You should tell me about stuff like this!
It looks like ponyville has been built from the ground up over on Second Life. I've never been a fan of the game, but this is REALLY tempting (Client already downloading doh!)
But what would Second Life be without Ponies? Apparently, these templates are relatively easy to customize as you see fit.

In order to join up over here, you need to do a few things! Right now my client is still downloading, and I have to leave for work, so I won't be able to test all of this, but these are the general instructions I was given for connecting and making my own pony.
1.) Download the Second Life Client found here! It's all free!
2.) Go through the orientation once everything is installed and ready, you can skip it, but might as well!
3.) Use the search bar to look for "bronyville", and click "teleport".
4.) Someone named Twinkie Swizzle (The Creator) should be able to get you your very own pony avatar. From there you can customize it as you see fit.
That's the basics. As I said, I haven't tested it yet, but hopefully it all works out.
Have some more images!
Cloudsdale is still being built, so that isn't it's complete state.
This looks totally amazing! Is it possible I'll get sucked in this game for a long time?
ReplyDeleteSecond Life Brony Server? Interesting.
ReplyDeleteNope fuck tihs game
ReplyDelete*Runs to anti-internet bunker*
ReplyDeleteSecond Life is one of the most horrible things on the internet, ever. Reading this, everything just became 20% less cool. :(
1. Watch this:
ReplyDelete2. Get mad
3. Reject lemons...
Yeah it is really neat. Been hanging out with the Bronies on SL for a few weeks now
ReplyDelete"Yes, that is in fact Twilight Sparkle with a umbrella hat on the left."
ReplyDelete*Looks Left*
*Looks Right*
I almost died of laughter when I saw this.
ReplyDeleteOh internet you so random.
Also, in the pic on the with Umbrella hat:
I would reccomend getting Phoenix viewer, not the official sl viewer, viewer 2 is inferior to phoenix.
ReplyDeleteThis has been a message from the official Sweetie Belle of Bronyville(the secondlife sim)
Is second life the game where people make money by selling virtual property or is that something else?
ReplyDeleteWow, must be a pretty big rock people are hiding under if they are just finding out about this. In fact, I first read about it months ago on this website.
ReplyDeleteSo what is with the hate about it? The game or what ever? I've heard about it once or twice but that's it
ReplyDeleteThere are reasons why some information doesn't reach your ears. The fact that this is Second Life, and thus instantly fail no matter the number of Dashs giving a 20% coolness booster, is one of those reasons for this.
ReplyDeletewhat the hell is second life?
ReplyDeleteOh wow, Second Life is still around. That's kinda surprising.
ReplyDeleteAre the SL admins still so hypersensitive that they'll permaban people for incredibly trivial things, just because someone whined loudly enough?
If so, then um... maybe I'll sit this out.
I would stay as far away from SL as possible. SL is the cesspool for the lowliest of internet dwellers.
ReplyDeletejoined couldn't go pony noone told me how rage'd uninstalling
People have had bad experiences with SL so they bad mouth it. Personally I left it because it became like every MUCK I've ever belonged to and that is elitist and boring.
ReplyDeleteBut I find this worth checking it at least for a short diversion. I suspect some of the people who bad mouth SL are the same sort who bad mouth Duke Nukem for being "crude and immature" and such.
This feels like complaining because you get burned by hot coffee, but I digress, don't let neigh-sayers prevent you from trying something new for yourself.
Its free, the worst you can do is lose some of your dignity.
Is it just me or is Pinkie's head really screwed up?
ReplyDeletePinkie's head isn't full loaded, and it looks creepy.
ReplyDeletewell, I've never tried second life, might as well give it a go, although I'm not a big fan of simulation games or MMO's. Or whatever this is.
ReplyDeleteStill. Ponies.
I was going to say inb4 server crash, but it seems that the haters will stay well away from this, so maybe it'll balance out. maybe. Seth, you and your personal raiding army are so silly ;D
>>Pinkie's head isn't full loaded, and it looks creepy.
ReplyDeleteJust wait till one of the ponies tries yiffing you! That's creepy!
hahahahaha this is brilliant
ReplyDeleteI've always been somewhat terrified of Second Life, this is tempting though...
ReplyDeleteI've heard nothing but bad things about Second Life, but this sounds interesting.
ReplyDeleteSecond Life is a furry sex/rp simulator.
ReplyDeleteIts a little hidden because griefers tend to pick on furs, and secondly ponies. They cannot do much nowadays but can be a niggling pain.
