Everybrony Edition!
That's right, 100 Drawfriends later and stronger than ever. You guys are crazy. Sure the above image is filled with the dreaded OC ponies, but thanks to Madmax's perfect timing, this drawfriend is dedicated to US! And that image represents it perfectly! Last time I checked, you weren't Twilight Sparkle!
Now on with the show!
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Source 7
Source 8
Source 9 Valcron
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13-B/W was in the last one, Colored is way cooler though.
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16 Turbulosus
Source 17
Source 18 Kentora
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22 Blackfury
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25
Source 26-There, I added some humanized, now leave me alone!
Source 27-Confirms that Trixie is the Best Pony.
Source 28
Source 29
Source 30
Source 31
Source 32
Source 33
Source 34
Source 35
Source 36
Source 37-link to full
Source 38
Source 39
Source 40
Source 41
Source 42
Source 43
Source 44
Source 45
Source 46
Source 47
Source 48 need
Source 49 Megasweet
Source 50
Source 51 Rachel
Source 52 Kitty Tail
Source 53 ChaosDrop
Source 54 Urshilikai
Source 55 SonicRainboom93
Source 56 Paintroller
Source 57 Dangereaux
Source 58 ChaosDrop
Source 59 Zephire
Source 60 Lunar Apologist
Source 61
Source 62
Source 63 Atlur
Source 64 ParallaxMLP
Source 65 (Last minute entry!)
Postituse kommentaarid (Atom)
130 kommentaari:
Madmax + Buttersc0tch Sundae? Why?
VastaKustutaAwesome stuff. Great for #100.
VastaKustutaI love this fandom...
VastaKustutaJest amazing how we have come this far. Amazing.
VastaKustutaSpaceballs ponies make me nerdgasm.
VastaKustutaAwesome. I see Dexter, Daft Punk, and...
VastaKustuta... Is that PLANT MAN in the top picture?!
#2 I have never wanted to hug anything so badly in my entire life.
VastaKustutaTHIS. Is the best drawfriend.
VastaKustuta15 is so unbelievably awesome.
VastaKustutaHere's to 100 Drawfriends!
VastaKustutaThis fanbase is so awesome! <3
The only OC I know in the first one is Madmax slinking around in the back there.
VastaKustutaCould anyone give me a list or something?
#30: Megatron considered this new lieutenant an improvement over Starscream.
VastaKustuta#31 is the best. No exceptions. It's genius, hilarious, and yay.
VastaKustutalol Apples to Apples
VastaKustutaHappy 100th Drawfriend! :D
VastaKustutaAll the ponies in this town are CRAZY!!!
Looking at all of these while listening to DJ amaya's WWU remix will give you a perma-smile
VastaKustutaI like how I'm the only one not watching TV in the first picture.
VastaKustutaAw, that was such a great drawfriend! :D
VastaKustutaI spied a Roseluck. And a dommy Rarity...:D
All of these are so great. Happy 100th.
VastaKustutaThese are all great!
VastaKustuta#15 is exceptionally baller status.
Yay! Roseluck <333
VastaKustutaSo much awesome art, keep it all coming :D
Happy 100th Drawfriend everypony!
How does this possibly have only four-ish stars?
VastaKustutaDaft Punk ponies alone should be good for at least six.
#27 ...what inspired this!? Foalita!? (ME GUSTA)
VastaKustuta"Trixie, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Tr-Ix-Ie: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth."
Who are all these ponies in the fist pic?
VastaKustutaSon, I am confuse.
fist pic, lol
VastaKustutameant "first pic"
#16 PSWG? Anyone?
VastaKustutaShadow of the Colossus ponies!!! YES!!!
VastaKustuta@Narwhals' Bend
VastaKustutaBest shipping ever!
Madmax, you are a GODDESS!
VastaKustuta#39 made me squee with joy. Touhorse 8: Imperishable Friendship. The night will last forever!? This is an unprecedented serious incident!
VastaKustutaSomeday my artist training grounds entry will get into a drawfriend post. Somedaaay...
inb4 someone equates #2 to Cupcakes. *SHUDDER*
VastaKustutaI could be wrong, but I think that she's holding up Seth. To her right is Squek, and then that blue one with the moustache in the next row is Pacce. I could be wrong, but I think that the one with the clown nose is Sgt. Sprinkles.
