• Comic: It should be me!


    I feel kind of bad now for all of my Flutterlove lately.

    Poor girl was just left to rot.

    Alright that's my Trixie post for the day. 


    58 kommentaari:

    1. i agree with trixie

    2. Trixie is awesome, that billboard is not -_-

    3. Hehe This bilboard is certainly doing a lot to the world today.

    4. Nah, Trixie is awesome and all, but all the smug looks wouldn't have the same effect if the master of smug looks was up there too!

    5. it should be luna
      IT. SHOULD. BE .LUNA¡¡¡¡¡

    6. You and your Trixie love, Sethisto...

    7. Trixie's so jelly that she's talking in first person.

    8. Flutterlove is nothing to feel bad about.

    9. Tast raises an interesting point.

      On the other hand...

      It. Should. Be. TRIXIEEEE.

    10. ...Is it just me, or is Twilight's eyes totally wrong? just realized now...

    11. Don't worry Trixie, maybe you'll get your own spin off series... on pbs..... about you..... doing.... magic tricks.

    12. I'm hoping Trixie makes a comeback in Season 2. That would make me... a very happy pony.

    13. This is awsome

    14. No trixie on billboards

      angryshy only!

    15. I've a hunch that Trixie'll be back with a vengeance. Gilda too.

    16. Well they didn't want Trixie up there steeling all of the attention.
      That just wouldn't be fair to everypony else, now would it?

    17. Ha. So that's why Twilight's got that "deal with it" face on.

    18. That's just soulcrushing, poor Trixie :(

    19. Call me slow to the party, but was it ever established whether the billboards were real or just Photoshopped??

      (Truth be told, I hope they were 'shopped. I don't like how they look; human posturing is not natural to ponies!)

    20. Trixie deserves only pain.

      No seriously, she was designed to be hated to a massive extreme, by being a arrogant, egotistical, snobby, brat; Yet she has massive fandom. I understand there will always be fans of some sort for everything, but the amount Trixie currently has is massive, which she should NOT have.

    21. @Anonymous
      Considering how many different angles of the exact same billboard there are from different qualities and resolutions of cameras on Ponibooru, it's pretty real. Hasbro also said they were going to do it so...

    22. You should feel bad! How could you abandon Trixie for that overrated pony?

    23. @NinesTempest

      Thanks for explaining that, I did not know. I still don't like that design for my aforementioned reason, but publicity is publicity and publicity is good!

    24. You shouldn't feel bad. Fluttershy is best pony afterall. *glares at anon 6:51*

    25. @Anonymous
      There's more to it than that, though. In all fairness, heckling a traveling showpony, who clearly lives out of her trailer, is not a very friendly or tolerant thing to do. And you can hardly fault her for adapting her performance to fit. She wouldn't be the first vaudevillian to embarrass troublesome members of her audience.

      She could have been more gracious at the end, but then there would be no reason for her to make a reprise in season two!

    26. @asdfer Son you best be paraspritin' or Imma have to pop a cap.

      "It should be me up there" or "I should be up there", not either other combination of "I" or "me" compatible with those phrases.

    27. I freaking LOVE that billboard. Brilliant parody. Hope it gets lots of press.

      And cheer up, Trixie, your day will come...

    28. @Anonymous

      If that was their intention, than I have to say they did a terrible job at it. Gilda was a massive bitch. Prince Douche was... well, a douche.

      But nothing that happened in Boast Busters was anywhere near as black and white as what happened in Griffon the Brush off Best Night Ever.

    29. My coworkers spotted the actual billboard: it's at Cahuenga and Barham, near Universal Studios.

    30. @Anonymous

      How is Fluttershy overrated? She's in the mane six! Trixie isn't....

    31. Flutterlove is definitely something to feel bad about. Way to overrated of a pony.

    32. I loved Fluttershy before it was cool!

      Actually, it was always cool, she just wasn't assertive enough to tell everybody.

    33. @Anonymous
      Misspelled the word "too", your statement is invalid.

    34. I'm sorry, but I just have to get this off of my chest. I think the billboard could have been a lot better.

      First of all, the billboard doesn't even say "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". I'm doing a little research will lead to MLP:FiM (after all, it does say that it's on the Hub), but still, unless you're already a fan, you'd have no idea what that billboard is advertising.

      Secondly, the billboard's physiogamy suggests that the main cast (with the exception of the ditzy-looking Pinkie Pie) are (for lack of a better expression) stuck-up bitches, which is the total opposite of what the characters actually are. Also, I can't help but feel that some of the pose the characters make are suggestive. Call me a perv for saying that, but that's how I feel.

