• Brony Changes His Name To Fluttershy

    Is changing your name in other counties similar to changing your steam name or something?   I am amazed that this is even allowed :p

    This brony over on Ponychan is now officially named Kim Fluttershy Dykas. 

    I really hope this pony thing isn't over in two years for "Rainbow Alexi Dash" and this guy. 

    307 kommentaari:

    1. I might go through the whole process before someone takes Pinkie Pie

    2. With a first name like Kim, maybe no one will question it...

    3. Ahahaha, that's awesome, I wish I could love something THAT much, never mind ponies. Good on you Fluttershy (That's too creepy, I'm never calling him that again)

    4. Lucky for you, RL isn't the internet and multiple people can have the same name.

      Now go out there and make us proud

    5. So, I'm assuming Kim is female? "Kim" suggests a chick.

    6. Pretty odd...Link?

    7. I'm happy for the guy. (because he said it in thread)

      Inb4 he gets flamed hard.

    8. In Valveland, nothing occures in threes, one person is given a free hat per day, and changing your name is just a matter of deciding to. Clearly, it is the land of scrap metal and honey.

    9. wow i was in that thread

    10. The first one, in my opinion went a bit too far. Nothing wrong with changing your middle name though. If anything, it makes it that much harder for your mom to give you the full name ultimatum to you.

    11. Kim can be a male name.. such as in asian countries.. like Korea

    12. God damnit, this is just going to inspire more retards to do this.

    13. @Anonymous

      Actually, he's a dude. He said so on the thread.

    14. So who's next, another Finn naming themselves Twilight Sparkle?

    15. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    16. What?! Aww man, c'mon. Really? Yet another one bits the dust.

      The Rainbow Dash one was okay at first but now it's become too obsessive and much over to the top. Soon enough we will get the whole mane casts name out in the real world.

      Well, not point in ranting about it. It's their life. What's done is done.

    17. It's easy to change your name.
      In the UK, you can change your name, just by beginning to use it...

      Look, I'm called Rainbow Dash!

      Now, I'm Applejack!

      Suddenly, I'm Rarity!

      Now, I'm Known as Twilight Sparkle!

      Instantly, I'm Fluttershy!

      Now, people call me Pinkie Pie!

      There, I've had the same name as everypony within 1 day.

      BAM, there's the evidence for how to do it, or whatever.


    18. Well, that's awesome... in a strange sort of way, I guess. Pretty crazy of them to do that though.


    20. meh, atleast they had the decency to change their own names, and not saddling any 'eventual' kids with'em.

    21. @Pegasi

      Why does it matter again?

      Are you really so naive as to think that this is the only fandom where this sort of thing happens or that it's even possible for a fandom to exist without it? :P

    22. Eh, I was agenist the first one because honestly... it really didn't sound all that well.

      At least this girl / guy decided to change their middle name. Fluttershy doesn't sound all that bad for a middle either.

      I don't know many people who use their middle names that often as well. I barely ever use mine IRL.

    23. Hmm, well at times like this I tend to just ignore it and pretend it never happened...living my nice little life happily in denial.

    24. Hey, whaddyaknow. It was freaky the first time, and it's still freaky this time.

      I'll be straight up and say that this is a level of obsession that's just a hair outside of my comfort zone. Yeah, yeah, love and tolerate, to each their own and all that, but...seriously, guys? People are changing their legal names to match characters from a TV show, and we're encouraging this?

      I mean, if it makes them happy, far be it from me to criticize them for it. But for the record, I still think it's taking things too far.

    25. I hate how people actually ENCOURAGE them to change their names. They shouldn't be taking their fandom this far, it's ridiculous.

    26. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    27. Yup it a lot of places is going as saying I would like to.

    28. @Pegasi

      So you frown on people who show their love for the show in a way that only affects THEM?

      I personally find it ridiculous that people find it embarrassing that people do things like this.

      People will look at us not only as queers and fucked up people but also contradictory if we try and disassociate ourselves with impulsive people like this.

      Besides, a brony is still just someone who is a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The definition is not going to change for the worse just because someone who IS a brony does something "weird".

    29. @ToonNinja

      except that these guys are idiots.
      why would you love and tolerate acts of total obsession to the show, let alone encourage them?

    30. @Aquaman52 I second with Aquaman52.

    31. So I have no middle name (not lying). Should I change my name to Princess Luna, co-monarch of the glorious lands of Equestria, goddess of the natural satellite orbiting the earth known as the moon, equine that is earth, a unicorn, and a pegasus all together, and all around the most amazing, incredible, beautiful, charming, and sexiest pony in Equestria ?
      What do you think bronies?

    32. http://www.ponychan.net/chan/chat/res/294281.html#295573

      Heres the link to the thread if you want some input/info.

    33. @Filiecs

      Take it down a notch dude. You getting worked up over it is JUST as bad as Pegasi getting worked up. Chill bro, you're on the internet. This stuff happens.