That's all I can make out.
Fantastic post! #5 is mine by the way, the source would be http://cobracookies.deviantart.com/#/d3i5mxp :)
VastaKustutaOh god, Blackfury. Those rubbery, glass-eyed drawings of his only end in porn.
VastaKustutaI believe #4 was used in a past Drawfriend
VastaKustuta#63 Thank you sir, thank you kindly. This world surely needs more MLP + Team Ico stuff. We already have Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, now we just need someone to do something with The Last Guardian...
VastaKustutaThis has made me very happy.
VastaKustutaShe even included tape on my mustache!
I don't think I've ever saved so many images, great job everyone!
VastaKustuta#36 and #42... those are some of the most beautiful things I've ever seen... welcome to my background slideshow...
VastaKustutaGoddammit, I remember saying that exact same thing in #45.
VastaKustutaconfound these ponies.
#35 is beyond adorable. Someone needs to make a Pony Metal Slug X now.
VastaKustutaAlso, inb4 muffin HMG.
Somebody needs to make a fic out of 28. Also what is up with the last one?Seriously I want to know it looks epic.
VastaKustuta29: Angel's a bad, bad bunny
VastaKustuta#3 is delicious
VastaKustuta#14 Attaboy Nyerpy!
VastaKustuta45: Why I'm crying?
VastaKustutaPoor Pinkie... You just have to smile...
13. That's Practical! ;D
VastaKustuta18. Is that Pinkie's Cousin? ;P
28. Lost a Dare, huh? XD
30. Together, Nothing will stop them! Muhahahaha!
36. Space is Lonely... :'(
38. The Shadowbolts Legion! :O
41. Only Fluttershy can Save us Now!
42. Really like Luna's Despaired Expression here. :'(
44. Now that would be an Awesome Battle!
50. Who will WIN?! :O
56. That's some mighty MoonKnot, ya'll got there, Luna.
60. Hmm, Luna Sporting the Outfit, but not the Mane. Still awesome, Warrior Luna! :D
65. Woah, Big. :O
64. A fight to the Death for a Cutie Mark? Sweety Belle never stood a chance! :(
#7, 20: How does Fluttershy keep on ending up with Applejack's hat? And why does she look just as good in it as Applejack??
VastaKustuta#13: In color, it is VERY much cooler! Wow!
#28: And here I thought I would never see 'French Maid Celestia' used in an innocent manner, let alone done in such a heart warming one too! Bravo, my second fave of this batch.
#31: Deal me in! Pleeeeeease deal me in!!
#36: Best of the drawfriend, in my opinion. Calling it 'epic' or 'awesome' doesn't do justice to the amount of detail in the picture, especially the starry expanse. Wow.
#61 Make all the funnier by how true the punchline is.
Hurray! 100 Drawfriends, 10 Million hits! 1 Official MLP Con!
VastaKustuta#1 That's what a Brony get together will look like
#10 Luna's gone Pinkie! *Bounce bounce bounce*
#12 A mother's love is a powerful thing. <3
#18 Hehe,Craig McCracken.
#62 This is why Command and Conquer needs an Army painter like in Warhammer 40k!
#3. At first glance I thought 'Pony scat?!'
VastaKustuta4: Fluttershy's kindness know no bounds.
VastaKustuta7: Apparently neither does Pinkie Pies cheer.
12: D'aww, I foresee another sad Ditzy story coming.
13: I liked the way that turned out but one thing bugs me, doesn't Nightmare Moon despise the sun?
15: No Spike... just no.
17: How is Lyra not FAT?!
18: Dexter needs to be a tiny little colt.
21: Now we know where Rainbow Dash get her lust for speed from, and that is kickass.
28: Celestia is sick and tired of that maid outfit and Luna says to shove it and make her a huge ice cream sundae. Love it.
29: That rabbit is go~oing to town with fluttershy's forehoof and refusing to let go, ha.
30: Mega is a brony... Who knew.
31: Never heard of that game, what is it?
32: oh dear, Rarity...
38: Join the Shadow Bolts now and rule the night sky under Mistress Nightmare Moon.
41: Fluttershy made THAT thing cry? holy...
44: Wonder Bolts Vs. Shadow Bolts. That's gonna be quite an epic battle.