ReplyDeleteTheres a free avatar under the big red arrow in town square, you can mod it to your hearts content from there. If you head over to the free stuff section in bronyville, you can pick up wings/horn/stuff and edit it. There's LOTS of freebies on SL, whether you wish to stick to Bronyville or explore sl theres something for everypony :)
In case you are wondering, I haven't had a bad experience wandering around as a pony, I have cantered into nightclubs to a shocked "OMG LOOKIE A PONY" and be hugged :P Muaha, power of da pony!
Have fun!
I have nothing against second life bu nothing is going to make me join that community. Not even ponyville and a tokusastu avatar.
ReplyDeleteThat's because I spend to much time behind the pc as it is ^^
My impression of Second Life does not make me think this is exactly a good thing. But I'm not going to make judgments on it since I've never tried it myself and probably won't check it out. But I'm sure the SL players will love it.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy Bronyville.
ReplyDeleteDarcyblue here, one of the owners of bronyville in Secondlife. just giveing out a shoutout to all my fellow bronies out there!
ReplyDeletebrohoof <3
look out for the alice in wonderland ponie walking about and you will find me soon egnough :D
i know what people say about SL.ive been "playing" for close to 5 years now. but i assure you that you will have fun being here in our private little sim. come chat! id love to meet up with some of the other bronies from outside SL <3
arghhhhh maybe im just completely stupid. but ive never played sl before in my life, trying to join just for this (ive considered it in the past...) anyways.
ReplyDeleteanyone be able to provide me with any more detail about how to obtain/use the pony avatar/skin/whatnot?
ReplyDeleteThat does bug me. I mean yeah they might think it's the old MLP where it is ultra girly but they actually WATCHED Equestria Girls and didn't notice that it had great animation and characters. Then again these are Radio DJs who are typically really stupid and try to mock anything for a laugh (though not all of them are really).
Guys, if any of you want to visit and have difficulties personalizing the avatar just IM me. My account name is Mankeulv Poliatevska, and my display name is Quaver Woodwind. Just have in mind that I'm in GMT+1 timezone and usually won't be online at US time night. Still, you can always leave me an offline message.
ReplyDeleteWe've had some problems with griefers, but it seems better now. Also, as SweetieBelle said, it's fun to roam around in a pony avatar and read the reactions of other players.
WOO! i am on ED!
ReplyDeletei am the lunapony in the pic with the twilight with the umbrella hat.
Misspriss lauria is my name IM me if you want to chat!
aww lol I'm never around when the pics are being taken :P
ReplyDeleteWatching the love and tolerance unravel day by day.
ReplyDeleteI would probably try this out, but the last time I tried to play SL my computer nearly died.
Dear god...
ReplyDeleteLol I can't even login to SL because of my awesome pc specs.
ReplyDeleteI have a tutorial on how to get the av AND work the confusing HUD. Be warned though: The ponies have become paranoid of griefers/haters BUT take heart! There are helpful ponies amongst them...if it were, THIS would not exist:
ReplyDeleteWatch that and hopefully you'll be able to make the pony you've always wanted to be! :D
Second Life is what you make of it. If you spend time around the dredges on there, yeah you'll have a horrible time. The pony avatar made is still in beta, but looks pretty neat. Try it Seth, and make your own decision. Hater's gonna hate, Griefer's gonna Grief. Everyone else will make their own fun.
ReplyDeleteWhoops! Here's the actual link. My bad!
*laughs* oh my god, the tall tower in the center of the last pic, unloaded...that's my house! my roomie and I own the Clock Tower of Bronyville. and no, no rooftop muffin-gun snipers yet...
ReplyDeleteKris Farina
All we need now is to make Rainbow Dash a champion on League of Legends like Seth suggested awhile back. (BTW that game's hard... Like, REALLY hard, but good for wasting some time.)
ReplyDeleteAs for the SL thing, not a fan personally, but it's really cool watching the brony culture spread, and let's hope that this'll spread it a bit more.
I've been living in SL for almost 6 years. I know SL has a bad reputation, I have to repudiate it every time I mention that I play in SL. There are several misconceptions about SL I would like to clear up.
ReplyDelete1) SL is not a game. It is an environment. There are no built in goals or quests. SL is what you make it. If you are there to meet people, have sex, take college classes - it is all up to the users, not Linden Labs (the creators/owners)
2) SL is not just for furries/sex. SL is part of the internet. Therefore any medium that can be used for living out depraved sexual desires will be. But you cannot write off SL because of that, or you would have to write off the whole internet for that reason. Can you visit the internet and not see furry sex? Of course. Can you visit SL and not see furry sex? Absolutely. Don't go looking for it and you won't find it.
3) SL is amazing. It really is. Anything you want to do in SL you can. It is called "Second Life" because for many people it is an extention of their real lives. I don't usually say "play" in SL, I "live" in SL. I own a home, raise horses and cats, have a job, and met my RL husband there. My husband and I now teach English in China and SL has been the best way to keep in contact with friends and family back home. Not only can you chat with people, but actually interact and do things.
