Right, so. A brony by the name of Zu decided he was dissatisfied with the official pony calendars on their way out the door, and took it upon himself to make something a little less pink for those of you who are adverse to the color but still need help remembering that all the time is pony time. The project is a work in progress, so if there's input you can offer regarding the sorts of ponies you'd hang on your wall, now is the time to do it. A link to the artist's DA journal describing what exactly is going on and 30 million Trixies can be found after the break.

Trixie Download Links
Nightmare Moon Download Links
Ponies! Ponies everywhere!
30 kommentaari:
I like the one with Trixie.
VastaKustutaI like the one without Trixie.
VastaKustutaI just went there.
Once you go there ... there's no going back.
VastaKustutaI must say that is the Greatest and most Powerful calendar ever made.
VastaKustutaNeeds moar background ponies.
VastaKustutaNeeds more different ponies.
VastaKustutaCool! Now I need a pony clock. With the appropriate hours.
VastaKustutashouldn't nightmare moon be during a month with you know...more night?. like have the winter solstice be during her month, not the month with some of the longest days
VastaKustutaI was actually expecting there to be 30 million Trixies. I am actually quite disappointed now. Oh well, let me know when the calenders are done. It's looking good and I need a new calendar.
Poor Trixie.
VastaKustutaIf you will download the archive, you will find her available for ALL months. And the same goes for every other illustration. Here's an example with December 2012: http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/6233/finnnmcalendar012012dec.png
I could handle an endless July. Perpetually out of college but never having to actually graduate and get a job, filling my day perpetually with pony?
VastaKustutaI could do that...
I must have one with Scootaloo on it.
VastaKustutaI really love the way he designed the Nightmare Moon one! Beautiful use of light and dark colors.
VastaKustutaI'd love to see more from this. Also, Roseluck for April!
DO WANT!!!!!
VastaKustutaIf you read the rest of his journal, he is also in need of some pre-readers/proof-readers for his fan fiction. I figure that most of the ED readers are probably completely swamped, but I thought I would mention it in the comments so he would get a bit more help if someone had the time (read the comments to the journal post to see that you need to get a link from him to see the fic).
VastaKustutaAs for the calender, these are an amazing start, and it will probably become my first bit of ponyphernalia (pun on paraphernalia) that I will have displayed in my dorm.
The post reminds me of Endless Eight. Except it's July not August, whatever.
VastaKustutaYknow what I'm talkin about? Haruhi?
@Dan Park
...Can we get a version with Sunday as the first day of the week? That's what North Americans (and as far as I know most English-speakers) are accustomed to.
VastaKustutaEh, I'm not impressed. It's okay I guess.
VastaKustutaI'm one of the few people who didn't question that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a good show.
VastaKustutaWait... do you still question whether it's a good show? I did not expect that someone who posts here as much as you would even say that.
Nightmare Moon should be on September, as a reference to the Eternal September.
VastaKustuta@The Crook
VastaKustutaShe's available for every month. The reuse of July does not suggest anything, it's simply a placeholder.
VastaKustutaSunday is the first day of the week? When did this happen? To me, Sunday's always been the end of the week.
Hm, I did question why every calendar had Sunday on the left instead of right...
This is the greatest thing
VastaKustutaBorn in July? Sweet, It'll last forever!
VastaKustutaToo bad it wasn't June. A Higurashi reference would be quite apt.
VastaKustuta(And THERE'S a crossover for you Grimdark writers out there...)
I'd use some of the awesome fanart.