>Adamant that I wouldn't have 3 Moe Drawfriend main images in a row
>Run into this.
He knows my weakness. So...powerful
Also John Joseco edition. I wondered where he went! Apparently he was just stockpiling.
Also plot is now hidden!
Source 1- Moe
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4 darkpandax
Zecora Plot
Source 5
It's at least 300% cooler with color.
Source 6
Source 7 Noel
Source 8
Source 9
Source 10
Gory Part 2 of Celestia Vs Kratos
Its god of war, what did you expect!?
Source 11
Source 12 need
Source 13- Just in case you all wanted a transparent version. If I have time I'll make a banner out of it.
Source 14 Darkpandax
Twilight Plot
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Harry the Bear vs Tha villian Bill Clinton Suggested (Krastos the Gluemarker)
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25
Twilight Nurse Plot
Source 26
Source 27
Source 28
Source 29
Source 30
Source 31
Source 32
Source 33
Source 34
Source 35
ReplyDelete#22 major d'awww
ReplyDelete4 plots in this Drawfriend
ReplyDeleteDEM PLOTS
I thought saucy and '**** plot' stuff was getting linked.
ReplyDeleteOh well, don't matter to me, I click them anyway.
Why isn't #25 considered saucy? (Not complaining though. x3)
ReplyDeleteAnd #21? Either this fandom hypes just about anything, or Bill Clinton is the coolest president ever.
#17 New sport anyone?
ReplyDeleteSo much flank...WHY
ReplyDeletecool drawfriend as always....
ReplyDeleteI'd hardly call it new. xP
#1 is canon without a doubt.
ReplyDeleteBroken link on 32 i think. I'm getting a "Bad gateway" error when clicking. Some really great pics there though. 34, 13, 5 being my personal favs
ReplyDeleteWhat's with all the suggestive Twilight Sparkle?
ReplyDelete^ Meant "Not Found"
ReplyDeleteLibrarians are the new hotness?
I first saw the opening image when I woke up at 7 this morning and found it uploaded to our gallery.
ReplyDeleteAnd even in my groggy, not-quite-coffee-filled state I knew it was going to be the starter image for the Drawfriends tonight.
so much plot @_@
ReplyDeleteOnly muffins can stand up to the terrifying power of cupcakes.
ReplyDeleteHehe, plot edition.
#16 is lovely.
ReplyDelete#17: Trust Pinkie to make ordinary chores fun.
ReplyDelete#20: This is either pure cloning chaos or the most epic fight scene ever.
#23 is just to funny and precious for words
ReplyDeleteI see so much plots! O///o
ReplyDeleteWow! I love that artist John, and there's so many of his pieces in this Drawfriend it's amazing!
ReplyDeleteok so that first image looks like a Trikie troll face
ReplyDeleteAs if to almost say "Problem, Seth?" XD
WHY is everyone obsessed with horse-ass?
ReplyDeleteYou have a "thing" for Trixie, accept it.
ReplyDelete#4 is saucy, #14 is really saucy, #25 practically belongs in the Equestrian equivalent of Playboy (Playcolt?)
4, 14 ,25..........Shouldn't even be here....
ReplyDeleteA lot of plot development going on here.
ReplyDeleteAlso #3: D'awww....Lyra!
and #23: D'awww....Luna!
#17 pinky makes everything more exiting :P
ReplyDelete#20 thats just insane!
gotta love all of the Rainbow Dash pics.
The first thing I noticed about #5 was how beautifully the clouds were drawn and colored. A little background goes a long way.
ReplyDeleteI must commission Moe to do something for one of my stories.
ReplyDeleteYou think he'd accept payments in kidneys? I have two of the things, y'know.
#25 Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo, Nurse!
ReplyDeleteAnd Yeah Filly Luna!
95% of this post is from JohnJoesco XD
ReplyDeleteSo much plot...
ReplyDeletethis should have been the plot edition
Hell of a lot of Plot in this drawfriends. And I now love watercolors.
ReplyDeleteSo much plot! =0
ReplyDeleteI approve.
This should be called "Twilight 'Dat Flank' Edition"
ReplyDeletemeh @ the plot pictures...
ReplyDeleteI was hoping for more Zacora fan art too, /sigh.
Anyway, outside of those I like all the rest. They all turned out so well.
