderbolt teams??? that would be amazing!
VastaKustuta#24- I approve
VastaKustuta#24 is so adorable
VastaKustutaThere's just not enough of the straight shipping about.
I did the lineart for #3, I just don't know who colored it. They posted as Anonymous on Ponychan with it.
VastaKustutaIs it just me or... does "princess celestia's mom" have 5 legs? (you cant see one in the back, but it would be weird if she didnt have it xD)
VastaKustuta#18 There's something definitely wrong with Twilight's neck...
VastaKustuta#2- If I give you a muffin will you not kill me or at least make my end quick and painless?
VastaKustuta#3- "I am a ponynetic organism: living tissue over metal exoskeleton."
#21- HYES
#22- This reminds me of the scene in Jurassic Park where the Trex attacks the car with the kids. I don't know why.
Ctrl+F "ception"
VastaKustutaWas not disappoint.
Claymoress. Really? And Suddenly we learn Derpy is the organization's new Number 1. wtfbbq!
VastaKustutaalso of note:
24 - StraightDash. Approved.
25 - Pinkie looks pretty catty here. The whole image looks 20% fluffier than otherwise possible.
#12 - magical unicorn mayonnaise
VastaKustutaWhy, I just saw #21 on Halolz a couple of days ago!
VastaKustutaIt comes from the last chapter of this fic:
8. Cool.
VastaKustuta18. Where's Luna! But still Cute Mother-Daughter pic. <3
27. The Only Nicer Sand Timer would be a RD One! :D
29. I don't know if RD likes it or Not, But I'll just say Yes! XD
VastaKustuta@Desert Rose
#24 is so adorable
There's just not enough of the straight shipping about.
24 - StraightDash. Approved.
Totally agree! Very nice image.
I also really like:
26: Oh, Dashie! Pinky is like WTF?
27: TS in an hourglass. Ethereal and sad. She needs a hug. Volunteers? *holds hoof high!*
How do I submit my art?
VastaKustuta23: ...that's not cool, man. That's not cool.
VastaKustuta29: Who else but Pinkie Pie?
#1: It's time to change my background!
VastaKustutaYa know what we need? More Soarin/Dash shipping. Because it's cute. And I've only found 2 pictures of them "together"
VastaKustuta12 = OMG cant believe this! AWESOME MEGASWEET!
VastaKustuta21- I see someone finally thought of this
VastaKustutaAww #22 broke my heart. Now I only have two separate halves of a heart. Well actually it might be more like one piece of 40% of a heart and another piece of 60% of a heart. Either way, what am I supposed to do now?