If you don't like SL, that is fine. It is not for everyone. But don't say "it's stupid" or "a waste of time" or "the cespool of the internet." Just because you don't like something doesn't make it worthless or something that can be written off. Please be respectful of other people's choice of entertainment.
Besides...SL now features PONIES!
SL Name: AmandaL Mnemonic
I cringe at the flood that is very likely now ensuing. Lets see if we can crash the sim. Joy.
ReplyDeleteDon't know if want.
ReplyDeleteNo first hand experience with SL, just second and what you'll find on the internet.
Can someone fill me in on the "bad" things Second Life is known for? Also, EXTREMELY tempted to try this out now. Damn you ponies.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the "I hate SL" comments...I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with it. There's something in SL for everyone, you just have to look, and pass the areas that are full of the kinky horny creepy weirdos. There's a reason that areas have the option of operating with a General (read: PG) rating. Yes there are furry areas, yes there are sex areas. But for the most part, you have to be looking for those sorts of things.
ReplyDeleteAs to the idea of SL being the "cesspool of the internet", that's just silly. Also, much of the internet sees 4chan as the cesspool, yet look where the pony craze got started. :)
The best thing about SL, is that if you can't find what you want, all the tools are there to be able to make it yourself (even if it takes some practice/learning). How do you think Bronyville got started? :)
Second Life is a chatroom with a complex avatar system. Approach it on those terms and it shouldn't be objectionable.
ReplyDelete@Velvet Sanity
ReplyDeleteThis. SL has a bad rep, but if you've been on 4chan then its no big deal. You won't see anything you haven't seen before.
Run Second Life on your computer at your own risk, lol...
ReplyDeleteI thought everypony knew about this... Sorry. I would have said something.
ReplyDeleteJust hopped in a few hours ago. It's fun, I can recommend it!
ReplyDeleteBronyville is a PG sim, so no yiffing or other offensive activities are tolerated. This keeps the friendly fun atmosphere and the sim admins are very helpful. The free pony av is right by the bridge where the arrow is pointing, and there are a bunch of freebies across the bridge, as well as others in the notices on the "Bronies" group, which is the official bronies group in SL, with over 2600 members after just a month in existence.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with all the Second Life hate? It's really not that bad. I've been a pony in SL for a little over a month, around the time when this was first mentioned on Equestria Daily, and it's been wonderful. Bronyville has really come along, and the Bronies group keeps expanding, with over 2500 members. Needless to say, with that many members, Bronyville is never empty. =)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loathe Linden Labs and refuse to even touch anything remotely resembling their product after their horrid treatment of the Emerald team way back when, along with their lax policies both in design and in enforcement, and admin abuse.
ReplyDeleteI understand that this is probably the closest we'll be able to get to actually -playing- ponies in a virtual setting for a good long time. But I'm afraid I must decline on the principle of the thing.
Absolutely nothing against the creators of this, of course. otherwise, this is brilliant. I'm merely stating why I will abstain.
Also, to the people who run the sim, you may want to watch out. Eventually the SL griefers that hang out on the 'chans are gonna take notice and may decide to kill an day or two making things...unpleasant. :/ Might want to keep an eye out.
I knew I'd be seeing a whole slew of "SL is just furry porn awful ick!" comments as soon as I saw what the article was about. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteEveryone who knows of SL only through second-hand accounts: think for a moment about all those people out there who found out about pony fandom only via what Fox News told them. Now consider that this may possibly be the same level of accuracy of the reports you've heard about Second Life yourself.
Looking at this and the MLP opening in Klingon, no wonder people are disgusted at us.
ReplyDeleteWhat is hate doing in MLPFiM fandom at all?
ReplyDeleteI thought were were beyond that.
The Bronies in SL are a unique group. Typically, avatars (the 3D charatcers you play) cost game money (called Lindens... worth about 225 to a dollar), and average around 500 L$.
Pony AVs are FREE
Accessories, animated gestures and sound effects are also usually FREE.
The community is very welcoming and friendly. The SIM (the server/area where Bronyville is) costs several hundred a month to rent, but it has been easily paid for by Bronies renting space... faster then most new areas.
It's really just an SL extension of the rest of the Brony community.
ReplyDeleteI'd be in there right now if I had a better computer. As of right now, though, I'm stuck using a crappy netbook.
Man it's been a long time since i have been on SL. I may have to log in and check out ponyville.
ReplyDeleteMoving beyond hate is a continuous project... particularly when there's a constant influx of new blood.
