SHADOWBOLTS edition. The most under-represented villains in the series!
Some day they will break off from Nightmare Moon and become roving terrors of destruction!
Or something.
Kind of a short one today. I accidentally let two days ago pile up and regretted it pretty hard.. so I'm trying to make these daily. They are just too time consuming with 40+ images on days when I have work at night.
Also, I am building up OC drawfriend. Please don't sent me your OC ponies!
Anyway have some...stuff.
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5 Slushy
Twilight Plot
Source 6
Source 7
Source 8 Darkpandax
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13-removed, I bet your curious now!
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23 TensaiOni
Source 24 Jdan-S
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239 kommentaari:
VastaKustuta#23 Pinkie Pie, you are the best pony.
VastaKustuta21 looks INTENSE
VastaKustuta17 <3
3. Its a good thing i love classical music
VastaKustutaI'm speechless.
17-19... 3 epic images, 3 separate feelings, 3 awesome artists.
VastaKustutaSo what happened to the no porn rule?
VastaKustutaTrixioth kills Flutterith.
VastaKustutaOh Lordy.
Whelp, gonna need some insulin after seeing number 2...
VastaKustuta#2 - My god that's unbelievably cute. Mom-Ditzy once again makes me d'awww
VastaKustuta#5 - Obligatory "Dat plot"
12 is so lul
VastaKustutaNumber 5 is a cleaned-up version of something that goes WAAAY beyond 'saucy'... as a result, not sure it belongs here...
VastaKustutaAnd Shadowbolts edition? How can you call it that with only one Shadowbolts image? -_-
#15 being called anything other than "Wonderbolts and Thunderbolts" is a crime against humanity. Art is pretty kick ass, though.
VastaKustuta#7 reminds me of Snatcher.
fridge... oh god I lol'd.
VastaKustuta@Silver Mane
VastaKustuta18 and 19 are both JohnJoseco.
#18 makes me a very saaaaad pony
VastaKustuta13: iamokaywiththis.jpg
VastaKustutaWas just reading fallout equestria when i thought i'd check out the new drawfriend
VastaKustuta#21 and #22. Awesome
especially #22...
WOW #13 is getting really -REALLY- close...a slippery slope Bronies...I am ashamed...
VastaKustuta# 2 is too cute, 23 is just awesome.
#23 Cardboard Celestia Pinkie Pie is friggin' genius! I love it!
VastaKustuta#13 makes me want to take a shower, and I did was look at the target URL.
VastaKustuta@ Crimson Valor
I thought I had seen one of them before. I just couldn't place it..
This is the first time I have ever commented on this site... but, I feel I need to say the #13 bad-touched me, and hard. I have no problem with "saucy" pics... but, that is waaaay too close to rule 34 for my liking. Sethisto... I am dissapoint...
VastaKustuta3. I'm so glad that I had taken enough violin lessons to get this pun. :D
VastaKustuta19. Aeris-shy? Heck yes!!!!!
21. 1984 with ponies? Favorite novel mixed with favorite show? *Manly squee*
24. This is possibly one of the best Cheerilee pictures on the site... She looks so cute!
I liked #16 and #23
VastaKustutaas for #5 and #13, what is the meaning of this
My first drawfriend on EQ~! (#3)
23 all hail pinkie
VastaKustutaI shall be honest...I've had thoughts of developing the Shadowbolts. Especially after viewing a piece of work that gave them names and faces.
VastaKustutaDat filename!
#21. 1984 ponies... The internet is complete.
VastaKustutaThe file name for 19 is funny 'cause *SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER* about *SPOILER SPOILER* into the game.
VastaKustuta#11 icewind dale?
VastaKustuta@ JimPrower
VastaKustutaAnd what piece would that be?
2 Dawww
VastaKustuta3 You two should listen to Nuttin' But Strings
4 I'll take the Sonic Screwdriver and ever box of Tagalongs you can get your hooves on
7 Unlike the human version the Bionic Unicorn remake is good.
21 22 Kkat write faster the fans (and I) are getting restless
I absolutly love 20! and oh my...13...
