I want to be cool like Rainbow Dash edition! This game needs to be made.
Not much to say here this time, enjoy!
(For those wondering about the jailed stuff, yesterday's theme for the training grounds was ponies banished and locked in dungeons where they are banished to)
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5 Aku
Source 6
(Homestuck pony, not OC!)
Source 7
Source 8 darkpandax
Dash plot
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25
Source 26
Source 27
Source 28 Liska
Source 29 Relias
Source 30 Rachel
Source 31 Nullh
Source 32 Atlur
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80 kommentaari:
Finally! Something Prince of Pony.
VastaKustutaReally need to write a PoP crossover
3. Michelangelo? Who's that?
VastaKustuta5. Ohhhhkay...
8. ...Wow.
13. Where did Pinkie get that lampshade?
21. Okay, now I'm sad.
I like this Drawfriend :D
VastaKustuta2 pictures of Derpy in jail?!?!
VastaKustutaThat and DarkPandaX... the conversations that take place about his pics on Ponibuuru... >.<
More like 8 please. Except with Fluttershy.
VastaKustuta20 is amazing... and as if I didn't want to hug Luna and not let go anyway, 21 makes me want to protect her even more.
VastaKustutaWhat's with all the jailed ponies?
VastaKustutadat plot
VastaKustutatraining grounds
6 is definitely OC pony.
VastaKustutaWhy are so many of them jailed? D=
VastaKustutaThats 1 too many.
At least two pics in here are begging for stories. 13 and 24.
VastaKustuta13: I can easily imagine a story where Pinkie has got the worst case of insomnia ever. But instead of letting it bother her, she just decides to hold a 'can't go to sleep!' party instead. And what's a party without ALL HER FRIENDS being there?!
24: Vinyl Scratch has a secret that she's been hiding, under her skin. Her heart is pony. Her blood is music. Her brain, IBM. Though all she wishes to do is to enjoy the music that's her life, she knows that should she be found out, it would mean the end of the command line for her. DJ PON-3 is Alive, and free.
#25 = Fist Pump.
VastaKustuta#3- And there was ponies :P
VastaKustuta#12- Adorable style!
#32- I love this. I could imagine that's what Nightmare's prison may have looked like.
VastaKustutaIs Sethisto asking for a shitstorm? --;
VastaKustuta#5 inb4 celestia is about to get raped
VastaKustutaNumber 5. NUMBER FIVE.
VastaKustuta#8: Hey haters, kiss this!
VastaKustuta#13: Drunk-dialing, Pinkie Pie Style!
The imaginative output of this community is incredible!
VastaKustutaAt first I was like "Yeah new Drawfriend!"
VastaKustutathen I was all "DAT PLOT!"
but now I'm all "... *manly tear*"
#3 ohgodwhywouldyoueven
I do not understand #5 at all. Is there some...blue dragon or something in the fandom that I'm ignorant of?
VastaKustutaIf you ever watched Adventure time you'd under stand
VastaKustuta#5 is the Ice King from Adventure Time. He kidnaps princesses in his spare time.
VastaKustutaIt took me a while to figure it out too but it's the Ice King thing from Adventure Time. He's known for kidnapping princesses.
OMG I can't believe I got featured :D
VastaKustutaSo awesome! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.
6: ... How does that relate to Homestuck? If this is about the Scorpio cutie mark, that looks practically nothing like Vriska. Vriska is much more expressive, wouldn't have those tatoos, wears glasses, and probably would be grey and have her horns, possibly a robotic arm and eyepatch as well.
VastaKustuta2. I luv happy Luna.... She's so cute lol..
VastaKustuta3. works for me, a piece of those human's history meeting Pony kind. Wait, how do use wingedless ponies get over there. /jump
4. I shall save you Fluttershy
5. Um, I'd rather have Sausy over a potential soon to be raped picture... ( although I really don't like either ) I'm sorry, but this over does it for me...
6. Kind of neat... I don't know what homestuck is though :P
8. Um... erm... Nice plot there dashie... >_>
9. /saved I'm all for this..