49: That doesn't look suggestive at all Fluttershy...
58: That is one talented rope.
62: One of my favorite lines in a tank.
64: Wow, they have been at it for quite some time.
@Ike Jager
VastaKustutaThe name of that game is 'Apples to Apples'. An excellent party game that 3 to a large number of ponies (or people I suppose) can play.
#62: Commissar Sparkles is a scary thought.
VastaKustutaTS: "What is that Guardsman Spike? You lost my copy of the Imperial Uplifting Primer?"
Scary; on a side note-MOAR 40K PONIES!!!!!!
#32 I have the weirdest boner right now...
VastaKustutaAnyone else notice the uncanny resemblance of the Madmax one to this piece: http://spacecoyote.deviantart.com/art/The-Simpsonzu-46036660 on deviantART's front page? I hope it's just supposed to be a parody of that picture...Otherwise it'd be stealing, considering the background colors, the TV, the character positioning, and the composition is exactly the same. :/
VastaKustuta#39, Shoutout to Touhou!
VastaKustutaCheers for Drawfriend 100, and high hopes for another hundred more!
28 wins
VastaKustuta2. Why yes... yes you do pinkie
VastaKustuta5-6. Why hello pinkie :3 er... Hello Pinkamina ^^;
9. dawwwwwwww
12. :( /hugs the both of them
13. lol, Shadowbolts don't look that thrilled ( well, the one in the back does >_>, must be Soarin's equivalent lol ) Nightmare moon looks kind of creepy without her helmet on though... o.o
14. MK Ponies :3
18. Lol, Dexter's knows there's trouble about!
19. ooooooooh, she looks gorgeous in this...
20. Daawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ( Gogo Luna and Fluttershy :D )
21. dawwwwwwwwwwwww
22. I'm usually not a big shipping fan, but this is pretty cute. How's a Colt suppose to get a girl if all the girls love one another though?!
28. Ahahaha, Luna's gotta tell me what she won to get Celestia to dress up like that! It's priceless!
29. >_>
35. Metal Slug derpy... Run for the hills everypony!
36. Pretty cute with a side of coolness. I needs to protect Luna!
37. Haha woooow, man this is some great work and the concept is funny as well.
41. My monies on Fluttershy. I give the dragon uh.... 10 seconds at best!
42. /hug luna
45. OF course not, If it weren't for you how'd we be having all those awesome parties! We'd probably be gloomy and miserable without you pinkie!
53. Lol, this one makes me laugh. I dunno if Fluttershy has it in her though. ^^;;;
Woo, another fine selection of pictures to look at. Keeping me content till Season 2 of FiM. :)
I'll say it again bigpony, #20 is way way too cute. You're killing me D:
VastaKustutaHooray for the 100th Drawfriend!!!
VastaKustuta#1- Awesome drawing!
#9- Awwwww.
#26- Whoa! o///o
#57- lol.
#48 Source: http://chibi-jen-hen.deviantart.com/art/Roseluck-211075149
VastaKustuta#1 is amazing. I think it needs to be determined is actually a human being and not some comic-drawing robot.
VastaKustuta#2 is an awesome drawing, even if one of the comments for it on KYM ruined it for me.
#5 is a real pretty piece.
#15 is hilarious.
#17 is great. I love lazy Lyra.
#21 was something I was not prepared for.
#29 caused much lol.
#31 was quite cute. I can totally imagine the Mane Six playing that game.
#33 was another great piece.
#34 was adorable.
#35 was awesome. MUFFIN LAWNCHAIR
#36 caught my attention like all of RizCifra's pieces do. I think it the way they are shaded.
#40 I love nearly as much as the image it is based on.
#41 is epic.
#42 is depressing as shit, but fantastic nonetheless.
#44 is a great wallpaper.
#45 is basically like #42.
#61 is hilarious.
#62 is even better.
Overall, this Drawfriends was just as amazing as I thought it would be.
great stuff all around. i especially love the look on lunas face in 28.
VastaKustutaOutstanding! This is one of the best drawfriends ever!
VastaKustutaI'm in a Drawfriends TWICE?
VastaKustuta...AND it's the hundredth one?!
I am so giddy right now, I can't even describe! Thanks for letting me sneak in alongside all this talent!