@AmandaL MnemonicI agree with this post. Unlike most of you, though I have never tried Second Life, I've mostly heard good things about Second Life. My favorite musician, Torley Wong, is one of the more prominent Lindens there (most people know him by his watermelon color scheme). Second Life got him out of a pretty deep depression after his hearing was damaged, and now he's even making awesome music again. Plus, he met his wife there.
ReplyDeleteI really don't get this negative stigma surrounding Second Life. Why not do a Google search for good press? How about searching SL on Flickr? I hear the scenery is fantastic.
Wow people.
ReplyDeleteSecond Life is like the best thing that happened to me, in a way. It's a wonderful world!
My stance on Second Life has always been neutral. Nothing really bad about it, just not my thing. This, however, has me pretty tempted to start playing/living/chatting/whatever you call it as a pony, 'cause who doesn't want to be a pony for bit? Maybe I'll download the client later.
ReplyDelete@Nightmare Moon
ReplyDeleteDamn you and your floods Nightmare
Played Second Life a few years back...
ReplyDeleteI don't recommend you download it. Not even pony awesomeness is worth it.
I downloaded the installer, then I opened it, then the installer was too big for the screen and I cannot click install. fuck this I'm outta here.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading these comments I am extremely disappointed with the Brony community. Blindly accepting misrepresentations of Second Life is not what love and tolerance is about.
ReplyDeleteWell, that was confusing. Maybe I'll try again later.
ReplyDeleteI need a more powerful computer for this. :/
ReplyDeleteI've been on SL since 2005, wonderful place!
ReplyDeleteI tried out the pony avatar a while back, created a Lilpip avatar :) The avatars are great except for a couple problems. First, the texture. It's a solid colour, needs more work, everything looks flat from all angles (see pics).
Second, the animation override needs serious work. I can fix this myself since I've worked on coding a number of them in the past (avatar and furniture) but in its current state it is awkward.
But, it is still in beta and it's a great avatar, so I have high hopes for it.
If you don't join Secondlife because you heard something negative about it, you are missing out. Especially missing out on Bronyville :D
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't cost you anything to join and have a look, theres usually helpful ponies about to help if you need it. Just a word of warning from personal experience, do NOT break LL's rules. LindenLabs are known to be ruthless and they will drop the banhammer, if someone offers you suspect items, do not accept them and certainly do not rez them (drop and render them). There are a few dodgy items circulating atm which will remove all Linden ($) from your account.
Good luck and see you in Bronyville :D
Eh, Second Life.... myeh.
ReplyDeleteIt... doesn't interest me. While it IS nice to see ponies taking over more and more ground (Come on, Science! Portal to Equestria already!) SL Ain't mah thing.
My impression is that of a bigass chatroom in 3d, and... yeah. My sister 'played' once, though, and I looked over her shoulder.
At one point she said "I'm dancing in a nightclub!" And that's the point I walked away. I make a rule to stay away from games that emulate things I could do in real life if I were so inclined.
Regrettably, ponies don't swing it far enough. I'll wait for MLP:FIM Online.
My wife's into Second Life, and it's cool as far as it goes. It's primarily a socially-driven experience, and you can find communities that cater to you and isolate yourself within those communities with little concern for the other stuff that goes on elsewhere in the extremely vast environment provided by Second Life. Just like you can do anywhere on the Internet, really.
ReplyDeleteI've never really found a group I fit in with, and I have a hard time integrating myself into a group of people I don't already know, so I've never really gotten into SL myself, but this might get me there.
For you guys who are confused, here's a bunch of video tutorials. Honestly, I googled it just now. But that Torley guy I mentioned, he makes a ton of these.
ReplyDeleteHere's my beef with SL.
ReplyDeletePeople treat is like a literal second life. This is neither healthy nor acceptable. They treat it like a videogame version of Facebook. I dislike it because the people who use it tend to be useless. Besides, what am I doing there? If it's nothing more than a chatroom with avatars, them goodbye, I'm going back to IRC, which is a *much less resource intensive* chatroom that lest me do other things while it's running on the side.
Yes, I've been in secondlife and yes, there are furries fucking everywhere. You cannot look at your screen and not see a furry.
All in all, nearly everyone I've seen on SL was using it as some kind of actual 'Second Life'. It's actually rather sad. And to those who say that hate has no place in this fandom, screw you. Hate is a necessary tool. Hate is what we use when things go too far.
@AmandaL Mnemonic
You are clearly deluded. There are plenty of things wrong with SL, both from a software engineering standpoint and from a social one. Using SL as a literal second life is a glaring indicator that somewhere along the line, something went horrifically wrong and you now decide to act out your life on a videogame that fails at even being a videogame.
The ONLY redeeming factor that SL EVER had were the Patriotic Nigras and Fort Longcat. And they are both long gone.
