• AP English Brony Survey Results and Presentation

    The results for that survey from a few weeks ago have finally popped up, as well as a full on 20+ minute presentation about it.

    It's pretty damn extensive, so if you skip the video, at least check that out.

    Survey Results

    The actual videos are both after the break! 

    52 kommentaari:

    1. I did the survey, but I hope I didn't have to make an account for it to count. Viva la ponilution!

    2. Ah, I remember this. Watching the videos now. Brohoof to the guy who did this project by the way.

    3. Hoofs up if you went to go watch "Like a Boss"

    4. holy crap a lot of us are unemplo-- wait... 62% are currently unemployed, and 66% are in school... okay then that actually explains that.

    5. Link for all of you who haven't seen it.

    6. I'd like to do something like this with my presentations at school... But my teacher has already lowered my grade just because that little innocent .gif of Apple Bloom showed up at our game presentation a few weeks ago...
      He also said I must be more serious with my school work.

      Damn hater.

    7. I Like the presentation alot. Is there any way to contact this kid?

    8. Nice presentation, tons better than the previous ones.

    9. "I liked that the conclusion was at the end."

      Oh, really? :P

      Eh, well, I chuckled here and there. Not bad.

    10. This guy is amazing. I wish I had gotten an opportunity to do a presentation like this, but unfortunately I got into ponies just before graduating but after all the finals and such.

      10/10, would watch again. I was smiling uncontrollably the entire time I watched.

    11. not bad, one thing I think he missed was the "no, but I want to buy merch" question I answered thinking it meant the toys aren't good enough, but good work Survey Guy!

    12. @Adrian Brony

      And some of us are just unemployed right now.

      I've got a degree, a diploma, and a handful of other certifications, my job field is currently oversaturated, and they only hire twice a year, so I'm just plain unemployed... for now. Not forever.

    13. Brohoofs my friend, brohoofs everywhere. The only thing I'd like to bring up is that at the "Have you bought pony merchandise" question, I'm sure I'm not the only one, but the reason I do not buy the ponies is more from the g3 ponies being sent out vs a more g4 accurate pony. If they had more things like that, it would have definitely been a "yes" instead of "no, but I want to."

    14. @justsomepony
      Same. I don't care what the cashier thinks, I haven't bought any ponies yet because they look like pre-G4 shit.

    15. most interesting awesome project i bought a rainbow dash doll after i did the survey thanks for the motivation i been eyeballing it for some time \(^ώ^)/

    16. @Anonymous
      well of course SOME are just plain unemployed, I'm just saying the schooling probably accounts for why it seems to be so high in this survey.

    17. i applaudd any one who goes up and does a whole pony presentation in front of their class, especially if you're a dude. XD;

    18. That talking Princess Celestia toy makes me want to hit it with a hammer. D:

    19. Damn, only 11% of females are represented in the survey? I feel small ;_; Very interesting results overall. The guy's awesome for doing this.

    20. Heh, interesting to see where we stand.

    21. If I ever have to do english again, I'm definatly gonna do it on this fanbase.

    22. Is the artist for that Like a Bawss picture Gunmouth? Cause that guy draws hardcore furry porn. Thats messed up

    23. Be right back; I must go write a parody of Like a Boss sung by Spike.

    24. Not terribly surprising. Three things specifically caught me; the small number of females, the absolutely invisible number of "other," and the "normal" crowd being larger than the "abnormal." Still, interesting survey.

    25. these were actually pretty funny.
      BTW: I dont advertize I like mlp, because my mother has forbidden me to. Not because I am afraid of society.

    26. Content is good, but presentative style is... alright, I guess. He's reading off the slides far too much.

    27. Awesome. I wish this was the kind of thing we got to sit through on presentation days.

    28. I want a Pinkie Pie bag. And yeah, the presentation could be better - it felt a bit bland. Nonetheless, for attempting this, he deserves a brohoof.

    29. Nate here. What a coincidence! I did a pony presentation for my English II class in college! Good times. I wish I had filmed it... That woulda been great. ^_^

      Anyway, great job! I hope you got an A+

    30. "I like that you had the conclusion at the end."

      As opposed to having it in the beginning?

    31. Amazing, dude. Very well played.

    32. Do you consider yourself normal? Of course everyones different we all have our own groups how is this not normal im a brony proud i will walk these steets with my pinki pie shirt on because haters are gonna hate but i have you guys to show the love

    33. @Anonymous I dunno who this statement says more about: the artist, the pony fandom, or you.

    34. @Skylark Torch

      What? Your mother forbade you to advertise your love of FiM? How is that even a valid thing for her to say? I honor and respect my parents quite a bit, but I'm pretty sure if they said "You can't say you like that show", I'd say "I don't care".

    35. @Skylark Torch

      Your mother is a representative of society. Or at least part of it. Thus still restrained! how cruel

    36. Pretty good presentation, methinks.

      Although, having ponies in it probably ups the grade of it by some, say, 20% anyway.