      And finally, the billboard is parodying an R-rated film. I can understand that Hasbro would want to appeal to their newfound adult audience, but if I were in charge of a show that's supposed to be family-friendly, I would not want to relate it to a raunchy adult comedy that's obviously not meant for kids.

      I'll admit that I chuckled when I first saw the billboard. However, now when I look at it, I can't help but worry that Hasbro is doing too much to appease their adult audience when the show is supposed to be "for all ages".

      Anyway, that's my rant. Feel free to disagree.

    35. @Anonymous

      It does what a billboard is supposed to do: it catches people's attention. It's visually arresting without being obnoxious, and is an obvious parody built to elicit a chuckle (or at least a "wait, what?") out of passing adult drivers.

      Adults look at sign. Adults do research. Adults see this show is good for their children. Adults harken back to billboard and sit down with kids and watch together. Family bonding is had. I'm pretty sure this is the design intent of the ad, and not simple brony appeasement.

    36. @SomeGuy For someone to make a comic around the billboard I mean

    37. @Anonymous
      I'm glad they are relating the ponies to more mature things such as Bridesmaids, it means we will have some fun surprises in store for season 2.

    38. @Anonymous

      "And finally, the billboard is parodying an R-rated film. I can understand that Hasbro would want to appeal to their newfound adult audience, but if I were in charge of a show that's supposed to be family-friendly, I would not want to relate it to a raunchy adult comedy that's obviously not meant for kids.

      I'll admit that I chuckled when I first saw the billboard. However, now when I look at it, I can't help but worry that Hasbro is doing too much to appease their adult audience when the show is supposed to be "for all ages"."

      You know how you get a show or movie to appeal to all ages? You slip in jokes for adults that kids don't recognize as adult jokes. Watch Animaniacs again sometime (or heck, watch this handy compilation). The number of adult jokes in successful kids' cartoons is surprisingly high, and is usually what draws attention from adult fans. A kids' show without adult humor hidden in it is just a simple kids' show and is usually written off as mindless pap.

      Granted, one of the things that makes MLP:FiM interesting is that it's fun and positive and wholesome, without the usual adult cynicism that pervaded most of the Spielberg cartoons and others. But the show's got a long way to go before it becomes Sex in the Stable.

    39. Wait a minute...
      IT. IS. ON!

    40. Trixie is about to unleash the power of the azure...coat.

    41. @Twilight Sparkle

      Shouldn't you be crying over Scratch?

    42. @Twilight Sparkle
      Anyway, leave me alone Twi
      I gotta kill Seth
      *Pulls out sniper rifle*

      Adjust for 1500 miles...
      Varying wind speeds across several states...

    43. Twilight PWNS Trixie in every way, so your argument(s) is(are) invalid.

    44. The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't need a billboard anyway.

      She's that awesome.

    45. @Bosstone

      Different Anon here:
      Was I the only one who didn't like Animaniacs? I thought that all the "adult jokes" were pandering to the stereotype of what a corporate executive THOUGHT adults were: cynical, over-sexed, greedy, and all around callous to those around them. It got to the point where I would sit down to watch Animaniacs and felt like the show was making a weak attempt at subverting my thought processes to reflect that terrible stereotype. Plus, a lot of the jokes just weren't that funny.

      I REALLY don't want MLP: FIM to end up going that route. MLP is able to make adult jokes that don't pander to (or attempt to validate) the worst in our nature, and it would be a shame to see the show fall down to the level of Animaniacs.

    46. I think we're comparing apples and oranges here.

      Animaniacs was intended as a spoof of the Hollywood cartoon industry, so of course the humor in it was going to be on the dry and cynical side. It was "inside humor", jokes by, about, and for the folks who were making them.

      MLP, on the other hoof, has a reputation for being (mind-numbingly) "kid friendly". Tossing in some jokes aimed at adults is not going to change that in any direction except for the better. And Bosstone is right--no one at Hasbro is going to "reimagine" MLP as a hip, cynical cartoon, because that would effectively destroy its carefully cultivated reputation.

    47. @Anonymous

      Though I hate to caution someone agreeing with me, I have to point at Loonatics Unleashed. Idiot studio execs definitely exist.

      Of course, Loonatics came about after the Looney Tunes cow had been milked dry for years, so I'm pretty sure it won't come to that with MLP:FiM. So long as the creators aim at the kids first while giving the adults some love on the side, as the folks who did Spongebob did, it'll be all good.

    48. First Fluttershy got upset over animals staying away from her. Now Trixie got upset over a billboard that doesn't feature herself. The meme goes on and on. 8p