Face it. Second Life is terrible. There is no reason to use it for anything. It's just the Sims, only YOU are the sim and it's online. If you want to chat, get IRC.
And isn't the use of avatars clearly the opposite of what we want here? We as a community should strive to stay as close to anonymous as possible. It helps to cut down on the crazies on the outside of the fanbase.
i would like to point out that most of the most reprehensible spewers of hate and loathing are posted by folks that refuse to use even a made up name.
ReplyDeleteSL is as many have said here a chat room with intricate avatars. it also is one of those places where you can find whatever you are looking for. it is as diverse as the internet and as broad as imagination. that is both good and bad. for me SL is a social venue. and i have had good fun ponying about and in general being helpful however I can.
peace and love.
Blah blah, hate is good, SL is bad and there are furries, etc. This is a lot of verbiage to just repeat the standard public perception.
ReplyDeleteNote that you contradict yourself, BTW, first claiming that SL's bad because some people use it to create separate alternate lives for themselves (like that's unique to SL) and then complaining that you can't be anonymous.
In the Dungeons & Dragons community, we have a saying. Something along the lines of, "We're grown men pretending to be elven princesses riding unicorns and fighting dragons. We have no right to look down on how anyone has fun."
ReplyDeleteWell, we're adults that are drawn together by our love of magical ponies that learn about friendship and hug it out with their greatest enemies to save the day.
You're right. That last paragraph was kinda wierd. You're no less anonymous just because you're using an avatar that doesn't even barely resemble your real-life self. Besides, since when did we have a stance on anonymity?
ReplyDeleteOther than that I like what you said. (A little tune down on the hate though :D) It represents what most people think of SL, whether it's true or not. I never played SL so I can't judge. But most people, at least, think they know what SL is like. And they think it's bad. I think that's the problem.
I need to remember this comment section whenever I go to do an argument paper in my next english course.
ReplyDeleteThere's one side, saying that we should love and tolerate, that Second Life is a wonderful place, and that there's no problem with immersing yourself in an extension of your imagination on the internet. And for those who think that, good for you, you tend to enjoy more things than most people do. But let's take a look on the other side.
One can argue for the fact that submerging yourself in an online persona is, in fact, not healthy from a psychological standpoint. And if you think about it for a while, you can see the merits of that argument. If you can do something in real life, why not go out and do it yourself, etc.? I can't honestly see a winning side to this argument.
But then there are the preconceptions. Okay, everyone has problems with those, considering anyone with any bit of internet savvy will have picked up on the fact that furries, the subculture we're most afraid of being associated with, use it for various purposes. Before catching yourself in that trap, think about how the general media perceives us. From the sight of things, its not going to be long before we are filed away with the furries as being internet weirdos. That aside, the one thing the brony subculture has taught me is to not take things at face value. When I first started watching the show, I thought the community was simply limited to 4chan and other disreputable internet hang-outs. I never thought that this fandom would evolve so quickly, becoming a subculture practically overnight.
What I'm trying to say is that we, of all people, should know not to judge something simply by what we heard in passing. If this seems like something that would interest you, by all means, don't be discouraged by something someone else typed up, give it a shot, and if you don't like it, you can always uninstall it.
(On a side note, I probably won't be joining in on this since I spend entirely too much time reading comics, fanfics, and whatnot to have any more time in my budget to spend doing pony-related things.*sadface*)
TL;DR - Shame on us, community, we, of all people, should know better than to judge things before we see them for ourselves.
Updated tutorial up! OH and this is for those who use Phoenix and not Viewer 2!
Old b/tard / ex-b/tard here. I've always seen SL as a cesspit of yiffing in hell and crappy electro-techno shit 'music,' all so fat social retards behind screens could have cyber-sex with their ideal body forms without having to work for them.
ReplyDeleteBut I gave that up. So, what the hay. Haters gonna hate. Let's try this. Tomorrow though.
ReplyDeleteThat actually sounds like fun getting randomly hugged
Tried it .. I couldn't find the free pony (just a lot of booths selling them) and it completely locked up my computer just after I asked about where to find one. Also it seems so slow to walk around. I might try again later with lower video settings.
ReplyDeleteDiscussionBrony, very well said.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I've been on SL for a while now, and I've used it as, mainly, a videogame. My appeal to it that its dynamic in the way content can be created, and this can especially be seen in the SL combat community. The way the game is played changes constantly due to advances made in developing various elements of it. The fact that I can play secondlife as a multiplayer FPS and never be bored with it is something very impressive on its own.
It is true that there are darker sides of SL, but he same goes for almost anything else on the internet. And to find the dark parts of SL, you really have to be looking for them.