11. And we shall call her, Thunder hooves...
12. neat, heads are a little big lol but works fine for the style ( presume the heads were on purpose )
13. I've heard stories that Pinkie has done this before...
14. I... I really like the style, came out really well done
16. Cute, but what do you expect from #1 and 2 best ponies!
19. Fluttershy makes EVERYTHING better :D
21. Um... If it's ok can I stay with Nightmare Moon, she could use a hug and company... At least visition rights?
24. Now this is really cool idea and whoever did it really put effort into it!
27. Cute. I'm not a shipping fan personally but when they keep it clean and cute I have no issues with it :3
31. I think Rarity put it best... HOW COULD YOU @ Whoever imprisoned the nicest and cutest of ponies!
I think Draw fest and newbie training grounds are of the best part of visiting to this site. I love to see all the different ways people express themselves and their idea's in picture. I really hope to contribute when I can hone in on my own skills eventually. :)
Too much jail in this post.
VastaKustuta#24 is now my new wallpaper for my Asus eeePad Transformer.
inb4 not enough.
I have to wonder if #5 is basically that Ice King from Adventure Time...
VastaKustutaWait shouldn't 3 be flagged Saucy?
VastaKustuta31...Why would you do that?
VastaKustutaCelestia won't get raped guys.
VastaKustutaThe creepy blue ice wizard doesn't roll like that.
@Anonymous adventure time¡¡¡ one of the villains kidnaps princesses
VastaKustuta#5: What time is it? ADVENTURE TIME! Save Celestia, Finn!
VastaKustutaDear god we need more crossovers of those two.
shouldn't #6 either have a 7-pupilled eye or an eyepatch?
VastaKustutaThis. This so hard.
#23 Cloudkicker out of EFFING NO WHERE!
VastaKustutaI guess HE will be the one who will get raped by the scorching sun :D
You don't mess with Celestia, silly.
Is this NMM abuse? :(
#22 - Pinkie the Emmissary of Darkness? Just got way too awesome. We need more YugiPonies.
VastaKustuta#24 - Cool concept.
#9 is plantpony
Can some one tell me why people HATE OCs? I see nothing wrong, people are often just exspressing their creativity.
VastaKustuta12 = Animal Crossing art style. =3
VastaKustutaI dont mind OC's, I just dont like mane cast shipping with them.
29 is by far the cruelest.
VastaKustuta@Anonymous @ 8:22 PM
VastaKustutaI just jokingly presume they hate seeing their ponies being around anypony else then themselves lol. =P
#13 - PP: "WHEEE!!! I've come for a PARTY!!! Where's the PARTY?!"
VastaKustutaAJ: "I'ts 3:00 in the morning!! GO HOME AND GO TO SLEEP!!!"
#27 - Applejack and Fluttershy - FILLYFOOLERS!!
In fact, there's a fanfic where they actually get married..."Running Rings" by some guy called "HiddenBrony"...you'll find it in Deviantart.
I drew a ponified prince back in March, but since my drawing skills are suckish, I kept it for myself.
VastaKustutaSo glad to see some PoP art heading this post, and Kloudmutt at that!
VastaKustutaI don't mind OCs as long as a few simple rules are followed:
VastaKustuta1) No God-Mode OCs; ie, Twilight and Rainbow Dash are supposed to be exceptionally rare in their magic and flying talent, respectively. If your character is 'showing them up', chances are it's a Mary Sue.
2) Shipping. Either leave that to other stories, or don't have the OCs doing it with canon characters. There's tons of background ponies who don't have any details (yet) that could be used instead. Having an OC develop a friendship with the mane cast is ok, but only if done properly. And few possess the skill to do that.. but they exist!
3) Choice of symbology/cutie mark. Whatever it is, it should be consistent with the series, which has literally decades of history (and examples) you can build on or use. This can be played with a bit for parody, but not those intended to actually be something more then just a random image.
Now, these rules can be skirted around or even broken, but the people who do that need to have exceptional talent for it to not come off wrong, and quite frankly, few possess that talent, myself being one who does not. So.. it's best to not even go there. That still leaves a world of creative possibility; as fans of such a loved show we just don't want it (or it's stories) to jump the shark, ya know?
#24 I'm suddenly thinking of KOS-MOS from Xenosaga.. except Vinyl Scratch would slay her foes with the power of rock!
VastaKustuta#3 Breathtaking..
