So what DOES tails touching mean? edition.
Also I finally got a break! 27 is so much easier to manage.
Source 1
Source 2 need
Source 3 need
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6 megasweet
Source 7
Source 8
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11-You did it again. Confound this Rarity!
Source 12
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24 Jena-su
Source 25 Passer Palmatum
Source 26 GonzaHerMeg
Source 27 Nullh
Source 28 Lunar Apologist
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103 kommentaari:
#6 and 27- D'awwwww
VastaKustutaDoes Madmax ever do anything but draw ponies? Does she take time to sleep, eat or breathe?
VastaKustutaAnd #10 is something badass, there.
#12 - More Nightmare Moon art? BUENO
VastaKustutaDerpy Dinky Pics are just too adorable
VastaKustutaAw poor Trixie.
VastaKustutaAlso, 20 is perfect.
A few of the links are off.
VastaKustutaSome are merely to artists pages instead of specific pieces of art, and one even leads to the blogger dashboard. Now I'm only really paying attention to the images that aren't embedded in the thread, of course.
Tails touching is probably a secret handshake equivalent, and does NOT mean what most of you guys think it means.
VastaKustutaAlso, still waiting on that flag event post seth......
VastaKustutaI'm pretty sure Madmax is actually a grey alien kid from outside our universe who views our timeline at her leisure. She's actually casually doing all of these pics over the course of a year or so and just sending them to our timeline back to back. It's the only logical explanation
Also, for some reason I really like 20, despite how basic it is.
#1 The more it goes, the more these two are becoming my favorites ponies. Confound this fandom, they make me prefer background ponies.
VastaKustuta26 strangely makes sense to me.....
As well as an episode for the Doctor, Vinyl Scratch, Derpy Hooves. An episode that shows what it's like in the future, where the CMC are all grown-up and stuff. An episode about Scootaloo learning to fly. An Episode about Rainbow And Scootaloo.
#26 So, who is she jealous of? Soarin, Spitfire or the heart shaped pie?
VastaKustutalyra is missing horn in the first pic. madmax already updated it
VastaKustutaThat tail wrap would be a 'pegasus promise' it's in the G3 series.
VastaKustutaOh crap, is #18 what I think it is?
VastaKustutaI loved that story.
#3: I think Derpy single-hoovedly makes up for everything wrong with the world. I mean come on, just look at that! If this picture doesn't pull at your heart, then I hate to say it, but perhaps you didn't have one to start with.
VastaKustutaD'aaawww at 6 and 20.
VastaKustutaAnd lol at RD in 19.
We got a lot of really gorgeous pictures today. Simply amazing pieces I tell you...
VastaKustutaI really need to practice more =X lol. I wanna beable to submit something just half as good as some of these lol.
Tails touching is the pony equivelent of hand holding. Obvious.
VastaKustutaIs 25 a parody of something? Or is Twilight just reading a generic romance story?
VastaKustutaShe outsources some of her coloring.
@Ivan2294 I'm pretty sure that you could mix the Doctor episode and the future episode into one super awesome Doctor CMC mega adventure!!!
VastaKustuta@Frubban 6, 27, and 26*
VastaKustutaThat would actually be pretty FREAKIN' AWESOME.
we are starting to get too many pics of OCs shipped with mane cast
VastaKustutaIt ain't gay till tails are touching!
VastaKustutaWhat OC's shipped with the cast? I see nothing of the sort.
VastaKustutaOh, I remember that tail touching scene from the old series, My Little Pony Tales (can't remember which episode anymore). Some kind of best friends shake.
VastaKustuta#6: That's it. I'm gonna find Megasweet on DA. . . .and say how much I love these Rarity and Fluttershy pictures!
VastaKustutaAnd confound #26, #27, and #28 for the adorable cuteness!
Hold on... why is Lyra missing her horn in the first image?
VastaKustuta#6 - Aaaaaaaand now I have hyperglycemia.
VastaKustutaI'm sorry to ask what seems like a stupid question. But how do you select pictures for DrawFriend stuff? Do people send them in or do you pick them from various sites?
VastaKustutaLooks like. That sure didn't take long...
I guess touching tails mean the same thing a flank bump does?