    34. Wow, I can't believe people Get so pissed at me changing my name. How does it affect you

    35. The amount of hate these people receive is confusing on the highest order. If their names were this easily changed in their country, one can only assume that they can be changed back just as simply, making them potentially less permanent than, say, a cutie mark tattoo.

      Hell, it's their name, not yours. The probability of you even knowing them, meeting them, or hearing about them ever again is so minuscule that it could be plotted by an empty graph. If they want to, from your point of view, somehow ruin their lives by changing their legal names to celebrate something they like, who are you to call them out on it?

    36. Crap, my papers haven't gotten back yet and now he's beaten me to it!

      In all seriousness...bit over the top? Just maybe a little bit much?

      I lold at the steam name comment. It sure seems like it.

      And yeah, I get the feeling this'll be like getting a tattoo when you're drunk - not so awesome once the novelty wears off.

    37. @Pegasi

      Oh god his middle name. I can't remember the last time I had to put my middle name on anything.

      Do I agree this was a good idea? Not really.
      Am I against someone doing this? Not really.

      It's their life.

    38. I take pride in my names. Losing/Changing a name is like losing parts of your past life.

      Plus, it's hard to take someone seriously with names dedicated to fandoms. RP is one thing but legally changing your name it is taking it too far.

      If you already had a name before it became a popular label, purposely changing it after doing so just makes it an obsession.


      When this fandom went full retard and won such place from Sonic fandom?


    40. @Fluttershy

      Because changing your legal name to a pony is ridiculous. No wonder alot of people think that bronies are so over-the-tip.

    41. @Anonymous
      "when did this fandom go full retard?"
      About the time you started posting.

    42. @Anonymous

      I doubt anyone who thinks we are "over the top" even knows about this or Alexi's name change.

    43. @Anonymous

      Sorry, you're right. I DO tend to sometimes get carried away. I just don't see what is wrong with supporting this mans completely legal decision to change HIS OWN name. I mean, the only way it would ever affect US is if we LET it affect us.
      (Tolerate intolerance, tolerate intolerance, tolerate intolerance...)

    44. Thank you SO MUCH for giving the rest of the world yet another reason to think we're creepy and weird.

      You're a fucking champion.

    45. At least he changed part of his name to include the BEST PONY.

      In the end that's all that matters.... lol

      Besides others to say what people want themselves to be called in all honesty...

      Would I do it? Hell no.

      Do I care that others do it? Even more hell no.

      Do I care that he changed his name to include the BESTEST Pony? HELL YEAH.

    46. Sorry if I look like a giant asshat, but I just can't help myself feeling reeealy uncomfortable after reading this.

      Ponies are awesome. No doubt.
      But you are takeing this A LITTLE bit too far. It's just a cartoonshow after all.

      I can't respect anyone who is nuts enough to make, or to encourage such a decision.

    47. Its certainly odd, but I have to imagine that the countries where you can change your name this easily are absolutely loaded with people who have names far stupider than this.

      Doesn't seem worth getting worked up over, methinks (though I think it would be awesome if a girl changed her middle name to Fluttershy).

    48. I think it's safe to say this fandom is as bad as the sonic one now.

    49. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    50. No matter how you twist and turn this I will NEVER understand why people get ANGRY for me doing what I want.

      And saying its no wonder bronies Are hated or whatever because og people like me, I'm not the communitys god nor representative. I have no quarrels with you saying you dont approve but saying its wrong is well... Wrong!

    51. So much love and tolerance going on in here, swells my heart with happiness

    52. This is so disappointing. I'm done with ponychan entirely. Done.

    53. Inb4 somebody changes their name to Trixie

    54. What do you mean 'in other countries'? You can change your name in America too. Seriously, I could legally change my name to Badguy Babypunder McEvil if I wanted to. I don't know of any Democracy that allows name changes that then puts restrictions on what you can change your name to.

    55. [citation needed] [citation needed]

    56. @Filiecs

      Rather, the only reason it's going to change is if we start being afraid that it might. Just get along.

      Furries only got the long end of the stick cause they went all e-drama on it.

    57. @krypqe You serious? I had no clue! Ok my middle name is Pinkamena then WOOT! I love the UK!

    58. Just because you can doesn't mean you should...

    59. @Anonymous

      I should note I'm a girl and will only be using it on facebook XD

    60. Thank you for proving the haters right on calling bronies obsessive and weird. I'll be looking forward to when another retard changes his name to Twilight Sparkle.

    61. Just wait till Fox gets a hold of these...

    62. @Fluttershy

      Except you're absolutely representative of the community, because it's the outliers that get attention. It's people like you that everybody points to when they claim 'everybody who likes MLP:FiM is _____'.

    63. @Anonymous

      Really? Because I see Luke as the hater's poster child and not this guy.

    64. And the guy saying people change their names to be weird alot in these countries is right. Here is an example: Julius Andreas Gimli Arn MacGyver Chewbacka Highlander Elessar-Jankov. He lives in my neighbouring Town and hes a bussdriver.

