• Brony College Presentation #4: Australia Edition!

    Another college presentation, and more hilarious class reactions.  This is actually from one of the guys running the bronycomms channel on Youtube. 

    Sadly he had to sneak his camera in to film it, but at least it's visible!

    You can find it embedded after the break!


    1. This guy's awesome
      (The chat have troubles)

    2. @MaskOfData

      Agreed, the accent makes this 20% cooler than other presentations.

    3. What more can I say besides,"I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!"

    4. Pretty awesome. I have a feeling that some of those guys watching this are going to become bronies. We need more of these vids.

    5. I am proud of my fellow Aussie, even if he sounds more British than Australian XD

      The best part? The show still hasn't started airing here, hell, it doesn't even have a start airing date yet as far as I know.

    6. Especially loved the subtitles, the little comments in there were awesome :)

    7. Hahaha The Roof gone BOOM when you where trying to tell them why xD

    8. Yeah, I kinda wanna know what that BOOM was :P

    9. you know what would have been hilarious?

      if the roof exploded again. I think that's possible...

      anyhoof, great job, love the little criticisms you gave yourself. And I look forward to the next two commentary videos!

    10. Just finished watching and I have to say, this was one of the best FiM presentations I've seen so far. Or maybe it was just his charming accent. The only problem was he seemed to go a little off track from the 5-10 minute mark.

    11. See, I find it really cool that the people he was presenting to didn't seem to hate the idea of liking MLP. That means more bronies which means faster would domination.

    12. Very Good overall. Though I'd like to point out that Lauren Doesn't hate the original series,in Fact her deviant art account is named after her favorite G1 Pony.What she hates is when shows are so overtly "girly" as to become unenjoyable.

    13. Again, I am proud to present this Aussie with the "Dude, you got balls" award for spreading the word of Ponies with a presentation. You may join Physics Brony at the punch table.

    14. Props for talking about the ponies for a good 15 minutes, I dunno though, woulda been better if you had rehearsed it a bit, some parts sounded abit awkward, but overall it was pretty good

    15. Aussie brony pride.
      Glad to see we're willing to make a stand in one of the most masculine and yet pussified countries on earth.
      No R-rating for video games my left flank.

    16. She liked the original toys, but she hated the original show.

      Also, love the title slide.

    17. God scharnit this presentation was great ;) better then i expected.

    18. From an entertainment standpoint, good job.

      From a speech standpoint... :|

    19. Oh and if I were you I would have included a lot more slides simply with funny pictures to flip through while talking :P

    20. Awesomeness all around. WOOT! What I would love to see is some ghost recon ponies.

    21. I didnt have my volume on but from what I saw/ read this was actually pretty good

    22. LOLz! That was so cool. The comments were funny.
      I wanna know why the ceiling exploded.

    23. Ok, now that I'm done, yeah, this was good. His accent really isn't as British as it was in the first couple of minutes, he's probably in Sydney or something, North Queenslander accents (what I'm used to) are a lot more pronounced.

      This was really good, I love the fact that everyone really didn't laugh at him, they laughed with him, but then, that's the Aussie culture, we laugh at everything, including ourselves and we don't (usually*) exclude things on principle.

      *The media does simply because it's the media and that's what they do, honestly, we have about 3 programs that are the same as Fox News sometimes.

    24. @Twilight Sparkle
      That's mostly because politicians are allowed to remove any liberties and rights from us that they want. We don't have a constitution that protects us from that.

      Still, we're finally making progress towards the R18+ rating after over a decade.

    25. Now I finally have something I feel could convince my own friends, sir you did an excellent job!

    26. I'm not sure what your time requirements were, but this seemed to drag on a bit during the latter half. I agree with BagOfChips here, having some varied slides to flip through would've helped, but overall, well done. I appreciated the commentary within the subtitles, and as always, props for owning large testicles and doing this in front of people. I'm still wary of buying a simple t-shirt, so I respect you for this.

      The Herd thanks you for your recruitment aid. We are one step closer to total world domination.

    27. Geeez, I totally should've taped my speech on MLP. Don't get me wrong, this is a good presentation, but I'm in high school and my speech on ponies was 20% better than this.

    28. I approve! He should get a My Little Pony care package, although I kept hearing weird little techno water drop sounds in the background of this video.