Also, yes, there are furries. So what? it's just how the person depicts their character. Just like someone can depict their character as a human, pony, robot, or even a wooden box. The furry community is just that, a community, not some sorta cult out to destroy common decency. Always remember that there's a living person behind that avatar, and if you respect them, they'll respect you.
And to touch on the Brony sim, I've only seen good things, it's very safe and fun, and you get to make some new friends.
So, fellow Bronies, Show some Tolerance and Love, It's what we're all here for.
tl;dr version:
Don't Knock it 'til you try it.
ahah !
ReplyDeleteI am an older SL resident and one of the first to try the pony V1 ^^
I saw the evolution of the bronies since the bronyhouse to bronyville :p
Firstly, Second Life isn't a game - although it does contain quite a number of them. It's many things, but at heart it is a communication, creation and content-publishing platform that resembles a virtual world.
ReplyDeleteSecond, don't get put off by the name 'Second Life'. It's a really unfortunate name, I'll grant you, but most people who use Second Life aren't living 'second lives'. They are their same old interesting and cool or dull and boring selves - however they choose to appear.
Third, if all you know about Second Life is what you've read about (in the newspapers, in tech blogs) or seen on the television, or heard from groups like SA or the b/tards, then the odds are good that practically nothing that you know about Second Life is actually correct. Journalists particularly spend their first hour looking for the nastiest things in SL - just as they used to do with the Web, and run out and write all sorts of ill-informed pieces. You know the sort of thing.
Second Life isn't for everyone (especially as the age-range tends to be skewed quite high - 40 and upwards are quite common), and it's really hard to describe in a nutshell. It's big and complex and diverse - and everything you see and hear in it was created by other users. What *you* do in it can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. There's not really much of anything to tell you what to do or where to go. Generally it takes quite a while to find your feet - as it would with any new and intricate thing. Think of it as the very first time you sat down in front of a Web-browser, and tried to understand *anything* that was going on.
That was a heck of a rough time, right? But it paid off. You figured out what the Web meant for you, and how to make use of it in ways you found interesting and enjoyable. Second Life is like that. Like the Web, it's full of interesting people, and content, and some of us have built money-making businesses out of it, and like the Web, yes, that's the exception, not the rule.
If you think that's cool, great. If you think That Second Life is going to be dumb and too much work and that we're all retarded, well, heck. We probably don't actually *want* you. It'll make the *interesting* people easier to find without you.
@Sun If you're using the standard (official) Second Life viewer, look up at the top right of the screen where there is a little text box with a magnifying-glass icon and the word 'search'. Type 'bronyville' in there.
ReplyDeleteWhen the search-results page pops up, click on the first response 'bronyville' (with a little 'G' rating icon near it), and it will unfold giving you a thumbnail image, and three buttons (Teleport, More Info, and Map). Click the teleport button, and it will transport you there.
Alternatively, regardless of which SL viewer you have installed, you can paste this link into your Web-browser, and use the 'Visit' button on it to tell your viewer to teleport you there:
Sorry about Pinkie Pie's head! I had to relog since the image wasn't saving onto my computer, so things were still loading when I took the picture.
ReplyDeleteI've been around SL since '06 and I would urge you all to give it a try. If you find things that are distasteful then you were most likely looking for them. It really is the Internet in Avatar form when it comes to what you see.
And to all the negative comments on SL, I only have to compare them to all the negative comments that Brony culture has been getting by faux news and more. Someone goes in, finds something (negative) to talk about and uses that as a comparison. Approach SL the same way you approached MLP (open minded!) and if you do everything right, it'll work out just fine.
I never use second life for anything except the bronies group and bronyville. SL is chock full of wierd people and things so i stick to ponies.
ReplyDeleteMy username is Dragonimy and my screenname is Magnet for anyone that spots me in-sim ^^
Sure smells like drama in here...
ReplyDeleteSecond Life? No thanks... As tempting as Bronyville looks, it`s still in Second Life. no.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous So would that be sweat or trinitrotoluene?
ReplyDeleteLOL, Second Life.
ReplyDeleteScrew that place. Ain't going there. Too much furries.
second life + ponies ?
ReplyDeleteThe worst thing on the internet + the best thing on the internet ?
Now I remember why I hate SL. Even on my best PC available, it's a horrible slow bloatware...
ReplyDeleteWell, I tested the avatar and the sim and it is nice, unlike most SL models. My only complain is the color changer HUD. It's puzzling and I even can't figure out how to change my color to yellow... gg
ReplyDeleteI told myself that I will never use SL, and I am sticking to that.
ReplyDelete4: Get your scientists to invent a combustable lemon
5: Create Homicidal A.I
I'm gonna keep my distance from least for now...or at least till that servers fully complete. I've heard too many negative problems about SL...including in the news.