    65. FUN FACT:

      Neither of these two name changes have yet to show even the slightest scrap of proof, and we're expected to take two guys' on the internet word for it.

    66. Never change, Ponychan never change.

    67. Jesus Christ guys, there's no need to get so worked up over this

    68. @Anonymous
      Hey guise I just changed my name to The Greand and Powerful Trixie.

    69. I don't get the hate. There are far wackier names than the mane cast out there. It is true those haters will seize on the outliers there to garner more hate material on MLP:FiM fans.

    70. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    71. @MoneyMan

      But people are doing things I don't like with their lives.

    72. ..Can we just disable comments on any current or future newspost about people changing their names? The discussion clearly isn't worth the negative atmosphere being generated here, if you agree with it or not.

    73. I definitely don't see this as a big deal. How do you refute that he can always just change it back? If the show dies in a year, boom, back to whatever name you used to have.

      I mean, I doubt that Rainbow Alexi Dash now insists everyone call him that or he won't respond. I bet he doesn't even introduce himself that way to strangers. To his friends and the general public, he probably uses his old name. He just gets letters from the government marked 'To Rainbow Dash'. If that's the only real effect, that seems perfectly awesome. I mean alright.

      Anyone can feel free to correct me on this info pertaining to Rainbow's name use, though.

    74. @Fluttershy

      So now it's okay to change your name to something ridiculous because some bus driver that lives around you did?

      Look, if you want my advice, change it back now. I mean this in the most sincere way possible; you aren't setting a good example for the community.

    75. Changing their name is their own business, despite my opinion on it being ... well, just a bit over the top. I understand the hype of it all, and hats off to them for having the balls to do something like that.

      As others have said, the middle name change is actually okay with me. After all, there have been worse middle names, no?

      Well, I suppose even after strange things happening like this and the cupcakes fic and some of the fandom going very deep into Rule 34 ...

      I will love and tolerate this community anyway.

    76. @Anonymous

      I think "setting a good example for the community" should be pretty low on his priority list in life.

    77. @The Linker

      Yes, Alexi posted on the last blog post about his name change. He says he uses Alexi in almost every instance of his life still; he's just now legally "Rainbow Alexi Dash".

    78. Even if the news DOES get a hold of this and SOMEHOW makes the assumption that "Bronies are all people who change their names over a cartoon show about ponies." we can still keep supporting the truth because the truth, and only the truth, will set you free.

    79. I'm serious the only objectionable thing happening here is the amount of hate and fear in these comments. Who cares what other people think of "the fandom"?

      You gave up the right to care what other people think about you when you started watching MLP in the first place.

      You're like animals right now, and I don't mean magical ponies.

      Maybe this is why it's so good for us, as a society we've completely failed to learn simple lessons like "don't be a snob" at any stage of our lives.

      Fear is the path to the dark side etc.

    80. @BagOfChips

      How ironic. Giveing a fandom a bad name isn't a big part of his life. His name on the other hand is...

    81. I have nothing to say but wow. Just wow. I can't believe you guys. IDC what you think. I did it for my own personal reasons. So much for thinking the pony community would love and tolerate :S I expected this.

    82. @Pegasi

      How often do YOU use your middle name? Job applications don't even require it.

      I can't remember the last time I've used my middle name.

    83. I think that as friends who are all about loving and tolerating stuff, we should just love and tolerate the names our parents gave us. We should also love our friends enough to intervene if they ever come up with these ideas, as they should tolerate our insistence to do so...

      Take a lesson from episode 4: Applebuck Season. You should know when to accept a friend's help when you really need it.

      Or the episode, Show Stoppers. Just be what you're best known for, and not pretend to be something that you're not.

      Or, Boast Busters. Don't brag about this stuff on the Internet, lest you make the rest of us jealous for not getting our names legally changed to Fluttershy first!

      Uh...err, I uh...I mean...as to not bring ill will upon yourself.

    84. @Pegasi

      Really? Quitting the fandom because two people changed their name and you don't like that? That's... kinda immature, not gonna lie.

    85. I think I'll just cut out the middleman and name my kid Trixie. Boy or girl, its all good. Such a GREAT and Powerful name is androgynous.

    86. @Pegasi

      The media is sensationalist. If it's not this, it'll be something else painted to get just as many people tuning in. They've been at this for centuries, they have become exceedingly proficient at it, and there's not a single thing you or anyone else can do besides throwing caution to the wind and hoping no one catches on.

      Which is to say, Media argument is invalid, they'd parasprite anyway.

    87. @MoneyMan

      It'd be like if I quit WoW because people dress up as elves and stuff.

      Well, I did quit WoW a few months ago, but that wasn't the reason!

    88. To be honest, all of you shouldn't be giving two shits what the public media says given the fucked up nature of how media is now adays. I mean really, are ALL of you going to get worked up to HATE something because of how it'll look in the public eye?