VastaKustuta13. wait a min. you said carrots I only see one where are th--oh gawd.
VastaKustutaShadow Bolts will never reappear due to Nightmare moon being Defeated.
VastaKustutaI'll have to agree. (23) Celestia Decoy! Very nice.
VastaKustutaAnd (24) 80ssssss!
Not to say the Fallout:Eq pics and Gynoid-Twi aren't also noteworthy and well done!
I love how #13 just seems to tap-dance along the border between saucy and r34.
VastaKustutaYa know, if you really want to post stuff like #13, why don't you just use the other blog? It would be a good way of separating the normal content from the more... pornographic stuff, thus preventing any wandering HUB employees from stumbling upon it and getting weirded the fuck out.
VastaKustutaJust sayin'.
I'm under the opinion that we should continue to not have porn here, even if it's hidden or tagged NSFW. We're just not that kind of community, right?
VastaKustutaOr should I have my doubts?
Is #4 a Dr. Who joke that I'm just not getting? I've looked at it for a couple minutes and I'm drawing a blank.
VastaKustutaCompared to some of what this fandom has produced, Carrot-Derpy isn't pornographic in the slightest.
Wow, 21 is amazing.
VastaKustutaDon't see anything wrong with saucy. As long as its not porn I'm ok with this.
Yeah I mean #s 5 and 9 are a little edgy, but 13 is a little too saucy. Actually quite a lot saucy.
VastaKustutai made a deal with myself ever since you started posting "saucy pics" i would have to do 5 pullups, 5 situps, and 5 pushups for every saucy pic i saw, number 13, no lie, made me have to do double, seth, please, for the love of celestia, dont post something quite THAT saucy ever again. dangerously close to R34 my friend.
VastaKustutaThe saucyness of #13 is just... too high. It's one thing to have something suggestive, but having it be pretty much a line away from porn is just wholly disturbing and a very easy way for the brony haters to find something about us that's wrong. I mean, rule 34 is rampant for everything, but we shouldn't acknowledge it.
VastaKustutaWell, it COULD be worse... I mean, 5 is an excellent example of "Saucy" without being "Soft core *evil P word*". And fifteen isn't really saucy unless you really start to imagine... O.O Yep, its borderline R34...
VastaKustutaAfter seeing number 3.....
VastaKustutaIs it weird that i now have the desire to read an Octavia X Scratch ship story? 0_0
#2 & 6 - Its and iddy biddy Dinky Doo! :3!!!
VastaKustuta#3 - That doesn't look comfortable.
#5 - YES
#7 - Professionally assembled friendship, at your disposal
#10 - Awww... n.n
#13 - =o_o= Are those... lips...? I feel dirty..... (Not offended in the slightest, and I rather like it, but I was NOT expecting that. o.o; )
#18 - *HUGS her* ;o; Such a beautiful piece...
wait, what was 13? Dammit, I missed it!
VastaKustutaNow I'm curios as to what number 13 was...
VastaKustutaJust out of curiosity, what was #13?
VastaKustutaMissed #13. Link?
VastaKustutaFluttershy makes such a cute apparatchik in number 21.
VastaKustutaAwww, now I'll never know how saucy 13 is.
VastaKustuta@Anonymous No, you don't... O.O Especially if you liked the "Mommy Derpy" pictures above...
VastaKustuta#13 was a picture of Derpy with carrots covering a certain feature of her anatomy.
VastaKustutaAnd that is all I will say.
VastaKustutaCare to link it please?
VastaKustutaTry "Fallout: Equestria." Though I do wonder what actual 1984 pony stuff might look like...
There was never a 13. In fact, I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as 13. Go about your business.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta23 explains the toys... Silly Hasbro got fooled by pinkie pie.
A... Alright then...
cannot unsee.
VastaKustuta21 is way too photo-realistic. Srsly.
VastaKustutaStealth link:
VastaKustutaThanks for the link. At first glance I was thinking, "Well, what's wrong with it?" Then... Yeah...
#13 was why we can't have nice things...
VastaKustutaIt defeats the purpose if you re-link in the comments. -_-;; From the time this link system was implemented, my worst fear was that it would be abused for even MORE saucy things than normal, and god damn it it came true. Come on man.. can we just cut that stuff out please?