Way too much plot. We get it Seth, you like plot. enough already
ReplyDeleteI don't nkow what the fucj john joseco is doing
ReplyDeletebut he cant have a life, so MANY REQUESTS fuck.
Ahh, watching for the plot AND the plot.
ReplyDeleteBest of both worlds, really.
Celestia-damnit! Can Luna get any cuter??? WELL????
ReplyDeleteHoly shit, JJ.
ReplyDeleteThese get better and better with every drawfriend!
ReplyDeleteExcellent plot development today.
ReplyDelete$14 & #25, damn, I cant remember the last time I saved images so quickly.
Can someone explain Trixie's fandom to me? She was designed with every intent to be hated by being a egotistical, snobby, arrogant, brat. The horrific opposite happened. I understand everything have fans of some sort, but she has massive fandom despite being someone you would want to murder if you met them in reality.
ReplyDeleteThis should be renamed Plot Edition...# 25...Oh Lawdy...
ReplyDeleteMore like "dat plot edition", amiright?
ReplyDeleteseth is so easy to manipulate
ReplyDeleteFace it Bronies, sexy librarians are canon in every media.
ReplyDeleteWell Anonymous, It is very simple.
Trixie had the balls to not only lie to the whole town, but then admit to lying, and THEN lie again.
Also, Snips and that giraffe basically destroyed her house and ran her out of town.
#1: I can read Trixie's thoughts: "U Mad?"
ReplyDelete#9-10: FATALITY!! (At least it appears to be Tyrant Celestia judging by the armor, possibly that 'Corona Blaze' one)
#12: What the hay is going on here??
#17: I hope that's her parachute she's ironing, or that will leave a mark...
#20: Last one alive bakes the...cupcake flavored muffins? muffin flavored cupcakes?? So many crazy bakers...
#4,14,25, and 34: Sudddenly, flanks! Thousands of them! (Not that that's a BAD thing...)
Cover up dem plots! Dangnabbit!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go out on a limb hare and say that Fluttershy's drunk off her ass in #15.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I like the Twilight poses especially, and lol @ Extreme Ironing and Krastos.
Here's to more AWESOME art. :D
So many levels of awesome here.
ReplyDeleteIf mere friendship is magic, does that mean what #14 implies is quantum physics?
ReplyDeleteHAH i love these, even the not so . . . Uhm nvrmnd YEAH Pinkamena vrs Derpy in a bakeoff . . . .hmmm this would be an awesome event .. . I think D would win . . . but thats cause she is actually cookin . . . not chasing the other with a knife O.O lol ALOT OF AWESOME PICS
ReplyDeleteNumber 1 is awesome . . . but 14 is my absolute fav this round. Not because of the *clears throat* unflatter angle . . . but because its Twi, she looks soo happy and relaxed. n.n not that often is she depicted that way, as comepared to the equally awesome OverPowered Twi pics.
ReplyDeleteBest one since 100
ReplyDeleteWhy are so many here praising plot? Is this fandom comprised entirely of sickos? If you guys keep up with this your gonna deserve the negative media attention you get
ReplyDeletePLOT? What does PLOT mean?
ReplyDelete^ Booty
ReplyDeleteLots of PLOT in this Draw-friend. Oh you silly plot-obsessed bronies. :P
ReplyDeletePlot is like ass. "Watch it for the plot" means they enjoy ass-shots. And this is a kids' show, indeed.
#32 Holy crap I want Applejack as a roommate now!
Drawfriends #115: Dat plot edition
ReplyDeleteAnd I can now officially recognize kloudmutt and JJ fanart without a source
ReplyDelete#34: "But now I must go. My friends need me." First thing I thought when I saw this picture, honest.
ReplyDeleteGoing out on a limb here. They're joking?
yay for extra plot
ReplyDeleteNo rlly, chill dude, it´s not rule 34
unknown tip: This is how that page started
You just can't have enough plot. MOAR!
ReplyDeleteI wonder how open you would all be about your feelings of plot if there was a mandatory login.
ReplyDeleteDon't abuse your freedom of speech just because you can be anonymous here guys.
I'm as open and tolerant as the next guy but we cannot allow our community to be seen with such a negative connotation such as bestiality.
If that's your thing, fine. But please don't go around flaunting it with an Anon tag. You generally don't see people marching down the street in their gimp costumes.
Wait, dammit. San Francisco.
ReplyDeleteಠ_ಠ Stop tempting me!
No, seriously, I don't mind, but it is pretty lolwut.