Um... Is it just me, or does #38 look like the Nightmare version of this poster?
seriously nobody(pony?) has typed this
These are all outstanding, but 61 is my favorite since it is sooo funny
VastaKustuta#10 But the doctor said the pills would stop me from doing that!
VastaKustutaYou know what I'd like to thank every other brony out there. It's been a joy these last couple of months to find an fandom that's actually a refreshing change from the hive of scum and villainy you often find on the web.
VastaKustutaA fandom of love and tolerance. Wow is that rare.
my own personal experience has been to find a very nice comedy show that's inadvertently fuelled my creativity, getting me back into writing and working on my photoshop skills (although my PS skills are foetal compared to most).
Thanks guys, it's been a pleasure sailing with you and I hope it continues.
35, oh my god. I love metal slug, I've even done a drawfriend on it :)
VastaKustutaGot all of em on my ps2 ftw.
Haven't played em in ages tho :(
Holy cats, I was in #100, twice, and one of the pieces I literally just finished a few hours ago.
VastaKustutaAwesome stuff, by the way. Loved "Lunas Gonna Loon".
Maker of the apples to apples ponys. Thank you for creating an image I can use for my apples to apples game night. :D
VastaKustutaDEE DEE!!!!
VastaKustutaYou're welcome. I love that game too.
@ a href #c692453924365596474 >Torrential Rains /a>
VastaKustutaIt's not just you. That was rather intentional. :>
Best drawfriend is best.
VastaKustutaThe immense amount of win that is in this drawfriend is going to destroy everything that's not pony and ponify it.
VastaKustutaI don't even know what to say! Its just... All of the amazing people that contributed! All that skill! Its too much for me to take in!
#62 purple mammoth tank? WINNING!
VastaKustutaIncredible, fantastic, awesome, epic, regal and just plain cool drawfriend!
VastaKustutaMy favorite is 35, Derpy and Metal Slug is pure win. Heavy MuffinGun!
Also, I'm utterly *PROUD* and happy to be part of the fandom, and belong to such a cool group of bronies and fillies. Keep being awesome!
Let's see, I recognize,
VastaKustutaMadmax hiding in the back,
Squeak in the hat next to her (That's adorable)
Slywit on the far right side of the couch
Pacce on the opposite side
Commander Jesus in the middle
RagingSemi floating over on the right
Sprinkles next to him
Seth in Madmax's hands.
Butterscotch Sundea in the far back
And, that's it. Anyone else?
@Jake Smith
...Wait. Somepony knows my name.
Do I know you on Ponychan?
Hey there, #63 here. Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments! :D
VastaKustutaThere are so many amazing pictures made every day in this fandom (especially in this particular drawfriend!) so to be recognized amongst such great talent is really flattering. I must say, the pony community is such a kind and uplifting bunch, it's awesome! :D And the quality of works that are produced really is making this transition between seasons so much easier to handle. Keep on rocking, ponies! :)
26 is making me bleed to death while also dehydrating me from running out of drool.
VastaKustutaJust keep telling yourself they're not really pony goddesses. They're hot cosplayers. That makes it not creepy.
This, this right here.
#39 such an awesome touhou crossover
VastaKustutaSpaceballs....watch out!
VastaKustuta22; SO cute. I cannot deal. Rainbow Daaaash y so shippable?
VastaKustuta29; This one made me laugh. I love it. Poor Fluttershy!
42; And this one is just gorgeous. OMG.
So. Much. Yay. But #35 killed me the hardest.
VastaKustuta>Derpy Slug X
>about to go to bed
VastaKustuta>new drawfriend
> definitely not going to bed
Wow. These artists are getting really creative.
VastaKustutaAlso, I've been getting lazy about posting drawings.
If you look at #33's thumbnail wrong, or just try really hard, it can look kinda suggestive.
Curruptin' girl's TV one pony at a time.
#47 is eerie, as in the back of my mind I've had a 'Lyra is actually a ponyfied human' story bouncing around for a while.
VastaKustuta#28 That Celestia maid! X3
VastaKustutaAlso, #52, she should be useing a higher sharpness weapon against that Rathalos, and certainly not a fire element weapon.
