• Chalk Ponies

    Chalk ponies! I don't even know what else to say. Ponies made of chalk!

    These were posted anonymously on a Russian imageboard, so, I have no artist to credit them to. But they're awesome anyway! One more picture after the break.

    26 kommentaari:

    1. This is so Dash....literally :D

    2. Oh god it's been so long since I've played with chalk... anyways go Russian Bronies! I'm really diggin' the Rainbow Dash

    3. Dashie and Pinkie!I love them both!

    4. Those are pretty cool.

    5. Nicely done comrades! It is good to see evidence of the international fan base!

    6. I am now tempted to go buy chalk and draw ponies in my court. My neighbors will leave for work and they'll see them in the court and be like WTF? lol

      The RD they drew is awesome!
      The Pinkie Pie...I'm not really sure what to say about that one.

    7. Nicely done, Dashie! Any landing from which you can limp away is a good one!

      Dash does look particularly dashing in this one. I say we take up an umbrella collection to preserve her forever!

    8. The RD one looks so awesome. The PP one...eh...take it down, I think it's staring at me...

    9. Ponies make the world go 'round... ^^

    10. Those are really awesome, I remember a thread with about 10 different chalk ponies.. but it 404'd and I didn't saved them; i regret that decision so much

    11. ... Winning.


    12. That Rainbow Dash looks quite alright actually. Pinkie Pie looks a bit scrawny, but Dashie looks great :3

    13. I love the Rainbow Dash chalk drawing... It's so dashing!!!

      Anyway, I fear for Dashie, what with that somewhat disturbed looking Pinkie Pie behind her. She's just waiting for rain... rain like little knives to the chalk, and then it'll be like Cupcakes all over again! Noooo!!!

    14. My GF and I did that too. Those same two come to think of it.

    15. Playing with chalk just became 20% cooler

    16. James Lyons/ blingingjak14. juuni 2011, kell 14:52

      I really want to do some pony gratify, like paint Rarity on the side of a building. Only problem is that it would be gratify and Rarity is a lady and must be treated with the upmost respect.

    17. Now if only somepony erases them drawings...An image of Rainbow Dash and another of Pinkie Pie might soon show up in Chalk Zone, to Snap's surprise!!

    18. @James Lyons:

      The graffiti her on the side of Buckingham Palace! Problem solved!


      Ponies got the chalk, chalk the chalk Chalk Zone.

      (Those lyrics make absolutely no sense now that I think of it.)

    19. The Dash one is really cute. Pinkie's eyes are huge, they cover almost her entire face. They make her look creepy.

    20. They look pretty cool! It's very difficult to draw something decent using "street chalk"

    21. in soviet russia ponies are still amazing

    22. Схоронил.

    23. In all likelihood, these ponies were painted on the roof. Visible dark-gray band of roofing material.