      The conclusion was what I have always held up as philosophy for myself. I draw the things I draw(ponies and detailed transformation art) where and when I feel like it, not minding if(/when) people look at me oddly for it. I listen to music while walking on the street, and dance to it if I feel like it even if people look at me oddly. Sometimes I feel like the "normal" thing to do is always to look like the world is against you, every single living moment.(Although, this might also be because I live in Finland...) Are people actually afraid of showing that they're happy with the things they do, ponies or otherwise?

      Point is, I'm not afraid of being myself. Even if it "looks abnormal."

      I agree that on merch' question I answered "No, but I would like to" - not because of being afraid to buy it, but because 1.) there's not much of it in Finland as of yet 2.) the current merch is pretty awful quality/accuracy anyway. Now, give me a 20cm statue of Rarity/Zecora/Trixie/Twilight/Fluttershy/Luna... or one of those shot glasses... or a "Deal With It" - Rarity tee shirt...

      I was kind of surprised at the small amount of females in replies.

    37. Bravo AP English Brony, bravo.
      No fear here regarding purchasing, only awaiting more accurate/higher quality loot.

      With regards to the "Why Ponies" question, answer was 'No' simply because no one I know would give a shit and college students(minus freshmen) couldn't care less as long as it doesn't negatively affect their work.

      As for normal, do what you want to and have no regrets. I was raised to enjoy life however I see it and if anyone says otherwise, then they're just jelly.

      I am a little surprised he didn't bring in that one C.S. Lewis quote that seems to float around the community.

    38. @Skylark Torch

      Is your mother trying to keep you from getting beat up by people? Or does she just not want you being weird?

    39. i didnt liked it. It was boring, liked the physics presantation much more entertaining.

    40. Is it bad that all throughout the interview, all I could think of was "What the HELL is on Applejack's head?"?

    41. @Diggidoo

      Your teacher is mean...

      I used Rainbow Dash for an example of Inductive Logic in my philosophy exam the other day!


    42. You put up question #6 wrong, and it makes the show look a lot weaker than it is. You put the question up like it was a choose one response question, while it actually was a check all that apply question. This makes it look like only 30% think the show is good, when in reality it is more like 98%. You should change this really quickly.

    43. You did the same thing with question #8. Honestly, there were a lot of things with this presentation that could have been a lot better. I almost feel like you were excited in the beginning, but then you got bored pretty quickly with it, and just put stuff up without checking it or analyzing it. Your presentation had way too much reading off the slides, and almost no analysis beyond what was inherently obvious. I'm really sorry, but the lack of intelligent thought in the actual presentation was really disappointing. You should be glad you have the auto pony 20% grade boost, because this could have been so much better than it was.

    44. That Princess Celestia toy is, in essence, why I said "No, but I want to." I'll buy pony merch, but only when it's GOOD pony merch. I screamed out loud when that Luna doll went up on EqD a while back, mostly because it brought back horrific flashbacks of the earlier generations.

    45. Pretty good work, dude...one question though, other than the fact that you speak English, what the hay do ponies have to do with English class???

    46. I have taken the survey a while back, checked the results now and watched the videos.

      First of all I don't really know what the project was about. Yes I see the title but that doesn't tell much so I can't really judge the presentation itself. Was this ment to be an extensive project over various phenomenas and mechanisms of society? Or was it ment to be just some lightweight presentation over something you like? Something between the two?

      If it was ment to be the first, then i have to say it IS a bit flat and not going farther than stating obvious lines even though I see great potential in a project like this if one puts lots of work into it.

      If it was the latter (i.e. lightweight), then it's neat. Honestly, if it worths it (extra good marks or whatever), I think you could take this further with some more in-depth survey questions and research put into it.

      I'm really missing a good, extensive and deep research of our fandom.

    47. exactly, I'm wondering myself, why, why these people, why are most of them male, why did the series who's target market was teenage girls end up being sooo much loved by males at a certain age. It just can't be a coincidence. There is much more to this subject than this. This is a really good start though.
      I gotta say thank you for the survey because it gave a lot of insight on the whole subject and I have a general picture of what to think about the whole matter further.
      Also, it'd be awesome if we can get, for example, how many females answered ''I like MLP because of previous generations''. Atm I really don't know a single male person who likes this show because of previous generations.
      I think the next step would have to be an experiment, but I don't really know if people would have enough resources to make one. I have the whole idea in my head but it almost seems impossible to perform.

    48. Last time I bought ponies at the toy shop my friend who HATES them very loudly said to the shop assistant "She's buying ponies... For HERSELF" In a very condemning tone... The shop assistant looked really sad and ashamed before saying "I buy ponies for MYSELF". My friend went so red and immediately walked out of the shop... I'm never letting her forget that... :D

    49. Anybody have a link to these results?
      Original link is dead.
