• Cheerilee Released

    Cheerilee is awesome.  I am sorry I ever doubted her way back during her first appearance as a toy. 

    And it totally isn't because of that comic about her Mcdonalds debut...

    Anyway,  CometTail over on ponychan has spotted her at a Walmart in Texas, so if you want one, it might be time to make the trip!

    66 kommentaari:

    1. What is snail thing with her?
      It kinda looks like Apple Bloom.

    2. Yes!, finally i'm going to get that lily blossom thing and make it a derpy custom, without having to pay a lot...

      wait... "As seen on the hub"!? wtf.

    3. wait what, we wont get rainbow dash and fluttershy in the netherlands, but we have these 2 since FiM was published, the netherlands , i am dissapoint

    4. Hmm...Who the hell's Lily Blossom?

    5. So wait, Lily Blossom ISN'T a Derpy recolor?

    6. Great job not mentioning Lily Blossom there. :/

    7. I've already got these in the mail headed towards me, along with Star Swirl, Rainbow Flash, and Daisy Dreams. Looking forward to filling out my own personal ponyville, even though I'd prefer the background ponies from the show, like everyone else.

    8. That Cheerilee is so much better than the McDonald's toy. The pink still feels too bright to me, but at least she's not the ugly Pepto-Bismal pink that Toylestia is.

      I'm more excited for Lily Blossom though. Yeah, everypony and their mom is going to snatch her up and make a Derpy custom, but as long as I get mine I don't care. :P

    9. ^ There WILL be a Luna.

    10. Poor Cherilee. They make her pull a wagon, and then they can't even get her cutie mark right.

      Lily Blossom is just adorable in that little picture on her box, though.

    11. I do wish I had the skill to customize, I'd buy a second Lily Blossom to do the custom too.

    12. I already bought these two a couple weeks ago xD

    13. @Starly

      Maybe he meant a Luna that looks like Luna. Hell, the toy's crown is, like, translucent orange/yellow/gold instead of black!

    14. Anonymous pulls the wagon!

    15. Lily Blossom has a nice hairstyle. I'm not sure they ever used that in the show.

    16. What with all these wagons?
      Have the ponies been sent to Luna's off world mining colony ?

    17. And they have yet to show up in Spain DX!!!

      Why do they forget about us!? It's not like we don't have big things here. We have...uhm...Weeeeell...

    18. Lily Blossem....Maybe a S2 Character

    19. I find it a bit funny, If Cherilee wasn't part of the McDonnell's toys, there would be people asking for one of her toys. But since she was, no body cares when she gets a toy. We are strangely fickle group.

      Anyone else feel that Lilly Blossom is proof that we are slowly getting closer to a Derpy toy. All they have to do is change the cutie mark, but I think we can do that our selfs.

    20. @Toty
      no she will never be in the show. hasbro will continue to make endless recolors because retards keep buying them just like they did for g1.

    21. That vector they used for Lilly Blossom, i've never seen that hairstyle in the show before... new S2 character maybe?

    22. I just hope Hasbro doesn't force the animation studio to put more ponies in prominent spots and thus ruin the group dynamic of the show. Maybe elevate side character status and give them a few lines and establishment, but nothing more.

    23. We've had both Lilly and Cherilee brushables here in Mexico for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time, i'm surprised they weren't available in the US.

      We ARE missing Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash though.. :(

    24. Wait, Walmart has ponies? I just went to my local one the other day and there were none at all!

    25. I also think Lily Blossom will be a S2 character, maybe a friend of Fluttershy's, or maybe a teacher like Cheerilee? What if she's the big sister of Fluttershy? I could totally see it!

    26. who is cheerilee, they should have used luna, though i would love a derpy one.

    27. These are awesome but I still want a Derpy Hooves.

    28. @James Corck Hey! It's not as though us Englishmen from the land of tea have got them yet!


      Sorry. Got a bit overexcited.

    30. Waaaaaitaminute... Cheerilee has three smiling flowers, not just one!

      Oh Hasbro, you will make all custom-pony-sellers into millionaires.

    31. @Calnos
      no, look at her eyecolor, she looks more like Cloud Kicker.

    32. Most redecos seem to have recolored artwork, but Lily Blossom's is brand new. I have a feeling we might see her in season 2.

    33. I like Lily's hair vector; it's nice to see they aren't relying on recolours of the same few styles. Hopefully we'll see more widely varied ponies in season 2.

      Now I have to echo the anon however many posts above me; what the hell is wrong with Cheerilee's cutie mark? How exactly do you go about screwing something like that up? Then again, you wouldn't expect you could get Apple Bloom and Scootaloo mixed up either.

    34. Good thing there's a WalMart right on the way home from work! Guess I'll be stopping there on the way home tomorrow.

    35. let the flood of awsome 80s Cheerilee customs be unleashed!