VastaKustuta"Todays draw-friend consists of a mixed dish containing a healthy, hearty dose of lulz, crunchy crossovers to provide a little bite, a light side dish of randomness, and a little spicy sauce to add to the flavor."
VastaKustuta"Bon appetit"
Awesome drawfriend as always :D
#30 Is like a truce for the old 80's feud...That or maybe Pinkie has finally snapped.
VastaKustuta#37 Is really creative!
Great haul from everypony as always!
VastaKustutaHappy 100th Drawfriend everypony! Here's to an awesome 100 more!
VastaKustutaJust to many favs to warrant making a list, that's how good it it.
VastaKustuta*Squeeeeeeee* DAFT PUNK PONIES
a "little" explanation for number 39:
VastaKustutathis image is based on Touhou 8: Imperishable Night, a PC-game in the bullet hell genre (look it up, it has great music).
from top to bottom, left to right:
Fujiwara no Mouko (red, fiery wings), a human-turned-immortal who has a phoenix theme going on (fire and ressurection). became immortal to get revenge on Kaguya
Kaguya Houraisan (pink alicorn), a princess from the moon in (partially self-imposed) exile. supposedly immortal as well, though never explicitly stated to be so.
Eirin Yagokoro (grey alicorn), another exile from the moon. Kaguya's right hand. is extremely skilled in medicine.
Tewi Inaba (rabbit in pink dress), a rabbit born on earth. Can manipulate luck and loves to play pranks.
Reisen Udongein Inaba (rabbit in blue suit), a rabbit born on the moon. Her eyes can cause insanity amongst other (vague) things.
Wriggle Nightbug (parasprite on top), a firefly. can control insects. The fandom often pokes fun at her, because she looks (to some) like a crossdresser.
Keine Kamishirasawa (blue earth pony, green bison), by day a teacher in a local village, during full moon a Hakutaku who can manipulate history.
Mystia Lorelei (bird), a bird who makes people half blind with her song. Supposedly runs a fish stand.
sorry for my little nerdgasm there.
#54 looks like it's for the ballad of twilight sparkle fanfic
VastaKustuta#39: YES
My life is now complete.
39: Someone needs to make a FiM Bullet Hell Shooter, NOW!!!!
VastaKustuta50: Use da shwartz Twilight! DA SHWARTZ!!!!
omg 22
omg squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
100 Drawfriend Stuff editions, and my stuff was never in a single one of them.
VastaKustutaI'm not even angry.
Whoever keeps submitting my stuff to these drawfriend things, thank you. It is greatly appreciated. ^__^ I said this the last time, but it's quite an honor to be grouped with such talent. I really love the black and white drawing, but these are all excellent! Great work, everyone!
VastaKustutaIs 43 based on what I think it's based on?
VastaKustutaALl my happiness.
VastaKustutala 50 dios la numero 50 xD
VastaKustutajamas crei ver que alguien esa referencia xD
10 para el que lo hizo .. ptffjajajajajaa que c*** xD
Mexican brony was win lol
VastaKustutaFoalita :3
VastaKustuta#18 - I still have hopes that we'll hear Pinkie say, "Oooh, what does this button do?" in a future episode.
VastaKustutaDerpy Slug is the best one of all! I love Metal Slug, and Metal Slug + MLP is just AWESOME!
VastaKustuta# 17. Oh Lyra you silly pony! Ponies aren't supposed to sit like that, silly!
VastaKustuta#18 - You know, that actually fits more than you know - Dexter's Lab actually HAD a My Little Pony spoof called "Pony Puff Princess"...and in one episode DeeDee actually DID get to be a pony!
VastaKustuta#45 - If you leave me now, you take away the very part of me....OOOOOOOOOH OH baby please don't go.....
Ahh darn it...
VastaKustutaI douldn't get in the picture......
well, how could I be?
I'm just as renowned as my left boot...
That's going to change!
I'm going to be more famous than MetalHooves!!
Best. One. Ever.
VastaKustutaNo love for #16's Stocking/Twilight? Sadface >_<
VastaKustuta#32 Oh my. Do want!
VastaKustuta#64 is reminiscent of Kill Bill...
VastaKustutato me, at least...
#62 ......Is that a F**KING MAMMOTH TANK!!??
VastaKustuta#62 ......Is that a F**KING MAMMOTH TANK!!??