ReplyDeleteThe vast majority of people who hate Second Life are probably those who got banned for griefing or can't understand the system. Second Life is NOT A GAME! It is a virtual world. They're tons of fun activities and events to go to in SL. My advice is that the 1st place you should go to is Info Island where you can get the information of almost all about SL. Then you might want to join groups like Music Island Concerts, Seanchai Library, Second Life Library, Star Journeys and much more.
ReplyDeleteAnd I recommend using Viewer 2, unless you prefer the outdated interface.
I haven't played the game myself, but from what I can gather, it's a lot like minecraft. you make your own worlds, hang out on servers and such. Doesn't sound too bad.
ReplyDeleteI'm probably not gonna join though, as I have too much to do otherwise, and adding another activity to the list would end up in me completely loosing all my free time =P
wow that really amazes me... I didn't realize that many people had a grief with the game.... I think it's great.. when I get off work at 3 in the morning I can go exploring or whatever... I even use it to hang out with my rl mom. Yeah I guess there is a lot of people having sex or whatever on it... but don't people do that on just about every other medium? I'm sure someone is doing it on facebook right now.... ultima online (if it still exists) people will and do corrupt everything. I have played other games like farmville etc. and I can't keep up with there ridged time schedules... I don't want to be controlled by a game. I can't stand playing a game that I can never win (which is how most of the online games are) With second life if I don't get on in a week or two no big deal... there is nothing to win, etc.
ReplyDeleteThe game is what you make of it...
There's a reason why I wore an umbrella hat during the time of that pictures. Many anvils were dropped. Unfortunately, Pinkie wasn't there at the time so out of fear, I wore that hat. Once she showed, I kept it on
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I really am the Twilight Sparkle in that picture.
I haven't actually joined Bronyville or any of the other social groups but I did visit. So if you saw an anonymous all grey colt trotting around, its me :P.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually very shy, which is ironic given how people go on about being anonymous and all that other stuff. Re-discovered, I still love exploring and my ship, the SS Roll The Bones was still in its harbor from like what must be 5 years ago. Squee!
I was in the Bronies group for a while, and while a lot of the people there were pretty cool, four of the admins acted like jerks when the topic of the pony avs on adult sims came up. Since the ponies are not considered adult avs because it's a kids' show, the Lindens will banhammer you for trying to get away with it as a sim owner. And sim owners/managers have to enforce that policy. Within the space of three days of this happening at a furry club I host at, two Bronies admins whined and argued with the club's manager for daring to cite Leo Linden's policy statements and another called me a liar for repeating it and claimed the story was made up because the furries are threatened by the bronies. A fourth claimed the third wasn't trying to call me a liar. So I figure if four admins can't handle enforcing the rules, it's not worth it.
ReplyDeleteSo, caveat brony, y'all.
PS - Ponies are furries by the definition I was taught in 1987. So welcome to furry fandom. You're soaking in the PG side of the pool.
To get there, you have to click the crossroads like signs that say "Cloudsdale" or the various other places you can go right now.
ReplyDeleteYeah saw a video today of a second life survival test between a dinosaur and a pony (on the edge of the seat and D'AWWWWWing at the same time)
ReplyDeleteSo, can we keep the furries from ruining this? Or keep people from putting a giant flexi-dong on Rarity?
ReplyDeleteI swear, if I ever see either I will reign down Patriotic Nigra terror on the sim.
I've downloaded SL and I can't open it up!
ReplyDeleteCan someone help me?
It's funny because I remember seeing Tizzers Foxchase post on Lauren's DA page, admin of the infamous Woodbury U sim.
ReplyDeleteAnyone have UUIDs for cutie marks and/or Pony sound bites?
Anypony who hates furries and persecutes them doesn't deserve to be called a "brony"!
ReplyDeleteHave they forgotten the Brony Slogan?
"We are the Bronies - We represent peace, love, and tolerance! Friendship is magic!"
Discriminating against others (like furries for example) is NOT 'peace', NOT 'love' and NOT 'tolerance'. So if you keep picking on furries then you're not worthy to be a brony, because you're filled with nothing more than HATE. And HATE is the enemy of peace.
ReplyDeleteI'd suggest using Phoenix to be honest, Viewer 2 is horribly built, and near impossible to work with at times [just the act of pulling items/picture/notecards/etc out of notices is a chore]
Another good one would be Singularity, I've seen it used a bit too. The only thing Viewer 2 has over the others as far as I can tell is the ability to create quick load "outfits" which phoenix can access as well, though its currently unable to create them.