      If you seriously think that, you're all poor deluded souls. That's all I gotta say on this 'Outrage'.

    89. @MoneyMan

      It's not like I would really quit, I just don't want to be associated with something like this.

    90. I need to take the title "The Great and Powerful" Before someone else does. o.o

    91. @Fluttershy

      Wait, so did you expect love and tolerance, or hate? Mixed messages! :P

      (actually on your side, wanted to poke fun regardless)

    92. Tears of a valedictorian24. juuni 2011, kell 18:44

      A friend got me and a bunch of other friends deed poll name changes for christmas a few years back when he was studying law. I think my first name is technically 'Duke', now.

    93. HE TOOK MY IDEA. I guess Scootaloo will work to.

    94. @BagOfChips

      I actually did just check the thread myself and see that. It's really not a big deal, guys. :D

    95. I like how this guy is getting a bigger hate-to-acceptance ratio for changing his middle name to Fluttershy (and with his first name already being Kim, no less) than the other guy did for changing his first and last name to Rainbow Dash.

      Honestly, I understand there's going to be hate for this kind of thing (as sad as it is, considering it affects only him and this fandom is supposed to be known for love and tolerance), but his change was even more minor than Rainbow Dash's was, and yet you're all responding to it even worse.

      Think about this for a second. If you all actually consider abandoning bronydom and pledging to hate the show for something one single fan did, with no affect to you, the rest of the fandom, or even himself, really, then maybe you weren't truly part of the fandom to begin with.

    96. Sigh, again with the hate.
      I have news for you there are strange people in the world and they do strange things.

      Tbh I'm amazed that your even surprised, people in general will ALWAYS be wierd, but really, how does it directly affect anyone except him?

      Just relax, because your sure as hell not going to stop every individual out there from doing something you think is strange and it just damages us as a community to even try.

    97. @Confluttershy

      True. But actions like this adds unesesarry fuel to the fire...

    98. And I have gotten some questions if this is real. It is. I Will upload a picture of my passport and bank/visa Card once I Get them in the mail. Try not to rage so much please.

    99. @Fluttershy And that's not counting the people who were given weird names at birth, such as Apple or Bliss or Double-bacon-cheese-burger (for anybody that remembers that commercial). While the third one was fake, the other two are real names given to the babies of celebrity couples here in the states.

      Seriously, changing the middle name isn't that big a deal, unlike the guy who changed his first and last names. This is rather tame, and I wish you well.

      - Badguy Babypuncher McEvil

    100. Also, I don't wanna sound stuck up or anything, but I'm kinda disappointed of the general comments for this article. I've never seen such negative behavior from this fandom, and I hope that this is just an isolated indecent of this sort of thing.

    101. @kriss1989

      Someone in a memorial day parade named his kid Apple. Watched the video on youtube and he kept calling his son Apple.

    102. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    103. It's also worth considering that he lives in a different country than us, and maybe that kind of thing is more common. They may not tell everyone they meet about their strange middle names, and those strange middle names may not go cross-continental to reach our ears. But that doesn't mean there aren't actually a lot of people walking around with middle names from whatever they happen to be a fan of. Maybe that bus driver with 'Chewbacca' in his name isn't incredibly unique, he's just more open about it than other people.

    104. @Pegasi

      I'm not really worried about this spawning negative media coverage...I figure that the kind of person who would judge the entire fandom based on the actions of one fan is also the kind of person who would think we were freaks regardless of whether we approved of this sort of thing or not.

      What bothers me is when people become so obsessed with a fantasy world that they try to create a literal bridge between that fantasy world and their real lives...kind of a reversal fourth-wall break, if you will. I love this show, and quite frankly I think it'd be pretty awesome to be able to fly around with Rainbow Dash or practice magic with Twilight. But in thinking that, I'm also fully aware of the fact that it's not something that will ever actually happen. I write fan fiction because I enjoy exploring these universes in a deeper way than the source material can achieve, but I know that nothing I write or think will ever come true.

      When anyone changes their name to match a fictional character, it worries me, because it says to me that they're on track to losing touch with what's real and what's imaginary. It's not a concern that's exclusive to this fandom; it doesn't make a difference to me if the name is "awesome" or not. Enjoy falling into the imaginations of talented writers and artists, but know where the city limits of Toontown begin. That's all I'm saying.

    105. @Pegasi

      I hardly see how. This is like tossing a paper into a nuclear bonfire powered by Plutonium 34

      This, of course, cannot really exist, but was in fact a clever play on Rule 34 and Plutonium, you see.

      I am so funny.

    106. I am dissapoint in the amount of hate you guys are showing these bronies. It's their choice of what they do with their names, and if they want to show that they love the show that much, let them.

      Whatever happened to loving and tolerating?
      I think you guys are just spouting a bunch of hooey with that. You all claim to love and tolerate, but then when someone does something like this you all hate at them.