VastaKustuta@Anonymous Yes... Now you feel sorry that you saw it, and it cannot be un-seen... Now every time you go to re-read Bubbles or Today, Tomorrow, and Forever you won't be able to get that image out of your head. It is a plague, a disease, a pox upon your mind... Or we'll all forget about it by the next Drawfriend. Hopefully the latter.
VastaKustutaAlright, you can take that down now...stuff like this shouldn't exist...
VastaKustutaI know which one you're talking about... I tried to find it after this was posted, perhaps to convince Seth to add it as a late submission, but I forgot who the original artist was.
I deleted my re-link for that reason...
VastaKustutaWell if Derpy has a kid then she has, and maybe #13 was right before Dinky was conceived......just saying, also DAMN MY CURIOSITY!
VastaKustutaI find absolutely nothing wrong with 13 at all.
VastaKustuta...Dear god, what has the internet done to me? It feels like just yesterday I thought traditional intercourse was the only right method. Now? I clop to everything. Literally everything. Like, seriously, EVERYTHING. It's messed up, man...
@4:46 Anon
VastaKustutaIt's the latter for sure. I've seen worse.
VastaKustutaI agree. Leave that stuff on ponibooru and go there if you're really interested in that kind of stuff...ಠ_ಠ
And now the Anon above can't take down the EVEN SAUCIER link above... At least I think it's saucier, haven't actually used the link but if the file name is any indication... O.O
VastaKustutawhat was 13?
VastaKustutaIt's not featured if its in comments. Honestly if you guys take the time to highlight, copy, and paste that... then why are you complaining in the first place. I'm not censoring something that isn't even a direct link to it.
VastaKustutaim expecting apology muffins seth*wags finger*
VastaKustuta@4:49 Anon
VastaKustutaIt's still #13.
Some sugary sweet Derpy, love the Octavia vs. Scratch (poor Scratch :( ), some sharp RD, nice gritty wartorn scene, and somebody give a Totoro leaf umbrella to Fluttershy there ;_; .
Also, it's very interesting to see tons of Anons suddenly appear when we're talking about saucy or R34-ish pics... Not actually gonna use my UN, I'm just pointing it out... >__>
VastaKustutaAnd let my curiosity ruin my profile's good name?
VastaKustuta"Due to popular demand"
VastaKustutaMore like a bunch whiny fucks. Don't give in to shit like that, Seth.
My curiosity would really like to know what number 13 was.
VastaKustutaI can't say I haven't gone Anon to avoid using my Profile's name before...
Well the file name keywords were: derpy_hooves carrot dildo. I'll let you draw your own conclusions.
VastaKustuta@Andrew did you not see my "DAMN MY CURIOSITY!!!" line? Trust me, your cat will be killed
VastaKustuta@ Xeonneo
VastaKustutaFor your comment, you are entitled to one free internet, to be claimed at your leisure.
@ Crimson Valor
The TNTNE Shadowbolts picture was drawn by unit-one. Whose DA account I can't remember the name of at the moment (I'll have to shoot him a message), so here is the version he uploaded to the GTP Bronies Picasa gallery.
Pfft, I wasn't offended by 13 at all. You guys are all lightweights.
VastaKustutaCheerilee is so cute in that picture <3
I agree with everyone. Let's keep the site clean. First impressions everypony! Hub staff lurks on this site. DO NOT GIVE THEM THE WRONG IMAGE!
VastaKustuta>Hub staff lurks on this site.
Says who?
...Oh yeah, Equestria Girls. Shit.
Derpy in a fridge is too much for yuri community.
VastaKustutaI sincerely doubt that they don't already know about that stuff, I mean even if it isn't here it is everywhere else. Also #13 was PG-13 at the worst, merely suggestive no reason to get you whatevers in a bunch.
@ a href #c3409134409578866208 >Anonymous /a>
VastaKustutaYeah, uh, considering the sheer amount of shipping content, I'd hardly say EqD is clean.
