• Custom Pony Compilation!

     Natureshy is awesome!

    Anyway, I have a bunch of custom ponies in my mailbox, so It's time for a compilation!

    Source 1

    Source 2
    Pinkie Pie from Party of One

    Source 3
    Princess Mononoke Custom

    Source 4

    19 kommentaari:

    1. These are so good, I would buy them. That is, if I bought statues and such, instead of video games. :)

    2. Party of one Pinkie is awesome! All it needs is Gummy and less flat tail.

    3. I hope whoever made the first FS will proceed with more of rarity's most hated dresses..

    4. Oh, wait, maybe thats just a nature shy.. whoops

    5. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    6. Maybe it's some kind of issue with my browser in relation to the html you're using, but I swear I can't see like, a good quarter of the images on this site, and that includes some the first two images of this page, quite a few Drawfriend entries, and that comic called "Full Circle."

      In case you're wondering, I'm running Firefox 3.6.18 on Ubuntu 10.04.

    7. Princess Mononoke = win and awesome! I'm happy just to have my pony's hair curl the right way. This... well, words fail me.

    8. "I have a bunch of custom ponies in my mailbox"

      They are literally mailing these Ponies to your Mailbox? Man, your making me jealous Seth.

    9. That pinkie! /)^3^(\

    10. http://bronymuffin.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-Moon-Custom-214763628

    11. Oh muh gosh dat pinkie

      reminds me of


    12. Needs less frosted fecal matter dropped onto her head...other than that, it's GREAT!!!

      (yes, I know it's supposed to be a bird's nest...but a few shades lighter of brown would have done wonders)

    13. Those are awesome! I wouldn't mind those in may house. =D

    14. Those looked really awsome...

      And omg Mana-Maiden's Monoke Pony! :D For a now-mother, she deserves to be at the spotlight! (And also take your time to look at her "pony crafts"! :D)

    15. yay its soo good to see these sculpts posted.

      I love eneha's work *she did the pinky*

      and I hope everypony loves the fluttershy I sculpted.

      the conversions are great as well both are very clean work and paint.

      peace and love !