      Now I feel like changing my name to Pinkamena Diane Pie just to piss you guys off some more.

    107. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    108. Now that i think of it i have seen worst stuff than this. Compared to this to what i have seen its not really that shocking. On a scale it would be 1.5/10 and you don't want to know whats 10.

    109. @MoneyMan I hope so top. Though it seems the smarter commenters Are getting on now :D

    110. I honestly don't see how this is any different from, say, those couples who have a marriage in Klingon or those people who actually have their religion listed as "Jedi". Go crazy-angry when someone NAMES THEIR KID something, since they can't change it as easily as an adult can.

    111. I just want to say that this "canon" of common/acceptable names that have no real meaning in day to day life is a new invention, the olden most pure form of naming is to simply describe the thing you are naming.

      If their baby is their bliss, then there is no better name.

    112. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    113. @David

      You make it sound like this show is a religion or something.

      Also as for the name change...whatever, it's your choice, but when you decided to announce it to the world you have to be ready to take the praise with the hate.

    114. To those concerned about others thinking that this means the entire fandom is weird, ask them this:

      "How does this affect you personally?"

      You'll be utterly surprised how long it'll take for someone to respond even with a simple um.

    115. @BagOfChips

      Sorry, can't help it. Its just the way I feel about this topic.

    116. Hey, everyone who is mad about this, watch this:
      You'll be happier in two minutes.

    117. @Pegasi

      I just want to say that whether you go or stay I will always support your love for ponies and would defend you if you ever made a similarly "Weird" decision.

    118. Tears of a valedictorian24. juuni 2011, kell 18:56


      Haha, true. Maybe people worrying about actions effecting the way the show is perceived should worry about the DISCONCERTING NUMBER OF SEXY DRAWINGS OF CARTOON PONIES.

    119. I CALL BEING - oh, wait. That's right, I'm in America; there needs to be Rhyme and Reason for everything.

      Nevermind :(

      Going to change my name to Amadeus Lightning, then.

    120. As others have said, the media will find something if they try. Woot, he changed his name, people change their names all the time, some over the top, others not so much. I could, and would, go change my legal name to Jace Arveduin, but I'm too lazy and can't be bothered with going through all of the legal trouble.

      And in all honesty, I'd rather be called fluttershy than remington, yes, there is a kid around here named that, and a few other names that are just as redneckishly bad. Oh, and the bus driver obviously never had my first grade teacher, she made us write our full name 100 times a day for weeks. Ok, I'll stop rambling now, and I'll just stand over in the "How does this effect me and why should I care past 'lulz, that's kinda funny,' corner."

    121. Tears of a valedictorian24. juuni 2011, kell 18:59

      But seriously, the positivity of MLP fans is genuinely pretty awesome. I love how people respond to doubters on other sits in an almost universally nice way, it's refreshing on the internet the way the lack of cynicism in the show is refreshing on tv.

    122. I love how shitty the initial response was. Now were talking about love and toleration! I would hug you if I could!

    123. Alright everyone, calm down. Let's talk about this. In the case of Rainbow and Kim, the name change has been a legal thing, rather than simply adopting a nickname. I won't even dabble in the implications for that, because that's a whole other arguement. The fact here is that these two, and anyone else who does this in the future is NOT only affecting themselves. It's an ABSOULTE FACT that people stereotype, regardless of what they claim or deny. People will hear of this or meet these people and I can 110% assure you that it will reflect negatively not only on him, but everyone else in this crazy fandom. Honestly, we all have a certain duty to uphold the image of the entire fandom, and this is a bloody disgrace on all accounts. I realize that there is absolutly nothing I can do to stop someone who wants to do this, but I sincerely hope you consider the implications.

    124. I understand that this is your own opinion, but just disliking this simply because it doesn't feel right to you isn't exactly tolerating. It's his name and the only possible way it effects you is because you believe it affected you.

      Aside from this, there's not a whole lot of reason to make such a big deal out of it.

      "I have a problem with them being associated with me."
      Sorry you feel that way, but you're also associated with the human race. We've done some horrible things too. Does that mean you won't associate yourself with all of us?

      "I'd rather name myself something [cool] like [insert name here] other than after a pastel pony"
      First of all, the word cool is subjective therefore Fluttershy could very well be considered cool too. Besides this, many people are named after someone who their parents liked or some character in a song or show. Just because the name is weird in your opinion doesn't mean it's weird to someone else.

      I don't understand why people say "I understand love and tolerate and all, but..." because just by saying that, you're not really tolerating.

      Here's my two cents, and if you must know, I was complaining. Not whining.

    125. @T.O.B.

      We're already looked upon negatively. I'd much rather be considered insane for associating myself with someone who would change their name to Fluttershy than be considered a pedophile or accused of mass fraud, like we already have been.