#13 Let say, the pciture looks.. ? what people can see there? if Seith posted here i think he didnt see the picture in that way as other bronies here.
VastaKustutaWho would have thought that one picture could spark a debate huh? It's actually pretty interesting to watch. *Snacks on popcorn*.
VastaKustutaWell that doesn't make it dirty. Shipping is usually not that bad. #13 was a stone's throw from porn. EqD isn't completely clean or completely dirty, but wouldn't it just be better to lean towards clean?
It's a sad fact, but all you have to do is Google images "Twilight Sparkle" to get a worse image.
VastaKustutaI missed it, and now I want to know!
VastaKustutaIf that's what you want, go make your own blog, and quit telling Sethisto how to run his. kthxbai
13: I knew Kloudmutt did this. >w>
VastaKustutaLike with pics though you can have clean, romantic type shipping that doesn't push many boundaries and then you have boarder-line or flat out clop fics. #13 was just suggestive, yes, but it was pushing that boarder-line between suggestive and porn.
VastaKustutaAgreed, while I understand the desire to not have true porn or clopfics of this site, I find the number of fans that try to act as the moral authority for the entire fandom to be hilarious.
lol. #13 made me lol.
VastaKustutaBut seriously though, it was probably linked. If you dont want it, dont click. Seems simple enough to me.
VastaKustuta>a stone's throw from porn.
Don't you mean a carrot's throw?
VastaKustuta> implying that i'm the only one who responded negatively to it
Come on guys, 13 was saucy, but still this side of r34. A little less hysteria, please.
VastaKustuta>implying your view is somehow superior to the alternative.
VastaKustutaThat Shadowbolts must be more popluar than we thought... I wasn't referring to that image at all.
I meant this one:
Go to ponibooru and search for "carrot". Number 13 is on the first page.
VastaKustutaOh and a belt-fed shotgun in 21? That's a new one on me.
VastaKustutaWhoa, he wasn't the only one. A lot of people reacted and that was why it taken down.
@BreakNeck Yup, the person it comes down to is Sethisto, with Phoe and Cereal Velocity chucking in their two cents.
VastaKustutaMy point stands. This isn't your blog so STFU. If you don't like it, leave! Or, exercise some self control and don't click the link. Duh.
Also: 34% of recently polled here said they clop to ponies. So, if you made your censorship paradise blog, it should be successful, right?
#23: MY QUEEN!
VastaKustutaYep.. you poor babies. :(
Wow. 13 is no where as horrible as everyone claims it to be. Incredibly tame. Why was it removed?
VastaKustutaDamn it! We need more Yaoi in this fandom! And long sophisticated talks whos top and whos bottom.
VastaKustuta@ Anonymous
VastaKustutaAnd yet, Seth took it down, so I'm not sure what your point is in the first place.
@ Crimson Valor
Oh. Well, that's probably not the one Jim was referring to, but I see your point.
19 Well now who is pony Cloud. More important is Pinkie, the pony Sephiroth?
VastaKustutaPerceived moral high ground by someponies (not Seth).
Curiousity beat the best of me and I had to see #13.
VastaKustutaWell...that's...ummm...interesting...I think Seth did the right thing by removing it.
Now let's forget it ever happened.
Nice shout out for DeadMaus at #3
#9: Surprisingly cute!
#15: Interesting idea.
#17: More Luna love! And nice glow effects!
#18: Made me sad...
#19: Even sadder...
#22: Fallout Equestria = WIN!
NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (@ the Yaoi comment) Besides, there's not enough male characters! *Small celebratory dance because if Yaoi of this show was made, it wouldn't last very long*
VastaKustutaDerpy looks too human in number 2
VastaKustutaHe posted it in the first place. Only took it down because of the butthurt.
VastaKustutaIt's not 1984. It's Fallout Equestria.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI swear to god... I saw nothing wrong with #13.
VastaKustutaYou all complain way too much...
Meh. I HONESTLY think some of the other pics were far saucier than #13. Maybe not on this drawfriend, but on earlier drawfriends.
VastaKustuta#13 was NOT r34. It was suggestive as hell, yet it wasn't porn. Why make such a big fuss about it?