I HATE Phoenix Viewer as much as hate Emerald Viewer! I can't acess any of my stuff and all my folders turn empty. I remember spending L$300 (in-game) to purchase an item, only to get an empty folder. I hit the "resend parcel" over and over like a mad colt but I keep receiving empty folders! So I 'killed' Phoenix Viewer and replaced it with Viewer 2. Guess what? I got all my stuff back, even the one I just bought. And it's so much better using Viewer 2's interface. Being able to save/load appearences is awesome.
ReplyDeleteI like how the general mood in the comments sway from hate to tolerance to love and back again
If you found bad things in SL, you probably went looking for them.
ReplyDeleteI don't think even this can bring me back to second life. Nope...Nope...No- Fuck. It looks cool though.
ReplyDeleteI had a quick look and it's pretty cool. It's no RP but rather a Pony style SL place. It'll be better once I find out how to disable at least one of the audio streams.
ReplyDeleteWow, I can see my house! Really! It's on the lower left-hand side of the bottom picture; it has the brown angled roof!
ReplyDeleteI guess I'll throw my 2 bits in. I've been on SL for over three years and yes there are things on there you probably don't wanna see but only if you go looking. I've heard there are Gorean sims, for instance, but I've never been to one and have no desire to. I'n other words don't go looking for stuff you don't wanna see and you won't see it, SL is a HUGE place with something for everyone.
Here's a video tutorial I made for ponies new to SL!
Have fun :D
ReplyDeleteThat's why I'm a /co/lt, not a /b/rony. Can't take that ponychan crap.
And SL is only good for one thing; Greifing. It's the only really fun thing you can do on there. The FPS portions suck, all that other crap sucks, the people on there are weird, and it just feels like Gaiaonline 3D, which is not somewhere I want to go. I spent three years fighting Gaia's influence as a /b/tard, and as much as I don't want to go back to raidfagging, I don't want to undermine the effort I put in to build a world where emoticons and RP'ing are a thing of the past.
SO you can count me out.
I visited the place just a bit ago, it is one of the most beautiful SL Sims I've every been to. Really does feel like another world...
ReplyDeletehuh... I dont know what this resend parcel button is, but... well I haven't had the problems you had with phoenix. Each their own.
ReplyDeleteYea this sounds cool but if it is one of those things where you pay out the wazzole for an upgarde or pony bucks then yea I will stay away from it
It's so tempting... but I was on Second Life before... and it became my ONLY life. And, I like my real life better. So there.
ReplyDeleteHello thar Bronies...Enjoy your pizzas F@GGOTS! LULZ!
ReplyDeletesl can and is a wonderfull thing once you learn what to stay away from and what NOT to do ..and the artistic talents in there are simply mind dont judge it till you honestly try it PERIOD
ReplyDeleteI'm in it right now. next to the sandbox, there is a giant tv that streams the newest episodes.
ReplyDeleteWhat a STUPID place!
ReplyDeleteSecond-Life out of all basement dwelling places. Segrating Mods and Linden Labs is no different! Bronies, this is the WORST place you can pick to meet.
The current bronies on there are pathetic! No Love, No fun! Just fear and silly drama over the slightest things and the majority of SL "Residents" are NO different! A bunch of elitist snobs that don't know how to have fun!
It's all the same @#!$#!
Do not believe what the "Residents" spew on here. They are L-Y-I-N-G to you to get you to buy their crap!
There is no fun or love in Second-Life. I'm sorry I installed and logged into this poo-fest.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIs sad how players that acts as "Moderators" had given an incredible bad reputation to Lauren Faust's hard work. Specially some known as "Bronies" and "Fallout Equestria". Don't take me wrong... Fallout Equestria has a good storyline. Sadly, their lack of knowing the terms of service of the virtual world leaves a lot to be desired. The use of [[sex, profanity, slavery and pony abuse ]] is so, it puts every pony fan into shame. Something MUST be done about that. We cannot stand with arms crossed/hooves crossed, looking at this situation. Lauren Faust must know about this. It will ruin their ideas and fandom greatly. Don't let it happen. :(
ReplyDeleteI miss these old days, when ponies were free.
ReplyDeleteThe sims now are terribly admined, almost anyone would agree.
@Velvet Sanity
ReplyDeleteJust because you may not like ponyporn or anything related doesnt mean the ponies who do are creepy weirdos... Everyone ges horny now and then because thats in our nature... I like being able to see fluttershy and dashi do thinks together but its not like i live off of it... For each their own you know? I have actually been trying to find a rated and g rated places for ponies... I only know of canterlot and trottingdale... Can someone give me an a rated pony place? Been trying to find Pony gender parts for a while...
And to everyone who refuses to play because of furries... By definition all bronies are furies if they make themselves there own pony in anything....
ReplyDeleteIs bronyville a premium requirement for SecondLife?