    126. And thus; the hatred shalt be healed with love, tolerance and reasoning. Keep at it guys!

    127. In this thread: Adult males obsessed with a girls' cartoon yell at other adult males obsessed with a girls' cartoon because one adult male obsessed with a girls' cartoon did something regular people might think is a bit weird.

    128. you know it may sound wierd but not as strange as naming your kid Dovahkiin (dragon born) to win a contest.

      i mean come on.

    129. @Fallin' Winter

      And you don't seem to "tollerate" the fact that this makes me and others very uncomfotable.

      Whats with this "Love and tollerance" shit anyways? The shows doen't teach that AT ALL. What about Trixie or Gilda? They weren't loved or tollerated by the ponies, because they tought their actions and behavior was wrong. And that's just how I feel. I think is creepy as hell to change your name to the name of a freakin pony!

      Deal with it.

    130. Probably lives in a third world country where it's easy to change a name to something like that.

    131. Oh no, someone whom I will never meet did something that will have no effect on my life. Time to complain about it and threaten to rage quit.

    132. What a disappointing thread. You can take a /b/tard out of /b/, but you can't take the /b/ out of some ponies.

    133. @Pegasi

      Because Gilda's behavior was wrong.
      Trixie's is debatable.

    134. Names are arbitrarily chosen by our parents in the first place. Who cares if someone wants to screw around with a convention of our society like that? I mean, we're all named after something. These people just decided to name themselves after something they like. Besides, Fluttershy only changed their middle name. Sure, it's weird, but the only strange thing about it is that these names are new. To an atheist, my friend Jesus Bustos might be just as kooky. A lot of us have never met our namesakes or are named something like "Hunter" or "Chase". What is in a name?

    135. @Fallin' Winter

      Pegasi makes a valid point, blunt as it is: the phrase "love and tolerate" is a fanon invention. As a fan of the show, I'm not required to love or tolerate anything I don't like.

      However, the reason I said that I understand it is because I do; I understand that this name change is Kim's own choice, and I'm not going to judge him based on that. What I am going to do, though, is express my feeling that the decision is not a bad one, and my feeling that this is taking things too far. To be intolerant would be to insist that he shouldn't be allowed to change his name because it upsets me. He can do whatever he likes; I just don't understand it and find it indicative of a disturbing path that I would rather not see anyone go down.

    136. @Pegasi

      The difference is is that it seems like you would actually DENY him his RIGHT to change his name to Fluttershy if you had the power to.

      Nobody and nopony should have their natural rights denied without them having denied the natural rights of others in the first place.

      How it affects you is not a natural right. It's all in your head and taht is what we are trying to show you. Just because we won't DENY YOU YOUR RIGHT TO OPINION doesn't mean we wont try and change it.

    137. At least it's a 'she' :)
      P.s. someone write a story humans in equestria where they find out that the person is called exactly like one of the characters :3

    138. @Aquaman52

      *that the decision is a bad one. D'oh.

    139. Honestly I'm disappointed in anypony who accuses. I understand when something is outside your comfort zone and your fears about how we look to the outside. That isn't the point of this fandom though! I love this fandom because of the great works contributed by its members and the air of tolerance it exudes. Who cares what other people think about us? We shouldn't hold ourselves to their standard! And shame on you for condemning him! If he is happy changing his name then good for him. I hope next time your greeted with an inflammatory member of our community you remember you don't have to love him, but it is his right that you tolerate him.

    140. @Aquaman52

      It may not be a message in the show but it's not an unreasonable expectation.

    141. I don't care that he changed his name I just don't want to see this published in the main hub of the fucking fandom.

      Why do I care about the image of the fanbase? Because I was there from the beginning in October and it hurts seeing it all crashing down with the near-austistic obsessiveness that came from the band-wagoners that only heard of the show after it was made a "LOL MEEEM xD" (if you parade "love and tolerance" you are one of them).

    142. @BagOfChips

      Honestly? For the Internet, it totally is.

      That's not to say I'm not fantastically impressed on a daily basis by how tolerant this community is as a whole, but let's not go running around calling it an "expectation". It's a courtesy that I very much appreciate, but considering it to be expected behavior is, ironically, a bit on the intolerant side. It's always a two-way street with that.

    143. Sigh, probably shouldn't reply to this, but this makes me so disappointed and frustrated.

      I'm glad you're standing up for yourself here.

      Pegasi, why does it make you uncomfortable? You're into a show for little girls, about colorful ponies. You're already associated with weird people. And why is that bad? If some people think that all MLP fans are retards who change their names on a whim and live off disability benefits, then that's theyir problem for being pathetically misinformed.

    144. It's like I'm really on 4chan.

    145. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bINUfbLV_0M

      I think someone linked this in the last topic; but basically, people choose strange or pop-culture names all the time.

    146. @T.O.B.

      I really find this a bunch of crap. Yeah, some people are going to judge other bronies based on what one brony did. But, you know what? I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE THAT WOULD DO THAT. I don't care about their opinions. I would not want to be friends with them. I don't give a single crap what anyone who can so easily let prejudice blind them thinks. They're just-- they're not good people.