VastaKustutaYou guys have gone too soft, I prescribe you 10 minutes of /b/-lurking.
VastaKustutaI agree.
Carrot goes where?
VastaKustutaNot gunna lie, I've seen some saucy saucy stuff and even I found 13 horribadly misplaced here.
VastaKustutaAt least it was taken care of though.
#3:Set the ships asail!
@Anonymous Dawwwww... My hopes were given up... I thought it was weird that Winston had a shotgun... T.T So Fallout Equestria's taking from 1984? (The Ministry of Peace was the Military hub in Oceana)
VastaKustuta@Anon 5:31
VastaKustutaLol, that's a great suggestion xD.
But in all seriousness, yes.
@ Anonymous
VastaKustutaAnd yet he didn't have to, and I'm sure he knows that he didn't have to, so... what's your point?
VastaKustutaTo be fair, these types of reactions aren't uncommon. I lurk in a lot of the other big fandom hubs and forums and when suggestive content pops up there is usually a big reaction towards it. You should have seen the reaction KYM had a few weeks ago to humanized ponies in scanty swim suits. Pretty interesting stuff.
9. Oh Lyra, you have been replaced. Don't worry, Phoe's around here somewhere.
VastaKustutaMy point was made already, apparently you missed it. Doesn't surprise me!
Damn, now I wonder what nr 13 was.
VastaKustutaDerpy in a fridge hiding a certain body part with a carrot.
VastaKustutaSearch for "stealth" on this page for the URL. It's pretty tame really
Conversation is going nowhere, in the end it's Seth's decision not ours. No point in having a circle-jerk debate over morality.
VastaKustutaHas everyone forgotten that image of OPPP and Colgate from Drawfriend 90 (image 15)? Where she licked upwards from Colgate's loins to her navel? And Colgate had a tequila shot sitting on her chest?
VastaKustutaIn my opinion, that one was so much more racy than 13. But what does my opinion matter? I have no voice here. Good day.
@ Anonymous
VastaKustutaYour point being, basically, "it isn't your blog so you can't have an opinion about it." Which obviously isn't true because Seth clearly cares about the opinions of the people who visit the blog. And he has shown that countless times before this "incident."
So, I ask again: What is your point?
Can I have the link to where #13 was, so I can decide on whether it should have been removed or not? Not that my opinion will change anything, but I wouldn't mind seeing it real quick.
VastaKustutaSeriously both of you just need to stop. You will never agree, so move on.
Stories with self-insert ponies are roundly frowned upon, than stories are posted about human self-inserts. Borderline clopfiction can be posted, but images that walk that line are roundly denounced as harmful. What the what?
VastaKustutaThis draw friend seem a bit...darker.
VastaKustuta@Anonymous Yeah, and personally I found it pretty hilarious, and not arousing or disturbing.
VastaKustutaWhen you think about it - there are plenty of suggestive stuff even in the show itself. Hell, pop in any episode - HOLY SHIT NAKED PONY ASSES EVERYWHERE.
Suggestive content is only as suggestive as you let it be. So just keep it cool guys. Admit it, the picture was pretty funny.
18 is making me cry :(
VastaKustuta#5 Ha, thats the second time Slushy has put a Rule34 image on here. Well of course first he edited out the 'features'.
VastaKustutaAlso Slushy is actually the person who made those images, he just edits them for this site
I looked up 13. More explicit pictures have been posted on this site than that without so much furor. It's pretty tame by Kloudmutt standards.
VastaKustutaSo does this mean that Derpy's special talent is giving baths? Makes sense with her cutie mark...
VastaKustutaAlso I loved numbers 3, 4, 12, and 21.
VastaKustutaIt should be a law of the internet that on the internet the most vocal opinion is rarely the majority opinion
1. Eh, we'll see there Seth... Maybe... just maybe season 2.
VastaKustuta2. Dawwwwwww
3. Note to self, don't provoke Octavia... ehehe
6. Dawwwwwww again Derpy
7. Er... Interesting concept...
8. Cuuuuupcaaaaakes... eh... >_>
17. Her hair... looks magical in itself in the moon light.
18 =/ /lays next to fluttershy with an umbrella over her head. You don't want to catch a cold now do you. ^^;
19. Dunno why it took me forever to get the reference...
24. I didn't realize Rick Ashly sung this song...
#21 looks like it's from the fallout crossover.