VastaKustutamuy Bueno!
And #24 ^^
VastaKustutaOh god... #9...
VastaKustutaThe only thing that could make that picture more awesome would be... You know what, nothing. Nothing could make that pic better. It's perfect.
#14: Still dunno about that face with Sweetie Belle, still not a bad drawing though. And it's also pretty cool to see Tanman's pic up on the drawfriend post today. :)
VastaKustuta4. That reminds me: anypony want to get cracking on a Bioshock crossover?
VastaKustuta9. There will be no survivors.
13. I'm surprised Spike doesn't have any grimdark stories yet.
16. Oh, that's a low blow.
26. Glaring Rainbow needs to be some kind of meme.
Waitaminute, where's the saucy? I need to balance out the d'aaws and b'aaws with some sauce.
VastaKustutaI just collect them usually from all over the place.
VastaKustutaOh alright, thanks.
I love this edition.
VastaKustuta#13 - Twilight Sparkle: "You are seriously in LOOOOOOOOVE with RARITY?!! HAHAHAHAHAHA NEEEIGH-HEH-HEH-HEH-HEH!!!" (horse laugh!)
This is why I don't tell you certain things TWILIGHT NOSEY!!"
Aw, very cute Drawfriend.
VastaKustuta#16: Oh c'mon, it was an honest mistake! She just got confused on where the free samples were, that's all...
VastaKustuta#24: D'aww, bestest friends forever!
Why do they keep drawing Rarity so?
VastaKustutaAnd why does it bother me? HNNNNNNNG.
Damnit Rarity, why must you be so attractive!?
I personally like small drawfrineds... It makes it so much easier to appreciate what's there.
Sure is. Right out of the fic. And yers, that story was fantabulous.
VastaKustutaGimme another few chapters, and we'll see about that
#6 is just d'aaaaw :3
VastaKustuta#4- Mickey faced a whole new threat when the Mad Doctor got his hands on the unused My Little Pony sketches. Beetleworx ponies filled the Wasteland.
VastaKustutaAltair!! Who knew he rode on hyper-energetic ponies?
VastaKustutaUrgot from LOL as a pony? Eternal life, Endless Friendship.
VastaKustutaSource on 11 is just "Blogger"
VastaKustuta@La Barata
VastaKustutaMY HERO!
#17 "You wanna be a Wonderbolt? You gotta eat lightnin' and crap thunda'!"
VastaKustutaFixed version of the first image here:
VastaKustutaHowever, its smaller than the original. Is it just me, or do almost all of Madmax's source links direct to his DA page which doesn't have any of the recent pictures (except for the two comics)?
24, 27 and 28. I'm now dead of cute.
VastaKustuta#10 Breathtaking!
VastaKustutaFirst off, Madmax is female. And no, it's not just you. I kinda wish she'd start uploading her newer stuff to dA, but I assume she has a reason for not doing so.
#4 Urgot pony! Oh, it's too much for me to handle....
VastaKustuta#9 Oh no! My mind is officially blown
Aw man, don't tell me I'll be the first to actually know what #4 is based on.
VastaKustutaUrgot The Headsman's pride, you silly fillies. It's from league of legends.
VastaKustutaSo I'm not the first to know what #4 is supposed to be.
Oh thank God. That was a close one.
13 and 24, if only for the Spike fan in me.
VastaKustutaNot exactly sure what to say to #8.. but im LIKING this idea!!
VastaKustuta-The Obsessor
people have been telling me that ponies have taken over the Cryx discussion board of the WarMachine gaming series.
VastaKustutaIt's gonna be hilarious when I get back to playing Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
VastaKustutaBecause every time I get on a horse, I won't be able to resist the urge to yell "Hi-ho, Pinkie Pie! AWAY!" at the top of my lungs.
You made me "D'awwwww" too much today.
VastaKustuta#11 real source:
VastaKustutaI figured #4 wasn't actually from Bioshock, but it still reminded me of a rather warped splicer more than anything else.
#11 source:
VastaKustutaOk, it's driving me crazy now; where is the line from 25 from? I SWEAR i've heard that exact line in some show or... movie or... something. And it seemed to be the same type of scene too! GRAGLAFRAGLE
VastaKustuta#8 - Rarity has been transformed into a dragon...