      People should be smart enough to realize that one NEVER represents the all. If they're not... why do you care what they think whatsoever?

    147. Deal with it. No, seriously, everyone take a step back and look at this. So what if a guy changed his middle name to Fluttershy? I'd be surprised if something like this HADN'T happened, our community is so large and varied. There will be members with a stronger obsession for the show.

      Besides, it's his name, I'm pretty sure he can do what he wants with it. Granted, I would never do something like this, but I won't hate on him or charge him with destroying the fandom or whatever.

      And I'm not one who sees "love and tolerance" as a complete abandonment of common sense or values, but I do see it as accepting someone's opinion or decision, and not be judgemental towards it.

    148. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    149. @Anonymous

      Sethiso can report on whatever he wants to report on.

      Also, iron is heated up and melted down to form the much stronger metal, steel.

    150. This is a weird taboo. A lot of people don't like it when you change your name.

      Pony-love for Fluttershy.

    151. @Pegasi

      These two scenarios are so unrelated you didn't really make a point.

    152. @Pegasi

      Pegasi, do you not understand that you've called these people 'dumbasses' and 'retards'?

      That's not a good, acceptable thing to do. Ever. You can't just use such language and then say "Well, you should love and tolerate my opinion!" like it's some sort of wave-away-all-guilt shield. Having an opinion and being uncomfortable is fine.

      But using extremely rude, derogatory, hurtful, insensitive language does NOT--

      Are you hearing me, Pegasi? Please understand this.

      --it does NOT fall under the same purview, the same level of acceptableness as being 'uncomfortable' with something.

    153. I think you're confused about what love and tolerance means. Don't you all remember where it came from? When we said it to the trolls, it didn't mean we had to love their behavior, and the message wasn't to tolerate that someone hadn't killed them yet.

      It was to tolerate what they did, even if we didn't like it, and to love everyone no matter what.

      Yeah, people do crazy shit sometimes. It happens. But you don't go yelling about it, because nopony cares, and you especially don't use the argument of the media.

      Do you really think that the media cares that much about us? Or that they care about the facts at all? The insults they've been parroting have been that we're all gay pedophiles! Do I have to stop being gay now because that perpetuates the stereotype? And let's not forget what those poor furries get: they think that furry is about dressing up in suits and having sex. All of the things to make fun of in that fandom, and they just made something up! The best we've gotten, and it's the truth, is that we are weird but mostly harmless. How is that going to change?

      You know, the media doesn't matter. What matters that that we all have fun. Life is too short to worry about what a bunch of people who are already trying to bash you think.

    154. Really... you guys are overreacting. I highly doubt one or two people out of 6~7 billion people on Earth that just HAPPEN to have a pony name derived from Friendship is Magic will have ANY effect on the fandom.

      Let them have their pony names. It's not a big deal. I mean, they're expressing the love for their show by keeping their favorite ponies close. Why not? :) Love and tolerance, my friends.

      Now, when someone goes through the trouble of having six daughters just to name them all after the mane cast, then we have a problem...

    155. @Pegasi

      The love and tolerance "shit" is what makes the whole community work.

      Otherwise it's just a show with fancy animation and reasonably good humour.

      I'm sorry if you can't appreciate that.

    156. I wonder what some of you people are even talking about with all the "love and tolerate" stuff. I've watched this show from the beginning and I sure as hell never pledged to love and tolerate everything. All those memes and other shit are shit that YOU(probably not you specifically) made up, I had no hand in it. Do not act like the entire fandom should be this way when I had no part attempting to make it so.

    157. @Anonymous
      oh THANK YOU I'm not the last one thinking this way
      *continues reading comments*

    158. I ain't ballsy enough to change my first or last name, but dammit I just might have to change my middle name.
      To anyone freaking out thinking that this is over the line, changing your name in other countries really isn't a big deal. Rainbow Dash in Finland can change his name back within hours. Not to mention your legal name isn't a big deal at all. It's just something funny to have on your license - they'll still obviously be going by their given names.

    159. It seems that love, toleration and kindness has won again! (overdramatic)

      Its really nice to see how the people stand up for not only me, but the very meaning kindness. It warms my heart :)

    160. i was like ''hey that almost sounds cute for a chick :3''

      ...its a dude

      ...Celestia help us lol

    161. I can't like this no matter how hard I try.

    162. @The Linker

      Sigh. Guess your right. When I am mad I always tend to be a mean asshole. Many of my personal proplems...

      Sorry if did hurt anyone in here, I was just expressing my thoughts. And if someone changes his name to Fluttershy and I think "LOL, what a dumbass." Then I can say that because thats how I feel.

      The fact that I am so mad, is that this is the second time something like this happend. And everytime I read about such a thing I feel my pony obesssion fade and a voice inside my head tells me how weird I am for likeing the show. So yeah it's one of my personal proplems.