VastaKustutaI can't speak for everyone, obviously, but the reason I personally don't want to see pictures like that here is because of the relationship the HUB currently has with this site. It would be a tragedy for them to start distancing themselves from us because of something like that. I mean, I have nothing against people who want to draw or look at that sort of thing, hell, I've drawn pictures worse than that. But, please, let's not put that stuff here. It's my understanding that the Hub or Hasbro or whatever seem to be treating this site like the face of the community, and with all the recent publicity the pony fandom has been getting, I don't want them to drop us like a bad habit for fear of potential fans stumbling into that kind of stuff.
VastaKustutaAlso the idea that Derpy's talent is giving baths is adorable.
VastaKustutaSeth, I think you did the right thing by removing the one that offended a bunch of bronies. Even if it was linked... this site is pretty much THE face of bronydom on the internet, and the cleaner we keep our image, the less likely we are to scare people away or give them ammo against us.
VastaKustutaWow, #21 is stunning!
VastaKustutaYay drawfriends!
VastaKustutaEquestrian ponies clearly feel no compulsion to cover themselves or avoid certain angles of view... which makes the redacted #13 (and other 'ponies-hiding-their-genitals' picture) somewhat odd. I'd prefer if saucy images clung more tightly to the show's canon.
Not a big deal, though.
holy shit! I've been squeaking like a madman! it's SO AWESOME!
VastaKustutaThat's been my biggest worry as well. While the saucy pictures don't bug me personally (I've seen much, much worse out there) I don't know how well those pics sit for people not in the fandom who are curious about MLP and decide to check EqD out.
I don't really want us to creep out people who check out EqD from places like Wired, Time, CNN, ect. especially considering they might already be a little creeped out that we like a show like MLP. Plus we do have some members of the production team and people from the Hub visiting here as well. If we become something they don't want to associate with then that could really hurt the fandom.
The way I see it, we have sites out there like Ponibooru, e621, 4chan, Paheal, and the artist's pages themselves people can visit if they want to see that stuff. Let's keep the riskiest stuff there and only post some of tamer suggestive stuff in the Drawfriend posts.
I DEMAND #13 to be reinstated as of NOW
VastaKustuta"Source 13-removed, I bet your curious now!"
Anyway, Blackfury is definitely my new favorite artist, I love me some Appledash and she is one fine artist...the art style that is. :s
Thank you for removing 13 Seth. It was the right thing to do.
This guys, it's all this. We are getting public attention in many ways. HUB, Hasbro(maybe), Time Magazine, Wired...they are looking at our Fan-base now. Let's not give them reasons to dismiss this good thing we have going. Let's not end up like the furry sub-culture. (Furries, you know what I mean by this...)
No one is going to care if you-personally enjoy stuff like #13, but broadcasting it publicly is the equivalent of putting it up on a bill-board on the Interstate. Non-Bronies and less hard-core fans will be very put-off by it.
TL;DR -> Keep it in yo' pants Bronies, and let's stay classy for the Cameras eh?
So umm....can I get a link to 13?
VastaKustutaI AM curious now....
VastaKustutaPosting to show FULL SUPPORT for this brony's argument.
And so, the number 13 suddenly gained its power as an omen of evil amongst the bronies. Those who had seen the evils of Picture Thirteen refused to ever reveal the awful truth to those who didn't see it before the link was removed. Soon, even the dread Cupcakes lost its place as the most feared facet of fandom that most people haven't even bothered looking at.
VastaKustutaHere the stealth link to the picture again:
After reading what 13 was, I'd rather not see what it was.
VastaKustutaOkay...ya wow. That IS borderline r34.
So...ya it should have been removed.
I thought you guys were just overacting like you usually do with Kloudmutt's awesome/cute drawings.
I do agree with PonyStark but I don't think we should shun good art just because it's saucy. At least give them their own place.
#1 - Fuck yeah, Shadowbolts!
