• Comic: Sonic Rainboom Side Effect

    I knew I wasn't the only one thinking that during her fillyboom.

    And Derpy below!

    30 kommentaari:

    1. ha also why no derpy tag?

    2. Hate to nitpick but shouldn't rainbow have more tail then that left?

      Also DERPY!

    3. Here's the source, Seth: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=sonic+rainboom#/d3huoob

    4. Hey wait, the Derpy one was from NATG day 2! Draw a pony jumping!

    5. Hehe.

      People just love messing with Rainbow's 'do' don't they?

    6. Dash, why are you being a Bulbasaur. Stop that.

    7. If anything people would suspect that at least her feathers would fall out as well.

    8. ...considering I've been planning a fanfic in the back of my head involving an evil possessed Rainbow Dash with no body hair, the first image is ever so slightly creepy.

      But mostly adorablawesome.

    9. Comic 1: Poor dashie don't know her mane and tail haven't caught up to her body yet lol.

      Comic 2: hooves: Don't be scared, I'M A DOCTOR! Ditzy is cute as always heh with her typical clumbsey self :3

    10. @Aquaman52

      What about an evil possessed Rainbow Dash that shaves off her body hair. I know a few creatures that find the bodies they possess to be too stuffy sometimes and... yeah too much info, sorry.

      Also she just lost her mane and tail here, she didn't lose her coat so she's still techinically good if a little BLUE.

    11. Filly Rainbow-Dash without mane or tail looks creepy.

    12. Hey Derpy... Do a barrel roll!

      Had to be said...

    13. I don't know about you guys, but I like the second comic more than the first. It's a lot more efficient in its joke delivery, and I find the design of that pony ophthalmologist absolutely charming.

      Five bits says that his name is Bright Eyes.

    14. Derpy is just so lovable. Her expressions before and during the jump are adorable.

    15. On depth perception: As someone without depth perception (I've been blind in one eye since birth) it certainly doesn't work that way in real life. People without the ability to focus with both eyes make up for it using visual cues, allowing for us to be able to get from place to place without running into walls. It's tremendously difficult to catch a ball, yes, but we have a pretty good clue as to where things are.

      That being said, it might be more difficult in equestria, seeing as they are 2 dimensional to start with.

      Also, <3 Derpy.

      Ok, I just felt I had to say that. Love the comics.

    16. I liked the first comic! Also, I thought Rainbow Dash still looked cute without her mane and tail, in a kind of baby animal way~

      'Nother bronie (bronette) without depth perception checking in~ Derpy FTW.

    17. All I can say about the second comic is this:

      Thank you for reminding me why I voted Derpy twice as my favorite pony.

    18. I love the optometrist pony in the second one.

    19. I guess that is why Rainbow Dash didn't try the Sonic Rainboom until the great young flyers competition. Losing that much hair can be very traumatic on a young filly.

    20. And from then on, RD had to wear a Headwig AND Tailwig (Don't know how she'd get that one on.)... :( XD

    21. "Your Rainbow Dash has evolved into Bulbasaur.......sort of"

    22. Love the Bulbasaur ref! Captain Jack Derpy?

    23. Love the Bulbasaur ref! Captain Jack Derpy?