      Again: Sorry, if I actually offended anyone with my buthurtness.

      I better go to bed now before I cause even more damadge.

    163. I am very dissapointed at the kneejerk reaction of some people here. This is a relatively minor event and most likely won't catch the medias attention at all. And even if it did we'd know that no matter how they twist and turn this we will know that this is just a guy showing support for the show in his own, very harmless, way.

      And also @Pegasi
      Right back at you. A guy changed his middle name: Deal with it.

    164. Oh boy I can't wait to see the CSI episode about Ponies.

    165. @Pegasi


      The fact that arguments end like this instead of frothing rage, numerous exclamation points and nothing getting resolved makes me appreciate this fandom like nothing else. <3

    166. I'm looking forward to meeting bronies in RL and say "my name is Fluttershy" instant friendship? Eeyup!
      Sorry for any typos. Every comment so far has Been from a phone.

    167. I've been switching my name ever since I was ten. Why? Because I was given an awful name that doesn't suit me. I'm called Pinkamena Diane Pie online, and in the UK just by choosing to be called something it becomes your actual name. I use my first name at my job to avoid questions, but I by far enjoy being called Pinkamena more. After the amount of abuse I got as a kid for being like Pinkie anyway, and being gay I don't give two F***s what people think. Pinkamena is an awesome name anyway. I'll probably end up getting bored and change it again, but WHO CARES?!

    168. @Pegasi

      That is so nice, actually.

      When you aren't butting heads with people, they listen better, I tend to find.

    169. @Anonymous

      This made me laugh. And then quake with fear.

      I mean, they did an episode about cyber-bullying like two months ago, and still got it terribly wrong. I love that show, but it really, really doesn't get a lot of 'internet stuff' right.

    170. This is pretty cool, I still think the guy who changed his name to optimus prime is cooler though.

    171. I'm happy for the guy/girl, but also kinda disappointed. Is this really necessary? Like Pegasi has said, I just feel my love for this show fade a little bit every time this sort of thing happens. We don't need to continue attracting all this attention and placing ourselves everywhere.

      Sorry if this came off as mean! Just trying to get my thoughts out.

    172. @Pegusi

      Yeah, I'm sorry I was a rude asshole and offended people for little to no reason, but I meant every word I said and I have the right to say whatever I want!

      Apologize or don't.

    173. @Pegasi

      Probably you should. I'm honestly worried for you right now. I know the feeling you have, I experienced it earlier today with an OC pony, but because it was a first time experience, and because it didn't affect me that much, not much happened of it.
      This whole situation got way out of hoof.
      I really hope you wont be angry or upset about this for a long time.

      I can't believe how emotional I'm feeling right now.

      *hugs Pegasi*

    174. @Pegasi
      Is it weird that I want to to hug you for that?

    175. @Bashfluff

      I did apologise for my rudeness not for my opinion. I still think this is stupid as hell.

      I am sorry for calling names and I think I could have used less offensive words to express how I feel. But that does not mean I feel different about this topic all the sudden.

      Let me repeat that incase you didn't get it.

      I am sorry for insulting him/her/whatever
      but I still have a baaad feeling about this.

    176. @Bashfluff

      He's apologizing for the way he conducted himself. He's not apologizing for having an opinion that contradicts yours.

      As well he shouldn't. "Love and tolerance" does not mean he or I can't say that we don't personally approve of something another fan did.

    177. @Anonymous

      I think it's important to realize that this isn't the outlier, this is the norm. The same force that drives people to make music and art and remixes and fanfiction, is the force that drives them to change their names, license plate and do all sorts of "crazy" things.

      You should know by now, from half a century of fandoms, that this is how people show their love. You can't have a big fandom without a big dedication. Indeed, the word "fan" itself is derived from fanatic because of how extreme people act when they love something.

      Such is the nature of the beast. You can't change that. If we didn't have people who went as far as changing their names, we wouldn't have a community because nobody would care about MLP.

    178. @Pegasi

      Someone sounds down.

      I will join the ranks of people wanting to hug you.

    179. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    180. i get the nagging feeling that that 4 more people will change their names to one of the Mane 6
      then they will all meet and form a secret organization to take over the world


    182. Don't troll him when he just admitted he went overboard. Jesus, guys!

    183. @Turbo

      ...oh, I'm going to regret saying this. I really am.

      See, you're one of the few types of people on the Internet who legitimately piss me off. You're telling Pegasi that he's being intolerant by calling him a crybaby and saying that you "literally feel stupider for reading some of these (read as: his) comments". Yep, you're a regular old fucking paragon of "love and tolerance" there.

      If you're gonna preach it, at least try to uphold it, for Chrissakes.

    184. That's it. I'm changing my name to "[FIRST NAME WITHHELD] Celestia [LAST NAME WITHHELD]"

    185. Just saying that since I don't have a legal middle name, I could make myself named after a pony...

    186. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