ReplyDeleteWhat the eff is with these plot pictures? D: Not just here, but in general. Is it some type of joke/tongue-in-cheek thing? This is one of the reasons why people outside the fandom think we're all a bunch of nasty freaks turned on by ponies... 8C
ReplyDeleteshould have made this the plot edition seth. so much plot
ReplyDeleteI'm just going to leave this here and back away slowly.
ReplyDeletePinkie is the Iron Pony
C wut i did thur?
#32 is the greatest thing since existence.
ReplyDelete#1 makes me hear Metroid music.
ReplyDeleteLess plot and Sauce moar Epic Pics please
ReplyDeleteI gotta ditto this. Of course I'd be happy with those types of pics banned from drawfiend stuffs altogether.
ReplyDeleteI agree. The hub has been very, very, very, unusally good to us. The least we could do to pay them back would be to get those kinds of pics off of the site. People who want them know where to find them.
20-wahts that you say oatmeal is your favorite kind? Silly Derpy, thats not How you spell DIE!
ReplyDelete32-and so the Walkman became the Trotman
#s 20 & 21 - somepony write those fan-fics now!
ReplyDeleteThe saucy pictures are linked with a warning and there are still complainers. Some people are truly impossible to please.
ReplyDeleteMuch plot in this entry. Most are from Twilight.
ReplyDeleteWhy must you seduce me, dammit.
This JohnJoseco has just mad awesome skillz, I love his pics so much
ReplyDeleteI can't believe we've had 115 Drawfriend posts. And they're always amazing, every time. My favorites on dA have tripled at least by now.
ReplyDeleteAwww, the first pic is to big for me to save as a wallpaper, It doesn't fully show its epicness! SOMEPONY RESIZE IT Pl0x!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't say impossible. Just annoying.
And as controversial as this comment is gonna be, I have to say it's like the anti-gay people. Seems all they talk about is anal sex, way more than normal people. They're practically obsessed with it.
#2 I realy like it. Though I better don´t ask questions-
ReplyDeleteLuna with bedmane in 18 is just cute as hell.
ReplyDeleteAnd Joseco does it again. Man has talents... but then, he does a webcomic too, that's no surprise.
#13 If i only know that this graphic will be used for so many things i will do better job to cut it out. But i am SO happy that all of you find it use full. And used for banner on EqD, my life is complied :)
ReplyDelete#20 if only iron chef tournament could be this fun...
ReplyDeleteI get a 404 message when I try yo open #32.
ReplyDeleteA lot of watercolors today.
#32 404'd
ReplyDelete#11 - "Thank you...Thank you so very MUCH!!!"
ReplyDelete("Boy - I'm glad I brushed my teeth FIVE TIMES before this moment...Now I can SMILE with the best of 'em!")
#15 is somewhat out of character... But then again, Fluttershy were a model.
ReplyDeleteVery nice artwork! All of them!
i like 24 is my fav
ReplyDelete>implying Kratos stands a chance against Celestia.
ReplyDeleteI don't have an account, nor do I plan on making one unless I finally start to submit stuff.
Is there like a template for all these plot pics?
ReplyDelete>>implying Kratos stands a chance against Celestia.
ReplyDeleteSeconded. Hell, Pinkie Pie would eat Kratos for breakfast. Celestia would simply send him to the center of the sun without blinking.
source 11 looks like great meme potential.
ReplyDeletepeople saying plot should be banned from the site are just being silly, it exists in the show, so why shouldn't in be posted on ED, it's even linked instead of shown, stop complaining you don't have to click the links -.-
ReplyDelete7 is mind blowingly awesome
ReplyDeleteNineteen has the wrong source link.
ReplyDeleteWhen this post was fist made, the plot was in full view, not behind links.
I have a sudden desire to get my ironing done early this week. Now all I need to do is find a helicopter or jet...
ReplyDelete(bites lips)
ReplyDeleteDAT PLOT!!
those are not some horse-ass... those are THE PLOTS!!
ReplyDeleteI mean imagine looking at the ass of some hot chick you really like. same story.
And to think im not a furry... till these came along.
or maybe because these plots are as good as Playmate ass.
All this plot... it's so wrong, and yet so... right?
same angle, hairstyle, clothing... everything...
Well then.
I will tweak it.
by lots.
Why do ponies look MORE naked when they ARE wearing clothes?!?!?