    36. @Anonymous
      "no she will never be in the show. hasbro will continue to make endless recolors because retards keep buying them just like they did for g1. "

      I'm pretty sure that if those "Retards" wouldn't buy the toys, Hasbro would cancel the show because it would not doing its job: Selling toys.

      Would you want that to happen?

    37. Meanwhile I'm looking at Lily Blossom and thinking,
      "With some Testor's model paint and a little time, cha-CHING! Derpy Hooves!"

    38. We have a ton of these at the WM I work at, they sell fast though.

      P.S. That comic made my cry, poor Cheerilee :(

    39. Aw man it would have been so easy for them to have made that Derpy, and just called it "Ditzy Doo" so there is no political correctness problem. Oh well, people can slap some bubbles on it's flank easily enough.

    40. Cheerilee's not new to us Canayjuns. We've had her for a while.

      Lily Blossom, on the other hand, is a rare find, and so is Bright Eyes (the toy name for Derpy Hooves). I saw a Bright Eyes toy once shortly after I became a brony and started collecting the toys, and I made the stupid mistake of not buying it. The wife was not pleased, and to this day, I'm STILL kicking myself for not buying it.

    41. I really wish they'd stop throwing in those miscellaneous critters.

    42. Everyone knows Cheerilee is the best pony. I'll be getting two -- one has to be modded to be 80's-Cheerilee.

    43. I've always liked Cheerilee, her colors and personality are funl but she seems kind of neglected whenever it comes to lists of favorite background/supporting ponies. I mean c'mon she's the only pony with an awesome 80s look.

    44. Somepony has already an 80's Cheerilee custom and it looks fantastic. I can't wait to find one so I can try.


    45. Cheerilee's cutie mark is different :(

    46. WHy can't they ever make the hair look like it actually does in the show?

    47. @Pinkemon

      well said!

      Everyone outside of ED knows who the REAL "retards" are.

    48. This Cheerilee is not show accurate. Everypony knows that when Cheerilee pulls a wagon she only has THREE legs. NOT four.

      Also nice to see they finally stopped putting "PONY X's the Y" and are using the actual pony names now.

    49. She has been in Mexico for a while.


    50. Lily Blossom? Isn't that the name of Fluttershy's ancestor in Memories of Days Long Past?

    51. It was Lily something, can't remember the second name right now.

      I wouldn't be surprised if someone was raiding the fanfics for decent OCs. Considering the number of goofs they commit with their own toys, they're clearly putting only the minimum amount of effort in.

    52. Holy ponies, did someone violate the laws of nature to give Cheerilee that snail-caterpillar thing? will it metamorphose into a flying armored blasphemy of an arthropod with a penchant for exacting vengeance on its mistress' behalf?

      I really want one of these toys now.

    53. This is news? Dude, I should send Seth some pics of my Pinkie Pie bubble blowing machine. He never did a post on that toy whenever it was first spotted.

      But yeah, I saw Cheerilee, complete with her incorrect Cutie Mark, in Wal-Mart a good two months ago.

    54. @BronyMike
      The news is that these two are now out in America. I REALLY prefer Seth post these, for a few simple reasons.

      Cheerilee is one of my favorites, however I was a sad pony because she was only available in other countries. Some people on sites like Ebay wanted $45 dollars because it's a "European-only Release". That kind of price, being nine times over retail is unacceptable, especially when it's a pony toy. I will never acquiesce on prices like that.

      Now that I know some more ponies are hanging around, I'm going to trek once again down the pink aisle and triumphantly leave with Cheerile under hoof.

      Does this news post really bother you that much? I love and tolerate all pony news. Besides, there is NO such thing as too much pony. Also if you spotted it 2 months ago, then I wish you would have sent it in then! I could be brushing and restyling her right now!

      Sethisto, if you ever read this, please don't stop posting all the pony news, if even 1 person gets joy out of the article, it's worth posting. This post, Seth, this post has made my day, a day that has been shitty day so far. Thank you.

      Now I'm off to search for a Cheerilee of my very own!

    55. @Anonymous

      In addition to my previous post, I just want to say that, Cheerilee, in my opinion, has the most show accurate hair coloring, which will make her easy to style. Thank fuck. Rainbow Dash is the BIGGEST pain in the ass to restyle.

    56. OMG they have no mercy, I don't have enough money!!!

    57. I know what I want for Christmas.


    59. im just curious, becouse ive seen cheeriliee and starswirl for a couple of months in wallmart, are they actually new or did mexico get them before the US? which i find extremly hard te believe

    60. I haven't seen any in tucson

    61. @Anonymous

      Actually a lot of countries have gotten stuff before the US. We're still on wave one (the mane 6) of single packs.

    62. Both Cheerilee and Lily Blossom were in my Walmart. I snatched them up when I could. (Kentucky)