#9 Nice touch with the Parasprite being the fairy.. and, also? I love that game.. Majora's Mask was and still is a fantastic adventure.
#12 ohmycelestiaandluna the ponies are even CUTER then they are in their own style.. what kind of sorcery produces such sugary magic?!
#6 is totally an OC. My guess is few people here have read Homestuck, but let me tell you, that resembles no one in the series, especially not Vriska which is what was being implied.
VastaKustutaI have no problem with OC's personally, but I like them in a separate post, this is not the place for that pony.
Sorry but #6 is definitely not a homestuck pony. No horns, wrong colors, tattoos what the hell? I imagine you mistook it for Vriska, but they look nothing alike.
VastaKustuta#28 #29 Ow. My heart.
VastaKustuta#26 Dammit, now I've got Bad Romance stuck in my head.
Totally not fapping to 5 and 21....nope.
VastaKustuta5- dammit, Ice King!
VastaKustuta#6 is definitely an OC. The artist comment says "My Little Pony OC Commission Art" and she links to the commissioner's original pic/profile of her.
VastaKustutaI love Homestuck, but yellow eyes and astrology sign by themselves doesn't automatically equal one of its characters.
I think we need more "Twilight in a purple trench coat"
VastaKustutaI don't see much wrong with #8. Nowhere near as saucy as some of the things I have seen... *shudders*
VastaKustuta#31 broke my heart :"(
VastaKustutaWhat's with all the chained up ponies?
VastaKustutaPrincess Celestia has been kidnapped by the Ice King. Is Rainbow Dash a Bad enough Dudette to rescure the Princess?
VastaKustuta29 and 28 make me sad poor derpy
VastaKustutaNext time, have a picture of Zack Varmitech against the Animated Kratt Bros., with everyone Ponified.
VastaKustutaPinkie Makes a better Kamina
VastaKustuta17 Pinky Pie with heavy artillery, my god! No one will be spared xD
VastaKustutaI'm happy to see Cloud Kicker in a drawfriend.
VastaKustuta#9: Poor little guy. Nopony deserves that thing on them. Love the parasprite fairy though.
VastaKustuta#19: SO CUTE! XD
Really not ok with pony-abuse art. Squee! New, strange Vinyl Scratch art :)
VastaKustuta14 and 18- SquEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Why do I love Lyra and Bon Bon romance so much. They're aDORable together. I need them to get married right now! I will attend. D@mmi7 I will pay for their bloody reception.
VastaKustuta28 and 29- I"MA COMIN' FOR YA DERPY MY DARLING!
31- Also you Fluttershy, but I'm not yelling because I'm so ridiculously pissed off at whoever did this that I want to be calm and coldblooded as f^#k when I murder them to death. And they will NOT enjoy it. Oh no. And I'll save your rat friend.
32- And you too, why not. I'll rescue you. Everyone needs love.
19-Madmax, I love you so much. *hug*
VastaKustuta31 just seems so wrong...
VastaKustuta31 WHAT THE HAY! D:<
VastaKustutaHmm... 31... It's so sad, It makes me also want to cry tears... OF MERCURY???? Wat up wit dat? Dark tears are dark, like mercury or something?
VastaKustutaHmm... Whoever did that to poor sweet Fluttershy's gonna get a bundle of Shutterfly larva growing inside 'em singing yay yay yay! (if you saw it, you know).
Also 30, Opalescent tattered garment looks like some eldritch abomination in silhouette. Oh God, ir;s gonna turn Rarity into... freaky Seapony???
In #17 is Pinkie... catching a bullet in her teeth?
VastaKustutaCheck out the****HorseMingle.Com ******,Sign up free there! You can find the people you like there! you can also get their location and photos and videos by chatting with them!
VastaKustutaI would encourage finn to save celestia if ut weren't for the fact that every princess who finn ever saves allways want to marry him.
VastaKustutaI am that guy who did #3. I have to say, I am quite EMBARRASSED, to say the least. It wasn't meant to be anything serious, I was really REALLY bored and wasn't in my right mind when I drew that. Anonymous 9:23 PM said that it should be consistent with the series, but I'm not familiar with the whole series; and as I've said, this was not meant to be serious or anything. I am flattered that this is up on drawfriend though.