    29. Just one thing i do not understang, what the hay is the link between the image of the post and the presentation ? x)

    30. Fair bit of waffling on and no clear direction in how the presentation went. 6/10 for making it last fifteen minutes though.

    31. Finally, a presentation that doesn't insult Rarity or Fluttershy.

    32. Wow, this is the best speech so far! Very nicely done sir!

    33. Thanks for all the feedback, guys! I really wish I had practiced it before hand so it could have come off a bit more confidently, but sadly I am and idiot and don't pre-plan anything. At least about two people said they'd try the show afterwards, so that's gotta mean something!

    34. @ShadrowAfter I did my speech, I converted at least 4 people and heard about 5 other bronies that my classmates knew lol.

    35. Dear My Most Faithful Student (Insert-Brony-Name-Here),

      It is wonderful how you have learned the power of friendship of tolerance and getting to know your fellow pony instead of "judging the book by it's cover" no matter how much of a colt-cuddler it makes you look :D

      Keep up the good work~

      Sincerely yours,
      Princess Troll-I mean, Celestia


    36. I love it when people do this and I'm hoping for a chance to do this myself, keep it up bronys!!

    37. @Shadrow

      That's awesome. Anything that expands the herd, even by a little bit, is a complete success. Congrats on being an ambassador of friendship! Now if you can get someone who watches the show and likes it to post here, that would be epic.

    38. The media should interview this guy. Even if he is an autistic unemployed basement dweller neck-bearded man-child virgin the swave accent should cover it up and make him sound like a pretty cool dude. Excellent ambassadorship Mr. Presenter.

    39. Someday, one of _my_ macros is going to find its way into a presentation like this... on that day, I will know I've arrived.

    40. Was wondering how long it would take for one of my country's people to be featured on here. Now the ponies just need to infect all nations.

    41. "I butcher the English language."

      Yes you do. I found this presentation very sloppy. :/

    42. There's three things I can think of that would cause such sloppiness.

      1. Fatigue (Mentioned in the video)
      2. Poor preparation/practice
      3. Shot nerves

    43. Props for presenting and all, but i didnt like this one so much. It dragged out and wasnt very concise, boring me a bit. Especially when he gets so specific as to talk about 'everypony' and such

    44. "Mareborn", Australia anybody? Just for you Australia! Just for you!

    45. The next person to do a presentation needs to do a trick question "Guess The Brony" thing at the start. I think that's the best way to make an impact. Have people vote, do a presentation on the show, and then reveal at the end that all of the options for the vote at the beginning are true. Heck, you could even say that someone's correct for whoever they guessed and hand out prizes to the whole class (which you've of course kept hidden).

    46. pony world domination in process!! MUAHAHAHHAHAHA!

    47. "CAUSE I'M A MAN!"

      You win 'Balls of steel' award brah.....

      Only you deserve to be placed alongside Physics Brony.

      I salute you.


      I assume that means we'll be able to play as many different background ponies, albiet as recolors of the mane cast.

    49. "They essencially thrown the whole Dungeons and Dragons monster book in there so... For nerds that's kind of nice"
      Hey! It's true...

    50. @B-Man at 6:15pm
      Correct on all accounts, and you can't really blame me for number three. If it accounts for anything it was a much livelier presentation than one of the following ones. I can't remember what it was about, I think it was a poem, but essentially 5 of the 10 minutes he spent up there he was staring silently at his note sheet. So while this most certainly wasn't the best presentation ever made ever, and I regret not practicing it before-hand, there're definitely worse examples.

      As for the ceiling exploding, I have no idea what happened there, I think people were moving stuff outside and they accidentally dropped it or hit the wall with it or something.

    51. @Anonymous

      I just realized I commented on the wrong post. :I

      Pretty sweet presentation, though.

    52. Dude, what state do you live in? This is awesome! I if I ever get an assignment to do with TV shows, i'll consider doing something like this.

      I've been wanting some MLP merch for ages but there isn't much around in Aussie

    53. @Anonymous
      ACT, and yeah, the lack of MLP:FiM merchandise is kind of annoying, though it'll probably come round whenever the show starts airing over here.

    54. I still cant belive i'm 11 and a boy and like this show but what can i say its freaking awesome

    55. Roof Exploded? Dash just did another Rainboom, that kid got his cutie mark.

    56. Oh Shadrow, you and your social awkwardness.
