• Celestia Radio Fanfic Reading Contest

    Celestia Radio is holding a contest for fanfiction reading! Have some copypaste!

    “Greetings everypony! Celestia Radio has been in existence for exactly one month now and we want to engage our community and allow you to be a part of Celestia Radio itself! In honor of this, we are holding a contest that absolutely anypony can enter! The contest is as follows:

    We ask you, our faithful listeners to select your very favorite fanfics and record yourselves reading them in a dramatic fashion, as if you were recording an audio book! Submit the recording to us and we will review it. If it passes a basic review, it will be entered into the contest for a chance to win some fabulous prizes! Many of the fanfics will also be broadcast on Celestia Radio's Fanfic Friday segment to be heard all over Equestria!”

    If you are interested in participating in the contest, or would just like to shake your groove thang to Equestria's finest radio station, you can check out the Celestia Radio blog at http://ponify.me.


    1. You just know that if Morgan Freemare enters this contest, we're all toast.

    2. Scratch has some lovely plot development going on there.

    3. I swear I watch it for the plot.

    4. Herp... time to bust out some fanfic.

    5. Oh that actually sounds like a lot of fun! It's too bad I don't have a mic or I would have dramatically read the hay out of some fanfics. Good luck to those entering though.

    6. *idly wonders if there's a joke about plot holes anywhere*

      This could be fun, and at the very least it's persuaded me to try listening to their radio station!

    7. Am I the only one on this site who doesn't read FanFics? -______-

    8. Karai from Celestia Radio here!

      We look very forward to your submissions and hope that everypony participates and has fun!

    9. If the mane stream caps out at 100, you can try the mirror stream at:


    10. HOLY SHIT sign me up!

    11. Is there a deadline for these things? I don't see one.

    12. @Pineapple Skitter:

      "Plothole" is now canon for brony-talk insult.

    13. haha our website went down XD Here are the contest rules and such:


      @HeatWave The deadline is 11:59pm July 5th

    14. I am so entering this. I just need to find a really good fanfic to read. I'm so excited! Thank you for hosting this contest!

    15. @Display Name:

      Whatever... your comment is full of plotholes. Am I doing it right?


      I spotted a NO SHIPPING rule there. What's the exact definition here? Any chance you can tell us where exactly you draw the line? Example acceptable fics would be nice!

    16. Oh Gawd, someone please do cupcakes. I totally promise it'll be totally fun! LOL

    17. @Pineapple Skitter

      Probably just means shipping in general. I for one wouldn't feel too comfortable listening to a brony tell me how Applejack's tongue slid down Twilight's horn, no matter how good the plot is.

      Maybe if it's just really light stuff like suggestive yet subtle hints at romance.

    18. @Pineapple Skitter

      We're trying to keep this as favourable for everypony as we can. To do this, we decided on a PG-13 rating. What this means is grimdark should not be explicitly gory (Cupcakes). It also means that there can be absolutely no sexually explicit content, implied or otherwise. If the story's entire topic is about Twilight and Trixie falling in love, it probably isn't the best choice for this contest. If they set aside their differences and become close friends, or something to that ends, it may be acceptable.

      If you have any doubt about a fanfic, you can email it to me and I'll glance over it and tell you if it is acceptable. ;)

    19. You might be looking at some very long entries here.

    20. @Karai

      Question: are there any rules about reading one of your own fanfics?

      Because I have a oneshot I wrote about a month ago that a couple people did readings for, and I've wanted to do my own interpretation of the story ever since.

    21. @Aquaman52

      You can read your own fanfic if you wish to. When yo submit it make sure to mention that it is your own fanfic so we can use that as a "proof of authorization". :)

    22. A dramatic reading of Progress, complete with commentary from Abby Cuss...

    23. I don't read fanfic but I adore Celestia Radio!

    24. Alrighty folks, I won't be monitoring these comments any more so if you have any more questions, concerns or what-have-yous, you can email me at karai@ponify.me or comment on our blog at http://ponify.me/

      Good luck!

    25. Thanks for the info! Enter'd!

    26. *sigh* nothing to record with :(

      @Karai, when this is all finished, will people be able to download them? I, personally, would love audio...fics, and I imagine many others would as well.

    27. No shipping...darn and I was hoping someone would read the space scene from "The Party Hasn't Ended"...which is romantic but not explicit in the least...darn...