VastaKustuta#3 - I like it. Is that wrong?
#12 - Scatmare = Scatman? If so, I like it. A lot.
@Silver Mane
VastaKustutaTwo awesome artists, actually. 18 and 19 are both by John Joesco.
@doctor dapples
VastaKustutaYeah, but #13 was a different kind of self-insert.
#3 Octavia is well versed in many classic arts. Cello orchestra, fencing, oil paints, and the ever-so-classy olde European art of 'choke-a-bitch'. She really IS a mare of many talents.
#13 Damnit, now I am curious. But not curious enough!
VastaKustuta#21 Holy crap!
Lol. Everyone else at my house is freaking out about the NBA Finals and I'm here laughing at people arguing about a suggestive pony drawing.
17) my love for anything Luna is getting out of hand
18) makes me want to beat up whatever is making Fluttershy cry
VastaKustutaThough I am morally against that kind of Artwork, I do not shun the people who draw it / like it. Everyone in this big ol' World has their quirks about them, and no one truly has the right to judge someone based on what weird things they may enjoy privately.
My only concern is it appearing on this site for the reasons many others have stated so far: This site, I'd dare say, is our Flag-ship for the Fan-base and is most likely what people are going to look at first to examine us as a whole. Putting stuff like #13 on the site, even in a somewhat-hidden link Vs. the full picture is -not- going to help our outward appearance in any way, shape or form. Especially if someone from Hasbro or the HUB spots it and potentially spreads the news around. We could risk alienating our community's connections, which would be -very- bad for the show and us.
There's a method someone taught me a while back when it comes to deciding if a picture is a bit too risque: "If a child would see something wrong with it, then it's gone too far."
Yes, ultimately it does come down to Seth, Cereal and Phoe's discretion. I'm just speaking my peace for whatever it may be worth.
Goodnight everypony.
Throwing my 2 bits in but...
VastaKustutaI personally don't mind the saucy pics, in fact a few of them are really well made, but I don't go out actively searching for them. Really, this is the ONLY place I go to look for Fic, Fan-art, and just random news about the show. This was the first place I found that was dedicated to the show, and the easiest place to find. If posting those pics'll hurt the fandom in any way then maybe there's a compromise? I heard of that Equestria After Dark site numerous times on here, maybe Seth or Cereal or even Phoe could post the full Drawfriend on EAD and put the edited, non-saucy Drawfriend on this site?
If I can be totally honest I'm sort-of not okay with even the linked "saucy" pictures. Equestria Daily has a reputation to keep, after all, and there are plenty of other places to find that kind of content. That being said, I harbor no ill will toward the authors/drawers of said content, as most often the artwork is question is very well-drawn.
VastaKustutaPS Shadowbolts rule, that is all.
VastaKustutaI officially love Drawfriends now. "I'm the Scatmare!" has to be the best Scatman John reference, EVAR.
VastaKustutaDamn you, Bon Bon!
VastaKustutaAlso, I can't contain the excess of Derpy cuteness.
I´m really digging the last one, 80s Cherilee, so cute!
VastaKustutaI thought 3 was funny, then I got the "frog in your throat" pun, and it became hilarious.
VastaKustuta21 is all kinds of epic.
I am curious as to what 13 was now...
VastaKustutaevery single time >:I
VastaKustutaHonestly you guys are right. Saucy might get the axe in general, this site is getting a lot of attention from big media places now.. Might be best to avoid anything overboard.
VastaKustutaExcept borderline clopfics of course!
I hafta agree with ponystark. I even think the 'saucy' stuff should not be publicly listed here.
VastaKustutaLike I've said before, all it'll take is some 12 year old girl from the real target audience stumbling upon something objectionable on this site, parents start some big commotion and then suddenly Hasbro considers us a liability and not beneficial. It's just a short step from there until they shun us and post take down notices on youtube to try and reduce the brony influence .
To be clear, I have 0% problem with people who enjoy this kind of thing, I just don't think it belongs on our flagship site...
@ Source 3- Scratch is cool, like she'd ever listen to some lamer like deadr4t unless she was trolling? :P