VastaKustutaQUICK! TO THE FANFICMOBILE!! *deedly deedly dee!*
Another Drawfriend with no Saucy? Son_Iamveryproud.jpg
VastaKustuta#16 is just too cute.
#28 is spark, i knew something of it would be made.
VastaKustuta#16 made me cry
VastaKustuta#6: Seriously, when are you going to start crediting the freaking guy who colors Megasweet's images? "Megasweet/Exploding_guy." There, not that hard.
VastaKustutaThese are all great. And Rarity in number 8 is kinda hot; don't judge me. I really like 28.
VastaKustutaAlso, kinda curious where a lot of this pictures come from. I see a lot on e621, and I mean a LOT.
15 is awesome just for Gilda's expression.
VastaKustuta"... it is speculated that reading some letters was the last thing Miss Twilight Sparkle did before getting turned into a charred stain on the floor of her library. Spontaneous combustion is not discarded, thought the precise area in which the blaze occurred has the forensic experts puzzled... "
# 3 and 16 were my favs. The little touches in both of them won me over . . . and the sweet smile of Brights Can melt anyponies heart. I just felt bad for smiling at #16 tho.
VastaKustuta#13 TWILIGHT SPARKLE!! How could you o.o I would have expected better than that . . . . unless thats the evil twin . . . . I have my eye on you!
VastaKustuta#16-OMGLUVUMSBBQ its adorable!
#3 - I own that book!
VastaKustuta#3: Someone mind telling me what book that is? Can't quite make it out.
VastaKustuta#16: Love how even all locked up, she seems to give off an aura of dignity.
8 for glorious victory. Manly Spike needs to show up more. Not sure about Dragon Rarity though.
VastaKustutaNeeds mOar Twixie!
VastaKustutaBut ye, Awesome, All of em!
28 was my favorite though...Damn, Luna x Twilight is kinda growing on me...Damn you awesome artists!
I dunno if anyone else has said this before... but in the season finale, Soarin came of as sort of a Derp. Anyone else notice that?
VastaKustutaI really like the first picture.
VastaKustutaI'm thinking about how odd I was thinking about the same and I was talking from pony bodylanguage and now it's here.
and anno I didn't understand why Starlight and Patch made that in the Just for kick My little pony Tales episode.
#25 ...Twilight is reading Twilight, isn't she?
VastaKustuta#4 lol urgot pony, now make a teemo pony lol.
VastaKustuta27 is the only image I like.
VastaKustutaThis wasn't one of the best drawfriends.
I love the ambiguity of 26.
VastaKustutaTails touching is first base.
VastaKustutaHorns touching is second base.
Reference: #28.
what no saucy today seth? i am kinda disappointed.
VastaKustutaanyways this is another good one, love the derpy muffin theif one. i dawwww'd alot with these, so many cute ones.
#8 Tottaly awesome!!!
VastaKustutaTook some effort, but I finally made it out: it says 'The Elegant Universe'.
@Anonymous, @Pecan #25 is just a generic romance novel plot. Lead character improves herself and gains many things in the process, including the affection of a handsome colt. Those lines are a stock phrase, I didn't get them from anywhere in particular.
VastaKustutaI like Lunar Apologist's style in décor.
Also, holy crap, my art made it to a Drawfriend list!
#4, you read my mind, I was hoping to see someone to a league character, I was actually just about to draw the same thing XD
VastaKustutaHope someone would make a Madness Combat X My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
VastaKustuta#6 - Uh-ooohhhh.... Spike, I hate to break this to you, but, shocking though it may seem, looks like Rarity is a FILLYFOOLER!!
VastaKustutaUrgot pony = Eeeeyup, ponies have taken over the interwebz.
VastaKustuta#5 - dawwwwww i feel srry for trixie now
VastaKustutathe tail twist is a refrence to the g2 pont my little pony tales the episode where they do this is called "Just for kicks"
VastaKustuta# 25
VastaKustutaOMG OMG OMG
You'll see why in about 500 bagillion years, when I'm finally done with my story.
*Inhales* yay Derpy!